7 a. I RAT .1... -ls.. f - f- . . 4 J . -1 ' If J ;1 15 oso.oj: BATES OF BXJBSCEItTIOH.i I Daily1. OnSy'fairi&.i::.':.tiH "t Sir months, .in advance, ........ 3 co ! Thre'Mbnths, inrdvincel1J:ii.Ji. .:... On e to onthyi :ih.adv?iic6rU.auL.;i' c ci TrlAVcekly, one year.;...-...,............ $3.50 Weekly," one year....... .777?.. ........... 2.00 POBTRYi ;Out of the focal anfrlSrefcrosiliTaP- 'Out of the hospitai,fjwul as dire j, v' . Braitten of grape-ihot'atid anfrene, ' (Eightecnth'batttS, and he sixteen ;) ppectre, such .as you seldom see-r- Millie uiueu vi Acnnesee i -. i - .j 'TakeJiira ' AndpMrelcQme.r'tlxe surgeon . Said J ,. : - t .:;.- - ' T ." : "Much your doctor can help the dead f And so we .took iliipij anjd)byoughJi!ifm I L jLwhere . - ; -: - .-- . -Tlie balm was swect-on the .Summer air: .1 Ana,weiaia nun uown on a wiiuiww.iuci Utter Lazafcusi h'eeTsb head;;. whansU; ; 1 Weary if J-wtflvttie bated breath';7 r ( Skeeton-bov againgt-slce4etonleaw-t - 1 i. " ' . ' -.. I ?Dear'b'ottler"''at first; of course, and thett 1mi iKL-TfliaiH . f'iiUfTiirinff'Ji ahtiut .w-thK' Dearllaptain. inquiring1"' abtut r"-tlif i ' .Weary weeks ofthe stick and cruth I - I H I w im svnrsJionsfW i inci a f-.tigiu ..dims areaueano: payable, on juae.,i?t C Still illuitiS theUeeT-brueyeU O- dIcabljshmenUiM ' I 1 Rnokeof a suirit that wouldn't die 1 ' alwhoIe?alejMart,n.wirs XHE oi aK . GRIER ALEXANElt i 'And idR'nay :tpjsi,jindeatVl I-.?' tgrpwtheaJlegeiin.eyen epeWed.l i., f S ;v; y. -r- . I . I sDite ' ?t 4ii;fwHi opinion of some that there. is :-a;kind-of 'f t-ar'vrYiMirTt'' Mf v'rv 1 I TTiecrtMsteletnto ntlohny attatt1 A hm &r4my&'in SIl JUIJ A 01 J nUUbli. (Captarft's answer i Of ;'ehty knd flte,4f vinml that 'We have piirtiaUsuctwded Gifferfiinil l are left alive-' vf Hn ur cherished plan, we. have concluded V Johnston's pressed at the front,' theysayi!?44 J4iue uiueH.'wi up aim awaj-i vt, j..r . ; A tear, his first,as he bade good bye,: ' Diramed the glint of his steel-blue-eye f urU write if spared f Therfrwas news of -A fight, ." . . C Bui n0neof5ine-he didmot write 1;-, I sometimes fancy, that whenrm king,?. ;w And Ujiy-TalJaiit cotfrtiersTforiu a ring, And each so thoughtless of power: and : tpelf. : .. M. ; v C Ana each sojoyal to-oUbut selfv'-r-y. I'll iidve the'Ze.ohMiis"bendeTknee ' . Yes, barter the whole for the loyalty . Of Little Giffcn, -of Tennessee! . ' 'i . , J ' . ' I -. - r "'Of'' t ' " '"V J ' . , x U r-: ' 4 . Hortn Cacrlina. . -:r We ar, gratife, to know vtjiat - the; tide of emigration, is i ovinft; toward this Strttc with a steady, current Jt .was slQvy.at 4ir?t; but m, 'gradually and steidilyiincreasing j-it--; volnrne. Much bias Ceeu Uon'e to aid JL'iiy the eiforts o.GoIonel George :Lttpj the. tttsiite Colli miskiprier df-'-Bmigrkt ion. 4W. well aS; by ? the"i'eITort--of Tseverai ageri,Oirnjbjig which tbQ T Apr, Ptwmanpany iias Cjati)ic liret share. V ir ; ' ''. , f We niiiy proVerl; repeat; tijer f 'pl thef rfetsoifa ;-:why- w-e' thinkNortH Carolina 'among the best States . for people tw? Emigrate- to." - While iicV terhtorv s?far2ertharrthat of elfhf- , fe U r jwew York or,; Pen ttsiy Ivan ia; she BJiaSibut littlirrbretbun pne nirlliori . "vof iuhabitaiitsr'Alang:u-ber eastern f4 1 i m her, easi ;;kccessible iojrater. -1 riiinsportationf jthd jnau.nHjgVaiti' from tjieorih. are npw'tciperaluit, bron fably t in . tha.t region. 1 hese IsLitdri clftiLrmLand Snrohntiv alrainfedv , art as.hne for agnciilturaliypurpose bv productive turpenUiie trees.'hiqlb. are; highfyl (remunerative ;to..(thoft who box and. dipT.lthem. r The soiiv being: a sandy ;'Ioanv iiint any1 plACesy .-Tirodifcesaaline lv crons !of V cottm'a5 Avell rf.tlid-VerealsviCliJallboliveye; esnedallvjsuited la !."errape' erowiiie. and;, fiie" pr64uctiori;bf wiine. iV hai e UeenJufarmea that Mr.' Yt ortli.' i n Fay ett evi ! le, obta i nediT th & i pwsi season fronV' uingfe Kscupperhong' vine elglity; .bushels ; of.' grape -.and two ' HundrBiV .Wd ttfttftfrUantbTlriM I -There are other vines in JMorth Caro s lino which make v larger, yields , -an- imallv. The'deuiaiid; too, for these1 l uative wines' is v rapidly increasing. I The island onontrh and to spare an ! eastern North Carolina to'furhish ;all ? the wine that can be consumed ' in the United-Statesr-WjTyshouid not lEtirpean emigrants from vihe-krow- ting regions, make this; section .. their 'ThIlii1JdlkV)Bgi6n i l l- i" -;V -.Ji 'bit ' tenaiug nearly inreev nunurpu, nines to tne oase oiue t mountains, h vmi unauiating ppunryj witnr sou geief i . as anv lp the' wJrla.B!i"w'l''3 1 1 InsKle Jo( thisectiojthere; ; i3 I l)r(iad!heltl'mtlcli of which" is coverecL ing ciayeiiougli to wamjienuizeWjLtjgs at4Ahj- uucing une crppSiOi vciover.T4;;Fovwa, x r . . ''.""i n ..v i . .... V looaccw on grasses. .AiL'irqiw--c temperate climates caA-be 4rov With advantage,-and waterpower;1 u abundant for manufacturing purpos-' esi,- - - - .: - t x e uiqumain xiistrict. nore tnan . f . " i ..r':. .il. I vu miuuieu in lies m lenciii auu in-r. tV orrixtvi hrnaH? iarpmstrkablm'rfoel ilJ.....-l. '! ' . W . ... , ....... r . us ireeuo great abun grass6?..uot beina surnafeclby arivfrT " 1 1 - i JnwJ2?tt)?iji;rj uh 4oi:m cioyer, ;ii m o tn yr wc tMara grass- &cni dforxiiMi neool um)lJi 'Irish Potatoes, just 'Teceiveu at- - "M iner chmafe it has scarcely aiv equal; hvhilen' wihterlhe weather ;lmiUT- i: u 'J ?. i ' 0t- J? , ..Mti. vHe,.4rpnjac ana uxo.r, ais i ".--pM.w e.r, uMP,-timper ana :iu u.wrr aiwpomt sit nntvuw! tlia suture home of a - dense population when h All e-cEntfalitid iyestcrripoK uons at qrtli, parolinan abound, ,ip4ian 2 No lofahtiea,;; while - inexhaustible PPhesofthbestiron omftvtr. ire foup Jrrtany ib6alities;J while some Qfatheeat of kowngold veins Akira 'w State- ,Alic4 au.eu:i.4rgeplates.,,Wor market on? aveiaire twn, idnii-ir pound, in severaV is'!v.k i unues;-un6 ot the mines in Yancv. )teundersfjind,pay '.'tiSffi fit of SloOW ASrSSfl?, ;-eJ.F10: ht of $lo0per day. xhipfly, in, tolls, r.s three hands pejay.A mine;in"the r. jmi,eu county Mitcixcll has treats I"'" . . r T - . , -i i - i ' i-V lijT-iVB tw; II L .;! J naWolI ;:uh i ..vax . & .... - ..a ; ;,v i;-.-' FL v 1 ' z a-'x . 1. i;-- 1 ' - twrerai OTiiers.were lour vears. ao eTc(arpthe3awerqrfdur r yars; ago offered tp Qg'6f;dni capitalists n. Since .thcS 5J rnnnyhevi 'tUscovief ie hav.bcin'indae'thatJ tlfcS sutt66ulr tlit N6rtll Cax ojiriit canj supply: thjs Remands offorii rnerceVrUS'Chesetisefin aadls turq nuuejaHftshpwijOui' ( readers add it ioriat: xsdnsfQrii)jjrjl opi n ion-v . lViilr AWrtr-v',c ItAl U '...' .o-vl . 3T3..: - POnDJ MQ ? 13T3. "T ft M p t? f! w a tmt - ' .i A V Aril A-V U AAa, 1u JL. KJ . . tf endeawri CeIiU Ifartler: eradicate the eirouepushlearvhy-presenting,tthis cpnnn seasorfoVthe-'TraiKi,1 stil! 'Larger vand bettcir assorted -Stock tbaii evefet we ever jiffered before, so that Country Merchants will be able 4;find3n!mirhnhse ivotf onlv 'all he jieeJsMit a very Jarge -stock, to seec$ frtn ;;thcre,by, hejpg lenahled to operate by- buVing in dJ0erent.hou.ves Xorth, where Ire artuallv. needs iii 'order to hm'an ss- In; iew.:on the foregoang.Mr. , Em tela left on the -27th Jannarv. 2tunch ftnrlir than) usual, V-TuY fNofthcril Markets vand Manntactunng places fWAcmi lie will; re inairi two monthsin makin? our nurnliasps: $iying;everything jTrom nt hands on the - .J 4.-' .T-l 1" ' -T T "T- 1 'ium- iri.us au.v juuunm no use in uai- runorf" Iuladelnhi or. Aew jfrk and .he assorthielwncn thus completed will :uern ower hiteoflVbUhtihansnialler shippers lere.tbrings IheTactpatent that..we are in a iiosytion- to succeswuiiv compete .with 1 -i I.I.I.!. 'J S Jll Ti'i t-.--. ite ft' ' vWe are .pleased tavs'tate to those tinac- puiiited-witlKiur Housed that wf - keep complete lines of - Dry : GiodSj'roceries), j lardware,; ' Clothing, Boots ; and - Shoes,' Notify Vand ven""MiIKnery,,r : -3t)ur 'B eta i t Tjmrtrheh t iscomplee,rWi th iheiitest Xovlties aird in bnlk second to uondiintheCit.'-;. . . -';: Our Millinerv Pepartinent will be carried tin as uiualr VeryKespectfullyrjTT'f feb 5tf . -' , j cfeOER cCIHIED,3 BY Dr. K3ine' Wonderful jCalicer Anti dote WhicTt destroys and removes the" tfruiecr'ent ire tKthout.the ise of the Kftile oithfc Ioms of blnnxii and. at the same Jim vwlth i Unparalleled ;-'.suocess ; tesjecialiy tepilepsyibr Fis RheTimatismjNeuralgia, A ttlill ' tSeMftrta and SecondaW S vohiliw. ,.Fbt fun parti euiars, circulars, &c, can nr.or'addreis rr-- j 9J Wash boaTdj-'CIvurnsv' Shoe Brrtshe.. i -Rrvre fca mi d ry JBkMios', t SeiYes, ?l$roi nns, Illt:ics, tc. Sold as usual on small profits T feb' n .alii n:SMITII. - . f :Kg:'f Peet et, J ;; I7LEGAKF Cot of Pigs tfeelr, pfeklM:i If UJ you Jwant sometlHiigvery paiataWe. "Call soon? 'K."i-a--i'.: cr ' Also-'fin Jot of MIJfCE- ifEATV All reauy lor inaKingrnesr anu li you wisirwe will ha ve them made up to orler forydu 1 SIiEl)SI,SEEDSFr -Iff fi t tJ, n 3LQYZR; Orchard andBlue. Grass Seeds, W jist r fefyll K. iT. MILLTEK SOS' IpEACHFS, TomatoesCorn, Green, Pea. 1? Acfi'lOO t:ar1. . jttstreeeivedr.' Fainilys supplied at wJioleswe.i)riees.,.i; y: j - . lIacaroni; 8 i n l w.jp j.ty -x i v js Barrels uooa ung i rnl TENHQUSJlACAItAY CQ-' I Hsn 21 " POTATOES. Another lot of so i-x Irish Potato6arriited.soUrta,;ofta i lorcooicingr purposco,Tic ? i w per v uumiw, lusc received by , .oixua vw t.p jeov -ofliUU rl3?'ja si "H-2 'JTttP IjA': &fBfiM :. - ' : . :0: A CHA.SLCLE-.,.-- . . . ..... " ;w2?ew Idea Saloon,! T 3 V s -11 1 . nyn U-wm-kecp-con I v' n ndA Cne t-soiZment ctbe V 1 ;TJLl4wlJ---i ana.-:Uuaiio, rns will be spared to give general Ktii-cUoiw-.Espccial attention giye:to rttTth-t iii, J,a. tixby-s con - that ISorUi Carcdma w aumt)stinf4tf ing j State.tdltTigJmlgran TVie SoJa, NewYbrk'.s- ci&ApadX i increase or Otir bunjess jsince , we removj xt ; up; !n a.0OiVnt Jo. upwards of Two -llamlred TuHiiarfd' Dollars. f' r:-i,-U!; , c ' The e,t,i.ttses. aUachei,to carrying i on a ?Usine5s, riere; being , hiuth.". less tliari Jt, 'would 'be, in Xorthem Cities, 'and liaving a" n. to tiier inspection of which' we' f inv overconveyxnerienaencyi 10 caneerf,in; wie sstem'F"Vd also treat all formaof ClirotA c: ' Lutisr-Sta'ndi nsr" ' and . Obschre Disease; "'X; II. LiKDLEVr M. D.f laiarlottej-tV" ' 1 ' 3! K. JiEpTLKTJki, jU-r Sumter S. C'u. tTUSTrtfcVfved. and you can-get -them all smoking -4kk, fcb;4nii 1 11 ti f Uli.il liU Market; iVi'riery Tor Ladieav- iiisses "ana i;niiqreii atcostat"-! - HR3,QUERY:s: iji ' ,,- - - i I.'.'.1"!"'..!.'..'-'1" 'i1)U),,m, ,i -, ,'M1,f ., ?. 3.. TOl VUn t. , , 71 YY Parfts Factory illled BALTbnf liiiad 'lUUhdfot'Ssale fcyvT ioy rrj SXITHUI ifACAULA'i&CO.'i XI toners softife ticaelsirice. that dur'tusir iiess would chankeTHJanuarr ilsff.1 we! takenfpljfoe. and it risitotjbCiWnctlyijUAiJUi or 3017 AJ3 pEEDIT. vTl7siwh9dasnqt iBnnl'feasanC-dutv't.f sdciivinjr1 TO our many friends and patrons we Tt turn: Ihi'iks jarfd ak continuanct-iof t uieir iavors relieving mai oj a sinci ap plication of the above jrules, wejrill be able to sell goods Cheaper than-those who loie 7111115 , Proprietor, of the aboxe .named L Hotel respectfully-in vites the people of d t make the SIMOXTON i tlOUSR a Jfirdlfui HOTEL, and worthy ',of PuMicr patroHagw 0? . .! vu f..vrff.iiT-(,APteICE,nvi jz nor zo-ti - - Proprietory fli:'rW "eit-- Vlr'f-.'"" -n; i . nji-.nl ;? j iM " i era Vt. 1 fi n f n.fca-r.E 5 wive. i rescnpiiona preparea avU - Jaoura ; , v - of the Bay and night. , Choice rcoii and IIIack Trn Selected especially foBTctrhiiyf and IhvaU s ! J nn , !4Jrug.iJt?re.,-: ,2'Ji DrueStor Vr "i iVtiPnrtfi Sala TfZ.i 4'4fi Jt rXVf ".lot 1! : A atvdviMuwiv uaa iuai at;vy f it at-r,i : r ;irF.SCARR'S j'ufiS 'f!rt. i'f " DrugStbW.i i f f ! I-'V FOItiSALfi. Tf'l A , Lot on. fine H0RSES1 and -MUIESf XX ill splendid, onlern AtAVIOiOK'S LlVERY STABLES.4-. Horses and. Mules for sttlere kept ora ban 1 constantly" 3 noyKrftf " " '"l1 ; fat ' ;"vdttl ' 'w!j 1 rl i - x u .i T?IFTEEN. Hundred Bushels , Mountain A Seed Oats, for sale by , v ; . . ' 1 u K . STENHQ VSE, MACAULAY iCO. 7- -'V.-' - nov 30;, .Sacks "Country Flotrr,; 'different -Grades, Tor sale ftt-i v.'Z.J id jan 21 It. M. MILLER & SOiNS, '.'I f-r TUST received a BbU of nnseWhite Saur O Kraut, bt Asiji by -crrr'siisVf' AUAKENBOS HISTORYof the United rr T1E have receive! aull BspXf tf-these VV f tWi rBuin?ELieor- -.1 !rt,M,M R"iTio .;TiiW'ri"2,Iouitain To.a' fr Dried Apple and reaches, trc - r a nnlp and reaches, v. rcen Seed Oats. jr. ripples, Bologua-u, T ifSHITH. J ; - p fyCT. ...., . t.V la-j" : y promptly neea not.epect, any javorsj you are in arrearaott't ask for Jcrc lit! save ? . : r.r. . . Charlotte and the public generally Jo? -calJl, on himwlien4 they visit :StatesviIle'.H Will Jsiifirc -neither nainSi nof nioner'v-fo ust received . a iotojf "seject .BnicM Yox cki"5; Preservcsr&cVat- F. sCARR S f June'lJ4 i'.'10 'Drugstore: f! ' "!. ......i 1niKiliiiHiiniii.il lit l . K.H.itin1 JtmdPta 1st' 2nd arid: SrttV 7 Corneirs G ii ,fr BarieyUiuveiat History , f , r -BulliQik' Morris Latiu flraritaag'.; SWEET Potatoes. afhe-WWingltt. . 1 1,50 ir bushel'at Jl' i :roj3t 1 .AT- 1 t- oJTirrfl (UJ A - m ti a. . - ' , . . f " . . . , t . w. f TAyrlu m.TA vd :n9mK rnvotn trmu'in-j s ajuf V; J(iy AjCaskets of al) si p, anoxic ot fin1, r . tT 1 " f.?Ar f ' iT1 " " " 1 r Ih i ci Wk f 3 ,i: t mis 1 iftTl T m s ( "U 1 A u f Oo T -T v -Ji) "U 4 rX Z1' w.bo -noma - Ein5raqiTQUh3ftunaWes!lea Bumus, Drtssine ' Cp- TTarroho. , Sideboards. Book. Cases;) Desks, IHat Kacks," 'Efageres, 1 What' ' NtCrad. aiiv pa vvj j3ivraxior if luuni.ning jim1 all yaneties orstyie4 and xmlsn. This" Bouse' a?so.tkeepi:ft- full tUi&ActZpxir-tili c iinoi ctAumaLC m,v ic lririnaiiru wiliiiii!iiv ruivrF ui.hiii ' . - fc'Siieclarattetit. 1 f T - Inn vt CAUU SEElAiJ .PRXCEFOTIE BUYING ff rf ' " - - - 1 - 1 tt r7l t -ibrt f ft j . o fi l. ui nr'M i i T tj - ; - - TITE the tlodersiirrfedibesIlearTe to thank f l , nor f friends ieiid, I tMUaitanceal fox I ampiojer, jir. sjnrier. ivori ne pasj jeajv and most respectfully a&lra continuance bt 1st respectfully &&ra continuance Of id as weitrestililt1 iheTemple' of ttie'samc JFaahicii. JtesietfiillvC. oiWSM I I'M :tt :v .7-: : - ; i 1- -r -1 r ti taac; liAi cOjinrn.odate Boarders withy roomand oaroers wiw room , ana oieals otwjth tnfeiLf iinlyas th Boartfef may desirfth,blliWihgtvCiay,,1bl., he corner, of Trade and Church istteets. is a xi one 5 the looms itre cleaniyi comforts ably,lnf ath: jfurnisjie R andvweil attended. TJTJ , Just Eftccived. (eld I" ;:ARGE liOT SHOULDER SC1rFS,NIL J SON TIES aidb'Bows alt?XblOrs'?at greatly, reduc'prices, 5j at receiTred at i Tn ; OtCEOciarenchBjkhWfot.to vTcinaturiibSes', ktFkrARR'Si f jan 3 ' 'VV -7 1 1 13HJl ' UJ '! ji ."'1 i?.THE BEST IS. THE CHEAPEST Ufa arid Watson & Clarke's. .'SupefrPhtwphate; :: We: hftfe pleasure in. again f tendering to ouraruiers, jifj fabo'ejrstjiasa; Fertili sers .4- I. vears ah teed -tS-'bCf lttf - :tlreir ! - previous high sttaami.ni . enouiqwj iiir Andtd sikchjaisc hake-Bofo yet nsWl them one trial will convince them that,, they am T.erriis'ntbst 1iberaV4to stpt clerks wlio fe-fe'omgfoPincere1! i:1 TlfE 1 6f"'hty fcfolfbwlng f'eftlii'zers": : 1 1U PaWi)o-'QuiTwy,-' Clifcsapeake Ciaano; TA lltAtfTiA'tvATfA iienrt ffAn A mart li ; wTifcea trtiiy say xnattnev are euar- ITlsuperiotojMt others r80.3waKj?suiW supply ana ihwsc nau m uu yiwc arlv; isMlie cosfainbtioiT exceed the LanntactuW'WwiS 'f) I1 lirsaie inany quannpv,' oy- .'. STENIIO'USEi:AlAiAULAY & C0. ; Jan 10. ' ' " - lb? Jt:xnrlotft? ff iHOgsheads Bright jcw; J9f4e4is Sugar. I Qt )P Barrels Choice ? ': i. Molasses, : .. S-"1'" 1JMolasse asses in (store and r.sa reprices to suit the .rimes tm mflni-itiMTow ir 1 n 1 irr a v .fc . . . C ' OJ. dXlXXVIylOA, 1LQ.VJW W WV.Ji r P0R SALE. : ns rO to HOf .irdnl t ):tS.'(M i -if a ktk :'.'AJ)S.Wpin:tt f basiit toJLiirerjt I -Sai fh'nArniositeMbOvwy cFiirnd.-rSal fiib'epitefbojpfy ItCpt COIISULU1V Ui MU1V. , j.ot.ro ;.tii 1 ot tyofo' ;.lo r f .'. . .'n1 ..." : i-jaa IL.'tT'i A Supply Supply of Penn-;-?v?r"j:T,?3 nTcj Clover1 -t 1. . r . " ' Iv- err; . ; ::.-.CAXJU.S.co., i', 4 J' 'j vrt i.T'li1 !. H If irfTitfAihrrlifiafew City oirJtx) at a very reasonaoie rate. Appiy w i rtfio-i:.rf r.T v'.:- -fit mHOSlS person iP,?1!; Fj-j ,JL tended credit during the paJtjelr will and sett'. : -1 1 : ir Uecc m tr as this niat: De. act . , .. . 11 . j i 4 v . . .. .. ,..- - - ""1-. 9di ' - : l i ;fj ,.r , , " ' i.r,.; H jk)h f ...... J . - t- ' . - - I 'i!fWw & a, K i tiTl n.u-. diit lo a)!J'., I ,7f it '-A'c'-u:' iogetlifi wjfj Mahejany,! nir&A MT bbaa Hote!s, Vf' JUCT ntcr:v d:? ViH GiAr 1i iro t jaPD vi Iyyj-cy--Li rx.sH:?'i ti; 1 mow r tnttt 11 : w- ' 11 in T 1 1 1. . 1 1 ii 1" 9ia J.cr XIXIXTaodi , i.Jj 1 vJlHCHARLfJTTX.'da : chut c f fiParticnlan .attention n&sld ti tcT2rtetall f kinds oX Produce, .CottQA andTcMeco.f . 1 U , -Hiehest cash orlce Paid for Cottonr a-' . jlu ordera irons a x fliatanc nromcowoai t;j..irrtijt. TOtifiI 3a.a jn' J Hut ERCH ANTS , visitjAg C3iarioifei will 1 o riA't Attoinexi & . Xlonnaellps r, at) .Wi . -s . fxcD,vvaui3ireeiy u ji " i,!'iJ ', JVRWi'VnirtP' fJTTVl OftrI tan WILLttemnipdy Vd arf rlr6s1oif- fo th Chief Justice and Associate Justices j Vl.iiie ouprviue court ui .orui varuuua. and tdltbe.whfile Ntrtth CarollnavBarii a 4 &ci-.v&fftLtMx nodi OlXTT Gross Steel-Penal 30 Tanis Writ-' M big Paper , d5 doren Copy apdTriing Books. Wholesale and Retail . - j at 441 ' 1 ' 'WR'EFOlrS." a. feb 21 , ,, f. , ii.M,;:; t p. A. rr; a. La Directed . bvi jk-iesoliitloJij adopted W SttckboWerl meeting, of jsakl Qomr on' the Btli inst subscnutiohs .wil ' W that to thTJapital-Stock-bf said Uiilpany4; until th3?d day of Majrch: frprjthaf Wfurtlier subscription trill be receiyed to tUUa sijUCK. injiu ailjr vucinn uuw a buu-ii- ber therefor at lesshan ,ip,pet Wutpre minnii on the tiar value thereof. ; . J' toignea, feb gyMay'jrfyqcnfa 'XVBairWli.i'ifeleetf PliS Veet'IJttsP 4 J? W : thA exeat xlertiiiKior -th?n fti3ieort: Unties, fcall soon, they. are going wi- , 1 1, ...... . . . . 1 , . ..." p 17774 1 'iJ" X'l. 171 v.'".-- rTENHOUSCi MACAULAYy CO) ? CJELLING MU'iiaery "r...0j, all - ' i. For r 'rtv , eip;;". - . '.ri. , htttht'.. 1r r r TVT yepfieapt V VKtrbltW jan;4ni ' 5f;uia" jt' .oUq; nihid iJt'our fancyrand Mir g"V 71 great! j r?:! lT:.iMr1 rTrfio r.lake room fir Fri"T. 1 b l?k i .J '"ijl-TTi'i V ?y?t:an4ild.wLr, fj-f ifirD KXsksTincianaiiTJgnoa ,...aZz jm,' cr. . ... Q i Curesjiilatcsv J Just recu i -cr.I : fcr 1 - , . , . 1( " . . '. r 1 ' l" ' 'ralechcarjfctf AifT- ki inl ,Wff.i 1 'Ijjj ;tni STpHOF (HACAULAY.CS b YrSl . , ,? ,;nr, 111 rerteMiirubtJi '-foliate TlZYTlt-s wishing oinVest in such pro 5 r T"l v Vf& "ptl4H!iirJ-: ".l?.? :;:. erf iLI ierrus wcld m- 1 ... - J i .... 3 sM, ...2 10 MWf t 2 t . one TreLk..... .' two nee Iv?... MM.r9 "CO- month 8 d . ' Xtrxrtionately low rates. . ' .ihi JiTlvj-Jsscitriisitt quart crcV ... pu and ten squares as a bp lf-cohrrrnf - lyl'n j?id no'.nti'l tii brrir-a .afkrult ; . X 13MJU.it ;. OS ji i? Ci - i . v3k.' Tst gait a-iTiii.il4 Wseu'r oa si nr -ifmcflfn ri,fnrJcH iri-ahnm! fionji sdl lnb ... : y .4 . .Itli'l ' lilt. .a. fu rf .... --... . i 4. ... . tf,. , . nrtttfc Hill r- - . " ,0YL mir n bnjjL .f oiJ7i--a c -olC ii 1 itil-rjv. .i ".jT7n:r. I .f '1 1 I Iw T It Spectacles, &c. j ; .Vi J5 i;'Wi"'sX iii jjidT .t:o:t iOfft ti 2a diKcortdt b9jyfileJ& saw " AND iMNYtw,?t ia m ."A esn:eX, ' La iuhuff yn-jll .rfalbllu 'rt -a noMi5.off iilifwi mm crrccO ... 1 -y! tt a-?ii'J A - ..wo i"!- t tutat'J. K" j.ty a v J L:Jr,i e,w noil OPPOSITE TO It MANSION nOUSErl r')?'H' 'f ;4 thi- - ? "'-i.il 'ji'roil 9fil f u:) ."ifjh Otober ijJJ,i ,4JoT4 rrtftimam t.i J v-r S . 7 PHI L t I E S"4 -; nfid ,i.aj;i i7JiTLt . U JrrKJ mrj 'IXZPU.LP rJnf7rn. jthe . pulicltllat he, U u J TEH STOCK bfCOODS for SrES WEAK, Tr anc j invites ail wishing1 'anything in hia J t!T lllie ltO.rr?rTf . .t t-v rf FtrMt'iii fT nill i ... . .. . . -1..J-.J,. - i . . 1.1. 1 . . f ail kinds arid at priccshich defy com etifibn. iiu-.irVL nn'tfif- f Sftn . oi'r-li I Hi )Stpck,pf .QEIfTS:ri,FEXISHI3?aj:i GOODS is large ahd unsurpassed ,for : beau-' t-r Mrtd o"iTlitv , HATS and CAPS -erf the latest tyl fer-' MEAiandBUitJ. . - .Siu'v'tvl .U Ht V -.naMoJinfiK ihintlStJd'r . . iiAvi.NU seeureci tire services-or a io.. 7 . iWittQ-ara prepared to rfyiatisfitctio' a wno iavor nie wi their , patronage-.-. 04 TIfT7nATn OP IIECKLEUBUBQ, f 9r"h ivIHAJXLOTTE,-NACi -rdT; r.3tq j a-ri Hh jjV ; .yi.iilv. MthpedtfpXtaiiOOiPOO Hut a bp -f .fl'Trrnii'o-ifi &i ftcoa" jAfjTcaiVtR Tate, President.. . .. , ThOb. W. Dxwkt, Cashier, " F ILiDpriTj-Asst. auhiei? ' ? Vj 1 liT This Bank .Chartered .UmIer0Artartf .iheLi't r GehWAsseinbly and duly organized 3 . ynder,l4wa otthe State of Jfirth CaikOlinaous itStfe means is prepay sactj i'i . aiirBiJi acconiir)dations ,td aJtiti Cus .wtit toners on, liberal Tenns , ' , .w . . .j J Chk, and will Allow Interest According '-" to- Agreement on all Depos&sjeft on time, ' 6t isqe Certificates of Deposit bearing in- j. ' tCTeta5t;rr0B -niuuo? imi JoT vipanl f ; . , . ... t .r, t '- -,. ' ! -r-'r )f " -' i: .irnetiiJanacoiTe" on e ..'-St. 4 Ctir . 1 . ItMl

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