I 1 rr w Charlotte ;013e&rer. f 4 (PUBLISHED f ". I A f' f I "j J0NE$ &-McLAtJGIILIN.-' J j..,-.... f k KAt3' EUB3CUIJTl6. ?i st-vfn . 'u?T- r .ill'"' -.IT vTf " . " three yrttiaJ.:Zilim 6 60 r . on month. jt 8 QCf ijee Months, in adyance, ,..., l, 0 I. tnnnth, -in Advance, ......... 5 ,SQ i Weekly, ine jear,...r,.........M $5,50 ly one ieaiv...:.. L L:.: .. ... 2.00 jtures estimated it kAinarter-col ten squares as haificplr "pn.- 1! wt.oi Jir! SwfcH i M.,'it if J.u 'Mrjinx i-y v iA.j wu -ii. -lOneSauareonc tiine1....t.r..':.5I CO 1 1 r 1 ' - - 1 - , 1 ' ; (just before -fcto .death, Commodore Mau fsDeaking if reference to the final tei tne wis" we icuiuai .aaouia Unlace in fMay.'when the flowers coyearw hJL'iath and the laurels tf the famous Uen V ( whto he rfintoBd so mb), r . 1 1 n onrn. -. I rr i.iir nil iininv. iitih- Home car me home, a.t, Iast,"-p-h Andlafwe where mydead "are ly- j 1 not wtiile skies are overspread, 7 j L ndmoutufai wintry winds afe sighing. Wait tilllthe royal march of spring . i d Vferbeteth mounxam huhucs! 'uvrrr- ni chatting --r,- r'."':1 ' Waittnikhejanrp! Sdne fill the rff rhen-vfcen the' W? Sweet WKJ- . besr me inruuu lucuwuwi-iaw.. U from JWew i or juwnmy jrvsi, n wisn , he dUtingtiished dead is 'given inj 3t his yer words...- ,M1 T . . j KTtlKritJGII THE PASS. . : J .o'q ftitfn nrftw neyer. nearer: iiimiirM iimmw TiATh.TW Her fore to one wno uck iu&p:r. Jr, 1 t)usi9ess.iierejbeiii)iifiittcb --less1 than I, a ttar had gecreis wruiiu -. oKMa 1 nd veu unspoiiuu w.v n iucbuiw . I TJ 1-.. I I .I.n n. . f .-. , l . K .. .. . .111. . . T . 1 . Of Naittmrs stanuer reve 7w boted moreHovingly before f V -' i J WrTTKO The lowiiesi 01 ner iair creauuiis r , v i feOO-U Ambeied M Phitaren's KmrRd story v 1 4 .yxi VorJ.AV J- Vf-V ,Ax n m mni n ir Jiti on : r.n'n f 1 ni n IT1 fi? t h e Vie. Wfe nil 'i.r. ii ivii i.i&mwfi Bfc: . . . ! vm lu&.iiiiiLi si..... . . ..... ... .. ..... Hfsion lb a youiiff lady sanctity that ' surro at should prevent.ev hv.e4 though r . - . . it.hprl ula tit laf'i m a i,v f tmi1n0 til hstihgf. loving, unsuspecting -jprt JKi I0f JTr. f f p fry, ha learned tOlove,-ttim-there r.nf-M :- j- loncerttd action wnuMl e4ihan?fi the fTRISH POTATOES . Another loto LJi-Tr.--rrv-T.rU.w" f lslrih-Pnfwtn Warranted UOundi pcuarewj aiiimiii: owners.- ave eui It is stated .bv':- official iautb'ority: rom Berlin' that rtfte-otiations forex-t pedisingthe complete" evac'ttatiorri6f f ranee toy; werm an, troop "win rrovce ourth hiil)iar4 bf'tbctVinAemftiis tireW madeJand; ;Uhe- ,arly ?ipay- pent of the -fifth i to i illiard fi Arranged pr. Aiiitdea' imriearftu to wevail Wiong-IHie Germans1 tttat Presitlrit The FEATUREWe 'are ,kll rBCiifc m and.painterarjjd 4ourv materul pour owit: llesh. ana :;tiooa'r.ana Any i n oJbl en esa begins' ; at refine a" man's features : '.'any ones; nee to nr'on8ii alif "trt'1 mbrut I r IP.'.'; i il RELisioN.-p-Ilel!'ion can.no mor Gleamed ont of books than: gCa- Pan8hipf or soldierchip,1 or cnineerp jng.'orf pointing, or,- any; practical Xade whatsoever. I rcuc.' Drilnkftn lnr"nn t.h ft mm t . m miav Jareaic apwn at ;any. uf rtent a.hd thev'are hot-ijdisposd -to vcuate;l3elfort untiLihey mi"ally am. otit ,-. -m. tjr.-.y. ,rjv rpiIE great aim ofiDurl ntnse 'fnce its X establishment' has bectv tn malfrf!Tio i?v7Tholepale;,Mart,i arid otift THE iIOUbE, and to conduct oiu-.hnsin.es8l art as yo 'uuipq w ine auegea ano, ; eten 1 accepted otnnkm of. tome that 'tliAm V v.-inJ : rif cbtoquy "attachtia to7ihem, fori "buying i in Charlotte and having, by tfiiry 1 great- wr uusiness; since remov ed ,our.. new; ,and . elegant Store, j beerV convinced thatwehavepartiallysueQeeded in our jcherishe' plan,' we, have concluded to endeavdi' 'to1 stilT further f eiadicate the erroneous idea, bf presentingthis, coming eeafion itd!th.Traae;i!a still,5 Larger and hetter.wsorted Btock than veri 'Teipvfr (offered before, so that, Country r Merchants wui qe aDie io ,npajnowc Jiouse notOnly all he Heeds hut a :very , Jarge stock to aelect from ; ? thereby? hejrtg,' enabled ' to bperare with d much smaller; capital tha'h 'he ican hy huyihg iii different houses tforoWvft ere he must necessarily, btiy? mom 'gdodsr than he .actually need.W brdcr ta have ran as-. ii -view of the foregoing, (Mr4IliiiteIs left on tlm 2jhVJanuaryt much' earlier thkn auk!,V furf Ktythcrh Markets and' ManitfactUrinklJlWes wliefe ' he wilt it. 4tiai4jtwb aifenths in'rcfakingOH nVchasesl sam t terras-M ny; Jpbbuis, House ul al-, tin'inM' TKilo4JwV.: .. ta nd ncv.tooieid Ue to impart - 4 J ' The expenses attached to tfryfng" bn lower rate of fioeigbjLthan smalier shippjen Reveille Wieaepnis wrar. wwy.es, wc , Jieuric jpe lacpaiwt ttiiavwe are;nv screening. r ' , kfasifhm;- shtceMfullynvmjete with', ie tfinds gave dp their masteries, JdbWgiIIt.jdse' Un-th' tnifedfstafies; The tutal flows confe.ed their mea;n- And to the inspectioriwhjctr We' , inVite? - t '-iil li10 i X. lhe:Trade;jtf; .-ilL ftv " fOcejiifpaths, the tangled clew - , hted.with-.qvt.IIitse; .tliatwsFAceer' lie tailght the nations to unrajfal .;; . s : complete lines of;:Dryt Gpods,? Grdeeriea' Hn atidwed the track, -where, safely HaTdware..' Clothlne. ;TBoota land Shoes. he liithtninc-iootca- ineugni niigiMiit; uuplletJifl Department.is ccrnipiete: with travei tirxs-tziLUtt lutest NcfVciticsiand'iR'btuk -'second to . ,r- - - none m ue.,uiy. f t -r-s- v nil the store .( puMHHnerv, Department will be carried evelationi,'. t1, oaaaasqaL Venr.BeapectfuUy. iV Sly before: - r.; ' i " WITTKOWSKYit AUNTELS! - - . I none in the 'Uitr. t v ?s ofcace br all tlagd E7 " It. niAVfi!T7.P',f!T.I P RT i IJpon hife living age has caWf7 jt or r ' j ;ir" it " 'I! oi ZJZTrrri nit-iTl j I Aradiknce tpucht witlnijfr.gTopj. : yvy pKHfteVWondetfttV Cancer Anti-lr- 1.1 i- i ' t ' jP.dotojJuch destroys and'Ternnve:the IIwnoblfehvHig, for the lends 4 :v .cnw5itU:.witbwUh.iaof,Uieifc rG4hi.ndutr;nerlylngi j or tLe loss of.fetcand. at thekme tjine pch - word, vactioii.n naught 0TenAimea the tendency to cancer inhd f transcends ; i u f; h' 1 ; v . - system i - We also treaf .all forhis of Chron- In lustrej save his nobler djing. s . r.;, . i Lorfg-Standing and. Obscure' Disease, r, v L ' !-,?: ,".,. . jritlw.unpaTaUeledo success 'especially -Do homage skyt and-air, and grass X Wn or Fits, ,IUieumatim; NeurJgia, All th ngs he chenshe4 sweet and ten- Xlthma, Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis. A.thro4hoirc Webedrhim in his sufiset nndor !j -fc fe..It0Mii!l4:"tf ,vJo1d;bd; C: . ,r.fi--y,V-'VH '." 1 J i?I.A: H. UmimSVL D.? Charlotte;' 't5 ir-'Jeo 4rnv 3 -- .v . ketice f young metl'cirirf8l1gl1tlri JURT rocei veil,, Tubs... Buckets, Baskets, lid scurf ilously. alluding ' W 'VOungftj '. Waihboard, Churns,. Shoe Brushef, ldi: v Tin ia hv, fari a :,toQ" coninijon ? Rotre . Lamidrv Soaps. Selves: Brooms," kactice.Jand w,a very ; tepcehe;iaiDje j aren, ox. ooiu on .hu ihwuij . 'Dt-:'..il-i; . il.. ,,,1-i fab & ' : ;iJ '-r j' : -B . SMITH , v.vT..b.. . : ; ,t . tj'qo ii9' 1 . ould utter a rword that -coum-ue r f- . ,-- - , r-r.;i ien OoiiiJtiructed into a.disrespectfur '.TMimrijfp unds noma is ivau Koa." ',"-'," ... , nru twu Tiicjit Tit torder for you ho wofald intentionally: defame the Uhdvbtfcan'get theni aUsmoknig hpt, ar name ot arty womano maueriHt" . ' ; -j, F.BbTrs;vi LiooHrfg himself fdra: lifettf in- " ' 'txH '.iV : " v ny, that will end in jail; if not , on - SEEDS t SEEDS I ; e ga lows. .V henevec a young AlOVER; Orchard and Bine Grass Seeds, m s5 far forgets Hie tender kiss of J just received at' i ", V r r , lister, or the fond embrace of a- feb if -:u B:-M,'MILLfiR & SONS! I ' mu, F'puaui uy u is uani mug uu- 1 1 . . . M ' MTT.f .RR Af SOHfl; no safe- nlace for him I outside the VritiTi'Ad" Hnnda. -.. r J- niteniarvl---&rr?7iooro Patriots i H"11''''.:': '-v' -1" i . ' T i T3EACHES, Tomatoes, Corti; Greeh Peas. T I I XT &c, 100 cans; just received.: iFanSily't I A Convention or SojtFRN Saw supplied at wholesale prices. . ' r ; t i Iill QwsiBS.-r-We i learn from the feV .M ,.' '.tlLLERfipKS'.; avannah jdvertU tjit; jt is prppos- :'v r .v " V.- , . ...-- '. dto haUmeetingof.theeamBaw 'wr''ttMil vnfr uirbwhers in the South ai'lta.f tX&ti fiuiidred' slhs., ,Cli6keracpai, 'uesdayt-thedSth Alfarch;-. ;he W ;felf,11. - f MtLT3SR'fe 809 . taifes:, A'ThevbUBsTliM , Irish potatoes, W restamtfyuig:tO all rts ; ofjjje T" jh, Potatoes, jast. received atT ?i lobe; involving m l Hions of .ydollara STEKHQUSE,;M ACAt? tiAV? & CaK i nd fleets of ships. Some of ?3at!f f good 1 frood for.codkmg ipurposes, at $1 50 per : Bnshei; just received hy ... ... " SYMONS OA? ;,iiv i-y.iy'jijz stantlv'oirHand fine assortment of the twiinat st-ill lcsMred'itO give 'general fatisfac on.4 1 Especial attention vgiveii-to fhA 'New ;idea. itJiuiara eaioon.; 1 1 P!i- -QCL19 Jsmg-Mlnl ' ' n..-i"J nectiou'Wim tae oiuuii : 'i TCOTincil Lot of those: fine repellants A for waterprodfCIojustreceiv Tliri "..m: - '1 !A lat"" - ii: K. SMITH'S; . : r r riwM rami v our. uist ju fsbo ' 1 JUST received a fresh lot of Spiced. -Pis' G LOSING out a Large'stock of fina-'IIos-; tfery-fb Ladietf . MissCs and "(Jhiraren; atco3trr:i . MRS. QUERY'S.' V ;l ' 1 i.' n.-r VflSfi'w-Idea SaoonA i STENHQUSE, MACAtTXlKXrA CO? 'A ll? 1 H HI J J!-i 1" J -I J Tt AVING tiQtifie fftfehdsiif XJL-tomers soxue tirde since:. that, m n'ess' woufd cTnga 'January , 1st, f 1 kt Wetted' tosaV tfaa'thtilhan takn pWe, anditS'sWBeJstHctl or 30 iJAso-GISEDIT.? JTlitt who Iay prftmpUrineeri aaoUeipecbtny you ara ia arrearerr-doa'tifEsk for? save us "the "unpleasant .dutv-.of ' STaWe mah-frlends' ahdpatroni tnrn thanks. -and asfc 'acontilius their favorsi-believtng that by a st I- : . ..." .t'i oiV-no U itfiji; o,. , iq' "i"-' . 1 Prescnptionaprepwred at lill hottraf j JL.1'L1j, of tho-Oay and night. 7j yl ,YiyVS r t TTik i'u -ivir ,r.Sii't r jgn29-. t. , g Sfo,? . I t.Tt 'I ' tVYii'-J 5 'tf. . tr. " - n rtf ?4 S -V, . . . t 5 Corheli's-Gcography iU -'i''1- Harvevj's G(raramars,tj; ii.til-j '-Barley's Universal History, .h-5itbhx J ' H 1 sale Uy : OT . feb2.-J rR.LMILtERSrSO ittt: TiWWrcceived a full supply2 tr these Y, celebratedrden-Seed bbagej indUtge r- yj .7 tn; E5.9 r Chairs, inTllBe6teaBtareaii -.Wt, ' v(IStHiT1::Tf : . "?ro?TmnrT--rrttfwiiii tVo?J wii-vi iWrr - dT . " (3hwlbtteiandic6' Rubric 'JenllV io'AV 'kakHt alHfzes dnof rtvt&'olTfinWi: togethTwlti &fioganyhjaowlopd: -JT3 d w:Lj i n tttKiO -ol-; QjiiHiiwheiKihayity Sratfesville' lie brhWamutV-r6pIaiid -Pirie'Com : aHfl , Plated W2T1 ' ' will sparejieUberaHisrmf. money ftp ill Njf:t.Hmiest'OctagoiiCaandCewim . " . , -. ' ' s - -1 : make the, SIMPtfEQN-HQUSS en$tst etas " ' the most elaborate fdmfsi withtl 'UmUIcVVX- t" . , ,A-Lf r4 fJj iHu;Avi , f USrECMyU,. 0tu..ntTtr .iJi-.iTflB,fa 1 r;ti-r: " rt un252txlC if: ? knd;nostvrePjeqtfuyy ask. ft, eontiuuance of ' iW ni' w . thesame as'we'are still, at the Tejhple of CH A R L O TXK,; tl.v-.JC.- T-ashrcn."bspectfaliyr' --'r-''if Selected iespcdally for Famify 'W'lnTal e6mt i hij HARLOTTEj Uii7vjq j' " Tlrn1rrTT"t?f kcW1 ids.fttiJu'xiH'ii ; o n SGARR'B :k i newi6ne l7tle rdonis' are' cleahly1, cpmf6rt-f ; .particulaSi atlentiaa"1 piid,tai sellings -a 1 .J- X. Ii U 1-ij-Xil V WWia 1 ; . jfcune ; vv-di w .iluHragStoijji ably, neatltfuTmhedandi well htte .1'." V m i ' --V . ,i; j r. 'r ort:rr.f:T "V t ii wTha? table b as good aartUae market will Highesi caphprice paid foe Cottoni ?t:l , ( .sn ;ic ju y .J .T baa as- (t H & ''- "iV-'V' St a .?J Wkingfor moderatsa)ariei.:;( . : -dec 21772?' M -f" L'1 41 ,fV. 7 i Wt?w:" a ' ,X . v vw:r . M.tiiiy. jT.frT5 .w!fTtTt,TV':vw ..iti.a .1.1 m iiirii;'jr vat H7QLTLv, Inform ttetrftibUe .thAthe is . -Ffnest article in. Market, tff , J . : ..PfT M ' " . ... . r. ' Tf - now receiving his FALL and Wig- . "- '. 4 .;.--ajf';: J: TlTTmrfc OrW Tli Wandr ftirledi-: 1 V! 4 2? . ' ' IT il" Vi nftSlT"-.-'! ;1..:." tXTE"' Offer1 tlte'fotUwliis;'nei:: J.IVKRY;STABLtS. "Horsed- anrt -Mules ii the ahoveufirat-class Fertili; , it;r iijt 1 l': j-i i. 'Jit. T yeArtVe-ne'ed only say Jha$ jtfiey re, gyar-, , m.iV- V4t or - (JPftw,:!) 3p 'flf J'anteitd:tohe fully np to' ..their, prev.ipua,, LTTFTltE!f? Hundred iBustie& 'Mehntiln ."SSJr,.,. 4W,Ji'4J.uiAii. 1 .rrAWxlTr . t H.viiM. v..;;':!." J' t riimnlv- nnd nleaae . hand In voux . orders f :; Ji.Ti -ai Vt "iiJmS-W TiT?,,- : manufacturing power."- - L a vt tr"2i 1 TTcresnandonpg "''iijaESS XIA I.lKt OKKIprai t mpldl improving' tteigfiborhdod; WiU 7 ! E T it?' b0ld entir orinTotoVitiTHi a:t7 oUia. J .rcasciiabIe.ratIV3A :wM,RfefQ;VEfcYiS.j oJj f oHN.ToBOTLERV4-! M7ilt.JiJ8 x Li M t.tvi'.j .1.1 ....... toctl" y jjOppositefyangippiHxvse; j fan ":s MIEtBR ft SOm -u ; MncsWias Bright ICew 'Orleans dgarJ L..:, -u-" Ji , "I iUlliWrebChftM :m:?!U, --3;ull fiAxaufcijai.. uv wt - q Hogsheads. ;Demcrara Sugar,1 1 LiTUST reeved a Bbli'fmcmffe' r 1 1 tp bnA.ii iw i ti n.: icti j)..- rsEora aiKllor.saie.at nnces no sun, in? mura riixk?rikisto;iv4 of the triijted ''T!' Bumons floras.' tm.urapmar, V Sre fbo? .JustReeeiVedtTr-'PUREFOT J-i" - - feb.fr.. :T,,-.. - il tM.r:.-.3rlflCt ,rrP;iT REIJEMBER IT ! . ; . L-nnESII AfrivQls.y.'80d Mbs.-Mountainl y-rw JI.IILLER & fONS; ; toes, JJnea tAppies ',-' ,J'-' -M ri , .c- Annies Eolojma, Sausage.. Mackerel" fnd ,3fef t-ji-in V.-r 'tp . , - ' ieedSvi? j ' : : V cf Pennsylvania :Red ...Top - fa'i i5.vyf a W-pl- ' - - , - . . i .Clover Seed, r.t .i :- : -! i.r.; IMSn-Ji I t:- 'mi KJvw: tJ : k I VI If I F .'. f 2 i w,i I 111 I I C t 1 f ... 1 f FIXE: STOCK of ParT6r"FtlMitnfe:iknin W therUftdersigBebcg'Teao-fhan t - Iiaitt literal na(wuui(r fiMnvwt nnnn T , iA, Hi:hn J,Tl f Eft.; A,! 4 MILLER is prepared to ac- Jj "poromoflate Boarders with -rown'i and ;r;ARGEL0TSHOULDERSCARFS,NlL, JP SQN gIE3:?,apdrBows r.all Colortat. U cinal purposesJ-at s,.'F.',SCARRuSi j jan3 vv -ip , VrVrf. 'MC Jill mTTTi TTom Td rPTTTH rrTTTH 1 TJTaTT 4 T ,1. wa.a. v,xxuix i . v , I J ill .- . . ' il ' . . .U-.-- - V. rTrtJWi WADSWORTTT- fca at hitf ttrerf J.V, tody? iSale Stable; toftposite f4heCity 1 jXritinrin ihnast rear wilt wnfrr aikYorpm.us.by calling at oncer tar triui mais nniv:.i tup. lioampr I . - n: Mt'.i.Mh. t-j.j .... . ..... ... jioAiPijhx. wwi i i ifcioMJAjfc. iMiaA mi nw i.. 7-.. . . . i . . "" land settling., tneir accounts, mis .4. V T A...rin .mi Mill )! '.'I'j.l" 1 7 '". .' ''J- Jl ". ' . i . . -j . .' " . I' . lio8rti ;rio ' i; vt,;fjrp idl rff;v - J'f .VtiteWrRe5h iTiriuu attend flTOm'oH,T:a'arrijrdfesrsiOn-1 1 if afroasihesiji entrusted' tehim' Refers I st to the Chief Justice and AstoifatS lustSriea -thft SuntMne Court, f Nrtb. ICarhHni. .Jif ui fttf vtI'' "'-.ftA-X . i i;. . -H inrVv :i'-t fi-.f-rirt .-'if.wl Xtmfhmi oTirl tlrrtlf,ftlWnh .iSl .. - . " ; ...... i. Ith i-'-js'iyi1 v "- ' iWlftirNGiflinerT Trim minllttid' all O our fancy -and haif gefod' at greatly re- Siced prices to prnkeroornt for ?priasvet "' sale cheap at .Ij-STEIiQrV UCAUIAX .A.CQ. - t"fehl9fvf f-W.'.Win nalii' Irib &d-' if J 1A ; Supply cf tie-rJUbtrlrf? ic!ttfic-fcf xL Seed FDtoc3.pn hand, to cit ; ; 4 T-. f -, ,. reerle-s,; .Kfrt-tA V-i-wf fTtlivi i STENHOUSE, J1ACAULAY & CO. ; fob -TAPIOCAi-Ji ?i fiui- , lr -aXTTVUM'ilW1"111 MACARONI jTALiA'Si4 aiSa.iji V . .,., ; l WIA ?d. fll 'iitiol i-w.nf xjttu J '"" - . ;" .. ' :.T ...t:. r ill j iiijT., ill l if if L . . . , -f ix.iv 01 A& ui uuudq lux iuiiiii o riAiv,-. . - t.h t JLWA ' UJ U JC JLjr. -f Knd mvites all tfishfn "itorthiifg'WTBa . . it andtptue wfeoift jsqtu vrphnaiiarpifu ' CI. 'TaLVifl-5 Q?T? , Books. : Wholesale, and Retail -T His gtock of CWTS' FURNISHING .Ttna.' owJ lit jfi iPUREFOT'S. j COOTM-iA Urge and:iitiAlfpassedlb'i Jta-- - KifcWtwt'j oth it ImQU arjih-.ufil and auality. - . , : j jr "rtiwtiwB V' i'"''" '-flATdandCArS of the1affeststyre' for" t VA3r.;irec;ted;hyti ' oct I2 v . ; ; , Vf,,,f panyoh Uie1 atliits., suhhtions willhe u ,iiK.C" Pv;lv''ffiT,:flr nritiXJhft ?rd day f4IarexraAer.tUt tiJ-. M . t u.-fr, WfnrthersuhscpiorCw said'stock 'frdni any onfenot hpw,f Bubscri- ..Jhos' fWii piswCfashieY' w . , ' -ber thereror AtlesrthanJ; W!per; tejit , pfe- F. H. DmyEr. AsstqasbteruA - .tafmMJttAhereof:A " ?; Hii-JtTTtiC, - . - iVhegredfinand w ample means is, prepared to ti-fiiisct . . tinucs,'(ca5 n-irrfi5ft5ww-1 CeneralXacktnfflCsliiesI , ;jfjvi5iS. tiw IdtjJfTlta-V 'Ml tomersoTTl3berai;Terms4Hn' -' . ' ' n 1 j mHR&nn Check; ndwill Allow Interest AccoSiDs - r V 'V Agreemtonan-DepoaWlcft ftn'tl ' ' U ttj -!:jOTBNH0tErCY.4rof- oriraue Certificates of Iterxwit , bearing " - j m , n i - ..j i i v a --p - .. ... a Peach LIows, 'j : 'f ( 4? ,t JjI ' - tii -Tor sala-Lr.'i i -t '"" 1 :' 'J ;'rc '-izc-fiisf --i'- T.. ? 1Jj,-'.,Vo'9iiT .'..-T; 1.". 7'-jiiii.'! A .JlOqTX- 'at Oil j gr-&:n (.1.HA.VIKG secBrelWBervicef liWi. 1 cutter, I ,am, prepaml to , rfvft satitQcUeji WtiU Who favor me wih- their j patronage 1 invite an inspectioU' orrdydV ana I - , , f i, s-- r f f f f"k , 'mi , A - ' J t if ',1', ,t r'ial-I ,"' - f; ' r IHVJ n 1 wis lanK unarterea unaer AO, ot;.fM- v. L1C to Agreement on all'Depoatsr left 6n' time Or issue Certificates of Deposit . bearins terest at the rate of t a jiti tni i . on all stuns lying undrawn ovep tliy days..; .-.t ''!':) ..; -'-'"t iffp-'J - J "Gold and SiivexL Com, Bumonippod r Bank Notes Bought and Sold. , laiai . ; . oTJI0S.W.DEtvXYT N jan.'ii 18732 J; 1 ' ; Ca-hief, . , 7 rt V: IMPROVED and UNIMPROyjCl4 " T5AHTIE3 wishing to in vest fiieuch- XT' srertvs on reasonable : terms would.- -v well to, call sat our "o52ce in ths C House. .ir.. 5 f?-H ; xTrtnerasBignrcnr5dCcrr :....c WUwUaI.;" i . GRAHAM & NAb'il, . - Attirne-s, ; fortf 21-3rn ' r ' ; CbarlGtte, N C, Feet, for sale Dy i fh 11 . . - SY1I0KS & CO. -1 1 1

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