-v - -. ,,, ..,. , - :tiiii . , , ,4 V tf"r RATES OP ADVERTISINr , JOHKS3NK;jONES;i"'ri Office, Bryce's Building, ? Trade Street' ifcXry.tr- w ,hee.dy-T . .200 i7"-""" 2 W s two .weeks.,..MWM. 5 00 three irceks...,.:.r,... 6 50 ' one month " im -KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Uaily, One year. In advance, ,;.....M;..$8 00 Six months, in advance,..... .......w 3 00 Three Months, in advance,.........,. .,,,,1 go One month, m advancei;,......;.. 50 Tri-Weekly, ne year,.i.w..;i $3.50 Weekly, one year,.... l..2M. fgr- Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at a; quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. CHARLOTTE, N. C, UESDAY, JULY 1, 1873. Na 1,364? . Late Jlountain Potatoes. Drs. Greene, lindley & Bentley's 5 BARRELS of Fait Potatoes excellent for eating, or late planting,1 just receiv- uttj&Ax- rAHTLY MEDICINES. -AND 1 11 11,1 1 jt I i.iiiii it 11 1 11 11 r.ii it 11 in 11 11 11 11 11 ;iiu r. ... I I im", iim mit ri o ttkt noAiiy im.u - - ' 1 M l ft ' U U : 1-v ' ' ""i ' . THE edat i. xn; oaiim a. may 23 - BACON ! BACON !! i Large lot of very-superior North Car- XV. Oilua xauuu, xiams, oiuca unu oiioui ders at -! ' ; f STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & (XFS. apl 22 ' ' ' -.V ' At Cost for Cash, ; M EACH AM is selling out his entire Stock of BOOT & SHOES at Cost for CASH. apr.72 3m KISTLEB tHrOTXSIE, UXCOINTON, NORTH CAROLINA. :0: :0: A THREE Story Brick . Building, .with large and comfortable rooms well -. furnished, on the corner of Main street, and in the mot desirable portion of town, convenient to the celebrated Alum Well. Persons desiring a summer r&leat will find Lincolnton unsurpassed, and being more accessible, will find it much cheaper. Mas. L. H KISTLER, mar4-6m - Proprietress. EACH AM is felling out his BOOTS and SHOES at cost for cash, april 27-3iu JUST RECEIVED, A Stock of Grain Cradles, at WALTER BR EM & CO'S apl 27 tfj Hani ware Store. nVIE cheapest and handsomest Embroi X derics, at B. KOOPMANN& may 9 EVINS & BOMAR, ATTOKNKY8 AX-D COtN8ELMttS AT LAW, SPARTANBURG, S. C, may 22 1S73, lm Tiiscarora Lodge No. 122 A. F. & A. Iff. Oxford, N. C, ) May 5. A-D. 1873. A. L. 5873. J AT a regular communication of this Ixtdge, it was Resolved that all Masons be invited to join us in celebrating St. John's day, the 24th of June, proximo, in eonncc ' tion and in aid of St. John's Orphan Asy lum. By order of the Lodge W. A. PHIL-POTT, W. M. A. H. A. Williams, Secy, may 241m ' KOTICE. fpilp undersigned- takes pleasure to in X form his friends and the publicln gen? eral that he has opened a Lajzer Beer Sa loon in the. basement under his present es tablishment; Mr. Jr Ludwig wjll carry on the business there and will offer to his patrons besides Becks' celebrate! Lager, Sandwiches of different kinds, at 5 cents each. . , - s? No liquor sold in the basement. W. R. COCHRANE. june I lm CHARLOTTE ADYEfiTISING AGENCY, - Trade St reet t.2,doorn below Merchants and. Far liters'. National Bank Advertisements received for any paper in North, or South Caro Una &t Publish. -x' slowest - r rates. Business men will Save time, troutdc and money, by doing their advertising through this Agency: apl 28 i CO N C O K D S U N . Published w eekly at CONCORD, X. C, Chas F. IIakris, Editor A Proprietor, .. Only $2.50 per Annum. A large and increasing circulation, making it one of the best Advertifcing Mediums in WESTERN N. C. Twenty-five Ilundrecf (.lopies are read every week, by the besfc'fahiUiea ;iu ,North Caro lina. ,nay 28 tf JUST- opemcj. "; " THE Handsomest arid Cheapest Stock of Millinery Trimmings arid Fancy Goods m the city. The Ladies arc. 1 requested to call and examine the Beautiful Millinery and all the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods at very Low Prices:' Hair Goodtf a Specialty W H apl 2 . MllS. QUERTS. THE First Volume of this Bookpttblish ed in Charleston bv S. B. Hall, j now ready and for sale. All orders must be ad dressed to S. B. Hall, or Mrs. E. S. Hall, Charleston, S.C. - ' fmay24lm B. SMITH, COMMISSIONNMERCHANT, , r- ....i-.j.',.-;---.'';--. t . ; . . AKD DEA.tBI . r, , , - Groceries, CowjJPtsdidte. l HAVING nidf eif acrosi hVStredt imme diately opposite, the Market cHouse, rorruer place; enables ns to offer still more "s umucemenia to ; our, customers than ever before", , ; : We shall continue to aeal m nil -cfi.r i-..sa. -i Kinds of Country: Produce, pure! Eiquors --- tiuuuvo MJUBlgJla4 VU tUi Will f- ceive pur. personal attention;: andnthe hest Prices tliA narVsf oflFVv1a n4WinfcJI ' fl I- returnine our thanks for the very - ana unexpectea patronage pe stowed in the pastre hope by! 'renewed f ncrr,?rqdce4rients, txtyrfttg jfefePl P1"0? pipg reliable i gooda,!! lift aijf OT)en lift Krn caf Kanlin -sJW W4i A pierit a liberal, -fihare of the patronage of niai BEST Italian Violin SWnfesaC-- . . PUREFOYU apl 13 io IS the hlOSt nnvprfnl J i. i i . . , , .v., vim cjuauicub al terative and h rw1.nnr!fi - , r .i'"""" &uuivU pre S , -v lor ocroiuia, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and afi i!f uk8 wh i are Produced by bad or un- . , . ; - vtiijz, cures all kinds of SriCT. on,i r. jt which arise from irritation of the nerve u;. s in ipuepy it often stops the fits irom the -first ria' ...1 n have existed for years. "MEDICA TED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs. Colds. Cronn. Sniw Tlnvmt nn1 oil ' of the air passages and lungs. It does not c.vwvi uj pa-ueni, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for. Neural matisin, and all muscular 01 nervous pains These niedifinps nre nronoruV n.ifU care, from jwrfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott'e.. No one of them is claim ed as a "eure all." Tliev nn ii.,;,...n,. the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. J" or sale by druggists generally. Pre wired only by , DRS. GREENE, LlNfUEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Caneefs. Tn as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER AfNTl DOTES at Charlotte, Oolds- uoro ana Asheville, N. C. june 14 lyr RICHARD ADAM, HIC1IM0ND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) BICHMOZSTD, "V A . M.1Tlllf:ie. - maavo v. I . A I , UIVL and Oackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Bands. may 1 ly. - GRAND OPENING OF NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOOD", EMBRACING ALL THE MOST PORTT lar .novelties -of the Reason, tgether with one of the LARGEST and most 'HAND SOME Stocks of Staple and' Domestic .DRY GOODS, eve? seen in this Mi-.rket. Our lines of Goods in every department, are unusually hirge, and bought since the recent heavy decline, caused by th c depres sion in the Northern money ..market. In our DRESS GOODS Department may be found Black, Plnn, Fancy and Gros Grain Silks, Grenadines, Bombazines, Mohairs, Alpaca., Lustres, Lcnoes, all wool Delaines, Serges, Japanese, Me langes, Silk Pop lins, Butish Clothe Dress Linens, Pongees, Muslins, Linen Lawns, Peques, Ginghams, Chambras, tC-c, etc. Stailc and Domestic Dry Goods Depart ment very large and complete. White Goods Department large and attrac tive. Ribbon, Lace and Trimming Department large and attractive. Hats, Boots and Shoes department em braces everything usually kept in this niaiket. A Splendid Stock of Ready Made Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. A large and handsome Stock of Trunks, Valises, Reticules," &c. The largest and cheapest Stock of Um brellas and Parasols to be found in the City. McMURRAY & DAVIS. apl 13 . . . A. R. NISBET & BROTHER. A RE Daiy receiving fresh supplies of -X UKOCEKIKS,' GOFKtrriOKUlKS, TOBACCO,.SNUFF, CIGARS,3IUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.. FRUITS, PRIZE CAN DIES, &c. ' ' :; : : , . ' We buy for CASHj and select our. goods with care, all Of which we will sell at the lowest price for CASH. We feel very thankful to the generous publie for past patronage, and hope by strict, attention to the wants of the : people to still continue to meet their approval. Our Stock is large and complete, we flatter ourselves that we will please all that give us a call. febO . MAY FASHIONS, 1873. BUTTERWICK.6' Metropolitan, Demorest's Monthly" f Godey's Lady's Boole, ' ' Peterson's MagaJdne, ." Leslie's Iady's Journal, Harper's Bazar in every Monday morning. !AU the other Fashion Books received soon as issued, at - TIDDV8 ; apl 18 ; . .Book Store. NORTH CAROL1NA FLOUR. irr ASACKS Fresh Ground North arc 00 V linaFainily Fldur, -just receiyed and for sale by s v r r l i fiTENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO. PAPEUBAOSJ 1 A AHA 133 from 2 .to 10 ifcs, X V7jU U " just recei ved. s . Alsoj another lot of India Rubber Pipe-stems from 12 to 20 inch" lone iost received at u -x .,., u ? ' iuntflO v 5 - - -. PUREFOVS, - 'krM J CST RECEIVED. . ?s;? A LOTxf Fiencli Note. Paper with En, J velopes to match at -jnnelO , PUREFOY'S, F. M. SHELTON TJAVING greatly increased his Stock of XJL X UlviXlXUKli Which ennsiva part ot Parlor Suits, Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, Washstands. Teapoys, Folding: Tables, L-ad i es Wor k Tables. Extensinn nni . Centre Tables, Whatnots feafes, Excelsior and Cotton rnttrosooa f-n,o;, and Stools of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. ; The Undertakers Denart.m from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot AValnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most annroved stvl win Ko L-oi-vf constantly ready for use, all of which will ue suiu at a most reasonable price. xuscurning many thanks tor past favors I most resnectfiiHv nst flio rnt,onQ 'e l ' j ' . l i rt ii.j yj i Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. aoutn i rade btreet opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON; F. SCARE, SO S3 o B 05 0Q CHARLOTTE, N? C Prescriptions prepared at nil hours oi j,ne jyay ana mgnt. Choice Green and Black Tea, -vlected especially for Family and Inval il, at SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a. k of sudact Suiees for ncKies, preserves, &c, at b . SCARR'S june 29 Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drug Store. J. T. SUGGS, (Successor to Coit and Suggs,) Trade St., next door below Merchants' &. Farmers' National Bank. DEALER IN GROCERIES & LIQUORS, WHOLESALE & REUL. KEEPS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU GAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, CAN DIES, SODA, SOAPS, CANDLES, SE GARS, TOBACCO, Ac, &c. ALSO, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Gate, &c., bought and sold on commission. jan 11-Gm FAKILY GEOCEEIES. b. m . PRESSOR. Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, Sign of the Elephant. JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &c:, &c. p3- FLOUR a specialty. 733 Produce sold on commission, jan 3-ly DRIED BEEF. TfTIP Beef of the very best quality, cured J in the finest style, no bone in'it, cuts smooth -and no loss, and can be recom mended to be unsurpassed by any that we have seen before, at june 13 JNO. F. BUTTS. New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice " " Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 " " . Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. dec 17 BRAITH WAIT'S Retrospect of Practical 1 Medicine und Surgery. Pait EX VI; January 1873 Just in at TEDDY'S. Democrat and Home copy 6 weeks, apl 10 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. YOUR attention Is called to a fresh ar rival of finely flavored Roasted Coffee, by which a great saving is effected apr 14. SYMONS & CO. KAA LP.S of No. 1 Beef Hams. . Call OUx? booh now and get one or more, as they are something delightful, well cured iod the very thing at this season when good things to eat are scarce At . t . JNO. F. BUTTS apl 10 v Market, i - : SPRIN CABBAGE. JUST iiyedaline lot of early'cabbage heads also nice Mustard, Onions, Rad ishes andlettuce. " So come along and have cabbage in place of Taters for dinner, may 3" , t B. N. SMITH, k BEAUTIFUL display of Jett Horn ffidia Rubber and Black Garrictt Setts, at may BvKOOPMANK'S. TEMPLE SPRING AIID S0L1UER OF 1873. rT1;H?AiRGE1ST,AND FINEST , xx. uC viuimus ior OeinST reCftlVPn njJllw frnm "Mow, V-U IQA, and will sell at prices that defy FURNISHING GOODS, His Stock of Gents' Furnish ever b Mrkot- Sudi the best nttine shirt m the World. ers, bocks and Collars cannot be surpassed in Quality, Sizes and Prices. HATS AND CAPS. His Stock of Silk, Fur and Beaver btyies Out, and will sell them Lower NECKWEAR. Silk Scarfs, Ties and Bows of the Finest and Latest Styles. TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS AND UMBRELLAS. You Will alwavs find mir TCntiro Sfrtlr r,Am1i r .. n -..t:i.;. . a fetyles. STYLES OF SUITS. Genuine Scotch Frock and Walking Suits. French and English Diagonal Coats and Vests. Trecco Suits in all colors. French and American Cassimere Suits, in all colors. The Finest French and English Broadcloth Dress Coats. Fiiip. Draditta Suits, &c, STYLES OF PANTS, French and English Doe-Skin Dress Pants. French and English Cassimere Pants in all colors. line Assortment of American Cassimere Pants And a great variety of other styles &c. TESTS. French Broadcloth, Double and Single Breasted. Draditta, Double and Single Breasted. White Marseilles, Double and Single Breasted. White Duck, Donbteaiid-gle'Breasted. . Fancy and Plain Silk Vests, dec. I most respectfully invite the citizens of Charlotte and the Public in General to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere as I guarantee not to be undersold by any one. gRem ember "that E. Sbrier's Temple of Fashion is the only one-price Clothing House in the City, and all his Goods marked in plain figures. Thanking your for your patronage for the past year, I am Very Respectfully. march 20 ly EXCELSIOR ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST J 1 1 TO PLANTERS. WE Offer the following Fertilizers: Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the above firstclass Fertili zers. To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. And to such as have not yet used them one trial will convince theni that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please hand in your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. For sale in any quantity, by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 Encourage Home Industry. COTTON Seamless Meal Bags 0)J made at Franklinsville, N. C, and for sale bv - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 11 A PROCLAMATION. By the Governor of North Carolina. Executive Department, ) Raleigh, June 10, 1873. J Whereas, Official information has been received at this Department that vacancies exist in the Senate branch of the General Assembiy of North Carolina by reason of the resignation of Hiram E. Stilley and J. B. Respess, representing the Second Senatorial District, and that vacancies exist in the House of Representatives of the said General Assembly by reason of the resignation oi Alfred J7 Morrison representative from Lincoln County and Richard C. Badger representative from Wake county, Kow, therefore, I Tod R. Caldweli Governor of the State of North Carolina, by "virtue of authority in me vested by law do issue this my Proclamation, commanding- the Sheriffs of the counties composing the Second Senatorial District of North Carolina to open polls and hold an elec tion at the usual voting places in said counties on THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1872, for two Senators; and I do further command the Sheriffs of Lincoln" and Wake counties to open polls and hold ' elections in their re spective counties on THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1873,, for a member of the House of, Rep resentatives, all of said elections to he held, votes compared and returns made in all respects in accordance' with the laws of tire State of Nort h Carolina. v . Done at. our City of Raleigh , the 10th i day of June, A- D. 1873, and in lu s. the nine-eyenth year of Ameri can Independence. , ' : TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor: : - ' : J B. Keathebt,-! :5 : i: '" -v- ' - v-Private Secretary. " ' r News Weekly Raleigh, North Carolin ian, Elizabeth City;- Express Washington; Observer, Weekly, Charlotte, arid Ameri can, Btatesviile till day of election. junel4taug7 BFFiffll OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES juen uovs ana Youth's wear is now -t- V Ctir r TT.-ri) ct mrymr -r, . competition. as Ball on s F. Y. Shirts, known to be AUn hi rua f tt-. u:- t Hats and Caps are the very than the Lowest. Latest wuhiliih.,, yji nu w ua,iiLlca, UTaueS : sinonropinposE. .): THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit Statesvillc. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. NEW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons and Flowers, Just received at MRS. QUERY'S, mar 16 CARMINE and Violet Inks, at PUREFOY'S B RAS8 LETTER CLIPS, at PUREFOY'S. BREAKFAST BACON. 1 A A A LBS Sugar Cured Breakfast Ba X U U U con, just received and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 17 ROCKBRIDGE AXtJII SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, Open June 1st, I8T3. THIS favorite and celebrated Watering Place will Offer additional attractions this season. It possesses a magnificent Bali Room, fine Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alley for ladies and for gentlemen, and a superb Croquet Ground. It will be kept in a style not surpassed anywhere in Vir ginia. The waters of these special Springs either cure or greatly relieve most cases of Scrof nla, insipient Consumption, chronic Bron chitis, chronic Laryngitis, chronic Pneu monia, chronic Dyspepsia, chronic Diar rhoea, chronic Dysentery. They; are also a great value in those affections which are peculiar to the female constitution, and as an appetizer a tonic and; a general re storative, they are," perhaps, unrivalled amongst mineral waters. The Proprietor' has provided for the lawns and ball room a first-class hand of music, and in general all the soiirces of amusement and recrea tion usually found at our best summer re sorts will be at the command of the guests at Rockbridge ALrai" The place is within from eleven to thirteen hours of Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, etc., by rail, all in daylight. Passengers leave the ears of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road at Gosben Depot; and -new and ele gant stage coaches, passing, rapidly over a smooth and level road of only eight miles, set down the visitors at the Springs to tea, ' JAMES A. FRAZIER, Proprietor. Dk : J. S. Davis, of the University, Resi dent Physician. i -A. B. DoOMr Office Mangejv : , i 8. Mt Muw-enV, Office Manager. jjgjv The Water for sale by J. IL Mc Avrs; Charlotte, N. C. ' L Descriptive pamphlets sent free on ap plication, rjune 10 lm CHARLOTTE FAIR AT J. T BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. HUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTUB AETICLE3 TOO NUMEROUS AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. October 22 THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, IT. C. Authorized Capital $500,000, J.s, TmafEjt Tate, President, Tnos. W. Dewey, Cashier,. P. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BAUiaNG HOUSE 07 TATE & DE.WE7. This Btmk Cliartmd Vtxler Act of th , ' General Assembly and dtriy organizedi under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking: Busiuess. and furnish accommodations to- all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on tiincr or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Sight per cent per Annum oa all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Boaght and Sold. TH0S, W.DEWEY, jan.. 1 187$, Cashier, REDUCTION OF PRICES. WE have this dy made a redaction in the Retail prices of Hardware. Every Mechanic, Farmei and consumers of Ham ware of any kind are respectfully solicited co call and examine our Stock, as we have a good selectien for the Iietail as well as the Wholesal e Trade. Call and see if our prices are mot lew enough. WALTER BRE3I & CO, I mporters and Jobbers- of Hard ware, apl28tf N EW YORK HERALD, Received Dairy and sold at b cents each, at mar 6 PUREFOY'S, Flour, Rour,. THREE HnndrectSttefcs Extra and Fanv ilv Flour in store andjor sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. feb 18 Just Re&exred AT McMorray &, Davis', a very large an? elegant stock of Readv-made CHothing embracing ALL THE LATE SPRING STYLES, mar 21 GO TO - B?T, SMITH for your Vegetables, i . ALSO. Fine lot of Hav, 6,000 Good Union coun ty Shingles. For sale at - -. ' B. N. SMITH'S. : may9 .. " .': tel. . HANDSOME Stock pfReal Poipt, aiwJ Crape Collars, at may? BKP0P3fA!f !TS, AND Assortment oftfk Laces, V at , , B. KOOPM ANN'S. may 9 TyEST CAtlOLINA ; BECOBD. PaWJsheAWly BPtheTfordtonfy. C. w BY CXENTi5TIN. & CARPENTER, At Two Dollarar per Anntrea. . ' The Record is published ;in the fnterest . of no ring, party, sect 'or creed, but labors for the elevation, improvement indiw of all. may 31 "3ms, 1 t i;

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