'4 'i-. 1 i Trnvofers' CuidOt r t I" I"orthCajpIxziAKailroadv t-Matum 80, 1872. On and after Sunday -31 instant. IW rMsengorj iiaiui.. uiw Tnv coins east, at, :M 6.25 a. m.,,4 ; I Arrive, eomlngwest, at TTilmingtbix' C. & KBailroad.. 'I TDfta Will IBaVe ttUU ill 1 1. w wuoiiuukvj - ; i1 AYe; going east, at : ,., t i IMvl nu rrritlticTeimeseOMorE. ; CHABM)TfErK;C;;7uIy 22nd, 1872. : ; , A!l apd a$e Thursday,! the j2othlhe fol- XJ lowing Schedule will be .run over this- IKoad daily. s Sunday excepted.) - vfl'Xrrire at Charlotte, , , ;. . . vf(ipd - " 31W -Charlotte, , . , -. , . ,3.35 F, M. j AArriTeattatcsville, . n 7m W ' ! i J, -AH charges must: be, pre-paid Freight i 4 Af&iivl fnr Rhin'ment to . Section, House. " A lYandrina. Hunter's. Cald.-. -1 .4. TTr-rr -- ----- , ... well. Tatoni's ana ivreeaanasxnese Demg a-- . - ' . . ... . . . ... .A. T " X- 1 s VJHag Stations, ;' ue jouipany m no;iiauio for anv loss or damacre to freight. aftcr: it la unloaded, at either of the above ;points.! . . No freight will be received by Agents,' or forwarded unless f thename of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there; , Coil, I :-J WA, AT. T. GOBMLEYi , T l flit ' PAItitmTKio AnflmCTO . . .,r... . . Hailroad. u , CoLTrawu.-af., Sept 22, 1872. J ; GEN SUPERINTENDENT'S' OFFICII n and' after (yy "to;Vt Al U. JN. .U A ,X SKPT 22 the loUowin" Sphedule will ninoYerthIloadrr .U : k f..,JtME TABLED: ' " GO-IKQ 8QUTH. ' i" J I raiiriNO. . :i.ram io, . Leave Charlotte, j7.15 a. m. 8.20 p, ro. Leave Columbia, ' !2.20 p. m. - 3.30 a. m. Arrive "AugUsta;-. ,7.42 p. mJ -J f 5 8.20- a. m. n Ieavc Augusta, " &.35 a; m. ' J 5.0 p. m. t itaveuommDia, li.oa a. m. xx.w p. iq. . ! Arrive Charlotte; ( 6.15 p. m. .00 a. tn.: L SfanrlAtrl Tifrtn tpti miftiitcs' sloxvbi than "Washington City1 time, vand j six' nihihtes , usicr mail vauuuidiu uuw. . ; "V Kol4 1 Train dailv." No. '2'TTain,5dailv. Sundays excepted. Both trains' make; close ThrouRh tickets sold and baggage i-d toall prinoipal pointsi ; :i J ; t.r - . JAMias AisLJiiixaurn,-'ien.supt. fk E.R. Doesky, Gen. Fr'ght fc-Ticket Agt. " ; june 11 : Time Table Western JV Cy K.K. Takes- effect Monday. May 22, 1S71 'aoika west! Arrive. i 'y, a t t Leave. U Salisbury, ,5.00 A. M. 1.63 A. X. : Third Greek, 5 57 - " C45 " Btatesville,---- ' 6.50-1 1.43' V J Catawba Statloni 8.01 " i A5d -Newton, : . . 8.55-." T.35 " , Hickory Tavern, r9,40 " 10.20 1 "-Meard ' 10.25 i ' 1LC3 'Morgan ton, j ;-. 11.18 . h " 'Bridgewattr;, : 1L59 J2.43 P. M. v Marlon, j rV-; j . 12.48 P. V, , l .; mgoiitq east' j. . ..-Old Fort. . A. h: . Marion.. 8.04 . " " ' " t.48 ; Bridg-2watert"" , 8.5 , -.S7 ur' Mor canton. "&42 8.5 J J i H.07 Hickory Taverri; ;11.12 M j It M . Newton, 11.57 rf2.45'P. M. 4 Catawba Station, J2.50 ;h. I i 1.42 .. ? ' 8tatsvMe, ; tl.47;. fVXSS - f v Thirtf Creekv-f frt32 ur n Salisbury , j. - p.-ry . vTmnrPass"at ."Icirf atlO-? A." II. , Jy 25 U ii , ii1 ' " . ii in i I ii .'.-.ii.j iai ii i in hi. w.- : :T'TSIHONII & TJ&If V ULTL. B. TSATL iv rr 1. C. DIVISION. T . l- t j . - U U X '11 IS Jfi JJ" X l illS-T A H i td la efEeet on And, after SUnday- Tecr..22&j 'i"'T STATIONS. ,7-liavB Charlotte; ! ' v ,i-4i Concord,-?,, , Salisbury, ' ,' Lexington, , High Pokit;'-: Arrive -Greensboro laT Greensboro, - . k - ,Comp. Shops. - Hlllsbora, V-- '.Kaielgh,: , - Arrtveat Goldsboro, 7.10 P. M. .2l. ' 9.60 i 10.51 " " -6ITm! 9.03 10.17' ' 11.00" ' i 11.10-. '' 11.68 A. M. 12.50 'v!s 1.5i . 3.36 4.53 " ', 8.05 11.02 ' '--$ 12.20, P. M. SfATIpBTS 1' . i JlAIl Express. - lie.ave - Goldsboro j ' - , Raleigh, ?-v. ,: Hillsboro',., 44 Comp. Shopfs. Arrive .Greensboro ; Xeav.e Greensboro', iti.-.'Hlg:a Point, : - s Lexington, 4.00 PM. 7.4SJ 10.21 " 12.05 " 2.15 P. m: 3.30 r- " i 4.0a" Stat-- . e.22.'f f 7.28 " USD ..M. 2.15 " . 3.04 - -4 4.02'. )', r'rif;;'i':fca8bviry,. ; 4.57. .. Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7:45 Pmtennectsat GreftRhnrw tHth NTft-H J 1 S ?" boun?lrain ? - niaking the quickest I ' to all Northern cities. JPribe of tick ita same as via other routes, s 30 j. .,- i.gti Mail :tm1nLsH a Uir 'hrtfVi irnws ; length of road. 'Express daily, between a 22Awitl1 trains to and flrom LRichmohd . unjiiitu x-aiace vara on an night trains ;; between Chalotte.and Richmond, (with . Master Transportation. . jy 25 L : uUfii HLY STATEMENTS U : j : ronnecuon iu au puxuis ixuau, ooum auu West. (7"TV7)q;cr XS.TJl - - ; ' - ThrouRliticKefs'soTd and haggage check"-' wK.y . ouotJB ana unanotte I Sunday All 1 ONHP.n frPT f.ral-n nn t : - j CARDS i JT?S1C&H?US "George's Bank' 'CbdfisbTat I j y .- Jh 1- ,j . . .. ,. .. r ... , .. . ' ; .... T L-Ur FAmLY . GEOCEMEs fTria Street,; next door to ' ilie' Posf Office " ,j ---SisrtJ-of the-Elephant.'" ' 'Lea 'v.!ii ' , '- . ,.1..C ..-.-.i-O JU8T..RECEIYED.Vi . A -pr?Ju5e"80ld on comhiissidn.,,4 ,jn -iy , . , ..'Tl-rvn - - 2 -i WAVfgrtlyVnaVMfil!i fefkftff 11 FURN1TUKE " which consists Vlfl part.oi V.RvT,vir ?Tl 'rv' Parlor guits, Clafeli, Walnut v Painted Chamber Salts ?.. ----- ,ia.u-u.i 1 -"J jv - tft. .iM wimro-wwrnmit- t - rwi. ; Tirr- ii t I " frt . Tables-xsExtensloti i Attdi Centre Tables -IVhatnots &aTesv Excelsivxr and Cotton fMattrjcascst.CJjaira and , Stooh of .varipus (Styles pndiMianv 1 otnerxmngs poi. necessary p mcpuon i 4 , :,r The Undertakers Depar0ni?nt is complete from ,the, cheapest Jopk Coffi to she Finest Hexigan-Headi and Fpot Walnut Casket Half (ilas3 rAop,,inisheia ana tmn- med n the most approved jsjyje, will be kept constantly ieadyvibr use. aU:f which .wilt be sold t a . most reasonable price.W b i c Beturning many thanks for past s far0r i t most resDectfuifv .ask tha i citizens ; of I Chajrlotte and. purrousnding ;ountry,7.wlMH have need br anything.uiimyjine vfe ' ' ' . . I 11 ?. . & 1 l . . 1 T. . . . ma a cait ueiore. purcnasmg Bmvyiitensa r io South, Tradef Street oppcwite-, )Ui AlarUW, House, Charlotte. N. C. , r -j 3!hi fat 1871 f VL SHEETON; . ; New-Inttucemeiits. t I,1.'! i bn: ;. litis' J Lr-J J Heavy .Spring Stoci; w will pell all ;ur, 'j$all and . ,Wint troVds, ,at greatly '-ifr - f -.f ! t:p . . i r 4 - SHAWLS, FXANNELS, 'JASSI- And all kindpf dotmoods, togethW?' , jwith a large Stock .of -07 j T 1 which we will sell ve" low; : jan 21 cMUR R AY. t D A VI8. ! ;r,-r BACKOAlIlIOKiBpABPS, ! ? .ciiiJUKa jrajEW. 5 , j : ,Tfl feUfHUiJ . . . .. j irfta?Aft?8o.ftt ?jt? ! A-S'4 great many' cnaifges'toe taken ix place thisyrI-'Vespectfullv beg tfc-j inform Ihecitizens. of, Charlotte wdhik puuuu 111 general mat no cnange uas uun place at my establish mentv 1 am still at my m :stahd, Nti.' Zf Tfydh Sfreee, ' DayH Parks'1 buildirieVwitif aafe ariddll seleeted stock of the finest arid latest iitlea or custom-man p! rotnine'ini' mp" Ynnt h and Boys swear also on haii&'iF firie stock 1 dr Gents- Fumfshrng Goods,1 mirts, i f Ballou's make, the best fitting shiif. in" the world. The very latest styles-of Hats, scam, niuia njpreiias, &e., c I extot to leWftoNew York Citv in k snort tmieta lay in- my stock of Clothing nnrl nnc lwta frti mv Tm nnnn. ITnt.k. lishruertt hjid ,will; ald bring 'JvithrthBrarf owit supervision arid aj; loer' pricey than the",same; aualitv of irbods'can be uiade'xTD i-U'iA. 1.1. 41.' 1 j- 1 -n-Jii.f,- v,, r r . ,.,tfc',. .t.v rpttp'Wd Ihdptjbl general' HnfUd hberal patronage hexctoforeestowed upon me: I mostresfiectfullsr ask'a 1 continuance: ru;rb , -Ifc:VcatlIeyerhoir;A wax j JL: duct; ih; Cliarlotte: N.'... a "Jklusical Socieby ; ahd to , give musical festivals. iue xxiuumeiruin. wiuv,i),is 10 do- appnep to the mirchasine of ansL.'Globes and -Scientific. Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. juso;:toTarrusH.ior:ihe Institute- Orchestral Instruments and Music, .uch ftheTrnstecs,vfor the use bf.- and'to coil Instructions Toer month: r?1 nn r Ladies and gentlemen desiringtd beVome- nempcrs 01 fne.;,ociotywm fpie?'"'v 4"Te thfer amts tit the bookstor of cr3t. ,Tiddy.trBro,'r; r.Js AAA' f 1 .,deC;7Cm.,.-: . yr Hti,ff UUU- 1 j " ".r.Iht'HtfciPKk's TtuxiLS- Pitxs a positive cure for Supprcssion.' -br Irreirulirv. aHs. ingsfrom-auyi caus v whatever. TLey are. ..ar 17i;cry' Ladj7intIJ keep'a hox cfille Pills on hand fot Ue in tAtArtimi ;:J.Ti 5 rxice; tlX per box" Gent securely1' seal- cv w Uy aunress on receipt ox priceV i . .:;". f'i.l)ircct'l cru;:L, t A4 O..EOX34S3; - - TLi- 1. -LimcK LL&CO f vr-UUrvi ,:'.T. r iv, V Teapoys,; FQldtnz a-r j cA-iienuevi -wUtLer uimauyr. uny- wilt ue teady ,by Spring' to iut And.iialf e.W,4jrdr at mV'owri establishment -And.' under 'rfiW) Home' and Democrat copy. , , . , as are found in ' Seminaries of'th largest atje$ 'South'4 arid' North." 'These Instrd--ments. &c '! Will hd maced 'm 'the' hands of tihUfr to be the property jof the Cuarlotfie CNiP.l-Xnstitutct .for Young Xdies.,. ;rr j Terrns of admissioV v '"!rSob' r r ; ' r rti , - r ""pI wiiO idl ih9J.iiiu( III. -W; . , ''.Klli welt it btw. tiMT ui ; C,J -JSi ar.p. J .h-iJir 1 Wlf.li.H:4nfl n&lKli HH -Ts.. tn:n 1 i ' LI pii I,' i':J'.nX'.'N. -sr.'?." 1 1 f . 1 r: ' Tite tirroar-taWallkin.as of Boot and Job IMnting; from the smallest Card to h largest' Poster, pUun-or in colors, 'printed pn9 reasonable vttina as the same worW canbedojie at-anyr establishment; in. the . 'ti.i jrUHJj-. 3rl til v - . :.'7 liV'i's -Jf;j"- 1 " siiizt"1 iA. 'ji'4 -t 4 ff. -.- i! ' -J f1.',"1 5 -th ba .l.:t.fr" iit 'U-m : 7 & r,f H .u ci iiht?L mi ' "TV . jsioauXLeatJind others in want JtmlU4j Jr.i'i.tfi-rta m ij i. , . .7j3i.aaiTi)rflJs , of .J Tinea PorHa VTitL. . T;1 : 1. dmssion OLrds.InvitatioriaBall Tickets: Exfcursiori lTicket8. i " - ni.w b Jftilroad.TicketsPror : . " ; JD0dJtM;Ctfcul6W,Bfitferafenls4c.; - !i JAHiiPl. noii' dtiJL&a jittLkii curt niaeall -' : vji'-j ad; lci" :rc noJJ'o .rtil"f -ri f .1 aiiwe have a full sut)i3lV of all'k'inds of Type-1 irim M&fan'incaio - - - - inches. " , ' i ' 22 Bill Heads - wmb liettCfHeail,, ?r:! " -. : , V-. ,r "VT0,.1 2 oi C wK:i-ji -Wil'iii. - . - - '. - .:' Labels,. -:. or any description of Prlntingl 'doiie at reasonable ratJnd,.oriQii - 'VrKifffJ wq;-r?'"ri? tr-Mj.to imnt , always receive prompt attention $. tlasistrate Blanks. Marriagef'IJ- I -t ,isr-) aA ar ttTot f .0 .U .aT-.UAJia- f a ;;V'U 'TnJI;3..,Cli XfJIILI;.,; - . " r ! . --,-'- -rJi.,w :i .i-:" -i-f.-wi :.:..'; j u I u r?l-MAMA ''to KAOTJuic Northern AF-i:v.Calf. ' , ..- 0 r.-w.-l.ation W) Hi lovers of real Good Fruit. Onions tlso - - iV,f'"-VV.., j very fine, orders iythe .sclicitationo 1 L ' 1 i. " .-'t i scores of People. ,-'--. .. !- t- t.- ..-. ; ,.-.:k.; lmh. lotatoc? Ezrlv TlnpyT -rJ -frA -;0:- T H CA'C D I r J C , An Illustrated -ZfontTily' Journal univertaZj . , ..... ir. .Tir-ljJ u J i T: Lu44.Vv tvf i JiO CO 'CtUB':tt07(.T .B MKjffacwwjWi end CJtaekpionofJLtMrita 1 'HOTFORSALeCi BQ0K5Tdr.ES. . tttf; A T.TUNTC. which is issued with all te' regularity. has rione'of' the temporary :jbr"ftni interest Characteristic bf ordinary; periodicals'. 1 It is an elegant miscellany of pure; light, nd graceftii' literatuTe and pnllootlon .of hif!turcsi;the rarest snecimens (o Artistic sk 11 k ja : hlack tand , .whitev Al- ihongh. cacn succeeaj ng nuiuuer, anoras a iresn pleasure uj its menus, uie reai,? vaiue and hea-uty. of THE ALPINE will b most appreciated ifter. it Jxas: fbeen i boUnd; . ttuatthe close 4bf the" Vear. " , . j p VTiileldherriubli(tJonmay'aaim!BUT a similar aiass, THlSr ALPINE i unique jahd original Qpptionaloheandrninap-' roachcd-rrabsolutfilv without com petition Tralone ' an4 nappjxwchcd-absolutely Wicatethe bhdritity of "fin paper and engravings; ih any)thlishape," or: iramber. of volaraes rfor ten timesita cost cnd:tb,hV there arc the chromos, besides l C rr- ri cT ri ABTrDEPABTMENT. r ;i f i, 1 rN6lwi'thstanairijr !:th'e ihcrea!4' in": thW prioef-snbscribtion1 last Fall,!jwhen' THE ?ALDIN15 assumed its' proportions and rep resentative cuiarcter, the .edition more than do6M;during the" past -year; proving, that the American, public appreciate,-, ana . will support, a sincere effort rn the cause of Art. The 'publishers, "i anxious. to, justify ' the "ready confidence thus, demonstrated, haY exerted themselves to the! utftibst'to dever ope and improve, the work ; and the plans tor the C( monthly 'eSrofY the nfcSti sanguine' fr ALDfNE,.;! J'.'V- 1 .:i -sj.v. i,. sThe publishers jard authoriied .-to an- npunpe i&Qsigns;rpm manyf, of the ; jnost enilhenfeartjsts of Arherica.' 1 , J.-7-: " . j ill uuniuu,, 4x1 (Auviii i t.jn'V j,vvav- 'tfucelexainples of the best Toreiga 'masters, selected rith aVifew3 to the 'highest artistic success? and"? ..'-greatest'.1 general interest avoiding udu:as have become familiar, .throih.i, photographs, rjdz, icopiiei i of ; juijt kind. i-f-'tf j -.j,-- f;-f.'r Sh 'Y The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, wilt 'rtprbuce'four of Johh S. Dayis' inimitai hie cluld'-s'ketches, appropriate 6 the; four season. 'These plates,1 appearing in' th issues- fori January, ULprlly -July Jaftd ' Octo ber -would be 1 al one worth , the pric : of a i 'b$ Popular features of acopiously Ulus- (rated ,C4iri1uas'' number, will' b'eo- "'4tmued.' i 'V ' -' . ' - . - table ''epitome, of Ir so; trifling, will To possess snch a val thft drt world,! at fa cost command the 'subscriptions i of' thbtmands jp eyery 1 section of a the r country-; but, tis f ,-the. 1 usefulness j jd .attractHvir ?of THE', AtDESk fcan f, . bfeT, enhanced. fti foporti'oh fo the numerical increase pr)poriiun to ine numerical increase ; 04 i fppdrters,i4the publishers -propose to akfe"!4asiiu'rariw doubTe stire,! by th foI wing unparalleled ofler of 1 .; ' 1 1 ' " ita ?upiJiicia, tnc uuiisiitrrs - pru. make lowing .REMlUplIBJOMbS FOR-1871: t . ., 1 ' ....-,. 1 . .. : Every Subscribed to THE ALDIKE, wh paya in advance for j tlie 'year 1873, will re ceivei without ; additional Icharge, a pair of veauiuui 011 cnronioa, aner aj j.'ttiui tue eminent English painter. , ,Tlie pictures, entitled "The Village Belle' arid 'rCwss ingthe'Jlbor," are 14x20 inches--are prih fed ! front'25 ! different plates, requiring 25 impressions and tints: to perfect each r pic ture,, The sanie chromos arc sold for 430 peri pair, it) the art; Stores- VT A it i the de? ,1 a " . a.! ! 1. A f.. .1 . i 1 ntttn i lermiuauon 01 its couuuerors ioKeep.Aito ALD1NE out of the reach fcofioM petition in eyejy deparnieut, itbo chemhos will be foUhd correb'pondihgly atieadCny that caa he'ofierea by other- periodicals.' Erery wibecriberjwill receive: a certificate, over the Bienature -of . tha Diibjisler3. vuaiantf. ing that, itlie chromos delivered shall be J equaj to me samples lurnisuea me agent, brUie money will be; reftihdedThe Ji; fribiitidfi:of pictures of Ihis grad free to th subscribers a five dollar periodica -wil niarfcan(och in the history of Art . arjdVt-' considering .the f . unlireoendented cbrapnessi of tl)p price; for THE ALDIKK itself, the marveFfalts little short of a mir-. 'acle: even to tliose best ;axualhted "witirj xne - acmcvenrema vui -:,inymTe; genius anJjimprov JTo u illustrationsl of ' these? chrcinlos, see' 2ovcrober ij&ae of THE AIJMNE.); ?M .- Iwril cotinu0 under; the care of-MnEICH AEDj 4LB8JjSppAKU tne pes wrucra aim wew cu, -mv uay.j wno Li.iii'.ii; iiitij. 11.' lStLi'.i (Plin wilt 'strive, to haVe the literature of .THE ALDlNE alwa'ys In keeping witli ' its aHis tte-it&actitths.'.--iii'Wf: $5 perilinum', lni4danc--wl'tlK-Ml ttu .-ft?m t ChTombs-'free:-: -1 : 4 I J THE ALDINE will, hereafter, Je ob tainabieenl v by STroscriptionTTTThere wil t L he?nOiredutedi or ttitlb tatesj ; casli for!" suK ,scnpqons uust ue,. senti 10 iue. ;pupnqers idiiiect'.'or handed toi tha local aceiit-. uM I oiit Responsibility tp'tfie jJublishers except in1 cases1 .whete thereertificate is given, bearing Anvjersoni wishinz to act permanently as a local agent, will receive mil, ana . u A: i IL IIIS3ET '&3E0TnEIl: i ; A'taB DaitV yceivinVfnah supplies5 of ii. GROCERIEStONPECTIONERIE3,: TOBACCOt SNUEFi CB3ABS, MUSICAL1 iNSTBUJfETs,:FBtirrs, Can- i 1 Wet)Uy .Tor- CA5Htfa Select Innr goiida with?care. aU at which w8 wflladl at' the . AowestlpriirpQrCASHwti .,5-t n'osti . : We leel very- hpnlt-. the . eenesous public for past patronage, and hope by strict attentionttt Tliwants 6T the people to-, still, con tinfttV7meet thetrnrproval. ? - Li'.H IW'. nd-QiupIetetfFe flatter .oweelvea . -that; awe-wiilr plea.aU- tta (, ? i.io'.. jc.i? tin av r - 1 T7IFTY boxes Baltimore C5tySoair.0Kfi ! X - -41ILLEI4-ASOKa. t ii'. . . . - - ' r,'r r iii .'.'iti' 1 1 1 1 j, j 1 r in ice lot ot !JneU-:rsfandnVeni3)n nams UiUluii&ALEXANnp.n tidy Teach 'E1ow,,Hc:V''1j.;' L? : Buckwheat Flour and fine TI-t Icb vhcrf -JJuttpv;yrith -eapi' 1 tory i. 3 - '..! 'f "c - - --, : I r --' 1 -ALCO. TKe'toossessbii'of acbrn'ole'te wlirtne 'cann riot'au ming. year, ,as untoiaea Dy tne issues will astonish ' and ' delizht lends- ibf THE r nr n 1" , f ! ' Publishers, - -; j joec.5 . ;jj SSjMaiden Iaue, New.Yprk. l; , il . i ' -i Jj 1 1 i . 1 . -. 1 1 1 i 1 11- 11 'I' . .i II N I M 'I 1 '1 in I . tj.i .!.: 3- ...... . wn m i - Jit e J iT'ii .. f,M.i I'T?'! SBixtsdljfft'Ru'ri)isMcH Company; ithr. oKlcLiiohd sand Danville Railrriadi C3oinT3ndhe!Testlhr ii:ctti i Columbia and AugustatBailroad.Q3mTany. l 'M iiriina- Ala I ii i2.u ; 'ui w ...v i t. uie .wu . aAmnjon..(3beaintijpT vwpuijf Packet Corapanywho guaraateel 1 " - Aui- 01 iaunig Kivu aubbca iways -w ao w-'kth Pulia11ttletraifv t' t; WarkVGjJ'r ihlnarflbllowi ; "i71- , ; " From BOSTON,, by Merchanta and JCkiers 1 HVashineton st. W. M. Clark; Aeeiiti iiiiuduuiuiuuu vuj' uauij j ,,yifvc. ; gf From NEWTyORK, by, Old,. Dominion Steamship Company; Pier No:37 North Rivefc;-iaace,.187. Greenwich st., and 2 303 iJToadway. ;U, i. Evans, Agent. f "CbmpanT'f Ahnnles5ic: Line.) fi H. Fifth st.: above Chestnut and cor i .ner AVashingtonl ate. and wanson .st. Yi John S?:Wilson; Ageiit. J.m--jidNk j Fvoia PHILADELPHIA? ; lr Clyda and f Company 'a ; Steamers J f 4HncK,i IZ Bduth fcDlaware ar. Clyde'j Agents. From BALTIMORE, .by Baltimore Steam Claims, for losses, damasea. . and ,over enarges . uieu ; pronipvur. oj a nomas rmckiiejlaim Agenth 0014.' : Freightiandled carefully and for warded promptly in through' car? 7 ' 5 1 ? K01 Drayajre Transfers by this Routes M!FQrurthr;informitlionapp3y toOfScers ana Agct of he above Railroad ot steam J i . 11 OeneniBdotUcm Arelit it . Jv.Ilj- O-j-tsTS?? vio-' ;! j - . Il n-. SINGKEIGUNS. 1 AtJep, .f$45,O0, OfcW 00, xotAU Hint , tM 'i,,i' ,yijfHti''fi s'f . . -At$? 00, $750 $1000 Sl2GV15t)0,. ' jjy,f20,09(ip,W, fQQjf ifWQOr P : ;Greetth-Ltdiiiff Uoihle t2i.f : At uwjH&htCJ&toy $9000p$110 00, $120 00 to P00 00. t .Smith Wesson Colt'1 Aller Ijntney 2 - and 6ther kinds,-at mahufacturerV.'; i'oifs Ii i:;price.-i . '"-V - FOr.4recJvJxattneiUuBif ataamalla- -.- . r..". ir .. METALIC AMMtrXTTldKTOIt RlFtES i-AStt riSTOLS AT LOWEST MAR---, i-t r;KETi prices. t d , A "complete! assertme'at bf all Soortin Uoods shipped by Express, C.'. OV P'- , ?i PXyULTNlfeYV TRIMBLE' A CO. other celebrated make of guns oh hand and imported to Orderi '' ' iv i ejrt,20,ia72tad lr 4r-iHflo.i IfJf . " Twptrici m4 rertilatifMtwt .la forma tin tWU ara Jt aarTiiraataaaalaair. Hm. SOU lira Ut AtMkfcMVkfu4ir t H4 kr,a4.M tlal asraiaaalr aantta fcoaaa.' ' Jl . f Iv aoalaiat tk zaatiemea aad i4tIn 1 m fferaUUe : f VbM tanuttU to-m-arM-w-Ua. aa4 jkaaM ka la aa vri. - i. 4twaf ayja aa4 fcaaaJatkaawghaH tha lira ' - ' It aaaea arartUiac art tka aaaJaet a f ika m ..aa4in7tarttet I vort. WttVWjlaawaVlajt, i H aaUB4ia jiB.r atkarark. - . . . . ; -I 1 ( aaMaiaiiraWtfra ai-aalay tarUfcy Ca4U.iflOl -1 Jl. IaDbM a&amllaaa Lak tka maaat aa ai aitr - m L. fM& Mf talag sr mI nm-imm mtn . . taaaiaMiadaraaA Vy favaat UeanalWWta4 ataai., ;W rff iW eaaatr im4 Kraa, aaa aai . alu4 BaraaamU.r ar arMtl,M k diaaaaaa aaatiaaa lm : lr. - oa-ai4 acrlara. aiaJ 11 M. B.kiM ; f I'aXZIS-XQtlnco rCIAltn m;t DAILYED1TION: : V Jk, mrODGVoni jr five years' ' iJld -the 1 L Largest Daily Circulation of x.r v nes- -i papering the ftateaiid a dres.l.46h' tot Vilmiagtotti fifty per cerit. litter than f that.faiy.cjhrpaper.ia)b l.titruaUi f Nocbined-with Jhe Cxtiomi Fxrvrs ;v:ii.-ci:::ard, . .st i ..... at w4 avv. ,oi;jj: i :'yr j. J' , "'V " ' - "' 1 c C EL!j.- CLc!-. T-c-.f:.yt jr'--':i - . 1 "' ' . t tv ..,'!...., . COUTH AnpC3UTnT7r f CBurkviiie' ;iSpi ii i afj jj f.ru8-t Mi' u ; -is i Lr ve at Kichrhond 12.45p. m. - Aja mills Fasi Freight Line h. owned, con- AWat Grmbofo 11L2S a. ni. r- 3 4?' - trolled and operated 1byJ,thVl;iUroe? .A-T" 7 I I and Steamboat Companies' in 1n,teresttt h grains leaving. Richmond, at 1.50 p. J the AflantiaMrisissrsplaridOTiiorjdlroad '"4A1-""l-"..5n. a GreerisW Company1. - the 1 :Atxnam&3c line- arioT From PHILADELPHIA, by,Pl?Uadelphia. ' WilnUnkton' andBaltimbreTKailroad Offices, v-f Packet Company Bay Lme.) Oct; 154 " W. Baltimore street - IJwwintzgerald; Agent. :, , llV,r .wnf,J.,;' if: 'ess, Vu."- ranfwswp4i c-At-juv in tne aouth. Circulitiftn .VVHrf . . : f I.trseinarapidfy-iucreilW- V7,?rf Jj V;raf '.WP,1 I Daily Ctir, 1 year,' i It if -ullo it7 hi) F 7 0t ; Vznsii 'and 5 Freight, rti' Tf,?1 ;f i -2 CO .!uni. JtvdayaJandliFridaya; it?eIJTSri4 Tear,- , ; Mi. 2 o : J. lixsrrrr ever esUhi;?- 'tA t-JTw -rui.vT i- i:v! ?;i5-?f .sr 3. -?fl iJAvHdrorpet....cn 'cozies?!'' l i - ; -.i-. 1 InreCscttfc and after Strhday, Octoberni r . ... 179" ---.T - 4l - vLr:-;MaiI. . ": Expre I " tSOING SOUTH; Stations. . ' Mail. Leave Richmond 1.50 p. m. sift. ' X f i jLurKviiie r o.iz " f v with1 trains bn XorthCarothm KvUTV ail xints South: - . . -. ilisscngers leaving Riclimond at ija J m.i connect atrGreensboro' with S nil ftmiivA.fc-- uuu.' ttlTlYIiltr in nond at 12.45 p. m. - , , .A . ' JNO. R. MACMURDO Gem-Freight & Ticket Aeent T. JX-rR. tTALCOTTi ; n . b tl r jSigineerTJLein Superintendent oct IlTr DLITIITOTOI7."! CHARLOTTE AV W HUT?I33IiFOBD JR. R. CO . .fJv?If9TP?TN.a, June 28, is - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Until further notice" the regulaa- trtJ will run over thin rnn1 iiiJfjTl . REGULAR FREIGHT TRAINS. 'Tmta Wilmtnfffin .lii -. . PASEGER' AND:EXPRE& FREIGH " TARINS. 5 -.: TftTA VilmtrnW Ai li ' . " rwopecial Freight Trains for Tm' Iberirnlriegliai'ly4 ... Ior V-li ' "rt3VX'! ' 1 "'-8. I FREMONT. JL : . sup't. Wtt3aOTO'iS: WELDON SAIL 6Mc'bV:G"erie'ral Superintendent, t Wilmington, N. C.; June S. Mfc ItlUd ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. MAIL TRAIN. . t Weldon at &5Q Leave Weldon daily Sundays exerpieaj at 9-15 A v Axrlva t Rocky-Mount at . n!w xj . itomsooro'at , i:ifi p v? I r : , ' .EXPRESS TRATV Leare.Unlon I)epet, daily, at 10:40 P. JC oi.iM v m uuiusuuru : 3-00 A 3:00 A. Hi 4:56 " 1 6:50 " I 7:10 P. jf I i fi rat.Weldnu at' t ( AvcikV mount at leeye Weldon, daily, at . - . Arrlvaat Rocky Mount at' - r mt tioidSDOro at io 10 58 " I a. in i ii .Mall rrain.makee close connection 7 Weldon for fclt poinU North via Bay Linii and AequlaCrtHik ronton.; ' ,i 49 Expreaa Train connects only via I Aetin a Creek .route. l'ullman'B P&lae HleepinaCrs on tltix Train. J iJrUht,.Trains .will .leave Wllmineto trt-weekly lit 6:00 a, m. tind arrive atb ' P. ;ta. iCxprvs Freight- Trains 'will Imv; i daily (Sundays excptedj at 5 p. m. at -rxiveafclla. nli r JOHN F. DlVi-l. J J X5 . j ,it,t'l t . f - j Gen'l 8up' ; AXIEIGh: AND GASTON R. 1 XU1; fCllAKGE OF bOUEDULE. T s Hupernttenent's Office. t- t i BbjRaJjelgli, N. O., une 15th, 1871 - Op and after Mondai'i June 17th. US train on the Raleigti i Gaston Itailroiil will run 4ally-Sundays excepted aa Ids low: . ..ill. fcl UiTT "wn'.tM t Leave .Raletgh' at . . moo A. It Arrive at Weldon , , - 3:30 P, K Leave Weldon at ' ' ' - - 9:15 A. 1 Arrives at Raleigh I - 3:05 P. T-r t ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. rviveV;RaJe'iffh'.tI - . ft infi p. 51 Arrives at Weldon, 41 6:20 A. -Jl. W Itr.i .... r ....:'... . .. ., Arrivea at Ualelgk. ... :00 A.fc The. lnal 1 trn in m,V. .nn-tl.ie t fWeldon With thd seaboard and Ho! "awroau ana Ky Line steamers vif iiiiiuore,ioaua irom all points .Nortl; wiiESf1 Tia :pftburg Richmond a waanineton. to and fnim ah vrrti Aa at Ataieign w i tu the North Caroltt S"04 1 all points (Sowth arf ZZuftxTSb?1? the Kalelgb andi Atl Llno Haywood and Fayetw Accommodation and irmivSt t-oin. VYLdoa S1 Accommodation i.;suv a,n on woauoard and Roanot Ana at -uaiii?1i with Aminwi.Hi Aii4 Fitei4ht rains 6at Ndrth OaroHna B. B, i . persons livin? alontr t.Ua iin. A Accomodation i train, remain seven? .W? d return- the same evening. 1 noil AVillCJlili .111 1. II mAltiln the ft nly25T I . V - t-'i -. Gen up't Q-tllOn & f AUGUSTA AIE LJLi Willis HAILKOAT. ? ' , , ; , - Superintendent's Office. r i' "JL altd:"Ni CM June 15th. l7l - 1 C" Vaa if UU7 V'"f Un And ftftftf TnitA lK 171 trains pn, the. Raleigh and.Aueusta A ftUine railroad Willrnn HalHr rUnnHavseS eerted m foil r. JT i i leaves itaieign. 8:15 r. "ifrtye at Sanford. 6d5 " Mail train leavea Banlordi" 6:45 A. M. Aiail train TTDLlroa ilnsa iunnAiflinl I ltaleish with. the. RA.iatrh ni natm ral). road, toand from all points North. J And Stanford, with the Western RaJ vt,p ana from Fayetteville and pouu v wwrn itauroad. - v -tIT ' U i ff u t v JSnperintenJent ' J SGTTmTTT.HS . .J - x. . . - . -. " . . . . v . . . . . r 30th, 18T2. idr-Xinfr.Eailw.J Three , Wednes- In Pcrrtcrd rrdght,lMondsj3.y TATI0:T3. ,r Dcmot..' . . .Aawt ,'.:t ,. 2.C0p. m,t r '.- I :-'-.ur.tii2r".3.12 3.02 ( r; r it ii ai -i Cr r' . ',, '.'; . V4.0i ' c.-.:..;r.- ' :; -vise " ...3 A. 'nl ebsolnte right 1 : i'lnrrn from1 C In, Five Cento f '. c '. i Cents per mile. . B. Y, SAGE, .? Pfscengcr train leaving Raleign -at 61 p: m.,xonnect at ureensooro' with i.

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