00- 60 " Of 2 50 SATES OF SrUSCBIPTIOS. M . " one Week..;.:........ 3 0 -Ait t eeks,4.ii.; "5 "c.9.,t three Tfeeksw.i... .60 " H one rriofffli:... .. 8 00 j;t pnjaaifii i, r.i . ,-t , jfijl JT-. J- JSfiT JjTfn 3i:f & I .... - - , 4 - , a ' - v 1 1 t r r t if 11. :i - r, .M.i.i r,..i.i- ..... .... mmiii ,,trrt 1 r .. j , ,f, it M:-J. ' x . .; i? .-j ' " ' " . JC& Colitfact Adtertiscments taken .pnxrttiohatclyloiutcs:" V iwjiU .60 00 Weekly, ofoei.W!Ti:..;rTf.V... 2. Hve SottJtres estimated ai rf'tiuartcP uinn, and ten Squares as a Lalf-coluhirr. b' uuv : jwi:vw a ; xiiiiciinir- irauc Direct. i i : fii.v . . i? i i,i i. r . -i i-i i n r r"i i - i i .i i i i n i i vi i i i i ii i r r.i i u ijm -7--- -:- ., -. w ' r.f uf." ! v:i aiiii i . . 1 f j 1 1 11 ifr i i 1 i - ii ii 11 1 1 .41 1 1 1 1 i - . ; 1 a . 1 t m i a i i 11 1 . i r - ' . a . 2ML Mi St. M. M.I mi M. M. M. ;M. 3t. Af. ton vi th, HTl txwi rtfe Ink l-Bi JW- tBil oil Mid the i DM m 1 like good; b, Ukt?jgoo(1.4ttealt Or an vthing that's good to eat; But, of alliioorghib beneath' thd skies, e Give me lie tooth-acjie or sore eyes In prefcrttfth'at kitidof les.-?1" ' The! poorest ia uncu-iippitr piua. And from konte ch4iber window hungft Where thekve asqps for .flies, hi i j , ITntil theylre ready to wake fpies.T I . Stei on corns or tell me ties,1 1 u liut uon i give iue uwu-a yinv pica. .. T J t-f '' iff The TfiorLK Fay for iT,-4-eiiWt6r Stewiirt, df Aepilvftti increase the paV iof ChttitifeTflnfk on the was necesaarjpoili ."firtlf if that "rthey CJnofUhic 'Wiish'jnbn papers gx plne'lasl'tirfwhatiSteyirt lQCnt: r4ThrfHit BuDerb furniture inWaah- wTrtTvrhitte arfd h4rdl bn V J-4 obftwuy: attaehpd to them, Thev leave! the cores tomak us cough, , Tl nSMypJb Annt kahitt&r thtJi&MHvife ' "A increase 01 oaii business, isi: tifrtdif is yiolAwtW home ' JgJ tivcnrt miriiip hVprfivV vsWao3TTi!ii ' u.i.:. 11 r.nvfmB! tonurxm liiri nivv There hJcdppVMn. gilt itandjMbbrjing a-slairbf tne'filiest m : . , tuacK nianue, Jm'JruittTt)Iei: inlaid vitkflovei'Snd I to irre.ss. It w time 'Congressmen should - e urouht,fcaflkt.o stynie-fitbe-efm-.1 habits of the hettierlUjiTsof tjie Upuhl ic; nndvUierWfl' tiiWh& is o make them understand thattwiins ! servant "59ean 1 iuU at tl)e;sa5he:timelfvrtig in asUX' f almostrres;al'mf"s:n Fcnatoffettarf'ciiUs' living ecferii-' lv in ' Wshhfi;" fbr wlirchrthfe, PXroi Iimifi ;vra, stvs the RichVndiul THifa ,f the 19th insi;,lve W$mi$ IW, 'oil Thomas Hi W.Vnuel ofiertate ; tpiUarvGQniirtjitteet Iwd purchased 1 ;n,llii Xew Yrli ipityitjje.'jiriginlrf Ih ithlliarplc given Dy Lord Cornvrallis on BC,ll)issnrrender at lorktxJtvif ao Gene fealral Washington.. Yeterday Uii in leresung. reiiQ otitic pap iwas, receiv Id nt the libra rv and is as followi':i s7l CharleEarJ-CorrtwaUiLieu-'Hllenant-Genenif :nd CorriinamTer of r"1Ih Brit tannick Mnj estS Jbreesyiaif 1.1.;. fj? r .. find having pernnssmu'fmnr His E. - . 5 lleliiMK'V. (iP.nfirsil Wjisthinytoii. hie to capitulation, 40 c proceed to e?v York and iCnaHdStirwii ,l or eith- r, Bind to iniope, doplQclgse itty.ub "4 word of honor., tliat LwUljiotfJo br say anvthing ihlljrious'uktue htd inted btates or arinics,thereof, or heir allies' until' exclmneedi Ijdo urtlier pronnse - that-wliejtever. re- unea hv tue tioaKr-nj-4Uviet 1 luic AiuLTinm iirmv. or me vyoni- nissary of Prioiien-ff)tle--8amev 1 ill repair to such place or pla.ces as hey or ehlier of tlsenitaVi4q'tnr6." iCIi ven nnder my hand at York own, 28th day of October, 1781.' CORSWALLIS. Skxatou B'flowsLow.r-The Lvilch 11 rg Virginia, gives the following Holograph, ot, irownlow : 1 u r '"As. announced hv'telesrraph. Sen tor William ii. Brownhv. ias'sed iTOugn ity jbirwiayjixorning on ie! 4:20 trainmen )uleld iHrtne 1 1 . 1-. . . . - - . . 1 fsStlYiJJff Jeneii.jf Jljini ue wouia wonuer wnai Keeps nim live." Thhu nafe "and emaciated. ndhdVAg with palsy,nhepa'br bid aiterer,! deprived or motion, was wno uwnnire- unvtiffc vo Hie ien- bssee train, hvi th. tvssistance of iree gentlemen, 'and "Us carefully iated thrjuclC lie'dro ltWounded lu.lier borne . from the sanguinary piimct. iiie was -cleanly shaved, at- ouch hat drawn over his forehead' uinan fdbfcWRdit fa ' more 'than mbabl that' heias- made liisi list isit'tb tire Senate ehamhp'r , ! ::RiTf iff iTnn VT.'. ,! . .: ' 1 ' ri w J i1? Viotl timn " .' 1! " o 1 pv tliu c Iter Corapanyhivjee isfince tho ad- lid its pre c delivered ip the. Attorney Gen-i ..1 PBgreSi porte4,tKs:t'thB XeditvMofciKei:! pm pa,ny. wkQ claim ihat'lheuBittiV- on8 of th; cotnra itfee only coTeretT VP1 . -Lt otKMv Or;sa ; in , , ';tA Jum-Bfnghxariipt6nrN: f.,lh2$ f j fhildrepof, tlrtirl??nbr .tfrora V (- " i il "iJieini.oiiViongreKsy'reniaiiieu ui f - 1 uiirir 1. 1 1 w ' - .11111 111 1 1 i hh 1 etradmiated!. ilMmH0' Jreived;x: lot l10 i0Sliiln Jlfrih ... v vpSfe -r:H S Store. J ........ mm 1 Ml c "ij:MV f.w T.aH?. MiW:4!'a'n6,JC3indfcnt - t.n'TPFi.fi'Mftfl'i VWMiVT-iv lint .Daja . t J . - "- r""" ul Mr, flnr.B .in inn 1np.nnn.1n mHE great aim of -oxxr Hcrase, :since-i ts lotte a lKlesaleIaHand oars1 THE to buterow:he aILpred And .ven' AtUTl ed to yjrw ah'd ' elegant " Stprei) ' een'f conYincea mat we naveDartiaiivsucnewiwi 1 in our clierislied plan; we Ihave excluded, erroneous idea, by presenting, this cojningi season to tlie Trade,! a ftiUj4etr&a; wciiuoitu; iv suit aouiuiw LUC onerea Dejore, so mat juountry JViercnan ts I will be able to find in our house noti only, fall Ire needs but Tilarge jtetk to e(eot' from rtte:ingiaAleaf to operate mraft rtffpji;genwiew to openwa n tnigiinr oomrai than ha Man I Jtt.t V. -L XT lU I he must necmtitoJiTz left on the 27th 3mai& itttach eariier41Mr ! Mauufacturimplaces, where--hewiHTre- 11 1 two months in mikig-oit5pnfchass le evcrvtnine irom tirst hands on th same.tcrrds KiWg(ibl)iu4 .Bouse inBal titiiore,rhiladelphiaor. New York ; a"4 1"." ioct up tn amount toviinwartis oi.xwo The expenses atttwhed business here being; niuch'iess1 tnaifr irnld be In KiMtife frnd haymfra i4-position to scioniQaUjr&r way. Jobbing Kase in the IToHed-States, I ine.xraue. ..i . - , - a W are nleaseti toi state-to ,tKs !uriae attainted withiottriHaased tl6irw fcecn eomi)icte lines or. Dry' GoodsfcHuSrOcenesi naruware; .MotjrniR i tk)s ami hoea,.'i Notions'; and ven Millinery. - V- ii tJie latent .veHahSliakeelvnd to TTjqJeWly ihcreasWS'o jLL k uvlts i run ur wnien consist .i xu Parlor Snlts, Dlack, Walnnt Frcncb and Cottase , Waslistaiils Teapoys, ?FoltiajgT Tables. Iistflis1Vork Tables lxtensiottJ wid I A Cciui e TablesAYliatnot aiafcsl Exicle1sioT aiidt; Cotton JSIaf tresse, Pai. Mini Diwn . oi .. . I 'iV4l,",1"J'i.f"V loif. Mpxiraiu Head atid Foot " Walnut Caslret Half Wass ITliwriiiushed and 'rtnni-, med in thenostapproml style, wiltbe kept constantly teacTy fiw "liseV all of whieh will 1m Hold at a'niost rcoMonable price.' - Retunv ngmant toks, for past ym I inretrwpeefmlly fask .fthedtiasfflS W diArlatten$ sprrounayig jcpiijury fir tm have t apy thiiigln; Jfty.lineto giye me a call before purcUasaigeisewnere.rt8 'South Trade Street Opposite tha Market L , jan 1st 1871y . , Mf, & LSHELTpy.. FOIt'.SAilE.' tti iPiolendid order.. At; DAVIDSQ f t .tvtciiy fiT ABLES ilorsejf and .: Mules f.at.rJrmt on nan.i uonsianur. V ..' ,?r! rJF ! . j 7 . . ,:r iM.i6-tC-. -- x1 8e4ralefey JS";.." OrT, MAtTaiiiiay v:iai VOTHER LotoTEhosP finfl pdllants iTV fnr watrnmnriJloaks. oc.. lust receiy ,ujsn 2s w , . . 1" .LiU'f-iJlr .T x uiawiuueupcn niwiuiip. J .hi as uauhi. t 4very. iwsjiectmu.Vi ? -n K ,,a ''"'' jjaEi''''"-'''' Mr.-.irvll TSff 1. otiier. tiur,povieceryvo,i5 j-v. The TJiidertaklJcpartraent is coinpld ronrMtbe Wielroplar'Cbffithj f IfflbeaoH:.ttfPfla 8gsT7 ' "7.. ti t riTtW $1E r.i 'E Si i& aiii:iiaiRfi v -t. , . ' , ' J., 1f : T!ireeIDoilar lor.wtottyine Jalweuiy copies-10 oneaaaress4a5Fj in s I For the spfene fncli,$tr'he first ana &i iir .i;MsiHjs!fiit. inrtriA 1 fStv Items .25 cents AMnfi.& intUMftii AU herilin notices 31 linbiif. t I' ' " - '.'via-'- .....To, .Contributora.., . i ff EverTiawsiibmitteTtnaitthtiiert . i: rrr " - I i i .. t ... 1 I : . ?P Wonicttlar 'HeridB are anMlymoffr 'drattthehtfcatefl y sigtuttwrdfl either ceer we' 'shal! gamine into the subjects fc pufsclr esi ,.,, "n I K :'-f'.m'H MiihUiSf m 5 Jtnar 12 I it i ,i.J 1 :inu.uLaiiiCiiUi.i i j- fatlUfv-'iH vl yiil .vm) 'alt u 1 vrtjitt -to. -'fM ito: 'jift.i ift i zi'UII' '! ..il .in '" .11) fiiU'l r-f ' 'tt''id7i " iRT?;tirniT-j .?.ull I ur h'r:?qa -'jsiti'yi o"i fh-dfe Heavy StSrinrf Stock. iel wttf erf kll olir' i J;fl5 fchuttlLufr! v.. f!iiolrf j-ur5 i'aUaiMl ;ii)ter-0iods, at greatly re- i ,-ducetJ prlee-i u Yom attention 5 is r ' i ift uir.i'ji o! .r.-virt -h: Ml:ni,' particularly invited (o !odr v 1 ?- 7 ?. '.il'"-.!!. -.if; t'ftl'ri'i SHa WI,'. FLANNELS -CASSI! A1iid,aJll kintls, i?f WooJei ;Goods tdgcther i. ... i t - i -1 1 il t ft f i 1 1 t iixt'f-Mt K't. nI '!) th'r fi ;.ot-' i 'whlcfr'we will sellt'ery low. '' ( ; jfn'2lf( ? T . McMUnftAY:&;PAtI$.,i. : -i r . ri , No4i-GraniteiRow Oppositei , CHARLOTTE, N. C. . apufacturcrs. "Wholesale and RetaU dca' eisf'iw JklanirfactamiiTiibacco,1 Sihok a . w I nnjl .i.MjVQM . ft.ll 1 I f grades, uciiiers mine aiovegoKi.H win. 'do WHto examWe W stick l)cfSrUpiir- 1 - . 1 T . . - ...I' Cfiamg eisewiiere as iu.; mmw; ; , . greater lnaucgmenrs. c ! i 3 A aekSFacti)ry! filled SALT oh hand Aiu.n(L ftpvaafe hy J-f .t- ; 1 ii t tlf ., .! It a age. f 1 r ?- "PFAIVriSa notifibd purnfrirtds and -ett li toilrswe Jtiineisinceithat Durbusi uefes wld cbafgeJpfvarvjjBtfcil we are taken p or SOt) pav pronttry8 heed 4VM expect any iayors '.ave us tim iunpieasanb. idutyi 6f ideuying . To our nw.uv.friends and patrons we fPr f-um "tiianlcs" andnsk a, contiPdahce. of Oiscir iaTorSr-neuca'ing inat oy a sinct ap- i.B.-nPw'nV-the JfcWSvrtiW Wff 'Witt be alle ftJ?odiieaer thilri those wlit? credit. . ';.tdiioi Oir utijUn'j i (! All bills are dvieiidjjaxAhle onthe 1st iMy of each and every month. (.. ii-i J i miE& AliEmERC- f; , ' pfHtqimtin, ,'rfrifn'--f nffoitirfl" r Uitoiii-ifn o .JJM" Is "fed bif r I '.Hi .k..Ji.t.liML.. pplarted iMmmil YftaT aramirv and; 1 ! , wJ?inesia7tico, In Miirketd 'lud I -;junb.2g 1 1 lliUliiii vjai r renca jjtuiuv iur iucut- - .lnc$L rvonees 50 cents ,a line each in? sertidn. ,7. rrr, t i , t : i t t - s JMarrSagfiaod ttea thj,'Koiccs 73 ceflt4.'fc: s pleases .to. say. uat, ,tne .cnange ;ias. taceaivl it is to he stnctlyUASlt AYS CREDIT. Those who Uo hot . .1 did fitJ. cotov Dmiimns 1 ,; AURIVING DAILY AT UA V lUisojY 8 , EURNITDRE - ROOMS "TjuMSt.; CppositeB"rem,:Prpwn& tJo's Dr Goods'Stob:4'. q " ;HERE WILL 'UE FOtJND r s-s ,T'v 1,' vdf;.-? 1: ft ! " i. th CLASS r ftH f;S wdl rfWi t -4! ui-m .i EMBRACIJfO r Hiairs., Tables. Bedsteads, WtMrb, fereg VaTdrtbesl - ' -Skiehoards. 1 Book Case'-Iks; Hat Racks; EfagereaJEWllIt tsiCftidles, ttiK.SafesTeteTetea.'eplaag Ml IFIXE STOCK of Parior Mriiltui.''Difrinf Itoo FuihiriM&ncf fckfnbei1 riftC' atf it varieJSp of style andj -finir. ,ThiiH)se also:keepsialtoW?"6f tipHhg 1 . ' 'hU' "' Be.is and ifajxresses, and a Large; ABsortmeat f nt &ida uur r ( V i-f TT 7' .in. n.tw.VAfu. hi jfJlSl A. Wi MIL! is prepared te ac iimnMKWtecTjlers aauii ,roonE and mfaut, jor.wijii nieais-onj y, aB;riie iioaruer ma v desiife,, . Tlie buiktinsr. Orav's.on the coiner.. of :Twde and Cliurflf streets, 'is a,.( ttew lcne he Vobrns1 ' are cfeatilV , "'cbniiort-J aoiy iieniiv'iuniraiicti, - inui 'wejranenueu. The table is as gooti- as sthc Market wilt 4ffordf 'yius .isp;ivK li! vlf Terms inst iiIcJh si.cierk-whQ are ngfor Mioderate. .salaries,. jan t-tf -JEXCE. EXCELSfOltll ,; 1 HYft. 1.IS- il)J ii't' j I. J - tHE HESi IS THE CHEAPEST' 1 Li We have pleasure in airain - tehdentts: to our Jfariuerj jtlje above nrstciass Fertili zers. m i: .ir ' . . ' Tathose who have .used them so many Vears we heed only aAr.,that they are guar- ameea 10 De iumj up. su uiuir pnpviuns AwdTistffeW a have hot v6f "used theni one trial will eonTince them fchat 'they are suieiior to all others 2 m inake bare of? a supyand please., hand in ' your , yrders " - s . ' ' . a ! Jl a. 1 earty. as..,:ine ; .cOjiisumptiun, exceeps uie tuaiiufacturiiig power V . , Forsale Sri anv Ouantitv, Tv " ' f if STENII0U3E; ! MAOAULAY &' CQ. For Sale. TWO Acres of land aTrif?ng ihe City of ' Charlotte: VerV; firiel v sitinlted' in :? a rawdlr' iniproviiiji'tneifflihortioojl.' Will be sold entire,; or in lots to suit purchasers ata yery reasoiiablo.rateL, Apply . - 1 JOHN T. BTJTLEIL mixisi : 6pl6site 'Mansion IIo use. Also Hogsheads Dehierara Sugar, , store-and xor sale -at prices to suit the times by STEHOUSB, iMAvfA V LA Y 1 & !UOJ ? SILlOKTOIi HOUSE. --:0: ' , t-.l d Hi J ' . . .... ... . 5TATE5liX, 'H. . C. 7f .! :0: mnE I'roprietpr of t tlie : above named uLl Hotel respectfully iuyites the people of lie iwuns .nor Tiionev to make the filMONTON5 HOTSE a "'jfrt c7as -HOTEL, md worthy ofptiblic patronage.'' ,t.WS5-tf, 4 M,n lirt Propriehw-i' i ' l'lUf , . - f iUL TVli ? V frilUIS ft S&feS1? Wheat and other Griddle Cakesui Eerfect- biajjdai iaThftnCh T i Xdx.. tW W iAra frti VP'JTS If. (t1 M5ir "tflcfriosiaAir, WRl V;;lJl,-. t 'd ' k ""l Ul MMlvittX'fyttfnW :i? r- iUdt MP6Cva.CAo5 mOm rwh ifflif . r ii ' J ii 1 ' rr 1 ' ' mrr'T InnriT rmirnT . TT.TT CI f fl T A T7 T! fl"-" mffSl.te.foliow :; 1 Tataiisop Gitaho, ' Cflicsapeafce ltfua-hq ' and Watson ' Clarke's Sitper-PIiosplmte. KeW! Orleans Sugar aid glasses; ?, Hogsheads BnghJiKew Orleans- 3ngart O. W Barrels Cfidice 'V .', , " .Molasses. Viarionp an.ine. puwic gypejpy a f pn utni wnen tney . visit, statesyuie. win spare' neither a ; ff.ihi .JDUA pawh;' j.. Parley's universal ji.is.tory, i- arti-iiAo'j.f.; -i i Bulli6hsy jtfdi-W'Latiri'Grimniar, ' l&UmH-'ii'l inn-if; w EureldaSlafes (RabeComeVsJi It ' i llbfl -W .id hrRoeeived atl j JjiishBUBEFOYTS. J" imd Sale- 8tfe,fDpp6ateUhe iGStyd rtELNG MflllHefjt' TrriVjnilftgsdi WAi-tr TTORSFi? : mtOSUfcr sale and Ll nnrifhntfv iifldaiKliro&eKsatty ef w nr .nr iHTxrTi,T'.i t t!Wnir. hit: 1 cWlyn A i . ... .... . t ."... . .-..m-tv, -iiiiJ-l . . -3tvTv ""w : : Th Outcast Ad Otlir Pbem.". Jy Ji.vW W -MirfMiMiia4PWMaMa Moon M rni.M.1 JiKXdr? r? n . 1 1 rpnro ,TlliibJl andalWiv'srt!!dT' fori . . t immediate use. 3 , , The,aCapest ,;B.ftkPig f rif-lii.-odtho S?xl4jirDwir:kn L,KsJt ,m jjManulactare ...-AT- "tl . :100ffl.PlfcK " - , " DOOLEY A BROTHER, , d, TRANSOM PAPER, in great Variety, ' - . ; - 69 New Street; New York. . s P U L. if O 1 . , TIDUY'& ' . ' -i-ii ifs'a ir-'T cheai raniiiTiraEi i f tv EY - BKYTHtirG IvEFT "A 5 1 1 4 'v-1 ;H0tJSE: I ' j nrith fiiII4Hirf4nnW!HuhnMIJiH'lil Hill I I itivh ilLU gram fcUlWj tinuuiva iu . I mm i n a - r. a j rii i r-j . jrw. m 1 . ' TAPIOCA.,' m f-u4i iHKrtnll trnfiiViy -i n -n'-T J .aiau-yt d? l" MACARONI ITALlAKr1 K5' "J ' ;';SAG0, .issiroidW iitS A : t' , . . T Of ,i..,?f Hi;., TIM I P0.JY L'KPKPT ; FRESH ; AGE.! k .i ? . f . . i . ; i i s u : . General Comxmasion MercnantM !H ARixyrTE : crr ' I:Taaratfel5lAeT, kinds of ;Produce.itjUaLaad Tc4)acctoaii: ' Highest cash .prio&t paMloi potton.- v , A If orders frdmra mstanda 'nrommlv at -W Tr -44- Writing IaperV "ill ERlTPf A'NTS ' visitinsr Cliartotte: t will till tirid Writing' 'Taper ! and' En tfelopes jan 4 !i (Lately of Raleighiifprth Carolina 1-. Attoniey itfselfdf1 aKi' : ,15,0. .0,W11-Streely id id .14! " kEW YORKCIT. , . . ,i '.:;?! '.f I'::.'- t -l til: ' ' l- IJiL attend prpniptlyjtQ all projfessipnr al" business ehtrustecf t&tilai. ' Refers to, the Chief Justice ajnjJsoatiiJnsMees' of the Supreme Poui? of,'Vprth,Carohna, and to the whole Kbrth Carolina Bar. feb l8riy T- ;! u-ht.y.- ,:-: -Y ,v ,,; at , fob" 98 1 ' "J'l ' TO THE GIE;; ' to Jpfeika "BHSixro-nB?-J UST. R ECEVe5 r ;.' -t .i'f-r iBY .i'5;-:-iff-' ?RSS rTHIS , HXOUJXl&G 4-J 1 MIRSJ' Q?ir-Bnfi'y itfttr ' ,novj30i4 ,;;, to -fi!l 1 .'.! I'd SIXTY Gross 3tl.Pcnj3, 3flLReamst Writ ing Pa'perV 15 dozen Cppy arid Writing 1jsj f U AKENBOS' 'HISTOklf 01 the XTnlted McDuffeylifeafid irMears; h WPWeaaiuauwfu, Aational iteaders tsti CorieU'a Oepgraphy Harvey's Grammars, Ffnitt-.Flbur.J'"'',i0.v 7ljnjil!;4innareoQia;Jira -r 1 ii v Flour in atur&and for sale by,h.f . Tpra 17 . ... . . .. . -a- t Supply pf-the toiiowuig seCTian:iOTipiatepar sy, - .liril?!'!-? OTENHttlEjMAt?ALAXiiC04l t f i i. 1 ra , l:ltr ,!htn lirra CHARLOTTE J. T.' BUTLER'S I ! Kill ' ' My 600DS;: o.1 (torn an!. b.aM iPlated ;Ware, ndi so.h ". AND MANYi,..,, j 1 . i';. uii; 4 ' m. a Vi )-- Jill, :TO 2sC0EIsrTIO3 . 'd ttikq , -...;. ; ' ,.-- r : ' bun ,wot J. T. BUTLER'S v w ipPrOSITE THE MANSION-HOUSE . "7-J J . J'H ' ' ....... ,' Oqtober 2 - , , -. v 4 -dl THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG)' : r " f Authorized Capital $30t)M0& i ,t. Jas. Tvwarx Txeti President. 'il . .? '" i'! Tuos. W, IPWKY., Cashier, ; , r : -t r ; . R, . '.F. H.DEtffiy 'Asst. Cashier. , , 'AT THE BANfclNGHOUSE OF. THE Wai J;t7iJ 4J A U I MM U UL?U lathis Bank- Chartered Under Act f tfc " J . ' JL General Asseiiibly and, duly prgauiedt .. UndeLa of theStatc of North Carolitta, witl-niapW means is preiHired fij'trauJacti General banking Business. and fdrhish accommodations to all Its Cns- 'u tomqrs pp.-Liberal Tenns. .u ,vih The bkhk will receive Deposits subject to . .. Check 'and will Allow Interest According ' to Ajsreeinent oh ull' Deposits left on time-. ! or issue Certificates of Deposit beftdng fin-. ,1 Iteresf at the rate of . . Ei&ht Per cent t)cr Aii&taa' '' 1 ' On ali sums, ; lying undrawn over thjrtybf K days. - 1 . : , . . , . , . . - , jf Gold ana" Sflver Coin; Bullion and old' Bank Notes Bought and Sold.': -r . t i .hci iiP ..... r- .. rTHOS.W.pEWEYi . jan. 1 1873. . (aslucr. ; CITY RESIDEIICES;' DESIRABLE FARMING LANDS', ml. PARTIES wiihmg to invest in sticbpTOTpw'',r f&rty, on reasonable tenns would ;:aa,jj . , well to call' at ourT office in the Court "HOUSM 'M .'5 H f :'!!' r.VOA n ' Norther assignraen ts and correspoiidenee . ? aolieitcd?, GRAHAM,& ASH, , ..'..,. r. if:r,i.; Oiij Attoriievs -n : s jan ?i;-5mf .ti, 0vj Charlotte,. fit Chu lid Illustrated Beautiful ShbW H 2-J, HIT BEAUTIFUL SIIOYL r id 1 iAtmpntyIiio''aiMl Of.her tofrts'' f J;N.e:wi7Blated ! EditiooiilBy J J.Wsl Watson, aalffjr Qf , 'he.iJteast. -jJcaiia- tQ ftitlV IHratwteiLfroni.OTisriftal Deslcns bVu4vm nr.j 1 .i...4 it.. .tkJ -ntA Doarasrjsve rnree jauars. r ; : ' '" 7" lers? oTcopiespt wilj be sept, posted to-ahyOhe, per return bf mail,' oa anj-'oiie ' rtnuttrng thtjprjfeof it to the poblLshers,v:.n J J v ,Vi ' 2?'& PETERSON 4. BROS, ' nI . -IS . iS-ChcstrmmJPhili.V, ,mar-5. c :ru,'iuY i,.?.i;Le tUT . .1 .1.1 11 ?! ii ."i'i .. t i 1 ri 9 H "ii, w tu wuie uejji iee ucj, vuitu-1 are most excellent. B. N. SMITH. 1 4j Hnal PurDOses. at F. SCARE'S. mar 18 t mar S-eod3hi jan 23 ' - . V feh28 , . - ; t . . -