cm -A?-: The Charlotte Observer jjt-iieccvT-AixroiciT feTv ..'ft' FTTBLISHSS DTt , One Square one Hme.. 00 . JOHNSTONE JONES. , Office, Bryce's Building,; Trade Street. BATES OF SttBSCBIPTIOir. i i It M M v three 4TS.iv..-..... .2 00 5 flye days.-.w. ....... 3 00 . " - one week 5 0 two, weeks.;.. 5 00 " : three week3.uj.:iV..i.... 6 50 " onemonth.. 8 O0 CkaitractiAdtertisements taken at Daily, Oneyear ln iari ..$8 00 Six months, in advance,..'.....'.;AV..l 3 00 j Three Months, in advance, 50 vm. month. in'advahceI.i.;...".UMV 50 .v2 to ilM-n-i sMJ t;, tut fj(Lhw? r l i i I j i ir it a ii ii ill 1 1 1 1 One month, in advahccU.;..::..'....'. 60 ' y- l" 1 771 ,, t,,o-v li'-i;'' h-i.-. , -' i' r '., - , f, " ri : weekly, . 'CKLQTTJErCLiVSCNDAYv -JUNK 8; -1873.'. ' 1 . No. 1,345. Weekly, one year....... -.....42.00 i;r.ioi: i;,is f. t Hr.vy., "ti s.- . j,, 7 . :..w. ti ;r,. . , : . T ...rv;:;- .1 'r ' . . " . " . 1 ' ' "' : " . ' proportionately low rates, Jjive bauares estimated wia quaner-coi-umn, and ten squares as 'a, half-column rate ItlountaJn Potatoes. I BARRELS of Fall Potatoes, excellent i 1 for eating, or iaie pwiuiig, j iwji. retiy- may 23 tr , 1 v.rjfi 1 1 T. f. El !9 Killer J - O Tl t- f Nhif BACON I : BACON 1 5' n A i : ' 'We''cohfidcnlly.rniiuena'i&e Paiflw lot 01 very supenor 0 var- K; .t. the3nosift i Larze A olina Bacon Hors at STENHOUSE, ! apl 22 At Cost for. erv 1 SO efiTectlial and snpftdv 'ftPnin lor j Amherst jrfi 8. Gazette:' . -'-; iA ; -jj ! . 1 r our 4 own - experience is that a bottle of . . -r .w' 11 ' vs" -'i i4 I tm xviiier is me dcse ir 11 veician atravei- IV TEACHAai i -otwm A 1 ler can have.- Hamilton Spectator: , t . i 1Y1 StocK 01 xjvuxo oxxvyu ust rFor both internal an4 external applica for CASH. iViWltionbiYe found it of great Yaluc-rCtm. XISTLBB' OT733 J 7A medicine no family should be without, part 01 ' LlNCOIiIiTON KOKTH CAffUWMA, L, BlackiVillm TTAVING greatly increased! his. St6efef XX FUKNlTUliJS which consjaUuin t tfittK LARGEST AND FINEST OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES " I A-JPSVoiVhwv . HY 5 r fsv frti V? "Vrti-if V. a warn 4 a -nrTir 144, iwiu seu at prices tuai. ueij uuiupcuuuu, -:0: :0: Should, be kept in eye; A THREE Story. Brick Building,, with ness for sudden attacks of sickness. Chri$. M large and comionauie rooms weu jVm. J ; . furnished, on the corner 01 Mam sireec ;t No article ever. obtaioed such nubound nd in the most desirable portiort pf town, Donularitv SaLem. Observer. convenient to the celebrated Alum AVell ". One of tbe most reliable specifics of the persons desiring a summer retreat , will age Nirrihmu. - - ' ' : find Lincolnton unsurpassea anaDeing Its WOnderful and unequaled in uXZZ" accessible, wat nnaic mucn cheaper. the medicine chesUV Y Examiner. i I T' Deds, Dureans, ;: ' ' Wdslistarids; l: : Teapoys, Folding . Tables, Xadie Work more mar 4-Cm .Proprietress'. It will recommend itself to all who use it Georffia EidetpAieJ PICKLED CTJCUMBEES. Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses. .Chairs ana.i csiooi, or , yapsus jsyes ana , many i fine lot of Picked Cucumbers: just ar- I. rived and for sale by aprl4,- SYMONS & CO. Is extensively used and sought after as a I other tliirics not necessarv to nientiorii really useful medicine--Jcmrna, St John, N: J The tJndertkkers Department is complete tion No medicine has Acquired such a reputa- J Finest Hexigan Head, aud Foot Walnut m ; it has real merit Newport Daily News.J Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim- ll TEACH AM is selling out his BOOTj jjjl and SHOES at cost for cash, april 27-3m JUST RECEIVED, A Stock of Grain Cradles, at WALTER BR EM & CO'S. apl 27 tf Hardware Store. skept wilt One of the most usefal medicines : . have 1 rtied in the most aTnroved style, will be 1 used it and for the past twenty 1 constantly readv for us adl of which years Rev IFw 'Ward, Assam. I be" sbldt a most , reasonable price, The most valuable medicine now in use. 4 ., Returning favors Tain. Orgaii. :' I most respectfully ask tb.e; citizens of It is really a valuable medicine, and us- Charlotte and surrounding country, "who ; ed by many phj'sicians'Ztowon Traveler. have need for anything in my line to ' give We al ways keep it where we can put our f nie a call before purchasing elsewhere. ha his on it in the dark, if need be. Rev South Trade Street opposite the Market V Hibbard, Jsnrmah s : ,. I House, Charlotte, K. C .- n One of the few articles that arc just what jan lstl&73-ly , M F, M. SHELTON; - I . -. v mmm . I mUE .cheat and l.andjomejt Bn,bfoi- Z?ZZZSZZ-,'U X uencs, ill nf n i.iiimrffli r,i-t.i,m na J-in Kill-r. IllilV l) -I -n r tt r- .I. r l JF, SCARRy EVINS & BOMAE, Attoexeys and Counsellors at Law, SPAIITANBURG, S. C, may 22 1873, lm Tuscarorn Lodc No. 132 A. F. A A. Iff. Oxford, N. C, ) Mav 5. A D. 1873. A. 1 5873. J AT a regular communication of this Lodge, it was resolved that all ' Masons be invited to join us in celebrating St. John's dav, the 24th of June, proximo, in connec tion and in aid of St. John's Orphan Asy lum. By Order of the Lodge ' w. a. philpott; w. M. A. H. A. Williams, Sec'y. may 24 lm KOTIC'E. : mHE undersigned takes pleasure to in- A. form his friends and the public in gen 7 eral that he has opened a Lager Beer Sa loon in the basement under his. present es tablishment. Mr. P, Ludwig will carr on the business there and will offer, to his patrons besides Becks' celebrated Ijager, Sandwiches of different kinds, at 5 cents each. No liquor sold in the basement. W W VM'UPA VW Rev M 11 Bixby, Bvrmah. PEItltV DAVIS A SON; manf's A3f d' prop's, J 136 High St., Providence, R I. Ill Sycamore St., Cincinnati, O. 377 St Paul, Montreal, Canada. 17 Southampton Row, London, England. may 22 eou lm. RICHARD ADAM, : RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY:,!. . 12th Street;1 Berow'Hin (Brandies, , 51G Broadj and 524; jMain,) ids, at c H a Riatl eii ft. C 1 i mm i . o 7' ISIIOi AHD SUMMER OF 1873. Ji fit THE CHARLOTTE FAIR J, T BUTLER'S I ! 46. - NEW GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS, His Stock of prents Furnishing Goods, ishe Largest and Finest that was over brbuirht to this Market : Such as Bailout F,.Y. Shirts, known to be the best fitting shirt in the World. Also, his Stock of Under-shirts, Draw- HATS AND GAPS; june 1 lm CHARLOTTE ADVERTISING AGEKCY, Trarfc Street,' 2 ?oor Merchants' and Farmers National Rank. Advertisements received- for any paper in North or South Caro lina at Publisher's lowest rates. Prescriptions prepared at all hours' of the pY &nd night. Choice Green and Black Tea, &(e&eXe$peei4liy foi Runily . and Tnval- SCAlili'S Drug Store., Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread: Cakes and Crackers, AVliblesale arrd Retail, No FRESH SPICES, JrtstT reeved tV'totr.fOf 'select' Spice 'for elulrgo for delU of Goods to: Boats or i, ' V 1 ' P1 Cars! Ho Charge for Barrels. r A ftckleeservbsv&c'at . .F..6CAKR S . ;- Fancy may I ly. GRAND 0FEN1IIG OF NEW w - BJiAqyaALTpEpsi: popik lar novelties f fliA Reason, . together with one of the LARGEST and liiost , H AND- SOaIE Stocks pf,S.taple aud Doniestic D-RY-GOODS,- in! this Markpti 1: Business men will save time, trouble aiul money, by doing their advertising uiytth this Ageiuiy. -i Capl'-S C O N COBj) s u k':Y Published Weekly at ,r CO N CO R.p, . C, :, Ch.vs. .F. HABRisrEdUpr Proprietor, Only $2.50 per Aniium. A large and increasing circulation making it one of the best Advertising .Mediums in WESTERN N. C7 Twentv-five Hundred Copies are read every week, bv the best -families in North Caro-- lina. c eiz iway 28j;f UPXiilil Pf Goo&8 iiry neparljneht, are unusually large," and bought since the recent beavy; decline, caused bythedepres "sion in the Northern money market. In DRESS 'GOODS Derjartmeirt mayberourid 1 s , , Black, Flein, Fancy and Uros urain , Silks, Grenadines, Bombazines, ; Mohairs, Alpacas, Lustres, ' - lenoesj all wool Delaines', Serges, Japanese, Me- langes, Silk Pop- . . 1 . . lins, Batish . J ' ' Cloths, : . ; Dress Linens, '' . , Pongees, Muslins, ?.1 XaOXlDetr.lawns.PlSJftesr.j'-, Ginghams, Chambras, &c., &c. Staple and' Domestic Dry Goods Depart ment very large and complete. -. ; White Goods Department largeartd attrac- a . a 'Mi-. tive. Ribbon, Lace and Trimming Departmeht lame and attractive. ,!'. Kajsr ools !(and.hoes departnient em- nlarketi A Splendid J3tocfc:oi J JUST OPEflWG. FTIHE Handsomest and Cheapest Stock of X Millinery Trimmings and Fancy Goods in the city A The Ladies are? requested to call and eramine.!the Beautiful ;Milhhery ana all the.' Latest 'Novelties in jancy Goods at verv Low Ences. xxair uooos a specialty ox r ; m apl 2 . :MRS. QUERY'S. i'X. A ZlU U 1 SMI ii tie Raflical i Gai. " i puiaJSh , it-4 ,u j , ; u Drug Store, j Pnre Salad Oil. ' , Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S - june 29, 1872 ' Drugstore. J. T. SUGGS, (Successor, to Coit and Suggs,) - Trade Str, next door below Merehaiits' t ' : '.Farmers National Bank.. DEALER IN i ; GROCERIES & LIQtJ OR S , WIIOJ4E&4XE & RETAIL. KEEPS bonstafitiy-ofrhand a large and well selected stock of BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, ; FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU Ti at? " rnvpm.1 " tp.s-S 'SiSTnCtw ' CAN- DIES, SODA, SOAFS, CANDLES, K G ARS, TOBACCO, &c., &c ALSO; Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oats, &c, bougnt and sold oh commission. ' , jan U-Gm ' ' " His'Stoek 6t SilicV Fur and Beaver Hats and Qips are the very Latest Styles Out, and will sell thera , Lo wet than the Lbwest. " - NECK WEAR . "' Silk Scarfs, Ties and Bows of the Finest and Latest Styles. TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS AND UiUBUELLAS. You will always find our Entire Stock Complete, oVall Qualities, Grades and Styles. , . . :orm-Hr:; . gyES OF SUITS. t Genuine Scotch Frock and Walking Suits. ' French and English Diagonal Coats and Vests. Trecco Suits in all colors. , French and American Cassimere Suits, in all colors, The Finest French and English Broadcloth Dress Coats. T .X Fine Draditta Suits, &c, , ) STYLES OF PANTS, Frencli and English Doe-Skiri Dress Pants. French and English Cassimere Pants in all colors. Fine Assortment of American Cassimere Pants ' . And a great variety of other styles &c. TESTS. French Broadcloth, Double and Single breasted. Draditta Double and Single Breasted;. White Marseilles, Double and SingW Breasted. White Duck, Double and Single Breasted. ' Fancy and Plain 'Silk1 Vests, &c. Watcli, Clocks; Jevcl and ;.Platea.r Ware, Spectacles, Sc. MUSIC BOXES AND ; MANY ' OTHBiBTICLEa TOO NUMEROUS TO MBKTIOU AT j. tCbutler's ..fc. t iVirtaf rASTffi'illv invitfi thp. citizens, of Jhar4otte and the Public in leral to cive me a call before purchasing elsewhere as I gua lieneral to cive in to be undersold by any one guarantee not OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE, October 22 THE BANK OF MECKLiENBTOG, CHAiLOTTi, C. , BRemember that K Shrier's Terriple of Fashion is the only one-price - ciiniRfhOMO. , and all Jtus troods martea in plain ngures. -r. - -rr ; , f!Trt,hitiff House, in the Citv : " r . . " ' :..' .- . . l t Thanking you lor your patronage ior xne past, year, x am . " Very Respectfully. , mardl 20 ly ' Jas. Tubner, Tate, President. Thos. W." DjEnTEfr, Cashier, F.- H Dewey? Asst. Cashier.' NE W F URNITURE. ; 1 : GOTO-l FURNITURE ! CHEAP FURNITURE I ! fteadyllade Clothing WWd rierit'sFtrrnisliinff - Goods.', "J;A large and handsome Stock of; Trunks, "Valisef, 0.Im,Im Ju.,4.- .... The" largest an'i'chapest, stock of Um brellas and Parasols to be found in the City., tt niHE First Volume of this Book riublish X ed in Charleston br S. B. Hall, is iiOw ready and fo? gateZr Allorders ratist be ad-Bj5C0;N?FS,oWQ:. nressea to s. ii. iiairor Mrs. Jfi. . uau, Charleston S,C, ; -J? may ; '34-lnc ' . 1 1 ! , . . ; . in, 1 j 1 . t 1 . 1 . 1 1 COMMISSiOiBCHQVNT; J f -ARRIVING DAILY AT- FAMILY GROCERIES, s B . Wl . P R E8SO N . Trade Street, .next door to tle Post Office, Sign 01 tne ilepliant. DAVIDSON'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Trade St., Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's Dry Goods Store. ; WHERE WILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING! KEPT IN A JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh; Lot pf Sausagei Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &c:t Ac, . je& FLOUR a specialty, r , -SSf' Produce sold on commission. jan- 3-ly - , 5 F I R S T CLASS j i .f, ii AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organize I Under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transac t General' Bankings Business. and furnish Accommodations to all its Cus tomers on liberal Terms' - The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposit left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of ; ' Eiht per cent per Annum on all; (JSV08 1 lyhig undrawn . over thirty day?. Vl4'- . ... TTJTT'D TTTrT1TTT3 T 1 Golaanu surer com, bunion ana U 1UN 1 1 U iJJ Bank Notes Bought and Sold. jan. 1 1873: J r Cashier. HOUSE. - t .' Seed Potatoes! Supply of ! the ai C'ii ymA : ?jri-fiPTilft'ytp rri hoi- DEDUCTION OlPV PRICES. WE have this6 day made a reduction in the Retail prices of Hardware. Every Mechanic Farmei And consumers of Hard- londwiiite Selection .ot EMBRACING : Chairs, xaDTes. Deasseaua-xjiurau vs1, 1 rr' " "v" ware ot:any kind are respecuuuy solicited hand, to wit : - J q . : P m Sideh&ards, t Book Cases, 7 Desks, Hat Racfcs, Jtageres, vv nax w, urauics, 1 ahd examine our Stock, as we nave r, r p,,!,,,, J. ,"b v;ribawe8JTetarietes, soias, ixrangessurrons as - ;ia Seed Potatoes on ?; ni Peerless, h Early Rose,,,Vi ii :VH . ; , Early Goodrich, ( . Peach Blows, Chili-Rfedsr er,fie.iblw STENHO o 3E, MAOAULAY & CO.. feb 1 lit -ALSO'A- ff" . -i eood scle:tien! for: he ltail as wen as the Wholesale Trade. . Cal and see if Our vctsiO nniite'Q' V-j-at?. New Orleaiuar and Molasies 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar, ! ,10 Barfels Choice. I i;oY MolassesTr' e at i . ; .,! r.,.'. u. r. ,J prices are hot low enough. ' FIXE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining RoonvA Furniture' ami unamoer uirs, ui -:. ? j t , , , ; J: n WALTER BREm & CO, Importers andy obers pt Hardware. apl '6 ti METALLtC BURIAL CASES v W STENHOUSE;.'MACAULAY&'CO. Groceries. CouniPrddtxce, &c.23 HAVING moved across rthe Streef inime diatelv OnhoAite; t.hi Market ' Hoisef where our rents are billy 'one-balfC oft out piawsj uuuis ua to; oner otjji mure flattering ,jndUceraents- to 'ou! customers than ever before: -iWe11 shall !b6;inue to deal in all kinds "of -Family ' Groceries, all kinds of (Country 'Produce, ; pure ,vi,iqUors,; &c. All produce cohsisned to 'tis 'will re ceive our personal- attention1 and ' ihe best that gitensA call. feb 0 t TTOTJ&HItMcpx.Iitan, ,,Pt XJ uemorest s jviontniy, - i ijoaey s ijauys xkhjk, i AH the other Fashion Books received soon asissueda't,;:;;r;;T:;;r4 tiddy'& .(.c i " - if . : I Ixli.'o T ailn'a Tmivniil i P ' - prices the market affords guaranteed, f v-ff msisiA ,TitnTMi.itfnknaQtrtnln J flattering, and' unexpetedvatroiiage be swwea in tne past, we - hope byrenewed energy, reduced rents.1 ;workin2' ! for small profits, keeping reliable coods. f and fair. open and honest dealine in: the fiiture: to merit a liberal share of the5 patronage of .u5 vny- ana surrounding country.' . ,.xjx h',wt;j.-tti::: B.N. SMITH. rnrORTIf; CAROL.IIV A FLOUR. n K A SACKS Fresh Ground.' North Caro OOUjJ : Briar Family: Flour just; received and for sale by - v'tnel : ..O STENHOUSE, MACAULAY CO?0 pl.H--iv..'j.j..irai. - , U "TiTJnATTHW'MT'R 45 , r.T!?.rrrr2irx?q-!!rrrr mrn Bfetrospect or practical HP? r:j 'Y'.T'vs :t ts? ? r- hi ARE Dai'y receiving fresh4 supplies 'bf GROCETtrES;' CONFECTIONERIES TOBAlC0;N?FlfOC?AlMUI0A INSTRUMENTS, FRUITS? PRLE CAN - W hn vfotJASH. -and select1 ouri eoods : with care, all of -which' we will sell at the lowest nrice for CASH, isv'f'fmu : Wa-fool Tfnnr -t.hjiTilrfnl in the lrpTtefoM piibliat$ttlttpnigef and hope ty.T& riocrat aro HoWcony o' w - VY Patapsa strict attention to the wants of the.peoph4t;i i(,tii n i ittusKiwh t); k . . uMtatsom. torstiil-cdntiriae tcf meet their'app6tal. r. r 7 ?-lf.f- v--'-; 4 we hye pi Watted ufsefvesiaY We will pi ease all tnArcagketioflallIes'ftnd-styes of fin'sh; togetner wnn iywwiuu( n jwabOTUlpJar and riue comns,? rrom ieiPwnw;ii.Bpi5Wiy-v:. ..s' &est Octagon Cases and Caskets, with tuiLgiass.tops, mmni,ea, m 1U1 XAAUXAVVA 11 V VM .1 TCTEW YORK HERALP,1 Received Daily IN nd sol4 at 5 iwts acb at ' mar6 , f, PUREFOY'S. ..1 A M a r . . . ' 1 , ! ; : I ... I tin i WO O I TTPTIT.inn 11 V I'll Ul 1 1 f I 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 LwcimiKOt aawv ... -'w' Floiir Flour. : riREEHndrea Sa and Fam JL ilv Flour in store and for sale by. STENHOUSE, MACAU LA I & ;vv feb 18 V? .:-' ... f .1 lit i. - t r, r"'! ' CT r sn A NOTHER CaT T Load of Early :Boae, I JX Peerless and GdodrichvPotatoes, just sraqijTpmionsE- mmJ.T- . . . 'r-'- : V L, STENHOUSE, JACAULAY CO. Patanseo Guano. Chesapeake Guano j.. uiaxjce rjsnperrnospnaw8, 'our Farmers theiJafedv tRJassfFertili-l zers. ' .: .nfj.'Jiili ; . -1 ?K,atr4ioriieatpsA ""M Tathcwho have used them so many yalf fiy-fla vbM Roasted Coffee, Ttu&mMf, are guar- L TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Ratiiei4ioniftifedtoiXesh: ar by which a greatving is effected f aftteed to be fuUy up to their previous apx t it. . Tr mi j high uUntoBOjqlG'i'r; In fi r f ) f ' 1 diAatojsJje4.aP:haye no yei usro em UU1 ... i CAA rLBfof vNh ; 1 Beef.arns..T pair one trial wUT convince thenxihat , they are 0JJ soon: np Antfet&orriiarkas -superior t all oiers so ,make sure' of a they are1-'something deligtitful,1 well frited supply ah4feas4?hand!-iri "your orders ana the' very thing 'at: thlsse&fcdni ben' xarlv; W-the' odnsuniptioh': exceeds i the Kood things td eafearBscanif. 1'Atf ;31 1 .... nianufacturins power. k "i ? I i'rft JN0F. BUTTpi . . - ,-Forsale in., any. quantity, by , . , ;apLi0,,t-r, .iJ hUilhm- D ' e STE3f H0U3Ev ; MACAULAY & C0. , 1872 Mac? i . Trnmlndnitrri i isags N. 4 i R , NISBET JLBRO..; -having just re JX ceived dhect .from Boston, a large? lot A A COTTON" Seamress Meai of very nnelMackexetor famUy -use cai UlUU'jr nuiatrfankUnsviUe,! whoh,f,halves and quarter barrels, ;ainl. .wr wieoy- kits. -Call l5ikti-aboTe named -tilrf 3d 1 X Hoterrespectfhlly mvIfesthePTO hs.K a.h c r.;; Charlotte andhe?publie generally to ri ; Just BeceiTed f , to when UyeyiTisnStatesTMUejHe imr itJ.My T'aveW' large and PRINCr GO iTtt Yi W'SUgaTCured (Hiclcory Smoked) N SMITH for your Vegetable?. 1' Breakfast strip; verythice'iieel,j for K v . -.-u r'ALSO.-4-"! ' ' , W . . 4 . . .W . LI W WW mm , . ' a sale low Dy, ; ' a . tjjwjiioflniu. 1 Fins lot of Har' -6,000 Good Union coun- lives and. quarter barrels, ;andl fe'sir: r '1.1 i, a.;CllPS at - j : ;.. KrSWngles. -For sale-at . . . -, -: " J l.-'fL'JJM "Ti " . . T XT SMITH'S nh:, fJSyr TTANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and W"16.. - . - ? UiCVspe Collars. at " !.V:-,a PUREFOYB. S EANDsortmen 01 -JI;t S J'tf.-: -'JS-iB. KO0PMA.NVS xaay -

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