i V ..4 , J. .vrnrcnl iJsIc nUJnTAr rr U-rfftoX...odJ-.1o rjS ill. -dJiw ;:'r;3iaLf ilV' jtiU-fvU';;. 1 ' , - - - i mm ,f-T - - ..:t...f.,f, HJr r folia "lcti.oV if tvxsn&M The, Charlotte, Obsdijer; .la errolt - 0J'vMciAiTGiiLDr.;'' nfflce. Bryce's . Btuldmg, ; Trado Street 00 50 "TV ' "- W -1 ' bates or-stnsBCBiPTioar. Tv,;iir On'a year 3n, adV&-hce. .X. Three Months,4n advance v........ OnMnontK, jn advance,...,...,.,,. " ' ' orfc;wek... . 3 Q Min'JniAdii3cm at- in-" vv r . , . .... . ',..ty.. .-s(t''--. A.. IV ANTED- m m i BY DB. . . s - . ... . . IIIMIII I d - -I -J 1 fi(Vi(4uMV"-. , .... :. ' ' ii j . ..' i ? in jp i. f.tMHr'tUw spftT 3o. JiuvMitrrcM w4r.rfm OTnOT9iio aira-.. i 1 1 iVe Squares estimated at ft qnartcrrrol ;4 1 1 usnn j "ml toriitiarc tis1 a halfK-oluninT - - 3 ,,; ,j, ,., . ' jr..-. ' ' f 'r,'V'--- fum .Ton TTii lo 1 9i!i la stofjJcq Din J sin rn f t . r ' r , , i 1 ' ' 1 I Ml - 1 ' .''.-Muli'i I I i i 1 1 il w 'ii 1 1 if r i -u u ii a i X O , time'likc th&'dfefnandfi f hYt. trnti faith' ftn f f I lJUJfi- 2Tf4Ali'AiTW W 'A;'.' 'li" r. . 1 10 jmoils of "onice" cannot 11UUB15, and totondtipfcVHKiki.t.iH4i Strong D"7US' ready bands Menwhorntne wlio havo lionorr Jnen-vWJio xyiU not "iiuy attached to them for .buyiW i rrrJT muiiy. non stand before' a emacojrue.', grease of oar.bu&iis.KainceiKah3SPK min mtiitmMotftitik 75 ,tann his treacherous flatteries with- .rb-new and: egant Mtoxv 4ed itVM ?fllMJrt eeded coiMng For.vnne- .c V". :t rrr. better aborted sJlT'rA? TvS4" Thlar-e professions. and tlieirnHtle offered beforeso that Counir ercbilnS ifinde n selfish strife, lo ! Freedom I"" ,neis. put a very .large stock (6 select 1,nKie n. . . from:thewibv, Uffln-rPihoh t Wrone rules the land, ana waning justice I "VWiHWW Tia;Ji;fca ."3tS ' ' ' --'JteAf1 .ntbouses North, ,e& voouii-y uuv juort? goous tuan lemWe Bwaster at Smyrna. ; - sortijt. - ; , ;;, . - ;;-, . , hafvf;btf &ttHn l-Siiifif: ' n 1 J-M-iott it Ztni &n. lo -win io usui-j , vu i 1 i " V.?jWjGftfl93 I i ri !tilir vlrtcnibio on doidw j "-.ut winding, r?wm rn mn 8im-crotmea wno live aDqre tnei ".""' -ws". iian, we naye conud Tallrn"-81 , , , , -ti to endeavor to still further eradicate t t miblic dntv and in private thinking ; i erroneous Wfyfiy presenting,! fhj In puOUC u i , , i ,eason tf- tli6 Tradp n, t niau " o 1 wv wwiuunj viarjcers audj i fo cafe at Smyrna , - ' aiP months in making our ptfrcliasw; ''On Sunday nighat 10 olock the buyg evcrytlimg, from .first iiaaida tfrtnhfc 8ea, broke down sudden J a unri n the lussortment yljen' tints tnileter -will performance given b - a cdmpanj of foot up in nrnonnt ,to" upvaWofi Tvio -HUTOiMU" l,JU 1" wl1 v. " 1 """"iivAvijtJusaim sonars',, j " 7) f(f4u Ml8 that he oniy boiu xuo hckcis, ' xnv ciwnaes ira-ucmo carry fcVthP neonlc saved declare that "ion ip new ueuij" Ar were 200 persons present K!L D! ,r .i;- ,vnro of r,o ""w" " ifrcirjit,tiian?maire'rshhTiicrs iUOSt rlas carrjaog-.onjtt ihtlch Jess f than it ? liv trthcrn Cities; ' and liavihs & III infill iii - v f.. ham innrlti i. i.. ... . . ; r-. i -v., "iitiii.-j inr: i?ii7L mi' I'm i i;ir. t wn-siwin 9, and there were not many inrKa. a pbsitioii -to; nxccessftiHv- co i hefe wit! there or young men ot re$pectal)le any Jobbing lloiwrin thcu Vmt6d 'States,1, families. At 10 o'clock a loud crack and to the ?nsfbction of wluth wtinyfte1 - entire catt had disappeared unaerr 1 - . r i'" w w mnao . v" . - -.I i ...j I nuaujteti.wit.li our TTnsn . t.iiaf. . A tew ei me persons ner tne f wi.ifC ttZZ K r? -'r M f" contrived 10 eueet lum-vs Hardware.-' Clothing Tln, -WTi ' , and some persons saved thfm- Motions, and even MiHincrv,' " 1 J'u 1 - 1 1 vp bv mmmntr uiroiicu. -vnev-wiwi. -uurKetaii JJelwrtmenti.shmnlpfHr " - j the Kjitcr entrance rape, dotss into the sea. The H boatiiven the latest Novelties; and in bulk secoHdlto n nnm hclH. hilt. -1 hPir -t- ill me 1P,'. . : t.v J rn ,vi -t forts to save Hie were in vain, sure- !: " n " - r"eu. Pacha, the Governor : Ibrahim I? hliMJi and . Jiilur Yih .f "7 . -.rr:.-r ..... ' , ' . 1 v"i r ' ' l OlSJ 34 'Rnmlnvw Mr V. ht X fK I0i.t; 3fr Irji4and most rcsrAilly aski eontihUaiice of !Olr AND . , -it-, n 1 -ff-i vi J K .25 i , r - in JrlL Still r '" l- . 5- Atrha. Chief of Police, an llev. Oominanclcr of the Gendermer- . .' . . . x i - .... je, who were at once on uic spot, ex- . 1 .1 .. . -1 1 f I. I ' - 1 erteu iDemseives sirenuoiisiy "luu frtiitlcuslv, with the sani.e object.4- The profound silence which succeed" ed the piercing cries of despair told too plainly the terrible, character, f the disaster. The Catholic arid Grt ek Arch bwl) ops were on the spot early the following morning. "'Yesterday forenoon; the workmen of the i$uay Company were actively engaged in removing the roof of the submerged mft. The search after the dead bod - iesjWiw a sad spectacle ; the acrobats were withdrawn from the water' in' their fthowy costumes of the' previ oiwnigiit; tne limbs ot air the bod- im were contracted with .pain.-,. Two uearses w ere engaged the day in convey discovered to the hi 50 bodies deposited at the Greek ho pital 28 were claimed ud ta o'clock yesterday afternoon. -and -,11 were claimed at the Catholic '.hospital- divers were busy at work all dnv. ... j . . - . ... .'. 1 na every mmute a .tresh body was . 'W.Vj;: iTirfiAy!''?,I frougni UT). lo-tlav' thev recommpn- t - ; . ,1S ed their melancholy , task at dav. l!iV:. f:r:"V-:? "rif.ihl K "ld im0;'e i botli, were Ccnti.TabicsiiVUatnbtsstfc lound. Ihe total number of bodies 4 ' , . ' , -Muuir: nrcnvrorl in f K : oa i. ; Excelsior and tton- Mattresses Chairs n s supposed thartliere arc fully ' 601 otheV things. nt)t'neccssarv to mention' i le ?'at.er-; j AnJUiiiglish cap-1 , The Undertakers Department if complete . lurKisnmercnants, a young 3 from the cheapest Jfoplar Uofiint to tne ,u guuu connections, an Italian 1 rinest nexiganvneau, ana ow iwainxre Captain, a telecrsinb rlprlr anA nmr.l Casket Half Glass Top. finished ;and trim- victim. ti. e i:.. -- ': :.. .5 constantly readv- forusej all of whichhYill U; ol"!l . , ieci nig or rieianc, be sold ata most reasonable priced fi it M Ti 'general,; anu tne j Returning many thanks for pastr favors "ail advertised t.n tab raha ' ,n a r r -r .rii - -.xt- i-i. T- in, . . " LriKVb tix I A inusi, Tvspijtjuuii v aiv. nit; ..;-uticua iui Cosine Mas been countermanded- Clibrlotte and surrounding' eounbrywlio, U r 17, ti -DfiT Ts T ! i--TI7; -'--' : i Mfc aaj"u " c are aim ax ine. lempie (tAH.J'ATE.o tithe and XTiurch streets "is'a t .. ....(.iHi.i.wrMi-trrii" .t"-.- . . w. '""PIIPBTI cninnoi . ml.. ..J.7 .--'. , t-.-i ;-u . Hi) al,YM.U3tAinvutmi most libcil, to suit clerks who 18 'Jjilgr ' Ff-MS'HiE;L:.T,!0iH. ased the whole hf TTAVING greatly increased his Stock Of eying the mnain ITUItK nsit i hospitals. Of the 1 ',V 'k1 ' t WrMt -Painted CSuimber SuitSijav r f-'rcncti. i?d iCottagefflOit uet, recciVcd as loMofr ftjiefct n! Tor ? w7?Ln Ior nMXleraM5 salaries. , mr?r. - rMnnrifc-Ilfitnitm bti mill ' ; ... ? . f. .,i-)-;WJAi,r' i;,iy,i THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! - :r T lj Iap;Guvano,r Chesapeake GuafiO' - IU)ilCIA,lIB - "knrtllnr . , . r ' Beds, Bureaus.: .A,ZC) n . ; l ,.i 'i ii firm 'Lr.rti!;!i v Th-Kl-HiofeV l'di.l JAOT dJ I ill j '1 r . I ri I i I Hill 111 i 'lTi'tk m f il J --K ' iilJjU il I II jlf'irtT ' Atvri - ' - . . l .v'? ;.v rJ,,.J.tvf!!:fiqw 1 J,"- ' -l AlattlsSes, dfad. a lafce-Assorftiie rf r: 1 r-v?. i,suwir. v; -11 f --. iit?. t- .,i,itk.Rir .Dirtysnail i nAr 2itf ' 1 7- 'it? -T'V f u! Colleges at !imaU''aavahctnXOQTri&BI rwit vf 'jSII AT? 71 VT-rit'-j Tift r it j ' ' ii ' i " " . r. nrT.,t T wmiir.nntl It f,l f ! s "v ' .. .' -i 1aaaaaaaBaaaaffaaiMMwajw - " h -SiJ , r TjXMmUa;,liWt learetothank i i rtrs o-t .. . . ; i fii.' . - i. if uur menos sun .miMiiitftnrpt tnr i" : vX2 ,,-if itA it 1 1 !3L1'HJf Jilki,; li LtZ.j". . !ASAHT?ntJtfTtfi I in. v. i . i v - ... ... i r1 I'uuce nave Closed all tne Other nave neea ior anyMiingm mv niic mi- giyij Rfa built ppon piles on the &ea One n,e a c1 cnrs put-chasing elsewhere.'" if o miTTrtany men6Xand.tronSrW$ X9 C? J Tf fli h t in W r X SIM-1 nttiftioo ,odw oaodl AiiV UfU.Ef'JMl'Jg i- inrj :ifriifeyivMiui9fI sdJ V oqoi v9-di T;liivr 1 N i AWv'irk I -t-n -dion nt; .17.1 ivan 6 1 . . -r .... J ., - i ,, ... , ; an If! 1J. :f J -I' Vi IL" - 4! : i iVvW IT T 7 4o TVi v lTAHi(kifcub-'in Jhoff! k ni .hi h ; ,Vfno l . .. . . .. . - D h ! terms n.. s Jon et 31 ,.itau:tnia .-j.;3ic; sr-riiuii jdr rtoili.ti i JjLiori dV-!-f i ma :,... . . ,i h it. oY.'ttdrt 'Kit. -To Jffo 4i lOj AT (. v Hq I! ,iVi:finWtt fl( .Mtdnl fyery jchoapraJV tiniipzSmVISr,1 V l) ! J ui- . ; , i'M w : ! o d'uiiff j.'ati5;'i rcsjricnc. 'Tnr,l,.AT)l:,.l. V...I.1 'n.-.trJ'. I 'l-H.,.,-, 1,7.. TWw. Vit i -1 t ', . . .! '..n i .'t. r t IJIUStratOdllOinjTuLSnOVV iyn uiarkO er.lfhospliate, .;n. "S kS ii.ltt' JWMWV ' 1 . ill -" --"f i t rEfhJ1..!! Attorney Comfijloj; jata.c.;U7X ri't-b -,-i . 1 Mtnulmi .Oil 2yrrr, 3b! lo FirineTs the; above rst-jlass Feruh Jt:i jr.noTrfW ft''f 'c,kT imlSfBAKXINO HOUSE OP SSpli'AfWrthWgtaitl Designs;! ,f5aI1lt,fhe1IJ.i "..'""W '9.f' add to thi wApJeJfcrtb qi.-,n. noW.l B&nKfnBtaincs. V Edward illHenW.Thi.iarfaibnokiWAt sppiV aw Weaso band' in, your, orders .f.hViiS'' 17 -f , , . , ,fj-- rj. ;r;i ' a evoIiMSf 'ikfcgS i W. i cqnimnicd, tho , ,,r. ,rni;n. .,rt-..tbgy: ftfeWKCi- U ;, niarTOt)KM situated in a . . . i.. ,5SB.rn5fiiWrfT ilJ-Mi' fulfgirtesifdilW'bk WMly. Improving Neighborhood. ' VilI ' , ' ."L.V.iJ?, ,t .t?a , V Hu Jnj i'.v,.'."!' hnq Jl ' , r;i AboveBoxJlyioy sUe5 By 1 1J6pTc-1 at'Tery rcasoWe tate. . Apply to - v ' 1 selleinr,4n1ijf7 1 JOHN .T!. HITTLER. . w,y uuv, jer return ui mail, on anyonei Y'oetiZ? " ''Jr.v;.vpppjittiuiKiwUf vuat:. irere women, and one of these latter 'riRESir Arrivals. 2 : survives. The government.'will JU .Cabbage,; fine ;L 800 "lbs?,Mountain IjHTge" Mountain Pota ;niuie proceedings against the pro- toes, 1 Dried' Apples, and reaches, Ureen jnetor of thecal, who didnot pay- - .tf ltJ - a Vllljli x. :" -i -.. V.-. nvfc "T" mi ii.ji , . 7 F. 1 ieiesra.m L 1. O Mlt-nast. i m i&d tBormrKhi ij; & D; B AILBO AD CO.. ne bodKa 'u7iflitt.nwn r-n' t . Officii f. JSxarsEEa A bcr'mcsi.'iu.. JIT Hater 9 ;. v ,..-r : - . )0. er are princrpaUy.ofthe.poore,,, r"" : - ;tf CC.Abn3187? . mo. ucak K.I1IIWII V lit- I ' : r:' ... . , 2Law-Uthuri Capitauachi and1 feSSfeJfc . 1 r-i -r- r t 1 - asm' s .;......- " .. ,11 ivi 'diTi mi 1 1 iv Mr-iii ifirMiiv hl. 1 rm'B 111 v 111. 1.1 1 iiji-n . . hs5 ' IIU-1- ,ifd ,hy, 'ITENHOUSE,' 3f ACAULAY ifeCO... f r wtK' .laiirmW' .1" , fob sale, v - jurfi y Tt , (7A8 ili bi?in ,rf ..-t,.-.m - lira -. A" fine aESAdm4 ' - A in; splendid idrdir.ftJSt UAVIDSGN'S S''ZZJs'.' ho WERY 3TABH6rsiijand.Mal :"!,n? lli "T v for ale are Mpt Qp(bSpt in I . 4 ' I -t.-'J 4 f---.- si-. .J ' ; AlUKi is peTeDy given u consiuws, sir V- southeeh.stAtes- JJX that in Consequence of the lieavy presf arirnivif frmVht at this time, it is ininossible- WJ? SJ -emeni from, all parts of the for this Company to fernishlfTrageraom ufetates and frnhi" P!ni-hn .iktifii denots. either Hn -its-nrarehouseS or 8e held in St..T.rtni . ears.' ft ihnre 'than twenty-fours afteHbe -unon is ejected .to . include :!S?JS tta wii?weuk uroiessors rAmT,ffv oftpr- nrrivaT. and unless it is re "iY8 artm PAtK i nnrl TMn- -1.7:" V.fiv Tinnn ip 1I ' ' ' " 1 1,111 VP 1 t 111, 11,111 II J tl VI V1 L LJ f W V . . Sic...: !'miYBAiv.;:;-' Icolleet a charge, fostorage; accordihg' the following pcbeuaietOi taxes: t4 and to Sb!fcn?-lline Midway Molasses, , pet car load, 3O0-!f ; ffifePm: Central anS Salt; v V'-.OO.r - boun at -'VMvvi iva. i -w r 1 ? . . . . M ,,m Mississippi City . or part of a consignment wil be delivered ,un land thfe;.. rKilS xU the whole has been receipted for, afte wpfais; - With r 7h7WrZXI -which it will at the risk ot tne consignee , yHitX. apdthe OompanriU'fiot undertake to, andfci 4X? an9 Wlth protect ituriless bpecial contract.'' . Lmi?,t?Wn throwa Ojtit on tThis Coinpanj' does not .undertake to irof if, 'v.jjfoporfcion oi tner notify consignees oj uie wuyw, i",."'.". reoutxms tne price oijLtqieLpubl.shers. ; I T. B.PETmQISyl r?nn 9 "P. i .ffntuit .vinfr -i Ilew Orlealit .Susrar aad Holas&es. r-t lntnorUt oiuiWl'm narucui ,hM' .Molasses. it'-' f-iiliioJiinittiKOLwl o1" I 2, .....-.; 'i7.-,? JVlolaSses ju, I-i.v.,-. -j- . , 1 . lJ. i j l.ilul. .i L! i Jl. il. : nWXWjZib. Inl'taJ -9ilt- m-noiMy-hfri jAPSWOBTiL ;haiat4.iJLSyeT( ,4 - : - M ?a"d; ,15ale tabl, 1 pp&nte ti&i .Cityl f;..if - rijgsgv tciocic, iiuivi,and.jau 1 -ior saietap 1. ( I . 1 , r J .."I-!-'--'''-. . . " i . rCTVTTr! iTSTTn-r r-F-i-criJ Baali :NftejMukHt(Wtf1d. .'.V " t - pi; 11 I , T - m fpf W f1 MJIAMH .t-l Jl 1.111 J . . w . T -. ' ' T 4.J-,4-rrv2rV--i:lqo 5X1 4 OUi-.F .V.fatU .1. 187- m ps. . - em ... n . i m 1 - ,. I 1 :,r--R?iir,TT aril K1 0n ' ;tiiAiM V4iJ. . . i: liii-lii- . . - .- .1 . . I .'.:- . ;-. ...... . . ... , ... . M,B S ,,,.Q II ElRY LHif i M'ftoo .H , .Nation .Bwjfrs. W,&iiteali$r& la v,f..CwAelTs Geography, of'tJlJa ft' 4 ' KarlTpiyersal-iJiitoTvC 4ijc iTo writs' 5nelleis,,v-4fft riMl- ,nW? 'Eureka Siates ( Kupe X;ftier r, JnstReeiVedit, M 1 -1 1 u 7 : 77 BCKk tt 0V ill ..1 i HJCL- ' nil ,! Sv.- 1 :- " .' -" . -., -1 , i.Ttr.Lijit. lefrt cdrtstahlv.on'hand. . ; r-.:r.T t "TrnttTfWtKtrr N f J jy, Lt-.JT Vlaced prided td-iaaftirn O; vTTvi ' ' ' ' M -ir Jfhi Potatoes. . -G3r TTTE liawTceta f fntl sipW2th&k YY celebratedaTxtbwJt5tfe4i 4JL oiu , J r.T j i Si If if iM -nnhirDdTvheafc and otbszTGrit rV Rppri Fntatoes .n hand, to avii peedall ther prpaU , H..UWJlHri 1I9 IVHt, U11.L11V Illicit .T 1 PhBmwqi . '". ncTTi . t uauuiciti njjMjsv juubk ria'iciK. one an . 1 . -i n4 iytjLL .i r tt ' ... - TrrTfrT-.T?sf Sn'tfftrf lvinfl alaree and.! m-.v-i.ii K eiititockfof bacx AW; Trn MACKEREL 92 riat,Uq nil in k t?h tot? A jtc &cr. AIO. -Coins 11 T WhW;ftrl, Wcvd, THEB.rl comfcnvsiqn.'-f( - . fli Ai?.oaao h")V 911 i(X'.Kewfitreet4 .evjiYorkiif: it wll fldT)teato theiis:of Hxleke iv. r.. r - . . . - iLi.i Sar mVevfiry.pect, 1 tie r Best Yeast 1 E2fS TOWS Wf VffflMt A" bqcehs?a!iDealebs -n v Tty Xrrr tt ttp TT ' I iu " iaardrinfactareby Vo, tr '.150 wftniT ?W; iorixjahiomcnt and a igor I0r tneir inioraaxion. ; v . v ierv foiIiadiiL'Missea.id,H;ivndve Odd rteneli Brandy ' for Medi- jL---. , ,r, 1 .., .1 nr .jA rf -.-J-IlrtTfl 11 14 ' r, 1 rc rp ft " .t-ji'M'.'f 7'"'i IJDM pdbymiWsb'haOre 'terms i-would d? tffcliato.gajjj aJ.j?iiroiiice-,'-in h'Gourt f;' " wisliiiig to inrVfsst jiSuch pfopr' .7 (U ' iu T ..j.:-i, of.-fvn ni rnf-seMerea scwk or tne finest and latest - - x uriier assign iiiums anu correspondence , ' tft Sim'" ; - Cbarlotfe, N. a.j.n mlxS il fnvfit, I .minvAfiDhnwitV, tTfitr- f iiVi-n r.l rknHace this vear.i Iiresnec-tfnllif, hM;W'vflrtiO WW rii si Alt . still; at ' . " Batid two "H fi y V o omt o u iicOfe o4olMbf6r Men; Youths 5 at srreatlft--re i snl ,nu. cr ak.-n.rti-iSav.pi V. J itnhsdCU Shirlsi cT';- 17-t r r. r"rr rrn rjt woriiv Tire very .JaJ Scarfrldiier t WW I - 1 r ' -fSr - i .-J attcii wmwirjir tnm at rwce.tp.l3fy.T ,-T rV Ul a- aTa 1 nn vf, fT r Xriljj l M 4 V jL 1 . . Wies v.fJ(t,x outus Itqck. frXHirKiii- Ari tU r V All L1IQ. - - sVj?tyle$ oXjHats,b'r'iJ . .H.x . Tl7Ar Qtv' ' T J y i ready r-Sf)ririj.tb cht and make tp order , . vl I cBrEtejEfttt:MMr: - - . - ' ; -r 'j- at - - - i?hHil .vomolL, -11 fnie. I wdstreeDeoAliiilv asb a jronHmia.'Ibo .tBJLBJkt!HOS0Si 3 "W ; :,; iPlRclJ iir:J 911 SfJM : ',!' --.-rTSirT'lla 31 Ul'I'M V . ju. ,jt. icf JlDoftM rifrtan! foA'assorted; " ' '"j Ut) dn'FIBirlta-'assort. r 3 " A.PER, in great variety, i Ii it 1 ! I1 i, J 4 ft 1 ' ; " f v;w 1 ; .Engineer $: oupeniueuuKut.-t ; jan 23 jan a il'"