...WH. , HnTnr,' ; :., nanrnm..,,. in, rifffm.-n nrr-'- - '-Wi . . m ' "... - ' " ' ' ' avl find P 1875 'out fol L. 11 ;tiol Lloil I VII rtl bar at ortl t aii At ett eor ac K. roa r tii veri p't L8T72. 18 . Ai ara Ra pola! leiatJ 3 T2. Iwal hree ss- 2Ga. L2 ; 2G aaji 1 20 p-; 50 56 Mcht Mid; ;CJiarBtt6 Observer. 1 - vOffif jBryce's - Building,-. Trad. Street: tl "' h 3-l!t t '' '-Lli-- ri--rK'". waily, ;OnftyeatL in advance, ..I.iv.-fJG 00 f11 Tvsnce, .w. 3 00 -a nree Months.- m adviiim - - $3450 .? ccajr; uiJB Yeax... now eopynenping ,rtp 'realize some thmg,.tngible from- his matrimonial mtefetmefits;v;Th ttririiversariesof I'faLmnn f ami n J uuigftna.ttienf anotberi ilver iwcd. UiUR-itndadiaining, aVass wedding, tind then a tin xvedding fleamnnTf .18 tMCCGedP.d.hv it trlasLtiswoAAVnrr nA Q on t1?tpjhjthe;cliapteuT.he;ef C,P.,P -ne.MorniQns the rank and pic of the faithful can well be ima. .5. t.'i? tt 1 7. WiriN;Ti 'TuLriT. It ; is ndt rrtmVtioja fof a clergynmn to die;iin la mflpit,, but,.,', this- happened ou SimdajaQ the Rev. T. B; Hudson, pastor. of the AIv E.vChureh in Clyde: HlSaiteadt abotitfifteen minutes iii W HrtA id ttna4 Vdce! whent tiie mmt s,et i:aMvu;joraiiinl? the fresh, afi'l ptfeed h hands to his fMehccC And leaned - forwartl on the delty . TOit a if raiding all his tingtH for ' the eSbrt, u ha began again and uttered the words, " These da'8 are passing wavaud as the last syllable left hli lfp&;Vue fell back on 1 1 1 yst Qt &njl e pi r ed v llpc&ud son hatl be?snTor aperiod "of thirty three.yius iufthe iitlte-wo.k of the REsri.T-Thfe-ailrdatl war:, which i n lurmqiFalJ-fne eaipn hsf been law pefn1ttfng Itie tncln-poration of any company desiring o construct a rb'id in the State. . Tlie , influence of the Feu nsyl yank' Bail road has been dircstcctrrr towards" prevetitiug ? the adoption of , any iacifc ;prniiftin a cnui petition1 lef establishefl vith their'nij)ho1jr.btti ' that they 'tm'rip.lj'ceii beau fix,",'once, and that a'Yturoogiis route -between 1,'h i ladelphia, and New York becohi es a ' posgibi l It vV '! A- Suedrji Jbeijb;v a Catholic VKi&Tkirifad .Ohio) Mt rch 2A. Rev. T. U.. Martin i Catholic priest at EiiJliljphK'-hasuthe-Cleye-. Itfnd fjcMiUr alid ft' ofresnoiiderit for m libel, tfiinnng " $5,000 damages. - The rauscfi.tneiiow is oasep upon as seriionsf Jcontaiued in a -com m unica tioa in IhesLeader fan the effect that Father fMartin tokl a widow that her ihoney tlue Vjxiest.Srtid,h&4Vould wait a. reaiileMjnti provdecLI it,was securedlhyresponsibleiparty. A clef kf irftbe Indianapolis post- office 6yllm rthe hist stages . of (lrough, oasioned.by lns own gal hintry n ,-voluntering to lick and a ust pjostage stamps for the young ladies wihoiC:tmetO his window. He is veryj chrtrmlngridianapolii , is full of gbd-lqoking girls who love dearly t),seea'U ru out his tongue and moastcii, Vfei.uipjand.- the first bing tfie -unfortunate young man knew ..lite hadHJchansteav hi salami secret4dii3j ilftd ,ws as dry as aboarct- IIenrrWd3TBeocher. in speaking. oftUeoonil strength which cnltme gives, says: " I : the great conflict bet w ecu : Germany and-France, it trs", thfe; echoolhouse which o.ve tlrew Eraiice."" ;There wcre ,ninety eigHt pa-C'ent of the sVrmy.of Goring ny..v ho; could read and w re. ip.e wreif6rtv-eiffht;.'fafer ceitt.1 of5 the Fenriilftmlv who5 could ' read and ( write. Ut course they went down. AKRK5T 0rX ISSPRASCE AGENt. Erastns Lypiatf, 'cx-pv.esid.ent of.thp Kickel)bckers.Life Jns'n fance Co ni -paixj;:lfuis.ocen. sped by .the company on accoiiu tjbf unatithorisced contracts made by.'hirhAitb"irrespon8ibleper-1 sans "'jari tjxiuaii wivs ,iiiKt:ri 111 cus by',jie Courjf of .CQmmpn Thai, and gave $10f0pd kboiL'tM; hrlrnmeuting'1over'"56( fof th'e Carrollton .Tim'WrTtes in this sort uouia 1 but; taste tne nectar.sweei, ' Tfcat lingers lif its soft repbse.- f rdTJear nodoad We'd ever meet, While feasting Oh those hps of rose. If the gYrfls.not.tb he; found, 'hy in tKe ueiice don'in fellqwdry- up ' ana looicoupyor jiis -nectar: in some xiher'shttpe tAtIanta Sun. Death of..Gq -HJjMahali.. it Declines our ; Hieia.ncuuiy. uuty record the death ojf pur fellow-citizen, Col Jobh Hugh 'Marslilli;. who de parted ihia life, at his residence. ,pn Ituthcrford Road,' near this citv",v or. the 19th inst., at 11 IVfAl.,' alter a short but painful illness, tvith taraV ym, in the forty-first yerti- df his age. Ure&nmUe Republican.' The i conviriffht. of ICebleH'VTlue 'n '''5;.'! Christian Ypflr''will Axnira fihortlv. after having existed neailv 46 years,! rt iucn 101 editions nave ueeu printed., - . '-" . Eight old - farmers '1 iA FrsihkHn county, V-ermonf. wh'A livft'-within two miles of each 'other, , WeiJiiuJ. , twent.fiye wesrnpngtH j iv iHis Hamilton died Very euddenr v ai esanoiord, Chatham count v. on "f hiisbaml'.wi iii rjufgatoh". but for acl $101vW-it) vm 'pwi bim to outthlit the widov'hot hyiiig jthe- lesf f iiiitrj. the ssap.:in:lii ays-' terii'4iofisteneriU , .,,''.;.;-' I1 . -J ' - mm mm ' n " ' ' y - 1 4 qrli W j. f- rjt-- -m 4- Dr-Ekwith'tAati-Dyspeptic Pills -iiid V'oa wjlf j?9J NEEUftht CURPt Real This!: You may, fin&Somrihing tirt whitfi ydu art PERSOfc-1 ALL Y INTERESTED. TTO nave many, jcares, snxieti. and .X 'troubles-r-sohie.real, sohie imaginary more producetl bf Want of health thanyou are-' aware' mM wm idttreW f of dfeeasH thaStanvdchiatht iiiost fruitftil-4lie ti fiction, Of Hfsi Um are more; absu'lately nesjry ntore y expensive njoi'e t pleas ant more painful, and 'monTvasified than aay other .oian'; in'lie human' sys tem. ' It te morte mitosed un,' nd itoxe wonderfully adaptojtse'lf t5 Itshariousi du tiesl than anv OtherJoraiiai4as it. i4?iatc duties,; agshisfe ihicliitraifely retieUf I count, and its neigh borvie4$er, aiqost away snffeiiB t.wih, it wd.usua1ly shajrel in thd rctntatiwnr Hatt- fafe, been dinette or imprudent eerrU(wkkie th'i?h you nndeftrtandall ilmftr "mMhU And wantrreief , fflmx read -caxefteUShefJM lowirtg, and like a wise man,; seek th rei r : Impaired iu Coase Hon. BEVERLX-XXIGEER, late Law Pro fessor MlUkm 4;Jlttw&WfrfltfT 'JVwtrtflea ytiiis! ago . I mad deft by t a:. lM fitflipwfo fcv, iWitlu, disease Liver, a.disorrt Bgetioi, and an stitutiori in 'ruins.'' itv nhvsiciahs berntit-' tedfnrii?yftharffmYemd : t a. i i istei aM iate-nctsdi ae vthafcithe leasts n discretion would he futal. Two years ago I met your Antt-Dvsuentic Pills, aiid con fiding in tins ac$mpanyirti certificates of responsible gentlemen,, whom Iiappe;i to kriow, .X'took'.tlie'h acirdiris? t4 dlrectfoifiiSh.; Tlie result is; tht I;noyeat what I pieaeJ ui wnaii picusc, sieep sounaiy, a.no cp-! joy liic as much its any man 'liVfne. Fori this, i,miJeasure;to .sav , vjujtav my thanJd jto add tlkcrittan'ce of my iiitil"TCpird w W. It. BUR WELL .t CO., Wholesale fc lieiaul A cents. feb 22 Chauptte,terN . U J - SI PHILLIPS. Merchant Tailor aClotbiexv Under Central Hotel. A.fbcJ5p4, htilSjfestiUlimmt of Spring Woods Emhracin-? all Hie latest novelties ami styles of jxkIs for WENS' I MOST FASHIONABLE MAKE; AND BEST QUALITY. W ' .SSIBT S M kim i" TO ilEASURE. AND GUARANTEED OF THE VEB A FIT VARAKTEED OF THE VERY BEST MATBHIAL ' , Something new : FrcBch CretonShirt fiig in a great variety of colors. " J , ' SPBING STYLE HATSi i Jnst received. A Cml"4s solicited anjd I guarantee i sell -as low as the same, goods ' ."urn vlAvJi'J 31 jf - r - ,.. HefyoAjfo niue csirehere others, la Your Health Impaired lit Coiise- '.S if rH''M;' OF THE can he bought ip.this or,any other Market, do wiel to exanmiejour :.toc-k beforeur marit " r j- tr chasing , e&wjito$ ai ,wc caii ofijtr cancer: CURED, BY Dr. Kliiie'sjyondcrfnl Cancer Anti which dfwtmvA, and reJiioves th dtite which destiMy&.and resiiAves .jthe nentik,W4t!mttti - 1 ' : 1 - a. it. ; especially i'Phtli. For full particulars, circulars,' call on, or address E. H. Guekke, M.TD.V Goldsboror K. CJ A. II. Luojus-ry M. D., Uiariotte, , J. E. Bextley, ,M. D-, Sujute 8..C, feb 4-2m " ' - " TTT rp-AMTjcy A ,y o.si T E , ' SEWING MAO II IN K i SAMPLE, tFaKVPtjIBtJIJK-, - SURPASSED J?UK VAU.lJi.XI OI uses, afid'flneWcelled by any other, ... t MAJY;.BK0DIE, Agent, Office? in Baamgarten's PhotOgrapll - Gal - - v.-vr , f-lery. '" '-fM . " POTATOES. J i. .. r t A- rwv Hose. 4 IVUAXirjIV'V! -Tf" . ""I -ri?X'rtt?tr"rfTKnALD. Receive Daily IIveKKESeW NiEiRtjiTplE svsteni pWe alsojtreat.ah Cormof Chrojir DIESj&e.; -'fh'-'y " ' "f 'i ; -! n r ImvJRtknainv and Ohscure Disease. We bav for CASH; and select our goods with unparalleled .successj Knilensv. or Fife: RhmimahshY ,'Keurah Asthma". St;rofub and Secondary .35' UHAKLU I Itl MJVnoLt WUItKO. hrptfiik Itimdred BuhcU ' MQun&in ...a, -0. j,T ,t- .VrJ1 seed oats, for sale bv . . " . VA" CVH A'-W''E v STENH0U8E, MACAULAY & CO. : HAVING?remoVed TOjr stock of Marble , NQTHER Lot of those, line .repellanW to ihyold'iBtaiid near tneqail, and A, for waterhroof Cloaks, fec. just reeeiv. formed a co-partnership, tbtake feffect Fet -M X. ii;oVE&T8. ruary2(ith; 1873; with' Mr.yivanuSjMc- , jan Man r'tin It. -asc- 1. Nincb; with the' View' of . enlaTgihg Wn " , , v , , ;:,,? -Vr, : nessT'Tespectfulljrt ask; forth'to ,Jlfl JlTSTS-ECEiyEDi tr oAntiriiiftneeof the liberal patfxjnage be- , , Lk . ,, - ifit rv slewed on me. Thfebdsiness will vbe gf ( ' A " W VdeS feb'25 tP '? ?"? 'J1'-'F. A. McNINCH: L j&jV;1 j -..f'-i .V: v,'jif;l a Af t jirm strawTaner iust Teceived ""V'J.i ... w'- V--Vr- RUBINS Extracfep iassorted,,Law iulSX jan 0 f - -i ' " . : ' .i-rrt-M r'tot; Jndiold at 5cets each,atwa CHARLOTTtecC t SATDBDATev lABCll 2 ! 1873. If H1- c V" 'J mvmmm ...T iutea -'.' :onT7TrK;", 1 i "1 ' H'.A nnr fn -order to make 'rodnf fdff .--NT : !'f t '-w-i'' '. ' ft JJVfSf, HEAVY SPRinC STOCIIf -.- - ; ' we jgiliteUitJJ'.jour .FALL AND WIKTER GOODS v-V.J 1 .f!i; fif atireajfly oedprtcesi YonT attention j&mk mm to h? t; Alidalirids?df:WoolwS GOdc togeWer READY-MADE CLOTHING, wjiich ji iwill-sejl .Terj owi ... - - AND 1 . w H ':iftfi$G greatly ineWl'his'itok of 'FtJEIT,URE( . Whch comastsJlri; part" or Parlor Siiits. ,t$ la efe, Wa In nt ert V'no Uer Siiits, fj.-. Tea poy&i Folding: , .lii If w-? Ta1ies" Indies Work 1 Tabled Extension ant Centre Tables, hntiiot safe, E!xceist,ir aW'bbMWlatfieli'CI and StooW of varo'!is',W5lcs' and !inanVf other tMns? Mot ivinssarv to jiiftfinw 'M The ITiiderta kers Department is cOmplei fromf TthfvMifapest Jfoplar,ik)ffij1 to datT Casket Half Glass Toprmmhed and trim- med in themeif apphve3yie,"willbe kept constantly readyJOrruseaftli of which wjll Reithlirh'g rnUy tliauks forVftast? favors ! I ibsf resiecf fully " sk- ltlie Reit1zeas.5or be soig at a niostcastmaoie Charlotte and surrounding coimtryv wtitf nave neeo ior.4inyuung in uiy ijihj. uj giv mcflj call fiM;urhigKheni.i-' Soufh Twie tfeet opposite the Market House, Clarl6ttcN;. SX '.. ..... " aH lstl73--iri - F.tSHETONi 6. iGranitte Ifbw. Opposite" , ,iHAiRLjE,TN. C.(UM, Manufactarers, 1ib)esate and Retdildea eis in Manufactured Tobacco, 'Smofc 4h3 Toacti h&nd igars ; of ' all ? crades. . v I )eaitas?iii.th ab e coods will , jan 14UfN ''-' u - ''''; f E, JISBET ' & BROTHER, t A E Dav- recoivatR fresh supplies of GROCERIFCFFIONERIES, with iaaite; all. f iW.lncUwe will scliat ;th lowest pnceiorAon. . f We feel very thankful to tlie -generous pubhe tor past-pHRmageT" WfO-fn-Ope by strict attcntjyn,tu,he wnts of the jeople to still continue to meet their -approyah. , - Our StdcrlS" is- larce and .complete, we flatter; ourselviesfhat-. we will please all thatlgive hs a call; ! ' , - v feb 9 b 'FOiB SALE. ' ; ! CJ - - Si Cf a "r 4-A -d f;re at - r HREFPY'S. r. "ii. ot ctii ouwrx -.v nuimx. ' . .. rlMi ,-rr I . I Ml I , w,Aow Glass at 1 . -- - : . 'riii ; . ' f ) s . ' ' u TAB A Pn GVTTW P flAPG MTTWH'AI. ft- J ' 1 K ... , t mar 22 W R. BUB WEL & CO'S - J' - - . 'fit aI M 'MwWffiW ft'N'TTft i'g:.".-?'.-.- !f.r : !rsr.-, ii.1,7 9jJ , ..i,,j- L-UUiJ if uniiiTDEiii i AKRIVING DAYIDgON.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, TradbSt Opposite Brem, Browjk & Co's DryX5oods Storb. - !tV'IIERE'WII.L; BE FOtTND EVEUYTHLN(J KE.TOAt -1 I 'Mi! -jll'v I CLASS - ! ! Afc -Jt tin 'F--y; rt IBRACJafwAiTables.' Bedsteads,, Bureans, Dressing ftiseaMWaidrobcs, S4 ehnli, Bks. Hat . r . rtTW)s, eares, ltoe-a-ieies. solas, Lounges. Jirrors, Uli -ALSO FfE' STOCK f of -PaHor Furniture, Dining Roofif Furnitaref ttnil fjliambef SaitHs all -:h varieties of style and finish: .This -House alsoikeepsji fulls stockrtof Bpring ieuB anu wuurt,-sses, anu METALLIC BtTRIAL CASES And Caskets of all sizes and dries of finish, toeether irith Ikfalioeanv. Rosewood: Walnut, Poplar and Pine Coffins -from the plainest ami cheapest tothe finest Octagon Casee? and Caskets with full glass -trips, trinuif hi , . the most elaborate style, furnished with h.cavv Silver Mbuh4, ' tings. Special attention given" to furhishtn'g' Dwe!lings?4Hoels ,n ' and Culleses at a snidl advaiice on MANUPACTURKRi RATES. i - CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING; i fJf i January 21st, 1873, . . IIOBTk DAVIDS OJf. B0ABDLNG. EB. A. W; nLf Vt "ii prerfared to ac commodate JWei with room and Is, orswith meals ortlv, as the Boarder ay desire. The building. Gsav&. on the cprijey Qf, Trade' tand Church streets, is a new one : the rooms are cieanlv. comfort ably, neatly furnished, and well '-attended. iuu.iiiuie is as gooa as ine marKcwm afford.' " .':'--. -. j Terms most liberal, to suit clerks who Are working for moderate salaries: jan ltt , 1 fe EXCELSIOR!! i f HBE3T IS THE CHEAPEST ' ! !, S.:;SL!A.itiTE r s; - f6flfer "tlie'lfowlne Fertilizers: - Patabsco rtiano.- Chesapeake Guano artd Watson t Clarke Super-Plif)ftate. .We have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the : above: -nfist-laBS Fcrtili : wrs - ft ,'- ;'' X S -iTo! those, who have n?ed them sq mani And to such as have not yet used them one trial Will eonvinee them that they ar6 superior to all 'ether; jS: iiakg stire of a suppty. and, please hand, jn; yoir orders early, as. tne, ponsumpuon execeus . uie maniifaCtufirig power. " ; For sale aliy quantitv, by ,STENHQUSE, M AC A UL AY & CO. jatraoi? ''''!3r "u 1. -:Oi- ST iTlmfitEr: d fTlHE ProrietQrnof ,.the t above named JL Hot respectful ly. in vites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to caiT on him when they visit- StatesVitle. He will spaTe - neither f 'pains nor money to make the S1MONTUJNE liUUSis o jtwcuu HOTELj and worthy w public patronage. nbv 25-tf sT Proprietor. FOR. SALE. T ..WADSWORTIt has at his Livery J . and' Sale Stable, opposite the City Clock, HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly on band. ; , nov.30 : -.--' - 'i'" " ase. , n i '- 1 - fnWO Acres of landiaftfdining the City of A hajttejyer, nneiy isufwu: rapjdlv ' ynprovhig neighborhood. AV ill be sold, entire, or InJots to uit'pnihasers. at a .very reasonable ratc.j Apply to . . i '. "'JOHN T. .BUTLER, . OCt ii , vppusJW unisw ixuiioc. New Orleans Suar and Kolasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright .New Orleans Sugar-, io.Barrets Choice V " . .' .'rs Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demcrajji Sugar, 2 " ' Molass in store and for sale at! prices" to suit thertimej by.TiOXMACUlVA CO. Le6aNT '-jfiSoiHli!Ate.,4 JoversotreaLGkid Fruity Onions als o 'irMJ .ni thle' sollcitatlono 1 acdres of PebpleH11 ,v v ;' 1 - p Irish Potatoes Kany Kose, j!ny urooa, rich, Peach Blow, Harrison, &c., for eatingwlIanting ((0 - Buckwheat Flour, and fine Yellow, Rich 1 Aujy. Che ,1?T1TT8 RAT.T i-- 1 A A .Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand 1UU andToFsareliy" ";. 8TENHOt8E,riLS.CAHCAYitCO. t PQV ik ftf'it C1HOICE OddiFrerich Brind Ibr Medti cdnai purposes, atinii Fi SCARR'SJfi " Jan a..4 ir,?3;," : 4 "vf- TRISH rTAT0ES"!,Anbther lot of good "JLi Irfsh Potatoes, warranted , sound, good for cooking purposes at $1 oper Bushel, iticeiredbv t S'TVOKS&CO. just received by ieb..a- yeirs we need oh ly say that they are guar-. ittWioA'be- fully ttp to their pfcfiouA; ititf' . m . . . ? j w - .- ; ' . . . - - cnEAF FupmlE f:! DAILY rAT- -HOUSE; i ; : ' : i ;Mii; s!-. Racks, Etageres What ;ts 'Cradles, lasshite fec. A- a jLrge Assortment -it' " T0&. EECEIVEI) AT i -'--r- ''ti-rrr'H.: '?.' S C A R R VS D JtU JG -S.T1 ORE , TAPIOCA,- - ' ! - " ' - i A'- . -f- r J! MACARONI ITALIAN, SAO,- POW'D BL'K PEPPER, ' . ' ...-..!; f ; RESII SAGE, jan 51 ' 4; ;' General Comuiissloii :HefcUkut, Particular attention paid ra. :seljS)ffall kinds of. Produced Ctrttpn and Tccco. Migliest cash pnee paid lor.tJotton. , t All orders from a distance promptlV at Tcndcdjx). .f:!BYCE,, i lit"!';; ItX find ; Writina s Paer? and Envelopes very cheap at, . PUREFUY'S. , . (Lately of Raleigh, ,5ferth,Caroliaa. l,--fp'" NEW YORltti- WILL attend promptly totll prpfessiojir at. business entrusted to him. Refiers to ''the Chief Justiceand AssociateJustices of the Supreme Coiirt of "North Carolina, ' feb t8-ly'- - b'j. '':' QtXty Gross Steel Peiis, ,3y 1eams;tr O log; Paper, 19 doieuCopy and Writing Books. " : Wholesale and Retail spy, ana wrun .ctall IPUREFOY'S. t ' "- ' feb -08; '.'i' "' ' '. r-nxfyl ; - .TO TH'B.iAQifia ;! r"fVH :n": 1 -..:i;i-i. SOME, 2sTIE"W" STITZCjB . hoy.SOi fSM,',. ;:, .-j , ,. 0UAKENB0S' HISTOR Y 'of the 'tfhited . . . -ftiates:- i..:r.--:uriP--ut McDuneyfaastjl andrd Readers, National Readers jGffcnd and rd, CorneH'sEGeraphyt n-j 3 Harvey's Grammars, lldrley's Universal History, Bullions & Morris'tMn Grammar, -Towne's Spellers, Eureka' Slates (Ruber Corners.,. ir JttReceivea,yt 1 ' TIJREFOYS. teb-18:'"- -rt- : l-i ; "t .xjdfr.n?.--; TIHREE Hnnklrediieks Exti'la.imd Fam- A ilv Flour in storeamt r saie oy ' ; feb QELLING Millinery Trimnihigj ahtfall, kJ oar, JEaucy;aiMiL iirjgooo;awuyirer ducedjpneesto Jll -O .. ,fHl.XHJitV! Seed yPotatoes.tolih-fiiM A SupjV-etiieiWiyitie AiSeed Potatoes bnrha6d3to wit :--'!fu- Peerless, , Early Rose,. . ,- ; Early rGoodrich, y ...... 7 'Peach' Blows, : Chili Reds, 4 ; For sale bvc' l IT ,STE3fHOUSEr MACAULAY CO' ft : feb 18 h 11- ,i -V nWp'T Seed:' ' A Supply of Penrayivanta' Re' .Tbp iA Clover Scetl, at.l snunn-v h ,.r) f jan.. a 4 rt-i-u rKil ot J.-5U;i. IsiiR 1 ,YV it & TO Y V'"i,r;ittiii ian25 . ' -I RATES OP ADVERTISIKCS" One SconiLtum' two ay.. 1 50 4( IC a - three days. .-.2 60 f four days 2 50 . five daysu....m:...t..s 00 . . one4week 3 50 4 " ' three weekjL.,....l; 6 50 ,one month...T.i.... 8 00 Contfact Advertisemefits taken . at proportionately low rates. f Five Sonares ekirnated i quairtcrol umn, and ten squares as a half-column: .rv ! CHARLOTTE FAm BUTLER'S ! ! . Watches, Cloets, Jewel ry; Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, ; Spectacles, &c. sin sic BOXES 1 AND MANY " T O 0 -i-N U jlEROUS TO lLZEiliTTXOlsr. t-AT - J. T. BUTLER'S : :'.. f-"fi : ' ill f OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE Obtober 22 ' -V ? - THE BANK OP IIECXLEUBUEF, Authorized CHpiful $566000. JAs. TtrajfEK Tatb Preskleht. . Tuos. W Dewey, Cashier, 1 r Ft,.PfW;KYr Asst. CasUkiv. , -.mi, AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws.of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact , General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers .on Liberal Terms. ' ' The bank will receive Deposits subject to Cheek, and will AJlow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue-Certificates of Deposit bearing in- kerest at.tlic rate of Eight per cent per Annum. on all; sums . lying undrawn over thirty day j -1 . ... ' Gold and silver (Join, liullion and old Bahk'Nbtas Bought and Sold. ! THOS. W. DEWEY jan. 1 1873. Cashief, VJLCJL.lSr'T LOTS, ( DESIRABLE FAEHlKO LANDS, IMPROVED fkrid UNIMPROVED, PARTIES wlshfttftto invest in such proiv perty on reasonable terms wouhl do wen tu iui sir uur. Diutc tnv waik Further ss1riments attd correspondence sdlicitecL GRAHAM & N ASH, '.. ? . m 'Attorneys, jan,51-3ni Charlotte, N.-C. stof; at the MNCOlLKTOiri ifORTH CfAROiL?iA. T r;;. :0: :0--i r West pf.-the .Cburt House, in the -Motz y. Botcf IBnilding, Opposite J. C. C O B B"g;f3-IjOE E . f A HACK will be run in connec tion with the house. ' ."'-' -Af-tf:;!T'.TV'. Mfe. 7 HJCISTLEa, 1 ' mar 4-6nv ; - n . . f Propnetress. , :0: :Os- 5,0W PAPER BAGS, 1 lb., . o IKf "ii , M . 5 6 7 8 " -I" .. A 1 t THE BO OK STORED '- . A i . . S .. - . feb 28 4 1 A A Dozen PAI'ER SHADES, assorted. . 1 UU 0 dozon FIRM SCREENS-, assort ed, TRANSOM:. PAPER, Ja gwT"' " at'. . .- , ; .. .JIDDx t. Lot of 'fine H0RSE& mid MULES, n splendid order At UAYIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES Horses and Mulea -for sale afe kept on ban! constantly.. nov i j i omty entsO marR- - ideat

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