TraveloroCuldei litttlW tbPassemrer ins-over -thU ' fell wWfAi V ' f ' f L " ' T '3 ' Vi u ' lT.Wibreast;at : t .2 a m. Arrive, coming ww w p. uu "';L V ?. i i :.-: JW a. ru Atliirtle, -Tennessee smEBiNTN3isoicE, Charlotte, N.CfJniy 22nd, .1872. . Ottimd jVTZm.&m ' lowing B(cduir will be-sua oyer this load daily. (Sunday Wepted.) Leave Statcsvillc, i 7.00 A. 30 ' arrivfeatlharlotte. .! ! u 10,35 If LTe.hatlotte 11 'if -3.35 PMr- ArnvtfatrStatesville, .o-rsL 7.00.'"' f AH charges must be pre-paid on Freight &aed.rforthipthtit to Section: Holuse, Ilendetsott, Aiexaaidrianay .Hunter's, Cald- wall!, Tatam's and Freelands.-These being ; 'fljtgBtatjonS,'ithb Company, is not liable r for any loss- or damage to freight after it is ' anloadedy at ithe of the above points. ' JTo freigMVwaU be received by Agents,, or forwarded ttles the nanie of Consignee, and destlnatkia is distinctly marked there in. ;,.,... j.j.gormlky; , july,& -.'.V," -; Superintendent. Charlattev ColnmMa & Augusta l Bailroadr ' Columbians O, Sept. 22, 1872. stTPERmriEkrs office. Un ana alter MONDAY 'the following Schedule ' ran oyer this KoadY ..,. ; i : ,r,,;: i-timetable:,.:,.., . GOIXG SOUTH. I . HUl So?f. ' 1 Tr:im No. 2. TjttYfr Charlotte; 7.15 a. m. 8.20 p.rm. Jre: Columbia, 2.29 fi.m. S.SO'a. m. Arrif e -Anguita 7.42 pvim. 8".20-a. m. I GOING KOKTH. " ' Ideate Au'gnsta, -; 65 a. m.' 5.50 p. m. Leare (Miimbia, H.$3.a. m. 11.05 p. nit Arrive Charlotte, s6.15 p: m. ' 6.00 a. m. Standard Time ten hiirmtes slower than -Washington City timg, and six, minutes fturter than Cblumhia Oty tlhie. Train-Mally., ZTrain daily, Sundays excepted, i i Both trains make close . connection to all points North, i South and- Through tickets sold and baggage check d to all principal: points. .11 . ' JAMES ANDERSON", ?en.upt; K. R. Dorsey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. nell VnnUfl I M 0 U U U 5 in 1 iTuTllLlLiilO. tU (1 j Ulliitates. JSenoVtoxrcuiar. TIraeT PaMe Western W. & R. etEetWondayMayilll. ' xaes GOING WESTr JLrrive. Ijeave. Pal lsbury, 5.00 a.k.I S.S3 A. K. 4S' - 'StartsriilC ''''' 6.a0 .42 " Catawba tation. -8.02 tJt5 j wHickory Tarerny Hh40 :i 10.20 " . , , rIcard, . 10.2.5 " , 1U05 -Morgantbn, ! ' 11.16 ' 11.54 , Br)dgewaterr ... 1159. lMTKieJ" Matron, "! 12.48 V.'Si. 1.W " , , Old Fort, , GOING EAST. -JK-i . i-i'' . ;. Arrive. . r Leave. t'lbldf Fort, i- i!iUsrM -a'; m. A. M: Marion ... . . . . 8.04 ..4. - Bridgwater, 8.5 t.37 . Morxauton, , 8.42 t 102 Icard, J 10.27- " 11.C7 , Hickory faverp, r 113 " 113 - Newton, ' 11.5 " 1X45 r. X. , Catawba Station, 12.50 p. m. 1.42 " Statesville, X47 " 1S5 Third Creek, , 2.40 v B.32 Salisbury, TICmiONI) & RAIL- AV . SOAS. Ii. C DIVISION. C Q .Q$m 8 E T.I M E T A RL E..i ln.eljep on anJ after Sunday, March. 8d . 17, 4- OOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Leave Charlotte, 4Tirfwvi"1 7.10 P. M. 8.21 " 6.25 A. M. 7.26 " 8.34 " 9.03 " 10.17 , 11.00 ' ' 11.10-r 12.2 pvm: - eansuur Lexln lstonT niT5P " Hl8U,folDt, rLll8 A. Arrive OreeWjlJoro' 112.50 ' Leare Greensboro, !!'jComJ. Hhops " Hinsboro.4,fT Raleigh. : " ArrWe at Oolrtsboro. 1.45 4,53v 11.05 " GOING SOUTH. STATIOWS. ' 7 ' I'l 'MA'rf. Express. lear GoldBboro', 4.00-P, M. waieign, J;31 in HlllsboroV 1ro.21 rt t..i i2.caa 2.15 K M 3.30 A rrlrf Greens boro, Late1 Gceenilbbfo', ! HljthPoln '! (itLexlngtdir, ; Balisbury,, " Concord, Arrive at Charlotte, .4.00 "(, 5.43 V4"-'? S.041 - 4102 ..4871. 6.10 7.20 " 7.28 r if 8.30 " i Passenger train -leilitkieiah at 7:45 I p. no., connects at Greensboro', with No th- era bound, trftin-; "making" the qntckesf time to all oriherkr.cmes5tPrieW tie": same as via other routes. r i- Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of road. ExpresatiaUy between company Knops and' -Charlotte Sunday excepted.! i . , , ,T All Passen WtrJLWi ' ' W iLa'J br with trains to and from Richmond; v . PnnmaijJPaTaee Cars on all night train between Charlotte and- RichmondV Jwith On ana4ftMarch!j2iid; 1873, a niixed Leave Greensborirlf .40 prnv Close sonnoctionniann at GrppmihA' With irains to-rM from-tbs -North; - T Papers tlaiaie iryartfejifcrfls W ver- TradeJtree n.ttxtoor trthe-PostiOfflLceJ ' A Fresh ,Ixt jfi SaUsaj " Mince' tMeat.'. :Pwk, ButterrChkken liggs;:,!:! ,( I ' 1? Atrt1TVf'iritjhrt-bi'r-i?e t'1 M7n -f " 50 Horn Candid . . , ril. CHARLGTTKMARBLEiWORKS ii 3 HAVING removed my stock ' of Marble to my old ; stand near the Jail, aiid formed a o-partnenhip, totakeiefiTect Feb ruary 20thi. 1873, with Mr, Sylvanua Mo Nihch', with; the , tiew ot , enlarging busi ness, ' I respectfully ask for the firm ccfitinuance of the liberal patronage be stowed on me. The business .will', toe car ried oivliereafter in all its branches by IF. A. AS. McNinch. ." f feh25 - F. A. MeNINCII. TTfrtnrrTnT?.wiWishcd OnarterlV. 25 ets. pays.for the yea. which is not half nioniey to H thtr aitiount of OneiDolhjr or more - for fieeds may also' ."'order 2$acts. wortic extra the price xaid for tlie Guide The First Number", is beautiful, ctving L slaws for making' Kural Homes', Dining p Table neeeralioiif,, W$ndo yr, gardens, fec, and a: njass of-AfonHatoiin:valuable to the toiler eCtfowett.loOHpagesCoii fine tinted paper,-some 500 Engravings. and & superb.Cofi7red Plate andChromo jDover, Tl Firsfe -Edition of 200,000 jusfipriuffdj in En&Hsfitind German. ..- v P ' J .1 A Al WTS V II, IV. liochester, 'N.. Y.L ' D ON' T Be deceived, but. for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficul ties, use only . , Worthless Imitatijowa are on the market, but the only scientific prepjxration of Car bolic Acid for Lung disease-is when chem cally combined with other well known riedies, as in Jhee tablets, and all par ties are cauuuuei ugaint usuii: any iiiici, IulX,caes of Jftitation, of,th uiucous mentrac4lksie&ALETs shoidhe freely used, tlieirclesmsinj aim hejhig5irpper ties are'astonismns. Be warriedjiiever neglect a coldt s easily pcciric. i rice 25c. pr Box. Join , Q. Kellogg, 18 latt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for ,the Uuited ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers who- have become dis- gusted with the odors of Paraflane Oils and their ill effects - upoK maduiiery , is in yited Keuogg's sperm tin gin e iw, gallon. KelIofff8 Sperm Spindle Oil, . 1.15 'gall.ffn Keliogg's Tall aw Engine Oil, 1 .10 " gallon. . , j ' .. . , ... , . Ke41org's1 Tallow Spindle Oil, 1.05 gallon ? Manufactured only bv E. K. KELLOGG, feb 25-4 w " ' No. 17 Cedar st, N. Y. is iinetraled fcy any known remedy It wil I ridicate, extripafe and thoroughly de stroy all poisonous substarttances in the Blood and wiireffectualiy dispel all predis position, to, billions: derarigehient. . "Is there want of action in your.Liyer & Spleen? Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc ing scrofalous or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, frc. Have you a pj-speptic. Stomach ? Un less digestion Is promptly aided the system is dchilitaedi with poverty oftfteS Blooxl, Dropsical tendency, general WcalAiess and inetria? n,;tir;-' - - - - Have you weakness-of the gntcstines r Yon arc in danger of Chronic Uiarrhoaj o Inflamatiort of the' Bowels. Have you -weakness of the UtuHne or yji. uipui , , oyimsf win jieaoa coated torii?iiVftrid"hftfT taofi , For abertmn remedy, for all f these dis eases, Weaknesses, antf troubles for, clean- V7 Ji'iM-mifJii -SS! f hich is; pronotinced fcy thjo leading medi-' cal aathoritks of iLondon arid Paais '"the most powerful tonio and alterative known to "tho mdrcal4WtldJ!'i;iJThisIs; no new and untried discovery has bwh'Iong psed by the leadirvgOphVsJcJahsf of 'otlier coun rics wjtii iwmAaTrtvedial reitSi ; " Don't-weakptk -&nd. 'rhvraiir tli HiorpsMvi L'organs by cathartics and physics they give omj lonilir'anJ on: 5i-1- ' ;i . J I I. fl 18 Plitt feti New York, Sole Agent for 1 frice, OneQllar: per: Bottle. I SeHd fdr t. fi "' 1 1: feh25-4wJ ST, U.E C EIV. EDIT , V4, fi u.jiiujuru b mWOHliHdrea'BarfetsfSyrnnJan c grades r - - . . S00ToMcelehrated.8parowl Gtu All of Whffb wi fiffer tn Afow!iintt nd Ftirraers upon the most favorable terms of aliV. hduse in the cirv. . T " - . . r'liar:j7:a MaU-vn'. nivisii'?.! (- a ? j v '. . i, s i -? cured -jn- its Incipient, when; it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets aa' sfteriiic. lilwrfisii iV;iiWo iifiaiiHfiria sltifi M T&5 .'' iiiil 9dJ id t-"tf ..5".; ii 9;j;!i!ni3'ii until ifuw wTl if:. : A l '-i ,s rill it --f iiwmwH'ffT ;57 .i'M HI' .51 i,..,. We eteiv toJ( fill kihds'jo'f Book antf Job-'PtSngrjnialie'Cat the largest Poster, plaliir oriri colors; rihtecl on as reasonabh terms ios th, same work can be done.atany establfshirienf in" 4ne State. ; ,!vi : ! r'i tn-.--. . .i-ii W!'; ftUffonjJ. ?si'J i: t v j., :. lL u n M-.rt.V , , -ni, , -mi v - v .. i"i-lirVii.i:i .L l'ii' -! -. -r.ti -:'; Si i-v -.'tj :!'.' every, kind, Basi-i - ; j. '. ! :i' H-ti - i ' ' ' nes Cardf Vis- lull, t j I . Admissien Cfertis, In vitatibnsy Ball Ticketp, Excursion Jlckt. '..": Railroad Tick etfero: a '.ii granimi ?rsr nnnrra inn PliHif . ;! i;ii4! i.ii -;arii4i;.'i ,.i 4i'-4j''y stUflirtfiihquiQiyiMindthel suuscriptioiW'or thousands" Dodgers, p rtolataierrteCT iiaa better giTSJi- & call, - it as we have a full suppipf all kinds of Type, i from of aft inch to 5 ' :.:-:.: iil'j , i;jvr i-iV " f-. . inches. v 03 A ZOTtUOH .H .11 . Bememberjthat BHIiHettas. ..) '..... ! . . .... -jr il'i ' , .5t44'? j l;i ui Oi '' - " r,rrrlri4Ktiat r5AtwVo' or any description of Prin ting dope I at reasonable rates, and in superior t i!vjd fi-'oi ' -i J stvle7-:i-"J-ii" :j " 0 .xii f Ordr rrrniG3Utrorfd:tftill olnova MkAof rv nrnm nt If An f! nn . . .i .1.- . ; .v.i.',.i. i - , , set- censes, u., aeui-wrsue. - -r . t - f.t jm " '-f -i mt4 not a r ,oat!4a i5xii io 4 I .3 . ,aTTO S S ilvarjrf OS .'Uci ...... I I 1H,HI1I.. i'oirixlr ..SiiiJwnni . -. r jSv' TOaWiy.fa5lie.;mrWJnfbflif- "W. . . i :0: T H E A WD i U G Vfe kiP s'arcfe -teit ili -rt --;: ha' W' k TnB!AwMfffi? which is issued with all theregular?t; fiast or timely interest characterwtic of ordinary periodicals, tfls1 elegaht'hiiscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature collcctjon pictures, therrares,tvspecnens xrf?ttAfeV4n " !n blackr-arid white.' Al- (iiongh tahcceedingTittrnber affords fresh pleasure toittf-frfeoids thje real value Vtv nf .the aldinEt will k mclppiiatiba'after has'hecn . bound ' 5-:i.-i close fttieelrf'Wl .AVhile theriublicariormn3aylalni ttipeit riorxheapnqsa, asfcoraparediwkjrivaiftef, yslmila? ass, THE'ALl)lNE,i? njnique ; proa144aT6olviQl3tCwrlhout cbrjlpetlfioit -alone -and h tinaoached absolutely ; without romifctifciimmipricejor character. iThe possessor 'of amplete Volume can not dunlicatctHeddahtitrbrnemper and engravings in any other sh'ap hfinlber oi yp4unie&, jor ten J4meaip i, , wi , there are the chromos," besides I UH .j Jjr, tm--t--.-. r " IKolWHhlskndrn tlie increase 1 in price5of ubsnptiqniasli Fall; WBchUHis AiiiJiassuHieu w Vesi'htatiVcclVaTcter, fettfi&Axkfftnfir'the bast t he" Am&ica i p Wio-iapif eciatel -and -wilt. Nrpoailiere.en9rt in thf? cans f Af$, 4 The publistiers, anxious to justify tlie latrrwnhticT;e rnus 'aenionstrareti, nave ejrjtedheinseLvea-totlie tttanoBtw defel- bwndnrpjhejwox j?nd e,p?ftpa fortlMJ i coming, year, as unfolded by the niorrtlUyiissncii', Vllrastonish and delikhf even the iimsWaaitgwiie Irieattoef THE ALPINE. npiutce, designs sfJrbra niairy ? of tMCTnyfer emimMitartist of iAnierlcaitI f 1 eminent artiste of lAmerlcai I Xiixad4ition,HiJ ALPINE will; repro- uice epoipv? select! with a sttfe.amr: arcitdinssrc) ashair0 bpfifen&hatiarX" thrOTiglrphkographB4,1 pr 'cdpi.cS 'of1 ny fcWj. ,:' iiul , r' M'dsi The auartcrlv tinted nlates. fori IJU&ToriU rq)roUice:foux of John S. ,pnv inifnita- ti' i.(ri!.T..i..i. '" L : ''a.- x .1 . ytjarf a subscriptiunj ievnHilar features of axpiouslr iilu 'trated ."Christmas", nuinber will horooM- b . - r V- 1 ' ; 1 ....... r - iiii'rvery section 'f the tMinfrV biff- as the icnleii '-itr.iHractiiiiiHar THE ALD1NE cafctt be enhanced, in rjroorrion,to the uumericaL iucreas. m miaaknlaobleX iowtilgridleb LjlAJ CMf U2UtFOii: 1S7V Every sibsoribertdTHEXLrNE: who jyin ridVanc for the Vear 1873, will re- MTejj jatlMHit additioMarcharge, pair 1 cant ful oil chromasi after J. J. Jlill, the iinj n t3 eu irom o' ttmerent ti from'S1 'dnTernt platd,1 ,rcdiririnS '2$ mprei Wit arid tittts t6 rfect fedch tic fum! T Tliesama chroiiios' iare-'soM' for $30 pe$ pair.iM; we art Stores-' As it fa tue'de- termination oi its oonductors toiteep THK ALDINE out of the reach uf, competition nv every UepartmeriL,. the , qirpmos, wnM the' siimotuns of tha nublislien. vtmmUh 77,that ibJcndeUyei.aJi be tfiev edition-wwe Aan tear: proving that Die cimii-sKetyues, approppiWje jnj ifflj season. These' Dlates. anoearinsr 111 iQie isstieS Vi&ry,f ApVfl Jnly aiitt fjfefti befj wbtrtil'be alone4 rth1 thfe ,1 price Hi a eiujqcjit Ivuglvsh, painer ,The pictures rntit)M!H5rViagetIteJUVa ilia the M(kirJ' are' 14x20 mches-r-are urin Oil 1 1 1' III T1IM Vfl TT 1 aAinw II 1 V-TT I V kM I M H WT T Hln.iaitof ih-tic tf this grade, Tree1 to WlfW'tMoso 1)est acquanUed witli inc acnicveinenra oi inveuiive j-emua t ' ami impnvcfl liiechnnlctCl appliances. arj.iiihnr HKjmwir.TIIK A K.1 - XRD, HENR.Y ,ST0IABi, 5assfatefc by will strive toj hae tlie Jiterature of 3CHE t ALDlNEalwilOteeplrig withVit$ ItlcSaCractionsl'" J 1 1 , i. s tSttoanmmliTM advance;: witlCar ' t7ti; lfpmosftee.n J, ' THEl ALDlNEwiiV iWfll, be! 'ob inaWewnl.byisnbdrlptioni ''.ThereifT .tainelyAynbtioltiVT, . le iivrednaedror,cJiib rates-;; as MTirtijQnsnstbeftsen pitbiislierq snitistbe..senttO thfc pnMjshers dire Wded to the; la cases where. the certifice wgjyen bearing the aitisfgiratuTe of 1 jAHEs3crTox; ! 1.,... :...-(. ft t! itf i Ti; ifl'H 1 -i. .- en fft l .so.'"m mo. AoR.iersqjwishm jprohipt infomiationby.anpIyjiig ta r james sutton;& CO.. , , -Phblishers. y dec 5, ,y ..SSyMjjddcp jAiiNeyprk ; .1 "P wriBTI tyrJ -J-pt I WU1 ft i . ' i- ,v,luuVr v ",,i"vw i v j ufHms r i news aim iesunpiion sen", on ai 'or tHehSdheTwill be1 KsfttndWl. Tlie dis- n,tW. ,i i.u u- .m: Mf. .1 ; -ana. -t consiacnng , e. , , unpretrnticmwi pness oune prico lor i,ur AUMi & tkthiftrvl fiills little xhort of a mir- i Li.' ".. - oaat-ai itnoi i .iqMfllHUUGltimli'yi:'tars.M.hM I I f'fLAJL 1JCl1L1"s -UL'P"C! " B W m r m W . T T 4""-A.ftf.yM AM-lLXL'BZmX-J"-w . with care. "all of which we. will aellat tha pubf ltouwifrjast !patoflagefand :Wdpe''bi i1? .?wm oB lo "ie w"".01 ine PepP -i.Jt ..ij A? A Jll 4. 4 T " flatter cahtwJM vrlKiltwartBSff latgive us a cauafii9Trj v 177f TfiJi .i.TLt t A PDriMBeeranor fVehisbfil, AjHalA! iGKlfiiAlXpERifi m . 1 1 f j. . i 4 S' ' fii.ijnxrs.fl . i nil 01 ... . - T'"? .r,",rM.wrr' t?wreeqiwu risn Potatoes l io sun continue to meet tiieir approval. " r 1 I.; OhBTfitoak Tl?Li'iirKfeoTm!ti? wi'f I AriTilii)ATmlHL.I on) snout Af LECFA JulcNernl1, & Early Rose, Early CtoodJ-jhti.l "tttVI aj, l,.A!qj ;. ; FnEfQHT'tlKE .'' " . AND THfeMsniiBiJ " , SOUTH AtfjS0TITH-7EST. GREAT. FASXIRlBXG tlT' lit rtEr VIA NORFOLK. T TTTfl -1-X T.-:ti. T f 'I WJC Jffcayt A V jcti jpy fcaavfc VMiv muu (iilumbia and'ATicrtista Rir Cmrany; tt rvlJI T , O i. 1-2 f-tnd I , thf Merriianis ivd Miners. TraiiSDOrtatioii fc9yatealiie,nanhemit?rnt BUla fcadingd Sates Uwayyfiar to " - a :thlishidillhtebrairy "?o ! fV?.!i t5i"qthe:Liwe. utKu i -Mark iQwids. fCUSqPvf NcirToJk, and shipasolw;:? Bl. Italic ;jiki: o From ilC)STONbV,Mcr(iahtsiafid Miners .Tjnsrjat0nsjvto ,87 . Waslungtoi) st. . W. M, r rora x , v i vrv., , oy uiaf ominjon KlveraOffieeslB? iOreeWi st' arid i aD$iJroadwyl Sli. Jk JJyaiisl Agciitr -l i- roift P.HlLAaEJiPJHIAlvfPhilaSdeiphiai X umipgcon.; jono; t,iitimpre : Kailroad St'Fihlafabdve-diurm eo?-. ntas Waslungton: -4w and Swansori f.' ; on" Hsongent i.,!,via From, .PHILADSLPHrA. f t f!l vtf nd : ti . -vj! ? r-i . .1 ?.,uu... ... .v - 1 . ticket Comrjghy ttr fhC;t Offlct iWv Jialtiniifititrcet Edwin: Fitagerald,! gureifdit bandlerLcwtefuTly1 feid for h ii.'rayae v . i: , . vM 3f r; -anu:. MUl l-MTj;. jiJJl b !4.'i"T.; ' ' jan-"&; 'feeraiWlheni ARcn'C,rt - ft.;i! .tt'yr ill i.i lrt)y-b' rni'"f i --r ;t xi M ! . J'' -. rf iiTiii'luiX ft )!: i i 7"'- M'&W, $00 15U J5j90, al 00, , $$ QQ, ' J $10 00; $ft2 WW33 W. ; ! ' .vd ,w iJWn U- . $i5o, . i-.flrf w,., w.Hjf v, rWWWW .f ' v 1 -L1! , ': I JJreecniTX.oailig iiaaoieUlUlS. oU'At $40 O0,??mo?6WrWo67 $73 00, T"! JEo' .4ns M "3 9 cments L? i : i Forylireecht-Lodduag Gnn nt a small ad , tVance oWiUjat.oi Importation. ? - ' JkJfiT PJlfeJl! tf ; AnrnlcferVmH 1 M T 1 TV? -.- U ri .. - v- . - A. coda shipped bi' Exrfress, CJ 0 r i - ' ' , . T . U r - AAA T . inipVRers jiixWore f 01. Daiuniure. .altimore 1 i nlclAird;si tJousfqJelle 'ichtt's n,x. J-ii1.iiiirr,.i-ifi' JCiUlS ii.V... 1 orb--Mt0mniKf!&kUi-f- . : n . r B""t rwi invvirft ti riviv-t.t,i-Tjrnn j i.'. Septl872oditrf-;rii " 1: - .- - . I ft 3 CnifiWi F'1,'?'?1 -i b,lnrdae(Bf nmi urcrenUiix OniriDe tMatTiil?! Tt " - ww 1 . i . , , . .. .'.....f.waw ijiio ,i.S..r, cniirii7atinrUHit la vartk .kMftM.ui. 1 ! , . AM ff'llll llMjlll AddreH Dr." BVH PUpMry Ji Bt.u,.to 'nil b-;i i.I oln4 u-.iUj.-.j --AUF:.a rfkyi. r twra Railroad Company, the VfWesternf prtb , rftHMamapsi ,andr'r 'charges, settled prqmptly" by Thoiuas i. rui luuuci iiiKMiiiiiucii apiMv 10 v.uiccrs.i onandafter 1 ami Afelvt of tealtoveKaitrbay v Steam-1 - , ' ; ' A,- B, ANDR nnu wdrknmjrwkmmtaTif 3 1 5: 1pnffir of ifala I af thl llfcllJ j- urn.. ..J !. . r r-l- wdV-' iulU4MMariiyrliMsi&kiitkdi(MMiaraUo ".1 w.r?(, him n ai4ni, .1 1 4 Klsatik BtmL 1 1 .lf r ' 13 Jn.jr7T- i in- THE MQRNINd . . ST A R- 1 t fyHrffcjfrTAVP J-i- r t w ia.iaajv mi' iiiii i ' 1 TV t TT XT T7 T-TmT- V a f I X Larsest lJivCmna)ation(oranr J - I tht bfhy othbr rthwf;;. " . jS : , 1 , - - . i r M'Mil fHT.! irviaii M " ""f iImt ' i.L..LLiJi J .. FAMILIY EFWl5i 1 t ! mmm m l MHimi v KWV .C 1 11.11. III! n mvj f . ........ . - -. - r.r "w4i-jVEKxessaa 'xik fSBnafoHapec1r4a SffiA t vifl foilS gaAdilrjessyrii rnr)hnvl ni Paily r?tarirmar:R nwlW jMAft W1"? linos irfstui fti&Uin 'a ; v. r i - t ' - a lava 1 mill s-v .-j. In effeeoi$ afSrardi3ctobfer 13th - - AOZ. Leave. Greensborc 2.00 a. m. 11.10 a m 'Rii-lrvillo Q.4A r. ' , 0.00 Ar ve at Richmond IS5.45 p. m. 9 40 ? ' GOLNG'sOTJtif. ' ' Stations . , Mail. Ernre-w Leave, Bichrhoflcl . J.5Q p. m. sm, M 1 M Barkville : m x iftiDanViUefJ 10.00 19 ' m ArVeatGr'nsboTo 12.2ft t . o'i-..m' . . .... .oo I Train feavrhe' RiciiTnond at 1 sn and aLmsi connect at Oren.i W with .trains on North (aroliaa Urision, f0r all points South. , ' ur jraseeiigers leaving lUcnmond at 1 50 t ra cneceattjreensrjoro' with train for njl points East .of Greensboro'',- . l-asgciier train leaving RaleigTiat 6 45 p.;m., connect at Grecnsboro' with North- cm;uouna man tram, arrivihgn Rich, rnpnd af 12,45 p. m.u ! ;n -j1? t ::tj ; J.N0. K. MACjMURDO, . ; . .0i.Freigiit& Ticket Agent. rTV m: talcott r . - -; Engineer it Gen'l Superintendent. oct 20; , ' v . ;i 1 Office Chief Eng. and Gkk'l, Sup't, WammoTON, N. C, June 26, 1872. ,-, CHANGE QF SCHEB.TJEE. Until further notice the regular trains wni run uvrr tuis roaa as IOIIOW8. : v " REGULAR FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Wilmington dally, at a. in., and arrive at 5:30 p. m. ; ,t ' PASSENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT Leave Wilngton, dailV at 7 a. m and WriveafSsao -o. nm . 7 ' " .and I T.cXtvn T.ilasvllla lollv a4l!.is., . 1 uniKo at d. in. ?t Two Special Freight Trains for Ton rLumber rup irregularly. n , 1 Nd trains on Sundays. ' " , . ! ' : ': - s FREMONT, Jy,2 f -. SQP't. WILMINGTON & WELDON BAIL. " ROAD COMPANY. Office of General upeTJsitettdent, '' ' Wilmington;, N. C.r June a, 1872. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Mondav. Jtinn I0tb . er Trains on the W. & W. Railroad win run aa. follows : ' - i , .i, WAIL TRAIN. Leave Ujjion , Jepot dally Sundays ex ceDtedTat ' a f L'ArriveM Goldsboro'at lai! P M f. . " at Rock.v Mouut at n -i Hi WnlHiin at ..-jv . i Leave Weldonldolly 8and3's " rjepfceajai 9:15 A M -Arrtte'st Rtyetfy Slount at 11-07 " ' 'yf0'"1 1:16 P. M; " Union Depot at 5:30 " ' ' EXPRESS TRAIN. iLeaye.Unron Depot, daily, at lfcjo P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro at &00A M. -s aiRocky Mount at 4-56 ' atWeldou at 6.50 Leave Weldon, daily at ' 7:10 P. M. Arrive at Roek j' jiouht at 8:5. " " at GoldHborb at 10 58 vtni"n I,ePot t 3:10 A. M. 1 : Mail Train makes close connection at Wldon for all point NorJL via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Kxpress Train fortkects only witb Acquia Creek route. Pullman's Palace Sleeping f Virs On tbis Train. Frlvt Tiains will leave Wllxaincton tn-weekly at 4k00 . in. and arrive al ISO p,' ,n.;rExpi8W Frelafht Trains will leave daily CSundays excepted tr6 p. m. and arrive at 11 a. m. JOlLS F. DIV1NJL j' ' Gen'l Sut RALEIGH AND GASTON JjL; H. CilANGE UF-iiUmiDULE.. " " ' Superinterident's Office, , Raleigh, N. C. June I5tb. isr2 H i On and after! Mnnkv. . Jnria -'mw nrro i L trains on the llaleigh fc Gaskcm liailroad ww 1 uu. uany iunuys excepted as fol lows.r : .,v . w , . ;; jc r " 'J... ., tAIL TJAIN..-, :. r.;. Leave Raleigh at - - .... ... .1000 A..M. Arrive tft WeWon .Leaver Weldou ftt , - r. ju. i RI5 A. AL arrives at uaeign , f ; . 3t05P. M. ! feS at i Arrives at Weidon, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Icavea Weldon. 011 v ' I a?j,mv. - -.wo x: 2: . vr-r.. 1 JuaKes eiose connection at .YS.H11- witUtUe Seaboard and Boo noki Railroad and Bay Line &temr vi Washington, to and from'&ii nrOnt srTw -fe.) ' . r -.v. hi Anu ai ujieiii wltk Uieoth Carol! RHllroaBtltfcnd from U poiht gobth 1 1 gtwta Air Line to Hay wood and Fayette .yMler'.;H ij..,:,,, .t.;l . '1 'i.f.TVftt S..C-.- k .v;..iiiiwimi mill Frvi7nT,TninaMvn. .i ubciiw wetann With AM'finmiv1iitin r y.. . . ... !i.T. r. . .w.. .v...- AecoiULniodation train! remain several t (Hu W return theameeveninir-v 1 r IQH: A - ATTfJTTiWA in ill i.-dl h )l 'V'tr ;: Su iDerintenrint'a nM. Raleigh. N. C.-Jiin ih law cepted j us follows -fatiittlteave Raleigh;1 r-;sTl Km. Maa train leAVM ftanfAT r PMail train nikH0r.T. . j - "-i lrniiTi l w - - m GaatonraU. IT IT I in V v n r -Ml - - - ,zU 7i:.t!. -f A. Bki ANDREWS, -JTJW . ,:J4niMrinti4.i.t . ? J ' TO TAKE EFFECT i - w r-i iivinn 9LI2 10.r4 Jkinaa Mnuni-flirr inoi . u:, .f hv rffl -itfti f11 M it I , v . - u ,rjm au points -worth, P Wt,!LaniV Northwest, and with Peterslr l Railroad via Pi't'r.hrf-Jiiti.w.i 5 it Wbic '-rv;- wjj-. molUi'jTi ypiw odi w v-Tdr,i - 'i;5anq-f r Tobacca Labels, 7aand3,-Iioti5es &c WJSliWoM otVHoqf goodi 14T,NewTcrk LiWfjhrA ari l! ; rwJ? L4tI abse'righi of ." i 1 - - 1 - ; "- v o. sept us . Engineer and Scpcrindent. - . ' ' - 1-,'' ..-.'.". -J - , ' Produce sold on commsicto. ' , Jw."1y-'.i:iJr.H'.'l.ri!U - ' - '

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