I 'I ! rriic Cliarlotte-OSserfer, tmT"SSTONE JONES. VyG? t..;11? Trade-Street; '77? T7T I OF SUOaii-iiuii. 8dvante;'U...4:.r.$GJ00 Patty, 5 advance, ....... A . .1..'.'.'.'.. 00 Six months, n advance,U.U'....-;:::i 50 Thrce Months CCi;;;.;...;;...;.... iTwt v. oho ? ; : : Teil Thousand Dollars Dinner.; ; of thn rreatest pieces ot er-a trainee on iordahisua i idescribed by a New fePQr respondent of the Bostpaaug. L...irrp(l on the 1 th inst., -nrthe !nc of a private dinner, given, ft A wealthy German Delmonico s who has retired from-busi- ! ' onri'wrts about topsail, for-: Eu rone decided, before leaving'' Ameri ca to invit Ms friends to. dinner. Co'vers were ordered for sejeyifour. iruests, and carte oiancrie smju t f l'nni,n - for the"' dihlielvrTh jHro-e banquet hall of that , estabHh rhent was secured, -ibe.'arWefall wIipi-p the dinners to Dickens -and Tvndal'l were given at the . rate offif tnon dollars a ticket. For nearly a week the employes of Delmonico wore engaged in preparing Tor I ijiis dinner.- A table twenty-fofrr feet wide, extendinjr the the vhblelehgth ft.hp room, was constrnbted. .In the center of it an.artiueiabpoud was made, with a tonntainir wuue around the fountain live swans were floating Of course the pond was caged over. The center of the tableau banked with flowers, from th? water V edge; at a cost of over three thousand- dol lars, reruune tountains were-con. 4 strueted in various parts of the table, and to add to the intoxication of the ense-s, Bernstein's full band of thir7 v live pieces was engaged to furnish the music. " 1 he dinner comi,encet lit 8 p. m., and continued fo jnf hours, after. which dan )iacc unni iniuuigni, wiieu, viie.-uin- . i hi ler, or supper as it was men caneu, vas resumed for an hour or two, fol uwed by dancing witil 4 in themocu- nir. the bill for this dinner amount- ,'ed to just ten thousand dollars. !- IVxofi ox. Headache. The lemaje iheadaclies are innumerable, but they arise principally from vexation and disappointment. They may be divided into "'nervous" and: 'sick" headaches. The nervous isirritable' i:ul cannot boar., to bet -spoken to. 'The sick is despondent and sulky, and burst inio tears at the: least tjori- t'radiction. Wbeii a -Taty cannot have her own Way a' headache is' the a i n fu I co nsegiiehfrd: " j An1' u n popti -Jar visitor brougtxt?lioihe Sceiden!tal ly 10 diuner wj.Hrproduce an 'alarm ing attack of headache, and the sym ptoms that successively follow are instant loss -of appetite, deafness. peevishness, hysteria, and finally a recipitatc, retreat to the .bed -room. The poor servant's feel the - effects ol the headache as much - as anyv'one. ana ao not stop in the room- nv l wtgernTrTrrer heTp. 'Th ese uiJiorfcunaie neauaciies are very- t re i--jx :. . i. i j ji ... .. . ... ! i orient about that tune of the yeai wnicn every one is, .or is suppose 0 be, out ot tQwa. atiu do -! not cenai lintikthc patient1 has been carried to the seaside' tor a: change of air. The jiiilder forms will ' Vanish upon the application oi a i uce or leweirv, oi if the' forehead is wrapped up in a lew shawl it is astonishing with Ahat rapiditj'jthe ,pni 'disappears. . Scmteti.nies a shifting of the scene i.- . requisite, and tlitis aJbdx. at the op. era has heeh khow.ii to produce an in- stanta.neous' cure, even when the headache has been of the most stnn- jiitng v.xiescription, ; ana Tiie opera n!ayetl has been one oi void s. A xCew York eor respondent savs I lis earl v every one oi the most proni- lneiit merchants, bankers and busi icss in en Jrene rariv ? of JSew York iut0rt3ie ; 8hdwitfto: have beei). tie iirclutect ot nis .own iortune. Most it vneni ara wiuiouu regular euuea ion.'wbileit, enn be Uenionstratec hat the coliesc-pred men nave, asa rilv, either leniaincd poor or have achieved nlv comfortable indepen- ,itence. -From this one lUrght deduce ftliatregu'ar and s-vsteiiintic culture is i oar to the acqitKition oi weaun. and tlie deductloja'js tp a certain ex tent correct, B4'?!,tion of a libera) sort insures; sucb needs and tastes as fail of gratification from m ere nioii-cy-niakiug. Moreover, it procuce Irv breadth of feeling it'hcV a degree of sensibility : that seribusly1 interfere Avith the constant pursuit of dollars. If you are i'ri' search'' of;: University graduates you niustof' among the poor book-keepers, accountants And clerks, not among the -directors, offi cers and partners'. Trte somebody I have mentioned recently cdunted in two huhdred'Iarge firms here over forty bachelors of art, not one -ol whoni is in receipt of . :alaryv o( over $2,500. Not a single pripcipal has had a classical education, and i.he proprietors have average wealth of from $500,000 to $1,000,000- Mor al : If you wish to get rich avoid a classical education. ' Greek and Lat in and m athem atics hi ay ' be ..useful n discipling you-f, niincl and grying Bymmetry to your'thoughtsut they jvill not furnish you with real estate, brown-stone fronts'large bank?iac; couhtsnd piultifarions seqiiritie ; v Shocking Kerosene TiagedV in Michigan Thkee; Children 'Burn ed to Death. The house of HctarV Peters, at Grass Point, six miles irdh$ letroit, Mich.; xvas burned Tuesday; night while Peters and his, wife Were absent. Four cliildreu, were 4iijiihe house.. Thfi ohlpjst. flarad frMrf'mif . i , j HBSCaDea. but ran hnrlr irt rmmii rih : youngest sisteni.,, She -sCTzedthem! t nil '.HAwi'nfiwl .; iLU; ("t.li-l t ; miu anvcu incu io currv inem out. I butwas -overcome bv "fire And sUioke. 'L.:u-..'Z,:-iii i- S p.. , : -i ana was oniyayea by the eltortsoj iieijiuyrs ,wug were ;;caueeu5io fine ; tpotbyslier scream's j. All th& ; chil- - . dren hnt thet)ldest perished, and the ? rraltrls' bilbar'h"edr:h'efirfi i I I Viupbosed to have been caused bv the -4 nail. viu lijjr? .9li,l Ui&lh mm ir 7n"l'l:ili f :!:l77iirr: : Aiidt Yoa Will NCTfNI3teD4He CUflVl VOtKhave nioreproclTiccir W want of health Mn. $ .. , . 4 w mi wiai JacatlonJif i(a cxsll are '-mare wo&telr Wtirmore mnjful, anV, more diversified &??tO!TWtli,Jiuian sys tem. It as more imWwiAr 11W.V -v.,.- ..: 2 tics,Uhan any-other orMnMitlibs ifalecU- but, foivmrnsit trill c&&i&L & iWudeKMefQr drinker t Then f?. and you lawmg, and like a:wise man. sprI- fth.M.'' lief you 4 !sa' much desire, where -others situatedlas you are, have'fytind'fo- u:- r ) is our ; ueaiw impaired In Conse-! queuce of Uuhcaltl Digestion f iiF;'l. j ir' ' ' "Fourteen yeaii ag I was left by a most- dfalighant forer; ; with: a.dBeaWl Liver, , ,a disordercil digestion aqd aon stitutio'n. in ruins. ! 'My physicians pcrniitr rndence ex in discretion would be fatal. .Two yenfs;a$;o metA'our Anti-DyieiWtic Pills, and con tiding in t.he accompanying . certificates of resionsibIegentlemcn, whom I liapjen t 3tHov,. I tMk thein according to directioiii. 'The "'result is,' tliats I now eat what I pltuise, Ad' wh'at I; please, sleep r soundly, and "en-1 his, it gives me ileiisure to say you have my thanks, and . toadd the assurance of my high regaroV fi..; . . a,;.r W. K. 15 UK WELL CO., . ' v, .W hojesale !'5fc'JtetairAgcnts Vi ! f n- - Springsj' Corur; fol)22T' ,.: '.. ClwrlotUv,& -C - m ' . i. ' f ..A . .- '. ' . r : J PHILLIPS. , Hdichant Taylor and Clothier. . . V Under Centril Htftel. .11 HAS receiveil ' his first installment' of. Spring (Joods Embracing ail the latest novelties ami srvies or gooas ior nifiAS WEAR. . S;!fr- -. - frfi?. rft!' OF THE IOJ?T FASHKXNABLJ3 MAKE ,;, . , . AND BEST QtrALUY,4 J; fi MADK -fO MEASURE ANIUA FIT GUARANTEED 'OK T H1C 'VERY BEST .' MATERIAL.;' n - Something n'dw : French; etoh Shirt-; !n in a great variety of colors;; ' 7 ' SPEtKG STTLE HATS, : fust receiveil. Anll is sr)Hc"ted and 1 guarantee to sell as low as the same goods urn be bought in this, or -auy wther Market. mar It T ' . ' '. . - ' - CANCER CURED.; - :, - :. ' Hi". ' ' U BY Dr. Kline's Wonderful Cancer Anfi dite winch estroj-s and ,rejU"ovs- the Cancer entire, without the use of the kujfc r the loss of blood, and, at the saine time verconiQs the tendency' to cancer" in the lystcm ! We also treat all forms of Chron ic, Long-Standing ' and Obscure Disease, with . unparalleleil f success:; 'especially Epilensv, or Fits Rheunuiitwf. vNeuraJgia, Asthma Scrofula ai)d Secondary. Sjlfilis. n. or anriress ' E-' H. vlBEKse, M. D.. Goldsbro, X. C. ' A; Hi LiKdlky; M. D., Cliarlotte,' : ' J. PL Bestlky, M. DvSumter, S. C. feh 4-2m - .yn ' '!:':( JAM I X Y F; A' V O R I X E , SIMPtIe; F-lClENTi pyiRRL UN: SURPASSED FOR VARIETY, of -uses, and unexceUed by any other, M A J. Wl L, BRODIE, Agefrt; a Office iri Baumgarten's photograph" Gal- ' ' ' v. J . . feb 20-6m J-rU-:b frirrr ? ti CHARLCTTEUf'MARBLEi'jWORKS. A : CHAHC H AVING rertiovfeil ioy stock of larble thmv old stand near the jail.-aim formctlaeo-partnerekip, totakeeffect Feb- -i,o w ofrf.li iR7S, Arth Mr - vtvanus Mc- NinclC with the view pf enlarging busi - ness, reftdtyasfc eonTinuancB vi stowedoifnier'"' ried ortlvefeaftr1 A. &8. McNittch ,lfeb23.tfK THRESH Extract Lemon; and Vanilla f f P t ' Tsfc i?neftiveL . I vv.,.yW iguwf, ne 4rcr,jaimost .. always suffers with it, and usually shares m the retribution. Have i. .iA in n 1 ro'-'Vy 'l"! "I"! Willi cure 1W1U i I TA 1 v kA ' Vak- rfa. Jk. ,1 Cing i.lOQK l:Uteneai nutl h5b.iirMlS'm tli-UrtUkiJitxhf : :T"Vii-'f-j The busiheswiinbe S2i5 'H:u06Bbies: Bacon; SMes Shoulders, iitill its, bmnchesby F; fi.w " - . Ji.r-r.tOOBarttlirSilgar, .angraaes,','' .wg.iiPw,-f-ji..;i;i-.-r - . x . rrfta3QiBoxesjUheese n jf "j;, : -j?v.v'm.ctsiiv"-- PAPER. , i 1 oiJnu : - JttStBeceivedn nSKlURWELL CO' .: ! AH of which we ofi;toUehanta ad i lfcfnrravifc Davis KVetyrgc-ind l tHr ,r. 'tlill.: f i , ' V ' J-armers upon the joosUavorable terms of f,tt.iyHf;4t ,!;.rrK? trif; .fsMP Wjut-wnkmti.U Jirfsh Potatoes, warranted sound, good OF. J til X IJJA :,4!-i'T ft- i j , - W!fmm:J Ifaft , iEducemeiitS; In order Mvtnj'':mktr''fdr HEAVY BPRiriC STOCiC9 will Jell 'all bur ' 'i, r T- . i-' -.- ; ' ." . '. i ". U : . ' I, : ' . ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Ef STtly etluce pri Touratl attention WfT?; tnu1 . Stock of Fine jDresR floods, ;:SHA WLS, FIJAKNELS GASSI- -MERES -BLANKETS, ' - ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' - And alt kinds of Woolen Cfoods, together with a large Stock of . READY-MADE CLOTHING, i which we will sell Tery low. n 211 i ' McMtJKlt AX '& DVIS. '" 'r l : ' 2 " ' M s S-TOT jif ni U U A 41 ll !;! f AVING greatly increased Ins , Stock of i IX FURNITURE , , which consists in lrt ot ' ; ' Pnrlef j Suits, Black; Walimt , " Pfiintcd Chamber Suits, Freltcli nnii Cpttagrc , ;. Etedsteads Spring . Beds; Dureaus, ..... ' Waslistands. Teapoys," Folding: Tables, Ladies Work ;TaIle,; , Cxf etisiou and Centra Trbies; Whatiaots 6afer, i'J Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses; Chairs and Stool. of various styles! and many ,::: ' i AND g' S SSSZm. f 5 frf'lnfmSiSi' thed fn the most aTtroveu stYie,wm oe Kept constantly readr for use, all of wlnWwM k...u ..ui:- ., .-. Returning many thanks for past . Errors O' V ... 1 - - 4 . 'I trie a call before purchasing elsewhere. Smh Trade 'Street opposite the'lklarket. Ilonsef Charlotte, N. C " . iijaa lStW73-ly t F.M.SHELTON: J. M..LKAK & CO, ' "No.4',branlte RoW', Opposite CENTRAL HOTEL. CHARLOTTE. N. C. uctiuershiHesalQ and Retail dea!- ess iti Manufactured Toliacco, Smok- ' lhg Ttihacco, and Cigars of all ' 'lrrades. 'Dialers in the abovegoods will do well to examine oUr sUn k before pur chasing, elsewliere as we .can oner greater inducements. '';,, - jan 14-tf . .... f ... A. KISBET & BROTHER. ARE Dai'v receiving ifresh suplphes of iROCERII. CONFECTIONERI ES. TOBACCO. SN IT FF, CIGARS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FRUITS, PRIZE CAN DIES. &c. We buy for CASH, and select our goods with care, all of which we will sell at the lowest price for CASH. . ; -' ' ' " i wejeei. very tnanRtm to the generonp stnei attention to the wants of the people ' V?! 'iiii A ' i i. .1 to sun euuuyue 10 iiiwl tucir apprutoi,.. , , Onr Stock' is large and complete,, we tlatfeer ourselves that we wilt please all that give us a call. feb9 AT TIDDY'S, H ' 5,000 TAPER BAGS,.! lb.;, 2 lbs., lit , ' it . i .1 3 . ii u ; It 5 6 .7 8. 12 irw THEJJO OK STORE. ;.feb,2S , ... Dbin PAPER SHADES 3ES assorted SSl; U.j(miJ .iGO tonJ FIBB SCREENS ed, TRANSOM PAPER, in great variety; at TIDDY'S. & sorted grades, sizes and Colors, at -Tf .... nTinnVfl,! 4ijfeb"2 f. T7 ,-.V'; ' ."Book Store. ; 1 iiiil ,. - ; . - j - ' 0t Writing laper.. T(ReHXfSv fi "VfEW VORRjH inl and sold at 5 vnnif TIKRALD. Received Daily cents each, at I inrwt. rrsiMHU-fnllv ask thA rif,l7iPHH of I i. hA i..., .i... manufacttmng power vi'fei.. i.Ui.siTjv. t;. Forale m any tnu ?fl-H .,"ViY??l I nikim wlo Simm nil , -n-T Itn QnitllAllV 1 lOr COOKIIIU uurinw?, !"- ""- 9 r oft. .-virnut'fu l Hi '-Vt)l- : : 'Jut: -fi & :,r.- : r I H! ii'i COOD FDPJ1ITDRE ! 1 i 4 S4 f .r. . Tbadk Opposite Bem, Brows & Co DjtT Gods'Stork. " . ' jr-t.. ,'.r r.t w , . . ... ' "rt J ir.; (.'' - ' : WHERE WILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING KEPT I A i .1 FIR ST CLASS; i EMBRACING : hiCluirH,'. VTables. Jfcdsteaas, Bureaxjs,' ''D??essim? .j Cases, niafdroUes. idetoards. BwfelCaes," Desks, j Hat "Racks, Etageres,k Vliat" JfAtstCra.dJes, ,t. . , , C'Fibs, Sajes, Tet-aTetcs Solas, IxJnnges. M -ALSO FINE STOCK of Parlor .feinnture, Dining Eoom Funijture and Cliambrr Suits, all varieties of stylerand finish. This' llouse also kecpfera YfiH'stock of Sorinc j i "i- -Beds. and Mattresses, and ALLi MET And Caskets of all sizes and styles, of finVh, together-with Mahogany,' 'Rof ewodd, ' ' Walnut, Poplar and TMne 'Coffins, froru the pJainesbn! cheapest to the :; tiiicst Octagon Cases and Caskets, with.full glaasSitops," trimmed hi.. the most elaborate sty le, furnisheii w'th nfavpin er jaoun- tings. Special attention givento furnishing Dwellings. Hotels ' , and Cotle-es at a.smiU-a.lv.ihco on MANUFACTURERS' RATES: ' .( CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING. . r . i -, ; January, 21st, IS73. .... , ; -OBT- F. D AYIBS Off. B0ABDING. n. qif RS. A. ,W. MIL! .P is prepared to ac- OJA- com nux late Per rders with rpoan and ds, or with meals pn,ly,as theBoanler irtaj: desire., The build mg, Gray s, on the comet of Trade 'and Chirrch strebts. is a new. one the rooms are cleanly, cbnifort- abhr. iieatlV furnishad. and well'attendel. Vv.-,i The table is as good as the market will Tertns.most liberal, to suit clerks who ate waking for moderate salaries. jarTl-tf V JEXCELSIOU ! ! vTHE BEST IS THE CJIEArESTAJ.!. f O P L A N, T E TI S r WE' Offer the following ' FertUizert -1 V "Patajisco Gnano,; Cliesaieiike G uaho and Watson k Clarke's Super-Phosphate. ...i-Wehave jileasure.ip again tendering to oaf armers ie arst-ciass rcraii ...... - & - . . ' ' TO those who have uswl tliem so ijvthy Tc need only say tKaUber'B a h.vA:i 1 -v ..r IV ' f T i -1, f n toal will con vmcc theni that, they are i suucraor. to au-ur-iiers , sti n sku ?ure ui a i- f ? -r I nni.li. oa flirt ffMlQllintitml) nvi'DPflu f I w ii-ft,TAltr ml rmoai ii'itiri in vnnr .Arnor Uitity. bv 1 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10. , : , . i SIH0NT0N HOUSE. "f)::,r !: :0: ;': ;; :0: ' fnilE Proprietor of the' above named 1 Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call oil --.him. i when theyrvisit Statesille. jHc will spare neither pains nor money, to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and Worthy of public patronage. 1 , ; .f T.iA.' PRICE, ' nov 25-tf ' - Proprietor. FOR SALE. J W. WADSWORTH liaat his Livery , and Sale Stable, opposite the City Clock, HORSES and JOULES for sale and kept constanly On' hand. . nov 30 ' ....... :4! Eor Sale. TWO Acres of land adjoining the City of Charlotte, very finely situated in a rapidly improving neighboYhood. Will be sold entire, or. in lots $o suit piuxUasers, "at alvery ieasOnabld rate. Apply to , m .- JOHN T. BUTLER, j oet 22 Opposite Mansion House. Apples, Apples. ELEGANT Juicy Northern Apples. Calf lovers of real G6od Fruit. Onions ate o yftr tine, .ordered by the solicitatloho I Irish Potatoes . EarlyJRose, Early Good, each- eatmar or blantms". . fc -..u.-r ; ALSO, ' ' r , i Buckwlieat Flour and fine Yellow, Rich Goslienn 1 Batter . with' caratal Factory Cheese. ,, h : JOHN F. BUTT'S, ? Jan 22t.j Market. rt i. rtkiEsn-ABitiVAts. W. H. H. HOUSTCIN 6s COS( grade for cooking purposes. STUONS&ca t. pu 'at '1 i ID. Mr. -. -ill:"."! f'l t nl? lit v, tl o 7.' 1 if! H:. ! ri i 1 i: v. ROOMS, PTOHITTJIIE HOUSE. I A- a Large Assortment of 4 II wiwir.T ww II M IIU'll . "v 'N rxy -vi C BURIAL CASIiS JUST- RECEIVED AT s C A li . u S ' D.R V $ S T O R E TAPIOCA, MAQARONI, ITALIAN, SAGO,- - POWD BL'K PEPPER; :, . ; - - -i -, FRESH SAGE. j : t ;' '. ' jan ol ; , ; ....... j!. j Y. bbtce; General Corjanissipix, jBTerchaxit, , s CIlARLOTTli.pv. C. ; Particular attention .pad to ; selljng all kinds of Produce, (.'otton and Tobacco. Highest cash price naid for Cotton. 1 - All orders from a distance ,4proni ptly at tended to , r ' r-: J 1R Cb, dec 21 '72. , : fn"nelxMlefPeaiV)!rha.) uomisejLior ?tt . J-aw, s No. Wall Street, ! NEW YORK CITY! WILL attend promptly tp-pU profession al business eptrustedi to him Refers to the Chief 'Justice antf Assoqatc-Justices of the Supreme Court of North ' Carolina, and to tlie whle North Carolina Bar. fcb!8-ly !'-. tuij ':-. (1 ' THE. :L'AQ1E5. SOME -N-EW STirXE J U 6 T R EG. I V E D . BYr--: ... f-- EXPRESS THIS ITIOKmnO MRS. QUERY'S. . . hov S0i . --- - f ' . ' jan 28 LARGEIjOTSHOULDERSCARFSIL SON TIES and Bows alUColo at greatlv reduced prices; just received at? 1 ., imv30t'. - -m v ' MRSrviUERY'S. CELLING, MilMncry fTflftirtiings, and all Jj pur incy .and hair goods atgreatly re duced prices to make room for spring at ;.. -W XfTJS ATTERV'S $eed Potatoes. A Supply of the following selection ot Seel Potatoes on hapd to wit : -Feerless;1"- ' .. " . Early Rose,'- - i't,r V ':' . Early Goodrich, . Peach Blows, 'i-r'dh-lrRcas: -i-t-l ' : ...j Fotsald-bv' : STENHOUSE,: MACAULAY" & CO. feb l8 . Clover. M'Sefid; A Supply 6f Penistrvahia Red Top il Clover seed, at - - . . . y - ! STENHOUSE, ' Mi.CAULAYf CO. jan 9 -'T-. i-V:f: s Flour FlonrH mHREE HnndredSacksiEictra arid Fam- JL ilv Flour in store and lor.saie dj STENHOUSE. MACAU UI & t.. feb IS FlTFTEEN hnhdrcdT BusbelrJ Mountain Seed Oats, for sale by H .. ." STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO . :". ' FIHE' SALT, Wrs V;Sacks Factoty" filled SALT on hand J.V-U and for eale hyini i v . TEHQUS?, MACAF & CO nov27i hc?WKiO ..au;)-S!';:iH a-A . ' t;l 1 1 ' ni l H iimn. 'i NOTHER Car Ixrad'Of Early Kose. iBL Peerless and Goodrich Potatoes, "just arrived and ,for salb by rarfi $ i 'n . :;";.BTEHO:MACAlJ ')' ''?rr,if f.'wTW T?vTb Hear 0rleaxls Sugar ?iidlJIolasstj Iff Hiheadi- BHght'Kew,idrleansvfeuffinw.: X10 Banteaoicel' A -Moliisyesi AJsoj 2)HcIieadrfDeiwiaraujtii store and for sate' at prices to suit the times by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. ANOTHER Lot of those .fyie reiellants for' nntemroof Cloak's'At-c,; just reciv edat ; ;. , afRS.jQUERY'S. RATES OF A lejsquare one Bme .. . $i 00 - two oars i 50 ttireeday.. 2 oo II rj - ti -ti it fiyVaaj.'...Ui.r..... 3 00 one week........';.-3 so two weeks... .iv.... 5 00 .three weeksY....w....v.. g 50 'one month:..Xi.'li.:...';.-. 8 CO , JSJ, Contract Advertiseaents , t&tii at proportionately low rates. ' , . Five"Bniarps jestimated at 'iTqaRrtcroU umn, ana ten squares as a half-coluttul.' ' ;n i J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! 'vlt NEW GOODS. Wiitches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES . -. : i. . . - - TOO NUMEROUS TO ZEISTTIOZCT. -AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE Till; MAXSIOX IIOUSl!. October 22 j 1 U - Authorized Capital $300,GOL. " - ('(,' f:r Jas. Turner Tatb, President. .f Tuos. W. Dewky, Cashier, ' '"1 F. H. Dkwey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under . Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Iaws of tlie State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Baufcinjgr Business.. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberai Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject 'o Check, and will Allow Interest Accordii ; to Agreement-on all Deposits lett on tinie. or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of in Eight per cent per Annum 1 1 ' on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days: . : Gold and Silver Com, Bullion and old Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. CITY RESIDENCES, rjajisrrr lots, AND DESIRABLE FARMING LANDS, IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED. PARTIES wishing to invest in such prop perty on reasonable terms would '. do well to call at our olhce . in the Court House. ' ' ,Futher assignments and correspondency solicited. GRAHAM & NASH,' Attorneys, -Charlotte. N. C jan 21-3m STOP AT TIIE KISTLEB "KlOTTS'E:, LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLIN A. :0: :0:- West of the Court House, in live Motz Hotel Building, Opposite,,, , J. C. CO B BS' S T O R E i 3 fcsf W. HACK will be run in connec tion with the house. 0 .if; Mks.DvII KISTLEJt, i mar 4-6m Proprietress.,. . " fob sale. 1 i A Lot of fine HORSES and MUlES, J( ih flcndid ordcrj At DAV1 DSONS LiyERyBTABLES.f Horses and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly. ) ' no JR-tf.;:' !k:'7? LUBINS Extractst., assorted, Low's ICx tis , assorted. .. . iv--vK'BroWEU.A CO. .... lfar''30f - - J , ' ' ' Spring's Corner. ... 1.00 Boxes Window Glass at - Wjr 22 W. R BURWELL &C0 S- THE ; 3WJ j I bursting of a kerosene hun p. mar 22 V W. R BUR WELL xfc CO, - -s