DAILY OBSERVER. 1 f i: f 1' - l i J '1 1 ,:tf . V . - ' JOHNSTONE .JONI?Si JMItor, K. ' ...- , ." ir .'hi t.i .' ' ' .l i' m"H'."V .n.ij- .,W'v I. !'f t'i i on entire failure. a(&'. j , v ' '' f " ; -ppcnccr has jfcfcn sworit.ja .Sena- . . lor ironi. AiaDama. - ,; r,-j ,-t-f n ' .1 . .. . . .. . 'j ... .-.-.. r 'U.S. George William Curtis- is seriously ill . News of: the; Da v. STATE NEWS. ' Fraud on a New York Bank. . ----- . j. . ... -.M...,iub.-..A..lt . .. , rt'V-"l iwirftamz.: JUarcn tu. -Alien J. v w. t t . "' I Charles .O'Conor: xf New Tork, Uamfi tb ihU , city"- with .fraudulent gave $50 toArjJtiirfgitinEpi5rdrafts for $32,500, whicu -were indorse conaiunurccjia tne towa.01 viiaoii ; Mn cljiirge'of tievElriott--House; States- na ville, r A" little colored child was" fatally, Runied atVAlexr-Tinghara's, Lenoir t-CQunty'fvfew days ago by its cloth firtffTakiite lire while wanning itself.' - ' ' ; .- r - - rr vJ hecttjppttl-olitjr.fothe ljth- " ; 0 --: : ... The ' 8oVemnn&df." pain-wiiri be Jiid Wal P&tridt, ' Vfcl "Mark Erwin "7 ' V -; : ' ' ' U: George Brown,' 'a 'painter, "droppe --The Cape Fear CltibTrorVilmifrg" ' , ' -v" nn the stroeta fti Norfolk.' Saturday;? tlT WTiyofcJn 5. W""" - i,- ' ,wuu0iuirri, 7; Col. Hicljman JHldressejljargeai-: - -t J L Kev. i)r..Wmahrthe derWmaniiCQ.Wsbpfrf-fnJ - -' "; - -who recommeridedthe pious narlan hal lasft and initiated ,30 persons into the ' . ; 'W reappointed Cliaplain of the Senate ftiwMV ;IX"ri H l''.r-;V " - . ' . fr.w . ''On Wednesday la6tl'MJ,EI;Biirms, was ov unaninruus uou- - r ivm ri chs featarxfitV an f , .sent passed Over. - V- V , - A destructive nreccurredlm 'Cir cinnattfaJSvtmy.lpning mills' ' , of Thomas OfiZpm & (Jo., were aestroyea A Federal Collector has 'seized the ; property "of lh eVoxtJehlrat v. Rail xoad 'for 1nJrac;QtI balf C niiihon of laiesy v"' V-vV.C" ,y " '...;A'ncwb;Otei)n prqces3 of erection, a va:. was'throwii down -Saturday, killingone the-Tcnitentiary- Boardcaqse; it . T , won't pay. The late legislature lnn- , man ana wuuimuijr iuur. . , . r iomnj treasurer 01 JLew- nauuver, jyvfy'i:-.?- ""7;r Ji r gave bond in,theurii of 470,000 and- last year, 2,370,017,; Lxjwtfs Jor the Intered lipon--the 'discharge -of the ,week, 53,o01 .bares; same vonc ltwt M5tboffiwAV yeaivWs51;Tptal exports to- date,-Slr-FTuSLV d l,601,03G;j.to same date late year,?;- JoiTest of the tiesiW Intelh$eiY 340,31. Stock nt all United -States cer, persists in talkm&boUtthe .egg pts, 5G3.637 billed ; last year," 571 ,080. busanATeinrf'so kuQ7jVgon that su4Gcv6'aii prebabryUell sSafiie thing ' else''- abou't'thai ?ni iart -mill w.hich gnnds six)heistQ.tliefinin- ute - Th8 loiusiana Dignity "T5pesitTehl GranrfcbpesITaTfurflier crouuie.in iiOUisiana w'lii.oeavyiu.eu especial ly bloods h ed. v - W e : ai 1 nope that.. . The- TrQbabilitvisvthere wijl bo no niore serioua trouble.r thbrlgb: ed by iKi'sasan &; Co.- H drew? the J it is possible some restless and ini-J moneyarOm 'the rarktJrtnkJsin tins ipmaent, men in ay J1-give yenttotneir of Georgia are; depositors; ,The fraud was discovered to-day;" ; Jones Vhas absconded The .Pope aufM het 'tJIaa vGffvcnim?B f plying-to-"' an-;-idtlrei53-presente(i to him to-aavi sajouiacv Tecoucuiauon vFit ri the yital lan OqYer irm erji t .was inipossible. , God Vaiild;puni&h rt;he invaders of his dominions. As-Ca-t tboire"were ever unshakable Jri their faith 'hhad"theTmosrt:oiiricrencc tyAerfo4nirfent4Jiis.'eVenmton iiith urpimate "tnunipiT pi"tne t ria eve o i n is a epa riu re-d u r xvgy p u , tinu tui i : au-s Coiaparatlne CvttMStatemeiit. v f at all the United, States porta'during tbe'past HMek:' 80,773, les : sam-e week last year.;" JH bales. - Total leceiTniS wuaie, zciixyfMoi uniKa , sstjuc "1 paidl hatVpei keae chnes to. accept xh,e tXireetorship . UUIV W .Alk .stions,: fpn arWdrne- Heretofore- thfe BdM barged; eperi- R? 5 h Li tf Instead of seizF fl poHce 'stati-or . "Zr-Z Hl'lti' . cog oi-.fl riori - TirtHWir'vi warn -crvrv-o I 1 caio AUfi- 0 VJU LUU3UI5 uu W , ; - ..l.ij ' r . ifidisratiorf in'-a breach of the peacOi and bring down .the" wrath : of the fWm R. Myers, JamS" 11. Carson, .WJ? JtJynum; Hi, VV Xxuion; K."! McAden; M. Oates and S. JJ. Alexander' v" " mar ll-2t,,v 1 r - - , -r'- . " government: upon them.. It would be -more than Toolishi it . -vfX?nld: be m adness; to attem pt" resistance to the fodder of tKe,.,fed)s?'iiil .sipverhiii Jnt. The -words of the-President lire signi- i n th e Wash ingtonespatehas pub lished yesdrilayr.f the. people qll JN ew Orleans' h5 remarked jV0 ao "convinced by ,tliitin5ei.that1 jie-is, ip, earnest arid .resolved 4 to 'dfccovmte ance all furth'er efibrfs on 'fcfie . part, of the JIcEneryTgo vern m ent to 1 re- ni ai n -in power; wu eiu er tie j awu--.o rZ f!ir:it wilLnotbeihis-'-faultJ' The Issue haVin'g beettlmadeMhe' admin-' ;- v..i:-.v: : ti'on;'and; right pi . wr(jrigt,'eJogg will beprofeetecj, it-is fiecessaryto. Uedge his ipfficeiVt.feUeraVia-! onets.!.We:.all iki'low 'the.;"firrnness, rof General Grant; "and cannot 'f doijbt l. 'ii- ' i 1 v . Til ; .a . Mt : : : . i- inai ne wiii pers is i emiy ' . ca rry.vo u i trie policfhe DegunrnVh.Hhen would "be neuse of rirLbelrVe doriot think-Govern'o?lcnery',and ihe-members of hi gov?ornment! will' attempt'to db: anything?' scT'ifutiler The'v made the'lssue With" the feder al goyprn'met, 'erput'dowhby'itj public fdpjhiomMfliowyetvthey were-eacneat in,their-efforta;onWed- rte,sday aiid ha'd tip y ipbp.e;jiiCbver th ro w i ng: the K el 1 ogg ' us urpers . a nd graspi ng tire power of th e State theV; Stock at all't interibrtoyns, 10,283, last year. oo,joo. ::' otocic ai -juivcrpuui, 588;o00:last 'year 629,000." Stock --of American alioat for jGreat Britain'.' 2G5,0OQ bajes jjastear. 19000. ' " s Pi-y't.. f. - m i m . ..... . "pJ The Virginia liegislature and! the Daht EiemiOXD, MftrcK7.-ThJ General Growing the Kellogg' usurpers and Assembly ha passed a bill- tor' the ... i . . 'a " . ' T '. -: ; 1" " 1 1 1 .1 -' .'IT : rT.... -A tKiv v4fl vai nB ,v fi-vf iwo-xmrus oi .ine-uniuuueu uoiws. propriatedby,0)ngresswiirDe - r i " For the remaining, two per cervWhon ijjfcatnttsefttflwr.. ' ..-..ffHrl . - interestbearingortiacatesUm' f -r " . w u" -a ' a . I'-J;' . tTWeedMtOitfh'a Shelby Janwf at the pleasure oCthe "State, arei to be ... Lewis Waener murdered two wo- -,.,ivAjr AV:v' r- 1 -vl :Ti : ' . menho hvedn-ftoaL Porta- eleferfonprfaiVCjtV but His calou- mouthN.' He has been,-arrested-in went-right tb&fM from, the -electioiv hited that the ahove aiiio'unts can "lie J r v ii a rtnnnintm ! snnm: -v.i.3l r -. .-.-- T - - Wnon AT- t .11. .1 -1 n i. 1 i . - . . . i pay which6 . $5,000 . however, that tl paying Uir .-rT-P;: tain Everarddlall from -the Tsitidn i of JDenutv araen of the Pftmteiitia- : to leave .France r Morid-to jomthe ry and pufc AV: Thomnson Jn. his"' tncKJnghm p-fTlrat forcesewfre dlyerWken Saturday by Dace 'n n -Martav. .sWnrd has . Pno ni4.1 h.rP WhN m.irnino- ; -y Gotcrnment troops and dispersed atter.a yeen removed, and.-SL ' Graiisman, caused by the darcless use of coal oil. hort conflict. Fifteen of- the band, in- city, clerk, put in. It ismmored that A colored wonfan, emplovedat ther two mid attempting to get hold"-' of a buildiirg they mighthave '"seized JCe? loggand Loiigsfreet'and-lfhuS" para lyzed th oil s u r p hi'g gover ri ni (ent . Thev lii ade" a m istake and nbAv we fear'tht Bo8ttT-Aso4jjtJ0Qlannes. are and'seMdowh -iiadvrote-.this loca? paid, evenif half of -'said ''coupons guarding ' hini' to - prevenf the populace !.Tlfe''wiiHly'eocrfol fhe Tre;isury'thisn vear in the t from lynching lihaT- , : ' .jipN Ms jnpteflarfcous Qeperal Assem- ,. v - : - riios where b'wetrt bK- aUn nnnnnVtPfl ! SfnfV'istflnmnitr; xJ4tuthfronr4cng-5ere inrrrnTn-few I fee of five to iiivestrLnitethe cliarres hra FmTTn.inmi. ..irri-.flii-f.ilirK Kiitoi : .". - .J:-. . 1. ' . 14lHOVeU. ' 1 II e i si SU 111 I HlStratlOll SiVi they voted themselves some ty-fofr htfrsoTVxtl-enieVin teni iess dies' Mrnini -Vernoii Associalion.ThelPeai's tol,e dctcruiined to crash tne inariiount. Controller Taylor has, 1 aitdprfysicai and spiritual sUiTcruigs.-, i chargers ' umjuthomed speculation P11 BV)1"; 1att Via iinallii quieted thn by deciding M"sw tel.. - -- - . .u.i .r,i upon visitors to thetomi) 0 .YV asn- " - "'g v... r Nereis no. trenchant olyection. to The Caldwell Boar.d-Jwo out of W,f. y -?,;V-V, ' I.'.Jcan iiiathutioxia llVhat a mockery Uiem. ; . me o ni em aersmtve dismissed uip- -a 'Horrible Accldeat from" an Attemnt of .locaK-seir-iroYerampnt r .It.: has mischief' dotje' isJ beyond .'remedy The proper eo'iirse 'even still for the federal governmeni to. pursue 'would oe 10 auinorHre a pew eieciionqm Lquismna- and givQ.tlie people a fair opportunity to express therrwislies't bnt.NvcFhivveLTilttehfDe' of that being to JLigUt aMrtj.widi OoaiOil-J-A Wo man Converted iato a" Hiiiar o:'ire., . - ciuuilig lis t;ineiuunj.-wpiv iiijcu. auu. uuc ji. o sjoi iv.ca iJiiv uewi uispuiisj OOara.lIlg IiOUse OI-jll.ro. JLUVUl, poiu- hundred taken prisoners. " ' ed with and a Dr. Joned, of;lloan; edcoalbil 'in tlTe stove- to ! have the "-Lr- - t - t ?abstttuted?trOcpr. Qald well appoints jtir to buM: InstaKtly tfie'eaii. L: ... A terrible rwplt ias, broken out in the ,Dirwtrs -and? dictates the ap- p-loded, and the .unfortunate woman, Alseria against the French rule of that mitfats&Jt&Eenttoitk . f' ' en velonod in flanrta'! riished into the - colony. A. concerted and:. determined j;The ItaleihriVe 4-ivs We rercl 1 steet-litejrallyja pillar of hre,"tie names. tjTvn'etiwnth4sbeed ne,)y.aU,thfr to learn that A!t J. .'Morrison, I raounting-; Uv above t be: head, lier live tribes to resist the invaders-of the seal,. kEsdXlhcOlrf'cOttlllVlias? tender- which, it is claimed, will" prbbabh be sue- ed hisfesignatibif 'tb'U'Governor screams'Avere heard for veyeral sqtf&V es.-;X9a slrort time several hundred C, mSmtihMiWro: feember of llie-Ho . . - .V volt, and many of those nov?; prominent , sen tain Cb. , M r. MOrriapq aa ic . around h er ' '-itt'em nti trt ' t- - " -y . in -i,,: jasfc vear and were oardoiied and-useful member Of that body, . ov ercoais arouna nerr .attempting to - , .vJJSvS-- hi'cwjstiltlehts-wi?lnnd ithard quench the flames which-.was not 1 fWflr;irca"v" to, paruczeoi ,;f, weUared. MuchhSietys.felty.the fopenta -han4 - ' FrenchGovernmentoverthesituation. young.maof intellect am con- ' ' v? v. -i.tWn ' and a lawyer of great' promts He gmcd; the entu;e. body : being horri- l - has been reared-in ' w it;' - .Orleans. - Theusnrpew are sustained rtay. - 1 - : . ' i 4 , rr'r; , . ' . v- by the Federal brnjrSent'Tbe 'iThe 'RakigffSenlturl Hf& f4 Onr fcl- .staiiofcigr Committees cf theSeuateV J - - L;;5..'C' t 'Jow townsiTranrCok-J;MiIeckf .has : "Wv i -u- -;V" t"V " - -. ??-i-ix;-taaT'Jl' P not only .uHc 8.-An - ad I v - r-r r-7 -r w '. ?f 1 wards putting th'ejiew Fair. GrountU orti1,rirYfiiri'h' fiu?iT I in OrdeT.-bnt hasftTft5?entet1 hisvnnnfrl V . i3saxrBdeab4rt9tthe..i atfy -TT r"'cWashingt6n .last treok the pbiicemetf nahtMf contributes ifrf the inV piraSiqo tbe ternis i ot various 8m- . ''lordered'td suppress1 'sale -of the M&L'tf thijIaKr.'TOe toUVitt&t were agreed to be hlledf ag fdl-j . :p.PonftaH.c4itw.gf.tlje-Wa8bl.Witf tlIriame' of Buckingbamrchairman of tho-Comr ' ' - V ; -'i , ingtoW Capital; atid printed i i tW he'nixt riiost' Ubefal cbtttributotV' " ltleo m ndiail Affairs in Ihe place - , ,. .t tr- Wy :, rAV1W'v.Wi.,, r f. '- - -1 v ;3-. of Ilarlap 4 Bofeman; 'chairman , of . - -iW orn-.ef- ;vf3f4 ; the -CommUtee-,on, Territories;-; in - fectrof the order was to insurethe No Place like Home-A Voiefrom "place of Nye; Spragne,l chairman .of . ,"4BWoTlfieet,-morV1raTfid :lWf& fYtPi' tk, Caro: the! Committees on. -Public ands; V, . Vt tiie' t: " " - ' v . .V? . w Lewis,- chairman of the Committee- i-J'. --v VWehave just received a letterfrom; on the; '" v "" ' "'Thf&n of-nagaiychaifrrfanfeL the .oinnittee ; ' ' C r,swujaris resisting the s Kelioggrfac- Platl? comity Mis$diiri -February 21; i10- chairrhai:pf teCpmmitee pW, - - - - i n 1 , - . . f - Mr; Dills tells his own stnrv abnnf, on Claims, and becomes chairman joi - , - ' ish, to resist ariddelay the collection i Jeft Jacksbnrcounty- N.I, 0" on succeeds oVea'sxhairnian - of- the - " ':A:'y yfeaR4Fhe3r.de(rffth ifrri'ved Claims Cpmiifittfee1: The Cdmrnittees' "f- .." poselo wTdihold ; alt -npport from at Pomeroy, Kansas, m-h9VOOxUlfW -v , J v ttl Atix,ru.L?r"TA same.mohthBy.thisrtime3r-had beretofore headed-- by Buckingham, SA ;' andonForitical Disabilities; ifeaded J. ;' ,; Rfeby military power of tbeien- aysI.-cmp.Tob,- thw byBoremapnTAllegedOutragesin r , fV'CYaygOvernment.ttbvel-ideJliis, pce;.but!Qv4pg"to.vthei..greatord tfae Southern -States, headed by Scott, - ' : Mo starve out the goveromenth havenofbeen able tbgefout at" all are discontinued Urgent,, of Cali . ' .I -: p;- -'m' '.i.-TUj.- ' until a few ."days-sinThe7; snow fPrnia; l! madeff member of the Ap-r ( j ; V i - : ' , V A' FOliTH COMI Bf G iiisTorV f 4a been eighteen' fnchesVd'eer , and propriatiPnX2onVnittNo Changes i ';f :"lZ??ING Pi., tWthtmome.tedqtVnI chairmanships -of ' - - V-:" oril'molKof,;ei opponents.' i ' , ; 'xaum.JorthCarolina'togetheT'.1 rend me your iiewspimer.v 1 -kdpw '': -'- ' V1 Carolina or day;ri'wantib sehbw ?maV;liefl wlereTlioinay.iihink.jpfremi- yn L'01??; ' -ir iT'-:-r?v C- :.,,I;fpnnibgUeiask. graJtwgJatoewest ' - vt .Air-ty 'vf:'i' vxr-.i fit, , i : i:.iv 7 vYoirrTO8rfitfHHvi:ih'. I-do right ui""opposinr:you,'.andi J' J 'J,..-"wiM,"t,j.K ! -K-iL-'.-'a-:rv'jM J "i 4 Vi ''J''-''"1 '4Vir. A. Dff,Tis " ,n shall Contnlue to do so witht ': 'iv&$VT8vswW am mils ' . ".-f ' t'liWith.menj! jIT ,he,dbe$4his, he 'litiistl dated Soth-'FebruarV: rth'ich stntws 'Her was-a; Inan' alter"-- ., t ! M '-rpnWriK rTTpVwMihJV'nUX iiillhaVH mwiivpd.TinLtQ rAm, .TrnT.c.iJ-pwn-heartr'and' he instantly "" On the 20th of May, 1775," the pat riots of lecklenburg epuuty,- North vfu wiiiJH, prom uigaieu ueciaraMwn of i ride b'enden cb- of -j the Govern iu on t of G reafrBriiiani rf the. to wn pf: Ch ai lotte, and'bodly;laidVdown:thdp'rin cipleB-of free gbverpm en tf-tn A m eri ca: "-I$ i"as a. pirited'doeumeht and' thelive3rfortunes and sacred honor pi. tv,..w , i.i .,J i portiifiAndfthee?.: pledges weresub. sequen'tlyTn'iAclfigOddJby-i'theirilbc all the ter."- replied f ' jpirti' .- x flxV. -' r'"7J! J. Cit'v flt'atin'that iliftA'P fven 4nri-- with -art 0ath:-.V4irt'send .meyour pa tt bd WiXUVr dred ase3 "of sraa11 PP theS:- Con-,1 Pernor asid from your .abuse of fne; : .Wwtunatnfltr'fts a-blarahfc, Uhlon 1 0,MaMw t-..':!. ' - knur-fianpi' va pood ''one. Tipsid- . r I ii".. ... 1 1 i . ...... ..i . . . v. . ...bjiii'... j .... . ..'..I. .t'..... .4. . . 1 ... '.i K a 1 .4. .j:--.1 i.1 . . t. - .."Tr njr,i.upumiQ wui.De;Tnnati jtp Jind such is thet.advice otr "-i- vKttbw'bo-Wilte wilU-fefcbriIe thui- leave, their home and friends ; stay ? '1ribisparertWVir;c8stor :;V - 'J-rt.U U .ft,nd'1Vft ' ' 1 " v-tu;ir '-.-' , Aday or two-ngo'-a , youncr-irirl -;r Just .so",'- No man'cau pick upkany ewsoaner y without 'nnding: some- thinff of interest;'. -ou may take' the paper and tear ivjnto iragmeiits, and see ou. , .j t. irN.iv'tii: ;i' j't i ...1 ft iv"j"Ym ..wjr. lVu..nui6 uci.mvj-' ana in eacn n asiciiu vuu win f .- , z f lj ft'-t jr , tvi , !v4" ; " - TT I sometning 10 amuauux instruct y . rf ' : , Xi'i wo uyUC7 wi'tllo-otate.-v J.t u iKwuiigfcu m tuia niuute ut w- , r-. -- , ipj. X ''5sliowr 'iirifoThVnJilS'fftt,lvi tA-fectjpnt a beast n human ''form a - Legal -Value. of-a, Potjnd Ster- .'L;V'nH blackcnze4'th(r,wjriandin LING.-Business hien inay be aston- V- - . . tttre reputation of the would-behis- snite MTtiPr stfnl rrntv-vUh- ishod to learn that, by a recentlv Pn. iprian-ithuVjwin ayesjicVpoV ed ' her." The'fiend has 'been- arrest acted Jawthe Value ofa pound ster- . i 'i'. - . .. . , -.. t" -'.! r m . ..a i.i r.k'i ..ntir iKh firm rn.it 1 1 , r ..iaierxai4'po worii. upon,,4Vs tithe- per t aiiu.is-nuw iu Hanu ,wer-,irusii tutS v J ir vou- ' eonaVhitf mHfw, o,tVi.i VWhi, J at h.e will receive the punishment tracts maae aitei txii 01 January, : . v viiuse m 4S onn uarouna rsi fD,l e nis crime leserves.C7iariVsf one -JiZ- next based on the pf esentT .yalue )lina.,-f, letin.;- f V T JijluUlbe.tiulI and void ' . City Hall C'ompany of Ch-rlotte H A NCF ' mHE JOLLOWIKG named gentlemen A have been appointed by the Legislature -.-A- -j- - . .:.; 1 . 1 J- -i- J vjoiii, mission era ;'-r "ing vuoou anu; ic, ceivin subscrip .oii5 .. j'the Capital' Stock tO'ithe-abovetT1 r. irnhd Commnv: and thev; xtt reme: 'ed to meet . he: Bank of Meek lefbui;, c-i "VVtlnesuay the 12th inst., at' 11'oVDck. to 'take? action : ThmasL YaiL Thomas H." Brem Vm. Johnston, .-xtii 1- j.t. - ir " ai ho,,.,. system. ! We also trea,1 H-lanc m Z Jc Lotaacling and ObscS" ..with vjunparalleled snfr.. Jre Iise lUpitepsy, or FiKHeumatisn; ali .Forfailparticars,- clrS jp. XI. WK1LJSJNE- Jl.MJ., Qll A Ice Company have this day brdered a -veb4t2ift,r5X ' ' ' ' r' call? '4t twcnttoBw fef crfri&fbr tlieapital Stock of safdooropaTijr and spiointediJ.. J Sinsscpi; torcoUedt th,'ei same; t rhoseire-" the kef)tYDen until thJfttmwaf oTStofe shall have' been increased t-thi sum i fof Ted'fniaasaiid the-boots fot siibscnbtion'riow" in' Iftriiffa'Af Tit-V. H: !MAden." be ' Dollaraif ' uo-to-' Kto- ? r? ftm j .Bji order" f the B0aM , lrJ v- y f q 3 jnt'iU"r o;TK ;W?V'" ; )', - "Jtiercliaiit -!Cailor and Clothier. t. iTJnd'er Cenbalvitotel, ,1 ' V?J no vities1ftndvstyies: of gootl i for W42 Alt: - ' "; r . -v . - : V 1 . . t -CURpn eTBrxtline'sW6ndCrf,;i: n:: : JU "dote which destroys an- anctrA nnvVOTw'm . . H ill nti. or the log of blood, and at ti the C X. r' . A Li I n-r-v ,4 v v Jnjn i i 'SIMPLE, .EFFICIENT tin . Sittdp & sour. -rir ,r -.v i uHqsanu unexcelled bv of ay other (Vt MAJy. L. BR0DIE, eufc, nttHMTfon'i. 1)1.., A "Olograph p..! l3eiy. - "ui- 5 1 j r:;,d:;E AILHQAD CO ' Office op Tv, . o... . w,i Mareh 2nd, ls. - ift!5:,"'!- r.,"tttt SUP DE.VT i - , rtsniw OFiiTlIR MOST .FASHJ QJM3Lfc3I AKE: a : C3 rcr trri fe- rtn ? 1 . . , i , -J iw x y jfij 5 " s ' nasi"" en-- !1 atJXJIAJfTERD .Ol-HE 4VEJIYBET - Samcihfnft new iVretfeh' Cfeton ,JShlEt ro- the i id per Jar, been.said that-: eternal' vigilance isllie pne? of liberty;, but we fqaq, ITjepeo pIe.of.the United .'Stateafi.fail- see tbat, and are, losiopf ?that watchfiil hess theyjnanifested in the .earlier and , piver'r'davi v of -'the ,KepuTlic. Such 4i usurpation of. federals power . il.'i .5ll.-' ' '. - ' -7 ' .13 as mat in iue.case oi ljOWisian wouiu not have been tolerated iri the early period of our countrvrsh" Istorjv-riVi r- - V Just recei ffuarantce. can be ' mar'll ved; - A" CftH is : solicited 'vund X tVseUVas. loras Wit saline i;(H)ds ton sKtltHTi his or W other Marked jr'auyot l-'lllll'l- 111 HV T',,. 1 Ar,Ma , .rtKQ i... r h.Tfrivalofstich freight t iis r!,..,';,,.,. 1 Ule kjCorei'rieeis'iuiist rowiovo their frm,,!,, uw lima:, : IU U11HJSS it is iove1 withim twentv-r-ur lin AfCEptbi the Company v: i:!l,,:e Wrflcot" aharse for sf-.r.v awonlin'-i, ti:e loilOTVing-schedule of rates Iblj per car.load. jQatton.per bale, . GuaiwjWrton, fiijses,; j)pr car. load, . ill 'l M . . Xi)asigpC3 will lereaftcr !c ivijuire;! to receiyeach;consigninei! hi 'in. ;, jsiTt.ofacorjsisnnieiit v. i!l l.e .'uOivenil u'. til the .who-'.e'TuvsWn reirii.te;! f.ir m;,. WlricFi, it VS iU be ht tin? rhk ni th- cnisiirnin taiadithet-iClofTipaiiv will not uiuh-rtakc ttJ ,)TOPC? 4runiess ty spceiu.! cop.imrt. iViJiMinipanv )0d not UiHlirtako to and fortitude;' TheffamousjDcdara tioii T5f.Iadepehdencet"draYhDy HfV Jefferson used -the "ioeasantl,-in Killl lit 11 J1UH-L 111 LL1CS JfVLli;i.iO WlAfcC- I .. 1. 1 . . .1 .( i . ' . j , Jl vai uu , i'eiix rweu n in e creu 1 ViQi tlfls bold;" enunciation, and Twe-5per-c.eiVa by recent. action of thoIouse "of Kepresenta'tives of that StptoTfrh'at Ishehot insensible1 to ihisrpiid, ; me xiouse nas aaopted resolutions 'which,favoc the 'hoMing.ioJ.cei)tnv; nialcelebraiidii at ; Chkripite,''OP; the 20tb of: May ,1875,' to comembrate'lhis" great event,' by. anVxhibition ofsthe . , e ' . l i f - fc. ii a, Liirnt iesuurceai or me 45tate,iis artSr:prpaupis:anaixianumtares;''.iit Is1 proposed: to-- appbipt'ra cpni ipis sion,;Hp7cotidsl;oJv4he GbyeOfO.aiid threejdelegates , f raniffeftchL Congres sional district of the State;4o prepare itnd superintend tlfe execution- Of a plan for h0ldir?g'4hVexhibif for?,' to scri-e 'jtriut com'rj'ehsation;,; Invi. tations areftor Jbe'-ex tended Vo -tbe Presidentf;6f the United States the l b eads of; all-the d epartments of- th e uovernmeuc jii-;,vv asninecon; ana;to the. Aovefnors pf all the. States 'a.nd - iiistwilJnot-rinterfere, witliv. the centennVial- cerebration vatf Philadel- phiawh icK takes" placeiQver t wel ve months after Tfeherppose'd exhibit at Gharloe,;i Itwill rathQriid in ticle collfecf Id .there can -bo fonfard tedt'o Philadelphia A& cdiitribntiutVs 4 from 'North- Carolina.'- Th6 20th daV r y et;wb ichfvill afford 'Atri pie. tirn e 'o makoalL 'Arrangements for ;a icimse -,ir it, 'Jf 'i?... . ; . wen wuitiiiy ui uoiiim cm uratiun Columbia XSTJC) Th'ceniz, : ? j TEkurBLEExpLokoNis a, Cart kiDGE rible explosion? , occurred- :vesterdav: afternoomin th.e .cartridge., manufac tory .at ForfcTMint',Valerierir !Twen- ly-eiKii;. persons were iniureu, xweive I .-..1?---.1.. Ji"! 2 A fi -1 .rt - 7 " . ;' I-, - :rl. l:LiS oi Avu,om, ib i sfcateu,--carjno6 possipiy recover,: Axr I A'VkfTi 01' !rll6Mif iTi ''. a 'irViT l-i of : abi-. 1 1 . J ' 11 J- 1 out- u nureu-persons wrevinj ureu au the Fbrt ;MoitVaterien "explosion. ;, -'it-.-sfPebraa'ry 10th, J 873. fl TVil?on A' Blaclc -Ito-ly tested Yha Denslow fc BtisrirfPrcmittni Safety .Oil," -which I obtttineflffiHin-yoi last Saturday, and found it tbfand'a fire test of 135 de,:." jiut as incsc- ngures-rJ.vairyr.a-gooa near for ditferentrUsodt'siTf pplin;.th test a' thing kraowa to CJiierJiIst-Vwho eipexuncnt ei with OiKVl wUlVity that','? tried" ttnmer prticlKty wr;VdeirciMs'tanc&, ihe'Dciifilpw & Bu-h GitJarto&l'lO deg; tabove;Prats' Astral Oii'and'-lOvdf y.F febove-' West's1 best quality, vjt "gi'yvs v fbdaufifui" soft 'hitlig;ht;:"Yio'fctexcellepib:y:' any othei" fona 'of aTtfficlal flight in 'c'omnjbrp.uself T liese rein Us atcmrd ; with l iiy f pre vio n s ex, periencc witlf this - Oii and I do:not hesw tate to'cqtmaefitf rfe !A.4.-he 'eafc4,t and bestf have"evvfii;seWi iivthis'hfarlcet- " ht' ... ; r 1. IlespeVf fully' 'vimmC' f J ; ' Utt- - r-v. 'Wrj. MARTIN'. " CHOICE FRESH PKEF, iv Ild'LfEV'A L 4fc DETAIL, '"t,f " J. T:i'Oi'!t CO., v;imai6 lm - Trvon Street. ti r "i v . r'--iV fKie hv-V -r:1- w' -' : .mar . j. - ; ft,.. i. ijfrt'..i M nrt.if ,i;..f.iiir -i.i ., ,,,Tr il Iluil U v. 1 ii It J, ' IS 1 Uii 1 J Ir., lit rnlllS CortJiafW ia.vinif sold aH their frc 5i'!1eRtgiirnty 'DttTidbnvwoffcr for i-zixU tl; bfr 7 p&i cn tiftlefckienbu rjj ..CUtm ry-Bonda ' kfiTo nd afe?rud'iiit4s;r05t: Tlie'cotiiforls' rotiporfS of these' totvd are receivable. in" aymeiut. .bairns at u atia wccniett ftitwei.:1 of titc two forrner'cia tx)ii.d wHl ay. iiichiili.the)disrt terestt 5Ltceedirtg: Iz per eentntn1 otvTiie amoum iivvesteu HO ! 00 00 .') 1,0 .") t.Nl 4 iVijimupanv mK-s not notify enntneeif or tJu; arrival of their .'oodSjliey niu.t therefore rdy upon ion-si-ruotf for'thoir inform.-ition. lUl ; ,mar ' T. M. It. TALCOTT t J Engineer uperintc-naent. i "II r t ilrcw Varict'oj. ILLUSTRATED To- tSays'1)?pcs, - ' V a veriy -slix esn z: n o. "e'-rank Le.-,liea' lliitra'.Ovl, ? "j Ilarper's Weekly, i Lady's Journui, '- Ilarper's lvar, V-fXevr Yqrif Ledger, .54 'Af iir J av K iah-t , ttti j4.wd tWieek ly. Hera hi, .J:efved fit cry week at marb bA5rf rntEFOY'A "" 1 lBVittAati-Dypsptielilli.. -'TTSJS THStPESYENTIYE, Aiidoroa wliKor need the cucc ..j.'r- 4i;f! - JiOTti Thi$,T:,vu may find Somelhnu r's"' s 'hv ic?tidhyoH are TJJPiSOX- s - at tliateiHXrobles-Vsoine'rcid, vtinnflnuinary- hint, .i it n (tit .1 ttM ! rv.T.A....i.wlAr.ti4 anainven'aiphMntnnertho.at)OTefcarion.of'it calls are more alssnlutcij to pjther ot the jS-ational rCankd afl'(Slts& iilirree'sarif e expensive more lotter r'IMORHlSOX'..-: -TiuarS 1'ni'i T""'l' '"-,TrTlSvlrerJ id-fa: 'V EE A Jlq , .wit APPING PAPEE, Assorted- sizes i'aiidKracles. from 'tlmt?etr -4 1 HATIKG tiusirdrspbsed of niy entire ' iilterest-m the'ihto of -Gregory: fe, Wii-t .lianis(5rrto J.SJ.WilfiaTrf&on. he alone is authorized to gis" - in" Htjuidation v.ALIJ persons "ha'ving'daifiis'agjajnltj and fiwiae idfbtedo thlrirlii ftfiQtlalliiA the undersigned at the Office of W HIL'IIous to.a,&tio, forv6cttlmeiit. ' , ,.: .:;;; : .'it..t, . tla?!; i'i; mWO'Drnm fc"efeVS?frank 'Codfish; 2F v .'Few -Bushelsof Prazier's Shockley HApples, Just ecreitea . . - ' . ".V ; :;;irewJMvertisemehfe Atn,? FKESir 'AIXUIVAliS. C - r J , : r NOTICE. : TtTlLli be r sold at auction ;rbn 'Safufday V V ; 15thr inst.," 1 at Hhe City J Pound, a WHITE SOW Tv-hich; was takeiirr lorl violation of Jthe City. Ordinance. ', I m mar. 11-1 1 . ,j t;;-.atyMatshjall - X?"OTJ are -Teiuired to.jnieetf at .the rtJood A . Temilar3 .IlaU, over Merchant3 and. Farmers Bank, on Wednesday evening at 71 o'clock. By. order ;of your Worthy Archof.., EARNEST YQtJKG. mar 11-lt . 1 t .V- fa J. rrtTtrn TTi.'3 l , i r it v - . mWO Hundred' irrebf: Svmrti all irmrlps :vLi7 100 .Boxes-iBACOnj-.Sides & ShouideraJI . . aw -Lurrei.s ougar, an grades j i' . '3Q Bdxes Cheese wf v - MvV, '3 (XX) Potinds Leather.T'jrv ..3 u.J i4 v tlOO Sacka Cdtfee,, Goodrich- and i-jsr ? ?-50 Bbla, .Potatoes - Jtuarly Hose 'i0 Boies Candles -"-r-800 Tons celebrated Sea Fowl GtraiVh. Alt of Vhich-we offer tafAIercbaJitand luxeessary- -a.iatr4-mtiiVi :iinfm. ami more divewilit'I f4 Vfti butfor imposition, it will call you joac icouhtf and ifcriNjiglrbor, the Liver a l-.t.ILiav---. -Si. if on! iisnn v shares ItlkW U KVUU It, tiiiv. v. . in,tlieetribation: , Jia.' ' " ' 1 you unaerstanu, au.iMi p" , Live have Called ymt to an account and Sylini relief, i -Then , read carefully the ldinsrand.like- a wise man, seek tiw IliefoitiSoCJailiChi: desire, where, o.u- rsxVVouP .Ilalth impaird .in C ji 1 jlgtenal Digestion of l'r i ? ATOUlt ; food t 1 - . . r. II,. a;e um College, tity as left by aeon- tetiution in rUins.vily physif i"8'! ih.vi. fi f v..irA and pruuo Diishtibava a .few years of precanog )lSfd'sofofjtf$Zliavi & Mary -V f.T ! . n - j - mosi malignant .iever, -rl.A.r'aMirtw.P4Ti diffcstioii, ana . i ... . .. 1 . 3 .. isiencej.ana a8fw ago iiwrpfinTy 'fvirf lip Fatal. 1 .n. I, Wet your AhfcipvhVm . tdA ii. kr -.wAfiJv? no- certificate responsible gentfeitoerii whom I j0nj. knpv;i lo6ld ih4utcflrding w Th'e result jsHhatrl now eat what 1 R do what I please, sleep sounaiy,. - joy.life as much as any man hvnv hjrf thisrit gives rfle-plgBure to say jo" thank attd f tor add the oasum -' .. WUt V n-rnil' Agents, - ,v' f."-' Springs Irish Potatoea ifl5fbushl .A at VhitTkens, and, must d.c ,u v rv i , - . a ine. ioc oi . niits ,n 1 Here the-pljwc-tt-vc 1", 9ii Ji any ho-sain the city.:.; - ,, 5 i T J ? 5 ?;t T"' ' 4 '4 Jlv a .... :. ., j- " -.'.. . V.,.:. .v., t- .

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