Th7 Clmrlottei OCc3?veri " . . . PTTPT.TCTTr'n t-w: . t .4- : I'1' -i -TrTT7C JV -rT ITTriTTTnr : Office BiyceV Building, Trade StxeetU ' f ' BATES 'OT ffCBSCMPTIOlr. - nailv. One year in advance. :.J:.'J't(i 00 ' .7fe:i:'fcei..'i7JuU.........: 3 50 ;; l ' . twQ.weeks.--.... 5 00 I - Six months, in advance, ,.....;y 3 00 ' onemofith;;7j...;.U.U.;l00 , Contract Advertisements taken at Onenionth, in advance, 50 Tri-Weeklyr,one year..-, $3.50 Weekly, on e year. ...... . .:. . w-... . 2.Q0 V?ni nd ten-squares :es hafctunAn. rT7it tliOTTflliy : ? ft Bifttels t A ; MYSTERY, . t , -feT JOHJT . WHITTIKbJ' '? TT" . Qu t l.ji Jiy'l WyiCl IK v L3TT i i . r i.cS,?!ir' i,ilC,V - ; I " ( V"-' v ' t -.V W r, V ,1 One Se oe time.,..., 00 T 'l . II I I . . . fFrom the Atlantic Monthly lbc. Feb 1 . L ..r-ruary.l Z-li' The rivfeylicniroedflrllnSagf-lteeV Wound jtUtooigb the meadows green'; A lotvr! Uue line of m ountains showed ,The open pines between.. - t u it -; . One share, UjEcaV:abJYe them all flmr irttn t.hft Riinlisrht. snrnnc ; Koclneof Thenibry'iey nieon, r; t; But well the ways I knew -u - -'-,i a faniinnf familiar fhinsrs ' Kot othrewise the maple, hQld. .r ( ' Aloft .t.H yV. V:tf a: a :- So up the long'arid shorn: foot hills; f Rn Lrreem and low; the meadow fold I f 'I lie IllUUllUlia lUttU ituuuiU VlUCUi Tt rfrl-h.aired kiile aaleet ' T i " T ' ( The river wound as ishotilcl find ), i ; The trhite, torn fringed if tlidr cloiild ? Wore n(rnng0t Yet ne'er BefoM that river's rim: : :, "Was jiressed by feet of mine, ' r j lcver before niliie.eyes i had crossed" ." That oroKeJVJuHxHi tne ; The skirts of some orgoten fe Was it a diro-remembercd preAmEfj f "".'Or giimbse tUrdugUaions Old? v,;i i ' ine secei wmuiriwe tnuuuuuju.. .'.iU ? L Ati'nlier lpe'I drewv ; ft - ' . Tlw tlioughj within mecrevVv That "love would 'ncr velrycuangef '. And jfteh-'a1l snrpriSe,." . : ;i r And, niisty ynth the flrema of arflii ! Reade. the English j novelist has ciansms m his writinss. ; His latest production, TlieWuuderiiigHelr nas Deen criiicisea wun retii seven ty in tln$ respect - and !recetly; "a. uuiet woman," livins: in a "retired village,"! -undertook -tohow' that the? l ook in iqitestionnvas nothing ni ore than a certain poem -written years; ago bvyjean 5Swiit,done into n)oa cm proso." This,. charge," of- course,' excited 1 the angry" author, who, rushing into nriut boldly asserted that . Milton kind Corheille h iiuized-i-an assertion . ofQpty n&t hy Uie lady fvTtK Ue "Heer retort that 'ivhile tWe rrftitfe; dlyiixyr plagiarism i better? ttaw&tta' was but 3vi ft 's very readable pxxetryt teinsform edj s j a t o , com rnonnlt:e prosei;5.ThQ contti ibetwepnrj Mr.1 lieade flndi"ther ?aniet iwonutni is; hugely enjoyed pnthe5iti. heath f of the conibatantgiwlVerelany i kind: a prize nghtattratibbres rof V ad"-; miriufriiv'ofshirjbersi'Atld if-it turn out. as ljoii?seefev likel, that ? his libertV -li edd ish ouTd ble, at'fl n ch a i i-l feryv Dy:nis3ieniaie:ioei:u wnr,rue io,oUsliv.anylongerctqlauempt'jio, BtKRYBbpv Ksrowso 'rTIie .QUrnatfroni thoseiwno Wil Pft most penefitted by: Any nccesaf that 4 mav ittehd tlie'efForts'Of that jouraal to pplarge the business ofthecomnluni-1 tvf is often -met'VwIVW tW.iS'r?:-.1 i j. u&wu uuv Knows we are aoinsr. so us. any gi)od." That mayiheime' in the'fiisti bin -the second idon't follow. Th e efiicieney' of ne ypon ji a and precept m rn precept ttas beetr4" ae ni onstrated every ;year of h umanity. A reminder is oftenbrejfeffectual than thfedHghiai hndttneement. Thereisone class ofoustom a tbatal ways remenyherva-nrtyi-the long cre dit clasa.T selddm"reai tpapers never forget, and never botherihem selves hunting new-firms, Mules, they happeaTto have some cash.. iJ3ut the e gO tie fiirthestanci ;- tho. generally calj on ihe'-' firms-Hxhb. advertisecrr iaurnai Lommeroei iSashvilLe.lcnn UeoJgiraA:thing;t9plea'8e her said Jy6u 're nrhtl ;pretty.Xhe httle innocent; with aijiiodest tudiete replied- well if you th ink h in a 80 jeetmeflv&ceotsTtd 1 put '. In pjf; bhkVv-Thatv Request iorpewhat fterdpur rM0r; wh'6:- fyegaji I.fum lipffiri'Mis ..p6.cVe;-for.:a'Ci-n4g jng-hehftd no, small change,; and the utile snrtansistincr on- hiai-xxomDlvinff wth her request, he! resorted to " tii3 purse' (t'ha:t tolch ed his heart) ?a-pd; it td her. declaring that-he 'ne ver did have patience with: children j pny sicans-of Philadelpnia, it is said, e&t two raw apples every -evening before ie retires to rest, ana -ininKs .Tiier ojt; only supply food to his brain) put keep the whole system in apical- it piiiicesrarfge ht 6tK5eana known! Walked wittt'jue.a&.tneir guwe: ' Tint from the vision ere it. passed ; i : I t in hiaown defence; rv, V irW . '' -.v- 'p! dveridug cauyasf ier, seekinc : ii fair .ubbori Jbrhis ouuzl uiae ana casn customers ao reau.tne papers, are al ways1 oh ftp aleitf to find where their motie 1 In-.a Ftx-One of oiiryoungmeri whileiuv Petersburg1- to'Otherdrfy ealled-Aithe! "ig 111s siay ineref- ne? jaffA.A-jaue rptofereaf,aiiy df 6xu- ouse'nceljr X: stilUhmgnt,! bid "been to make. Char lotte; tar wholesale tllktt. .And.nur- ,Tirto HOVSftndocpnCfe bnsines W5iitgrp w ,tho alleged and , -even, j accepted omnipn of some thai. Oferp Is, a, kml iof blonuf attached to thek fo . buying Yh" arfotteYandlhavihgv'by the1 veir great Wcease4T oWr Easiness, (since We renVdv1 ed to.our inew , ndj idegaafc St&rej) i been fonViftced that ute havb partially succeeded 9 endearor ta still? further eradicate . the seasoned the. -tradea rill rge'a'nd' Wttet'tyoVted fWli:' 't.TL; offered -befofe, so thathrttry UMerclikntk will, be .able. tqt; find in our. house not4 only alh needs but a veryv large stock select from - .thereby, beimj'enabled; to operate' wfin a iuucu sniaiier capital t nan she, . can by buying hi'differeht houses North, where iie musi necesjsamy1 ouy niore' igoods'tnan "5 actually" eds in order to Rave 'an tfsr i Ju,:yieit tbft j foregoing Mr. v Bintels left n.he fTti January, rlmuch,.f arlirr Sf n r1;'- ( ftrthern-. Markets -and Uahufacturfnplaces,. where 4ier will rei J maln'twd inohths' in jilakih'gxnfr purchases; f bttyleverttlwlg ToM flrst lia&ds oiitht tuoi. PbJladelphiAoiL NewlYtork and ine assornweitj w-nenjtnus, I fott , tip. in . ampunt towards- oC Twd lltthWed TMiaanH' Dollar? '; f .1 Y'Ottte expense!! attacheil to Partying4 -on a bdsihesst here bHi: 'hukrli lesii ?tliAH it troald b .Kdrt-fieii.v'aKrh'kiMt!(i ,UrireT rate of freight than saialler shippers there brings the fact latent that -we arQ in A pctlon.U?cssluJ,ly r c-fHiinete;. wUl P i t WeSaj1 pi erased to state 4o Ibose nnae4 I a J fit. . - r a -i - .!. - quainieu wiin our -tiuuve,t man we ;eeep vfomweifines.ioi j iry sVoods Groceries llard ware, r CIothnigf p iJcts, , nd t ht-ef AotMJUSi and even MilTinerr. ' - Oitt'Retau Department is complete. witW the latestNoveltiesrtfhd in bulk second to, irfOur JliUintry, Department cafifiricd . 1 "TT". "ill r - i "1liT,Hi 'f ''J '"l "'I" !.:' rt?i j Bt: DrV-KlineWbndetfal : Cancer Anti dote winch destroys arid remove the. t cancer eqtjre, without the use of the- knifb or the lops pfopd, audi atxf he .aapue tune. Epilcpsv. or Fits,' Rheumatfsriii Neuralgia Athfnai Scrofula Secondary t-Sypiulisj .ifor-f all particulars,. circulars, r5Qr cajl .TU'S received, TubSy Buckets 'baskets,, V .Yshboarcltl Wmrns, , ;hpe iirusucs ';Pigi'i,,FtfetPig,i Feet: i! .Li4iiUAi) i iiOt Ongs JJjeei,. pic?, . ii; i 4 you waut sonieiuuig very (pauuauie. Vail auuui . - .. - ,''.-,.-.: Also-A fineirjt 6TMINCE MEAT. All ready for, making esapd if youwisll we. -TRlSIWotatoes r Planting-109 bblsM 4. all'kihdsatrt.,1 f,.-v -jut tAt-uri j Jfeb U - - ;ti. M: MILtiEjt & SQNS. t mE ACHES.iTomatoes; Com; Green Peas, JU A W canat fjustt received JfamUy supplied atwbolesale prices. , : - Uacaroni.: - ; & & its h fflWENT YrFJ YJE I Barrelsn flood; Eating yL r Irish Potatoes, just, received at ? "ol 'sTPVffni'SR, Til A RAIT LAY A: XX)- TR I9II POTATOES Another lot of good 1 Irish: Pfefatoew warrahted sound. good fbncbokmeDojrTOses. ftt4t-5dnef .'iBushel. just received by?'i vr .. jSYMjOT&CD. y yjtit f 1 1 -Ll. )'-llA iNew'tdba-'Caloori, y'.t. wlir.kpco con stantly onThand a n& assortment ol! lihe: Ko pains: will, 'bej srred torriye .-gepgral satisfaction Especial attention rgiY.en ,tli the1 'KeVidea' v liilliardf aloorf"::iahl pleased to 'siate that Mr; A. Bixby's' cbif v febVl'ta :7j-1 -iBENNETT. B AllSES.' if in A'for waterproof oafejustfceiT, ed at JXUJU JjiX o. overcomes ine cenqeuuey 10 cancer jnf tue systein ' 'We also treat alt forms of Ulirdn !!cV 1 Long-standing and ' Obscure Disease, WitU 'Unparalleled -v success especially! Shakespeare :i;, A; iuvizr, L Oiarlote; '.' . ad all bhig- iiJ.1S. Bestlet; MD-, Smntere. Oi'-'-.J which -fJ-waa; l-lfeb 4-2mi -s. i rl ; jui as . Wm pay3,then made up to oroer for vou and you can get, theni all smoking J;Tpt, at t - -. j. j;j?,'buixj fc12 -.V-V-'1 il3rarket. Ilii nt i.i i i .iirjiji ini iff, .-''ff "'. riTXrtfEK, Orchard and Blue'Qrass Seeds, TO just received at i7?1',. ' feb ll idl B.L Mi- MILLfeRte SONS'., AEhuudrd 1ds!, Oibice Macarani, - feb 11 i MILLIE - 'SlK G 01$ a Large 'stbc!i;f finMos; iierrfor Udies',.ttssesi and;Ulfldren: -. - - . .. .... - t a. "1 f 1 "1 am J' USTcteived a freshlotof Spice4";P?g .Feet, for sale, by! - feb 14 . SY1I0KS & CO. AVIKQrndtifiMburdfnendsttfiM-rfu mbm -'vtoliI! 'ja vJto &fh cir H'.rH nnijjxilrK Lsf 3l! if 'odl JsrJi wfJ? Bprontiy.n.jitpt)ot Jany nvuu i;t TTHERIVWIEE, jnTFCraD-ErVEIT-Sm htift jiajrcimarrmt9cmlaskifartjijre ,JJ-'-J riiU V r.ui-i.; mo 04Tt h . . -ti.f -hin-Vviit their f&vors belieing that by 'a'iitlct AJ H,IA:Z: ) ('A ) Sf!TTTl,!rJ :plicfttiOIl'ot.'thlveles'W be ,njii;,tft!r df-jmL V i io V'Irtit Vfitva- lo able to sell-gooda chekpei thaivithoaj! -who i i i ii o f rt . it trt' ? f w - MY1 l , . --4 ! credi. viHT, Jxn-ihucto-i 1 ji r.rrrrVJUiirtatiJW;ii:jl -rT..iri) J' I . i1 llU U dU:fl i .... ... v. it" 1 . f i , a 1 ' - IS - - t i.i -I T . .-hl a - ? I ...AH bills , frcne and payaWetbe:, 1J7 r;i . JliM nrSft ,j0 Jy' rM lr vla-filiwji li janSTlV''1:' vTr4H-'f llruta' fev9f bi(s intrt: AnC : ;ihi 7iwon di va h-?Um1 r- . 'I "TH;"'i ' f JSM.iuu;ia-iii tunatm "TallesV 1 15Wsleads, SJurean.Riwing Cascs Wardrobe-, n SILOijTDlI BnnOBy r It 17 Cribs, Safea, TeSolaSi -.ItmVinrroW, dials Plalev J , : - .r. .ynibf-.i hno'iaj fr!fit Ji sa . lrtnf)H 6rr Hid odl . I ,TI m m j4'4rpnetorr ofvi the i abofce namei i Charlotte: anri the nublrc treneral Lv tn traJ. Oh fihrt 'Vhen ,th'ey visit. vStateyilte. ' Mtl will s.si5are, - neither pains' hidrmoifertol inakfethmoXTOTHOU815wriiWAi dI0TL and woithyiof iuhllc 1 pat rrttiagv. 1 C;V?dv!hiiWH oltXl Ai JUUCEJ ; ,;noT2frtf,yft;1 vj proprietor,!) ta w i : I o Jr.: dUOJ&lun o triitt.'i rof4 09 1.7 if, I U iTresenptionsjprepiaTed air-f Ukpt itf?l.( of the" Uaylaid nihut.'5!) . ix? u: e .-Trii'ifiOi ii!:!n'i ni owfHo Choice 3i ecu tflxfg Selected espedall jr fr a?ni ly , 4tj d linraj-l - FRESH SPICES,' n-'t JnSt, reVelveda fot of iefecf Spfces1 for Pic'kles; Preserves, &c., At' y.lABirS1-) vljune:9n trAl hi 'mtHBrhglStofeyi: Tnr: Uc.-'i O'i i -t E0Iti SAllbd oil ,9it 7 A-.l - 4 Lot of i lfines tllQESES i ndi J MULES, ilf in splendid -order lAPAoIPSO for sale arekept ouanl vpnajantijr., TjrTTJBJifHundrediBshielsvcu x: eea uats, iecsaig oy f,j rr;if v m? m jU ifiv; rf X&uCTX..: oaw.V'iS l SOME.: 4 Oii Wj-ltSiiii ima , id (40 U Gjadesfiarfsalettt iuft ,if'tl it -TUSTieceived 1 Bbic: of nici White Cah 4Crtuti,ri8alieby41nl I -Art Kfioia i V tut it Wttnft mrOlt Ytif ifeenited nifirDaftf a-istJffindJ and' rd Jleaders Li? National Headers 1st ,nd and 3rd . - r Corael's Gepgraphy awho &tli Barley's Universal History,.;MVf tt AY kepf uitUtiy' 6h;;haiSdhnd rW If "r 'U jf. rut"1 SJJ V'J. J- THRESH Fish and Oys": lw Town-SpeUfers; ; .Vj' V , J lioreka Slates (Ruber Corrirtatf oJpstJleceived atiwLoiPUEZrQYIi m1 Attended crediturjn tps past year win t .jisoLl iit,iCtKie4i i. s celebrated (hnden Seeds; zwJ at once Kv,AtCel cpctslcr?.-?: ;S JOTTi t?W imdsettHntheir accontCas this must be aSo&iV- r - 1Kb ;T ;n . i v- v ft toy onrlasfarpeat-fUEli4.MBER IT ! - r. JvTdSl to: !f!S-?I ;JibaseinItein ; ,janlt " . odt ni (rl vJl-t ljit iMediAppl andPes,. Green, ,TTJIToTI77oTi!i ! i .ifuJO .llC rly 10 ApplkCBoIogna, SausssMackercl and ,.,loJiri'W1 J ' ., r 1 K l- -mt! -i i.'tl ZZj' Coodtnjis A feb 4 sl r wyf liqiin.iOailegdsfti faaialbrfcd3ucer I'AI.T. NhTK A I . VH r?f nyaryvglb Ssn-Frf f (- T - - . - - - r V f , -; T . 1 T)KJPytfelPjIIlHergied,begJe4ffe toithanK iJiiit-BPeiily-f3rfiJiT? . 1 9f i i yjshj gli JrtnATlTyrffftf not Utihlss j mcms; r wiui mcaw qiiil as-pe isoaraer Jftay Mesire W bifiURngfGAtyfi5 (he; coriM!' of "Trade arid JChrch4ttre!etsii1; ewlone tWicriQnxs ktefcVeanly; eomforfc- Jlc taute iws good as th ( narlef; wijl anoru. jan AISMt19 Sugar "ed jan 21 , R.'rfMlLLER&SONS, 'JJ SON TIES Vahd oBoWs Uplorf CICAilJ 4CUUUCU U11V.03. J IWl W W 4.. , , nov Sot MESf OUEKTSlo i Tm. r " - ' ICE CddFrench iBrand Medi- THE BEST fe'THE-CHEAPEST! f 1 . f . .. , . I I : fj : .wi- e?! : M)WlVtelZmm& i vl l Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Gnanj ve To those who have used ttemn"ansflay anteedto be tuny up to . tnentiprevjpua high -standard: . . B&bt)!h . And to such as have not yet used- them one trial will convmce.epi lhat.ihey are oerite fe4nlheM': dhia4!dt'of'a supply and piease-nand m your oroers early, ,4ritht4Jmismption exceeds the ruanuiacmnii, jjvwpr. TTiniK Mattt i!i TOTOAMiia sXwari'WSfj1 finMV'situdfed'lrt a be sold errticc)ldr uiIot$10 saibpurqlas oct 22 . Opposite MansionBue; S.HogsheidifBrlgfitO'rteaaiSdgar! ; lO BarreTs Oioicd)!?4! Ma WoMolassesi Also x xiogsueaus. jvpiukW Phsp.o r njf . i 1 n t-r . ...1. - . jt 1 o r f t tf r "'-r . Trin3l&i dT-: rinr v TiTORAFfi -and MDi.ES r&ra&le and. t . . . .i-4 . . .1 . - - ' ' ... I I f. -V.. k.J FTIHOSE persons ia whom - we have cx- ipovelfMr.SlirierM jua ci vjt- 'riwif -ehai.- W siofJ 'anlmostpectfullyask icdatmuknee of rSAdtT-fVf hr I f si ian 1-tf . ?x . .71HQ and Watson & Clarke's; Super-Pkosphf te. tnii Farmefs3 m dbote r&'&lHsi PernlP ''For. sale in anyquantity, by T ? store aWd YoV sale at prices, jfo mcs by . 8TENII0USE. Wapffi'gtft., 01overSeed,at , -. o" I STEXHOUSEv MAJATJIjAx w. , etfin? UolcanSpan??rfi -no , ad ti frt V D wen wp3,' $ Hotfp Jtt m 9 on, WTAs iJPACTUBR(t3' JRATE& r, II TTl?riWW RTTV1 nTfl - V-l a I- yv w v -fc -fc - fljwolUri.aladijniiooTio- 'deeraimMasIBn' ' iPartittolaf'J aSttkfliUlfot pi? tH WlHri all 3rfg1it"cai Wice mid Tor Cotton. . ;fBpHAXTS ftvSIitingGjdliarlottHli 9jjn!tfce;oiocj -WrrJHn iaora lilHBeigb,i dl Attorney & iCclirislloro"! atslat rahni ' LcfaN'WallrU. ession- of the Bupreme .Court or -JSorOk- Carolina, taBirab faitw4f hffeh t4yirivni radio hitaanfidi 9 Hi lSSteSirSSsrwH5 M iing Papew lidoieapeopyEart i Wtitias received at tftl m&mibtmOmpiitttt duly said stflcfivratMiy lonnot isoi a subacriJi beh therefor ai less tbn : I? per cent 'Ifre- miuin the malue thereffj, k" X4i-WH o -"..vr1 x.r-lfA v. n7 rvrlfibpicfC r in t tJicgrea dehtand ot rtwm t al tp: ri tinuesloitJiitlie,yaTe goihg"fast. 9&b t I-5ni ajx STiBJim mini'" F1ImfeHpridrep, Sackr Extra ajid'Faii AilvlFlowr fn torerid for teale by -fit U STOHQUSIiLACArBAY 6fC0io feb 18 : 5 ' tii-l-jitrJuiifJ OELLTN'ri Mulinerir . Trimmir! '..and-all l6ur tnpy and -,haif goodsr at rrtly re salecrea i :;''.sTiq authored agitLpi,iaia-hUoinmnTtJ liUt3V4 LrUjA VU llU4.C.lU,li;i JSITll! tfc., rarfynt.fMlQXj ;XTidl -JUlljV". I L,. J iv '.H . r-. HI i hmkhbmmk 0 ..ii i n W W j ( ) ) )S? t ,;.bKW tfO nT ... I . M.; :(tin it iiwiw' ! i-4i441 t fiht&f Jail?' '''v'ijI ' i ani Elated War f..-.ti'.'fti fed J 10j&T. jvy7l5'yTj ji rtiwfiwo Birt g;0074iS!EatA.lEiMG ! IiVu jtjjmwi; vrjJr'fjItaertT. ,na .ogp ipnsl t 'ynoti ino f ,tiu vnm lr; iju ku a's-if x.iaw! ,8iim3 s&3 iAX)h trir7Z4Tf.tii:t:'& -9iiT ... "Ofctobor-aS i-Ati i U f : r v vpn "oi li A .loiuniavoa WOULDJnfpnqy&publifllaat he" is RffKoGWBSfeMJ5NISli and mjdtes all wishing, aiiythiniin-bia . niltlw or 1m!i) xil,fe bitot'j6bii bHlrtnadVpriJes w1chJd1irVco petiticWto Llo" lh:fca diiiJoa fit feOODS ft-large and 'Unsurpassed for leau Jy ttnJntfattty.JnoJj v o.-ai xsnniD vittA'p ana uAt-is-ot;tue4fatcssxyift ItfENand BOYS: ' 1 " Tv iovl :.o'di i:Vu-iatn' , V 1 S tfi JX0 loilMiiJ '! V "rtoiJjnfrisdo tdl en talkwlia Toxae WijhUheiT riatrdnkg mii.A2Jii 0E' liiicexei;buegi mhls Bank Chartered Underct pf; Jhe X'J lGehdrar Assembly ana'duTy organized undet Laws of the r:tat ororta tutiliAa General) jpajiicsinusiacri-lo .miiish amommadatiaristtb attiti Cbs- The hank-wilt receive Deposits subieet to. Check; imd'.win. Allow Interes 1 .According tO AgreementjOn. au tieposits letv, on fjme or issue Certificates bfBeposhV bearing, on Uausag daysi; ; . n ir. if : 5 GaLrniver CoiH, 'EuKion- aiivt; oior 6 f T) ARTIES. urisWag to ; est in such wrfpt i'-uy ok 'reasonable .Urrus wod do t i'fcallraoar cSce -ia-thi. Court rFurther assignments and correspondence . . ; - Attorneys, : Jar 21-3m. . Charlotte, N. C ivy condition. - ' . : , ; : :; , - . .va every day. " B.T.sMrrn. jan 9 - . - . 1 1 ,

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