The Charlotte Obseryer, JONES & McULUGntlNj Office, Byce'a " BuUding,' aTrade eet. IIATES OP ADVEHTT-T vrf BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Tail', One year m.aavance,;x..i..V.$6 00 gixanonths, iiiadvance,........,..., 3 00 Three Months, in advance,.uw....... 1 50 One month, in advance, , 50 Xri-iVeekly, ene year-..u. ;;.. $3.50 Weekly, oneyea ; .;..,... 2.00 c five days .. .. z : one: week 2 I 50 . two weeks.. . i Z: twee weeksr... - - v) one mnntk ; ( r tt Mountains of ITorth Carolina! - Tive Squares estfmhf 'i BY -SUE J. DIClCSfW- jislatur ing perhaps a trie? description of the Hn,e of 00 15 i to.whataoiv, nov27 X t-." J --C SJ-i U J L .1 l l I 1111 i AS I , I i a I Ji 1 1 It I i 'M I I V I I i ik r AY f rtTvxV AXA.iJ'.A ' " .: ---xxyxiji, JN; U.t TUESDAY5 topg',- - ! , smn. - "1 ! 1 perfections hi a faint ide ties of North, Carolina, I DAn,. , '""V. AKKIVING DAILY AT- If! ;, hint idea of.tfee wh,eh r1",5 l,ne. J""!?" to or30f.AVs6RKf.T-n5S.!I,,.ctI CASH pay promptly ned nol'eS? U9 ,iue unpleasant dutye of, denying iiflrlir: i." , 10 "op? many fHends anV? .1 a a.xi.w 1 1 i-"uvAiaiiM. i"Xf'iiAiiv 111m v:' w l i .. - . . . rnwua w 1 tle rise, in the .eastern portion : of "V.wjH noktrade' wbeS S ft faTrnnance of Surry county. Here like a mighty a 1 mnnart h ot undwDuted Vnw.n t 1 -fUyH All tllft-Tomani'' f - able tn soil . ..tS5 w? be etanids praridei plain, ion, n ct.xir.n, hQ nfri- i 1 -W ' "Cs across. which rears its head soni'el two h'thi-' gj'f ' - 'nv ' ''T' '' f dred feet in the air, we gazebdiit us, SwJWi enraptured With theheautiful goeni' rsnlect ry spread out on every hand Here rn lliur ti r fltt'rtV in t 10 rlttii 1.5 T, .1 -1 'Y'"".; tance is a widest retch ins forest. beautified here and there bv farm and villaffes. whip.h r and neatness. ! Again on the northwest, we turn to the Blue Ridire. whoss " vn i i r " v J b I . : - w-; w ' Dili J I If II n CT ' I . HUUUd UllfJi riT Tnon U. in its sublime unci, unedual "" - . -v. . h';T r'T0 ir, in the very midst of a P ' r 'TrTT ?oe M W.bIo oi tho W , alone, with no other compan- iTrl . VSa 18 completely froz- J 111 woritlu' , ot even a hill fer miles aroSnd. S? oss't Milwaukee., whero s?L i & ALEXANDER. DAVIDSON r s ; ::-PbBifif DR I OOMS ... ; WILI.BE SOUND EVERmklSG KEPT IN A " F I'.RS'T'. ' CLASS CHARioraFim 21 OT2"! y ;'p X I'. J. T. BUTLER'SI! FURNITURE "'BOUSE. ' I 11 -rr'.0:-.1: .Sidebrds; Bcet inS . CasLs Wardrobi,. farms C vv '.. refuses to annnnn -eas aaa Mattresses, and a Lare W W -:0:--- crowiTca neignts stretch far, away in . 'asi deceive d. ' will-spare neith, esvil,e- a long line of. blue, far . beyond' the 'j?tj e SIMOToSlWuSE limited vision Now, if. We turn east- ? - . , ' 1J. M: fSW ' II0TEL ad worth v of public at ward, we see the Saury Town. Moun: mmmmmjMA ' -T?A ift tains in Stokvs county, si owl v risi no- a -maguihcent picture of rustic gran deur. If we gaze, we look upon the rippling waves of the Yadkin river whose liquid miters o nemi r mirinr on from the rugged, hill of- Wilke and washiiif? the weternbi f tu.l -j - . w niu llK : the, ave named I nlnXr w'-uu' JI '"eti)e people Of SlTrf1 call 44v. nucu lmpv visit vfriM..:ii --, - vwi. . i'J"s nor nioncv ty class atroTtap-p A: PRICE. Proprietor. ' A METALLIC BURIAL CASES t nov.25-tf ndXaskefs of all sizes and -vi V. : :H.firrv' :. Walnut, RpaP and Pine CinV V? tin-- sSrr."?" whheavy SflfWHoST " i J; . fa t o "i ' given w lurnisninff ,Dwelliars - Hifl T: v - .. CALK SEE AimVTlJ A January 21st. ;IS73 ... " .-wi "f wJf SJiy and Plated Waie,', ,, Spectacles, IS73. mountain, How on through the wil- deriies3, like a stream of molten ' sil- vnr oo vinnr r ha i.fc -i-i x iiut, we next iind f sstai ourselves enjoym the fine view 0e atong nicKory Uar. whir h 4? "Oi;K, ami FO R gp '(f: rnilE. at aim of our Hons. ,w 3hsh.Mm, has been to make Char: wholesale Mart'. r.n1 tuu r' " A. li. Al rives its name Irom a small stream MSSft the and -evcll acccpr lowmg through it, called Hickorv frl E:new- kind i of ... s..i i ; i imp iv'rifue : ana iiavitw h -po-4.r. l a : "."" prouuee., til any this .in'aw-bfonrbnsln Tr4"?. Prepared af all rilt and j .1... i mjiu in oy an mnumer: Mountains, which towerH you like so many dark Meetres. it the curtains 'Mould close in upon you S" U ine UUUiU? of death- had r.18 V-Ut? W largestock to select uiJUU ana snut the wan irom 09 F.SCARS, and Colleges at v'B. T 08 . o 3. . . -T - L To Our Friends and Acquaintances i tue unaersumed'bear Ipavo f H our friends nnrt ;T!"" H,,VHKi ir--. -M"i.iiCTO IOT C "i "UWt4r,V auwiage Destowed upon our Employer. Mr. E. ShnW f '-1 "ar anrfif ' ir. ;f-ic past year, ..a .MMOL a Cil I nT .1,11111 V CI U jT t v x fr ,,u "Uie Temple of Lashic;i; Eespeetfnllv. . !.ri of the Day and. night. ius you -enter H' Vou!m ' i ' in.war.dieHahftl Wlan-iA. fcrt.3?S. 'L U.'-."-". t ffM Aiicj irauera still Lanrerflnn Selected .m- :v - . e j.-" I t v,a" we ever t - t. ' .japwj hcxirs Jnn J. A. YOUNG. Jr.. A. II. TATE., BOARDING. lifRS."A. W. MILT.RR-iii i- c-ornmortate Boarders wWroom and meals, or with niea may desire. The tariiS . ' na- corner of Tmde and: ChS a " 7 fT: 0116 .V f roptift are cleanlyif Thot. UnilS,ieV' and weli attended. I he table is as good asthe market will ns of night offered thatu i. .vo would ' N a t find an our aeiSt'S death - hiiil V1 ,e Meflsbuta verv. larrestm-t June 29 - . 4- in Asnev I, STARR'S Drug Store: .1 vonr now JTM K"" ,a' i nr. a u is exauisite li ft.lA i. vr;- ---w Vi m. l.-i ... nmi u ini.w.,1 . xi in uie very bosom of Uie mountains and no words can ex press it j.ictu-esqueness so well as the bcatmful language of Scott: . 1 ne wosf OPTl ivm'n t ..1.1 ' .;- ' - V. . ;! o er tiieglcn there leveled wav f.r! Pu! l peak, each flinty spire 1 bathed m Hoods of livintin " neccssarilv Imv nmM i- he. aotimllv- nvl ;n uwvw Ajr Uitirr 111 Ht'.i Vlk An,. nc sortinent.;"-fr:?:v " 'eft Sb!in .eft,n the 27th ; January , fmueb earlier than usual,) ,,fbr Northern Markets and .Manufactimnsr places, whem h win main two months in inakin-our.purchasea: iKveryrnmg Trom first hands on the wnr TrV"l,rctA iiOli-oi.t select, ni l . I V-J, ldKfciffid lit-, ,H' HPAHJI 1 'Piirc -Salad for 'S Drug Store. fl JermW rpt libgr to Vuit:erka who are -working f, ,r moderate Ralr.WM jan 1-tf V JTST RECEIVED AT S CAR R ' S D RU.GlSTORE TAPIOCA, MACARONI ITALIAN j SAGO,- ' .-;'- - ! '-- 1USIC B( )XES ft 7(r IW'rjrL'KPEPrER, j :- " ,;,'T ', .. FEESHSAIJE. 1; MANY TOO ': -mj WTZ Tt Oirp q Jan 31 Oil. - ''i Finest article in Market, U; - JUlie 2D- ' l)rn,Kf, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. ! ! ! T O PLAN T, E R S"' General Commission ikerclxant, CHARLOTTE, NlC. Particular ttenti(n ,r4idito selling all mds of Prodnnp pffGTA mJrr?.: a11 Hight cash price paid for Cotton. WritingPaper MERCHANTS Vision f 'AT no;i JvT. BUTLER'S lff- ;ii find WrimiiP-C1" very cheap, at jRawf ino ere. sha cru da v the ! ? - r, . 0 '-"Vl V. . I mm, JJ . Uiief I"'?.? S11?"1 ?rJNew-;Vork ; and yH!BUtir;anbw. fe1 wHc ii scjisii jiins ."completed-, will ?:'-s msstsg;$l -e;navi oot triftaianf upwards of Two 'HIr4V aum1rttbousaiid.DollaKr RffnFPIIW mmtim&ca to carryihfcor.t trOtPlitlm 1Pflri (Lately of Raleisrh. Nnrfh hriA epieasurein again, tendering to . " . "j ' tiie above tirst-ciass Fertiii, Attorney. Counsellor at law the folio wkig - Fertlliaere : iam, Chesapeake Guano it Clarke's Suijer-rhosnhnt ' . ! ' .1 ,1. OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUE. THE AJJKgECKLESwi -:) Authorized apltal H50Q,000. - "neain our feet-untir tho" !,"" ivnerty ui ties, and Having a iS v a ttwtt - r - v - a. , 'glit luminaryslnKdefro i,:W Waller dippers tB?!'?0'.!13 hl inmeiit .nhmi -; i IV ? 11 'M-brtnp;tU-.&cCt'ent thatmrwe are-in I irlatcd-vBditiona-Dy 'frw': i..inent at)ove, .and the- omi a'tKwinW t-i mn. JL.rni r!: Watson; author of 'Tho Ontcf f t! on haaye used them so mmmgBSmm&m - 5 vY-"0 Cashier, , F. H.-DwtrAsst: Cashier ''s AT THE BANKING HOXJSI. tfr 14 bright 1 lurn gh standard mightv Lord ofrit tiTL CI1 t..i..fii I . a, 9 1.1, this-vast creatitm any-isbWiw House: in tl.KiTtti, a.Zr 61 !?lnnitel'Troni.Oriiyin-iii- iwiJi sttneriop to .ill a out , 7 Wm .th "earehg. with 1 Xu . Inspection of which we Tn.iS f?! ,L Tbis is that iVy and pi ollOUt. ann fJio-.: , j .i -.7.-., . . i flu. . . - . J CVerV linv nnl !nnt ....... -.1... ii' . I an.l..' rv,r; .r Yr"" - am Albha.nnd roate to those nnae- 13 fompiete iuaimiacxunng ftegmnine and endih.. . " "J '.5,that we keep .Wi:S;u,ln come, fore ermore " 1 f 18 S"?1 Cldthin Boots luS3ES5 rfa22iJ?ng ?r!nted n the' firtesf tinted J" 10 ' ' ' 1 i- iliUre. ... i.. r.: i,t .,;.:;; nt.inn'' anil iii if :it: , - i Plate tKlOftri nnii . mnnl ,i.4 : . I : ' V.1 .. "uca.v. , , . j -, - V, V. "WIUCCO Ui r lletutl lltit!irf motif iu I v-u4,u, JW ct win. m trsi w il l..Af..J . - " 1 J 1-- ..iuviH,W Will 'ItlC. Willi J . n i. .-.j UtVCItU Daily T,m -. ' - ' st Novelties. and in bulk nVi boa" P Two dollars, or bonnrl'fn Rmi'iii,.r rorE. rhe none in the City.-, - f ' - - m?.roon 9rocco" cloth, with full irilt silrV fen fPohe London . . r.MilhierDeparhnfintwUl be carried KlSlt.faUK HnlvP J l3St V'tess lisaw-the asusual. Very Res,xHtfullv. - boards,pnce Three'DolIars. fyiJ father :t fptv Hawo it ' ' WrtTirnU'Dirv r. VT.rr.T-.T Above "Bohk" i fni eolo T, -irT-i' 4 i . 'r "y-. I r 1 . i11t t. ".,,7 U4V- . ' r '-:ira ui.iv'wiu Dcsent.'nost.-roiid - 52 ?flItper urnf mail,; on any W Oct 22 t ; v.uiiH ui pnoe or it to the publishers. -J ' . . T. B.. PETERSON A hum ' .;, 1"VUU9 OTTITTriitf-TiVt . . - - . i ifi r nn '.nv -.a.- t . - " - r yonvmce tlxem that they are! ease hand in your orders f Klh; pwbolarth Carolhia Bar. consuniDtion exnwR thai power. quantity, by IUACAULAY & CO. Ebr Safe. ajtoed rjnder;Act pf the General Aas&Mhte hA iflh. tuHuti wj poto,, Kefe undef Laws iUJi Z2 '' "-'t. :e and Associate Justices with arK urt of North Caroliaa, ' ' m?le ea? t8 Parj-. ; ; ad,funiish accommodations to aH-ite Cuu tomers on Liberal Terms W yus- OIXTY Gross Steel Pens,' 30- Reams Writ, toeon tSS."" ' wt". Books. -WholTandr-? at ,'feb 93 eel!et health "Sd .Jiriey" tU. surrounds ; . his ,r countenance 'i . i-i AND . ! , TWO Acres of land adioining the City of Charlotte., very tin el v situated in' a rapidly improving neighborhood. Will be sold entire, or in lots to Suit. TllllV'hflenK!- iwisouaoie rate. Apnlv to ' JOHN T. BUTLER," , ' Opposite Mansion House,. TO "THE LAQiES. or IW Certincaies "of Debbsii &htXX2 J - - terestattheranf . ePosit beailAm. - I u -Mil town o: mar' riS: ,ew.. Orleans Sugar 'and Molasses. il r"0snf aos unght New Orleans Sugar, r Barrels. Choice . Molasses, i - lcuua- Aenierara eugar,: f store and for sale at prices- to suit the times by STKNHOUfiE, MACAULAY& Ca tic ( h.,r7 l , tt person in iir i t- the '"u-e saints ami ; .geras---? - W i Jesus c, :.UJ74 'ant7 . ere; w ; Jh ;,J-:i - ' P . deal sed iron elcep. ears and h ;r r18 V.11 phridence V ilnicd Crii.mLcr Suits; and serm ope a -discourses I'rcncn nnd Cottage eizuriVif01lhe of.the Ustcpa Spring t n rjubiwhed in. Eome ; Thvf : 1) . r; TVashstand. U ffV ' lfto.. .. ' .. . "v v. r ,44 Ui If..,'. i j r Atl lou .FOR SALE. s .Eight per cent onfall sums lying undrawn ove5Twrty :J U,S T.l? Pfiiriura 11S3- ' CahieK EXPRESS Tn IS HIOKiIIVG AT Si ? MRS 4 I QUERY novmJOJ Oats. i- . WADS WORTH lias at bis Livery Safe: Stable, opposite the Citv - 1 SIhW lsi;2nd and Reader National Readers 1st; 2nd and 3roVM llarvev a GNmmgM - - - - leyis UniyersaUIikory,'';"' Bullions' & Morris' TfiTiYlrJr'--. Eureka Slates (Ruber Corners' " 1 SiMiwi nreTii - . ' IMPRO VED and UNiMPRbVJlB ' ipii "Mmb,e ternW woarSPS llclted- GRAHAM A NASH, nee f I r - Attome v. . ' Cliarlotte, N. C. ff ' ' i mi T, , ,f-rl Flour, ;j7Iotxt;; - v" - 'Y 'i --v .-. .-.t, ; iv, j.wxwojCiO auu juLjjLij&o ior saie ana LiimTEEN,Hurired: Bushels: Mduntain conscaniy on band X" Seed Oats." fofsaTp frv "-i - 1. ."9V5U dTENHUUSE, MACAULAY& CO.r lYShavareceiVedafulIsrirljorheSe VSLVaiTTSHr fD J' W celebrated Garden Seeds.! , . I --B Af &71 f V r ' . ,- r - ' I'-tions .producing, Ekgant,-Sweet and - - U JL U W UU, V wheat and otherriddle Cakeserfect- 1 IV, l'Tirf 91)11 (fa iaK a nlmV. 3, ii ri . r ' . . . r. . . mc IllinrrrVWl tllt ah. J4 t . -i4ww buu .yviw 4utw wots. Uttir3 ek, while Drr" AXzAi d '&wtnoCmfmT-anT 5f"ioner wi ndler, U6.Com- other things' not weessary to mention, Webgfpr r i h0?W hl colirt - Xhe Undertakers' Departmen is complete Frizzle i t ack80ft county, one James from thecheapest Poplar Coffin to the 'in? tir :UD mi ior illicit f distil rf 1I,esi -iiexigan- jieaa; ana jjoov vvainuc ,f I mpK Mnndred Sacks EJttii nnl 1HP" o,TFiaui; iu 8tOTe and foraale by -r t'4 PuWw3 : JULvupji, 4UAUAUJua.ic & CO iJ5rTrTJi v j' """" am KOll at tP::- ;r"." U. xiSdlfao;!24Tryonf6 1 1 " ' -- ' ' : j- " r. -1 fr.-j ItlTU '.fill! inmir J Special X,&tiB . - great ' manv cbnnmNbi place tbis year; i SS&ffiCTS m the Citizeiisi tf Chart rt QELLING kj our vr aaiimieiy : xximmings. and all 1 ZCt 'ITZZT Y : ouiest ana .latest st vies fancy and' hair goods atgeafly l g S";6 otTinS MenfioS duced prices to make room for spring, at jan2S wjeaialso on hand K iSrtstbek -v4 vi spiiiig, aT - I fr,j n '. , . line slock - A.Mtf mTT;- 0 WBl u"uisuir,in the SucccssOTjto,poitrand Suggs,) mS was tb v: i ?j:vr -rLrr - Rt . . ikiA ir-t,nra .r rjr'c; Vt -,a5 na fir rMS;o eapisto! lir.LtJ. I' V?-: v- TTi i VrTO' - i ftan lu"r now at 4herCAinm4a. 1 . " ;r;r : ': f-.:-a?P any,:cumate,i :v,lin;i8ainurt,-,'if4 ; ? "6u.;wL)e sola at a most treasonable "price, ner. u je, Conimis S0at of a & thr"gl. the floor . J wSP!?. nd 'twdvirV :the I ahTp."1 neflWrf: :rooni and jWinSedf ln ia - f truce'' and Jor e a parley. Atheville Export- oSv?? -oaugurated Tuesdav: V:a-& Executive 'officcn C?cscnbed oath of office. .Returning: many thanks for past favors SiaSS; hand a large and 1, o ; : r;v. :t;t' iT ; 4' ' zr u wen selected stock or bacon: lard. 1: 4 .. ivuillJK Lll.uiv line w KK. I 11 1 mri.iirT I Hit Attt) unT i o6to arf: 11 1 1 t 1- : .. WAxiiiftrjuv : r iAt u iv JiuiiAOOJio, ou llll UClure UUlXUilSlll ClSeWXier I . , t, , nnnMnn . nt.rvn V i ! SrtTiTl, TS-, att. .;.i4 it. ir.TL4 1 UAK, i-WW i? iV, r X U4raiBriWM-'LAIV I House CWlottP S ' V T"0, r DIES, SOD A SOAPS, t CANDLES," SE- ian 1st lR-n! 1 v t it . if RTTT5T TnV- GARS, TOBACCO, &c:;e: - ALSO, Corn, Oan lstl8.3-ly. v F. M.SIIELT0N. wheat, 'Rye, Oats fec, bought and sold "nrfrsTT- ..'unA Vi- Trf.,-a, on icommissioa; : v .a ..: I" i fi.i.i t-. t t r . . t . I jan r A. . vauuite, x1 me Large luouniain rota- i --.- toes, -Dried AddIcs and Peaches. Green Apples, Bolocna Sausace. Mackerel and Seed Oats. B N SMITH. fcb 15 t . . f- -. t i.., ueiiaaapiea cotnense or Housekeepars. G,R p C E R I E S & L I Q U Q R S t. joiners, Mariners, iEmigrants. and is t ........ u '. m-t lull .nnin . . a... .' . a i. . l the Gallftv.?': - - OT SOLD by, GROCERS v DEALERS : EVERy where: - Manufactured bv - ;r ;:. D00LBY BROTHER, ; , .3 ".y ;jica NewStrcet,- New? York, v mari-eod 3m n LOSING out. a Large stock of fine Hos- XJ iiery for Ladies',. Misses and Children at cost, at ; . y MRS. QUERY'S, jan 25 ... . :.. - , : -- CHOICE Odd Preach Brandy for Medi cinal purposes at ; ' . P, SCARR'S,. jan 3 1 lkietat0.CS;.VX, I V SSi! tyW bJiHaa,: A -sIM rv owiDe Section of and I will stUl seR them at prices toTiSKr -CL.Seed Pptatoea on hand.. to wit s ; - 1 competitidii:,. "-ST mm.wm iuw onng witi.' toe an , "Peerless. xi4arly Rose, . 15arly Goodrich;-;'-' ; iiPeach Bl6irsVI tnj r ? Chili Reds, : rf. - , . .For sale byf- - , -r " STENHOTTSR TiriPTtT .vVvi' i Jul. ,o - ---i- yfV;ia W.VW. , icw io o,Clover. Seed. 4 Tr IW I7 IT 'T Yl ft1 t Wfi j.-' 'uk w cu.4ma maie to order ! X!?!nid lower, prices the same aualilv nf o-Wo t. j. -i! A"1 UV Pennsylvania Kea XCp 1 w rWt'$s-Vi W4 wwu, u ti - t ' , 'i "uim to .tneiiM STENH0USE, MaCAULAY A m.: .jan 9 - - ..t-' f BACKGAUU017 B0A1XD3, i JP U R E? 0 YS jan 23 4! : " Iotte at.dt; uoerat patmnage heiforfi besteoliipon me,j most respectfully, ask a continuanco -of the same.1' - ittru mi r .-Hp'C,and Democrat copy, ; f,4 "I AA DozenPAPER SHADES assorted , ' iyU4don FIRE4SCREENS, assort. - Moo . A'fP' - 4rO x - , , . is , m. . 4

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