4 '" "it "'':, -4 t' a it-- - - f 1 1 5 - t t , o:? Ar-T.T :g. One Eq.o o:i tw...;.rJ l.:.... .CO --. IV-.". VS. J....,.. ...10 I ' , " "for.r d2ys. 2 50 M Sttee Months,- in i aiivance,....:.,.. 1:50 Se month, jalvancer.....tvy,.7..Ir ;; 50 f 4rrt tt-rr Vo . . ...!... !i Cifi LIrt -iuM - nhTeeecks.'...'.:.;V..:.i.:. 6 50 . " -onemonth..:-,i4i.--!SiC0 ST Contract Advertisemctffs tiken at iwopotti4ttiately low rates:1 V Five Son-atcs cstlmaTed1 if a: qnartc&bl .mn. . tCs-arrs.iuTa thaIfoliiuu v-; ' v " 1 T'"-1 " J-ii .in, mum " ' ,,. ' - -' - --- . j r fA Rficr'frrtj.', ;j -anl"in-r -Vyf; CHAT? T nTT"Rtaoitf tVi'MT;-iVrVU:,,-i: : :;r Ufa if"i loi t.-i; ,-, 1 v.,2 p-"-' ;;;; -Tf stv kitt)t of blue ami grajT? ,a V J -You ask "e .f:'.TW JUUn eyes As low to you I fi,'x I t bad two brothers once. y J., if Wrni-lieWedlI4(nA.W;:',-.Bio - iri,lhft rnv"sider-6n Vore the blue. - The other vrofe the gray. fJ d , j Onb rode with tonewalh and his men, And joined "hia mtend Iax j The othor followed Shermau'a nfaitlirrp, -Ahxl t)ne Iefi ifginiaVhilll, An,l one iu GeorgiaXsaunds. , . T Ad The Mnia.suasUin.es,., upon their grarcs My love- nriclwnged JiVust stay j - V. And s6iijon nty btoin lies ......... -"- knot of bW arid WTCE: ; & LKGrsl.ATIVECTlOX tTOx'VirB' pisnB ARYt(Bb4utcd in our issue yesterday morning the iirisJative Conimitt6"ttf)tfohteJ, tt negotiate witfr the!. IeSfi Tqhyati. ; BfOthere lor a iiqpiieryi jtueir eoiv, frf for the .stone, and lrick. KOrkVof the renitentiark sbraitted a,reprti nf their action rjfricUiyj night,- wUiTeh" adopted5 y M 1 'Houe, y-tin? of the Com m.itteR,. "After a thorough investigatwn oi themattcrithey ascertained that der the existing .contract the., 'atom smd brick wrk of . the PehUentiarV- wouhf cost the Stat q aliqnt' ti&J arilir of four liundted a'ndtventV-lfiteT'!lv6?tV, and dollars mtho.net.profitav'jfpj.- no if t no. sum ot ouo ...iiuntirtHi .ii Uii.t. .sixty tiiousaiioiUHiars alia ,.nat wt tnte could lrt th work embraxxxl itV the contract at a "SitViTiar of alioUt titA m mired thoifeahd rdoUars Y'Andtti' y a u Is t i f itf Tii' c hirj uk for.. I $ in )ic , ' ( u ; Itjiousand Vlollars.hy lwiv,ins'th,!Krk). Jdone with jcojivlutjjatior . We are issured :by: the Itestmecha'riics t hat i bui ldiii!; coiiKtrucfed onHcJ.fie;! y as secure and AurhJei, udy.Xhe ihysiCiarts'of the penitentiary fthrch ngiveeiinfortatle,antt -lieaUhvJ1 W' jlso find thatbyvtheyadditiQULofft ffew feet dntv Vo '-the' heieht the ivaiin iwir Hiiiuueu- mm . niiy wrrrr o Ugjivfit tr ,oe uiauK.ai-a.uu m tu4 1 t ost. In vie nfttl tifore jroniir .r iv u .l i,'..' Vivo V Ti ' rt.j !. elvei to tlic "committee, cither that he pciiitentiarvlRHold remain m ii ii nuis ncK. Bfctfc; wi tiv a : , vasi if ie f extra guards and constant repairs -i . i' I t.'.,H1.t.:.' r tne, temporary stocKaae,' -cii,'iv r that an cnwftiw:ta-'s6uldM iviediipon the peopTe7lt'ffpayf(f' ork v? hlch c mid be eifaUwellonn' ith immense savins, ay cquvicuK or. ; Anurehcndinfr thati . thcsdtrtinH Jractora had a , .vested 1 right f rould he recoettized w the7 f eoni t neoniy'pjair wnrcn auggesieu uvm m noseo u non m istli k (or? hv th 6 iff n OraTfCG tli enrewcrttativesjaf the State. 'was1 'ti' tl'ef thVorititachvrs- a fiiic;"ahi, ra oniMforfye.'fro recuid,.fiti, ahd. 'jtliey nnecat'ulate the, Oeneral. 7 At'embhi Jie tas payers and; themselves,' thai IieM liAA-e becn able to arrive ? atith Jery.ifuvbnibly tehns, set forth'in tht: It M'liereW agreed between; Ufhr! t SrJElUU jZsj. toieman-uuuer mv h e To W t el ec t jco m m itt ea o(;4 h tenetiXsembtyr that Hie, saiJ 'oleman Brothers, for THul in consi- 'erationfhflftinrribfTtliirtF-n housand dollar casli, i6 fcbVpaid if: le State of North CaTohna to them, o herebyi agrpe, ?to relinquishfjall 2ht"iiii4titip tiOsiiho fwork.;Io be mie-audiie.nrouta ito pe --ueriTen i erettonx art dj dtf tfcsMnd a nd an vi f urreiuler he- -saiije toUhe; JState.; Vnd tiie naid iointrselect: committee n behalf uf therQerieral iAbcmblv, to herebv lgi'e$ to-'pajr.v-Jttf (lie'aid "olenitti:B,otohi hc'iiim of tlurtv i ve UiMsa ftdt ttcii lars ; fdir X the uxr sn'der'of the said contract 4fliafdre In tfi&tiirtoMy whereof J the - -parties eretasetthoir Kiinds land ''.seali thU. f . .ill nr rr ; J. Brow, : J ' " ' " I J0HNiQ'.rJUARLEII,?"I ;IV7 aitA, ! J. Vj. "RTTnmr.. All ofwMe'n -itf " Weclriil1V-9 subi' fitted. (tii; V.,ui j'cnt iiwo: t I XV. jT. YVAUIKtf. I'll hi t : 1 -.-'" T - w yii. "'Tf 'V Russia boasts of an immense ma-. uncf-shop establishment, rivallip; J mSnituflef4tbe- f.nest workzhpps "giana or the United States. - It near city of Holom, employs four ousand'r workmen, and makes, mopally, locomotives, railroad Both fottglttiot ivhat they deemed the Xk&m Vith sword 111 h'arid'J s two ilmiM's auwcmiciHij ugvuiiic iu jiav the Mesi-; Culfe i,v an tl: sp in igl J S5,(KX).' . lhc following U.iH.ronoji; r frmUlylc-bf'Colehian-llrotlieW; ontractois lor; tne stone ami orick ork oTWel State penitentijiyV-'-'ftna ; mb 5oi4M;t; : IlolfEKT "S. CotEM AX, ' f. ' " ' 1 i z' ' ' 10 fl 0 ,b-"M!nairi CabhacV att VJl X -i OJ f! lJ5.'whites1 'V . and-outiirHE ap,V bJSi;and tci conduct out business as ."JitgWff thc.Jlpgei and ifveii ;3ccitod Diniuon of some thattjOem is alkind of T'uiuy anaencata them for Irayjne in Charkrfte y -AnrtavTnMr tlfe Wnr lRrea" CQAtihcei thai WhayPirtialIy succeedl cherished ptaw; tntre concruded toendmvor: w still- forthe mdidife the trVlxcb)iiJidea; by tresehtiitR, Ihla eotiitn U9hM trade,.'. arstilt sLarsep and ? m.11 r? 80 that Country (erchaitfs wrtment. Ien-ll.tho 27tk Jannnrv Wmiwh mpHm. tharfttsual,) 7tt ortfMTij : Marked Manufacfiirltijt pfkcewlnVtliitilt- re- r hialA t"o months itiriaktnsr natr niirrti Atil' wiyiinr every tliji frpru flisVUaols wAtlir jiirrnr; 'rhiladelbhia.Hr "Nrw Vk t the a$wrtnient tchcrrthtik iNimitti1r.vni ipuciamaiier capital tbaw.m? can v liuyi;l lit difSnt Jhoiiaca Xurthv where .hetuwt ncwsarilj; !buy;Vor;gHxia than brMaanyieeds Im orders have'itf'u.' ,l4lfWt - ii in atnwtnt tf-upwanls of. Two I 1114 0Trwmi)u : arriivibi in n n v M r 1 4. i wei a t 4f fifeiuhfr'ritaH aflef shippers aewfc fHin.tnaa,nnteiitthMtl i We arelii3 4 position to successfully: cpfenpettf Wkh cqniplfteliiM-lfff xv; fodlr Groceries,' i IardwarerffT hnieB&tfsoand' 8lioesi 4 -Notlgnsj Ji)iq jevciv Mill)iiry4ii'.irr THJtr. v F. . V 0. V W I(ltI "j. i i r:. k : ' h AYITTKta2iiUL4:iSTEi. i :t ft no 'io't-eASTD-t-'j: vii.J rf;lo.f TTA-V1NO Krwilycreased- hi: StoekHryf 1 II Pl'liVmitlK Vwhich '.rtniMfota ii ! DediUuieauV ' T'H'.ktf vrK J17T" j- - ,6t' V..- ..Ji6'.',v'; ;"f!vrelsior and Cttton . Mattresses, Chairs Hrtd 8tooU of -various styles faud matiyi otheithinatKit.wet'aYy to tnvntion. " 1 The L'jndif rtakeVs Dttpartflint i'completc fr6iu .the lclicae&A 'U'onU Wian f th e5. Finest IlexiVau Head-awrFotnValHnt'f .isket iIaif.Ulaisl'fopT finished ami trim- j ntMt in rn&iiHME aimnivea srvio.Yiii Decmi P-nistanlivjmd-4ar USfe all of which Wilt I lie s)ld at a most .reawaiable price. ?tt jetuming,viiiahvtfiaiikstforKist- favors Vt i ftiust resief tftllly slfl tUte 5ci6zena of unariotte ana purrounamg coimuy, fna have neeshtythhihr" my If ntf.to ;ive me a call before ixurdiasjiur elsewherea EI V Soutli Trade "StreeV tP9ita4tht Market Housef CliarlotUvX '(X -L,.. -: -.wit ftlt f pui'lik; hi general tu&t.a ciuiiie Ha taKen ; pto atstabh'sniwWrjnjStilO my old stand;.1, TryfmTijtret-iVvMl -farWHtilldiidg; JVith' a. large aiell, scieeieci siock. oi me uitcst anu iaisi iy tf nf custom-niade clothing for Men; Youths . rind Bovs sweaivaiso on trandTa fiiieistockl of, 'Oent fTtTnVTZ TV, . xl , "..Irts, of nallbu's rvnl- the J est t.ttlii shirt in the. f world, r T - - .-t t: "e? rf :.-i5T UOJill'Ckllil'tl.". . r 4. - rf lishment and Viiralso'brinarr with me'-'anr cipelienel0i"rrtc?.-nvVT"" aiid will be nadv hv-Trii to cut ahd' hiakc fa'prder at my orn establishment" and"" under J m.v jdwn.suyirvLion'Aii 1 r,t Ioavct. prices "than the sa'm&"c:;-;Ir of ISkH can be mace up in ii:U CT ct..2r t,'.," this side of Lalti- Beini::Tal tAHe ciflzeris of -qia- the W.ta s-nd the tHiblic in . eencrai lor uc liberal i-ctc'or'; htoweclrpon me, I mo.,c respcctiully ayk. a Continuance of the same. LUptoifu.ly ' - ; . ian g E, SIIRIE-: . - . TV 1 ' ' " ,.',!.'. f.,ilo.ne anu ucmnn y'Vjt i"-r tv:' 1 Doz-n .rArim e"ADn3, assorted, 1 U U CO dozn Flit 12 SCRIOENS.-.X.-r - t-t ed, TRANSOM, PAPER, in great variety, tat TWD a. arid bfrlir Xopdu-rhftW? ad hftV-1i4' uitrw nrjv prine. mum less, tnanv it 1 tiik-iiTlieXitr-:r3, - . T - a -W OMiiiiimUvv? attnieHit wtfl becairiedf J 3. " y.la h'.idj t .1wJi-i,rw x. i Pstrlor-tt rjiacK, va mat short t i-m& ti layin !my . s.tocRr' of , Clothing; and KcS,C$oods;,T'rir m5':Tilorii.ytab- xtofiefffs6hi6 tlnic sinte, VlCpiir busi ness would chancre J&iiriAiftf 'i'ie!'w;. KJLWJVtai'anga 6Y -So ' n A Vs m6 KvisM " mi.-:. .rV ' ft :tiJias vA,,.nnPleasaiit, duty, of .derivinH their iavbitelkvw tiTht i j:::, plication lorthe,abot able to soil VWs cheanVrTh-n iwririTI credi;iriT- iJ:iJ odJ viiLr.irfiar ! Wvusiire3tjieatiil$ayahi'6 tBe ltrr day of each iind everv nniith -v. , : - .r: -t-Uiioj vu lineman ml w,v.i MuUw)tii,) 4 JiKOiii'ss-Jf 'r.ni rpnBUBipriPtoT Charlotte and the tpijblic eraUyJtoa call h 1 V .:.' www t. An I'll. . 4 J fl J -r-r I wi Him mien mev visit taresvin. will; spare nithrrrpainsTjiwTr Vttanf . J.. . -1 S -S5 qr' n i .rl A J -ilri .7 :.U' s r -H ! ;ii'-Vii u -A j- w- ; : vr n u v w a , -i,r--W. Choice Grcrn nitd Clack rTi."' any 'h Selected especially fofTamily and T"T1- ds, at .7"-. - SCARR ' . wwm'A4 wtriUleA'l ir6rJ"t fXTQVEli, Orchartl-ajidBlud Grass; SedB, ; feblgvVi R. 11 LlJlt it SOX&P x. " 4" tl - Mined VflSflS i , " I 11 To .nZ2.VjV!3lMrj vii'TtT TEACIHES4 irm. Covnfeen' Peas1, f suppliei at .wholeaalef prices, ailiiv fti 9i TTlTEPS'.cpnstantltyyon hnd a Jafse'iJnd Xi. well sectea stocK ot-Atu.s, IjAhi; lIACitEIiELr FEOURM0LASSE3, SUr GAIlf i (JOFFEt?, TEAS' SPICES, CAN-' Dir,! SOtM i5CTAPS; candll3 GARS: T.033ACCU3 &.c.J&c& AIJ50, Corn, fWheat Jty0ataf v-teWaiS.,--IfW on fo:nmi?non,;:o itM" ' : jan 14-ni , ' V t - - . - -r -j ; : - eaczga::::::: zc-inr::,1 --T t.- 'WS- -w- ,"-lTt . Tr .5 , ' I . v-' f . fn T, .'.-v ...... . 1. 1 . "t . "-f:.r rs. PUBEFOrs;'..; If you are m weaH-JTTM.!,i;'.rt n;. -To;, tilt ' Wan v 'ATeitiU alidVAtolii' trimrthahks. 'and askTAJ Vnn?.l : rXzr mj 'M Wti yMW&m- -l?m&,7&. 6Mimm;my . W-wC Vd Wt iett. iiTS dJiV Iw-S-tarj Mw s&W-'Wll tftdwom .wl ? . -MR,-T -q tiriU ,' i in -MendidfiwlffihAt IDAVIDSON'8 riKe m rfpe iti irAt xm jr . - ., ,imy ifectr-;;, -.. , ; ftkito MvVed ffiqjSgff S f frlUndfcAxasog the htet)j&&pd .. : ' 01 'nt . yeajrnaAifttfly'iaWiilft oilfmtftj? A'IVP' teN" and BOYS. . . . fTiSi ad oi U- : ' ,- - U lib .ftnS. rm u'ji-t - 4 y '.1. : f :. -'frf.-il f ,:.; ((''ffi1 IfWWlfl' Hi aVt.d A - .Cabbagevp'ifif; lo.uptaji). Lap9$ toesi rtI)riedivpmes'alid.iKu:hes Green, Api!,!" SaAsag't':helierel' 'ahel4 OLQSIXG cart .a arfee.stock'Of nub IlosJ "tOy;fw itfuHes', Misses iarUi?hildit!n J fSiifccessdr -td;pbir.ana;JBuSfi? hfi TradelSf rf ncx :iioo belqvs Merchanfa; 1.. it J.J.1U.J a -.1-4 ffT I I. j . . ,:.J1 - M l - II. V t I IT I -aiAflKT., !UPPpSJT 45jREiX 'iiKOWN & Co'S DRY qoODSiTnitie; -mo&-8U pii3i&ii iuvr .lf',.n;t ; 1 . lfiff Mlkil'-' I rtifJfi J.ti m'- '-ithKlJ. ASSm oiquuuuu- oiy 1 ij-b.or 'iijari oio . kohi j 'Hill.: 1 - Ttnii VU4inn4 'Ai.v;.4w..w..:-i.! -f fit'MB wWds'''1 acuaineAj'-iiyr 14 - r . j r .It f ." -j... - - --i ..II- ... - f-wHnww; vua?T",. aaocs,niasTeais bureaus. DTcmmz .Lasca.wiiirfra Klfeul!.:pJas&? Pe IksiftageYesjlVfta.fts; Cradles. . .34iu-oaiesAes)eresi ras 'ijouAges, Mirrors, Glass-Plater&c &c. . , FfOdK of hrloriFjimiture, bininc! RoflraAtrniture aimhVVsnit, - li t -i'iv"4 ?V1',,,Jv4. uniw iiujv KWse mso Keeps a iHiHSRjclC'dl TSptine w" I InJ IVtVfttv rif nil il .4wlnWIL..liiTi ttA.V-i. x:MVir.:i!i JiJ.. ftS LL'VS II I ! !"' vS6?iJwiJWw;ui kucii ui aujiiiMijitt; u wen 1 lira, xxoieiv 1 nstil rtfP0? .sawU,Adyau4M,d MANjTLAgT(JRtIl3.,dlAXJEa-.;lrf 1 aril Jjn it.i ir.w. A'vlVpTr.r3it 1 is.jituiB v uacrsiRnca pea Meave to uiaiiKt 7 t'l ,Sn.fr.ldr:Kbcrttatr6Tiife"bes JEhipJoytivlrijB. Shfier i&fhepai&yeaf: W, mfjstj FphpfiCJUuily asfc av,cnntinucncef Fashlcri XVCS IHXM.1UU.V. - ' - rW1-tt1rit n;JI jv0iB VPA3?-!,; !. Ifltil AiAV.-MlLLllIRis'preparcxt taati-' MflMeohiate'Jklei&Jwitto ' Vtri? w4t tiacajs) only? as,tho J5?aTder ri4ydcsire jiSlKj.bildJugiltyrayon tbe newQrofhiTe'elenhvwmiftm ablMWnwtW4iilTWW:.-wroirweTLfftteiil4dl.' llwtabWis as tood s,tlw,5uiarkek.KiU inteedttoj iberifuUy tvp i6r. their "pH vitfils high .standard .noiiininoO tttii I-nr. rjAnrtitaiPHch jia;c jiqefeuijeo: tww. f H -;'( P" 9" tnoiria -mr y- i : -Uni a lafiWtatriwail. 9dJ J. OiarlnttoHtejrv Iftmlyj saitiited rio a Ve taM fot.sal nrices,t swittjllfitt.irm. 17 -,1; : .'. ; 'f -.; i f ; . I. . i. i w . I " 1 - " VI I k mAJ.h: tr - r " I isnoaod i:ni !-jor-d', :;i3t 1 aafril I . nrf ni 4 nni i Inn i inri I i hd --.- ii i and "Sale Stable. oPiosdte-i theJCity t aHOllSF Wt 'MULF4,r saTc: Aqd i' noV SOU Auai ,uIl ?oi-si rn.rt - NOTICE, fTlIIOSE persons towb.on,,we Jiaver es JJ.'' tended credit durinrthe 1 nst Tear will cohfi r a favor Jn ' lis by ' cading'at once zitl settling'tLiir i.. . -ir... ,' LVtls liiuat be 17) rawdlWi imnraviiic, neishborlioodv AYHl. himd fintiVeoiv iriiots. tp su .purchasers, latai v'rsonaiterJAjV . ii t T .. . m n.. II iJU . i fl 1 .n .... hAIso 2 .1IoheaiIs1iaka?r otiy lost ari'cal" .uEilMB:::! IT- '-'- . j" , ,t r n f t r t Trr cnwO r, 1 "?fO 73HJ (.Mmw J-J o' 1 l- -.;pplv" of - icwtyivanla iUxl- 'lop il Clover Seed, at , - STEXU0USE, MACAEtAY & CO. jail 9 ' , - 7 I t 1111 1 L iJi If 111 WJ fc-". '.''Hfl w. w, w 1 m ( . ill eiU'.-ril ivi sal bof3";is.m . ' aril 3nrpt - - ' - - - r. . . - ..r-i:i lil "-.iT?i4f fTAPIOCA,- - " T f' L ari .R 5 AiaiT. 3IACAR0I1TALU- p3 SAGO f . - , . . . H tlt n .WIS 111 W.i'JlM-fT -f 1 pltimf f , ?; - ,-r iu',i!irff. jtjGener aJt Commission lejhaut, ri rJ Jiff 1 i . ArtxfrrtlftlTCiM 3"k ltu'I ! . 3jU SI l-Admii e:tcf-&lOKfrHAVIXG secured itlue' Scttaccs 6Ta; 5CV - y 13V r . .f tUlNB03 iHIVfrthe wr -!!ff;5ates?ft7 UA uttm -'4ffnfftwffllsf,.r2nA.dffJiMT III. liiloti.inal I'nrlara 1 iml '! 1 iriTitCrnen'iiieogTarAy.j L-L r-tic:. :?r-' - - --i t;fih j3(t,,fnlivirj rr! irWn3aiij-w 'i a i i.TE, xTesiacnu. w I fyamovonitgy' eKiwroDao- r.-vTiii i' nur att-VQdl UJ6rf,f,r2M BAUKUJQ HOUSE OF . .noil . ' Sfir Air's tlnitrnreot llictnnr ' "Y.'Brnfl n.'lTi 1C Will TwpiVn I Inrvicito errT-.;n T - .J jrOTCne.SpellfrSirf'j A uTi'.V t0 t&IAjemetpHj4ll)epositrjh on tlnieVV -10 "Hv, Eureka r Slates Ruber; Orn-ij--ra or,issiie Certificates of Deposit. ieorir4 ittrui odi lwrustReceive4-atfI?,VltLrOY,3. -r tercrt atthe raleuSJJ' ' . . io f. . . w-T. -fw. wf'rtJl I Xi ifv Flour-fa staBra-nd foftTelvn-uT .TEUQUSE? MAOAUtAY & CO? 'T . .'' r vjxijjuiij: iuiiiuicijf xitr.3inu:"ft ai. laui rSiTT T t' - - r.-li: 'rri? " r'' :.J -it K-uuj im;y,aiiiira uai 'kxi3 ui- jtrr -;iiv -.rjan 2Sf MRS. QUEUE'S iA l.!'l ";'""" "f w-j, 43. beed JL'otatocspn Jiaji.o, v,:U.J. t?". -i'crle?s, , ff-;r-,:i ) . j f ;'t ,T-r otatocs pn hazido, v,:it ii - JarLV.iiOPC. r- ! .'!....;..'.. .. rcacii Uiows, . vuiii Awfcus, l x OT sale DT - " P Kb 18 ... ' ' I " - - . . x . . . ; V urea-; 1o vliuV"i-i1 -bmr - - I bna Siimb 9di tvrva vi-nw:tu -aa ! Je t tVh 4a; XUt iHff Wt hiclic, d?CIcc5sir Jcci a i ' i x ui aw Tiri . - fttja el ,xr4 i i foa; irXtvfryfc?frryr pnniA !i l: I i 1 rtil lJC-l IJ E A tf 'fV V tol boiia ?ev HKiJn'O bad A rpoil r L n. I .4. 4-v nl.1i.Wrfllft j-ntnidaaVAT-- f i'fw .i:drJ ' . : If s 11 . faiow or " ' . r... 1 111! B 3 tjr General A5WPmh1v nnrl dnlv nrani?! - - .W!l onlvCaroU,yi, a A iniiM4'w - - - inejKireu 10 iransac. e-v':J t Jfi!., . Jianduinlskaceomni UlUadii-" f; .; C . - - - - ; r . , r::r .... .x. '.t-r'ri '"ywJ -v.1 i. vi- VJ r -i "?jcJivs3-aiuia.w'ovcr irurry -''GokUiitvcrnV'TruIIion and l$'...,.f,:i ' EanK KotrXiXHisbt and SiId, d J-. v 1 !' y 't .U-U .y-; :'r 4Cashier,f ii ,t?w ! ww-t 'fcu, n m .ij fcinni wnW' Mni k- a-wwk tt 1 ' TUnr-mTTi 1 i rvrupnnvT'n , ;4- i'- ' - ' . KTARTILJ 'wisliT to inve-t in t-:h r- .?!:'. ,.V'rl.1.rw ... .Va'lr-nmi'r"'! - Ilbuse. r urthpr assirrnments and coTrc -nnndonrct . - sol r itI. G1LAIIAM TAfsff iaik 21-5n - Charrot X. G. r, 1 ft r.ftf oifJ , j t 4 i' i; f 4 jan 23 f . -