r l 13 if V fc-.. " '-'J, nnrlltAt. j 1 1 1 . , 5 1 fTttfta'aAjl 5 1873. upon t1rrpast-iiistor3Tfrtbe present influence; ttej'rfftile destinies of the Arizlo-iicilriacS.starnps himat once as a man of more'th'an ordinal y genius v.- 'jV fv " "J" remarkable intellectual force and vi-J. Igor; n is une irwpvo ..fww.i "r World luteiy incomparable ; the Anglo-Saxon is the freest man on earth ; heVs the only man, whei is frea frpm rvhe wa the iist tdf tt,ro?o4'Jh most active, jenergetic tindom itable, .have dcstroylhe fruit rosfecf for thls'HelrSrr ilc ections pf mi cotlntry J .-i. ? claimed by otherdeeplli inkers. T.neT ectjv erita' of ?the two races Eeoorts from various . points in the butb !adcate that heavy .frosts CAEOLIHA CEHTBlL . E. and influenttal among human beings the leader in everything that appe u---. ,. -r-x; viilration. croirrcssi nrtrftTiiraticn of the r"Crfir K. IliVtuo 1.1 uisuwu , 1 TO., , a ..." . r J . .'t andnligiiriment. I , It undsr itidetcIsatUiti Tbfl lflrtnrpr rlnimgthflti fhftn- Wit'.wmtwrtwr: WrOa-Attfil Q8. 'Th j 1 rrv-wi r -lT-wtrv Press L30Ciauwu.ii a ,,''J? :ii f Vflegram received here; from f oft I Bv tie Southern aid AOantlc line. Gaddy brings , reports of ligh ting be: I mnft-fppl"Tndinnsk in the interior." It V ;r&9? MWSMmO rumored that a lai p.er of XX ill VI A VI ( - - . m - . m . . . a m m rich scholastic attain mentsk . organixe to- Th New York Directors are H. G. iderdQQk; ojter Wv Mat eiT8.lt jd Cj rTEoartk. Hi Hi hp nraltiftibWi ,13ireetbMis &. N. ' IT i " i 1' ' M SLEGMPfllG HEWS; Latest Frcn the Trout ka Union of.Baturciay contains Hitkhifti THE Hi DI All fAR. u ' liiLi, akp; atd Matt. Till' LiUUmiVAlL JliiiLauibrJBiiig;itaa.im'ilu,viirrie TOi UOliUOWAiu hCCUESQ r fllrlher- trouble in, ions Qif Sort te&Sob y beAiirericttn: w Wo. x-w 5 ity ""i robbcyiUkJn Jbidastldy by U o.rtrvvfhitflippnrfi scattered authorities of PcimsjlvanvVri t vwi 1 about in smTr-:parties. ..At -VmT'9IlteiTtf5oVtalll jryoi manKina. "atwavs: nTovecr Wemvfar tne worltf. not lor wcai Dut ior ,.mmseL thoueb .the law under which rEast . , . . . .. 'ttt: a e report,! .tr Mflf it ash language ?s apt ken wnereveruu so ve nearly eYery.qnestioninvolvedJIf m' fl)iat fit : -, i . ... luaMWrfAiuAfima uiifei nrtrfivVi cal Candidate ir-.fl?teiljto4AfiVftl' f HigfI?WJ chrpcteana I6,Saxon is rjod chosen aposUefor UThe Board meets in New ork s aefiiuy wtpii6-r w evanelinnff manKina,. anu unugmg ne ween iu eiwK;... .wiwu" uWm vmiM it luimmr'ii vmcsi xmjk rsl,uri A-r t f fJUm whirh every Anrfc.Americahy"ti &rai"- TI i TtlWt'JS tSSS SLi 1 is proud to bowt his descent are at, tOoa'abepaTfTAWr ....-y ntfffl V JVr candidate for Goycnor o" MassrcHuslW. .v -oilii Jfflg oiicenf4JVikWaif facis trtined by inyincibleargumbniabasd . r ,'A0- ToHIeiSrVa rtr gS liandlosic of tne severest Wtfe can e4- rt iiiSnntnh1e facts. ( Washington, April 26. The case j-n nfrSAndlv friK&.in Ari4SMiMAntMhJa the rrC i . i u j " - i - ... ii ih.1 a rticii was umm.vj v - - - r w - - .- v v "k -.4 t lUblUh.lo vih,o . I seating 1pyy TO' 3 KHi8Mt.L teWlJJSSa a i' v: r- ivtr n vgj:.-; . .. ; u tiviu nn v. tore tne solicitor 01 trie jreasurv-jn.r, v i ' -.'. i'r..-us xknAt. . . - .,1 i 'tri !i;&iabl&fl: and.thewonderfalnroereas nnanfielcl. It involvea 2.18S hafei of M .Wr1 liiKBT 1 support of tlx i Arguments are trulv Saatiofcl&toity.vV .gives SS Washinglas Jght .slvannah. ; i V(-J wonderful, nd rbs whait a vast to IIon'iVm.AvtH:ahaniue oHor. . . HainWeton as j ""Xmbn $Sy p" I The famous' W(Woh:trial haa ended., deal of. thoifgTinct learning has bf inaugurating the rand .move- represented, by Judge Pi errepont, b fk - U jJfvrf Wljiva L Tlie srrike,oCthcriswns and gas menm ln hronrfit to bea upon the sub- mni. which ;baa tlrla-reillH & MLwhwn, W .ir.:,, V-, i L- - lnnily; He alludes to the indiffer- g.. "0 "qSe : ' ' : , "Z i-h Tna ? to theaMkcitS : .-.l , . ;i lEJiu. aa ict. . aw- vk. - - . . m m k m. x tr it a-t i tt inv nr in 111 - 11 1111 11 r..iainii .... .,. - i. :r '"f He tclfSf -ns'-wwre tnewgRnituijevfa7HK!' vwrrn-TToiiljOffisiiinnJ. re-pi-eseTitciDJOiaier par- u ' ... " 7J.r:,-r. .,-t . .v '' i . . . ? . u. n.Ana Kv I t.hp.ir mvn "preat hfenf aJ" infi nedl loKfiola fttrKrv lAMit-x hiirt iivf tbeJirb-i. 1 SivlrBivfisno.Anrilr.28jThe I I lIiS -2iil?IUIio?nlestab- Mr. Binghani holds to the opinion Iceeds, upon the ground that some o; niAins oftGen. GMbymv reftyfe1f J I w4iictftfr1a greai taet'W bocnesUtv r A i fej Wrt&$h was purchased from them- :aisfbitedda-yfj ibekig 1 shed,: T4MUeor nS aurrenttbat that the :l.nSifln langUAgpjtsfpi m AlpM m Th Gdv lV kitm wf Maiurawiciii,y ! teas Taccr is laemrcar rimfne juosv delays in ' arriving yh&e &i&ttl.$l 'ff.tbi "iii.'ft'rfi Yffr- .ottt?-itI i Cincinnati.iaand'cjdadvantageously. to the strilCBrsl .s.-:--l . rirPirrral Irfdi'ati butbrtaW; fs1 feared irt , 1 :.- tin h-brAtrttl ;:-i;i1-:tl fonerouened at J DettMi fe cold, and bvxn- J...V . fain nasn.ut-eii ciiiminiAsv now CI (I: V --" ----- ---s-. vg...- ....ftT,...ir.r:M,.-. ni'j.- up migrations,- ana lias always souguvr ft ndt iorntbe FrA Yesterday rffiilttes arose in t! ;.rl -..t.Vi&'JGn.unon" salt " .JY, JificJiibO iwwux 4B?fHj',5H- .C; .;i?iSH rriT: -nrriii 1 Anglo-Saxon' to , cnrisManw,ntr emnienf rnalrist, .,(as.i;Ians, ami Hi'"- rig"r CY3TlXfU Ln&i i! fiJWg' W VfVr whiter UfHeHT(frt&frnfiH4l iatlthe: aucin sopinsauces rasin.y, iwHjmrjweo.-. S It w staterthrougn .tpe I . diHeent arvcster in the lield i , i- . . m ; i w w i i iiiriiiiuir 111 nur 2E. i.iur: aiiu auz.iAB i rw 111 a & r i in iivj -- 11 a rmn JLiLikui . j-v Yi1!.0!.1 1" The Germanjl the Frenchman, the ana,VJ5is 0f the law and facts in the knbervaldalle relics hate been nnod lii: ..t i;irltr I ll4f to llo J. -J.i-va . J ' lv's A hni nmiM "-Aft 'Im'-'TajIs Mill deferred 1$ Jgto 14, ieciaHax 14s t 15 ; bid f H rJaWliThjfc dirkC age)5 Hs - jrii- Prtls,;n ni SnflnrfrrdstArfbrtrliek f nebtlifl fdie'Jin which he denou gration to the salt waters of Western whiie ; the Anglo-Saxon accepting I tfifetottdn agents at the - boutn as a reeeh forwWddthe British musi Europe, ana.ots,finU settlement ;in tbc n6e mission of eyan-eliwne the lA"r - fehfr a&(nk 'Trio i tndprsf4lieJriAj;.t;pf ngiauu .c uwuiiM , worm, aiKl rwea.wim nuuu?ow lecturer gives vivid and somewhat h)0rs w.ith Wi;eriitrea4ia0 ";4aM4 the lawiitoAvriersi fluuiuxuua ucatiijjuun i hic IWOrK OIU llie CraHQ'uesWHBliintuviii'i ners and characteristics of these fe try; their' sacrifice of hu man victim s. gramV the Almghty has given 'himem.; V4 UVIIHtUUVlfvl 1872, thaM be restored to which j their habit of destroy lngdeformedror i .weakly ifa.nts-, tnerr fondness for the females of other tribespaitd their love tjpilaTTdad--gtealitig -wS' fiaxoiyracexlxei tionoelbf beine the: foremost havrbra ofthe sea. Thieir ;ed And to this supremacy on tue 'sea is greatly due. the yasf pjwr rt ;nd influeni6ryieli I acamsitronarof Jnd now: 'uad'eKXHetr 1 '.. i,-'.-.. J ' 4tiijUJr f.WI 111 Hi' eontTOlAtistfahaiithaii as Mrai, Tie Pnhlic DeTjtof South Carolina. StV", in fair demand ; Southern intr in trip rinrmiiA misxinn rinsTi " ti: t. rs v....v...i. -.vr"-."" - r i iionr lairxvauesb o win, uumiiion coiairr ... & ... O"" . I toil. XllISS tX. W. II1B ACW iUlli l' - i flrf. fi; r4 nnnH nn aF h . M . I ZlViif . t' , X . . , mighty aggreative genius, his mig inventive , genius:'ln.?yigorww -sma wwera wwwsa u uiy ?dation in fact. Gen. ShetnWA hasUnd fajlli7itoUi.WdUeataiidM ,rA:,J2Ari ?all .nouaanaoiwa3 -wortnuoi qfw frpauentlv dbaiard.lua. entire eohfl- projHsuons dulfc-i C.vVi :,UU' M . V which he iseowc by.the nnri'pn.nin nmi.n nnnnii nwnnn nv f ' . . . 'tk. .r. -f.' nce the deamoi uen. uanby.; their attornevs: Messrai iD'. Hi Ghftni- r f 1" beriairi andto PCrfrtlL a ,Th hdada ' ! H f lOBB. i ne uouuy itssueu ior t ne reaemp-1 Sad LOSS 01 iife. .vyer.hve giTen.Jutj fnaketch of the subiectt a mere outline. 1 o prgclate thfe excellecethitr mmbiare: tioh bf -4dmo eWabl4r 2. The Pi April 28, Satair 6lMif)sldiItit4c iatifia impressive forOKf ft tv,r :Mii;iA'irfh a rt, day4ncht1are occurred S two- miles manner. i - . bonds issued for tb6 relief esof Ir"Binffham ie"fbu nafaf wKoaias hsvflmarua haftiSfihoSli esja bonds vfSGlW TheiandgsMnniis- New. Orleans an Chicago, and Life rejM tBada, jin kh; av. a$t ma i i . The territorial progressiott' Of the that 1 Soil rhtii.rt-it.v 4Tfe-ltiSi?jt-. aisy- v.' tTJrlr S$be vestigation by the courts ofthe State a "Power to- rdl1so tlo low nff.lv tn tio mn.1ii nn larttfcitD-dav Be is the cood master I orln.-h!iffrtifltyfa!rr a ,A' t,a t,a - : Leul V v...n i.wjrwjwv suuaiCTilflica HlilUUt; lll'J (lineal) BltlUll9 aim UWU" uurainuuuis uuuua Ul litlG rabfenfiWI of p tyert'agS theArrglo-8i3comTGccuteied His rare iritellectual gifts are nobly vestigation by the courts !-dr iMaWfei iuAr' n . bWo5eW3iJ3.1 -St. ? " U SWs rf Jhad aeterm nedl firs hia displayed mi tne lecture on tne An lCause the leVoftkoh among th'i ripest scholars and deep trrifec.fpr,tim as j j aUuprafiVepTed 1 .TvWen,-br'bhefo the most earnestlawtnghJypri'g The Roman, tW mightiest- mart of Z. ' j b!r r iiii." x Mr i-szr-- square m ileSf-apdf liXOW.UW m eq. The Anglqaxpn has been jthe - A waiter m tiaafola-4cwfttra irk ?rr. Journal BAVn in regard to Goldsboro : gressive. warfare or land as well as on K tJ.tYrr -i - T urWl .'Jtl TrJ , i j -. I decided, noi .to hold fAir' at this .:'v-- r'-M '-v J, . point a u ring tne iau. ine vaiuaDje 1 scahjis conquered more' .territory nutt.eucHineu uiorenaviOPS.! ije -i4u At.--- ; . ristwaMiit 4.ooo. imi- t .r.v.niwt,tHe;,wngest:iiivnierACji, tne 0 , Mt'ifarajvs.IUr-i! - , aborigines'bf Imfitf . the Abyssinlajld1"18 h&t ChnxlotU will not 1 1 t nti'A i i,o . c.,SH r.!onctalAerelianjcej1of having no aiUim:itonXfl6CltQD: Majtir BHigb!am irt : fm o7 ffciTrnr? i-i m EaTeurh jis.Virbinc .rurtit" ahead r hln'dj with ft: i iLtAiri uitf .-t, .. ..... . . ..f 1 1 her : KnifuroIlT'm'ill vnifttrtr.'hpr.iirYPi'. rv of tfaVGonfe'deratHr Rnld ipm ITTp also gives a novel reason for Hie su- , penority iri'pomt of bravery . of kin . Southern Arrriie's Over the'roriliern ,Deingcbnth: true; and original., r n tit 1 -i "a He notices the imfc.hUif J bo4 MWWB4lwflJiJ 3 - m-- m wr f . w. I W til WAAKTlta inra'l''! J a t ' XHa he,Ang QXontla?gager JJ PK?P JSweJAiki bedii SF? lished wl79$. He has instunt, refusing to . order the " ' U4.l.t...'l'l!L... ... i.'Jl uiaurtu.,viwlj ijA.lccs, ill: w1MXWUtirelm4S3 he fcM4BSB8fi'g , i ! j t i- which he was e ected histlaiHlie wasi .wt-lCr . AliBliilA. .,?f??fn,d?,P? le4Ka'rfoMHwaer - the levvTbr" j ivu jru.uuiicivwi ojMU'Mp 7 I " pirviii pyv? 1 i t , fill- I. .:. est thinkers in North Carolina. And, christians of thi$.comtryW j$hfj? -teeal and valid ' iYesterdav Messrs. Chftmberlsitn aftdjCarrplf malle an dtgtrelial fde inand for a tax"levv. lor ""the', siimp "rurposeTto be ; made .on or. before neXt.ovember, in oiijnction witn the ceiierni lew. Vh4itirn and wait UlikeiMselrefused. The obj et isl to UDUMrra aeiinct ana lormai reuisjal order to lay the . foundation for Ithe ihstitition.ofaletral' iproceedinrra ; lo. enfor'ce.ttre )eVyv;i Mrrt .nlnci,. . j It Is" undefsloOd ifliat' the ' Dartiea property of the AssociatTciraTidveTrr " PPy i Ve supreme Gourt on L - jf . f r a mt mm L . . I H.I r ti t .! a ..- I n a wM.i M . . : 1 fiisexnoraaie to awsry: a -mortgage t,1 -fV ft' t-f ? - :..J: ' ' ' .. V . . l- . ueeipts. faRhescaUday W! A iOW'Upd. to tfate iV$93,it7x?.15i0d. ' -4Blu- WirectOrt of Che AugqstiV anf , suiik I c ' i ini i i : 1 r. rhtfDMlliA'DAn.... c ' ii1- ""I Wfli ;.be..-xepre8(4ntjBd ; by :tf brper- Mm 4 hfIy?rojallit.t3wK j. resolved to donate all tlfegroas eaijX in:lhJoKetp4rV'of tlA,(wuiity;6kr Sates, clondv- weaU.pr fuV..4t.rW x KieHro!t. BwrtcrjDAAST. i w v v viiv vniii ur&Li itnii n.k nji'.ii .K08aiTA(iiiSi: tUU). At eigntno'cioci last evening the ateasbrfthat wllfitrik'eeYery knePoBaWOOTIeSM 0 .u-ii-aui.'w tisTM I Quorum-was Present : thp. honomhlp ome broncht in .Minhi t.n-itVi rVCoi. " ii,"J,i t. WWVr ffia'gwages ; and 4U plrity. pf adppU idgll .that ,is;"good and Tceiut in "' own;-AlltheH angriages-pay jtri-f-1 "lt PPtyJangukgithat'AS k iinitj iAl . ..!':.. , .v uas no uiaiects. . '- Th lecturer ntlie Ankle Baxon the first place .ftWoih'em'ei: ' ' of the Wortdjp.rnViio - . i 1 1 And M., coloniser ; he rdacea him , : 1 !vf;.first ifl Titerature.and- in the-vigor " - considers bis inventive rfti ftbn this 'defdhet bod rtfl n srHis Jftonpr,. rthe f Way or, : v?aa .ft torfiePifiia tvlii iay! the fUttefal dirge. i vWdjirept atten,tipn.io thetcard' "of Jf;W'P Davidsbrrappeariitgiii lo? day a ' papr; Though Vpposing j the nominee e the-ConventiorVof i the ?y?ntBta APQijrjtqg j.fJbhservativc plafofm.-i The contest promises to be close and lively." V' '?;! 'A I ' 1 Uion in Cbf: 4 -Tlnd theyr are ho :iitght dispatches. BAD HEWS: . - . . . - - ' w . . V m - - mm 111 jute wrujua-ivounuingoi two oLthe rai flinf i f f f l? "V A tppears that1. Henry Motley Jr.; Biqxposea rx naa sifncient cause to suspect a nTanr named'PriestTvsnn ngh4 iArtixagf;iunjself with his double-barreVgun, charged with buck shot;rMley wbUrlo- the field: where Tvspnw at-jvork ploughing, '-and not'himxldwrf; oriechafee entering wiv. w. oi Ayson anae qUiqt? his iicu. ;. auoi lev xneu retnrninWfn hi lq me iapd-"re-loading )i is -j gji nK . gaib? -3- Dissatisfaetion with Gilieni. riiir8T0??&ril 'httve1 i-achdJCfalifornia sta- 0B I ajie'Atlaota JfraWjContaitis the 1 lowing compliment'to Bill Ar'ri' i i Matt. O'Brien-4"--1 . P H "Mr: Matt. '(yBneriJt'of Au., one of the most wonderful! cartel ing Bill ?Arp' new. bookihich 3 - . .1.. iL 1 : WJ V.rejmy.r H r(.ii B .press in, a y months.-.. Jlr-.O Bnen. has exhM the rarest tal ehtv fas ian amateur ? signer, and is paying" especial att5 self to;- So some thing-ruh miVi exectW-fWbardly juiow Vhil W JU-x JVV- wa vf,V,'n AiU a Ipff, . i i ... . .... . BVribdsly 'consulting iis to'tlie nicja r introducing Christianity 8 1 pinnTa AgricaffurI Works, 1 ! . 1 ' Tori. '. 1., Agficuitanu laiplcaienu 1 1WI 1 Mt. ft ; IHa&BRM, BROWN & CO ..W MESSRS. "WALTER BREM & Ca.Chi Evj lAte?H;'0.; GenerdrAgents. 1 J apl 28 wSt;. J j i . 1 ;l v . , ' IttDt CTIOIV OF PRirr ter 'An llTEJhavfr tlvis day? made a reduction it Ji-.e Retail pneespf Hardware. EVf t Mjpcaiiici lft rniei apd consuim-rs of Hai f ware'ot' ariy kind are resbectfuUV solUi tojcau ana examine our biocr, as vehi a ooi selett ien 1 for the Retail as well X ;tbelWhe4esale Trade . : Call and see if iffUjesare nofcJow entMish. fl tf 1.VAJ1KK BliEU & CO, KirtUt fttvrip(i.t 17 t iRLiiira to 17. kwter..I?ir jrToVemmcnW.qfdk. and Sfiick'opened shatre hiffhej.nt4lter i s - - . . .. . . - ; ..... 1 r ifKSime cejxtssm r yfK average aeqnne oi onrrClftt;, Ftffct4 r; rjottoii: quiet f low niiaaiiiv toia- S. Csl. 25teV4?eWiiy-.! irteis AnHt 25 bid. Central Pacific l03lV Western racific 41 : Unt0 lirst 86i to 88f. Prjoyisioa Market. 1' i -CSottpfi quie 18ijLqw nuddjiings 104 mfcM flunEjupjanqs; Galveston--Cotton steady1! eobd ordina- ry,15i sales 400 ;receiptaI5U . J Orlea$Deraandgieiifralljr moderate j Ix)w niiddftngs"17;Mid1ing3 lit; sales 5000jDrowip;a,5triU:jr:-:'iI vT'A''-- MobiliSrTDuli - and uytto: midliis jlg j sales 40tt; .recipts,l347ru ; "Uuh iiSavannah'Quiet, midnng ISi ; salts 685; receipts 793. ; n-.Vfr Charleton-Qaiet4 iniajings 18l4sales -ltmtorilhidtfngs' ht I 95;- J . MbhfsFiViu, Low middlings. 171; J Lroeeipta 1,552. , Auuaia xwot, iutuujiiiip ai j: receipts rn 'itoyttireHjMOtrttrer seiUng at rjihrjHce-; "fwii3 iyb ..i- ? "ir : . rv r. '...! ... I ......... ,- , -m, it? r '. VIENNA, April- 3.-- ne Suspension. A Mt-iji:J;'--,.v l i - rif t.lip : a hi PMi'n rfMAYmlfU -...; 1,1 cJLngtpn uistnci; last coiiuiiuea to ue ine ieaa n?. tome m iheoloriwIalaStl Si sot-ietv. cQieral- pending: thepresent investigation. TO011? 1 V m ar g5 r 1?JJ QPsPracy i?4tel3partajte4iqthe price jf r",! - lJf"Vi w,;e aauweea nour in tnaL market has been jeduc- n in Licai. iiiciu .. in ..iiin..iVHM in ti.ii j wi ki r-a i nur -v.. - ..-v--..-- .." . Hip ir .h.mi -I, J . .. i ,L xxm. Pelioiine. one lesred V r - -" i v aaiiWK'felf off the rone WiK neV i i.v a u i.i v"rrvr . a m m .t uu a. . .a. nibnjd Switch, and that orilv twentvi accideri.t aoow.sw'ed jft -nibst fearfwl character,A7ttearly; all the roaengers .were itamothe doat. I the n f lraii6ad comDanv has a list nf tlfpir A Oeneral Indian 7ar PeareXriJldkie theiritort nu. x iipnonc-no-vvetnana'a: list 'A il r MoWroi; CivlLJoii t W8? n-t h.e train, complete as far wore-soldiers deeded. . f. as possib e. and of thos mvp n0u u ashixg lXJHADril r 28.-GftriPral then theyilrfcrmw: whether tWir uwimw nFvsrapiHtjreiJi onerman ihv m.' vjcuppru; uy- acciaentor last night thatvaome of. the Alodoca LnoW-'If this corDOrattonS i1 whiS ' - . : ... . . : i .- , ; t t . r ..... ... t . l- . - - . weiitTonjthfrrviivHineetiitj? t $ H f,e" 5fey: P9P,,C sentimeht Jon uiai. whocwaaHntlhe f fipldvwSt.f;4liyHi. mw,w r-itp ver.covintry. v wuuujutpg mis miormation : Tyson when he was shotr ome tf e ddea..tlit therei vereopm1 ? :AMtri(anm-JBtt(feeto.( a-WAT.'AA:-.'iii j': riurenieniD? eviaeneeaor uti-ftut hrout-i ; -; t..i. Heavy Guxs.The Lbpdbn John Dial, who3iii in the field with Vfr?'i-&eWAi;RA:Ai.'iiii llhreatenincf evidincp . sf htWttuKrooV shot Dial also, the load .passing in at J : '-2 : -. l-3 . r.-.i part -op theatoroachin:frOntJcreating 7 i0e?' .V4' Pavjhad .airi.v.ed ; at a wotind.the: tUlt' or wlvich' is aa Dn rancco:and nad been .ordered yef,;Hincertairt. At', !astxfaccoiintaJ T? pu! V-0.0??1 PPssi "eiMier m iiie,parues.8not were dead. . r 4 4 T "r rnt butthercharacterVof the woUrioT of J ; J-iZ 7? t. " Ul.ni SLI1I1 IK 1 . - f I , i - . .n the-handi f-the sherifffbrthe arw uestntcUve rU.CAariTitioa, , ... ..y. tiAuus ui iii(7Bueriaiortne ax jest-of Motley.? There are (the, facts of the case as we have heard- them. . ui Mp SSTAv JjP08 or-uneasiness f he "PJjW tliaS tne woo4Wiohs iufa,til!flnirf' TTritisK r fMAwwiuTJiceignasoaota and - throws ?,.8 hA?5i5? Pounds, !Fhile f vS Memphis, April mA - . . iiu c in r xsi-w i rnA i vmhw; unc ' axia him wi ai . " m vQOUDL BIlhRt.ftlfttial w. k . u:- - J L : -, - . ' "J- I KP"WU "a meflttrft.! tolaMr 1 lMiv... aisu. lufc vi , Call Pr- Wtrlwl by-reanatirrrthdrn;; lge,d a car load of Liyerpoo Ihi porters and Jobbers of Uardwait fL i TiTTPTirnfoTiTn aiJliliMlOlilU If, XrM&Sfrr&$;,. iilopn below MercM, p - ! -' andiF(trmersr''iNat ionat Bank. AGENCY, Advertis'enieAita- received for J V4 paper In1 North br South Caro iica an rjDusn ?x's lowest .'is ni' rates. Business-' men jwillsavetiiue. trouble money; bv doinK their ad vertisinj; thr-if thiai.gepcy. .yit-: ..'. . apl COUNTRY II AH1S. 'JJINB'io.Ointi Hahis for sale at m' tMAQIIXJ HEATH & SCOTT apl 20 i tin Is: Sni: bat! m the cei ,et . Yam Potaif 4 O C BtJSHELS at. the best dd refajyed arid wr sale. ' ,You can nt a febod dirinei00 them ' these fceace till even'if you 'have not lring else; at I 5 i'tlilFUUJaLr; LUir. UcLfclL. & AvlIAM is - selling out Ins enf apr2? c 1 Ce Jo 4- 0 X i-.frvLAOI.ESi ITH&VEUSTECEIVED a I ti StOeK f DREiGOODS, very p J ty aiVdiieapl CaM aiidlsee tliem. ' jf:BltKM.BR0VX4(C r 4 EACH AM la BELLING OUT 1 ;ilLBot)ts aiid Bhoealit Cost, for Cash 1 , jBtcwk of Gram Cradle?, at t ALTER BKfcM fcC08?l 'apTffJ. hrt,; , , Hardware Stoif Id TCTlJiACttAM'S FOR cheap "v-anaciioeat. . aprz ;..S"-.. ul;IlTinicfoai Election QiN ;IJ).IDAY the 5th day of May, ! f an, election will be . held at the l H6use?.ri4t1iWkfe;.l?. c.. for May the-ihtV'of Chartottrf -utld three Aldtrl for eath Ward i tlie city. The folio persons.are' appointed tidges uf thes vlast Sworn? n -a- v.- . . AyEL'Martinrf Jr P., Register; J J Sims, W KMyers, Judges ofuMa ,Box. vy ....... . f Aldemietfs Bbi. Ward.Ko 2. jCGljtjboyleajAjICreawell, JuW ;.:M trringer,; JohhVogcl, Judl? 'Alderinen. BoJ No 4.1 , t ..?,vi ;jw a: young, f . TITC CAT TPTTnUT 'ITVt? I ?nP A TiTM fTlHE copartnership, heretofore fX f between - the . nndfirsiirned. udop name and style -of Graham & Wty the.city of Charlotte. N. C, is l.litjt " irln V"- ' tkinii4l.'ivmiit. 0B' .... J inuuvi . . . Williams, Jr.. having purchased peji wa hi iraue inciuuing ri jrixtnres, L$nd Lease, as well as counts and motes due the firro, the.payme.nt orn claims sgamsi u Hei ..'hiftV h fnrttSil a the saiuestu. piedhy Grahaiu &" Williams, w.berj m-1r9 VU11 AC Vl IJ CHI VAJ AV business against the late firm. . iwi id tARCHI3ALD GRAH1 .ii,t ! ; JOUN'IX W1LUAMS, ApnL24th 1873. , . ... t!rn Order to close out I - will se". tiro Stock of Groceries at Cost- iu tiorrof tbetradeis refpectfully inji' . Democrat and Home copy 2 Oaw pl24tf LBS oniie very' berffJJ U0U i just received, and if S 5J 2 Y V r r :i t ii il 31 V 31 ii ai L 1 7 " " i. - . ' i