-.Of:- . - J p.v; . - - T) T . Earr.r -:0.- :0:- r ronuerljr cflJaltimore, UdJ a -:jSI1 ZZZt-Z. ; ,t - C. . Z.i fvjC: rrvcr Tc&l of tbe Co-rt House, in;tbe Motx' Gresn, I,-., ,v .-..r.a ; J ;.i, Tonne -y f.r tL2 tins j: c-cobbs- sto -. . . uvK will be run in qnnn'ec turn tnfh tK t. ... .,. .. ..!. rt i " -Kid Mas. D. II KISTEI n oiTietrca. xroiaioes. , ! ' t ."; -r ct:l-i:ctlc3 Inserted la fhll "l' . rC'j IS; cents Srfc:?,i?;iB,Sh tJYOrdcrof D. lT. C-rJl'? I will kac:(7l.tx1Slfqi0K-rt.' J sell af uij Aucii.i EuiiaiCli.rlitt. IkindLy furnished byttrrKTr'-v tMfctrJ X:-:fttte ' i .--,- -, i riMln tioenlu and d-" tt , cf.tlik Kiis . . .1 t'f 7 to . . ctriIr extracts? to advertise any ISofa AJ5WAWB ;f .sjinslsyieli ad- pional service ftljei-ittbHc ia reneraKJAf m.t i.'-itA11T.t ' ?;.. Kitchen :', . v Fnrnitnrer.Ten-kuares ol-Ltcxx m mo - fui-pndsatijiisRn sciati,n ; edpwtpain, .by U.aid of. bTwcritybares1n the evklii.l , JUiild. lir .V tiimt la-Mam hiti.ofMiiKAnt lnkl4 . - m ... .. i . 'tv.T f..v.!W-. mj-ina Jxxin Association- : v . mnir, inntotilarcbtarr- .,1 t.iiWfmi& -a' piTe sharcs of stottin the L..;ik if North ; .fcb.W-i nAui f -f!Vrr-J r h V Carolina ; and Ten s!ares of in the . V - :-'f--yc' j -1 , J'tilloftheC&rolifirairL j to tht . rpWO car loads of 8eetl Potatoes, consP f .T3 A - frTA : " estateof 7 r, 1UIL deceaR-?.- I ting of GO bbls. Early lUe, r h: 7- HtJ. M, LMlV a VV ; t.; ri.' TltAmtEB; . . --40 Pink Eyes, v0 4( . 4 Vtfeb;Ss :" V J . 4t ctioneer. . iiCicdaPrit M'MIffifcr can be bad at m 0teiW&'6tr&L ; v 'rVnilf;' '' t. hull' t " ' hh.ti 4 . 1- delivered. JuoiuiiW RW. Utecwworwu ... v "1"--, '-., J "rt VTk-. I 1- v 1 Jixd imiP. MKtttwJlVidfaAlylULre clear pftbit t Methodist CavKH.Semctt Ml X a. Stock thy talc, 1 avc iuaue enqmrj aim ijitbifco jcit jftmffatim exists. Oen. Carringer, AttdrWy for Cfie:Cjinpjwy a!IdatCU ; . VhUr,it: tke I K., aud ii P. 31.. Rtf? d4 Uecr: Mh UOTff Ale? of, . the rher-o:? , ; - : : the HouSe,7aad tit rue fro'ilfee !t5dff? I v ; will ; be clieetittUT puaiwuc. u riw A.r.uav"UU.-Vii4r4lHtiiV V if . jL. fiAT-Fnfcf Job Material''! ukt -received 11 jrsinti.ii re' T3siwiilrll i v. r a-r 3 Ir ed ' vitto jieatnessraad sdespatcn.'r atislac der. tf Uet Baldntf t3WUerlor WwriTS; BiscuUirtt)U .T JireaJi Griddle . CakfoU Va13es"l)eixtf0 New , Street I YvrJkn-i At ftetiiil jfall gi;5! X df iftttL. ate&fnKftn& VJrSndithe t wiav is tltenrtday4iia4nt. ,. ah follu neM.yasicijii lie N-JriM State XfeHwIii1 W !&uivi on frrair .0 i ViriMXewr. lessrs. aring, fjrpi. a rfeEtlDilQitcQars: Ellis LW . MMM W V'r --ww - j Max we.lL chfttlired iuAVVC i . i - - ' iTViKfilHifcuwijH'Vxhibitioa si I V , . . . . fTraiifft. he lias. assured oa 'tt rM4i iiu i?' 2F.1L: , -roiLX-Cy v -in miwfcaite . f ' h4 . ""ifil . !? U U ' l- : V. - - -i - - ;t.vgTg. notice of ouriiptirtbadaffof the - H Ml 1 iWAlS'" - hyrjR:Ai-fl,,tv;tfWl "Wii'J 'T,M v Stocks of Messrs, J-.liIaci?ilCoM' and - H L - K"?l Htf llad'yoiti 'JTp7y.ifrIpnt!.?T.?mjLfJ't!'' & lftllliainaoniiArOT)leased : J J I -rV 7 A 1 1rsvy,' 'Jnuvioitp. -t , - "- '.'TT--ij.ii to aanoonc that ve are fipabaiK under ' -. 8 : rtl iiX. 4mMai- wit -pf K t"i Jtxll. blasts at Gregory t Wllliaiiisasi's old v --, . . '1 - : . i: v '. -- Y2 " 'ti-i '-fli vIiT-i -.ViaiT 'JtfH "Jftii jjfsur I -Ciu- stands Trade St., next doofttCicilurray '. I:? -'"-i"r.V-- ' . ',';,Wft.r ftl vt i-"ifVlti??TTj 1 ' . A-.IhiTiswhere we .will at all times -keep -j r J;1IE BOO K STO K E .; inWji .niVT. 3H 1-trr!: , tlielamst stock of goods in this market, wind jjw Sta iM;aVf ,atrt renfoKtlie MrffitiAif tlie w5ttirtJa?fd a4HlieRJlUntito:t i.Hw off tive Properties : of winch in Cala nmittmmW'itsWmm "itoarsen&r 'arid all m -f nor af- (autinfix are taken to irevenrstltl nerVolls delHirty rWeudtKm) irregnlan- te S3, si ft ft il dos?s -of HCSpct the KUlneys; 'amj.all aggHkvated' thteciabdit.ftn;J61f'tl.eiTi a ciiis WUsoty.nvanis:Mi4o' arfr' subject Watf i- OratffisttAWrsV hate ta' iedis- 4rl4i agilfertfahrW disestive tlftfttetrettf Sse"ni"aiul - i 4 ' ot txne of fV7 rot6t1erStouiach-15itfera. - There la- no 'GofieeiTa, Spices; Brandy Peach- . P. .O: C; KjJL5-.X -1 ;N Il.IiB Ki.jauhfina V'"wi" -iaj -: r .-es; Ovhters, -Sardines. Herrin, &e; - v- V-f, , c - . V- . ' -.MwO iofd'J frixiii!i !woJ,? ;3!)rK0 'AKa.'an-rnriiish'.'tlrtr- ino&iorn- - CABBOlTE OF lOpiNK iXHAlk feuaUs.iwerlcffirkWIie.ly'rf The Cur x iriVriwaWinWr oeiatlm-- i r. r assured ; that .theyt. W , XI,, tive Properties of wlm:!.-an-i?atajxli-' . -vU'A- - -r- '-l"rJ'vJ' At.WAYa' OBTATV uced tripesJ Toar attention la rfj fL' tbe lowest mar- - : : -1 . 1 r - ' l . I ' i ... SV.fi ' . wwwwv na-rtseuiariy Jrriua to? - our cNOv ij"r LIQ C O II S ' - . tdrienMumtest approved bv the most dis-r . -itwwid -Au a-'rao ,t?r.M J ,V, f, t - 7 7 ' V'teTX ' ?tingnif!0jjDlvivwjPs:Pf r. : v'Jt!J2AlittX r-", y"Tbis orily complete Slocklu1bJJrket, 7.iaiBD;am:HAHa:? WM.te. 2S2gffi-SS 1UUM .received at- ,rV W-MfcTO SCA-FOWt CTOWttT -; " fogs!" -POEOiLIIrPAIIfTIIJQ 11 oiMUf rGiletber tte Fanrs.r Certificated ill arcest . I A. ttriv.Veiwk'::W f5.ftr1ntt -- . . -T-.i :jlVt4 ? .... .7 .v!u;iandj;iq reUabJe.itaniiaaU flieUMate, fur , . :r : . . s" jiw? rrit1: 1 .mshedappucauom ,.rw xabni; , . IS&y 1 palsaAgenis : be ;plea?ed to show you specimens of ayhA nhicbie wlU'lelKef'loW? f J fi-itV, TKicILlI wprkat my, Studiolabove -Merchantsflj 9tlJ S-littj. e!oI ,.7 . i.ui'l j , . -5 VJ' eVIHfrArrte;. ,v Wiff-IiwlUboTT 4Pjffe iivk ; We respectfully ask a shaoLof tTie pub- :aemr-3ttt Charlotte, A. U. I J4" . - 7 r" w V s- . ;. . ! . . : .: i . ' -s- -' ' - r - Ketuj I lie mtronage, guaranteeingjBatisfaf'pn tnitja-TAzase street, A CO .oTirtA: -sf - vdtuio iKi-ujJi'.cufuisii. , U i miQTMaCii3J .j-kSJuroiuerics, ; o. tanta.joL.maasM v. .aim miasniaiic iroflii tft.;Qjtj;ittn9ani re- ' " . r . - rtM;'fohatulTrrr .LnnbT od lliv Vfiom 'jiljju d -re n- it- 5St res on srs. porisllist nieir !jtj WjliSUtej wbo are about U&sZiXXii ihv ( fails altogether 4-o-mention Fufnian 6Uselith.llfe of ' 'J ' .i i .nlMr U,.U fP0 .iii.AlfittraaVH bViffi KKcrtirtfket,- No of- jm. ' . t i f l a Sentinel and aUoiliat of the JVewa tip- . ot rJrBjrpdi54e.iW : j-JIaebine CtimT-rty ' 'the' 4 r& kAo'ea'jPfli t1??: gpjqiibto tiaisiiaad feontaing fi :iutcr r ' Wb4B4-AVi!ed Machine. ..-It you don't on- yengygasy.'annjeri ror yonrheii,, :--c-: nee : Twenljr Tkllar aEilce Wc ee lJ. k. ll.al . . il. ..- -.1. If k cortL ,T ii i- f " nrV-jKu ( 1st. It will pro f .: , i l-b-e. - . eVeyraiO.'J t??fi Bis peraoHH. t, 9 , a .Jhwaftie iUT , variety of n&UdbUi J f T9ifPbmlBniV His beer iW-ibnlwheiiatfB .wSlSnS .It fill, bet 1 fr isof tlie very best quality Jftk XSS Xto&W leMlM&.m. ,1MpVfi?W w.h. f It is a soli . I l-'i.i V, , .awLt-wv.iJiwm V 1 iwwX,uU witDiaftJBsrBBTJOt, 1 . 7th4 .vIt grows 1 . ';: 4h ?? U - W 1A W-fiH ,SnslIia IiixHal8 JWTf8tP.& U other large field .var d V C;AjUk varieTv e, i : llfck'nifiiSW W'iWaixlAv seere ,ltb ill (ndAttlarooricTi $lc- IV. H.:H. HOUiOlf WtO; ltb. :Utcan iyf I.SagfMlOdWCai ,rV:'r' 'W'VH We give the m I I ,9,Wvwe rvvioiviAviWiA-r-Jiv-fr wi. who have introdtro istereatieHx f 4KiAtit.'i'ii. . .... j t 1. 1 n iii.iuw)L"c.mi.ht irvnn . ft.iisnwifi RMijined to hi ' 1A-.'. - . m ..... i A A. i.ur.. a. . k.'J A " 1 nUJaT54M9 irUlu,a.OUMi"i Endorsed by 'theSecdiDeaUryJ&dcZ It is. genuine 32 rowed sweet cor(i, OTMMrtT'jfVHM. :Uij(7tS!(ifioMt j ... .. 1 ".ots qSfellriiyl .k jinior; varied ofUdfiiinU6 n,0re Crn tQ ) FrriT Sratf on4 and. Xad an2nd ft has' a greater depth of kertelJrS SIJMi: fitt f 1 iklJCtf IIBN CT ? ; 3rd. IthasasmalIeF.btha3iaTf3M l& :Xn .r&Ch - s 6th, It tills better at both ends UiirgMWiforifefi ojisqhJfxuB-Hhrw iuw ; . jtsn iar ..coir5icruro. WASsi&OQXt w.-oth. ,ItisasolidwhUtiransrmrencorrfH; . rL n "a"T" " ' '-n " 1. ' lx j" ' ' -7th, lit grows more vigorous and rjaitflj .ltttOj5a3iiiiUlCIlS;aJMrc VlUjrtA Clifir4Q iSnigJvee sv-ill - . JtESSilefk, VeUing-. Head KetZ . 9th. Itbears more foliage which majfyjamqFMei " " " , rn-kew ' ?v7 10th. It can be plan fed on land frnwVwU whfa, haibeE5i3 barrcited, crfrom . , .U i y jsbich potatoes have been dug.; fully ripening before iirQs$ a ?,imhnn? Sh- i?os.'S?37.A 23 BaltinitSfrirtJECaltitoore, 11th. . The spikes shoot out within jtbur jfeet lie.undc jroaueiityTtbei rop- r-r -Md. ; . ; 1 teMUlxzUknd tfttlafcl? esiJ are nnufaelurbns or 12th. It bears more full grown e&up.m) eaHtknmriaiyailarI tpeld bBt for Cash- directlytfromhC Earop- .. variety. . -.iil-l-vlHi, lc '.3l97t,r itVfiTiA'i rtM.ad'AroeriihtitijWMr jtdlJthB aeOrepifSgliby iAtttand i.anoJWl-Vdto severe drouth better than any other variety of corn. , . u yar!ety and cheapness, jUliahyinfkJ .. v Hth.:1jt canbe successfully wninyJStote. 9t!i lo. tvuilh T0 ersliUed w tb kra mmw and ?4.i icr sactv n niawcet. ' a ; . ti frwiTfXaiTS kien ta" itf &TdetHana, . n uiirJaniL;' ; ertri utoo jwji'wfi , "W -;4..JS4lL'UU4kVllT WM TV" -.,'.t .w j3ood4eii2aidi:S V.YuVmsw (W V.rtj Vo f pnenlT of Kobeson prprfcdcd.to r-M at 3 f mziQrrlott9rxr. ; t. 1 a i cn- ..layoroi x. liryce :2 Co., or i;u-nott2f As ODTnAGnw. a ktre miormeu iS f "thc Purchaarastorney for J. 7. .yV ?5?fc ! f!!?Si " ia ;, V:f?u !' of this placeWti;7:fl:V;fc a -sir 0 ;;7 Wegivethefaiostsatisfactefereu MftJPffmdWfWr5lresb atehi V o-MUilf we respresent it to bv ; and further, weare the onJy pejwn tfvrrthwutithe tintry f b om 1 ".UII ' , who have introduced this variety of corjv, IfavioaapJityv.WB.sre ttotrbIe to I fill f tv - tyws lalrtA - all orders for thos desiwus of testing iU Jasteanp qovl bavepU COhuahela fixXSWESrinj C?FIQltr moreTut wnoTnll the orders. f 4 'j: : .tnti bJrinaaR 4lT 1 r i,-,rinrf r v 1 . b&aikru kfjr&&rataA& i$a etcr; usisit nsro cems-Hi o 1 . 3 i-.a "L "J ,,.. w.k vi. '' - a . - r I', .j : v . aemana. ,--,-t- , i - 0.. i . - - :....v fj,n iinojji tHji (in uinwi . ,i (-lmiinsr mindrvtiromissorva CbicHfrlat.. ' ' ; lAddrcs.1101 tM" T " 1litoHAI.aitfcCd4lwr . interest rn tbVte fiiWl PhiTer 'J: York jmted 'ibrthe Sentinil, -ia:a letter saywl". : y:ori t ipauiitaro ,uj- Biapi.; wm a r - - r . ..... , ;i ..ftf .it vff lMBotKnkr M riOJfl W jrj ..jell Tl-lZt ii v , it ;-ni i wtsucinee. ' R I K.. -i. .'i.i4 ... .. 41.-. 4 I V- V ' hnnmtr llf Ik ITT'III. .. ., - -J. '. ....'.'.-. i,.- ' v--X. ' I llllJOIV..-.v.v..-.. , ... : . ,.. . T .... . ,, . , . . T V! T . I Am. ,1 .nirtlMl ifWI11MIT 1 : Atl fnrt.T.P.? ,:,rttPil'thal UiftKhJMk iffi&fik tleada from .WaUaga..-Obe- L.;..!.!:! Ati-h:- V-m. if an ' Sweet Potatoes. SLlo,.8S ;iWineirTftiifNT5SEAJitlCwiL Mr. James WhKrWrm;,cM -Wri PVJ fore &ne-.'-:;xirz,i. JIitIAA aefeahd ? 5 drf ? rtify' thai ibme ST the stalks ponced Wpim'tbj-Wrg m- feb ZtrnTT A?R irTJ. - y : AV 11 M7lj7"tai!u:a ed Ui 'inches length and 81 inChes-aromwr- 1 - , .k-.lftt Wrn'l m , n-r-ri Gfza T Lucerne vrFrtd. lmHMrh kJukh Avmaoa r.VApJiwk Capta w. Morgan, ..; ; a oMb,a 1 qflfeSfe no-vievro or)ip,rji,ia;5t.Buj.tcir-Tt 1 wnvtvr:; fA --dldiod. . Henry J,:iiennedy,Jsq.T.;,..,. - -1 '"...vjaii., rk uu"? . SiW"I -TiL-S'A' ." V 4 . ' .v - IthA nnrr,niftnr-iriviiVT flie nositlOhSd OfT'.trrnri -.j' irf'liiVCriOriiaclIJJJ V. ir -np afrel (try tUSfTIlftADOYe 1-aniea "cni:-m tiewmwi- , ,-, ,iT .Tf 1, VI-' ' tvPrv one of trhrt tsUIc'ich irc.r i ' f :J&hkl$F&TAW. OSlQl mUhfrr in. i. ml! -Vr f.!? ItS - i n- . inand. 7--t- r-i - Gen tlenien As you retiuestea me torsive ju-rwiiki j wi " i-'" CIZTl; TIIC! ;A;.D.v:;vi:LCJ, o- - ut VZ uXrZrn-Wt nm-y ' 'v wtk4tpetuokadMw:H44e'lwtbrAer-,ll - , y$ 5, -7--- AVWruri-rrj.Vl JwiTir-S "JT r". ? ? -UBl it fu' rtYh-- V :wheri shelled,; it ' mmwmjn'Ki rf.!y caetaea 3?-,;?? If .f-Jctst. - ' c-tht.yS or Bahotec,,8t ;r,LV;U.! ri ikJthe: barrel, at :j :, - of this place dunl-iv ----- ?V J 4. -"bUd dl i W5 ! . r, ,vJ.'T?CI7 5; . r. ? V - - :r'J. .t "-Tl ; Tl-w 11 'i F ARGEL0Ti,U0ULD4.xtk,CAik..,,NIL- JU Aprcmiumofwmbepaidby tbcnre4 rr. -.aXt' at S".f0 i Oseaola. Va II. s. Uars, Jt-resiaeni as iouos : . .jijrsi cmiujinj'fi i t ;-4tT,"v'n . . ilOO to tlie person producing the laitr-t,7"orXr:-,;.tt: .?i.t- ,?:r-v- 1 , 7-;.- , . f trr ' - " . 1 f. r - i .- . ' . . 1 , ' I C - ... " . t . .a. ':. V :alk incul-cd iiv-cr euch ocr-.or-. t.,3 1:. ruouuty. .inc. cf tv r --any 7.1 J ti h-vo tccn dr. I i . r " their homci 1. tvr Jr'" t-?,4'i-- ,i ..." v.... 't : enca 1 . .ae . r . - t- . .- ' " ' XJC; All '"-k a.;-e 2 15 : 'iv 1, ; ice maea.rflC t r 1 V l ' i .Cc:; . Zriia by Dr.' JI II; lie ; V.s '- , 1 r 'f. ii 4' l: J..': - j V: "; v . i I 1 .r -1. j . . -r J fci.T-J V - V A- t'.k-t. 4'ar: ;irs' 1 rk f . . .:n u-roi.ini, , i'i.ir'.'i'P.a.ii. , : 1 . . 4 . 1 4iiik Aiukva t v. oi r . ro- W- . 11 ,.,.,,,1,1 I.j " T ' - t 1 W .4 k . 1 " r, ' -C."-" VA...r . ... ...i - r 1 111 T 111 1 TZ t-i . . , u.i unr4o lb's tpk4e bvr-lkvi, J A smpk cr cA corn rrU . - c .;Ij-!tte,Iijdlaaa iniibe 41 jUcf "CLine22 Con" frcAr-l -- ,:4f - . ... - a.. - . - - l.l4Ai:.:itf fthfksa-f..4 r:- knta ii . fcrJiTati rprccf CIos, . a; ; tir cdtt--1114. QIJEI1TS,.:' A Lot crew lis - raniily Tlcrf r.t m .TIT-:..! '."i. 1 , ...JJ. ..... ,. I I I ' m mm .... . . 4.4 , U Unicnc- ' H.'? eor.: . : '1 P; s.-.4irJl. -Bank wto i.m. i-t. "lj:ca 1 TVof itircda freshlctcU.-1 I.j's ' t .u-KT'3- J c is-n-3 3,J' ,

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