:ys. 4 . 2 CO I1! . ii. i.4M-., . . at itfl CHOI .J.trC -- If M I In Tnftnt.hr. nv flnrflTira. ' . . . .'.. . . i . r ,V r - X.4V.JLiAJ 4 444a...... 8 00 wm.! . . l.,J,.i. I t (IM u) -ii. I m'.. ln (taf I . . . , . , . . I . ' i l l . : - " - - ' I J Cdht?Act Adrcilleinefits taken at proportionately. loT)f rntca - ifT ' Fire Sqtiarcs cstifnatfed f t a -rarf cr-col uinn, and ten squares as a half-column. ' 1 ' 11 1 1 'I m nil . - ii n't mj 1 H V - i r 1 1 1 - V I ' i f i ' ' ' ' ' ' . jut .-M liiliT-..: : STENHOUSE, MACAULAYfifCO. i -'5,-odr tf. iv, , ,h nT ' f.; jjyV" f Mm ;v; '.'Vi '1 1 J:: itriTta , fgamst the cottager iwau: . .mN,rL,B f-i UvV: nRiLilji C -"I. - I J I trill I ill! f I. , W , . - 'i ' W .,, .,.-- t J I t :I . ,1 . i, ., ' V,!. !.'.-' ..1:.' , , .-J.-V Ijii" t ... .. r-. , -f V'fl 1.4 .t " ;:CnMG2M (With spot of purplcandl.gold I iw Lhfnrt. Hire u iaurotnJ t a -And4i, heart like jeweled chaliceU I YXPVHi ftlfe ld 'Of!f ITlie fragrant aeio.lidldfirf ? ni mi I aonoitliRi oi fiqnfiino -AViUiout ine uiackuml whistled, .. :. iSiMtV Vit n Andtoandixoat-the window . " ' n A.r1 rrl. ,J . .1 1 l , - lOtlC true licuci a iiiuiiteiiii hiiu. .1 . . j- ' Brtalfching at shine and shadow. ' i. That danced Sit -the lattief-silli;f Hi i.XX'tonierssonie tirfiA Rinri' Iitnur :httii' -jare picasea-R3ray thattire change has .i 3ViakhTjaj and iDiatobe etrfcttjr. CASH B .t 7fvyT i Tn .1,-1 rl.WiW jjA.XH.uitisuriV,. Those who do hot brlW f.nd, V"- thftTery af . licatrdu oTiheabov irufe; we will & r ri'jv SiY KjVF i auje to ppu goous uncaper man; inose wtto mill ifr"T? ri r. nrrrra i t haaiv AhAJWMi h 1 1 t r r-T ' ) r -.1 t i- 1 11. Ah hie ! ih darltetied cUmbeftr: L,,..:Mj With the'iintcdtinechut AwaV. f ll ttl,r1?chm?h4 Plri(W cdncjuded Jdrof Uim&wrfaaHiltlKl v.srn - Througu tears uiat ion n ire fitter rain; , f IWe nieasarc the feabirftoy't: ! -'lIt: And the Lifctuy bttVe ftfef tiuitwere dimpd,' an ewceus aouaainsyt mutts if I,aT idt7V wide together; .nf Jt m me uusu oi a caun repose.'?" ; n tit uc uuic iu nun ifi nnr ininwnnr 4 ATfitfTtriiia nonM- ti wi. tiui r And the neaTerlitttffllanda like rose leares J " T?r. fr a .vJ. t DrOtoftcd YrtmraWe, lav still- - JET ': ! 1 - " hlHE .ProptAf ftor .r' atfr&ifeifnTxi J That toNKSSSS felt l2?11 i?t!2iiUMl r,ieJ Ch3llrt UgeralA t i ca .i f ii ,3 .X so7 TT " i thauf usual) 7 (bnnhilrt hern rMarkct and . on him ,wht they, raft tatc,lle4 He We measirrcd 4he'leeiin2 -babv , 1 h, 1 X1 ffiUH9i: nlaces - ifj jpto, 11 fe. 1 'will' rsrjTc1tlfcf " $M oV liStoney .to Fotffifeldnino 1 rf ii'SSfeSKffl P; W4SJ I That, waited hiwbeluw, --, : f?SUd rf,-YVJwfn;.Mr"' And out of the. darkened cliamben I i f .f ?AVV- flT? W.tKl 1 oy'25ntf nr. lift-fittiifiJPwpBptowti.. ii ' itiisff I'xruV: )uj I- ;',! ' ALSO A ailt "if'ilt vt tiif Jcirimfiu J -Mi nNESTOCK-ofPao'rFu -t. fiorilHr:rnr:;- . .)fJi0,(f ,u,,,Vlrr..rrl , Valntit;p6plaPrd &n&C6&9,l,Uom vjan.)dfhjevi,iq: the " ;i - finest; Octagon Cases And ets;withfull clWUps, trlmer iti ! ijA'v yr themosrelabbWatyleJuWiisViedim'llQilV i .n; j it at it on..'! t .iiui irL-u i I ui -aiiiiii..j u Bj..tvir. ni r am 11 ivaivla i gfc nil i ' - - . . Foxtotnheigutof - lvOTAKBlii .IT -.hi Theexpenswi Httache.lHacanVineroVv4- fot' f -t"'H iiiirT ylVtJMt i We went" with a'ch.ldish oioati , to the height oTthe gt1a Our.dpap JhtUeope.hadfrw Tlie Merkfeuburg CeateniUU f,ai,f the'LesisiatnreiUJ,Hi'1nstin, of jnncounet provuung ior tive nrmr ders, until 'a' general interest-lrf eri I vv- "lLlL,ft;C,'V.. i'i,(,?.(i;i', ii'iWrrjrflfH" prk papers have commcnaea the OaTlfttaffTfcpnKiiCSconiplete .r proposition t as honorable to f . oiu f lc hd IS'oVeUier.vanu in bulk secqna rt Tifev kiid'VftfUV . t ' .'State,, ajid as appropnUte-to ah.eveBWFMVTT; . . ' r-thin -r lt.vir - Mib f-BiT h-u Hj , j , , iii history wDtcnrt-iH w-&nFp'iL . t iwt, -v)uim n .commeiijarationi;.;,. -. ... -.VAuni hrriAiKgiV&iX-r cy-r- We tru&rtn a tnh estate -pre;.y.r'f;t-4-!t-ltftftv t t iim.t id i seiecr.cspftCiaoJior lamuy ana jntai-'r yT - J' ''' ift 'jfmo-I 'if (H.-lH"l - '-"si 'JilcoiiipWdate BodrdereVith 'ro?in an, Ittiair desire. JflW Mdg;,hTs,j ion 'the CdnutfT'iaf- Trtude J and i niluircii ' streets,. iS a neWi;On t i jt&e, rdta?y p ffe cieanly i jmfiirt- .ablji ;neatl J furp v?hed;. and welj amended,- i.ue tapip.iag as. ,tne. maei w Miuru. . - , f. . ' j '1t Ternjs most liberal, to suit clerks who o Tij- .".15 .:' 'i' .'!t ,-.-Lii.iiJ'" mj. tntlt j -iy'- lescprciav was inangirrainii : .3 : , r. ' vies . 4 i . : military. display attended and'-adori. b-MHi . mx inn- ceremony-, nutt gave no me .nnv?. ' " Rtrahgely similar td that which was t ' " ' 1 s ti... 1! 1 .ill- .- . Ill UlUCil HHjVi't. awuoa niv r m - "."' l W W m M n r ' 1 1 . j t ' - -..!-.., j : terto mark the cbrdrtatibtf'of moV-r,'hid. U'-UO , Jj X U l ' 3H .'22r 'ISl ' r-w to. the, .-Piresidecf prance, folJowfu v , , fP rdiiiuiuiTrfo Jw.i-fU t uti !1(;,etihyah,e eyajLvu AQtJWjir-f. jtUti .Tpt Snow ..aMOCher; oelns v.ltf Ur'linlav8 - Wilo' Emuirts wuntt- yi;?PiW5l vl.mr SuffSv' ' .WfiWoiMkfh.ir 6f Tlife 0itast;"M3eaiitir -. ?2a?1 ' iVi t Ai i r L 12 aitcaa Sprinfe.,, i ti n lilwaartI...Hen3T.5rTiids ai book at wa., i?.vho caivteII-iV;..C. ieqaJi.r : . Tables, Ladi Work ' Bl -f V UlAUII. Utflllif Uflllltli UI1 bn lUlliSt IIIILIHI I;. j,;.;;3oveurnor,jigaiiiaiw contempt of -.the CenpiMlsS,ftdtnotii: pffJ; iJ t Senate, h as re-appointed -the eivlir4EideWvr.diCijt1toh;Mame$5e; iJhairs :ooaxa;prja wttJWJW amUA. jr, j othentluihs ixA nece-sgary nxetioiv H t V ec eU vhmibmi'ttf6V confirmk-fTri J V tioii to thesscoatev zxneicenenvi en- feFinMh-iifcitfuii.Hadand FootWohiut'lwiien! wcotties LOUMniiuescttf,iwst-Daia (. 'It', Xi;nent of the . Senate.was and . Hi e jsket JiU .Q Tijpi in ved snjd ; thV6.5 loHnon V V'fSff shovftd it. -that itvas'a tece ol med in the most approve.! stviwujiKWii TOiumiHfiprirEWKjaiiaEiiB!ptioii8ners, t ; had been Incharge of the institution, 1 l-'.t-hen the 'alte&e'd,'fiftwl3roji the State, teroifi'ers in tlieir. erecttoitJifrtfte imitdings.. r Bpard 1)as; h9eii kt session ? 'last two" davs.-J?a fSewfijff A i "head.' "The Tvoundedma?:"wa4 r I 1 jiVt I . 1 1 i' . . !,... 1 ' 1 Jojdan -ivaa arrested .,andcftyrie4nhe o - More, ais.i nuuw. tiw iayqr., tw no .- iU honnd hiijr at eif.iha: bond of: fr00 J-n nhe ew.Yprk7lFprM qf.a f84iJ& ago has the following allusion to Dr. Batch well 5' i'iA - !Drf.SatchYell, ofjNorth Carolina, one of the oldest graduates of New ' York University and a -prominent Southern: physician why has not been Tabf e4" "Extension am . . . m .terday moriunat inetropoiuan Vric this vear I re&iectftiliy. bed tarhm oi John Chavis,.wU! tieeanle involvetl iix a Quarrel -.'ofef-ajr- disputed delt , " matter. r Angwords' jivjefo ihd'dhTi i ' -edin, leii jrdaif'seizea .'WLg.uavi -Bm f Wl " Lof ciistoni-niad"ecIniHToilMen;lYdutn8 .ftearekefatori'hanlonstafltlyi head.' 'IhC TVOuncted mar va citririfd'litJVs -iwear. also on hafid!tt''?ine stock k:itUiriKrtttunt wvsj d'tnd "tnn S pnblic inefteiaihat no cliange has taken. Ck j:, jgCTfg-; w jr-ffj j place at my establishment. ;1 am ArM .(i'T"tiiiVClT?,Rri.l-.- ZjuI-- r--cfrl -UA ferdt;2Tryh Street, DaSrid tl&$&t 'ftne jtbl AndJrtJLm Parks oamiing.with jargfe wid-.wfell W OTpUholtt oTderTrO,!pA,nDS0NbS &fcM4fctt'rtn'hnfcild' Uttfst ritfvl :f ,ik WV hnA ttt:f ttoM&ianft .Mules McKeetof OentsrFiiTnlshlnjr uood, Shirty QU.M,j,, -haUS ilt t.w.: ui world THie-r very .latest styles of Hats. ;,,. j . f.x,i Jt. andTr Vill'sfll! .ieJTtfiWat-Tcesto -.'deTy T eeo! toats, foV sate ,by Vl " f:V; IT " -V appear at'thainexrtermiert the Su- .j.-3ig-iw fftfifr?tM 'io tWf - ' r'.i-perior Cqurt:i?i;;5A.' 4hort tiotaTfay.'fn my stock of Clothipg l.UWfciLWaWitiV-A nvrdift Sp'dfs ' frp'jii a" priwe ipurco j - iht j ' three 'Vr-r" colored'! tmenVVwero .droivncdijin j.t jManerrtn river,' iieu:' jL.j.uiAjcawwvf on?'SaturdaV..i;Tlicyi'hadl L.C5n out fiibiiig;vhtKt iii Teturprp?7 hoiiie f in ttiis or aiiy other city.OiU side o. ft .'Smith 1 By'sdhieineaiislthe ,steamer wm.over tpQTope oy..vnici;ivue uoai ; was" beinsr towed, Wcauaiag ;j ip swamp, and drowning. all of the oc- iTivnfiifrl fhittor and Tailor. .and wiirbei VV"! j.r4 . s- .. 'i order ;M(vSm jnwnt?.tihmejit ;rtd':n . ; own suiWrvhiou and.it' lliwer , prices stlili w wun: ,f-j,.Sl(!ir Mh44- H rH- thefanMouiditv of cobdafcarfbeinadft uplili- 1 jvni-i?--.ri?TrtC"i !J -tJi lJTnkfu;the Ue;I mos respect! ally. ask a continuance :o'ftrvi iitif JS'i J?V'fT!f P : VlI;::i; anv. DapcY.aTcpyy Tj f : ;T,-clsti;itlvfiohrhand s large awl' ;T .JJ.' "vjui ItwellecCed atwHABAi l'A A :en-TA?a CIIAIIES, assorted: MACSJ5REI FLOUIZtI0LASSES,SU7 at - : .r.v-1;: tidpy gAiJ:io:jA . feb?S TfVica-"V ' V.-L"eat,MlyftiOaciiXpusntf fsi.v ' ,tjun-.iil- Vi'if.r -.lui' , w'R !?iWJ di t-.T fhMtii-fnii.Mp r;r.T4"u'A r.J VI'lM Vi ff . ?.)! f.ifj ft'.fl i; :N ' 'UiiAaSn-"'!?"4 1 S.,,.T""TT'"...:i. II lt: EMBRACING :. CrhAlrs;Talw Dfcfef J iCaiesi Wardrobes, Vi j iCribvpfcfesTTetes.iasy Ijou i -V i'-i'K 1 ;T V .:f l..f ,i)d) f , h -f j n: 1 iCALI .SKBjAy D irKtB BEFQHB fttiYlKlGu 1 f 1 w r f f t - j iJamiJirylst?:! Jl(.j, a.n -1E,OBv2)A?7ID30IJ. "1 iiimii iliiaiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 111 11 1 1 hi 1 11 ii f i 11 ril m ' . iiki ' In i' fiili iw IToiOur'FTieaddiAcauaintancesj iftemte&h&ti$ leave tcthdnfc thttir hbeml latrrtrdter besttiwed 'niibn owy ana most ipecttully asHiaifwinuancep.r the same as we arc still at the Temple of FaShJcr..f-mci(tfuliv.-'fi1 ;v?: " 11 f , i I. ... li - q tt I. I . it . I i -i. i i i i t r J i i i nil . . 1 .Ji MJ-i j - ' " ;r . ; St 3 1 ;4 i c; Just- Breceivedif 4J ' ' ;"'t fry? .fi Vj.jL'iJ 'iVtrit) .mi f f.-ii fc 1.. rzn!si i..-rfl.--M..-.'.:-.ij .. -rht' T ' ARGB LOT SHO uLDER S0ARFS,NII U SON' TI ES . andi J Bows All t tfclorsr art jnTeatly'rechioed hricfiSi-just .received at;,! J cinal purposes' at F. SCAftlt'S. s.setiA B)Rsi B.'iD.&njianaiT.ordt je, n;aT:;. Omii v)tiffiityfil tf fhit-n. fir.': nt: .hit) i-ji-io di'h. sjiuir. -jiJ-i r.v..' -Particular f f .eiitloh ) faud Mr filing all kmrtj.trt l'wyiMfceUDtlow and Tobacco. . i fHigiiest caisiv pnee paidj fqt (Upttofti f 'ijj ; Diamondsl,Sil!7er ',,,4ll4?PlatedWafl -icrii( , I'll- HUM BtflSS - 'irr: "1L, -Jj" 'v iiDt J -Lt'jf 1 . diA'JN no:o;vnu-ii.s.-Bfa;irs d? .jhrn, ,f.-r..'I Si?" tn h ) y. v'-h in. :.'-; :r;til':f'.r;lil',hfj " iMi-ifi :-'' v-tM vJ .IkT'- ' J. T. BUTLER'S uf2(rh''h' ii-n m v- ilif f'-f :i .October 2? ()Jr x;i F;-.d (;J.Jt u ynciU;h)uy hi)uvofu-i.t A ;-'K -P Ml T- MPS MaidtfM. a'aiSihVelot 7- 1. I lirOULD Infom.thV'Pri& ttef he is IT now receiving his FALLanoVWIN- (.rMtLa9f,leig9!:a 4v,f v .viK Tti-.u. Uvnlw t r or ..." " I .' I Ji : I !. rUU.I! lAttrneV' if Cdtffiiendrs iatf Vralb'usmSs At ')fftMllqwng. FexUlizers; : 'tWM?! ttJWHS'.ft'ii ; R'ayritin U7 Patapscj. Guano, Chesapeake juuano, a Wtso'i t& Clarke'?; .'per-Ph'osphatev . We have pleasure in 4tgaiJ teifde'ring t?, our aruiers tne .-aivove nTsinnass icjrau j 1 1 1 '..o.haili!t"Aristfc iniDudencein the tfoi i feoiisiamiy reiuiY. ioe.uv.'wi Wl:u)Vio! run- wr. ', .-. hi-) f triurtHn use the mildest .nfrrftse. to M at a most reastmaWft .ppcer - ;!:. - brnVn-iavf: PikW !an Hff- ernor, 10, use me . u ii nw ijwo. w i ;ifftvnirtV?TiAnv.thankifjr oast :farors r..roarf3 ... - . ; vrh u , iAominnr,fi'firp.nr one oi me iiitju.wuu rv - .. ." .a.ii - ....... I.- . . , Tf'. .:-.' - i. .J A I , ' ' j.. .yeftnwe need ionly syithafe thy - are gtiaiv anteeu to, . re JWiyipuieirj; ppcTious' high. standard. , . 'ij'h f Aiid to sutolias hayeiiioiVetkised thic ojieitnal will conYincqr tle?a yiat:f hey .are iiperjijfo all, others, so kee of rnXrWdi Pase.' iad. jii ypur., ordep . Fdrile4n'ahlihaiiUtW . -41 " Few Orleans Suarar and-llolasses'. Of tHeiSuprefi-ie' Ctalrti bf 'tatth CWrolhia, QITY.tGrpss $tccl Pons$() JRea VJ' ln-r:Pa'oei-l 15 d6sil Cohv ah ftdoksi Wli6iesaTe ahd ;fieftaU'71 '1 iiK aMqa mil nt b4B,.d?UHEFOY' T . .,..i '... -,j?nr,.Salev. i :r.l ' t :cr-r P tCr a mWCf'jtcte oHAhdUd!o5iiibthe Citf oE Q.,, 44-4 ahattettett VcYy -finely . 'situated fam .i..v.r.fi.:v.ii4a,'it'.i rapidly. dmpiDngraieiboWk4WI , ,,1-, Jprfft'AviiV' ril besold entire, 6t.m to sajt, purchasers, JUoT RuC .U4'V ,U D ' i&i n in a i 4 mx.. - i site aiansion nouse. - bri'STEKHOUSEj MACAJLTLAYifc Ca. I ... eTiufTevV 1st. 2nd' send r3rd Readers. II 1 t H i- iV t 5 T.T . I .... 1. . IJAAl i. .-T'-r T l . .. KIM1 . i . " . f -v-;- . . " ..'- . - I -. rtaUUIliU Jicuuvia jcv, u 4u vuq ..... . ... f . wi.u,.u "v0 r--.-i , . , -vsvu ;:rr fivrovH 4 h. Harvey's Grammars, -.S"i..o;iit .... j ' tSiuii-?" 1 t 1 3 - H9i..4.jrj rw.lJ-i- Vi'lM t :i?- i T'ffAr : - - ) p&ustneceived"at i f i?1PR-:F0Y,0: 0 AV.$TADS tVOKTH 'ha at bis TJrery . wand ;fiale .: StafeLev, opposite; iMie.City Clofik, IIQESiandfMU4i,qrtsale;na 44U I. V; .4.44'; J iO.1' I )'' f 1 nijti Hi iHi t6cf. '.f'0EJ?TSV'-FnRNIHI;G 00pt)a i large and unsurrsscd,f beau tv mid nnalitv. f- HATS ahd CATS of tbeTatestT'VtVle fiy '8 if, nAYtNCjsecuTed the Serviced of a No. t cutter lam prepared to give .satisfaction' to all who favor nie wUh ' thefr 'pafrohage. li inite; an.' inspeetiou. of ktiy cwds and octiif UEClttiiil5 1 . Lt.'lf 11 "-3arleyWillTeT5al History, mHl?ni5 HnndrsdEacs Exra and Fi&r, A ilv,lilour. m 5torc.anainr.saje.oy is f ,i ,.fiP-. fff...-.-nf 4,r.1r,' -dr-7 4mo z Capital HOOjOOO - Jas. TrESEa'TA'Presidenb1'!11 , ,; ijnTaos; W Dwjrr,':Cashier,MiT - , , 'f WETuAsst. ,0,, - TA T E 9 - & ' B E WS T - flilus Bank Cliartered 'TTiiderAcii of the' -Ai General Assembly and dufy1 organized under Laws of the State of Jf pith Carolina, . ' with ample means is prepared td transact - i 'General Cankinj; easiness. n3 furnish accomWctians W alFita Cuj- t micrs on Liberal Terms. . (Tlie bank will receive Deposits subject to , Check, and will Allow Interest jAccording t6 Agreement on all Deposits' leflTon time, or issuil Certificates of Deposit bea:inr in- - - Merest at thrfxate of r. u h attt ... - i ' j Ilis-it per ceat peri AtiSrJii. on -all a urns iying undrawn jovc thirty days,.. y v'- n.;.r 'utt rijuaiAi . (iold and Silrer, Coin, Bullion, ivnd old Bank Koics Bought and Sold. " ,t THDS.W,DEVvvEY-. , uixAlim::;: ' -Chier- ,, 7.! -id. i lavt.fe;..; OEtilKG 'iSSpAOf 'tiliuhuh; -and'in i ijff4 ,UWt-'ifiJi;;;irrit gdc'at grcaUy te -A Wii ! Jwsffl i .o n fufi.itr.'Vf.uratVSi i A,s.6upply.cftthe.ffoIIoT:"r.X seiecticn .cr 'ikBecd Potatoes cJ.and .'to wlii., . i? Kft iti wiM-' jCfrttn'Km HarLt nose, ;:Mff" r i( ; ' t.. il . i. J 4- 1 JLJul . - I - . - -i - - . . ! It sr)7$: jrii-w .i.'li- -.ifi': ' f!'J J)!n ; 'lVacnXiOWS.' ' f tf -1 f fwblj. ' ' ..qrin since tne war . Began,, win ue-i n Ca., A.iri3' lat.,? Ilountanlcta-r , -. ., ..... h.ibtJ,, s4A0f flne.llot rjift. vai i- l Ar,t,t-iu I ;; aUtmniof the-raedical dcpartuicnt,! Ar-- s o';LusaSe,-T;::kcrel UCS QVEBTfr r:tl -;.o,u iKi!iia to uHi-j,!: I v T " r .t r v :t -'.,- i ' . . .-.: i j.i f , J : r , : t i n y -,111 j i : .;.. I J v u.ij.iiy 4 J4.iii : ,. c -.-.'.ii i.- I i, . -.fi; Chili ESCl3ffn'-jlK;.;LIi!.fj?U "; -I.s-?'L ' J U J-4 ' i -?.. . ,1.1 4 . i.,.:jC'i " . -iMri:avEDandui;iMPiipti:D. : , liAr.TIET? wishing to iWcrtln rich prop--. t-rtycrircasoriabIe tcn.is vi.ild do' tiU. Id c&inat,ottr..crj. in ' iLj Court House..' -Oij '-: ..'.!;. 4 J Fisher trrfjnmcntsfr.dccrr.jxwndenco-' , rcliCitM r , ... U1SAUAU C, It A U, '." '"..'"'". ' ' . . j 44-. , --. !: .1 ' 4. ! '.1 1 I .1 1 1 1 j t .'ii:'A f-tii -V.i:v: J .:.' J Jj.:-.;1

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