"LOCAL l4EFAtli$JS JOS. i. CAtDWEIX, local Editor. Sunday,' JTime 8 lifts. ---1 o .,-r CJhirchesTTo-lay.j t Msrrowsr CiiusciLServics at jr. Jh and at 8 P. M.' ; lievv l 8 Burkhjiad, Cvlvvry Missros Chuwch. Services at 11 M., anaut8M:KeV.:WrS.rlIaU torn. rasi'M- ;: , . Presbyterian Ciiukch. Services at 11 A UHCl it o a. a.. a, ii , .uaiiici. ). U., t w' v-ji .-;:., Episcopal CiiurcH. Services at 11 A. M aucl -tj aVL avc -- twiaii, .Hec tor. LrraEKAS Ciiuacu. Services at .11 A. u Evening oervicc M.o,r..ai. wv. Bptist CiiUBCU.Serviccs at 11 a. m, and at 8 p. ni., lie v. j . x. coone, jrasior. ; -v . , . A G jod Mve. For some time it has . . 1 . J.OJ. 1 ? 4.1 Jc been suspecieu uy-uie puuuc uiatguraoung i :. ,nr;A1 nh in Hip Urvi.tt n PaL is kept by one John Jones. Yesterday tHiVv--- I nftftmnnn niiiccrs liii iiuu januson maae v-v tt;ii 1 t i nnn flir liniiaA curl nrrfKitwl A n U Ucsrvwi , . v . i t r t -il . i j i ill y lit v - j - 1 w w rd West, who was holding stakes; The fjre tlie Jayor jonuay m.iruiugy . iiui is j- I j 1 ' rri ' step in the right direction. This house Ins lor some ume oeen a greai nuisance in the part ot town wnera it is suuaieay ana UP C'lU t"MUllClIIIVJfc BlltOHIIg HIE JJl- IBS ll'J illc 111 nit "iwiv wi wuKitcanuE here. r . TliauUR. The editor returns thanks to les.Ts. vv. 11. n. iiousKjn k ao. lor a C?('U11 vtt in lviuiipi siiiuin 1 div aicc pt r j: ti a i The Jitor not being a drinking man. has turn r o.l it over to a person who is. That per L'jii lias sampled it and pronounces it to be a very superior ar.iole. Messrs. Houston t Co., have just received a large supply of tiiis eelubratcd Ale. N. B. The person alluded "trT -'above, . 11 1. 1 ' . 1 f .1 aoKs us 10 say mat ue is iiiniseu .aiways spcn to conviction on such subjects. In f i a youth of mammoth capacity, and can eat, drink, chew, smoke and wear as much as any man of his inshes, don't care where th.xt man comes from. Carolina Central Railway-Distances, kUc.Tlie Wilmington Star says t For the Hurmation of man v of our readers we jpive the distances" between" tlie different j iiuts of prominence on the Carolina Cen-' ral Railway, with amount of track com- leted t I--. Distance from W uimnaton to 'harlotte,- 1SG miles ; froai Wilmington to ItVudusbortv' between which points the rack is about completed, 134 miles; from harlottc to Buffalo, between which points he track is 1 completed, 50 miles; from 'harlotte to Cherry ville, 43 'miles ; from U'iim'uigton tt) Shelby 240 miles;. whole lumber of miles of completed track, East aid West, 184 miles. : ' P cnic. Yesterday a number of the roung people of this city, accompanied by ome' older persons, accepted a courtesj of- ere l by Mr. W. W; Pegram, and went on t picnic to Steele 'Creek, about 10 milts rom the city, on the C, C. & A." Railroad. .Ve Iiaveglowing accounts of the occasion, and all represent it having bcena jplly af- '.iir. . We hate -been pro'msed,for er next account of t lie trip, from jone whose racisful ponJias, on a previoiw occasion 1 tertained the . readers of the Obsbbveb. A Professor in Ximbo-rYesterday af enioon "Prof." Blair the horse tamer, was rrested and brought before Mayor David- Hi on the charge of having stolen articles f food froni a' siitall grocery establish- nent in this place: Complaint was also o.lged with the Mayor by two . or three entlcmen, that the Professor had obtain J money from them under false pretena s In default' of that "-"Wherewithal to pay fine, the", Mayor had him lodged in the ounty jail. ;'"-.- ' '-', " tv ' Sale of Express Packages Yester lay morning Thos. II Gaither, Auctioneer; 'jld at Ins action store a number pi un-; laimed express packages y A number of ersons were on hand, and the. packages,' old on an average at their value (I) For astance ; a friend of ours: bid up in the ollars on a box which, when Opened, roved to contain rotten abmes andi rish potatoes; '! Anothertsl bought, f at retty high figures, a package which5 tarn d. out to an.ewtii als jtlr'e'lf W 1 ! i The Eire CompanlesU-The ornet voiiipany and the;lud4penaepi; iiooK nd: Ladder Company eacV'it)r:tbeir;ap- It , . : -.i;vJ, -tit fit I I.'' - . - are n.aiolwpgr?l?pdy or tient,fiThey:rentyestey(al n their ftpUthlrja ave full evidence ot thwentciency;! The Iornet engine had on f about 10Q I' pounds f steam. It threw waW a 'distance of R feet. PersouaWHon J). k: Jenkins, State reasurer, registered at tlie Cehtral Hotel esterday, , . ' 1 " " "a . Jr E; Hihes' Esqtiatelihg fboirpd nd- nt of the Louisville Courier-Journal is 'so on a visit rto Charlotte Central Hotel We call attention to Pie pard of 'this well known, house. :U HI P'hat it claims to be -a first class hotel r.Uirtoai!aTreTVefe is juletf &f held; for lack tjf postAge l thUpostf office5 hered-dredJdiaarJslrMcConnclls- vine, is. U) ''r' '.'. f"t rThe nam'j otMr. Calvin D. Comics, son f Cot C; JCowfe; of tfils place, Is among t the names of the cadets who graduate this a-' vu?: - -. r !;;CapUuh Brain jwill lecture in' Salisbtjfy lon3ay.fllitm t there; he Willsit Leiington, r Greensboro, II illsboro, Raleigh, and other points' in the State. ;; -; ' -r ' Tlie f Cantata ''Fairy Bridal," will, learn be repeated on Tuesday nighty Vre - Hotel Arrivals-Central Hotel. ; Chaelotte, N. C., June 7 1873. Jaa Brpoks, Wiihngton;( H A Smithr S Ci Geo W Ginn. N J F Idams, Frank Erwin, R W Glenn O), A J Jenkins, N C; P H Gibsorf,JVa; JVH Moose, N Y; D Hutchison, fRLaw.JW McTAUghlia, Davidson College; JT Rich and wife, Ca barrus; Thos Kirwan," . Iy ava Beds; II P Watson, W L Hardin, Baltimore; A R Bradeen, Mrs D F Huffstickler, Greenville, C; J JE Hines, Louisrille, Ky; W II Bean, Mis J E Cannon, N Y; W II Hen neisee, Air Line Railroad. , THE CHARLOTTE MERCHANTS AND THE COTTON . SELLERS It is a matter of reirret. savs the Concord Sun, that there should , be 11 misunderstanding between the fann ers and merchants . in Mecklenburg. Several public meetings have been held in the countv, . denouncing the "Da."c.... ...u:..i. lI.: 1 1... a urns uyniKiit, iuou is ruiiuiretl Uy :he Charlotte merchants of all who sell cotton in that market. The merchants have in numerous in stances been 1adlv swindled by dis- nonet men, in piatea eotton, laiseiy packed cotton, exchange ot saninles. oxc.T &c, and they simply decided thaL in order to protect themselves against the.-e swindlers; to adKpt what is called tlie rass-system. The farmers on the other hand, complain? that a "Cotton Hi ng" has been form ed that ac's dtrvmentally to their interests and js ilegrading the farm er by ; com pev 1 i ng h i tu to gel 1 h is cot ton by a jiiis titiin- the . biiyer who samples it. We have always placed a very high estimate on the honesty and integrity of the Charlotte nier- chants, and wc cannot entertain the J idea for a mon:e it that there -could oe a Ring formed by them .to take iinv undue advantage of the tanners. Their reputation as honest, high t ned, chivalrous brfisnejs men is at stake, and any course other than that of lair dealing, would jeopardise thoir trade, and redo wn to their own injury, and while our thriving ener getic sis? ei city boasts of her nion ied institutions, her' great railvvav facilities, her market house, opera house ai:d her fine advantages as a cotton" ..market, we think she is rath? er premature in forcing on the peo ple -anything that savors of a 'Cham- ber of Com meree, or Board of Trade.? , jl Cohyeijtion of the Farm ers of Mecklenbiirg,and other, coun ties, is called for the 31st day of July next, to meet in Charlotte, to decide where and upon what plan they will sell their'cotton. We cannot refrain, in this connection, from suggesting to the "Farmers of Mecklenb.ug and other counties," the adt-antages of Concord as a cotton market. We opine ,that they would get good prices, and meet with fair treatment. My friends, if there; is any man whonv from the bottom of my heart I pity, it is the man who believes that all mankind are cheats and swindlers,' and who considers ' life merely a game of grsisping and grip ing. "If there is 'ariyf"jdiing "inau, for whom I feel deep regret, as for a man sure to fall, sure to fail, sure to live and die wretchedly, it is the young man who goes forth into the world believing that the only motives in th is world a re selfish m oti ves. De pend upon it that selfishness is not the only motive in this world-nay, itje not even the strongest motive. "'': President Andrew D. White. t OBITUARY. v. Mrs. M. J.! Barnes diel in Columbia, S. C-, June 1, 1873, aged twenty three years and five months. For many long months she had been confined to herbed with pul monary consumption. During this a mic tion she was let! fo put her ! trust In the jSaviotir, and experienced a happy change of heart. Just fen days before her death she was admitted as a member 01, Marion Street Church. Her death was peaceful and triumphant, as had been' her life for several .nion'th pastSheied repeating ru heaven, sweet neaven, wnen.suau x. geii there? Jesus, sweet Jesus, take me, my blessed Lord." y Thusjih fell -on sleepTto await the joj Ul sutynions or tne resurrection morn. X i af- 0 V A m9 if J 1 H A-.i .... 'DferfIrr NaVarrd fcoUUty; 'Texas, on thfe 23d of fay,T873y Dr.t Ephraini: Bre ard "Osborne, father 61 COL'Ei A. Osborne pCtbb fityin the HMhiwmM VVHOTSAT.E M GROCERSTfrU tttA nr? i r vnm&& anu VUMWiWW n?5 RADE STREET, 1 RE ftairr' recevtiitf large additions ta- i fbeir Immense Sk-onsispg of-(rr sdi4 ftto! fittgari liolafse-, rM&if : a Roda . Salt. Caudv. Crackers. Ovs- ters, MackereljLlCitlors and Wines of yX, kindsi tol whiclt'they invito ithe attention Ot r the Wholesale Trade, guarahteeiag prices and quality of goods. at may z r;w?-'s. 5-i tf-S3lXWi C?V JsV VKo9iJ ; may -i'!:'. A,3HANDS0ME StocKriOtinejiAace '"Vo Ha - 1 1 of voroi wpd n t -tt-t. rrrtrrt "-5 f. .. . i i- -i . ,- 'Sit; ' 1 1 - CARFS of the latest novelty at TIJST kecvtctPAlso Garden Peas, at 4 J &eA5t tdfHmmmm SMITH'S.! txgr-Special: Noticed- inserted In tht Column" wiU' te charged 1S cento Xi parties ordering tb 1 Olwefrer vrUl please send the money tai the lime tne paper ;waiiiea. L. Ton MeyerhftlTof ihfe Charlotte In stitute will remain itt Charlotte during tlie vacation tfifs suramenJandiU ? give' mu sic lessons at tive Ciitrlotte instittttei' may 8 eod liu - -'"Nbtlce." Hi: 14 1st, .Those who pwer sn$ an4(are good, I Will take dollar for dollar., , , V , . ,'. V" ; ; , 2nd, Those, tiiat can' t pay. alT I win. '.take r, 3rd. ,Those tfhat are no account, I,, will take & cents on the dollar. . ; . ' ..t .;.; .',-t,': Xt BtrtLER. " "Agentlj.lJ ; j; 1olfe,r fisq.', in out Agent at Monpei Chibn county., He is a ithor ized to.' solicit subscriptioni, give, reeeipt,t Chin1 Music or Wind Won't Pay Jndg , ; ..' " ' ments.. '"' " I understand there is a good deal of chin music, or wind about my . advertisements, and that little ri ye hundred dollars security money I have to pay, The , papers arc iii the hands f of. Sheriff 5 Alexander and il any one will go and pay them,.-! assun you it will confer an everlasting-fa voalsr buy all your fine goitl and silver' watches! elt)cks, jewelry and. spectacles from me. Nowdo. .-if -Rcspectfutlv. : '"'"'"' ' Jx TJ BUTLER. Crippled Coustituiious. , It itdimculttoruin a strong constitution. To weaken, to injure or cripple tliis-sourcr of physical vigor and endurance' is an ea sier task, and may always be accomplishes by positively disregarding or violating cer tain bgeian lawp,; the oHervance o: whidi Is essential to the well-being of tin body and to thesttstair ment of that 'vita force by which it is animated and ?npport ed. But a good constitution is wonder fully elastic, and even after it has Iteen. very hardly dealt with by its possessor; all its pristine vigor may le recovered if ;th roper jreatment is adopted. " Hostetter'? Stomach Bitters may be justly denominat ed a constitutional tonic. Not only de. it tin prove' the appetite, stimulate the 'stom ach, tone and regulate the disordered liver and bowels and steady the trembMn nerves, but it also (and this is Ira moft im prirUmt effect)', restores the fstahna Strengtli of the'systcm, wherc,,itias 'given 'way "under the pressure of "Excessive labor, exposure, privation, acute disease, fast liv ing, a foul atmospher, cxtraonlinary heat or any other cause. In summer the con stitution is often severely tried by a Ion? continuance of hot weather. Nothing tells more heavily upon the sources of vi tul activity than solar heatand hence thr expediency of recruiting and repleimhini: j- .. 'a ...i....:.i......?I''"ner Bana rnnie,-inK. I them with a wholesome, vegetable tonic. like llostctter's Bitters, during the sum- nier months. Try Dooley's Yeast Powder; you will soon find it not only the best, hut also the cheap est, Baking Powder. Put up full, net weiKlit. No Poisonous Drug, Ir. Tutt'si Liver Iills are prepared with great cure aiid study, in exact accordant- with the principles -of Chemical compati bility. Ihev are ncjLa cure all lor al: iseases. They are safe. - They .contain no langcrous drug. Require no - change o! diet or occupation, t "r 1 Dr. Tutt'i SarsaparUla and lQ,een uengur. , Under the influence of this compound , the eye grows clear and sptirkling, thecom- llexion like pearl; unsigtitiy uiotciies, pocn marks, .worms in the flesh, pimples, and ronsrhncss of the skin usapiear, ami tin- entire human organization grows redolent with health. The Proper Time To use Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills Is when yon iave NauseivLoss- of Appetite, Yellowed ast ot tne Skin, kusu 01 motxi to tnr lead, cohl extremities, Ringing in tin Ears, pain in the back, side and shoulders, high colored urine, vertigo, and billiou- ness. Thev afford prompt relief. LOCKS. 400 DOZ. Door Locks of nearly ever)' grade HAND SAWS. 40tloz. Hand Saws front the commonest to the finest quality from 12 to 30 inches. LARGEST STOCK Carpenter's, Builder's and) General Hani- ware in the btate. Call and examine ur Stock, we will of fer inducements second to none. ' BltEM, BROWN & CO. Importers and Dealers in Hardware, june 5 4t $500,000 CASH GUTS TQ BE PAID IN FULL. THE THIRD GRAND GIFT CONCERT. IX AID or the - :- WilV lo eiveii in thcreathalL of the Libra ry Bui Id inc. at lAjuisvillcoitTnesday, July if, 173. at which time Ten Thousand Gilts, amounting to a grand total ot $ouo,ouu, an cash, will, be distributed. by lot to ticket HoMers. Ntf mlucfi6n i amount of gifts at this distributippbut each gift will be Dnl'7.'lB73 Far- mers and DrOverS' Bahk, to the credit of the Third Grand Gift Concert for the bene- nt of tbH Public library of KV-i FiveHiln- . : v f fbttsiiitrJ KrfL April1 7.? 1873. J UjThvi is to certify that? there is in the dred Thousand Dollars, which1 ha ueenu ,kiHJni i t jo; ao.i i-ct n i set apart bV tWBahk'andpaldont for this ti.ierSWJinHltTiinhrikjseroilly. ti "tDlKneu W tfc a-, y i!Jn,1vasm-. LIST OF GIFTS.V n:itfI s ....j- -v-'iT,.,(i . -j .vnevtiiiiu 2XytlVm&-TW&ZZL SVf'-1i("v'ww -s-t-z.-"--r - i -T-i-..t" r - rw ime irrauu uiMiuutxi-n its1. ; 150 Cash Gifts of WO " r 30,000 m&mWi-1 59.000 oO.UUU ltV' ants at the foiiQwing pri For tickets and fnll information, "apply mav 22 dtww vii.;-iu jv&t UECEIVEDK Y '.A :WiSa WfSeka of salt. " . . .V . .' OU.Bbls Sugar; 100 Boxes Soda, 100 Cases OifstersI SO Boxes Crackers, which we offejr I ..Ai n ITT -.1 M ' A TT W. H. nmuusiva wj may 29 if t-.:i T 1 they t wdl be. fiirnislied to , tML PPP" IctsatthefoBo H EAUTtFUL display of JettlUorn India Pf n ttt v rvi X) Rubber MilBlack Garnett Stts, at ' XJ J- f 'aTEHOTJtSEj 1 MACAULAY & Q0. FIHAllimtlMSRCIAi: CnAlXLOTTE SIAltttETS. Cotton JTIarkef. This report iTrftadA up by the reporter o; the Observer, fle!r eoiisaltation with all the leading cotton buyers of the city ; OrricK OBsravrjt, ...7. :;: ....... June 7. 1873 9 P. M. j Sales to-iay tolerably good. Quotations .reirom JO to HI though some very fin oaJGs yesterday brodrht asliitrh FSU Tt-iIv lie niatkets fian witli Later tife : lion Blarlcet. CORRECTED DAILY BY" flMgiSp CO. S S . ) t n E 1 S ' 4 PttaVISIOK MARKET T $4.25 to .w per sack, on market. Bacon (Baltimoie bulk sides.) 10 to II cents: No North Carolina on Market, Lard Baltimore Flake in quantity 1M TUiceArs. ! Talfow lOto 12cenbi. eeifwWx'fflttm centt: 4 5 Irish Potatoes $2.00 to $2.."i0 per bushel Apples (Good Mountain) 7o to1l.25pe: bushel, as to quality. Salt Syracuse in Liverpool sacks, $2.1 per sack. Liverpool $2.10 to 2.25. Firtorv Yarn1.40to 1.50 per bunch. LIQOURS X C Corn, $1.25 to $1.50 ligh" dehmnd. Aple Brandy, $1.50 to $1.75 good v mand. Peach Brandy, $1-75 to $2.00 good de mand. , : Sweet Potatoes,' $l25 t6 $1.50 per bushel ood demand. , ... . , , , . , Corii 70 Ut 15 cents, good deihandi '1 iAyheafe-nmie offering.. Oas50 little demand. - . ; ,v INms, strictly.clay $1 jOO-rother kiinl Financial Market. -crura sates or bark rotks c. bi KK OF MKCKl EKBPBC, TBTOX STREB1 CHAKLOTTK, S. C. ank Cape Pear 1c Bank of Charlotte, Commerce, 2 Clarendon, Fayetteville, 2 N. Carolina, S0 ' Roxboro', 2 Washington, 0 Ynni-uFviMs A Licxlngton, M - (Graham,) 1 Thomasville, ? WaiKboro'. w -j . . , i " inn jij, Jonimereial Hank of Wilmington, armers' Bank of North Carolina, ireensboro' Mutual Insurance Co. Wilmington, 1 (old,) t- m r , .?11.anl. 01 wewDern, : l rtrtrlntn. itsinlr Tfeitjom aariira flltsti t ,oth Carolina " " " : ! Jeorgia " " : 3 y.nttit of h State of North Carolina. BhT" These quotations are liable to flue rUHtion, and cannot be relied on for an length of time. Remittances for all Hunt Motes ent us made, either in Currency 01 Northern Funds. f. par. 1 "EXTRA." . Special From the Modoc. CAPTAIN JACK CAPTURED, OUT says lie Will not surrender until he U can olitaiu one of those suits from K. brier's Temple of Fashion which he ad vertises to sell at irreatly. reduced prices. 1 therefore,' "invite the citizens of Char lotte nd the public in general, to call at ance and secure a bargain, as I am deter mined lb close! outj-mt entire: stock oi spring and Summer Goods from this daU until further notice. . Call and be convinced. Very respect full'--, -o - : .t rt , , , E.1 SIIRIER. jund 6 This space has been sold to the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, but as thhr Ma chine is so popular, and as they are being sold now faster than they can be received, the General Agent has concluded not to advertise therefor .awhile, at least, until the trade gets a little dull. may 28 3m W. B. BUBWEIZL & CO. WE have received to-day, a new assort racnt of Toilet Articles, Soaps, &c Burnett's Cologne, hI .suH ill-' Burnett's Cocaine, .wbFtyriua, Water. , French Blacking, Gantz's Sicily Lemon Sugar. may 28 . x W. B. B. &CO. TJAVING received the most of our New - ohAAsBUalkfvof. Boots- and,. mioes lilats , iruuita, werwm oiweuuiuiugs, wcr now prepared to offer them to th, :; I TVffiffiv.a7tta v.7 A'.nvmtmmm IW.-.il nnfiAmt that the Strle I 1 . f 1 i , . .... .... .a , . i . w can Mneeiai attenuon 10 our bibcs 01 Boots and Shoes. -Also, a fine selectionoi tonyVd .Yauth'4 JCnr. Wool and I U'"1"1 U1, - ur 'aw jnetMHBS - mm j.vr... wiuf m eaji,i tock and prices SAMPLE & ALEXANDER. apl24tf DAVfB . DCICAJU . JOHX B. . CtBTEl4vli n m n mm A sT I OWnl V rl . SkMgA W WWW ; 1TTOB5ET9 AT LAW, SFAXlTAlTBTJIla, J5L C. ' " : 1 sT !?i a - i - af a u . - Ld I II riWPJty r j mWO car loadaof Seed Potatoes, consist BF 1 I ,1. m W . f, I III. 1 I , I I Ml. . , . i JittiBg of fiO bbjs; EarlyUose, ih it;;?!sii?wi. :-jSttrs7'4coowiciv f Ciii Consignment;- and tor sale low from I Moiaes, tonfim0n28 tii2Djcents. SyripGeldw loot 3 ; g X SVTfp Kew Orleans 73 to j80. rWhlte3)rins.73to75J 6 3 k aTewATiveriisements'. " 12,000,000 ACRES , Clicap Fnrn:s ! riie cheaiest Land in market for sale by tin JNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPAN- r r' r Qret tflatjc Valley; x 000,000 'Aieiesla Central Velzraska, or for sale in tracts jf forty acres air ipwards 011 rive and trn years' credit at er tnt. atlvance interest required;' Mild and ln-ilthfid climate fertile, soi' tn abundance "fgood water. : '"'-f; The besOIarketin theVestl Tlie gm. lining recoils of Wyoming, Coloradi Uah and Nevada bt-iiig supplied by tli anners in the Platte Val lev. . .olaerg EnUt'ed to Homes t ad ISO Acrr ' The Best IocaionsTor Colonies Free Homes for All ! Millions of acn f f choice Gvernmcnt Lands itx.'i for en ry under the Homestea' Ijsw, nearthi ireat Railroad, with good markets and al he conveniences of an old settled couotrv Free passes to purchasers of RuilroaV -ind. Sectional Mans, fiSwmjs i he tand. ats jew?ititon of Des-'riptfve Pamphlet witl iCwSMaps iMailed Free 3verv where." I Address I ;l jXi -F l)AVIS, "Land Cuniiiu.wner U."!. r. It." jOmaii.v, Nkbraska. SE Reisingcr's Sash Lock and Support t FASTEN YOUR WINDOWS ! o spring to break, no cutting of sash : heap, durable, very easily applietl ; hold :isj at any place desired, and self-fastene. vhen the sash is down. Send stamp fo uvular, (irtalar and six coppc-r-hmnze tfcrks sent to any address in the U. 8., ost aid, on receipt of 50 cts. Lilx'ral induce tients to the trade. Agents wanted. - Ad Iress RErSINUKRBASH LOCK CO., N il8 Market St., HarrisbMrg. Pa. mav 5 4w WLCH & GriiKFITHS MailUtaeturers of Saws. SUPEIUOK TO ALL OTHERS. EVUUV SAW WAKKAXTI2D. . : Hies. Ueiuag and Machinery U . ST MliK IvA 1 I lSt O V 'l'S.-tSS iaB; Price Lists and Circulars free. WI'M II Al OBIil l'I IIS fj. Boston, Mass., &, Detroit, Mich. mav 0 4v vCiENTS W ANTIS1. Send for Catahgin )omcstic Sewing Machine Co., -New York mav G 4v WthlWLY & CO., Jlaim and Patent Agents. "luiius of Census Marshals of 18M collect ed without proof of loyalty. r . Box 4, Washington City, D. C. may 0 4v FULL WEIGHT SO AT. FE0CTEE & GAMBLE'S EXTRA OLIVE. -Some --brands of - Soan are sold short weiirlit five to eitrlit ixiunds ivr wox. 'ii you use these soaps you nav .- . . .. " - L t monev for what voudo not receive. Cai. vou afford to do so f Bay '.ntOCTER GAMBLE'S Full Weight Brand, bold by Grocers in vour jcity. WILL.4BD BROS. Wholesale igvnts. W.iliniugton, N.C may G 4w ie SarreMer of teal Lee At Appomattox C. H , Va,, April 9th, 1863 A magnificent 14x18 -inch Engraving of fhe surrender of General lee, showing tht armies, &c. It is truly a gem of art, ont which should hang in the parlor of even Southern home. Sent by mail, mountei. a a roller and post-paid, on receipt of 2t ents, or 3 for 50 cents. Agents wanted Address J. C. fe VV. M. BURROW, Bristol Ten 11. ' Catalogues of Pictures, Books, &c.? ent free. may 6 4v IMH! FOR 50 ly sending 50c. to GEO. D. BURTON, New Ipswich, N. II., you will receive by eturn mail your name nicely cut hi a Stencil Plate, formarking Clothing,1 Books, Jards,.&c., with Ink, Brush ahd directions, ill post-paid. Address for (.Similars, . ' -GEO. D. BURTON, may 0 4w . New Ipswich, N. II. Sf OOH per day ! r -Agents wanted ! U to 2vv All .classes of working peo- ple, Of either sex, young or old, make more nimey at work for us in their siiare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything olse. Particulars free. ' Address G, STI2 ?j0N tt C61 Portlarid.Maihe. may 6 4w ITOW 'TIS DONE, or the Secret Out.- JU. Mustache and Whiskers in 42 davs. This Great Secret and 100 others. Gam blers' Tricks, Cardiologvs Ventriloquism dl in the Original :"B,ok of Wonders.' Mailed for 15 cents. : Address D. C. CUT LER, Carthage, Illinois. . raay6 4w r7flTTI7 V Mdc Rapidly with Stenci. UaU.IUI iMiey Outfits.? Catalogues ind full particulars free. . ,.S M. Spehceb. U7.Hanover St., Boston. ' nuy 64w V70RHING GLASS MALE or -FEMAtfc. $60 a weelticuarnjteediiilte em ployment, at -home, -day or evening; no i.'k5tal .WvhrVAA''iFlltl if1fmrifjnrr.B,wl vol. nuble tackafeeoi:iioods sent free by mail i Aanress, witn -six cenL reiurn " stamp, i H YOUNG t CO., 173 Greenwich St, N. Y. M. may 6 4mM t.., .-: ,: ,: .- '.- i;( i: " , 'I -"' -i For any case pf .Blind. Bleeding, -Itching or Ul- c.e taX edPiles that De Bikg TliJs Hemedy fails ti eureu It t ifepared;f ex presSly to Curt tire, rates, ana ttotlwrtg elae.v isoia y an Pruggists.t Price, 1.00. J: .imayo W it TT'ID GloVes. handsome assortment. IV mav 9 B. KOOPMA1S1S . .- -i , -, r 'jti i- 5 i 'A ; f i v i s j j . . -i stxure uiAc vivj inv nuAi, .vow " " U of every dramion,--, nJ,,.r-uV.'JiWBllJ3 ' . may 9 ,fetersi4I- i,t KUUilAAA p aDi 25 om ty:Ua: JtV s sfiijMarket. IREAT Barsams in Black ' Lace anai iwimi -5;: -.sty;jti''"irj IT Lama Shawls. !at?1 :iV?rin T - - 'may.:.-31 ,WK0OPMANKtS roay 9, ; , , , . , BXC0PMA & PTE GockIs, I am ? selling cheaper man me CDeapesw aw- - t- may t w;rB KPMANKTS. TED; BLUE, Green, Orange LeadPen AJj t myflMB;r JrWWriti- h!tt.mtior rn.lf.ta to suit onrchascrs. XV cils, at PUREFOrS. :r ... A V- " 1 ' , - 4 ND for sale at the following prices : -V fir. " ia) boxes . chewing 'toliAlvo. t 4ft els, p r llf To; . 25, , n-- .y?A fen?:; ,r .W " Family S wiiti3iiox 25 dz T htKNte l-rf iiiS at i;"t!T rio V , . . . 1. ' 2o 10 10 0 ?5 10 lo 10 .1 N Vi .. wl 2.i o Cannetl Dams.iii. " 2Mt " BlaV-k berries 0i .r--. Chtrrivs Ghssware, .Tinware. I Njiery '.ii':ns c, e., at ;re:tl.v rebivel riccV, vatKahs Vuction Store. f. . , . . I : tJlOd. H. iiAlTfU:! mav 23 ABE IXOORSKD A1TD PR153CETBED BT UOIIR lBd. log PhyiolanthKa ny other Toaio or Slim . . alant now in uie. Thrr r A SURE PREVENTIVE', Tor Ferer and Ague Intermittent., JJilionaoesa and all ordera ariainc from malarious eanara, Toct am highly roo ommradedaisn ATI-DYSrKPTlC, nd fn cases or INDI GESTION are iwtaicaiu.1. A an" APPETtZHR and 111. CCPERAKT, and In cases of GENERAL DUBILITV ther Bare never In a sinelo instance failed in producing Uto mvit sappy results, -j noj areparticniarir .. BENEIICIAI. 'FO AtES, StreDKtheninetbobodr. inviioratlna tltouiind. nLd. rlrlnir tone and elasticity to the vhole system. The noMlf i;i V TKRS are compounded witn tne greatest of euro, and no ton ic stimulant has ever before tccn offered to. tho publlo so PLEASANT TO TBETASTft and at the sama Utne cot-.bln- ing so many remedial agents endorsod ky tbq medical frstcrni tyasthe best known tutUoFbarmacopocii. Iicosu but lu tleto girethnn a fair trial, and " Every Family JShould ISavo a Cottle. Ko preparation ia the wor.d can rrnduco tJ many unq-.m'I-fled endorsements by physicians ef ibo very hbest standin; In their professi-n. . - Sndoned ml ty the CUrg-j and the leadinj denomina tinalpapert. Set. Vs. R. Habcocx, (ha oldest MothodLt minister in St. Louis, says the Home Eittcrs irero luos-t grateful in contribu ting in the restoration of my strength, cud sn inercaso of appetite. t; . v, .- r OssoB!f Mo., June 53. 1S71. Persons greatly debilitated, as I have been, and who rcqui-e a toxic or stimuiaxt, need seek for nothing bc'ter than t-o Uome Bitters. .-. K. W. COPIO, Presiding rider If. K. Chnrcb, Tlnttsburg District Emtio States Marimb Hospital, St. Louis ilo., Oct. 8 1S70. J Jambs A. Jacksok a Ce. 1 have examined tie formula tr making tho " Home Stomach, Bittem," aad used them in this hospital the last four months, l codsider them (no most vnla able tonic and .timulant now se. S. H. liELCUElt, Ktaidet Physician in charge U. S. Marine Hospital. : Jamb A. Jacksox A Co. GenUcmeu : As you , bare com municated to the medical profession tho recipe, of the "Hume .Bitters," it cannot, (bert'fnre be considered as a paten', me' icine, no patent having been taken for i t. Wc have examined the formula for making the ' U.ttfo Bitters." snd nnbesu singly say tbo combination la one of rare excellence, all tho articles used In its composition are the best of the class to which they belong, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Canninitire, an I slightly Laxatiyfc 4 Tho m do of picparln; them is strictly In acoordance with Uio rules of pharmaev Having nscd them la emr private ereetlce, we take pleasure In tucomm -nding them to all person, desirous of taking Bitter., as being the best Tonic and Stimulant new offered the pub' lie. . FRANK O. PORTF.R. Prof. Obstetrics and IMsen.es of TTomcn, Collea of Phy.i cians, and lato member iloard ef Bealth. ! ' i ' L. d BOISLINTEKR - Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of TVotucn, St. iouis iled. College. duake Mcdowell, si. .. Latepres't. ilo. iledieol. Col lego. ' I .!! K. A. CLARK. II. I)., Prof. Surgery, ilo. Medical College. "and lato Resident; Pby.i clan City Hospital, St. Louis kUssoari. HERBERT PP.IMM. Prof. Practical Phiarmaey, St. LMStif College of Pharmacy.. J. C. WniTEHILL, Kd. Medierl Archive.. Air. riBACorif , M. p. , Dr-C. V. F.-Lupwio, C. Gbbickb, M. D. F. Gbatz Mosbk, M. IT. C. A. Wabb, U. D. W.A,rioKM;D. T.. C. FRANKLIS,. M. "D., Prof. Surgery. HomocopatMo Medical Ccllcgp. . - T. J. TASX12B, si. u., a. . wasiuv v.. Prof, of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, College oXlfomot- patalc f aysicians anu fiurgcons. - . : .. :. JOUX T, TEMPLE, If. P., Prof. Materia Vedleand-ThorsMtpeuUoa,4sBMepathia Uedl- cal College oi Missouri. JKO. COKZLF.MAX. M. D., Lecturer On Disease of Children, llraxopathlo College of Missouri. UHAaLKilYAbl'UH, SI. U., Prof, ef Physklogv. ITomoBopathic Medical College of Mo. ' 7 JOHN HARTMAX, M. D., Prof. CUn'cal Medicine. Col, Bo-oeBopatbie.Pbyeicians .Bnd Surg'., They are superior -o an otner eiomacn isiuen. KNS0 SANDEUS. Analytical Chemist. XoCittcri lit the world tsnexi'l them - SIMON 1IIRSCH, AnalyUeal Chemist. Eminent Physicians' of Chicago. The formula tor the Horn) Bitters has been submitted to tn. and we believe them to be the best tonic and stimohint l..r general use now offered to (be public. ,' O. A. Mabticbk, Analytic! Jab. V. . Ulanby, J. P. Chemist, Prof. Chemistry, Uu.h TI. 8. Hah, M. D., Medical College. B. MeTICAB, St. ., - - '- ,' J." J(S.--AlltBT, LI., Kobs. S. Saiutes,'.!., - -tfB.'rwsni.'Mi' D.. R. Ludlam. M. D.. Taos. T. Kixin. M. D.. Jas. A. CoUik, M. Tj.r . " 'J. A. runir, M: Eminent fnyslcianH in Cincinnati, Nearly all ef whom are Professors In one or the other of th Medical colleges, - . ' J No other Bitters have ever been offered to tho public em bracing so many valuable remedial a,ents. J. L. Vattikb, M. D., L. A-.jAJixs.-M. D.. C. T. 8uers!i, M. D., g.-P. Bouke, il. D., C S. MUSCBAST, il. O., , U. W. BlQLKB, M. V., W. T. Talliaibbo. VT. D.. J. J. Otnsts.-M; 1n J. H. BbcMBB, M. D.,; . Wi B. Woodward, M. O. A. DoRBStrr, WfOf, R. S. Wrs, Chcmut. C. Woodwabo, M. D., . K. Tatlob, M. U., D. W. McCabthtM, ID.. . Pt MaUtr. M. D., H- H. Johbsob, M. D. : 8. B. Toxldtso, M. D. Eminent Physicians in Memphis; 'he Homo Bitter are aa invaluable, remedy firlnftgest The :estloB Bad diseases arising from nnlarial causes, 6. B. Tbobktob, M. D in charge of City Hospital. ' H. B, Hodobs. M. D., J, M. Rone ess, H. D., - PAtnOTBT, M H. W. PtfMttiv, Mj D., : If. ik, Ktnasmt, M. D tAXDrOBS BbXU M. D., J08. .E. LYJICIIt JLp.. Eminent Physicians in Pittsburgh; B. F. DaKb, M. D.i i' Wss. CKWrBSj M. ., W. R. CarLM, M 0.,;; . iiD-V Vai-ABo,' -M. D.. 0- vm, Chemist, u. jiew.ELi.ABp, ii. u., AndllvmlredsofOthers is all parU of the North, Wert and- BouUl. ; i , I . BV UABBB, w. - Aiuwaasee. ,).,;,. -- Codhch. BLtrrrs. March 2T. 1ST1. Iambs A. Jaotbows 0o. Harlog tXAssilftedtbAlbraiiiftof tbi M Home Stomach Bitten," I bare prescribed them in my truc kle for soma Una, ana prooounoe tnem tne nest i nnio niuere row In tie. - ' P.M. McllAHON, U. D. tO-ror WW dt nil arnggiss boo graven. j Jf ames A. Jachson & o., Proprietors. Abratory 105 and 107 N. Second St., 8U Louis Misouri. W. H. H. kbrtbn .';Cb9lc -Agen ts at Charlotte, N. u1 U.li april 19-6m ... A--.il IBJSH POTATOES. JUST BECEIVED, a . lot of ... finejrish , Potatoes, soiid and jjood for eating purposes and excel lent fojjatclpian ting. Also, a tme lot ot cummer ,vneesef. RIiia Flfili'. the best salt fishI think, we have in use, very a;ui fyut, w bones. GoodMaGKerel Dnea. 'lieef. spienaia Riceand BohguaiSauspgem yinA All just received at . . . - may 31. , ;. . , - - --M'r.T it" TiHi ; ,- , I 'A LBS of the Hery tcnMrshlanis tjtriyfndbuit ;t, . rl -ui j iJ? : FoT 'Sale?t-siT , lw-j ,Hiirr fHIC J fnWO;AcTesr.)dCland adionunfttliipitj' of ortlWWite Ma..sjpifcw.r v; , ts?.i STfAESlSAJ rMcgS- LI VERPObTAttTit: -500 j VY . XX. A. ahkoiw.' Tv. -, " apr3- vl le of this largest and beat in the South B. KOOPMANNU ; lay 9 1 liUUPMAM- 0. v B J

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