7ry-Tv jja" vr w iX LI"- IaIIa AhoainrAi The iiiiariu ' . 1 rZZZ 111,171 . 11 t I T - ;u i;iHTMo .ijiTz:i7oj hates oW&tMW. ;t r ! J TV M l AO Office, Bryce'a Building, . Trade JStree. f f -GXSMI HntnMnrrfJreraTS .? 'I . v futxr daaMU ... 2 JL KATES OF SU IPTIOK. Daily, One year advance, .?6 00 ivi1 d Lnth in advance,.,...., 3 00 Ol ffcf Iff it two weeks... ........... 5 00. itkreftWeka.w.. 6 59 Tcdis. in advance, l 50 j "",llt " " ' ' ' T" iTiuTflTTii i 1 '!-' f .f ; , ; 1 ''jl v: fmtfae6 Adwtit -taken at .Yoi ftrf?,,Hrr'! 'f mfd 4itaAVJA8 UAB - S iJ ,.,iiv.nii tui.T n'- n- " 1 1 ?J "T"i "'- - lopHtkiMly low rates. . f i s I f , , ' J; J i i One monui, it. "V,r "iV Mie veaf.:..'.: ......... f5.T Weekly, one year.... 1 1 ii ( i, i . .. . i i , .. t: i if V- II ... . , . . - '-'--'1 .3 j ,'t hi t i r i 'Hi . TT MERCANTILE PRZEAIOHi OF flEW IWIVih Tie bn . Daily Drawinljll; a PRIZE FOR EVEyf3rjC5BBT,i iCashGift, rir; .n .7' (I 1? Cash Gifts, q Cash Gifts, 75 Casli Gifts, 300 Cash Gifts, 200 Cash Gifts, Mft Cash -Gifts, 400 Gold Watches 275 Sewing. MacbiHes i 75 Elegant Piano I .n. 60,000 , .25,000 ,000 201 200 . J(7?rtosooy - .Ii j- to, 150 ' Kt X . AAA C'-h Gifts, Silver ware, Taledt$l$Q0,9GOk V chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. Tickets describing Pn?ere led in Enveioics anci wejuuixw- HJX yu.t nf-25 eent-s a sealecLticket is drawn ,.MH,mit c hoice. arsWit W mai! to any address. The prize pauie jxpwijw, f deUvered to the ticket Jiqldcgiij Papen of one dollar. Prizes .are,iniedjte m to any address by express Qx ujjiniu,, You will know wnai ycUF,-priwj .eqr vou pav for it. Any Prise ucIMLfe nnnther of the same value. No blanKs- Our . HMi.nn nn I'ur iim inir, Opinions of the 1'eess : J? air aeaimg can be relied on N, F. Herald Au. distribution. H orW, "Sept 0. JNOt one of the humbugs of the day,y-H'effcy Tribune, July 7. They give general satis firtioll. Slants 2ctmi(u.Ai&rr IIkfeeencfs : Bv ' knni-irtiussion we refer to the following 'ranklin. 8 ie,J LouiyvilIe,drew $13.(XJ0. .Miss'IIattie Bank-f cr, Charleston, $000. Mrs. LqaifflT, Blake, St Paul, Piano, 0U. Samuel V Kaymoim. IJoston. 5?").50O. Eugene P Brackett. Pitts burg, WaUli, $,100. Miss Annie OsgHd, New Orleans, i?r,000. Eniorv' L Pratt, Col umbus, Ohio, $7,0001 ; ' "T ' One Cash (ii ft in, Ayery pi tickets guaranteed: 5 tk-ket 150 for Ajrents wanted, to' wluirti we'orlw nberaf inducements and guarantee tmtisjpn. Address. ' --"- . t -m r -ww j-t. w- 'fc" s ft A zuo roauway,-. i mav 2. 2nios 500,000 , .Cj4.SU OIFT8 TO BB TAlnrS FULL THE THIRD G?AND GIFT CONCERT IX AID OF THE ram l V i.-iioT.WSfi am- vv e can conndentTv rom . A Killer. Toronto BatiESf we knvfr cHpciuai ann- speedy K. PAifr Killer.- f ! S PaihWex5j .het H?byiciafc. Mrfel-1 Montreal Transcrint. i j i. "ji ... ... t uuiu uaruiy iteepnouse witnout it. Jul 11U Should be kett in everv house, in readi ness ior suaaeu attacEsfoT sickness. C7m. wc jer,oJMa,mf4 such .unbouiid m&Mtihsim. ,-'-t jf5-?. fHMi i U ..A . - - 1 Jtr-n; 3' . vti st- Parlor ait, JCla, faUjCJ 5 Jart-ffst'.U M i. ; r 3 - c inch jind vCf t rr rriT- - i-r it i . !(. hi ttpower i 'WofWerfhVatid unemualed irf es, Extension f Centre TatolesTTlftirnotsrSafes, I mUHFIVTSH ElAICHSHfH I1MH Centre Tables; TTltntnotrSa 1 .1 i:rt ) 1 ( . ; , ; i i f i i : l. - , -';' 'i! It HlUlilll . ' TjAVINa greatly Jpfreased w.fikIfetrecfJiVeda New York kt SHRIEK'S TEMPLE OF FASB? aju SX.u.tjLuJiM;, wiuuu. annul nil nm sen v prices wiai, uciy cuiuucliliuu i -t irH? !;-';.; f i? "t T"':: ' . i J! G GOODS it: i-r ' !HoHStcicklJftQU? Filruishing Good?, i;the Largest, and, ertr brouj:ht tbMlafketi SqcU . Ballou,'s F. Y. Shirts, xsai.: i tir l.i 1 1.. VS. csl.-Ti. J- Finest, that was known to be I i.:l,'v. 'Tfeail6V, Yttti& J".,iiJf thCbest fitting shirt. in tlie 'Worldt-;.AUb, hfg Stock" 6f tlWer-shirts, Draw T ' II . :3 M 1 ' , t it Georg$.Jkdervtlss fr,.,n, J 1o land gfools of variotra-stylcs an,d 'manrJ is extensively used ana sought alter as a otlttfrUAuWfWaeeaHlArai -n.f.I n.lS-un. r. I CU T , T. . . r I i rrl t.t: l i 1 t a . . I v-r j frorrtffie -c1if)estdrlaC No medicine hatVoftufrtd such a renuta- Finest HexJeriHta vjJid.'FcitlWalniit tion ; it has real merit Jkwport Daily News. Casket Half Glass Toprfinished and trim med. iikjUwnaiipiwriPd styfamiwnAiipt lfiran4 diypiscl it, for tli iapt twenty I coiijntly; rea4v Car "nse all of which.wp' years- i.v v.-. avv rr rwf f lcu'AMtt The niostdluVbl Tnedlchic noW lit trsd TekUJTOtfa)L a T.! .h Jl: i . ? nl It is really a valuable: medicine ond us-4 el by many physicians liosUm Traveler. vpralways keep IT vnlete we can put our hen Is on it .in.tke.'darkif need be. Rev CJIibbard, mhitdf." Jii s ; One of the few articles that are just what thev pretend to be--iirunm'iek Telegraph,? lUjiiiy inouuutiii inivews no lucuu-iiie is of sxi universal applicathm as xaiii Killer nVr M1JPmt!(, Ihlnnhh. : T iEimv DA VIS & SdXt -v 't M,XF s; ASD PROP S, 'lnG'kig'h dC. Pnividcni,; R I. " Ill Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. 377 St Paul, Montreal, Canada. 17 Southampton Row,London, England, mav 22 eod Int. , , Will be given in the great haft bf tine-Wore ry Building, at LouisviUe.un Tuesday; JnljrJ 8, 1.SJ, at which time Peji ;Tliousant V'.iits, j amounting to agraiui totaV pf $oUU,uUU, an cash, will be distributed" b.'fot. to ticket holders. No reduction' in.' amount of eifts at this distribution,' TuT "each g;irr-rrt tiir :j r..n -f paiu in urn. LoutsviLLE, KV , April 7; 173. This is to certify that tlier is in the I ar- mrs' and Drovers' Bank, to r the,crcdit of the Third Grand Gift Concert for the bene- tit of the public uorary,oi lvy.xve nun-, drrd Thousand Dollars, which has been set apart by .'the Bank and aidout for this punmse, and this piirpo.se only. ' - f' (Signed.) ' 11. S. VKECH, Cashier. RICHARD ADAM, fu JUCIIMOND i 1 ' th,Stireet,' Below Hain, (Branches ; 51S Broad and 1524 Mpii.) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread! dikes ami Crackers; Whoftesaleand Kfailii, IJNo clutrtfe ftrr deliver jt jOf, Gooos t.i J5qaTSrfrtf Cars, .No'ChaiMjBrM, eiuay ly. wm LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash ' Gift:........:......;..$10O;:t0Q One Grand Cash Gift, ., 50.000 One Grand Cash Gift,.........: 25,000 One Grant! Cash Gift, 20,000 One Grand Cash Gift,,..:,,.. 'A,'..:. 10,000 One Grand Cash Gift,L.!..,.:......,.1.V: 5,000 24 Cash Gifts of &L,000 each. 24,000 100 Cash Gifts of 300 " 30,000 150 Cash Gifts of 200 7 " . 130.0X1 6!X Cash Gifts of 100 V 69.000 9,000 Casli Gifts' of 10 "' , 90,"000 GRAND OPEilniG V ' OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER lar novelties of the Season, together with one of the LARGEST and most HAND SOME Stocks of Staple and Doinestie DRY GOODS, ever seen in this Market. Our lines of GoQjJsyjj yery department, art unusually large, and bought since the recent iSK&-Q:wm. ewSW W.t rtepre sion in the Northern nioney'market. In Total, 10,005 Gifts, all Cash,- V,. 500,000 Only a few" tickets remain .unsold, and they will be fumiishfd. to the. first ufyi cants at the following prices Whole itick ets, $10; halves-$5 ; quarters, $2.50; 11 wholes fir Srtf fHQQiT&jtf" $1,000. For tickets and full information, apply lo twos e, buamlett;, i may 22 dtTiw 1m Ldufeville, Ky ;. ' EVINS & B0MAR, Attoekeys ' aitd' CoryRELLois j At La,w,' spartanburgs. c,.':: may 22 l73,i lilt i CHARIX)TTE If. VT 7 Trade Street, 2, ( ikft.ft ?(W Merchants' and Faqifyeftfi fiatiqwi Bank. Advertisement - received t or; any paper in; Norittttik5 Una at Puiiisli'er lowest rates',' . Business men will save time, trouble and w?ney:by. doingitheir advertiaing through this Agency.' 1? xi ir,n l pplr&h i C O JV c objd jp.tr M . - ipabiisMd:keekiy3ition j Chas. F. lUEEivitJlrfeor, Only $2.50 per AnjiUHVr 1 'IT a iaieandincTeasihctrtatl6n,r it one of the best AdyertUing Memums in mdred Copies are react every rorth Caro- l weoty-five.Uundred Copies a: week, XiyUUe,bcst families' In liua. fHHE Handsomest and ChMpt Bfock'ctf ;x MillintTr Trimmings an iFancyGoodfe in trie? rrty.The Idtes mre-;Tequted calt an4iVxamin the Beautiful Millincfy arid allr. the Latest Novelties m'-'Fancy t i i ... ..- "wb at very Liow jmces. Hair Goods apl 2 1. QUERY'S if ' Ltite MoU.itiiin PoUUOei., ( X BARRELS of Fall Potatoes;-eiceUent f for eating, or late planting," just reoeiv euat U. N.SillTH Bi 4uay 23 Rcturnin , most reascjnable price.. k g manf 'tlianks'fb'r1 past 1& ivors I tnnst resnectfull V ' ask the citlzefW of Charhitte and' tMrrouriding country , wTk4 have ed lor anytbing'tti 'riiy lirtcfto' glv nte a clbere piuruhasHig elscwtterti - ; South Trade Street opposite., tlwi Market Ho,useCharlottefcNC. ' j . .,. ' : ri U'l XS7&-ly F. M- SHEl,Tv'; ' j - i j lit 1 s - . i . . f ' : ' F. SCAER, to C era i iU". Uv "I ) " i M CHARLOTTE, Prescriptions prepaxad at U hours of jUxa. Pay and, juehW T ,.v.'i.iiWu6 ril'Ui 1 Clioicc Grecr nAOlack Ten, ids, at CATfRS junc 29 Drug Store,. FRE$I1 SPICES, : : 'JnWfateetoeA A: kt btl Select Splcfel w Pldslesttpreserres, e st"i r.'8CAKR'& -Mune-2 ?TirwDgniesi . Pure Salad Oil. f , , Finest article in Market, . at F.SCARR'8 June 29, 1872 V .. Drugstore. U 9cs s jindj Cp.laj jcantrbp, (sjirpassed- in- Qtlaif;jSi3es aA Prices, i A-r' . .j..,! r.,..-;i . ..... ! JHjs fioK .of ilkpsirMr; ifn4 &?aY?F Hats and Caps are the very Latest SySlcfVhsq and will sell themiJUawer. toan tfle Lwpst . ,;w, !f: NEjcat wear. n..r':'l ,v tiiifViri alwk-s find otrt Entire Stock Corhplete, of alt Qualities, Orades Styfes. ' - . - - ST YLES OF SUITS. and-Sty GetttthieScolfcli Fmck and Walking Suits. 1 FrW(Jhand.iKiigish Diagonal -Coats, and Vests. i J Trecco EuUs ui all colors. . - M "t A 11 1 y xrencn-ana American i.;a8eimerc onus, in aa colors. ile Finest French and English Broadcloth Dress Coats. Fine Draditta Suits, &c, ' TtT.Tr juir. o rT;jiL "to TvlHtitft v n ' CIMLOTTE FAm 5 : !."-f.. I :!i:-.JKfti i J 1777 : . .7?;i f!t:T ft NEW GOODS. .' f-.:T .5; i.:rff v7! 1 Watches, Clocks, Jewel inffiamoiids, 'Silver 'ii I -1 it -. i! 'U, , and Plated Ware, Spectacles,. &cf). 4-:: fill '.fl -ii; -STYLES OF PANTS, French and English DoepSWin Dress Pants. t French and English Ctfssixnere Pants in all colors. ; Fine Assortment of American Cassimere-PauU And a great variety of dther styles kt. - "VESTS. French. Jroadclotlf, Double and Single Breasted. Draditta. iDouble and Single Breasted. White Marseilles. Rouble and Single Breasted. White Buck, Double 4 Single! Breasted. a5a5dlain Silk'Je, warn boxes AND MANY OTHCB ABTICLE3 TOO NUMEROUS TO IMZIEISTTIOIS'. AT J T. BUTLER'S opposite: the mansion house October 22 TBS BAlTK OF IXtCKLEItEVILQ, CHARLOTTE, K, C. 1 our DRESS GOODS; Departuient may bo fodnd . i i ' lilack ru mT i X aney apa MWSr: uram , : , Silksj Grenadines, . Bonda?iu,esTi Mobairs,, Alpacas, Lustres, , '" " Lcnocs all wool Delaines, iScrges, Japanese, Me-1 . 'hinges, bilk : 1'op- " . u j .' fv t , Uins, 1 Batisll ; f ' J.T.SUGGS, (Successor-to CoR and Sugg) Trade St., next door1 below Merchants' A ' Farttiers' National think. u deaLek is : i . ' -GROCERIE S.fc. LIQUORS, WHOLESALE T4; KEEPS constantly" orf fiarfd a large and well selected stoclTof BACOX LARD, MAOXjERELm iFLOTIRy MOLAES,-8U- GAlt, (K)FFEE, TEAS, SPICES, CAN- D1E8,, SOD AT -SOAPS, leANDLESv BE- 3ARS. TOBACCO. &c.&c. ALSO,Vornk Wheat, Rye, Oats, j bought . and sold on commission. , - jan l4Jm ' I niosi resnectfullv Intite tlie citizens of Charlotte' and the vPoWkj m General to give ine'a call before purchasing elsewhere a I guarantee not t lv nndrftlrl hv iiiV4fii ' " .. . ... ; . ST Kem ember that E. Shrier's Temple of Fashion is the only,bne-pnce Authorized Capital $500,000, Clothing Hduse in the City, and all his Goods marked in plain figures. Thanking jou for your patronage for the past year, X am t , f " . Very Respectfully. , , , march iJ6 ly , , : ; Dress Linens, Pongeerslins, LineiiLawus. Pues, Ginchams; ClrarrtDraiS, c, Ac. Staple and Domestic , Dry , Goo Depart ment very .large; ana com piere. f White Goods, Dfipartinent largeand attrac- Rlbboni Lace1 dnd Trfinpiin tfepartmcnt Hat, Boots arid Shoes "departrtietit etn bracesl everything lUsdiHy. kepfr iiv this market, . A fcpJeadid o$K..of v i i - ; and Gent's' Furnishing Goods. A .laTjq aidwndson Stoc.pt runits, n pauses, t-rfaiarVeStind fcneate'fitock'76r Um- breMas'arid PArstedls ' to be' 'found ftv the Ciryploi".""' hfi i.nhnii-xl A .'rtitn OT UrttlUKlLAY; fie DAYlfJ. TTT .1 J1liS'- "ft iv'im "TtTrrrrrT A. B. NISBET & BROTHEEi jlRlf bagy living jrestf.inppifaof TOBAOCOi 8NUWlGARSitMSKAL INSTRUMENTajFRUHtfRIZEAi r We buy for PASH, a leetj oWfood with care, all of .which, we svill sell at the fewest pKcijor CAS.-aV-", ' t We feel very1 triarrkfu the' gerferbus nnHifi tfearitoast i yatrettfwrer- and hepey strict atttnliDiuto. tH; jtanlsfJheiiMiopk teMi,optjrtne to iieetueir approia.) "rtj i 1 I thatgiye uS atafll. ' - . ; .HP if f 7f C ! : Y h fi 3 -il I Z t 'A . r f fVf roii!fi Maeazhte t .. ' v i IfeXadvjs purnai: nm Harper's Bazar in everV Monday toornyis. All the other Fashion Bpokajrecehteil soon a ISfeueuytt wmDur& NORTII CARjOa-INA FLOUR, OKA SACKaFrhrpjm4 rWhfe k , FAMILY GE0CEEIES. i- Trade Street, neart door to the Post; Office (i Sign ot tne. tepjfant.. , iAi Fresh Lotof Sanaa ge. j Mince Meat, PoxkButteri Cidkei0Er tK,4c. r J? FLOUR a specialty. i - jEr Produce sold on commission. " jan 3-ly N.E' W F U RNIT TJBE . : m m . - i. dOtiD FDRTnTUREI CHEAP FUnillTHRBl! ' ,.- AKKIV1XG DAILY AT i,; '.' '.' ':, :.i . DAVrDSON ' S FURNITURE ROOMS, TrapsSt Opposite Bbem, Browk & Co's Dry Goods Stork, WHERE VILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING KEPT IN A Seed ;Pptat6ca: A . Supily of .Uieafoilowing.j selection' oi 4X jSeertj 'ptawes on fanny io, wi .; ' -."Early 'Rose; ' 1 '! !r EiWy'GeKdrfeh,; 1 :U: - i Teach Blows,! ii j ChUi Reds, - i , .For sale br, . STf&HOTJSE, .MAAUJ -; t feb 18 New Orleans Sngaf and Holasses, CT HorahtasTsright New Orleans Sugar, O 10 Barrels hoice7 ., ".-MQlasses, f Also'2Hehead Ihrata Bugat' Hturtim. i4TivKl)-j Hfclasselfi store ank fen-sal at prUtestdsmtthdrWS by I OTTHQUIVJtAtVaJjUAriik OQ a TT7T HK Al I. LV A4itf& ijididi'l : - - TIDDYTSba DemocxaLandH.qmopyJi weeks, apl 10 . AWHt)tJSEEPEB .i-iriT&liflntyeroItoiue; hvrmhkHA cseai saiinBteSaeted ol i tt yUV soon now and get one or more, as they are something 1iwiehtran"weii cored and the nri thiiescal Ulii-acwii when good things to eat areacarce At : OUU Rna-ramfly; Flour jdst recejtcd STENHOUSE, MACATJIA-Y & aplll " n MiT;r- ifrYftclFhitotj -d -O R, NISBET fc BROul hayUK? JlCtf if A,iredjd ini Bp,kr$e 4ot 01, very, line. tuacjBrei or jwMijt , vps,, wholes; halves' and quarter Barrels, ana kits. -j Call and see us before buying. feb 13 pi as CLASS 2- xm I J FURNITURE HOUSE. jiin 1 EMBRACING ; Cliairs, Tables, Betlsteada, Bureaus, Dressing , Cases, Wardrobes, Sideboards. Book Cases,, Desks, Jiat iucks, iageres, n wfi w. I CrUw, 5afes, Tete-a-Tetes, Solas, Lounges Mirrors, Glass.Plate,., Ac ALSO A -v-m I- , 1.. . tr - 1 .-'i'rr Fhrfe STOCic bfi;pKkfr 'Fhrniture,I)inIng Roofn Furniftne and CiyuuW Sdits, aB varieties f sty lef and . finish. This House also Keeps a rail stock . 01 opnng 00 J Jieus ana Mattresses, ana a large absotuiusd ot ' Mil METALLIC EuillAL CASES " I . . 4 ! i Walhui I'opffrr and Pfhe Coffins fronr the plainest and cheapesr W; the . ! ; r f i i in nVOctafeoises and Caskets, wftli fullgTSss top, trirfrttaeo! IW 1 Sfin-f' r. 1 ' r;:tumo.anaiesxyie,iuEniiieu wiwi ikivohvh ... ......... ... 1. r ii?- IT1a - ol M ;Mpges at, smaadvanccMAN tiff . 3 -u arr r r rr,- T'7Tm, vi JaS. TuKfKR Tate, President. Tw.i W.. JpJSWKT, jCashier, t F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. at xe i Ageing qotjse of TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the GeneraJ iAssewbly alylly erganiaed under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact f Rnnlxiakfr IlncinMa. and Airnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The hank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and Will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Ueposits.lert on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate' Of ' 'IK y, WW -ww vrna mm mmmm on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. " 'G0Wjmd Saver Com, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. , , THOS, W. DEWEY jan.'ll'Sra1 ' ' 1 " Cashier j- j , , , n 1; : 1. ... : .. . . i STOP AT TOE 1 MKCoinro, worth Carolina. West 'f the Court Uouse; in the Motz wwlxs r?t .1? a...a'i.a C. ' O 6 B B g ,; B T O R E ; fgr A ItACK will be run in contiec- tioa witk the house . . ; . Mas. D. H KISTLER, ttar 4-6m 'Proprietress. NEW! YORK HERALD,, Received Daiiy and sold at) 5 cents each, at mar 6 FUREFOYT 73SAVP50jr.' ni. Floury -Flour. ' fniftE:Hmndred'8acka Eirira and rar. oli Jilte Ji'tourm store-and for sale by ! .' Ji'l' 1' i 1 . i in j, ; :l i ; ) .1 EXCCLSIOIX!! iito ,51ivA HT I? R'SVr r j bus. nftkut'M tiftiiirtr-i j-?.nt - : itTn8Tpl8br,t1fesRowing PertHiKteriit If Patapsco Guano, Cheipeake Guana aJKt, watgon ofcjuarise. w DuprrppspoaM!. wTio VeWf them so1 mativ TnwsfoAlysay fbatthej art guar: mean naauy op wr picww bltaAdartL .. wad in oiU 'to tam'r ti??rXlS tonsumptfon exceeds thi fttmtf&ettriir iMsrP ru :'s v i.v o. Jifrsahv inan qtCTrtityvy ' jm "'Hsi $ tn STHOilil?, jAGAl?LAXiCp.f r 0 sfoksri&2rc KdcMP is atvr hi t; ft iT',ui. j - at TmitbtvniH .oi '; ! STENHOUSE, 1UCAULAY & CO. - JfjQTHER . Car iLoad bC Early Rose, . ,v f:. ii rA . ' - - -i I m a m 09 rTvHE ITopnetor p I "l?TrO l s im -.m A liceLxesnfcTTuuy jnyitea me peopic w i charlotte and tne punuc eeneTauy m?,u v.;ii'Abw iifTi.vik-AJ .( a w. i orthimlWl T:iii&vi 1 1 (TLai4kilil ' tefi vBtatevilfeif He - . fc.?f ... m : Te ileitfie lilnf HoT- oer 'if iiwriv 0818': a very large ana make the 8IMO3T0X 1IOUSS WifintdcLn eieJraavtack of Readynade Clothing HOXJ andwiiioflf W emtoALL THfLAe .WU -iio'i'Hi 74 .oW yTWWf STYLES. . . , for yattfYgetable?; ;; P00( Good Uniorv count SUtiil) lu made, at FranUmayille. N. I antfibrliafe t-'itA. ' ::. "l- STENHOUSE, MACAULAY t COl T aplU ' W - ; A TEW Bprirtg Styles Hat J: JK U'-' ikLV; J-rris.if ii.m ; Om BKOOPMANITS. ' - RASSLETTEB CLIPS; at PUBEFOY'S, G- BAND Atokmntof Fine Lao- '