i - . -i r ' " - t ' ' ' ' - t t rf News. JOS , a p. CA-ULHY.IJU Xocal. -lXtfitor.-U T rl V f ."TAfle fliursday.Fefc-rriary 27, 18734 , '?.:,.-. rr r, v-r--.:- i S'S-ftM3EMcten9,n: - A Stoninstoii -Connecticut-man, i?iJS asanat topped his paperand took out his fmfWf.W .Education an:aquam advertisement because . .post w- nayeoeen KeV. Th'CKiastXtuthrie, an I a r'4i4ift' iinAAi.il oAt . il. vi t-: 1 w uli' the ; fpUtnrips ..statement jpC tfce; I I rivals, op"$;"u.yij,ui- ui uw nuuia. ."KOflTHEEH KAIL." ' ' i-t .... , . . .., 0,0J XV M I. -. ');..' in it fir I Mon., Wed, and FrL closes,. 7.A..M.1 ?ne Thuri aridSayarrWw; f P. It rinses. nohvercoi PeliYcrpd," Closes, ost 'orrrcx' ear this rao'mirts For Rent Graham" Masonic rr :-. so :'AinF.. Uir Tliithcrfotdton Record 'call ' it'tfaTr , of tile buui""""""!' nu::oit, poiitlait PAinnnG n 1 Auction Storo; ZT Special KoUces inserted la Ciii f r3 -CliJlott8 ) 1 ! Colomn will chared IS rnti I T?OR three months T will Paint PnTfi-i?fa per line. i 1 for T25. enzh ts ar renerallv. chanrcd iJL - . $200. -Tci-som wishia I'ortraits of their 'I 'H-"1 parties oraeriiijr the Ohserrer f rvrrt" "V ..r" " " f -wrinW v i navea rccu i ::ctrar:i ox xnem.' ,i shkii . " X dsy dissolved by mutual' ccr. . t. II wiU please send the money for the time msrii wanteo. PiWPXaynial AtzKussian t.?8 r raw , ana ipen , , laugb at of Afghanistan. The Russian . eeiv J f street wilt endorse this I ernment has raTviceswatrantipg thj statementa sortn as-the swelling of ranriAYinnlDnZan ViA nrTj..thei etesrsiibtjid6s'stifficientlv to na be iVitsed tofcLow you cpcuilnens of my ork ?t rayClucjo above ilercliaiitr; fc fS0?10 vral not H""?? P dec il-3iu Vf ' ;r-.T .-: CharloUev N.'d itdee their rmintT-avf.- a,rwt x... I- ZT . Tnde their r,iitrset ts advHi n anv Athr. thai i.t' ?r t a . ati' m U LTZ Kali . tB unless bypayiuV ietLdifTor saciY ad. Dr-BeckwitliVAiiti-Dyspeptic PiUs. : BIaSlstrates nianks-AttlieOBsism ' W.iUOTiKEED. the CUR C OmcK yeu can get Magistrates' Blanks VV-.- V..:'t rJ-'.?3'- il mW arscussfon in sorne" of'bur ex: tae V.wOTr5 W arf 1 o may find Sonuihing Jannary 12th, 1873. . - . . TliebusiheM trill be continued, ak the OKI BiHtlU 17J UI! miuerijvic!. . - i jan il . TiiUAiAa ,u UAH. c. h -T?rixr t r tbe, V .thiii .morning, aysy. that pt . r.u-, R.lIiiWb.1 .v irtrrtai : I5 4pMU!tttt-f tfthi- - JVUmsterslike f Marrli i.W-3UrU-s.u - ' souTHEaHMiix.-' ' VC phYMCiAWSiLperfdrfn, a ?vast amount riaIieeTl .' - rB.ooP. 2&'AvkrT&-YKM:-z mat uoesn i warrant rrcnt ' V,r ?Zl i bru5? and others in 'ex'nectinitthem ; teTZr I 1 J V Fornierly.'qf Baltimore 11 ,jt Hours fromV?xr"w 1" of ' neutWiW9R? Jjfeith-Afghanistah 1 in- - Ti: ; I !. i aatin,ceuier-nieaa KUssta. -x-tw i -":rir4gie jorse hir:on the-eame occasion. -iKliM- i'V'ffifr f4:jic. --f- U recently irom Europe, ha3"loca XTOU TiJtTe, rhau" cHrp "anxieties and I House, and resectfully ofTers hij fofcsL A tronhlcs-sofme fSiL' iome iraasrinarv i sional senrices to the tublie in rrir). tMnor ran 1 I roore produeKf by wdntbf health than you All operations performed in the rmt skill r : . afearef; Jorall ftrces of disease, ful and scientific manner; Teeth -exHact- n - - I . iivi- nvv.uu uu, v; iiiv iu ui w 4VMV igrsaieat tneOBSEtTzaO'; t-l , ant more minfnL and more diversified febll . - v f v coU;r; i, I C " - i"t U . i 5 I w10 nT other organ m the' human sys- "-:7-t.7rIiif: t i" ' t ai me UBSKayaa umcef jobNVorkexecutr i , T Buaina w lis Tunous an- r i f i sr: w lvlu bt -.a &aaj kaicLBau. . x. :. .- i 1 1 1 x i it it ru i pi i i inir ..1 iih ffii i twii up a ifLii 1 1 1 y inn iiiiunn i,nr iiLiir.i if w-: v 1 1 i . . . j- . . - - ? r-v-r-.f .1 .t: Vi .Hb.v.... j i .n. viiiro-7; .vr- ;."..-. : - . i ea Trun- neatness ana aesnatcn. Katis&r i "F"- oas -fhii foWwin2w"aViT(ssntB' a7bWwcn lPPSPPweW llnC - ,. r -I imate dutiesragains which i i thetlirst tjihe; " i . -AA . .fitsyf ( J: n,:!.-!,, -Kapif- w;. ; Th jttH r ti,. i - count, arid its neighbor, the Lit , -.Ti 1 . ; I aa a f av v. Mliu Doctors' disagree. cine nas 3 ,1 lertfayniornij, Xb'Dolice' arrests yesterday up to a4at t:t J win The Good TemrJarsrholritheiTi,eekl3ri . k. wf'lX - V1.' J msetiug to-n jghtf- Also, Excelsior Lodge A, its le&t. P A M I L Y.: F A V 0 R I TE , trarely rebels sfrB-W I f - 91 A C 11 I k B . you to ac-1 &s almost SIMPLE, ;EFF1C1EKT, DURABLE. UK USTiallr Shares f'-v otttt ccTt- wn r t n i iim4- disagree Each sdiool of modUitheetribution, Ilave yoti bew aninor- , , fA . v its ownTheories, and ; as thjrae ldma foia - uses.and unexceUed by any other, - I' ' ForSale-by v . W a T W ar . ar. ataf a jrree UDon an v sv toaht relief,.; TIi eh 'read enrenill the 1 i , j m&j.. v, i i3HUJJLPi'A;nti - - practice- the public find no difficnl-' 1 lowinffi afnt like ft "Wise" man. 'seek ; the ire- Office' in. Uanmrarten'a Phntotrm'nh aU agreeing as to notorious matters ; of I lief you -so much ;desire, trbere,': others, I ' .; ': ' ; - lery.' iFor- instance, tliev have obserred fdtliAtfiatAH ntir att?: knir found " -". h I . fph " av . . - MwJ-."":mT"tRAxVxiI. TVftTvnr.a.T i V rnanv'vcars tliat-tfctetteVs'Stomarb Rit. . . :.r---H , , - . . aaaresseci. meetitlsr"-iras heia-t?S?rXi Um nifnrmrawuru; iiarearueaitii impaired -la : cnse- , rw....vWr.f -rr.v , ,wrw,f ,J kfrAr.rK.: A l- l'"euniiu, oiuiuusiii, nervous ucduuv. A'cernm-ittee' frheral . ;u;Camliiia-thft ?Front.yiil ; ::tPari.?r. auiea note irom -.nis- wue, i-5r"ii . S'l'a ' will cl,th,e,iJoo key on oneideof if s retInirfMrrrmeTttf 'XiberI. thVnns rVn " . ...w.,.5 m tt.eDUDiicar.s-ana.ucmocrais.was nein-u-. - : ,..t --. ' ; -. in Am . IJM V II IT - . uj : 1.1.'',; UUlAlUtt: .illUKAALr.- Jj! A A M 1 V. ... - i ii .ii! L.x-:i a ti resent at ite and re-t3aWHdrreaffi tire- :RTOMtrW A&i MtjngI-,thM ..the- 11.2X2 Cincinnati platform but -absbTutelv e CQnimum y.asim a.,state of nfnPAN.Mrlatrtnt ff,k terror aenjuor i aiurray .;yesieraay . " -f:r:" C mm. AM v a . vra iiu j W43wa s V J V v. fw Vi . -a V( .V41V1. I . j ' "i . . . T J IHIlM'DVlllVUl-4 ? Jfril. w um HI Tifr-iO aW TOormngroBc.ro a quesuon oi person- n. reUeving 'and preTenting SSKlr .MnKBKix rise-to a iSyASi''"- "OlLirlotte wantsT.mTiorBdXlIc halls tney any now r i - r j . We learn that a gentleman iiwtthis city drew a prize of $1 in.'M'e .XueitPe-'LEau lottery. " 1 ? ji A J1 ; if YesterJay. was coldrairty;taddirgileea- (gentle Annie,; r l)iyne serviiVe.ilUl jbi e ; nal .and Gatholic Ghui!yester4ay. Personal. Plata IJurharo', Ksi editor ofttteShtf yesterday afternoon, and .Central Iotei; a; -.cXejate; lie bill to establish aa iiasano iospitat ill Iij the House Mr. Brown ipresented. a Memorial from certain "juUzenaL 9f jChar- btte. in rccard to :-a1rii'erf . niibitidn ' , J . i " U., lrii-j ,-, a L aw. ' i . . '--X''----.Zri:;- 'M-'i To Protect! Strawberry "leds-An ag qttituri.rjapeysays.jB 3 protected fbmbirdS,byrtfrnllrisa:ir ong the W3j, .to .which ct-.is ,chaineaf ier inoyeinents up tma, aowaao9 .ywngui Where, there 5a iio chain?; thfeiJiwreiaB be ' tP?9P0j lerature that wiih fill 5 the cat itKiiapg J ta keep moving. .wiwij'tiV ire?i bf learflh,ka,geflatOrs, re-1 ""sr, y,y& .iiici.UiuM46M scnptions of the pharmacopseia do not and ihilWMl.Hf.nwr1iphJi??,iSHllJ WFcuweu iuai county, cannot r.urc: -and they know thereldrf that ."parties heiOligring: to .the ku.Ic.lux f there can be no mistake about it. .On this UZ. ..i-Ji.: - .iiii ii.li.' il'M r.vfltJ..,-i.mtvav-.arst.i!-:i.:taiJi rT.wn. irutin'tiivj 1C . I1IIU niJU" JU31l.i C XIICY i.l.. iL-! 3 . . s . . . . .... :. i-i i ' . - on ; jncontroveniDe, wcra. andilDBuora nc&'iicormption forma ritiisicIAimedtlia lieverv. 14 reson .Pnvilege.;,; ntWihuif-J ,n pfth,e22iinstv p m kiiuusKnu iarn ici 8 mi s u i) uoi i, . . -.i . ..' .. . : .v ' i t f iweniv'-yeaTS oi such anx,rganiiatidn. Thrtium :" u' crealed'ihodrdeal, of -exfciteueht. " " -VV" ; mters the test nvig -qaeace f Unhealthy Digestion f '! of rr your ffFoorr iTf - f' non. BEVERLY TUCKER late' Lav Pro. fextor of WiUiam Mary . College say . . . ' "Fourteen "years -&x9 I was left br a XI iiprv - routoninv .wieyisuwe one anoiner veroanv, i iusi ccr, ,iwi uiacavu aiurray yesieraay and Bometimes by letter, what thev knokUrer, ftf disordered "diUoftLr and a con- - ... . i4-i.i.r i - . r , ... . j sickness I uiuuou " rums, aiy piiysiciana perniu-i -and al-1 ted me nope, mat with .care and prudence cues- terative or America. v, - :. s-.;. 1 1 mignt fiava lew year h precarious ex I notice Here, then, the inralid has a guarantee wtence, and aJMircd. me that the least in .l.V.wlo of value that can be rrlietl ttnon. viz : the discretion would be latal. '1 wo years aeo Houcr .. juiigmenc oi .. me puaiie. - - Alter i n.trxjytti i", -n4;vv- a Ja ' i-" v. ra (Successor Vto Coif and Suggs,) ,- v Trade St.; next door ' below Merchants' A "Farmers' National Bank, . . . GH0CEHIE3 & Lt.QTJ'ai, WHOLESALE. & REIIL. K . EEEPS constantly on han4 A large lind" well selected stock of BACON, IsA.Br, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES8U GAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICI1H. CAW DIES, BOD A, SOAPS, C&DLT&ifiK XVAiAlAyU, C, !CCh AA-UJOm, observation and reflection.' fading in the accompanyirntificat bought and sold a mass A ' o not near one worci oi inc. aiiega- aenceor Tne ian polvis expecleUto-' ESe-talled at M1? esn v uay. - . f". it...i' n' I tinent. A. laree nujuber or phv: too, however much theyjnay diCTcr 5n iJ.t.- -!. 1. Atn.UL. -1.-.Si C .. resonstble gentlemen, whom I happen to on commission. ; . . ? kTnbw, I took them according to directions. 1 . jan 14-Cm , . ' pronounce Hostetter's I )ratm sand remilatHir i i v - : I mt it ...! . i. t - . . i . .. command, and Rive ejri-1 rcsuicis, uia. i now eat wnai i picasc, faith that is in them by pur- no what I' please, sleep sound 1y and en- . . I . . L . r. .. . a - a .a. ' l,.t .1 vnamng raore-oi wmanoi aiTv- otner uverr b j iuu uung. ui . tisecrniesdicihe maliuTactureit'on thfscdn- this, it gives me pleasure to say .you have ' tinent. SA - large : number of physicians, my'trianl-s,' and.-to addr.the assurance of ; K f J PiulcktJlilrthi rV -xl C I . Brwwinnriy oiners irom inai, por- 5 tntaviiii thrapeaiaSyfidait tie ;,,r W.amalv - p. tiori of 6.yck)lfntr,A0d,t ii:no-U of the TJitters aia Wh.SONcra:r' disturbances1 of anv 1 tonic and alterative, and ; recom mend it as day nfJitst before VeAices coirf1 feTrid-jrioi "do! believe ;that', there is preYentveniamiairdXsiA mehced. audUUethe cbniirec remedy 'in intermittent, and remittent was asseinriUnff. - ilie floor of the I ment. . The Grand :: Jury;,, was db- MetbodUtChurch ga r6jwacaUsing charged riJFrrd.ay,- and, p thiolc that I aOOGs,fderabfdartieat)dr:r 'of itself is evidence that the. 'state of j hr'eakm fiiothxr exercises for. ith ii It is a well ascertained -physiological fact mr hicrh Terard. r: BurWell Co., , ; " Wholesale & Retail Agents, " . , ! ' : " ISprines' Corner, . KWiYrLCd .Charlotte. K.C. MBBOMSilliLIPHY ADD STRAW GOODS, .''- r,J.jfc. . i.i ..y ' vr.ni.. I . i . j j .. 1.1 I - . - ! TTn T T a W ' '."V E i .JL.Jt'.-. . At. JL VJ.T - . .. I , I - 1 1. 1 .1 . I. ... Ji . . h .-.... & . -l ..-. . . ARMSTRONG GATORS C0.ri. . Importers, Maivufiactureps ,and obbers - Bennet Trlmrglng-- jSTeck and Sash H f Ribbon, Vilvet nibbons,Keck fataLdei-troyer of J ttvr TnvKT?.T kii.tts .r attkp.: ;TJ- form 'i. The duty .vcit md Crapes. Pkrwefsv gdijhiagaihstttiJfirtt advances. .iiVnH..- irramM. , Ac. . . . . V . w -. - . - - - . - 8tra'Bbnri&$ ufi Eddies - and CHILDREN'S HATS . ) j 1 TaiXKn ' JflfB K V-H-WMl &. -in i . i . a '.- r- - - - :t t."r'-.vsijii.htiian-i fi rnwanrtprhiantvnrmriii. ,..-; :..t;-..i j i..!..t ...i n. TAtiK l-i IN r. - . -L -- r" . f. J .; . . .."J-...V rr-.t . , . I .... maiacne tionuiBtigrcitizen sditiaVlXe .could bq.held.up in il i. .vi l : x r - - . . l..:i VtA r. er1. Af lio wrrlri viIp win I IS ajT?r5.,Vi V-YFV'y" ftr Vr?"Jt 1 fttVX h . V" J'-Vl- " "7" Veptahl tiirer Pills.-, i - SfrLtaefrb the-1 mahcious tradiicer of his own people. Vebetabie, no remedy so safe and sure as Dr. Tutt'a rrn n . 1 'Y i rv l.11a v.. J' ' i n n i. a , -.- jii.n cirri prnns ii n.i an ' ti r.rini 1 . C . . ,!Jt'r'-. ... .',. :.'; i--'-s':- " t 1 - I . Ill- -1 1 - - . !.. JITkwiri.i2 AYar::fcilldidd'Crt .JJar- 1 " . . . -err. . o? areauea aim w more I . . . F .B . ' . . . ....... . . .. .. .1 MHAW IWH M T. . V T ;le ac.twnt Committee SSSifc1! K"3lblmtvJtCToraI'th Jiaucnuon anQiaDor, repoixeci, Gf aiiis-tQ' TIT a : T-l-irCT rt T. arrr a I V .bb a .l JEM . Iiat a J 1.1 I F.-l II I 11 I I I rri I I.BI MM M . ' a JF I 1 Ma aaV IMI r a ' a"VT n a Tin. BUT liaf. JTVw a 'uther featfe fbV (he prbmotior&of education, in Dr. Tuttrs Expectorant.; ' - -. V : ., Ay.oid Con m notion. ' iwtian race'iifnlore to insidious in its ap- ,'.'iii!!iii.ti.i'isaV Vvi .'. -rFrl :- .7.: Ri-H I Private U.ThcatriealsX aubtttakC ay . -Betectod vwas ercomfngx Itxn-i or. tithes Soirif of K lSJaPhe tuat wmy1iavearen . for distribution; of penexs-ii FIliMCMCOiiaSRCIAIi. . . -... t. ......... r v -' - 111 -- ii . . Cotton market. is made iipby the reporter of JTJST EECEIVED. ' T OOSE Tickles by the Dozen, Xtodi Fteh, JLi Roasted Coffee i n air tight packages la which we specially call the atfentloii of our customers. For sale bv 'itv:U- feb 20. . . SYMOXS & CO. . i HO ? mKCE.CAfcSIYAI. MASKS JUST as: UGLY as: YOtJ'cin wish ' them. Just 'frPat '--PU RE FOJ'" " r feb 31 ' ;:.-.''f ,..-:A.t.a J. MV LEAK & CO, Ko.'4, Granite Kow", OpposUey2t ,c bt :a; iv!: II O T 5Jt :' - ' C-IARU)TTE N. C, ;, r-?l ; ManufactirersVbolesale and Retail dea! eism Manufactured Tobaco,i Brook- ing Tobacco,' and Cigars v6f 'ail: - crades. Dealers hi the above eoods will do well (o examine our. stock :berc5tur l chasing ti elsewhere as'ywe : can oSr . greater inducements. ; l jan J4-tf nl .a- in.' ; , it ;..t i. : fH.i.Honm:a,- . WH0IESAIE QE0CEES, U0.tt.I - iJj.Ai-i.AD, t .... raainsx iron. mq irar-i . ver- k m m u s - mu uf w !?vci t o c, .--rx tnAV- M hA ,, . . 11 1 T T ,' m OllJi i lITTil 1 ',U lf 1 I TT1 U .- : :,? 1 1. la. '.1.. a .11 rflllfl M . SVl ' illJC. J- XIV. '-i HVMt J llJMlli -a, a a-a.. W7 v a . -sW W ' vaaaa-va bOrtecl-liarr ot .'tne''av' .semi-rvjeorcia, j toriua, - AiaDairia.v Misswr JtdnJnX ft'ViA 4Ua ti-.rJ.Ji f liias.ni'i.' Kertttilrv .Tpnnesseft-i ajl I - -- 1 niand it. andJ ifiGQuesft'wiU lonl): : p,istriit;of .Columbian in, a , .ratio. of This report lusIeariNotesttle )&Ck& uestionably,4W: I ;.ThiWi-1TP BALAAlocb:: ,ples. tokttm: ;Gifeleys-dMai,n IbheCvlistitUtibnal Coftventiort of mSns unhcanged, say U. aoau3DdLiz4iiie." 1 iPerinsVtvanixin' ' Friday last- the trcmes Market closed' thy iaS tmminf fetib!?.onhUcle;onileJction.ew fv:? WMmSLIVnV&ffBZVTWV"W 3 mittee. . icTiooJ mimUlS Bal!?9Wfbr thxee H. HOV8TOK -taV sFve44ar iresKies f and .the elector to indorse his name cox'kected aii.t vr w, t.laVM"M.Mr-.-i. i n.-r- j- 1 till Ilia UilllUL. 11 il. iHlUUlEU Ul VWUi I -c- . -. . -jv. . ' . . . . . . ......, . I . T . . -J i ..T'i. r . I .. . t :. i n. - . $4.55 per sackrTjh tntrket, tr.'4 j.IUt;s-J.1:-JL'-':a n: - t- . ti:-; VlVaSmair .i'i' ... J-.r; T.T, ; - 1 Corn. 70 to 75 cents, good demand - - J rrv".f Si-'n-. pvo vy...w--.v.w. rmTL.r.iiw.ftdnifPf. m'tbrft:'-i.ftr pfttri.: t or demand. t'.i i left a Writ- m ft tor "?ofV ' i'r.i body 'sh ould he dayai to"3 he , un- omans rhW be exammedby medical men, lete ridicu k mZr&& who should -certify .that life was ex faience aad;jQflectin great credit n blacks,nrfe3ni:ili.-irne uas wireei m fi - -v- - t t ne flraraatic talent and skill iif (h ietok or four pairs oi rnnestiooo, dm i The nulK. ;J3roaueexs arouna ,jew ?lof whomrende Z- I Yorlcafe to start -ar;otnpnny with n cents.- -y -'.."' k fmm H&&mimi&imUn&&i hil- caoitAl of $200.00. '" and propose - lo No North Carolina on M - 1 ;-;;-"-y-y?it liardplaxingiandin.the'afternoohs f6rnish:pure lnilk'to theOotha- l-il I Tfhe rVbltiey iWn-TtiesdaybMv: he Bleeps., ?l?frisWnp& his time w mites.- As it is now , they ' sell to ltt?oI2 icna? cuvuvue JJOuy-TOi John AVhttiPv.'the; aAl-.i .? Fx.Hn".V'ifrVi " . T. J 1 wuw w i p. i-v,v.. vju-. -...y . ..-a.. , .., oiasses, coniiuou, oo tred'niah-whk.: J :' t Scott;3IoesiWgeaJVCl others! ol.thi-v is. "extended. -A t?. -pvef ,400000 , Syrup,. Golden, 40 to CO. purdered, waa foxmdiina cotton tchrT; kit 1' 1 , , : T Whit. Drins. 73 to 73 - Oats 55 W T cents- roJgemand. ria Good irresn isutter 10 to w cents. - ? . Mountain Butter, in Kits, -16 cents no r demand. : , . I k IHU V i. nicKens ro ;enia Eggs to-day, Bacon No AHD IK c6h5KCTIXO - WAEIBOOTB " TSTTiff a rinnila T.ineTifli 'P'mT.-rAiilpTi 1W IUfV -WWlt 4-feHI1fl.V.VV 1 v . , . . ' 1 - -, i. . . . &. . . 1 TTT L1 V. .... a ..i.. n.. M I m n--. 1 . . .tiH --t-i--. . Weei etsllarV Setts,-Hand Y ers Wke of- our ivirchas; oft the iii kerchief VelliHST. HeaA' Ketsf J Stocks of Messrs. W. - J. - Black & Co-tod .! v(iiliurF.-pec"m : . y.". t I Gregory & WiInauisoH and. are pleasedi'- to announce tbat we are o?en and under i full blast, at Gregory' '& Williamson's old stand, Trade' St.; next door' tolMcMuny" divDavisr-wherc we will atall times..4(tep; the largest stock of goods in this market t consisting of -'y " .r-iv.; ? - Molasses,-Bacon, Flour, Lard, Mackerel Soaps, Candles, Candy, Starch4 oodatnt' .gar, Coffee, Teas, Spices ; Brandy PeacbV 1 es,' Oysters, Banlines; 'Herrins,.itc. . Awl can furnish the most com- ; ; -"-..plete-oxitfit in - the market .tOtA. - :v: the -WHOLESALE TRADE - t . MEIICH A-NTS.l? may . rest . aisured that they ,Va?f - , . k-l 11 AAU.., WJ'iilltl. , -GOODS of . US at- p .? . the lowest mar 'f ' " f ,kef prices, . Z 'V ' Lia i; o k s -,- jn. i 1 -"ASSIGNEES' :SAIE ;.. i: .CaOMAS DAVIS I . t' U jxt.e .vrt:l ii Bankrupts , . . frh.'irndjrfeiof thrt l)istrict Court of iwttftted States foi5 the District of .South ' l -Rfmana Carolina; Ve 'ifin: expose to public sale . stricter clay, Sl.OO-other kind 60, at charlotte;-Na, oil' VednesOay the 12th demand. ' ' Ur.fXfi.Trh '1S7X a.i.d pvervritrht which W-represeht in a suit against M.B.7Vaien- -a ... Theonly complete Stock in the Market, consisting ot all kinds and graoes. " v .... a . ,a - a . ,m . . . L - . .'- L - tfne 'fnclndlne-all the rieht: title . and in- i e P receive TOnsignjnrnw te4t of the above named Bankrupt in the Cotton,, jficmt convf kc. , ore, ine .-. : . I--.- .ij ..-.' j. . j,. . . i same anti maKa t.. asn aavances wiien uc- - ; i a - nmrv.r.r M.r.rn n i t n j w r r iniif i ff iiiljiii . -.- - ... .v 15 U20 cen.sritjBopd demand STUtt "reL ; are Agenfo for the celebrated , i'v - i.Vv" ' -f- - - ' ri-ur.'V1.T-,r. tWrmttf-v1- W ' f. n a1irt n.111 ' crtirltVI ' ..rlKA ..' . (BaltimOie OUlkUdeS.) 9 vO 4 I --. w1,;I 'h liinVmnt. fmil' nr wi a I 1 1 " . i . ' 'br-u ir..v. TJurchase money due for said lands, or for 1 the Farmers. w L " ' ' ' "ianv money due for the rente thereof-- and most reliable larmei --The aboreisttbjectao any claim oil uu vuawuy. .; i,.-, ' l. r . J 1 dower that may. now or hereaitcr exist, or j Weare also Aeents f Certificates from the laraert most reliable farmers in the State fpr- 'tZXZZU-Z a jlVe w-v,- 1ii.m1 fii-;:. ; ; . . , . : T Whlti' Drins. 73 ear the .BlSttOP PotK.Tbe . Taliow X0o l2, L ..." .11 a . J. : .' 71 "7 . - ' ' . LllUliaailU .UUllAlO UU Al tJmJ B A Ifi a TT VaVjWl J". X i - 4. i k '... ' Wa ! ' - V '!- J -IV T "-. ; : l-I : iA .- ... .i . i PongCreelc township Wis disired '. Ii aE thUl. -H AUgnsra'WMlutma.Wt says a nana- r eeswar to $i c cn . , . - " " j -Terms cash; purchasers tbpay for papers. ; &il?JSS1Q i -""-'T.R JEFFREYS.') .uv : ; f r ieo -oaw .- , AAtlfv - f a. . lying on csvaHd bought ir9.ceeded . nr 1 !. 1 t !n l Trrwnr?T'Tl( ' . . '. i - . . ' I -.-i w- " w. i, rwAri r van niomnrp inp 1 Mirm fOUIOCS. -1 to UCl iU-iu.l;nJti.i:u aAwj M.w-J-r - - l .1 .--r.' " " V M I I 1 V . . LI I I I. IllilfjllU I 1 X. v 111 111 . ' M.T A aria ac I - - w-- ... -. i i r a . . .... .j .: - . Ii WS! ornissiajxeiu2m.moias- ? .. . . , rr vifi: v.- ' 'i' i. n-. pii-.. u. 1 flood demandi v : il r,:" J '- - j iLi-ii 'i'-i-U ?merorfrl l i1!: t, Irish Potatoes SO to $1 per bushel. -1 : h J1 U liui . Annies (Good Mountain) 75 to $15 per I FVm'?Yl "SlZrVrZr evening i wnpii, ii?ii5eei t .7iT t, . .vr " ! -krhiirMisvard in thatjCltV. " J -' ! i . ,.t;.. - - -.1 oecgs-co-isung vi vsuiclj w. Ti.i'-LC-i'iiH2:,i .iJiJ-rviki- iirdid.rfAW?bridor6 over ihe jTcUse.river i r1??1 VJ-r'v' ' f .ibushel, as to quality. , - -Ltl t. ?n h; RnnthUn RtAt. a ia now supposed cnaS'.-neirozero i z.iT:-3--W: ..i..il'is A-ij.'' .au - - - -. :ihiai,c!vTi'iis Liveroooi sacr. aw i wt"-Yrr - . i 1 -r'-.r .'rV -.'Oi " ii i wnere me Aiiaimo wyeoe-i mhhj .. ,.:!.. .." ; -- --- i , J f r . i L.iaa.w. Jt,.. x., dj3l.w . i Iwiiwme-oronerLiwae I t uirrl-t'Ulij-iiuJ. r-tri-iu WtrUr ' hj i.kji newvek-; j'.1 -. ;yfgt J.f ; w ? m v- LJ - ii'on"IioM;an lndu L. ft'JiT' '"I" FactbrrYar4U5 to.C0 per bunch.! Tn PhWfSF.l? RfACIC PEEPER. bodypfdbutthe syerdict. - -: . : ' femall bJy to turrift wrthcas msJlJniti-4 'i HlTrr tSOVJkl TIIIG VAY. Tliere were t,arks upon 'the b5dy ofi Lbdsayi howps; ionruct-- and the nney.t.kenile he: was FAr.l Vnfbs m "vneadV' Vaitley;abd it r U tberefo certain tSit1 br Ul?HSUhe 47 rll t 1,000 mite&urudeTf 'frdfdnotV..nmrn:.hi, (WhhVvi -A11; S.HiALr rTT;'- pri-. i.n.t. - !1 Mountain Cabbajrer t- be " V - ' 77 -.'IXUef-WltnpinUjpicj' m tpe vturu Granvil e county.haa held puonp - . . s- v. -. . puiL-SXSr.5- I'oeCsoraeChlrf rare and fffe omUedto be;:fPW4ilf,lK Beetini7.pppositiot. to - dis- . ' MK, -oV BA ,0t.., ac.. ,T nicbtLoose and ?ar Pickles- Fresh Toma oubt, be set at liberty, Qtit 1 -.L) lv.,a-,f.5.i -.'--. bask of iwcwBuac, to stxxit, i :CToDomestja fresh. Peiches land I " .... , i 1 " - 1 51-ux"I i-iiw... . - - ,r - I , CHABLOTTB. I. C - ' Hotel. JJjrrivaLCc-Lil'notsl. A'Vihib FonV' speech on. political SJeVcSf" 00 0 - -s - ' cbrtrbn; yri:r:aiadadslph Sn to bacjrr.rrQcrin Saddher, - FayetUYtlia, 2 . ixirnon, 0 - ! r.uARY"CtHlC73.Tj Prfn these davs, is .:j?Cbx1 T? Phillip Reed, SaIcm.Va; Chrs Cc!:r.:-n, cir-violiii hat Rome was - turning ' ' ' . - J Y-neeyvi"-, , e I - -?ir on, 15 . . il - j 1 . . , -mm . .. I llOXil i 1 . . i I TJiaa'nn ft tanric 01 socieir it um-.n.- We are. also Agents for the 'celebri-bia r HOUSTON'S PROLIFIC CQZfOX; ';;:;.-..iv. ; Isbb ' .-A' Ji'.i ;v . s " . the yery best in the countzy. u - We respectfully ask a share 6 the pub ic patronage, guaranteeing satisfaction, inn goods as well as prices.. 1 i Remember the 'Stand Trade - Street,.1- r ext door to McMurray & Davis. ' . : 5: - W. 11. H. HOtJSTO & IN pursuance of an order of the District Court U. S., for the W. D. N. C.? at 12 M on Tnesday, the 11th March, 1873, as Augusta, Ga t C B Newkirki':T-.-7 Vt'it pnsr, N Y; RC V- ir'-in, llancn; 17 C; Dr f WGlenn- MC Hubbard, C J V-Vr ireensbom E II Ho- r.."; r - 1 ! fn "f j U U mrbatn and Wlf;, I :. 3 C. - - - ,S;Baker,--Cbc rrt U1I wnG ;A ir-''"' E: 7; ,n, . eAed, ar l.ccrr::; lir- ?--rs u:npiv l;;Pwi:;:c3 -j.: c .lothing but : a c&n- gpiracy'to plur.dcr.tne psopi3 ; a.n yet all t' : ' ; - mr"" "c'.lbo funny The jrntucky ..Senate hes f pscJ "LiirTirrVibitins the. a"b cf iiiuc'r on' Cunday." -..- . L. -,- ' RTI - j- - . i .v ..... ' - 16 Oreersboro' Ilnnal Irranee Co, (rid,) 0 ,.- " " - 1 . t :al po:i r 10: C013 females, : " ''iTI.a'uclinqueni taxes for Fairfield cov.nty;- , u.. an.ouni 10 t.wj. : 'V-i ' I ' Ciiarlecton i3 rapidly and rcatly building up ita buxit di'tri;t. iner's and -iz iters' L.j.ii. ir-'-'-l' ni.!- 'rr;- ( , J .t ii C UilA U AJb .uJff C; -t, i.. " -a. Cw. .. "4jiB Ac... v A . ' - c:t.-2. J.rr.ttzrr.jif-r tllL e '.tr la Cxr-" Cherries by the case.-dozen or can. In: h Potatoes, northern and mocntnn ; Sweet Potatoes, only selling it $L25 per a a a ai t il - . Dusnei : anotner - iierce oi, xaose - -cnoice Hams so much enquired for. - - Ons box of ilxtra Zurzr Cured i;rcaSJast Eacon.r-T. Also ancllitr lei cf t:czz tine Apples. . Jurt .rtrcivci rr. I selling as usual at the tr:. :; C-ll quic!i'cr don't .'Com- fdl to ret. .. . . . y--- - ... . 4. !.. .. ; the Court House door in Charlotte 1. I will sell at public auction all th renxsin-, 1 1 ing debts due- A. J. - Yorke, bankrupt, in- I eluding sundry promissory notes, r" ' interest in the late tiros of rhiir Ci and Bradshaw, Kcstlerit Co." ,-f RO. D. GEAIIAMi . feb2J-lSt 'Assignee,, 1 '--Til .'- -.r--j. rei.,1 Ci kJ .v.... -.a !. ' - - 1 1 plain if yo3 i-j 1 . . - if ij r . l-" 1 0 SI CT llAE-cht1 -Mountain Irish Tctztoc-J. 1AJV ,arrai,ted 1 icr bur.h?l. j:n 21-tf sound and fooi at CI.C0 uYlIOI'o ct CO.- A - R NISBHE BRO., .havir- JC.Ts- Xi ceived direct fsom Boston,, a lar; lot of very fine Mackerel for family turs, in, I wholes, halves and quirtccibarrclr. and, kits. Call and see us toeiore buymj,. f-b 13 - 1 . -., "i ' 1 ' ' if TYt'O . Large Crates cf C&tT eolid -Heads frca "Watauga. Csll tr te- foregone. ' ;;lL-i-.i. Orchard GrarvLuccrr-v Uovrr-, rrcfivci to-drry, f 4j8 BURVrEIiL & CX.

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