7 is rw r -Extreme cold is prevailin-j throuj, crt t!ia cdantrV' Kbrtli. Uouth: H : : , . . 3t , i I . A splendid Iron-clad Jri of 7ar, named EateighV has just btis launched at the Chatham Dock-yir&i, -niattd. ';. . . ... One of the subjects discussed bj tbe : prea in the Sandwich, Islands is . Jthe que-, M. A telegram from London states that U is believed the fraud on the Bank of England will be two milUonfllars.-. . General Edward Johnson, died in Ciehmond.CVif &J15n&SttH& Tied Tuesday. 'Jiul 1 W U J . The Report that the Senate committee ' bad decided ttf reeomtnend the expulsion f CoUax w pronounced a &teho(fcr,v T . Hon John jTPatterson, TJ S Senator rm South Carolina, was sworn in with out opposition. i-fjV" Nine thousand' trbvp3ereln3jne at Civ Inaugural ceremony. The Pytotech nie display was splendcd. . .,, J The Republicans ofVpaiiji " tfreconfi - dnt of achieving a brilliant Triumph over (be Carlists. Oh Saturday they-; defeated Cwlattetat.Veranjansd. "XV L , , . One EnriJrcd thousiaa nollarsl-v uj. tjpropriated for the government- building 'J: (Pust-otace J510oaVXe hi Congress. bVforeits adjmirn dsnt 'Grant, b, U-3 ita .or, i jvc ry crdinar? t!iin. It - iu 'z? d:' 1a Cuislied for it3 Trent efi that dignity r.r. 1.. elevation "cf thought, that Ir.dth of view, tfis.t wiscst&tecman tip,l.':!xr;iI;t naturally be ex toclt J, froi'the Pd.ldent '6t a grand q-IIrpt: 11 ic-trrbwmpertsn t--oe casion as, the :rgiratioii-pr.4revsE: administrationp TL3j addressj was rather morejnefX tlian the Jriaugtf- ral addresses of h?s illustrious predeM Il?6ldad?-e that --brevity jsjthp soul of Wit.'T Tat the misfortune in "X I ' j IleTiai certainly acte2lin ey tlrayacr cordfw ith a party th at halofcbedl The Pomero1nWit cbnditiOiif f trtib- charges of bribery agapst f Pome- he morals would noj bfe- not susum-jn,qugnwnergKaji bcen mf existence He speaktOf his i sneak having made ah 'effort tb; tere the arts of J?eaceUJrZsr;ess; 4uHng ths past ooEr-e3jcaalV UOrbe iiop-i York' Toy are sauch positive swearing pro and cop: ' . " From San Francisco 'news has been TmArrmA to t! efF&ufrthat, thw Hodoo iln jns have.Jn, C?le4,tatduri therefrom. . - v-j. j . A !' : 1 r u : J The Carlists .are pcttecutiDg ihfcVi lost arts of honesty and virtue, t He tnst the Spanish Republic vigorously. ' begin at 'once .h1i.?!rp A-neir duiiii bloody war - art rapidly organizing ; in the Basque IUCU lie UMi: fcuui . w 10 ; tttkcukivu : nu Provhicesp iniNavarre, rAlaira,- Catalonia j 'and AragdS. - fH .1 minor ons en vxTioif s. General Cook thinks the back bone of the . Indian war - is broken. Captain J.ack'seeuia to .think differ- tl' ii i. x '.hi .- r The Newbern Sun r speaks of stagnant pools. Since the expira- tion of the Fcny-secorid Cougress, ia not "John" a stagnant pool? tita oir thf4ttijctt7anrhad "be fished out of. the water. .Whep lie oajiw mp ,j pijv 8apre,;pe4ng was alightly (larnpj e meeklyj jbledded for wa dry siooi of clothes?'-'' r.' dry v.-ADanbui7'UercliimC,ierilactf that in view of the prospect of "lots of weddings' hft-has laid inCk Clarge stock of bdets tfhd 'shoes;&cC Baby whistles arid' rattles would fee Minora in demand: 4' A rolUcVing-ybungrr inan n Brooklyn, way of sobering a boo y friendpjijled jhia hat , ;overf,ybis eyes, wratchecl vVisJheJfor-'-hiin and shoeTinr abotit r$i&ikFXo6i in a manner that was quite amusing By way fcf etiecking thWathejf anii ing proceedings ;of the rolfickin young iniibirie boozy friend drew a hnger siigle-b:arreL horse-pistol an put. dayiigiit through the f latter, which Was anything but amusingi died m-Eichmand- 'Monday; - Bene?! in thenfe'eiafe'famwafi tinetion. United took part in thavFJprysi ;andmw: can war. his case is"r Tr.fbrcvity scanCa'tp come from lack of wit,. rather; tnan from" supcridi oi:lP'"tIeii:Af 'w' wor :scre eoncinnc3aiso.Tmea so The President says he has all alon endcavcrt- ; f-pbter-estef tlSri.oU-pcopje.It is tm Tortunate fir the-cbinitry;lr t he has signally fhnirhls .:!;k r.nd ruined the' country; "and . made of the AtTericin ingress aeii;Of tlnevesi z Had' yh8.rjfippc?ed;:eveTy schem e' o rascality ; frowned upon every attempt ,to rstitut egis !i4bright example or'virtue nd doI i ticai i!rr:-""f: f rsar-in v, jo an - with ATpodesi.: nc:t ir.:;auon, or a wise oeapw,ouiOi tpayuopeiu Jjghi t4 JU i cay v;hc;. - fon. afv W V 4 zith. he shall be released from r responsi bilities, and return to; the. shades of private life T Jn other rrc&i jrU,.be glad when 'lrJiWMr Ilagistracy 01 ine . American nation fiiimorrnr&KolirbTt fcring martyrHt irrpi has to mgke isijbh a'tacrifice fefilings ijvorSejLto jerve his country by playing Pjedent.df-4 WjUniteU t StatesV-Thes h vpocrisy Jbr tacroco-. 1 i dUe;xk(oJfax;H when compared to this. He "blows his owrfi trjurrjpt, uGapFipt h services during e war? ; nd epds hw'acby'anhding the subject ever since he came into C 31 -if 1 " 'l - 1 pUbUc-lifeT-wlich,is pitiful in the cVrc'rilQ. f :1 rfi . 1 ri -If he will cirry cthe.'-feooa dfo- tntior.s crprssscd in his maumrai he v.ill dotnocfi to'waVds redeeming, W3ttrcTorminga government nfnicn Kasbnyorset4Ayby;;day , ever since he was placed at fta head. " '.eiilf'-i ir n .: . i , T: . CHANT. - , T Felloe Citizens ; Under providence, I have been called a-second -time to acUaCrccpUvp over this rrrjtrPa-j ticntH- be'snf .rnycndvcVMn1 iutauv. II 4ao JawSr in Hlepartrnents of the goverumentJ and 1 ine legislatures oi mose unioriunaiej States which are still under the con trot of tjlijL party of which he is the chosen leader. .; ;:i:TAzr..'l X'; He annoiiiftUas liinMff lief that the civiliieb wrirTcl Is1 UhoV me uf u jL;uuuuuaiiiaiii. , i c, 8U pposf the whole i ti vilir.ed .world y,t6!c.iJKat:L President' thfdWs ont a" fevvwise" 6jbseirations tr I iiThefoUawinff isihfciAmaesty, AcJt jis jecenUy .pjvssed by the Legisla: - Whfcfe&li KbeJTved7tfja)15?icr reference"tb m a'hy offences "com mit ted within the limits jDftr:3Eiate4 since tlreclosie'of the late " tivil war would result in greater detriment-te4 tbe-'Stkte oTNorth Canrtlina," tliafta; t tf North .CaroUna, enacV oecuon it .inaino persow wa ni.iy: hatemhiitteclifciy lcri'me against of violation of the laws ;foth&lS&teir of rane.. deliberate and? :wiUfHt- muh per, : arson aud ; biifglftrywnne a member or. or. oracer;; of pretended, officer aoifieeroPTnifTca; Loval 4Uiuott LeagUejoILedriJtringil.d onscitnuonaiu nion5 vuarav inxe Broth erhaO Klux IClan TfooDsi Nor Ha w kersor any' otli er vorgiuii?at 1 6tV; I r..'..'- :i.j - i.wji ji l.i 5. . . ...i'... . .: lLi.-f otherwise political jarTothefw U& ;Tby J whatevername known forcalleuin I obedienceto the conyracjeeji or ae term called tions or i ssJ e hi l I tea .li totiie coniaidsofdera'.pr,' of any bne; exercising pr pret ejuns t:o exercise ."any, autiiority.or pretendT ed 'ritli oKty ty- reasw ?of his cOrhle& tionor attach mefft-to aftj suchbp- A-bozY gentlerhjuv iit Newberrf iuporf the theorof gdvefnment gen the in formation:: that com raunica.T Miiweenjhe:iextre thtf SWiintry is m$ asfe Jhai4 ft an hundred vears aM: at? thft I beginning of our national existence 1 -His avowal that .ittenegrtris'TioVi nossessted of all the!tivjn rihts'whlch citizenihip should cam'UK it will strike Miitiywfthpa JXe makra r.-bid for theiiigroote tsxor of socirl equality ;awi far as. thai laitiorjj.rrHe'eYidetttly iavdrs theabo iition-ofi h "eQistlrictiori betee'tt th'e rabe& in schdOls-TGn.' railroads, in bo ti3 ?inq jrve presum e m graveyarcis. x na coHatry, wi-" iook anxiousjy xo see if he acts the example of social tic ::al h, makes a graye mistake-when fce J5yi tbat tfie Btates lateta'at war am juregenerat--govern meni are tiawffec7)piVcUUatfidn Xook it tb eUtes 6f Arkahsasyof , JLoidsiau a, . He was an offirpr nf hf Mn?s. . n j r I Ifiia.fiforKlBglatearndifffiie Irirni ."r I Tpli 1 K I V I "S. - 4 I .)I'JJ' I ueiore ixngress adjourned, a bill was passed t releasing, the Treasurer ',L Of the UnitedStatesTro'm allieaporrs -"v iuue stolen irom tho trtMury..his1oveWiik' of t90,0Q0tp itepefiutahecovU1 rnmenv.carea nothing: for-thfttf.') Vn TlIC It ADXCA1V tJAAXc''w; ..The inaugural ceremomesinAVrrh- ome points of view, butabotainable - othfs;;yit statdd. ;'thafhr3 word.-, iTowoVi which 'InVclve . one of the most sacred among sacred : .legends and afe.never; applied to any , one save the'LprB Jesiis Christ; aa . placed over, the seafc" occupied, bv . aiuens urant at the lpaugnrallilL AhU prcfane uie of a terrfrrevereiby IlChristiarr;Vtions will shock good pccjlsthrc- ' " iii th"e'v'r-T1 -nA u shows tb wnat .depth ofjleprajity ' profanity and godlessnes3,the Aificf i nation jspUfn-insVndec'thnn-i ny say they-'ars ppily rAhabimated j' crappy mueeu, aiter iney nave Deen pluridered by politicaTThArpies 'pol luted by Cegro figlsTatof andiiaf- rteUbjt.FedemlTsoUiefiXTbe.presi; Tlenjt should have ; m ore regard "tor ,Hia idea that theJ-X6rd fau1havinfr ? 1 . 41 .1 .. . .r -r r"o the wayof ill thepeapld W ' the' wuna ito.sc;i;;3'ii3': one " nation. speakin t crs elan guards, t is xather ttdver, lo say the least of it...lJeccher, holy ar : IT-t-a liiipirationcf J morality !'7e hop3 ';3 Bot:t!i t. Ill crYe'ru:. mlactious teaching cf the"Gc:-Lio rn" cf 2eT Un-- land, as But'-r tr v -leading Oishtv ttuutry. qu?ili ty ; by in vii ihgT;ororedt n3en to lis- table.; President, perhaps uninten- or;Br. 2Tew;-.: pcr'Uir.d'fttjhand in thsimakir of.tKis paUi'f Uhe ad- fircfi.1 1 We. hope if :rantV''fcsHef tv.angpf the New.Ernrlandcr v.ill net ttje bn77l;r;y ;'ipbkcni; -"TL-? trang.of the Down East people is a httU to t)3 flesircdic tl. :ir ncrality. wcra-dut thc:.v..::cliv.,, II13 errts he tsays, ill Lo " directed in future; to- Vuarc:toration -of rood (Wnprul! rfii'Pmt "KvtHO 'thHnYt'dt niVk,Vin42t:JLnLL :.u WAi---1MK Au.-vwjr Ml Tv nc SamKcibiiwcm. anwdld: raUraailtnatt;H arrival dfsuch iijeighira? ate deatmatipn net? bferHonally present at, 'and acttw4 any partiCipn.iea in,;j43je4i crime4or willfult muruerv arson and ihurglarv; or ;whoi werenot present at, and did assert toThe decree or orter 'fof.the san shall have ilie benefit 5 of tnis naye oeen arpew tr,-procor or jpre tenaeaiomcer, 01 any cmeLDUne or sranizati otwi !ascrciatioiiS or.asse.m blleseferrexl ttt!in6eetion'flof tth aict,bilF bo hejd -taiins wer therefor; but.eveitich pdrschi shall havef!fuir S!irt6coniblete arnhesry0 kiid parddri ;15ec3That,no person shallb heI4 to answer criminally as accessoryit ther before or after, the fact, for any crim e a'dfns t, 'or !'vidlation!: ""of - th ef laws of this- State.' for tfhich amhestv and pardon Are provided SiV th'pre-, ceding iectiousof this act, but evorVl such person shall have full and jcomti plete amnesty and PaTdon thereior.i uictments, or criminal proceeamsrs of whatever nature orftndjrjowpen dinjfdr any of tlie crfrhei against or violation of theflaws of thisatifceffotj' which Wrtesliy And tftfrtforTare 'fitfc this actsball be rorthWitnl'diimised: and no furtherjcriminalpT liall be had agatust strchr person s, or any ..of them 'for" any of - said - crimes against lor:YittTaltoDSpf:'thc31awslit l;. C(AfA . D,JJ rruii -U!. i .this- State.m'ute. Tat.-W.act shalot.app to ErceHy Arici (rob? iPh this' aetahallmot be construed tb extend amnesty and 'pardon 1 to -aiify per-iori brfcerso'iiViwhyhaslritaHv way emDezxiea, or wrongtulJy in any feay usgdornffirisarpropr iated an v moneys, bonds; evidence-0s f iaulbted--jiess, choses in action,' "or wr-M her froperty of any kind wha e cnging or appropriated i any Railroad " " v cor. poration in yi 3 or hhd jiny. inter; - -- clircctr nor to 'i - ujuj , sc. 5. That this act' sKaJPBein ?'frdn it3 Htificatidn:- -? rrt f'r ,; In general iAtccrally 'read three times ;and ratinednhix Srd ' day ;of ed I triistr by ciyibniry cars' texperi Oftjia the .ofnee . - - Vneri tny-rst! term- of -ofSce- of Chief Executive' begank lb ecu otry had. not recoyered frihjfTH:9l, a great luterpi-revQiuuoo, nuo. irpp; 6f Irje firm errVgtatesnof.. tbe-Union hax)l notj bcin restored to their, feder al irelatioas .seeincd ; td rn wise that iibi n'-'MtioiissftouIa $6 raised sbTorijfrStHatl'condU ffHirrexiftpjr IJSefrcYiiS.VjP: four years, so far as I. could v control events, hara esrMnsurdediinv itHe effort v rcstorar n h arm dny public1 credictctthfperce tjthd olHh(rarts-pT Jat is M fielief thafttiethiiP sed wprii f.s,teri4insfp ism.'or teoYernmentby the v-peoplej through their hdsia rtepreilfati ves and that our own ' great Kepuhftdl4 o unaef omnctpubiic-wc prjprrfefrteenHereac on 3 i :i ' i"i i r -1,- bu t ivili ur.owr "All t- compli- they vrilFrcceiye my ' support, and such r ccbni mc.ridationstto ;Conre33 -1 r.-ni: iiVrnviudTraent iia'-cf' esr- tl itdoj&TTy them in eHect, Ilrj; vou r s u ppo rt an a ; cn co urage m c n t -nor 'ik-juri. n--7 ro..ti.i.-r at 'this "1 .J" name lv'JarnesnoD. IX,' however, JLoi.tlici-srmeiMhsiT'b r. .f 7 cuuuiuiite iu ins county, aiaxaii him si re. to 1 correct abusci t h at h a ve grown up in inu civil i n. v.v wic connintajsr.itUlTcfrrniraio; rulcireiniUtin:mahcdicf Errint nieht and promotiotiVrcrtf ilahhah ttl,hd;b frr sliclv reformation. shall be" cdnv tiniied to the beat ofr,rnT4iji'.lr--r.rt. rn imrepOTtsHhit : M,isl osureoWiret . r, something wbenvhetialTiL' Hex;alled four, tirricsjin Vone jday arid SreceWed - r. ' -mail Riitterlat chr calJiii That "' aKleiterhaiiftaidMriJXk fTeat niiiita.Uf"' ihnt AK K v K Anll Vu'ui'-'ik tuMVQr.Z;--prookes' the- whole Ut. HInfcin'tOTCgisterfaiietter.tf, : Eev. Jaines'BJiadjrhe idid Vootknow - y . how it ld beQne.y !inallyoiIrjc IT 5'1. 1 i i . m .. : . v 4-A- jr.. , - . .... XhB'spiirit of the rules adopted will fcLuntainey" M7 - ovl acknovi c Jo t.ire ih'rf assembl-; jfor!e great hcnoitheyhaveicon fcrrcdoiv m e by returni r. c; a to.. the theTurther oblrj"tioh,rrtin 'e td render to thint thd best : 'services ltKinf ray ' pcrsrst4 fc;proswe UooVlprf fortrar trith ithd grc&testanr xietvto ia edsT' wi c l'siiaii or re t $ leased fj ltitSI iServicrip were their army less than, tl.at ofa.ny European call power-ot any stauainr, anq I.JiavyXeirea ur w w w w- innuence-os toe acquajuitaucefpipefai tension of territory -orr this Continent Mnn r'ifliWitf :4ufettei tWjiJ wnicuk wpfvf ffimjQr m i increase sqf thiavforpe'jr rtUer suAn cxiension I in i4ii b ciiwict. v;uiujini9Ut.!ita;u a ijc kl : Lz-t.. . .-1 .. . tOTTJprrlomP'mVpa'rt iti m 'Struggti thrtealehlngne '4:t&mWX rapia tr,an4jyeam, an, parts pi HOttu h en iure maue coiHijiuoua ior aJKpprpbscH of govern aveot, o-and vtuii(iuiii-iii,tuii uvi-weviii me extreme limits Of tEev. country . TnaoV, easier' than it waslhrongnojirrthTricr thjr- rv miserable litti jiwhiSinglyinj - - liev. J c ?.3. .went .nronnd;. with a ; petition c:6ng.tbe.xiegrb.c?,-jj?jpstly- V -and had - hi mudf : . rccom m end c A for.-. i m o i I! flvvT 1-4 o t fll - Tl n ...... ,"'Vj n 4Vi. C -Tlf- xil Willi w 1 j- . the old postmaster: a'-worthy.ouiet 4v', citueni wii o-too k no par t-i n JificsTT. ; was a noisy, r -71) jra .4Ja., me iev. James may: be a man of - 4 pTir4e if, to w.HHriMaain . hinV iact forahisljifcny'One H?ld6l;,ii iso istterri otititofi the j feost- ; tnaster'aihandsiiaod? weht '"tofxiBiisbyr " Forkvthres) anda? Jbalf tnileSj to 'hato . ItglSteredimo ddi lriV-:t 4riU r-U i rii t CT T Xc CI De I bic De Cl( P9 tJt -Wa?h; ingtorj5 Jaslf Fridayi should havei , $edett ret5drtd that1 wheni tbe th er liSrame WW vitohfUhdj steels riQejiti'stroiigriM"Hpftfiefj of eC etmaitw munnM. n-iworyy r - - w .,...,,,..,. ,t, ,M x .,,. TSf llll ll LIIIiAf I IPCIM IAII UIiJil" tlf'l - ' - Wrr.v iA V, teal 5 Wf: V stfi ItHtf i it I II ( 'Tii;-i Kfi"' "'--i-"' r a I -TeMetlsemeJlts. lyJ-.habiUtated; and no.- JIxecutivei control is exercised m - any one ' off, ganization. association 6rf assembly, treatment and fare :he i wiirreceiTe; -arale ftild-t&JMeirrVidWa latel at Jwar- ritblM ior any sucn crime against or in vio-i 1 ... 1 .l . !. ..1 CI -. a-" ?T"'1 lation oi ine mws oi m ski otaujuBH North Carol ina; in '.fact rcoinhiUted or charged to have". been committed pfeyiQiis ttftlie'fiwtvilayf.of; Bbgtyffi befADoehjOj dredhaud -8 ?vcnt v- VnV r but every such Verson siill bdtV-freei MidT 'xldmrJle te nnmestV-nnd baVdbn th6iefbfA .tWt. ;PtovuUdpTLitiii pdrsiiawribferej sir'sfioiiMr yrftri'g; jancl should beTcorrected, (his .correction v I atanchrcomnii te T4C T r, n.!!iH:nDrIUidn.fihei ki ufiprlCIiltJ ftOTICCrf" h-,-J 5rI?Sfc S iDanville Railroad in. place of. frmXiT I, t tO be lemslated 4JD6.r: fiersliafl f ihr . mi.v..-.L-.-.:Li..,ij.w ..trL.rii i."TfmrP. U rrr riven to ponsinc. . ihttt?iy thing.be done to 'advance Klko ' froS ttfe Fe'CuXevnVI I W Jbat fn cdftsedifei df the heavy, pr: !; ' fche klcQ status' if the cnloTed man. ffii " irfimpdssible v. ejtcebt torfcit tom-Klh.itchixriw.hZtt Vompinr to larnisn- storage room "dVBhrrl whaf there is od Hn' binV l1".. wheaJietrayels.Thim feel assured for thatihi. conducts will regiilate ,the C.hflrtry titdetot iithwfln-iSts. warehouses' or n- the last averal : vear1 lri i?iiM!a5infP cliaree ymnarbleaVtf in Charlotte PP"y B10.Yd Airents rain irom narioiie viceiw.t u !t,Li r-nTAi 4 4Vlfi4 '.""l . 1 ,J 1 4(. . p inM,v O O w t iWitinn - weixrv-rmir"nonrs' me -Of the" oWarivWill'Hniposelsnd'' ill a : -f Mntrrli general srovernraent arcpowf hafepirl :r!riit attpbpintmsm&KoTrllim iwiM.oo uwrdaTl rTrS:: U"T fiseu Greensboro-, to Kernersviller. : Mr. terhvNC. It. R.,and wiU run from jfrn. VU irMiV'oi bril? V 'A' Griiiihorftr;-"to VKritflrills: Mr-lFcas. w f V. A J;itr-. 3 00. f . rJ." i M. -T- Inthe nrat vpJlrxTif C thflbrtiJit'Oni! I ,,.J, X . :T.-: w'TUi-ii. 'T '4. . iiuu oriuEe ouuerv or. u&9 awo uccn 0.,. Jr.ui jj. iUi'fd tx "rf v..' efl.. -iu,,,,; 'fw "HhecoiductorstabecU for w Wftsnot a question -t&lmgA . J v K r '4 buLwai a nronosition froh th n- i 'f tftw J C'to JJorr-f o- and' which I ? ; i eiteTtained. l- Lc:ie .THiWjjaLJUlflidr " - J.i tl.An '--r. 4 wv, : I "Sarah est's of this country, orthe.rfc --' ,New Hanfbhire. Vbashad Wairy of Sario,D6hiiniro. a; dll?cSr. . rtom i In a newspaper she Occident-, tton, per ifalewi- -4 i, fi25dfe Jfvis4... oafro, per ton,;. -f - 40c , H 4 v uiasscs. . VCU 1VMIU. . . . w r SbJ "- SuWRjfiS't: Peter (Adawhpq XJreenroo V JO rJ.i Jr.-' clerk to MipAtlnn7:tfteav?tf& o been ivisioh, tiaving rcodi. ' - . . I CUI f iVl 4UUSIj.l414IV.l4 ,V"11IV,. illlU IVT r OOU,' v J fia'M rtf inAKi-nMv.tfntt'WV1I h ?1iVPrrH MM. aiv3-thei.CqpipanytVW4nWjttPftTt .. protect it-, .nnlefa. by special con tract," 1 ; : , eklfHiat the 'proposition should' M reeeiveU favorably. ; 1 washo-- rejected, conslitutionally ' w&lch it will be at the Hxk of the consienee. ujuiona tory- girjt-r 01 Th5jr 1 . u : - L."Vr.'a ;.'." t 1 . .. r . v. .-.-4 1: 7 ,... ..... if,-. .-. ... , . j . . . , ntjfrcoriignce5; of nft -arntai w tnr eoodi; thev fhUil? thertfowj rely rtrpew coni auy satTnePBairre 07 aTilrT'J3mlomtSIlp,u,"n, -f .. 1 1 mm c;duiitfdri of territorvmi si havi the suppiprfcrof .tb? f , pe6pfe:;l)V forPTTvwill rpRnmmttnf) unv - rmW4?. twA looking touhracautsition.-nH say. nere. . nowever, tna.5J.jao .not siiarpiin 1 the, apprehension, ;held 4y was old, withoijyaiwlhrdfeir destroyed- by-reason of the Extension of territory Ccrrnmerce,-ediTra;m J jiuu ffapiu transiii 01 tnougn ana mat ter by rt'eleffrapli l'Knd'i- steam. ' liVte rchangM HlhisJlather t- be- I'll i V. 1 f if tl ... ... t 1- .4 A. . . I . j ' . ' ' f. . . i. 1 - paring ther)dl-wnod. ftJJl'i f ""ilew' Vkrieties'- ' ' i time, to b;e'9btt'eIbnd1ation ew Varieties. ; ,f Greeted to the restoration of crood rrKaw nf tA.T.w , i hMni t . .:u.tt' .-JL tMrjcxiJj-.irf. i'1.- v . r fe'etirrg! between ,the:differenfcs ections joCgnrmmoti 'oWrytdlre i 'o n.. t ; r. . ' f'A4.4 'i i 2 ',. L;4P ' OCT vajne.ias comnared with the ivHwz sfano:ardi&ffljg fpf.'cheap routes of transits through Ibttfcthfai'aapwaw piarket ahd leave'irliVing temunera- i tion ; fatttfe rmaihtenance offri2S Jly: relations cMthialironrtteihbora ci.il wi th. stantft atotp;thre5tarP iiai ui enjt our com ra excevanasnare in thelcarryirigr trade upo n th oceanf; Cec. 5. f-C-ing ' bttrrecn i the :'sectidns;rJDct hisx rc?c:ra!-'C3 ment, andjiVs bla' xortalo.l.estab lish-Political quiciir5 lvd incra$e VS cor,r:crc:zt prr.:p-::ty, cfirth'3 c 'ntry, and "l..,rricny,J Till" fvIloW : v -jiaturarconscquence. yi-rr irdinj-.tha. "poor IndianiY lie -.-t tcrms th 1 bw..kue wuoiis nog, or none , 1 I ho oust hivs tho Irdia civ .'T T. " T? nTTxTcvr . -r Jy:4 """ ' y-" " ' -J - - JJ y .- nr.tjor,r.V.covcrnrhl;.I' . It: "finoooEk. - An ItfbiAir'vIi-iiDni at J II AtTiKfe?, Cln qncMo) Ti b;LX-Cin ud vamurd-rcdl-ct n-! ;Viar?liar tinez, Contra Costa'ccuntyVfay an In dian namedJc "l-vhe-Indi j- naa oeen ar::..v.u L.-, .tc. .to ... . 1 a . a ' . ' i I. J, 4 - ...y, c m "ro4aneiT;rcTn3-Bteal horses, IUncLaatlr-liccd.anH cr else a war of :ilWmirfitf ' WT4-PJ5ed th'3-rcpe.-o-liisl:..nd8i7-1 Iftn-axft cn.r ynlit Tln- open. JiiL murderer h lec1 1 in to theJucoUrcr4 ent of such4iinii- facturing' interests a"can s beeeono- m the prod J2ar o7 1 main tai ngf 1 a ' s pecie asU : t to th elevation of laor and bV; nurnane tontry.unde aged iP-lT popleisubjectih icom Mun ana? aui4n I industrial v t afc u i ts: are expenSivcreVcn icainstthe weak 7rgPe and are demoralizing and y J 5? ed-Onr,su perioritv of-itren kh attd advantRTct Bvmztical should J tiJMe ws lenient towardjtg Undian. The wrong alrr-"iy inflicted f uon him should be Uken-into Account c-Jiditbe .balance' placed id-his credit Thd-rnoral Ivisw ct'. the "'cuc'stioa ouu'u unsiuereu anu me question ijl 80111a julic depqpstravp, . ,4 h name beinstouue tincpmrnofi, wrote a modest .letter of inquiry, grv- hi; TioTI tfGO -Tt I E; PCCLIC aK'MbeerfuUr.wrteiiintAvhi f j.,- to'UeWWnVrfni'!i bilirelationUiSiyasnimH:tU --KMWrfr.rA'lT.r t iuiiiuTi HVIll. Jl4,jf (IV I,. ..-J ,:---i-v.-'.:-."-, ;-... v--" TH agreed Wd'Jf ptir forUirce-U?l-TiE5ew'BqshehHJof , Iazier!vShekley years; buther, lasU letter, remained IAPP" Jt Rfcejvca at - - . .i - tinitnwer.ed:fojri three thtontliaV vh'tvL canraa letter .uromvi x.lr.-utilton:s; lawyer, si4nto'frii1ti''er thaV the dear wun ape'rimevaristeryi'bf- .ttan, 7vg --1. .rv-i U4 4: ciuinuauuii nt Human iraiities.-. tie t .i. .x-i. iRSlsxQa," ; W4 1 nf r at n e 1 p i e 1 r ii 1 n e e s , thataTi :drWre"r.'Jivviy: growtn n-j3J msrstr grct T.nd i p" iiwuiiuiu na hj, i.i.u' lIlIilt;if" HialluHotef! criitldhi' mf4h -Sot; the r.Hndf.tetbewithitlitn,;Qn-ectiSa wU tksouldived'j.iar'ir3t ciarchf .:: d:a$rcrc-ihdkr brTvlddincf wniviii; on i vr icarr r. raciice can-ismi r?v and nfVTaaurtUirrcrDnrjqsdit&ed jpeakcrrepntaticrfr rlstyjri irri gatpereat di?:ti2f-ction cf 11 iiearersf the:;iI)ar-' enly1 too'hp some thrcd honWi "1 r; L :dl i end. eL a universal regret ' r;r i cxr;rcs?d. fT,gr3YE3 III" P.:::t. V.'c lr'-i t!;it 4 fer c.ya l..c j cn'o c f ' tho- ns 1 eepr tnJha tf Che' ,7. -O.- A.' I.r.; fro?.'Xr.f f cbrhinj'.down, 1 JV.itl.ln' r.nlcs of thu city; u . '-l i kI r.3 tnr.'j'.Tn.i .....'- 1 - ... 47 war oim i ....... I.,., t . : r nCTCW YOKK1 irrilUtD.KewiVedJDaitr 1 iand sold !at 5 cfenta eachVtr - r yi . n ' bl. iReceived 'eytnTyeeifst J fnUIS Company ryavtngst:3"aTr their Ire-' A ;,lell Oorunty-i;onC3,;iosfr7oncrior aaio jn iu . . . . m w . ll nnk.H. - 1 ineir,? perccnecittenuqi7j-v'H'uj . f.rfj i;t 76 aad accrnedf interpsL rT- jThe oupqns . 'I cf ticse jhonds eUeivkl I.psynsent; fr -ii 'nith1ttaA,j4vTh"e 'CwntanV alw J ' cfferitheTT librfiIfcentgdlcrl;cas' (intereit"piy'ible km rytX iS5and accraed interest : .Xl$i-tCOXC Jc ;a,i Cfc. -A AIL-IL .l , . Bands teO'alid'accfcc.dTntereit,;:;th . ,( . pfih.wo farnitr:c!-346nc; z. the rat4 ?j , Wi.U .y'incJ ndir'the".; dlscoiuit and in t terestjj exceedin pr centum per annum j 4 . oh-'the amount jb vestecU Let tax-payenr , i i restore arry-hrihn for the above - -t) either cf the ilJcinal Dsnks of; CI;ar-';: I icttc. j tix.i&ji ff.nor.mcc;?.j4 Treasurer;,, 4J .I. condubtcr-:;-f!.3n;:.:::5':'tri:3 u o n, . naa-Jtn T rrr .cJ 1 1 1 ied, , train ttor.J, i'.;J'r'i i - t- .th3 place wher- thabrlcj X7r3lL;..n. A boy,:.:!:-; -1 f -r:-J,v was TC.2C ! -- t ' - cn thcit , - d : : V , I i II If BBr... i 4... W. w i - : iuedt Cannot trTe Indians ba mad3 tc:..I n.ilca, and rat cir, r.f:rr r. r-nd a iucfal and prcjuctiye member cfJthrr:!.ir-f in a ir.T-: rr.: r.llcv.cd - ;- .'" -i .-." ; "... . : ' Vui - l: t " t X ' J 3 SZX, tn enf tl'.mmtt, for far. Hi w3 sAmp. "t'A ' i u f -r-sr ?TsisTroxwt -(-" f k ?'-'l-4-i - 'f.'-j:".' . c it 11 1 tl ib. -d . . ... - . .. V

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