- It 4 K DAILY BSEUYIJIiV - I . v, v. ' v ! t ' 1 ; 00 S : . , . .... . - OUKSTOini WfES. Editor. s.') f. .... .! ......... - i i fo i r.ir"catodaW-IIh. ? 1873. J it.; r) -1 t , ,, ' ilrftrtrfpV at PAtterson. 4M. . terests ofher citizens, have long since niost effcctu all ysilen ced th e to ngues STATE N! SYVS. : - , , rnrripd Jn - Sbplhv of those! MPV.":" -b V maj ri y of 10.';. dulged iii i mrr injy inu Midc ;r ad i . VI h V' -? T ooenVbr ior Sur len .vc lent 'A tolov-d. woman i wr .s nrrcte ? ;n We no stand upon a firm and in- ping the child, of another colored t f !i v-i r t - i . .-v - nnni a nun inm ."". . k . ti. i,.. .ert f rt'ii. i i . j ; rtn iiih iui i . lu ws w . . v ,, w -t -- ,,,..i.,;.r.M lif! ,t U f 1 ltd . I -r ' rt. t f. r1 . l.i - .. JZ Vie ,g a brother Irishman. iff f f ".l ,V smy4fi5AiiaV Albany, the practice of-n " Oray. is a . Alabama. citizen of Handolpl jo by reason of the fraud on the,Bak of -fisglandfjai affifr-tf rixrtcd.', j- " : ' J - TV '-m I m KVlUVl J lit 11111 K i.lll I VI U I .. - .. b - rtl and - tailed at Steabinfille, QldoJ . iu,uie, supreme: , i i , i nrnriun i mm i i I7m in i.iik li m i it iiiiiii i i . , t i i a rM3rw i rt r tim - rvrnu. lor fitting a brother Irishman. ,.f 1 - tT-. fti S?S!W(5t nol XP.VZ&X K KHr. C;; dependent basis, under the protect- woman. tme wings ui ujb -ihw. smiruMr lnciivuuirii wunouii. a cordFall v invite every good and hon- FCQat amUvithpu (LtVccnt", haa turned fAiirK-4 t nrafeasiiHi. -Yauris1e A8y nimi ineeiinc wi casses titP a.uray, TT)hyician who began, or shall; begin hs-ird. AlbanyJthc practice of-medHiihe'iRuioefltlitvlL J5)iL( f ;-; . :v ii - & 41 vi t : UThePrcsideitthas made no chtngesl . tf , . ' ' U his Cabinet. ;Tlie election or JloWweir '- qTwlificit im To i f roenaioj wK! v??15 tt : vtiibUiLteiufe&d. lU io res- ' L.. Stanley lbct-urcdwyo;StWjf in 'ew York, , violating the HJibbatii.; -pgejotr. -()Moket HLitptli itht ruBoral Woce7iof lecture.SOO, - onJT aeniagoguoa Avithmif -as well ns withr. mid absconding with the v stolen treasure. U CpL Robtouglasf theIlresiaent's tprfwteSernrtirf head v-"-Ah vw"htsuccetfdith: -ifianlf ,3'bun - w,,! it-s ' . t,d The UieU9 committee at ,eiror- Inuas have sentelegram to Senatot Ed- munos asKing me senate to la&e jiuu the crcdUtials.pL nyrKIM If j, .. Th? defeat of the Air-Line Railrpef ; - action 13 entrMTK?f5sfCei5jiir findignatiort. arid fears were entertaineitat one time' that oine the, euatra xh? voted ! against the fcifftf olrfd he tftiWtdl'lSy the enraged . jiopulace. ! , ! diplomat, who- r '. V-v tfce land, : d rtWHis4kr nortuleprofeioi nolitic. Charlr.tiins'tbueN rcToioi ed to all niediijrjmo4itr;leA! cause u ex noses incir tiwu ucsuw ....... W" -. L" - . Uithet ptHtlliad )UivntX?Hvvur; uuu unscrupulous for their iiaa Thtrnind professional roeres, - uuuon ot ul, r ti,uSi Board of Directors of the Institution. forthe Peaf and Jumb and ; the , Blliidu nfe?4Semite'dilnot conhrm all the nomhiees: Anong the mun- iff of VTake; county. The Goveicnor lias v'je-appointed him, and he l was IcHredrWs&yJnt 'cOdTlVesi- dent of the Board. Under, the late clecision tef-Ahe Suprm-Court it is : doubtful whether or not the action of the Governor in this matter Js le - gal. j B some it" is construed iuto a ' .contempt of the Senate; and unlaw- : X XITTIiE UNPI.EAS,NTNSS." , party has not in anpvis&vjincrdase.d The 1le i InaUonW goHrnAienk Mis froini -, , day the Ultnrriladical faction f&Aj$, ri V:!:Wo power, heenr ;rgotu &h)ftjKhl bad tt, ujJrineascejnaaney; ?! lAariy : which boasts amohor its' best !men n most trVVorthy leaders se or the high anf refpopiyq dntiei.T WrVBa,l or meuicine. ever ,wns m:u .wwu andlencficcntlaw so 'hnucIi needed ns now, in etvo night ' last a - horse iuly.Mi ptuiodftfr r.r und vi fylPl CUftSC OI AOOUlpU milCS. . , I .m 1 ..... . . j. -'w i - " - competency, and because they, know St men of Stat jthM;moM..$iv lighted portipjof VUe mniM.M ctuiiula tttiitsr obiccla Ah tnr iwarin.- svmpathv. A.iU ipWrt,ii nd blitahet iLQiUoVilspletlt&tr&e same ut rv, ana its trofscienoe JlaMtlTlnirouriiCt. and liiieleVatiiig. the medical -profe: acknowiciigem m everv The 5 pnrs-icuin who loves ; Iiu- ttr. fession. and is rcallv devoted to;"Jh'e'' good of humanity the-JcsV mtefestnft- of his fraternitv. and therwelfare of the comuiimltV.'k'iwiivotlljvYt nil vpcate the aims of the societvet- only one .tin ni; or inc regunM ).n.vsicmn 01 in e State are memleTS of that lMdv-- . This is a painful and hiTmiliating com mu4arupcwj the wantof cv0' tion stlfd e1it6f brls'e Iff the brofcsioif. ': .flJ . ... ...... - are vim us an syiapfltny, sun .imuse o.xecjruit:oui: Tik. frjiTlfB pciydins) beeitimigratoryv in" opufcr thal'Tve irjfiyeotttqthe -verv W,t"eeTy 1 hysielini, goodf and trtfeAnd thus enable hini JiU?xorne land Jiejp 11s in. pur Onslaught iipon JgnonwloenivigosBni ana un- nrinciDled . violations : of the creat profession andth'o phyj Montgomery Bishop, yf fugitive frqixr South ,Car:oHpif,v,charged - with, murder, ind,jiov con lined' in "Hay-; ttood jail, hasibecii turned oven to. j 1 j . . i 7 ' r ' 1 Hfj .iones: tne missmc ooos-Kceijer ! W "7.-1.' 1 , - r'l-l t. 5. i- . thfe.oo.iitliem, JtaiiK: or weoTgi5 is a f - We teirii JMMt ufiyur fnfind iMuUhipniai liusbeo, now on dutyiiiV .ntA inG2 MO; audience wun iiw nouness i'io ouo.vj- ; Btys the Newton JEbAoj-Mr.'Jjimes1 CIirke.T of .-Iredel 1. conn t r.l ktUM a J-.iltrty coiiCi'hcad snake bn-:the 17th J iiist J.iiiuKfvilersjvid "the snakejj hud quite a lean and hungry uppear- niVi.ti"' T JoftlAh'tTttrn or; tity wUiinddrcsi th ?6pt6 of Boelb i iigha ni .; on Tuesday leiKh .iJMitfnr'Ii Some estiiRalo tlie:numben oiinrMicfwits for "kuard dt:the iPeniteniiai'Nf ia&50O.dl:)Ut a more 'ii'oderatbJetiinate brings the nuns per uowii .. ior)iiiy"2Uif, mivii'ihc iiiuit it all rw-niK !. ttin iniintrv "'iiliil -j -?f.a I n. -. - . JZ.' '. :..-.f . : ' .1 '. Ral eigh Km "b f Th ursd a y t Byf d e. ents , and dniirdtiouiM e?tcrl. wepton : ns; it.4fgl liPwsidrot ! a nd tieiwill takeSimaediale. &teps:lja get rosssi tiii.- u "'"-' v t -! 't' : : ! Suva theyGreeimhfinx. JcuiXoQh Sfatd ffittcj)lU V. G. Jackson, one day -lasweeknt k hi- house , in the cuiuitry, thought -the .iirclivas.; naA buniinkjYJPnMfitly, and took a notion 'to ulfttQ-ita.tiriljianpy.,;. iFill nnd tobacco. .Xusd eyery means in hiy power to inducetho. citizens' as- si irncx,XutT.:dedJj t e excuse irfg..hf Sthc..' vcre iil a; of the; ; Ton rs jn 1 1 ic'r frEei.J5' I. resr c iiill slatrthalvthftUali.ie second cue of, illicit tobacco during theft sent month, the former time I being fired at and uarrowly .escapm in- - Tpmncrata Carried the BoanVoff Su pervisorsTf.L.JT?! the board was I4.repuniicaii ami u?Hiii.. - . , "TnelfeinbcratocHi on1 Heavy Defalcation. - - SAVNAHr-Urfarch - 5. Alfetl Ol were e rofW vinV-'t of r n 2sl 4lv-1 e porary supply, though at a "reduced cost otilZispztZclzii upon : thej old ioThftt xt?n5ion ha beUUl?79onnc-: edlillegai byj tlie- Attortr? yAeuerat, rtndKMirUiUcn fetipnUhn imi, point Terms of Sarrenfler to iCaptiifack. lowing are. the eriisof 4 seudgr orTored-tb,tne,2d6dora::r -l. ',To surrender as prison ersf of war to uen. uanoy i ana o receive rnll amriesty'for thepast.H ,v 2: w To' be rembved to 'Ahgcl Island tered as soldiers, arc until a,,permnr ent horn e in somfl warm erf jtrountry may be founds perhaps "Arizona, f -u f td' foWclotueVl' fed and sheltier- ea in xneir new . iomra -uniH - tsucii . . . . ... .1,1 .... .-.. ..... ..' ' ... I m" time as tney win oejime 10 mainiui uren anu receive irausijuititnujivinji Angel JuhVndwid- thence , to ; ?" the nececBrr I nildings, maca-. ry; ana mf , ana uoi uavmg rr"it" '.JThf ?6: -ct by any malfes k -.t cul r i onoortunitv to o: : i -r until the newicOu-' -c.i .u..i.eik"x ..t they le allowed to present anScijLient as to tlie va- These views as to a temporary I ip ply,seemed so just and reasonable Is rapidly superseding ail other prepara tionsrr&ai .imxtncmg j JiJegant, Sweet and Wholesome Rolls,. Jiiscuits, PrpadjjBuck wliet and other Griddle Cakes,. JEcrfect a4d;iht;liahle'ajalwaxs,ready for lmnifdi-itp lisp 1 TIia . f!honivM!t T?ol-?.. that they were accrpfed trthes D, i powder 'Yn flifr yoria- arid. A ttfllieep on partraent, anathb licifS of J Wiitf Land or Sea, manyt mate, Toy yers. It wrn nptni nunc wtuujjjaLcjsjepers, 1 sCifc. . t 1 : woiua-bae vmiea agamsx.ms ued Mdhliio iiattlHfrVJiVlibSit it came. r:The -Postmaster-General further savs thai li nvet suppbsedr for i a or att cm pt ed to influ ence b im in h i official act ioai lb i'ltH iiuroDer marP ner'whalever. end thpt" sinular. sug- tutuents - are' Trequcntly T made by jnem berkof Congress ithoui com men! r mty- intimation of their im- fprdprietyi- ' ji.wrtijr'j . . mihe ca pflujulprita Jjh : fail ed. -The Court h ave- IccKled! lib ore is not e rro '1 1 wi 11 2 be rrm nl be red" th aC-th'ey1 Vete? eonf iedftf bflrglary rwTfinliff tA'lHll- rthVJlTJ?C-Jf :.oi JjfeWW.e ,9SSd gal lows. 1 OAT tbwiLGOOilViiinlcifl Gov- ernjor- Caldwell epd,iibet$V!eeithem fmniUhnienV'w This iheflaVrijfinirfta Coix)Rtr)Lojx;E oeGooDiTk-mplars. MrVTfaeoiKitliineyt Jaiv night or-, caitized a lodge-r 'oT Oood1 "Tfemplara Th.efotJiwu t C .XT .11. 1 . i . . v. -m. 1 inn 1 efv i5reswBaj iii(HaM I iVa v ix pScrtJtarjr, and Dv Jones Treasurer. Ral. Ar?4i rrud 1 Imbwoli M' V W mm. - w and softie t)f his neia men pernm siouto 1 visit Wahingtorf. 37? rrfl - .1 raoodshed in New Orleans ' wn- iias(jeoitq.uetrt flww ikR" ' militia ancl poJkeviofiliyei'i nunutca iWithrsuarp musketry ..when 'tnei -po Uce-inlinibeFed' .canKoiS ' ml jUred three shtit1 -down -Olwtrtrei streei The millliretJeg'&d luit were licit'. strongl v .'reinforced, when 4; staitof-, ticer of Gen. JKmorf appeared on 4he? sceiieVwh6u;the, comnfsmderc jpf the iuniUasiu,redereti. -Gen. orv actctl ahdjthe . militia Genehvt v aggamauMireiuiereu iuzweutcuce WAsiiis?uTo?ir, March G.-To .W. II EporyJCromwandiu. ' TledrreidaitNdirlKrt$ M-drt fo ' We oiaie covernmeni 01 Louisiana.- ac- i. ,-t.,:'N' v.i, - (-KtstieatV, R -'jTrM1KRMAN, Uen :it ' Aiv.a ut LDAvreow iCotxetnU Wr; One kilted and- several wounded, f ; ;:i jVbVajtryji0thl87X;H i uiioewiooa trov, wcnryoi r -wM.t. ly-J.u,! tow.if tV BY?Dn KlinaV.Wonilcrfut Cancer Anti dote which destroys and removes tli Feau(r entire, wltliout the use of the knife or the lops of blood, and, at the same time overcomes thb tendeocy jto cancer A jn the system J v.AVetto treat .all finusof Cliron ic -Long-StiUTiding iftnd .DbscuresiPise'ase, wiU TuntT:licll-j :succc5S 7 csiwciallv f Uefir' or Fit4,,Uieninatum, Neuralgia, AstBiuaocrbuuaaiid feeeiwlary . Syphilis. For full paTtieulawi idrculari,v&C., all K. it. tBEEyE, M. - P, GoMsboro, X. C. k ; nrri viKt ittik!C5ty'nwday, vV-.t iitt;Z-J t -t it Trw wmettr -at niieAieVedkh, UJ,UiW?iV; t'... ui rv vi u9Ciinvt wivwM W'iavofft iiAvins orui rca a aeuAjQUsira-,,,. w r...i. ; ... i G reatl v to h is, ast on ihneti t. - the iti 1 i i Hit poi iornir'tfl And pxrddfit the- canjtt It ' la e-li.i i' . . ir.o.4... uf..v.m...-kA.itt.':. THe Colfax Uase Aaaitioiiat ua tin IS.J iiio Villi na. M"H nui; ui . TTl ujutf i,l..v u'.vi vs; ;-.i.Vv;.j..iA i, t es Aerainst tne vice- iijiui iuiiu iiitu- iu bui uuivit; l . IU1IC- I t! 4f Statement of the PastmasterGen which I ohtaiiMjct frtHiv yMt ila. Sat unlay. ami fiHtnd -it 4otml a tire tst of 13.V-t. are-17.. Pi it i uiuvi jrv sr.- 'l's mv r 1 ! eraL vVsTli e fol lo w i ne' tel etrramrfrotM Vah ihgtbi was : published Mrt' the rNew !f6rk..UVW of Saturday f - still., j.n our vjijcian wno.. does not move onward in the-glofi-. ifs'lbf piQit$l 4t"gt take-thM downward gradei- wit.i . thoe stragi glerVandxlrbnes wrho'ha'ngihpon thQ. v7 outjkirt?Jfvi?turnJding "blockAti be : mnenviable,xjliarajjtera as ttte dision- c'fu. l.b th?, advancing.heeliQf 1 'Mfi-Rntlr. tir-Viort, rtiifo o,i civiuzaiion; . . s , thehyP?cntifal; iqun-e prpvioc oi .pingfcwpicn ejccue i Socieiy. anoVrespectru rv inVite tbem and lntprn&t'thp Ywrrlr ta.conio forwa.4taudtoin.Qur recruit- - '-The latest: xeitehtentsince ihe eW oCiiiedit-Mobilifer Inyesti J ".'CO to pexfoxmnpt'-on sration, thafffie trmm nh d? EadiicaU jj.vo- inuuui.i;ii, 13 i lie vi i ill ;.uuii"T-d rtf . .- - . -. . ... r B',nMPF!nn anrl in Hi. nnnlijiAtinnUiF Tpot!bvoXuhdouhte im provemen4t8,,ip njed iitiC surgical t4 J rrn -M-w j'i ! 4v5aKWcq ana in me application ' 01 iottonTuiTsay iMhslrdf thelSll those means at coui niand for the Crwccnt- Citytbetwe'en i the pplice; force and the Stale fitia-jThleac-sfl '!Q.qnts of the affair; arrn eagre in fthei extreme, . and tSehiqdiate happyMwtufbjanjce is ifThe responsibility fof 'iuis btood v not given. iY $co 1 ision;5 "m n stresfe 1 with f Congress, '-rV .-; XrAn A JUL Ui 'i- U . -1 - Ln V Cluicd to acfct Droinntlvim; shttlin I th : .lffliniiUfna i t ;,:-auvr r wishes to see. his orofession leave its , . MTya, ,uj- nositipn'of stagnation and 'demorali- relief of urlerimr3inmanitv: bnfc tliev me ctaims or- civuizatiot to- iwiiib w i th th ered ticator, th e pl i 1 osoph er , the5h)laivthropist'nd the Christiatf? KfnTMheiMfcried-alnlities and re- sources, for-atneliorating the cobdi- ou yijo$Heiyf ana nromoting.ji.ue elfarebrthVwhole Iriihiati: family; Every ?- member of our - profession, jere&re, vho opsjreslhe advanee'- 4iKaeiMM aiut. -vKuowieiigejauu k. ilieilt t)V Wnlnh thp ripnflintr mvil ll ! ,J ; miglUbeavertQ( n-,r ,,t'M" . ible to ouiet the Xi" "VPP-jnetnthreffir t : , 0?il?n,Sj Tl-"cmit& fiii-Tt.fiu .rrrbi' - 'ii .1. v. ' ):(. r ln-rr i'.'-'o '.-Wd " . . f. : - . Af. .tho innin"r i-f tlrw Cl-nt. .Hr.fff -us cal jSociety iheld da&t- Olay.nin the town of cwb'ernjvthei under-feigned . ; "vereppomteiLai cptiiijxiaee to ex , ."t. 'i teud ian. earnest invitation rtni'-mn . , 1 . through the papers, of the"Slatc, to eo-ouerate'with tlienT f'r? tlVWhmdjtt.lS ; .body. The Society ;has eep, in-ex-is caa-s, 4 t-4ia tn obly-vvidi-or-nr M'ionxof iITcroakcrs uoiiij;yiues ootn wjtm tence 23 veal's. tiridwithTarutrthecTariJrrof the re"' .... irtgtnrnt) of ,itupr ement'TiUKl re fiirmui The mefubef y of the in edicaj profession ; have . Ii ighfer j '-fdncf ions' han'jever before utmn ,t.it. -J'; The: Safeuf Prm'says f Oti rondaji lin MfV lilt ll.so Hfrtll in'tnil'iiie' liiJ a ).4m4it.ntA k uiii.4.iu too iui;ii iv , .v. m 1.110 oldest jclnld'ilhe:TelI known -Wal nut Grotve School House, in Davie ;A most astounding revelation hf edttfiiy,' wi rbiMly buftd, Ay her just. made 4gakst Vice-PresK clothes igpHiijg froni .Ivife-place, dent Collax that rivets Gist upon him where she Was warnunir. As4sobn asl thp line hf fpantion and fal.- eheAlwQ9TcnretiJiliQyi.oHt jof tbyj'hoocthat he ha gradual.fdeveloiS- 1 luxise. antutuAis. MDiieo.iiue inanie, from lusooutli J5cnu flpceeu to hiclr consumed herJrclothing' and t burried'bef so badly that'he'died WiP beier;that, ihfo.TeiV)atc&r4xt)ania Tirdfi;;Jrtsts tion he insisted that" George F.! Np-f ? Ifcyi :i " - u .'ifttHi tn,r j - 4itWd'JNevorky:vriireu mm . a lie nrst meeting 01 inenewroaiu -7;" 7 : J 1 V oTruJttuiSof.tbqlute'DeafrDumb . mer ot lSGS-as 1 voluntary . coninbu and Blind- AsylW was t held laaf ?nfflrienclaUlA lt" I ... ft-. . t l.llrft HLI 2lML'r:i . H.1IAA Llllib 1 A ' 4.11 IS fltlllTl E. rroiiillhson,' a FrincipAJ : Dr. R.B Uckcta rto ilM.iwt,cenion. Ellis riJ.-A. Leach, as Steward,' the spring f JSGO. Now t er4;Ti?abhe yfdr; PcW.fbalSIr, plfax, taj the . W whole number of inmates.in that e? filed an argument. Irenh t:to Que iaae-D.v.-Mie:viu.M-uejvjiaf r the-Institutiotvat rAiexpresent stime; exclusive of the oncers ajnet teapbers W fj roo o6iA -''J": 4 " ?uVel6pe eonthiet then in the', bandw is1 ,;,v oftliUryWeMr.-Neshitt:i.;It i J TireAVilmiugtortuTbMrBOZof ThursTs l)ere ehdoksd MbuiittedbythmV. 4.w: say;we regret to team, ia$:wei iMlfi history of the. transaction hi do , trom (a ;aamtcniiyea f nere efmpiy thia ; Wtieum Fostmasiert yesterday 'by-Cert: S..TVeWdnt, that General Raftdall retired from; XlieDe Hori. H; G. Oiiiderdahk,)rKpceiver of paftmeiit he allbwedi'this contract o the Wilmington,1CbarJptte Hutht ebhtlnue withotrt - advertising for, &r6r.d Railtoadilviliietset yesterday, .mnMitinn - Whon ''PatmflatpK- ' "Tinieruew' tire do net; iiuu wmuu nic i w r;Toi,T.T -' -ft'. Ant I UllHC UUVIClt I ! , .... .. fc' .', ' I ....... 1 I f ".. . . ' .... . . I 1C1J1J . ItUVt t.-J 11 V.-.. U' O V-VJU A V. n The next4ffeeting will be held at. payment. orae'WiB&M unac notes. Vas allpwecLm.ru:i t.tilaonietinie viHithe;'MsTesdny.' fflWbfw 8UC" after, wbei bids,crc invited. 1 tins nf Afoir 1Q7T oiiu rriiTtii-rvin-4 ceeu.iu jrecu erinir,wie swteu nroperr t, r,UrHh r,rt Kta mmrt K . HSs.3;SATtHW Feb. 2. tpmrriittee. TQ anuualcpiVsiimptibu-of railway bara.irrtlie United States in eJ&!I was 447.65S tons, of which- t3S'J,430 toiC were unpcrtcar:anu iu,uio tonsxmiy ere huuuifafclured here.. It will be nolitmn. ' : VV hnn - 'Postmastfii in Baltimore, at the Wash inert oii-Dtf i1 nMiWti0 . . " ' . 1 v' rr . .1 - ' A trnmovMiAfiorsil tor ; sin . nnininnr4i robbed pt SlUUM uuotee,. rebecks wHfcrrtryas soon forthcoming; hdJ: u-JPOTXTOZSi JC3. , j ft citirns nf tVinf nnfartnto inf n l?iW V,i .i-ftftiliiica ' i mat. S ana COUOOUS, niJU SUKlUt Stiyu Iivcastu nlvArsA tflRTr:- HaudalrH conrsft r it .1 ftiaie Drnvi iT lor sonm imnimlisini ii4MtJfciV jAiiViitXA iu.vouw,iuiu wc t.-' . -- -v--o ------- r--:--- n-as w iuiiiai t.ui. v."iuv niuu if f v4Jf -vi4-a vaMf ,j -: E'HundreT ibusiheTa Tjarge Moqntain liAlrlftlf p4ttfo&3iLViA&ttji3.arr Yam jSwect iotatocs; J2t Dozen EgL55 Largt Fat Chickerii and' tiia-st'be sold Imniedu Thetriilitary5irm'i of the' rCOvern- th? pleasing hope of tore mee.tiftifirtyi.rtii -rrn3r;'h0 vriTT done Mr? Colfax; it shoi UI - be statfedp 4fJ"fn;dj 1 nsii c-di ni t . ...lJHi'-f-Ji-Ai YS.iStfl .11 .'! . - Ifiorain "iiS 01111 1 ' .hltl wsfr-worn t - - . r7 " : I thnt VliiLlh twpntv fltrpu fkrnftrn 1 -J J:: a ' iik-ALolH-'t: jH.i(i (mw ire. not-, iui vt.-. k r 'VlddorsiUffiL Herei tbeitace Morave monerih thid 11.:, Ji.; HMlTlluaL . ruiii . j 1 j j -if il.ii.m:..!.-..':..! T..;-V;' : -s,.S.i. .,;.. : .V v . -fJ. ,:C ' . I 1. 1 131 I. U UlUTIlt' l.WHtUV illHrrpu 111 nnni i' - ... . . . . . J " mm-m I. I f Jl if w- - II 11 U 1 Ifl I 'III VMIlf'HIIItTlIb 111 VU&. L. r ftCFW Jsxad vokl.Rt.ntRv nd welcnininar manv4 jne-greampause or meuoiifpogrusav-j ' 4)eny avvvuuuugeiiviim xtuiiu jtiarur j nay nave come lromisesout laifTiftf nv Miners-,- JJartnere, Emrrant fce.vand is in facnf WSje?pytj the Best Yeast Powder roaae-r the Kitchen! the Ctnnn the Galley." 1 ; t-v- - lt S0lMydmSl .DEALERS j" t EVEBXWHEBE, ... . - Mannfactuired by - l'rxot:i2YKOTiiitR, . w cwjoit-u- ACt lOrK. sm;. ...... i -,' iii-M i i EIGHT Barrel Af6untauv Apples chea by the Barrel, at. . ; tU-)i'4Cfi.bi'ti:i i.'ti -J; T.-C0rTS, , lur.t: JK -3? tsi Proyisibn Store. dXlSER CUItEl), 3 -.y-h WiL-fll ' ii.'vd-v : uff r W W I 3T u M A C H I N B u-C5f;.and tiiAXcd hyr&HS mother, ; rauiH 't. 1 J .TO rQ nVi ' j Oal?r IiflilitifiSarfen's Pbyt6feraph Gal-' .-.Twenty:! emigraiitsitifrobkEngland f lftH'2M?"'5a''V,:. irr . i . .. . . .. r .ii.' n rL- IT. TILR0AD CO., u ' vMx! v Eyis ttw ; st-yKNT, ii.r to; hiil ll?riFiiHSOTlrEj tiling ikiMtwzo,ntuiiu.4 wno fxprniiujn aLv i--" ;u.cnLMy hitvji; fwxt"""!,! cd with OiK) I will 'nay that,.:-tricd UMter i lX,,that jn. onepicm-e,f the heavy prm-L p&trfi7teiiniJtaittWt th Drtislow T sU-Wrriijrlit;al thi tinic. it? 4s iniposNiblt I ilJusfiXtl 'st-oiTT Ae. F.kli5ve Pratt's Utld 'OtMijinA'lw T'firnfnl 'stofie mniuft Astral Oil, and 40 deg.IV; Above Wesf'S'Tat ik?p)!a, either in -its warehouses . suitmtl sott nv I othf r TheStfresUl ts atrcdf d withcy previous ex- I pn; "PtJy afff r rri y;a4,:; a ml un ltaut i s rf mMmruv with tlif-4HfcVMtol I cto not Ticfsl- HnoVetf "Wit Mtt", tWtint V-tmir Honrs ti i:iiK.'ii-iri iiuu iruii 1 . m- ,&cwcw..m - i niukj jui hiv...vii hum iim "."v bt-ltiavi tr stf InSUi akcU viliieIIet wichai'ge Tor1 tnrajre.f MJcoidin For salirW Jo;!t- r t, jWiWiiBW - it ,T.j' . u . A. Afc A. Am.m A U llltm An W -I . f.j" L- l"i i hill'. f I I ' it! :iSar?&-l ! f4ira, jlJ tPHW : . :. .i j :'. j- - xi. - .xi. ll..!f i.' an I -. -. . tji- )lTwufw;(noiffi!Ai'ot&ntierintiideiit. WILi;&KLIthii day'af Ho?elockiiAi i mar B j':. s a,- ' r(i m;m- the following Ffhedule of rates s i j-j (in it B-lft,,' iM"l 't ffiO' ' - " 111 . ii .i i ti- :i i . I UJ. i. i I .. jCVtheLMnotte;loe JU9jrany Will W rcceiTe emn rreignnteif ifnnre; ; ujki toUtllwSdrtSJS laynSatnrdityr lfr pT miti will hte' deliwnil u. at 4 ViVflofikV,: Af iilAlkspfiinixrtanciej titJiq aMhblehasAJwij-rm'ted-r, afn wilWirajiactea aiffefting is nqan-rvbHMiMilhvt the ri?;yf Oftfspiiwpnp tetsts i.r4l iiq.J. POX;- j. atHtJiftitHpany-y.di. no(undertskei uHI',,iW vliCS ' prisitUyit ' . lrotect iti,'unless" bv ypeciaf ciritnut. , f.ist'.-.UslZu'Sf 'is1Ci)nlla'ny,tlbts. n)t'r'ijnkrcrtake t FVJtNJ!iitJl4hElXTURt'e .ujjsine'f, rlic 'arrival of tlir i2nfcJ .MJkT . .. - i41 pKfhcW must tln-refre ndy wptm coi jlinor.lbr HTcTlufo'rtnatton.' " : a ?A a u i . v;u : i T.i Kf, ll. TA Ti?0TT, 'I .si.: - ; r 4 hr. Jtrtiom f&tPiMktincr. AlJnssu-jfrc. Foot 7 Notice ro 'iriic? ptJUiLic. CflPlCJRiIH; PEEF, txC, 'ttyCf I " J' Jf l -"ijr iimii ..' 'vumi i . . . i i Temptan-'l ten 3Mo- wl ; v .oin.hiar-5 lnn;' -'fi ' r u 41 Jina, dated February , 2o,218rd,r-tn yerrbnt Mr; Colfax alone appears7 on: which he says : - f - - - - . - the recordaa. making the appeal .foV "OnJSiirdfy0fhe22d hist.,fI ar- Nesbitt in, violation of the act of 1SG2 rived in the tow.u; of Laureriburg, making stich an o,tTeceVrcjm N. C. Immediiit vly on my arrival rA .Yrce-President or setVtor. or inem- : . i . i i m. x. -d. in. - ..'- , . . .. . pruveeueu xo i -a ycpeuuiers; kJNOn j oer.-tne sumect :;oi criminaL lnorct gptrT7rrtny reproaching, one, of menW) It isnpMieJieved .that ?Mr? tljt -::is(al pair of fine mulesryJrolfaxVnri t! -3 driver r: . -'ti i .nlme-iind started U'-Ait. Asbeiated- Press'dUn&tcht'Vre '...H-..-.- i..."k...i ' . : Iff 1 . . ... i t. V ' ' . in ,tlie linn of jGrerory Wil-.- liamson to i S . Wilamson, "he. alone tfeTjn-lTyl these figure's? tliat of jlh'f 5 rta!;3Lin ejriciirt :consupptp'nf hf, jtaiW,' Vity bars" at that time,' less than oiie- ular professions-It has survivecLtJje :. rsnv ' i 1 1 .1 vrY r ,vt' t WVr Y A rva ana s rp..bi lives, a-origin'Tina-Vrtttwigr jiAt t .V.amidithe'glarindciibguism' bf .:I!USilo1ejjan4 tbc gen.era cjempraliza "r b.f Jl0n whicl now;'roore baii cjfcer be , , r.-j forer jicrrades .aU.ahe-rpurguUs and professions" of life. ,' ' f'r'J :T;VTho prcgrcjs of sclenccT'arid .intel- .irence, together with the-h'onorab'a 'j'r03 J Ule Society t(Xr.elevatc th'e ..aiidard- of mcdicine-'uv 'the State, cnu thereby promote the, highest ju- third was of American ni anufacture, and to ore Jhantwojthirds was.impott cct .jfiSince tlirt tirao there; ,h Ave been i-vast ThaTigGs Jboth; -mr the.ia'mpunt con'&hnicil and in the proportions of dom.estjcr.pd for'n manufacture) The figure's," for 1872 show a consump tion ot riiilwiiybafs inline United States' amounting to' '..1,504,591 ; tons of which 975,000 tns!vcre manufac tured in tl)ij- country -and 529,591 tons were imported. a The old con ditions are thus -lLvcrscd, about two- .1 f 1 m . ' . - . ' xuirai-Oi r lr t m ,;nv iiirs hpm nnu J in Our own country; and iihout one-third being of foreign manufac ture. - , . . i.. tf ..ii ..lug wpr.;; Aiter uuui-; rpeiyeu irpn vasningtonyesterQay, Oii L:r hiUuTrM aim n&exging.--vl --The Postmaster-General denies; the immediately g;vchase, and captur- telegraphed jreporthat . the - files of edltheagotiiaiul teany. .aftef seven Ihis'DepartnrentBhdtv that Vice-Trbi miles ofia chase; Tire driver-did not sideni Colfax was vthe r ftttorn &v or surren'derfpntil I -eVcked iny pistol loblHist of Mrv NcsbittujUeeiyta tha$, on hi tn arfd' told him' he rnust either finding thet -NesWUl corUractfpr surrender or take the reSiilt. ;I then stanipebT envelopes had been extend examihedlsw,agpu, :randl found-'it 6d by his predecessorwithout adver CQntairiediifteen'.'boxea of . manufac Using for com petitiohjf he referred" tuTeu tooacco wfiupub .j,ie ursi. pne question or itacgauiy ipune jli of a stamp v. I turned the jteatn back I tortiey-Generah who-decided it tD b XT JX4.,in)te)rest. liamson to , 4iiiHivt17m1 trn. irviliiiiida.tiull 1 5 iarl9ttet.iarch; jptft 1$7A.- f ,nJ5 1 . ; : thrsA i'nnAiif.Ad to .tne iirm win rin rm.'tno- iinlpri.iniHl fttthW On'of T IT TT UrtS4j tonVfc Co for settlement'."' -if" " , r to tne town oi imreumirg; u ucu wunout tne; sancnon' 01 vlaw . aPU within cm inile of Latirenburg, iti d that thDcpartnicnf ihbu1 l.tbrinin Iai, ) au-j. 4caiae Aout , of,;th' ate the i f ,ime upon' 'rc?.sonr.)otibticjs; woods with vrtols in their hand?,; and issue a r.rbnosalfora..rie'.7- con- and rescued the team.and tobacco. I tract.r which wTas done- jki a...i..x j i:r I ?.. .1 ..... . .... biiuiK ueiii.i uiuui'.icu baveu iiiy me, 1 in me mean time 'a question Xircse as I understood -on. my arrival in as to the-tw:a" porary t upply until the town t;ic- ivit:yv;a j,nQ run aetermi- new contract Kliculd coinr.cr.j- and nation of killing me. temporary c::. th- . I respectfully it was thia state that this country i V.live' with Mr. Colfax urged that the -heirs; of wagops loaded withijlockadc whisky.) Mr. csbjtt, who dit in. lC,1 hv rrr ' t ''UJ Io' 'i rA rJiUx itis Gp$cial IJotiee. J'i rtirl AVlXGi thisdayrdisnose(Tmy, eritlre TT JiiOd ' .t nr. corrtfr co., r v - .1 , - x ..,ivi'J4 ,v - j.'".iii"" "i tit ' rn : ; 111:1 f 'IT-, m i iii7ct7 Varieties:-' ' :;yaverlylsgnin,e,.Y v- r I'rkfik lilies' llrustktcoV 1 nun TjwIs Johntukf i-JJi'i' yni- JIan)eTA Bazar,.-; f.d-' n:' '. r . Saturday JMzut. ,i i lfe:e veircyery'" Wcekat PUBEK)V?- tnttti0rftnkinVhaTit'5 sold all their I "O! laeft Cbtinty CciridT4 now" -ofleTXor Wickil pe centf wklenbiirg' Crrant)' ft"" t 76; and wtrned jintercst.Hf.TJie coup of llrej bpnd, arereccivable i a paym for allVoiintv 'tnxea . "The ComDanV nff thrMortL'a"'e 8, ier cent fold bon I (1 ntlrest payable in gold V at 85 and acrr ( v; interest iafso $20,000 J CI C...4 '"A. hl r CJnds'at 0 artd accrnoil iAtelfst.' Wk of thet twoibrmer class bonds, lat'the ? i wifl paynclndlnff .thev discount and j v terest, exceeding 2rfcr .Centura, pex nnB' i. ou the anient, invested., jLet, ,tax-pr pint luvvMors PI'Iiy in nine lor uj "ti .Ii teNatonal I3anks or y . s. to eUner 'of th Idtfey1"-" r.ur5 lm iiL i(.tu e ... ! ' ; - . . . W . '1 .. n a"- J ioxes uanny, 100 Siicks CoiTee, - "Cbls ret -toes ' " T 'rly . . ... TO raxes C : vn' ,v7 x ens cr . . ri.c . ' - A" of which . e cf" r t d F. r: upon tie i.. .-t fvc any ho..sc in th city, n;ar 7 '1, '' t!Jtf. - ''V, . ivi .li4 1 1 . r r , r mVO ITsinr' - 1 V-rrc' firrn ill trrades r-A- 100 Boxes Baconr-SidesA Shoulders, fo) i i'ILiU AVrtKa -3pAPEBf U. vl xioioui iur-.m 'uli tiZJ ti?r. k i 1 1"" J" .uri. tllO InowVliQcj Tapc Mills' ii !'ft. 'rVrht.n io f TlXJDVS EQfJICf' StOBK rT'" "v TiTni'QAvn '-l.y'CVELOFl5' 1 UJ rte4Srrac.i..4nd Ojjggfi J

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