..t i)A!LY OBSEEVEK. JOHNSTONE JONlJ3J&4tte .Friday March 21, 1873, Tbe Day la Brisf. FjDstcr hangs to-Jajv i No change as yet U the English Jiinis twial cnsl. ' ' ;;' ; A terrible riot occurred at roIrcrUsiiivi ifcoii; EngCautt, o Wetnesday.; n , ' X new 'Peace Coinmission has 'gone M gfj the Modpci Injs'JXI-t'l Tflie proposed emancipation of th slaves m Porto-. Rieo is-breeding serious trouble. Apprclifinsioas of labor strikes are felt in Keiv York. .OUR STATE NOT THERE. I The United States, vessel "Guard," Ioswled tende d for exlubition at the letinX sition, will sail from. New York l&xnositio iiadN irrvt h eam tn Texl. and there was much blood shed, u-- . . rj' v v lrt, thonglvnor-ciwcs of fafctlrtlnltfy; nave 4ieGHmt;.orid:Itta nrecwus vet en 0. At the list ac- freTght specimens of American art colmts from the towivrorder had ami mechanical ingenuity speci- been restored and ieVasbelfevedlUere mens of thfe'agriaiUurai and mine?- QmoJ kfioting. J 1 wealth ; of- thi conikent-aml " WasMnSems?':' -various other articles intended to MMmM nr'vK-n ' rr serve as an index of .the wonderful Csev &rtVl lector of CTw proyth and ndvancemcnt in every department of human industry, now visible in th e United State. The rich cargo of the Gard oru prises articles gathered from all portions of the United States North rv.rolinn nprbaiw. exeented. If this Statesends one single specimen of anything (besides rrofessor Kerr) to the Vienna Exposition, we kiujwtSIE Ki:"? V 1 ' Kothtng ofit. And the Professor is ent, not by North Carolina, but by President Grant. 1 What a sad commentary is this V llflt CL4 lUillillOlHio lo lino , , upon the enterprise of our people! For look, a World's Fair is to be Tiekl every nation upon the globe will have its hundreds and thousands of Teprecientatives at the Austrian Capital the richest specimens of the world's wealth and man's indus try iand ingenuity, will be spread out to the eye in greatest abundance ; from tgere tb0 a gtairwav ,eading to ltj the place reserved for the Old the 5th flat, where the female serv- North State will be empty. anls of the establishment were sleep- The gold of California, the silvei "S- Therto finding tbek. escape e v j 4. a i r by the stairs was was cut off, fled to of Nevada, the corn and wheat of tfie windows, and 3 . of tfieni trew the! West, the coal and iron of Penn- themselves on the side-walk where sylyania, the cotton of the Missis- their fall was partially broken by sippi. Vallev, and the sugar cane of a tra sses aiid ether soft material. , .. '.,,-, , Thcw were taken, o the general hos- Louisiana, will be seen there on ex- pital, where they now lay in a, .very hibition side by side with the pearl precarious stateV Another girl nam-, and; gpld of India, the rice ofthece- ed Matilda Layer hung but from a lestial kingdom, the spices of Ara- window 20 mintites, and was finally t . , , ,. , - 0 . - . rescued by the firemen, who brought bia,; the diamonds of South Africa, her safelyJ tQ tbe grou'nd ftmd e the precious metals of.Brazil, the cheers from the excited multitude. coffee of the Avest Indies, and the Notwithstanding the eflbrts of the ricli products of Europe in all their firemen, the 4th and '5th flats were i . . ... completely.destroyedi t countless variety. But northing will J .mu be seen of the agricultural and min- Domestic Intelligence, eraj wealth of North. Carolina-noth- WashiiSt ok, March W.-f he en ing of its gold and silver and copper ; gineer's strike on the St. Louis, Kan its irdn and coal, its marble andgran- sas & Nortbern railroad continues. itej its corn, its wheat, its cotton Another . . s and a bridtre burned near St. Char es. and nee, and its numerous varieties mi Hunve wines. . An act of the General' Assembly, wkbnn nnrnnvifin p erv,0n , mim of money would have secured forlNorth Carolina a full representa- tion of her boundless resources, at this Universal Exposition. The i . . : " , maiicr was suggested to the Legisla- ure last fall, but- it was unheeded. It is to be regretted that a display r.?4 ! i v i.i , . Carolina couiu not nave been mane at V ienna, as it would have brought'out the advantages of the KtV rrrt.;Qn.. ur.. .v. .....,.,.v u.uie tne worm. As long as a short-sighted, rigidly econonucal policy prevails in our government, no rapid progress in t ha material and industrial progress and development of our State need be expected. We make no efforts to exhibit in the Old -World t.h advantages Of our country, and so we need not exDect onrmiL lions of acres of waste lands to le ative population as they ' multiply and replenish the earth." This will be a slow rnna9 but a sure one. ' ... ; ' THE CITY IIAIiL. It is to be hoped that the stock f iH bubsenbed at once, A ball in keeping with the dignity, character, and di- niPiitttnn. nfni,...i..H. the aecom morlnf ?-ri r ncoWaiAr r 1 " . v ocpasions of. lecthres, operatic and r . v hue uuuim 1111 dramatic -performances, art exhlbi- tidi tO tbe city, and a suitable place .for public exhibitionsandperformancesi JEvery cUizen is interested in the trrnwtb nrr,QQV;tw ' 1 1 - growth prosperity, and adornment of our town..rroperty-holders are vitally interested in its growth,' and, prosperity., Anything that beauti- fies the city renders enden Tt mnMfM enacrs.it more attrac - is, musical entertainments feasts I Congress, include, of seventeen scien- arid festivak,v m Let ur have a i enhr Ph pf A ,rgmm i lntiMi:i; ;;; m'i i ' also the following honorary . co;ni- building that- will be an, ornament niu;nnpr--Wmnt-nmrUr . f ai. t57?: . ,CM, Cavanagh.Moptana. tiyeto the eye of the stranger; to ' - mance strangere to . come and make their homes here should be a lead. w trar t common, jatercst 4ar.thi. London of th e fiou th ; for th eln ftui of new comers increases our popu- trie ivame ot real estate., .we. nave stores ; nnd now let us have a good tt.hI fj.iifViUTfe-V.Tifieii n4ii:ft IXJke Ucfin rEvva tnire and all Col. JoUnstoh r&spectfully declineB the invitation to become a 'candi date for die Mayoralty, in. any event. fheoiglish Hinisterial Crisis. Losdox Iariia.lailli4Mt f lm'Cabi net colleagues had a 4 hours cejnsniltatforr. Tothiliglpf lnortancc Irisiand EngilsJntiot " ivsmmm$&zQ not tvetlveen jJnglijThmen and 1 rish men . i 7 .r.. "t. . j i .'YL i occurreu in waimnnm jiuhv of StaffordshireJ2 m i lt4 fromJir cridiV wfere engagod Tn the conliict. J'iranw amj i'wiprcfr.eeiy; us-. tlfe neoDlehvill rcioioel h , .lit..!.;- fvfir.t .UiVok. . i .J?' "V tony8 js the topilhis'ornitl&HefWe Jem" Alfred Smyre's little child will probably beteottfirmedfbyvotes but if Flannagan leaves by but 1 It pt.Rnd:Wtifiled;efl tMiR t-OT jiUiTigham as : Naval oracer, and Carpenter voting against. CaseV. Ihe wjXQrK limfs sniupiy oc nry and James as Postmaster at New Convention oTKhode Island include one expressing; sympathy with the people of Louisiana under the rule of Federal Ku-KlUx: ... , r ft 1 11 The principal! part of Circleyine, 0hiO, has ? been .buriied. Loss $3or 000. FiraiilIontreaWNarrowEscape" ..... ot emaies. Montkeal, March 18. At 1 .o'clock this morning a fire broke out. .in a -building behind the St. James Hotel, and communicated through a laundry tntn r nrn t A fvtl ft ll fl.lt Olrl Mo. Several of the riiigleaders of the istriKe nave been arrest eo. mecom pany offers, reward for the ar- rest and conviction of any person destroying its properU or cutting the Lpi"nb wiiP . - -v Mat Torssev was hanged by a mob at Monterey, Cal. He made a will fy'f Nicholson i Husband, his victim. Nicholson witnessed the lynching. The mob is condemned by the people. Everything is quiet in the lava beds, lhe soldier are awaiting tne result of the new Peace Commission to the Modocs. If they fail to come out for another talk theptrpops- will open the. fights - ' The loss of the steamer "George L Wright," with all on board,, is con- firmed; " Portions of the wret'k are scattered a 100rmiles.4iortli juf Cape ? . . . aUHOn. . : ; . ..-i vTl i t As Herald inefeiat reports serious trouble ia Porto Rico on account of th e. nrppo8eWema4iripation Otaltftes Tlie meeting qf carpenter bosses 1 1 J 1 A. ".T ana. worKmen iasinigu, in iew York, to regulate the hours of labor was. without result. The steam erA3pha arrive! from Halifax with the mails -andr sonie York.. The Niagara, encountered a gale on the-2nd nd 3rd uf March, and herrnachineryrwas disabledand her bulwarks-stove inV- The Italian bark Anna foundered on the 15th of February. The captiin and 12 of the crew arrived at Bermu in.a open boat. The1 steamship KteaSooin ffie crew of the Anna. .4 :i-i ,s ? Appolntmeata to the Vienna ExhfM- 1 "... . . -w m , mm I vv AsiisGT0j,.jiarcn 10.- A he ap nmntnwH. (tn vt0,va t'vn tion by the President, under act of bama ; A. McDonald, Arkansas ? W. an(l Edwin !.-Newton, Geor- ?mn Tufie Td Sg'TtX1" and Louisiana ; Colonel Ed, P. Jones and Augustus ;Seniago, Mississippi ; W. a Kerr; North Carolina : Saraiiel Tntc" nd L: & Dupre, Tennessee ; e.8 f -"an.? '-ehmnftcl, Va.;J. t.:wwaenar:wes v irgt.ua. : .Janie Uf rwn,rt. rnn.T . ? " ' '-5 IIon,Clark8on-N. Potterr of -Kew Yrlc' W.OG 'ecelye thelncreas- l9 second. Congress fvHVch'.ihat bodly ia.'trotedl6 itself h- , . TOt0dl6itselfi T.O 'i i 1 Tragedy In jShicago. Chicago, March , 18. A gan of man ball-roomrin south Halstead 8treetear1y this" morning and be-! tG6tf wasetd by th re o0t Irbb- rested. Tt seems that Holey was the first one assaulted - . : STATE NEWS. some sort ot a ma lad Durham has lield a raeetinc land K-AraIeHtine is tnfled ror foiGreeiis- boro aud Raleigh. fecrFirVpefaorf A TheXJratTdHiTidgeof I. 0. 0. F. of this StatemeeUinJ&ileish rui Mayj Tbe Greensboro Patriot saps that a party iffSSt vWigmrhs fead this wee Tne whole quantity of jras used 4n lUieign last montn was cubic rrr TJT T T - :'r' ;Tinf ?)fsley, f &n)omi' - was rovn'Troni his horse on Monday, and had; his arm brokn k TlreHWkorv Tarern- n?W$s 8avs ". , Th rough af pri va t e letter from Newton fell in the lire and was horribly burnt -T-2)robah)y causing it & death. V Tlie Ilickbry rireru nrxi learns from a friend at Dry Ponds, Lincoln county, that the store house and Urat place were dtetroyed by' fire MivJtrarjiiiotwiH5iHnuingr- iuegxemp-T the iiight of the? lltti. . Thcjine bpherjMr. flio.-i. W. Harrw.aKKIttetSuir was burned on last SimllaOSA $U,tKX), no insdraiice, , Fnu. cjuinuey ths cause, u eldon Xfcws tells about it. Raleigh JSVirs: Sheriff; CI iue, of da- tawba county,, yesAcruay morning lodged in tiic Statu Penitentiary one Sandv Cline, ctKi sniUWefcd'at the tjnn of the Sumuojaka of 5 veais lr robbiuiiva store. The orisono clailns'to bail from South Carolina 'of vesterdav: The recejitty elected Steward, Mr. HUggiugs knee air. Moorpr moved, nis lanniy ..ihio the lust itiu ou,y 0terUf . - Tlie;iiew ly elected TrejisurerjMr.- J. C. LHar- ns, has filed bin bond 'for $25,W, His alarv wilt be $7o0 per annum He will djsbdrse about $75,0(.K). The Hickory Press tells a sad storv of the deutUllfildiOik man of Ca tawba county, by the ..named ot Ave ry Powell, in Ilah-is'ctM.intv, Texas, in September, 1871. He, had ,boeu lost sight of fur. 2; years previous to his death, and nothing was heard ot him. until a lew days ago, when the news of his death was received: i The Weldon Ajrs is filled with "$ usurfl nuulbcr 6f i;acoitfeiits, 5 riresy murders, &c. It says : As iKmrineer Jim VVeitoii's through freight traii was comltig litfi tiros vt-hk V. Kail- 1 . road, on yesteraay mornings. ,wnen within 1 mile of Wilson a car loaded with brick, broke ki5the middle, throwing off several cars in front and smashing them considerably. ? The tram was running at, the rate ; of 12 or 15 miles an hour and7 the; tracl; was badly torn' up for some distance. Fortunately no one wars hurt. ; The Rareigh Smttn'el says": "Yester day morning abo t 7 o'clock i lad named Barnanv rish, some. 14 to lo years old, had a most-miraculous es cape.. He had brought sohie proiluce to market 111 a cart drawn by a jnuie. ana naa neeu to aenver a portion ,pi it in the soutnern, portion ot the cit v. On his return the. mulu tok fright and dashed off, bringing' one 'of the wheels ot the cart in contact Avun a post on Mrs.-Nixon's corner, foot of Fayetteville streetr1 "The cart was turned, oyer; the boxv holding on" to the reins, being caught leneatli lt.-1-In this position, still holding to the reins, the boy -was dragged some 40 yards, and hnaHy pimed -up .;lbe mine, v nen tne cart was again turn ed over by the persons who ran to his assistance, the. boy ya fonnnf irijaVed,Svhilst the cartwas a7 merg AsciExr Virginia Estates. The "Patrick estate," near .Waviibofo',' is now heldMh the' same name 'that it was in 1747 over 130 years' ajro. In that'y ear Iolert And John Pat rick bought tbTBathtf.and the form- er bought tne iatterj5ntflii he pro a . . a. vara perty is still held by tbeJieirs of Ko berts. Th e l:Hall estate."- l)n South river near tne same town, has ,Ales cended ftb r ougli th e " lla4 1 s-: -1 h e sa m e naraofl nu jiaani iEojnj4o. and thehbttse buiitrniriithat v ea rCii8t il ISa 5 v $&rno3L d vfeth n Th ree of thetrees onu53ratate were used in the original survey of -Beverf ly Manor, and are 'still used -where. there is anv trouble) to rnnw surveys irom. blaunton mmcatoru. ?? Scientific ExPKniTioN. The1 pio- neer party ot the Oriental Topoga, phical ; Corps sailed-iforliiterppo' from New "Yorkv Dfi Saturday route toEgjpt, i Palestine and 1Asia arid photograph sof att-b6ints"toT in- terest in ne jaioie Lrfina:vana to make arrangements for ., a crreat ex pedition next autumn, iinder the per sonai airection 01 rroiessof i dames Strong and the counsel of . Professors Upham and Conant, Dr. Durj-ea, and The latest.ro.ari appointed to oice in Penn8ylvaniaiia;Ainspector f of pickled fish . in- Philadelphia: N6 civibaervice.exaxninatio1!) in thif Lsimpiy nau xo swear nis -nose woukj cumtaTtces7-and ?, to! support the uitiou ana vonsxiiuiion -...:t. . 1 ... r .?... i'-rt .-. F The Bankrupt Iaw These are thelexemptions- in the . Tyhinh.uiidci .'icccnr'T '""' am1ntme":1i: Vu xr t w""iI: srtt on th ll runt Act : 'i m. d tJX iA t i I H rl iotaf V.T . T . !. 3 br Natidut States.! Real estate. Maine I $500 f 1,000 $200 N. Hampshire ; 500 f 300 lJOO U 500 1,500 Vermont ' oou Massachusetts 800 700 2,000 JihodeMand NWf rf)vW.H0 7 eortnecricut?' Non J. VSoi' 1,400 Kp Y,.rlf jLonakoo -&60 INew-Jerser-- IWO 7 : 400 Pennsvlvarna ittref Ralorsou : 8W Delaware Jone 100 (WO Marylalid In a Nontf loOJ ) t-l f w' 3,500 2,D00l VTir?r?ni; i.GUOr-Hr.O00 WeatVinnuitf - ' SOW 200 1 - - jp . North Carolina 1,000 500 ' - S3outhvCaroCua - 500-- 2,000 Alabadia ' i .van Arkansas OOO 2,000 ' 700 1 4000 1 exad mi i!H2,000 . 10 Ohio ' .. :- rtm'-d inYal.r' 500 Indiana Iltinuks f Michigan Kebniska None 300 -MJOOQ" 500 : .. .'1,500. 'iM Ulm'd in val. 3,000 ; Ulm'd in val. 3,000 ' taoQ 2,000 '600 iTJlm'd iii val.",000 ' Wiwiunsin UljiiM in val. Utah ' ' Ulra'U in-Val- 3,000 500 2,0 2,000 California. i 5,000' ;- 7,500 J 4001 The amended act not only allbwW ch,fn uvomntmiu Kii Tt Iji I lfiw'tt tef; ?VWft?3S Bow or where acquried. as well as debts contracted before its passage, thelecisian of any nrt ttvthe -con- HDDS, are not oiuv uimiuii.i in sAvnral States, but tHe'v are so larire Ua niany ofthem that if banrlipts take 'vantage cm ne a heavy bbiw to the creditor class. Ibese exemp ions, , particulafly., as they will be administered, Will cover all the property of a very large pro- portion of the people in the country niotf whom arc small farm ei-s or smaii-merciiaMts, mecnanics ana pro- fessional me;),. The New Postal Law& It seems, ns .we lejirn from Wash ingtoii telcgramii, that the proposed reduction of postage on letters to- tWo cents did not receive the ap proval of th Senate, and consequent IV the letter rates remain as at pre- and the present leulatioi s remain in iorce." The provision nrohibitimr the transmission ot any tree matter what- ever itTturtlhite- next wi ' however, put 111 the postome . appropriation ill,and is now a 'law. This 'proyi- diou-requires newspaper men to pay postage on their exchanges. This isjiI4 yery..w,ll,andvill harn v provoke Tc6hi in cut by the press. Most editors have too large exchange fsfs, auti we think that in cutting dowp. the number of exchanges, as a rule they will save more in white pa er than- the oatage on-their neces sary exchanges will amount to. The exclusion of all free matter Wm tbV mniln i lnvftvor a transt- naient humbuit. It is in fact nv p.. . en u.m 10 t w thinir less than .creating a jnonoply ui me litre use yji iu iub ui administration and its party. The eiiupiiouv jprvprniioii iur, j)urv- v... - lgewaked. for ty the Departments and voted by the late Congress, show this,. "We have 'mislaid the figures ; but '..arc .well convinced the sums ure amply sufficient-to cover the reunite ments of tlie party, liereatter, then. while rridical members ot Congress are pocketing $2,500' per yesr in lieu ofthe ''franking privilege. &c. it will be found that all their mail matter will ptnss, thixnigb the Departments, th&ipostage covered by the appro- tne-mseives wui nave to pay postage r . . on any matt6r they may wish to cir culate or let their constituents go nnsUppliecL7va. sentineL Vert Sad.. A sad case reaches us from Taitorb this week. Miss Sallie Lawrence, a very popular and high ly esteemed young lady, for some reason not known, committed sui cide at that place last Monday. We lL ..... ik... . T Kentucky r-." . IXK30'I eOOl " - -a.lOO (STYLES m: h. - . - 9 ' ' . -I TT-V AAT T-,.t. l lio nnivuiin rnnntn iiir the rrc I ivux i ii.tpitiniif a iiAnroikiiiiAw iAfira nrn i 1 n . " pa, uiv.iv w ..c I'"0"? -r V W" Oalitine, mo piaceorutuuicaiuHi aisoiaiiea, t,. lt.w...;..! 4ay before this sad even 'tfxmtaAatht1V ? was ilively, bright and cheermf ' Khtf 110 one had detected her unnappr- ness Monday-niortHng-' after tinj bpybjfakfastsbei kissed her-4iRle brother.' told hmi gooq.rv lm'i inediatelj went to her room, locked herself tttf-artdswallowed a dose of laudanum, mixed with carbolic acid, lrottf'nteh; sue died in a lew rmm- uteshe ef'l'hote to her. mother t beacon tents of which we have not leariied aiid also; a note willing . cer-1 tftinipropertv-' to lier little Jbrother. "Tlie case is a sad one, and none save God ean know what motive rJrompt-t ed her to take her life wrych seemed bo brigtft and so ' beautiful.12ocJfc9 Mount Mail,, We enjoy a good joke, even at the 1 expense of our estecnied personal friends of the iWilmingion Star. The last Petersburg Appeal has the- ifol- lowing ; . ' 4The Emneror of Germany has conferred the order of the Red Eagle ia 11 uc. An wu Ao . station with the Emperor tre; put-in a good word for HerrHed ;m then. that'if he decided to confer the. lordpr.nnor Herr. he would announce! it trough Jthe Wilmington star. : 4 .-;, n r V . r ,; ?- J H-V'Vo, riitf iiL upon " 'Herr 'Joachim, the famous ed on corner of chutch nd third atreets"1 Violinist."- Wilmington Stan ' . 1 witifi 3 mmutea walkolfthepabliouarcS That is true. In our last oriver Ajro agood Pwellinrwith 3 roomsrn' inauguration ball are t2Q,000hortL: -f -I -rr; ! Vjfiwii ofthe receipts- .Those who danced lii '..IfidTi?! Fes'fc1 "-.' : should lie made to pay the fiddlers: nd thtf anruifitvtfifttnrnhnld WMAN St:p;-RAGEl-i-A "propes d amendment to the Constitution of TBrThe Representatives of,, that. State on the 12th insU by a Tote W 4 ' NVy.S - ROE Shad sndTfSfi Beef byihe quarter tlds morning at - ' ' J. T. COIT & CO'S, Provinons Stores, mar 21 .fjt TrJ Street. ... mHBpndcrsisnl vwil.altfptlf to: the I ' . : i; a. l aw 'struinentof - Jrnunffr Accoiumg w iuc best legat powers. - " - W, F, PAVIDSOJf, ofiln'rWDavidson's Furuiture Store, mar21-3t .. w.'i,..: -?r ...... i . rm i.i : rr ' . ; rrav A Davist. avverr la elcoutt tockf Ready-roade tthing A iIri-S JUST BECEEB. OA Larger Fat Tnrkey v-If ywt want one y .corue to;rr;j mar 20 , ...-.t j XUU for eating when baked,.will. b, soft nlmttst as nweet as honev as tlie svruii flHnjj from them; Also lame ouantitifs ofdiReriivt .yarietie for jdaiufe -.T c naVd the Karly Kose and Early Gi 'rich-" Pfc-i oRfcmU and expect U les lor Manun Jlien Gotxl litem and secu'reood mk if vou wish a good yield after pianfinff. AllVt ' . , . JNO. Je BUTTS "r z . : -MAI CW. T.tA'- TTiitiM' rfhnA. W ViMiUl VM ... r: - ;' . . " ' - - - "I 1?1NE Show. We have jnst SlCth. 7c weve Vr U ;Alao some gooxl . W 8h fi,r old iadieSt nn, k Unc.rtinentirfChildrrna SUoe. Tlcas call enrlv ndexatite at - SMITH'S SHOP; STORE, mar 20-1 w v ' - T?N(?LISII Tooth Brushes, .Eng.ib -'Hair u Bruslu? YM. R: BTTRWEbL & CO, mar 20 . Spring1 Corner. FLAVORING Kxtnict.H, buperior qnalitv. - fresh " end of rinaiuv. - W. It. BUR WELL t CO, Spring's Isomer. s - mar 20 LUBINS. Extr;U, assorted, lws Ex tracts as.Horted. Wj-R lilTRWELL & f'O. mar 20 Spring'n Corner. east; Powders, Rwal Bak ers, -Preston Chocol ate, Nel- Arrow IliHt. Foxes Stan'h. .X ? . mar 20 VT: IXL BUR WELL CO, Spring's Corner. . ; M AXilSIillUI I rNDEPENDCXT HOOK &LADDEII COMPANY, SO..'i. AT THE LAST . Regnlar meeting of this Comiianv a resolution wns adopted to - J J - W d fhtiffijta attend the mndes "aLji'MWAW hereafter, e iue?teWosetrikvyie ainou due bv dieniithe 'WifirpanV2 'Trnd also amount to i i a 1. ...v-f.kii -u.ir.- ' I.W4I.- ...... . rcii n-tiirn thwf ritlrnnifomis' frt the (Jcimmit 4 te A rcnHAri.dmteTdoing'away with hntiatlon fees ?ibr ?thtf- liext six r ;OiJEl?H Sir:Rrtrm'rt.s JOHN A, .BIXBY, - . rCoin. S, LANDlt-KEi:, Trea-., J. mar 20'. . . - .... ' ,;; . SELLING OFF AT CSST! '! 1 tO: :0:- I T;':' 'tit,-.-,- 'k I ...v-.. 'rOr . j. H. LORYEA fr BRQ; BETWEEN THIS AND THE FIRST PAY of Ainl we shall dispose of om entire $tock OUR roeMs. large and wll assorted, poott and bftoeSi ana a large atsort- ment of JiaodcQJxtdw' end Mi'Atsji q-utfn tit y"0 TTV. ; m NOTIOKS. n$i.. we, sre determined: to " SElT AX COST., As we will leave Charlotte on the, 1st day of April.' ' . ' ."' ! Io not miss this chance for securing GOOD BARGAINS., : r :.. Trade'Street, ' Opposite Court House. . marllMapLy,. .m ? ' . Good rspcrty far UaJb. , - ' 0' AJwelling Hottaotnew) Tomainm 45 rooms and basenaent, -with yai. gar aentjtncrgooa water, locat t 1 . -r - r , ..r ' r? W4 VT "lSV1 to i'ing! . r . : t . riVu i4 r ' - ' i V" . ' V ; fRAXGES, Lemons and French Candies 1 V Jt;receiredat - PUREFOYU;- i -rtsT , Vi. i a llTPS? frh of Spiced Tig r . 1 : i - "1.." r J .. . Mtr m THE; CAPITAL, : 927 D trertJWashlngton, I). C. . ,.t t t '.. if DONNPTAT arid HENRY RKED, EdJ Editors. Tlirce Dollars .ner vcar,,4 advance.- Ctnbs i Tenjexles t tjmldrea). $25.' twenty jwijiics tofqpeaddnjas; $40.-.- ?t ' .. RATES OF ADVEnTISlG. Toir" the ?Mce oncrinch, $1,50 W the ffwt and & itaeachubciuifc inwrtioir: Citr Items 25 cenKaJI1 "ch insertion, lyx-al Notices 50 Vut3 a line each in. sertion. - - . t : Marriage and Dtjath Notices 75 rent. AU other reading notices $1 per line. C-ti Eveiy articlsubtiiittetl byniaSlertlCT. ' '' wise, to "Xm iSimorof THK CAPITAL," will receive cfuwideratipri,' bat we 11 unable to write letters to- our crnvrriiti. for toUe;iponsIble fopmanttwrtipt A i a rule weui not pmrnaso articles, $hosc ) ' only .-excepted which we orderon particular . i thetnes from pmfessioiial jourmi lists. We 5 do not tare whether snggesrtoia.. nx'Wn our friends are anonymous or authenticatca1 j . by signature j fr in either cose- ve t-haJ! examine into tlie subjects for QurselYes. , mar 12 : ' ; J. M. LEAK & CO. No. 4, Granita Row, Oppbsita, GEKTBAL HOTEL CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufacturers, WlMlcsaleand Retail dea1.. ej.s in Manufacture! Tobacco, Smoking- Ttlacco, :and Cigars of all gnle. IXkxIww the above prutd will do well to examine our sttick, before jmr chasing elsewhere os we can offw grvatr inducenicntsi' jan 14-tf . Nw Inducements.- :o: IN ORDETR TO MAKE ROOM FOR A 1 reavy Spring Stock, we will sell all our Till and Winter (it otK at gre itly r- duced prices. Your attention is particiiiarly invited to our Stock of Fine Dress Good. SHAWLS, FLANNELS, CASSI- MERS, .BLANKETS, And all kinds of Woln Good, together with a large Stnck of KEADY-MADE CI.0THING, ' which we will sell very low. ian 21 'McMURRAY & DAVIS. K , - STOP AT TUE KISTLER HOUSE, LINCOI.NTON, XOItTIt CAROLINA. :0: :0: West of the Court Honw, in the Motz' Hotel Building, Opjnxiite J. C. C O B B S ' 8 T ORE. A HACK will be run ineonnre; tioh with 'the houne. Mas. P. II K1STF.R, .roar4in Proprietresa. AT TIBDY'S, -:0: :Ot -5,000 PAPER BAGS, 1 lb.. .4 2 Ibs 8 12 1. M .4 4t THE BOOH STORE fob 2S !' J. T. coit & ; co., WHOLESALE D UETA5L WrGVISIOXS ' OF . ALL KINDS, A1 Next door to Smith's Slice Store. hm; ; TRYON STREET, : CHARLOTTE J N. C. . W. C STITT, "TVEALERS in dryvgowds,. Ifate Caps, from bis friends who peed anything in the above lines. . . , mar 15 Pptatoei. ?; ; ftlWO car loads ofjBeed Potatoes, coMi if ting of 60 bbls. Earfy Rose 40 Pink Eyes, , ' ' 40 M , Early Goodrich, 50 M Peerless: j , On Consignment, andT for sale low' 'from Pepot by . r j , ' STENttOUSE, MACATJLAY & CO. rp HX3 Coropeny having sold all tlrtrfr Ire JL dell County Bonds, now "offeflbr ! tiiefr.7 'per. cent leckleiiburg County Bonds at To and accrued interest. The coupons tff these bonds are receivable iri toayment Ibr'aR cbnxtty taxes.; ? The Company aU oiler their Mortgage J percent gokl bonis (interest mvable in cokli at 83 and accrued interest i also $20,000- CY-: & A. B- lianas at m and accrued interest. Jamcr of the two.fonner class bonds at the rate will pay, including, the discount and in terest, exceeding 12 per centum per annum on the aniottnt invested. Let( tax-payers and investors apply in tinii for tla abor -s-- - had rTOM I ? in ; h in a 1 ! f u i v'. -!'.vbftf?t I- a.!mtrf . ,TTo . .a . UTIl''V - v. iivJrt i fi' f l-a.reM aa ii J'f 5 ! 'Ul - u -i .fri.t.f-. tit-U - ' - , : - .... - - . - . . .. . ' - 1 - ' j - - ' " . j . : ;, : . - , ''- 1