le Chnrlott or t 07:c srrer. LS RATI )P ADVERTISIKG. ' PUBLISHED EY -' " ..' ' J i, i V - . ,. " i two cavs... T f -" - -nn - , . iiri-. in - . . . : . - :. i . ... . , ; , - - ... 1 wA See, -BryceV Building, Trade Street -'lErU"' 4w p ' ; -: IvVI-'Vl 1 1 four uas..:;.:r...:..Z 2 toiiAU. -J-.,", -Ze Czxs.7?..:. r. . .... . ..r 3 00- -- - i two weeks vJ .TAAM1tM t W . . .... ." nna-" ...rr....r:. &.ro:o t i-rraonauiy iowr.:cs.- -.--r - t1Ve-CC-ies estimated rtfuirtcmI- SATES OF 8UBSCBl7Tiu ) r, -I t v va. u-VvV 'v; -r,, .;tu,i ;i u.iii jU yji;, n t -'m"A WA ,.; l . - . ju .uiusn e months, ,in tfdTarfee...i.i.i C01CA3n JJ 1 ,oiA' 14 T ,noii Jo Jrj.H A .ll"' 9ii j s? Mtv f.i ' rr, ' r ' ' f ' Z -.di;ol. imotx ; igncMiai-;fiuJ t.-Tg Prom all qtiartera-omiB-.up-the J,m,iR .11-. L Mi .n..fIfc7fao.'J ,Ti ''Tfui riu- ui fJUtU, ii ,: UAUiA a ,. ii.ACiS mfSitioii and. rebqkp foQftv.l IU tiR .CI lilt I terfCIaaca V. obom di Lnsf Jjlo s.AX. ;nf 'ZL nVeskitffe'dh -flnkhie.' K . ' .l-'i)Jifi2i fr3f'L ilJLj'J 2fffeil3li .Mori. ; v ' V ,t'.r.i.5A: w(mto- , bo womvfc tate and lout Of it, newspapers. oi wnoleisale Mart,4 and ours- THE ne woiiffblfage; j J5T - -fr T itHTi .j.V, .-TVllW'JJ iit ! Vi -i;'T ' fesb5Ssu iS'-' y,V.u.t-xminn'- nil -the larce sasoii toneAraie, :W fwsir::3i:rff,Tl r-7,,T1 Ity 't. vr itaif;-j JWJJkWWr l -r 1 -1 f , nne-tenthaiof.thaaxauusywn 5 ivftnrttiflechtrie matter at aiJ ;i nif CKyiWtic tfteikiKa u wiiixv.Aiwm in-- . ,:':r;: .n-aaimia r trom -gurprialng: tlhl abtitotcte jlilyvionv fl 1? teCI& .ChaiTables. BstirV5ib; Phe wonder is thatva OftVfernor of wlth aritfdrftallerTCTlntaAlrM - JLR 9teboir0fJoltf:5aseiVf DErtioflat BaoteX&age t WUUWJJtc lit tiui mvw;""iw'"' . -j- ., . lower ratmfjftpiKlL,tJn fiUfJfra.l-TiH be lent of ppla;rjfp I lis tothe stc6rid:poposltlO,, that 1 y (enTment 61tfn94hrl iDtieusa oarnj4T 4iu"uf 1 -j. IWf -.11 .VVMV, V I " i 11 wnuv Ada rnonil il iQnaryidilrlFfiitiPP.,, gjfedadattraa,Urs e iry;.teffitbwWviQw ?T1 ilKl? n377ii '.wL' r finWh.toiU with M :! f mafce tr? ".WVAKfAMV9. r lin'iitriii Wi. w .Ja 3!;::' -jd t-lfii , ' fTSiwrf r,tt ASgreTJ! ftn finnih A ; 11QBT. . F. DAVID 3 OH. PCSWrM. BttSES-rrrr1 h. tuPwYirJ Vntintrv ilfls onc. We arefpleased.to statei ta , those. naf-.l-. Xlh li'it tnia aaci. suoutu onY.w tycii i nr Retail lJeeartmeBcis'eomitttjie, wiyjn Olr dcterminatidriirefal iiiins of our 8rsteiir.r.n weras" l none irtyif fSJyinb jimlXtHahnr, m.fc already at3SsetVVw 51 aiidldeepjreac- a bnderWmore monsttii, that1 the sirt A ORRi,fC!f J H:Bli ( bvernof of ViMnia should propose W;VBSV MfSf, t le destTuctioanofptawstnerAranf-H -:! irmatkln W tlieM iutoi-orathittg. ss than tountieaor.miiniciDal cor- : . -t: .u. 1 ftvtrfibmetne tentiency THE DUMBER of the n- nsjWrffclWtfPAt'aH fdttns of Chron BYiDr)JUine-'R YTofyltyl aneer.nn-, dote which destroys. and.frewoJx 19 caiictr;entire without the,hse of the Knife' rili!ii Itnw'of blood, and.' at 'the iwinie fim , vi'ietlF-T- f .- 4 yen ?-Wtfaiso treat an wnusoi uiwur. houftWelu,p .and, Otoe. Pise, xphcity ftcWowledgeditipu 4 unparalleled, success, ;1f especially. , from Germahas- a .ffrievancedrt l Epilepsv.r FHsBeunvatinfeuralffa" j f good reason for political agitation; Athina, Scrofula and Secondary SypluW. ( it does riot yetappeatlb-haV.e4 r - For all part,cufarst qTqujaw te cn -cognizedj it ia'.W fc g& ,'C: Jesuit catalogue, goes,, to ennru lSKS, U.-Cliajl.itte.Vu.Tf.-.. ate the ftordanr.prvmfe:iasi3iwl,r j K- ukktiai, JJ, Uj Juinter; S. C.fv Society of Jesus. It evep gives promi- - T . ... a - i.A.t -.Airv.iit.or.L,TTTRT rcpivcd. Tubs. Bucketa.- Baskets, wnrL :X UI" Ul ;-AVhboardr cKttwrBnBi'i oo Jesuit uruineia, 1' - -rirf-rf Heives.'"; Broonisrl IA thiro either bf the fri vince8,.vn,i;n,coniain "imfcb a.u L.i mernoew respepUYeiy-t .vf jt.wyu, -'oil rl wig .i ! u .TTTC?th llndetsjgnea J3e Xpnani oFjTjdHM their rrtcndiAnil.i.apquamtancea lUnyl rrmtTrvnnfl nrsLnwtHi UDOn PrcnpUqna trenateq,AV i.i.-. li vrtoiuitZi ,!Uii.tIJn dl 2 enotcfe Cffeen atlcl XlXMstevk Tlie8lWingf6raylaioajae Vln TMig bill iJrt v. v. ..r-:.f.. w Kirs " v 1 B(W :ue nwms lc vhuijvk1""" i "ru, yteifa , uuir x,a.,u fatteniftfyrpaiff W r8elliftg f v Ul AvAJX r.. " , . v j6c?Cotton4'Toa ".?,?rr' - rT" J ; CrtPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE, t M7't. nirwi'" ' "T termS-ijnbstiliVeralfWJiaitlerM liooT -:liK C i "r-r!: tirvwbrkininodewte salaries, Mt -2H72?ia Miiflio i.! Xlnf I'AF rfAlu KniMC fHfl .V c ". o - " - ' ' -V I ' f' ' - 1 ' ' Juiiej29fw MPq. .viiw Dmator. ra-,jIlUltr JtWIYffr view, v ,f-9 "11 ERCJHAKrst1 'Sr'l' SiJ-" - " vif oft'.tooa LviU;fr';" - -" Lluoy. . WlT?i'M.'MILLEItlAlSOyau rf ji m 4 , . , . - lni trf f- ?4 II now receiving his FALL an WIN- . 1 FinrttfTtH''M" nr t3 rV ,, -77 n, "i f f AHnJil JiiJ; 11 VJCTOCoFGOOl)SfbrMEN'SiWEAR,. r wiahingoanything n, pfy() ,yt OTEHrilAvqAL ,j ; Vr, Jft,n, i-.i.,t-. ml 1( iu if j ii ; ' tl.ttiM i a tit "U " ' JK ViJif ?it fl! J; J w ' - , 1 . . 1 ui ;f ..T ' ! I - . I li ' - fii hful Germany, for ijnute gSftB : Va ms! ?aelBIrOB W r ytf fi n?ed to hiui. Kefef. rv rnorehan a; fourth of :the:wttr ZtH 'U . : - LT n Cl . 5 y '"V tM!?P,SK ftSTJ:, 1 Jesuii;hb4ue ilf i i " f - 1 .Ti PL M E-R S.I iiV : " ' rSStv several rain'v - f:,.'-';Y',. wm i..f. "VTiTt rifi' JnwSiiii' tot' ! l ,7TV?A , .. T. J Kwft'WSi-fPS? 11 CJIiTY Gross BW.eI Ten isu jteami im- 0. a unito o urpnecs jrmgiacry com"' : awKljI. TEi3Hi-oUtoe.yUtk?u4'10?.bbi,.; .TjwHlW. .And; U, h.nt ; - iDIES,, d 'V .T Vf, named George tfouiwooa, nau l ftHkmUat- i.,Vi ' ktvtt ' nr t 3 w 1 " ' ' T J W I otva spree and ws tin Jiwrsorpet- -feh a "viiH- M.LLERfeOysV , T gQEVfr SSwap?& -4I?m i . noll J X aJ 4 Jli? U r ting sober nrepafatorv to resuming .. i y 'flohds- 4 I ' tfayfhiPS? XytWff tf PEm ntow n; i,3l boK ' .-UMnr bustness. lie arose Monday mow vr-.v.lSfft, hrj. .p? .'.TO" Tntl44AUtMa ffiufa"urinVer ... - ' .fpANsetured tt Serrices f-'-" ing and whihg in, theoict-f dressing- VlEACHES, Tomatoes, Corn, GreenJea, ; ' vui ft.lL.JS.vStt ! r 4 0rsate-)irn4lnattUiyniiJ 1 a.M ft f. f ,n;r , ttJeVlu prepared to riTesatiso.JI fell with vertn&lUiO Uhe ,apQii; The f &i00cans. juat receive.. FamUy . t.UfTTaViWl -a?o rn 8TENII0USS,.aiACAlILA,Yi A CQ4 . ' a, TcletrSTJb jtoal whftjOcRnjewijh .their patronage.. doctor htar0iedieiqit9W .uppUedat w4? wVwl'i mOXKB .JSr&ZV7 jltoKHA .LIW I. W? of jny and him -rrolto leave .his j-qotm aud,then rebll.t, v, :lLlgqSB, V'Tqjr i3P '-t -'t'-'-'i v;t" U.jr pWTTjui'W 5EgpjioLjyiU v if-f . Tbe. house ,wa as quiet rt . :r ;. ... r" KrAT.:, S1 .aarSjf?jJL7i agent. f ..said wny, ior . . MOneJDr.aYWOPA neniuij Eatuig ; r. ,,...7,. . (ri Ilrtl(tl-Wvr Laa.,,, .Opposite Mansion ouse. ,7 nn u 1 epmu-. hg something me' matter wroKei 1, Iri9h Pototoes, iust-recejywj,r. , - . PTR- . . . . . tL. ,.v;.Lt)F, , , t,t,.M, .. ,rt.c i Vp .- fl" 1 i1aufi"M.TlXE V?tTs-iriehtlCewi0riean.,6nglmiamon1tWSp fx 3,0 nf SiSrl Irish Potatoes warranted! sound,. Sfodl , . .v5Vi f aiit 'EjranW rta fetiLniso 2 HogsheadPemera Sugar, ;t 'fvjt 'L iv '"-'presidetttXM A' h'tut received tat . Av (,qf W Y1 I Lr.V'jt .inU j.v. hrtore and torsawax pnera wj .... jf , H,u- e-uA PipnFesfc inijaim Feb. 5 - " A- ""fj.Mxrftvanrt" . hv '.STENHOUSMAAUii W. i . 7 ' Jiw.,:. , " , , - - VMTfrr-VTT- st ,7 'A rt; :rJ:-nTVE Half bhls.. Spicefl. lg J. disturbed all day When thinki onen 1 h stripped stark nated bleeding like nog ana siiu siasninp wv throat with a pen-knife. He had ud all his clothes, and -throwii watch and chain valued-a.fe $350,iutOj the fire besides his pocket dook ana t rnWpi-cr TT tntAn 'ta1 the -:cov- A . v, . . ! Jrrlinent hospital for tthe insanetfnd Yptogm JZ!W MIT ,11 iwm not die from hi? wounds: liZ" TT MRS aUElV:s..;4 U Biatea, E be receivea.tl:i5 j4- Tnim,Ti,TE. Jresidnt. ... nofcnbwffth8Cr-lnos.v. Dx'wBYi'Cashieiy , 7 Ar,. 'C 'AT THJ5.5 AITKIQ HOXTSE OF 'j q j r. ATE. tOTiY.'.. . rTTh? TWtiV 'Chflrtered. Under Act of the . I I s General Assembly'ftnd duly organized , Tundey Xaws of the State of North Carolina; A. r ' . rr " ' 'i j- - . i--.Tir-fn rr-Trfc.M Rmfod Pies Feet lUST j-yti.-j..te xoi'j-n-.-r'vJ jxu.w ""J'i"'M'"rr'orr.rri7ji 'j.ilsiaith... ,,-n-jr.:--.-.- :.....- ....... .' . I niis Bill has (iox the PiicE. 'fV- jlii SVttfih" S ? 1 Vtdl ' V ,;u 7, f .aura oiri '4 feienosit. snbfet Bill has got the place.'Ho is "posW - ,Jj 'J VorU' ? n ' BrUyVimiTeWal JItotejfc,f5i..i J S Hn tor and for j masteerierapJ&hiW f 7 i 'o r th 1 MlidnAom lajqipinrn n f I j 8TENH0HSE, MACAVLX w i 1 eXertiflcates of Deposit : bearing! fafi - explained, it bysaH . x ,f,-febiJ8:1 bn buuk 'u terestatthe.rateor; f.-. :r.::wpo?. iiotbiTmonized recency wUhng iHeb? t::.:j t WSL iP. ' ,-.I& - Pefryiand th revenue riiigesides We5? tlUOKS'.Urid fllfg f2 f.jsi U MltLER&SO j r MJffiSS ia1873 -?lae'A H,C 11- fJef5r SStfeS Sl i iSil " met 0f four hundredn dollars vm ft ffv Tlm - r v . ItsdreWS.VUWfrw m-i,:. fnnOSIT)ereonstowhomwe hay ! s, .- f f , f:" , . ...'f Keutucky court-reptiagaipsi the ynTrTv VthoSrnne"rlp rtTlS in,ve'rece!eti fuUPPf? Tdefcsti. fr " trAAEIIIIia IACT3 4 . , tears, and occipic4 Wrs L. JfehJLr r T - , 7, Wep?umiV reel.r f?T.iTil mimiS 5 tofajw' . inirthetriAl M' jan -,',1t-,l mp 1M Tf"fam t'n.i ffSzl T7f. -J wfU j. -oh jiivTlose; fJ .raivT v.I oli X perry cn recsonable. terms would & . fZn 'tofChoiceTamlTylourJust in JESIt 0 Pota- antt,,, h: ... ,;. .U.tS.rr wdTto U earc.' ta to Court Journal has been taking a peep at the. -feh5 -:r vIt. Js . u --ill - bologna ..Sausage, Mereiy , fc "-v1'iBaa"gbp Tl ' C?l1 Fn. "fVP 0ii4feJ 1 c-idtST GUAHAl & NASH, V Radical city slate, and reports - the 1 Trcct--, Seel Oats. . ,J??3t a.iu.. c2;JzyJl ' j "gTnWSIXnY'vI " 5 fl. - . - -l-,- AttcmeT, . the darkies are. tired of doing-noth- - . , -r "V- lif 7' "!. ..fob 15 , . , rTEllHOT; lfACAOTAPQ-i 5 'lfMy?X. imU Uth 2fCa. c . ing but voting, ; ndmattfie next JUST received a fiH lot ;f Bpiecd rigs rE3I1 Fisb and ters rjrday. ,.3.1 vt?'j,:t odlj or:o r: J ; Jj: a 3. ..iJwfii ,-fr v . election elect a colored Board cf Al- J'rrti' for tz.lt hy ' rWT ;l-:iJat4-;i! i -- I ? Jtiwii.ro-.. -tJ i!iw.Tr.i ; j'iljV.R.ii.wJ -.-mf j-ts m , -r! ,x .-i , '

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