i. a f.lmrlotte , ObsfirvAr; AllV ' . - - - JOHNSTONE JONES. Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street. RATES OF 8UB8CBIPTl6ir. : n .3 ..... A rw K,;U one year j h way vc, w w ;v niontlis, in aui w i,rCe Months, in advance, 1 50 Dne monui, i. Ivi-Weekly, ene year.... 50 $3.50 ftVeekly, one yuui. 2.00 if BOOT & SHOE'STOHl. WING received the most of our New Stock of Boots and Shoes. Hats, H i'11" ' 1 ,.A tham tn h WHOLESALE & RETAIL - v t J al J ' At t-tM and feel connuent wat uie otyie, i 1'ilitv and price of our goods can not be ,'cd in this market. u'. f ill Special attention to our qiock oi i'!H' n. ami Youth's Fur. Wool and It'll , !"" ' We feel assured that all who may favoi -.1. .-, , will be ulcased with our K llll l ""1 Etock an' prices. ,1 '21 tf BACON I BACON ! ! Liirjre lot of very superior North Car olina Bacon, Hams, Sides andShoul- ' sTEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO'S. up! 22 "XISTLEB HOUSE, USCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. :0: :0: lir'C and comfortable rooms well f-niNhed, on the corner of Main street, in the most desirable portion of town, convenient to the celebrated Aium en. Persons desiring " summer retreat will in re i accessible, will nun u luuc.n c.ueapcr. Mrs. L. 11 K1S1L.K.K, (j,n rroifietress. nr;r KVINS & BOMAR, ATP'JJMVS AND l()rSEL.XA)KS AT AW, SPAKTAXBURG, S. C, may 22 173, 1 im CIIARUViTP: ACVERTlSIKGr AGENCY, vi r f Tru'!' Slr.rt - door oeiow nwcti-ani !):( Farmers' Xutioual Hank. Advertisements received -ior any pr.per in North or South Caro lina at Publish r's low3st rates. P.r.siuess men will save time, trouble and this A:reucv. COii CORD SUN. Published weekly at C 0 N C 0 It D , N . C -, f 'has F. ITAnRis, Editor & Proprietor, Only f2.o0 per Annum. f hirce aim unceasing circulation, masing h'uue of the best Advertising Mediums in WL STERN N. C. ' 1 wotitv-live Uundmi topkos are read everv week, uv uie ucsl u.uiiiica in ouini vmu- lina. I may z tl JU?1 OPEMXC. mm- L Mi Pill IIandsmest- and Cheapest Stock of lillinerv Trimmings and Fancy Goods in the citv. ' The Ladies are reqtietctl to can ana examine me neauiuui liiunery iuii i an wie ljuesb iociues m runuv i ii . i ' ' x. li.: - T . (i')n(ts at verv Low Prn-es. Hair Goods a Specialty at apl2 MRS. QUERY'S. 15. N. SIfllTII, COMMISSION MERCHANT, . ASV DKALEK IN Groceries, Country Produce, &c , HAVING moved across the Street inline diatelv oi ii ii isi ti tip Af:irL-ft. lln-iw where our rents are only one-half of our former place, enables us to offer still more flattering inducements to our customers tlian ever before.- We shall continue to deal in all kinds of Family Groceries, all kinds of Countrv Produce ourt I.ionors. ... ' 1 1 T All proiluce consigned to us will re- f ne onr personal attention and the best pnecs the market affords guaranteed. in roturmns our thanks for tli verv nattering and unexpected natronafce be- clOWetl 1T1 ttw natt linut Wit nkUAtrn profits, keeiuiiir reliable ?o(ds. and fir. oni'ii :inii i. .n.wf .uni .... i. r.. "lent a liberal share of the patronage of the city and surrounding country. R. N. SMITH. niay 29 FLOUR! FLO UK NE Car load of Flour just received arid j I'-'i saie to suit mw. nil knirls or neo- 1'lc, from the most fastidious to the easiest io please. Some 98 lb. sacks to sell as low asw.,0. Then beautiful white "Family, made out of White Amber Wheat. Then ptit up m small quantities in sacks of 25cts, 50ct8, $1.00. $2.00. nnd ., oanh. And don t forget our very excellent Ci- June 28 J. F. BUTT. What ia that for? ' Tt ia f-kT coIa of. June 19 TIDDY'S. R EWARD of merit Cards at JLt' 1 TIDDY'S. June if) SHELL I N the Radical flumn. for sale at TIDDY'S. THE cheapest and handsomest Embroi- deries may 9 a. a. Ni333r & BaorHsa. A RE Dai'v receivinsr fresh supplies of -fi GROPTi'.'nTws m vvwirrro witP nl TOBACCO SXTTTT?!? nrAT?S MTTSTriAt. lfth 'K MWWTO WDTTTTO O ? !7IT PI Tv We buy for CASH, and select our goods Willi care- oil rif rl.iH nro rill soil at. tho lowest. Tr5fo fri r A OTT ' . , . - j ; r ; We feel verv thankful to the crenerous public for Dast natroriacre. and hope bv strict attention the. arnnt nf th neome. f .111 . .. . .T w Biiu continue to meet tueir approval. ,y; Our Rhnolr ., in" lama ond nmn1llA VA auer ourselves that we will please au vuui give us a can. ' - &b9 . . AW.A . - . II Vol. IX. Drs. Greene, Iindley & Bentleys GREAT PAHILT MEDICINES, "DREPARED expressly for, and adopted "COMPOUND EXTRACT CORYDAL IS"' is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced" by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENE'S FIT CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first dayfs use, even where thev have existed for vears. "MEDICATEb HONEY:1 The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically the same that we have u?d in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They arc safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no otners. Ask your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, UN D LEY A RE NT LEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore hv K LINK'S G KEAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Go!d boro' and Asheville, N. C. june 14 lyr RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Barrels, mav 1 lv. GRAND OPENING OF NEW MM & SUMMER GCIF, EMBRACING ALL THE MOST POI'U- ar novelties.ofiiie Season, together with neoftle LARfiKSTand iost HAND SOME Stocks of StapV and Domestic DRY GOODS, ver seen in this Ms.rkct. Onr lines of GikkIs in everv deiartnent, are unusually large, and bought since the recent heavv din-line, caused bv the depres sion in the Northern money market. In our DRESS GOODS Department may be found Black, rlf in. Fancy and tiros (irain Silks, Grenadines, Bombasines, Mohairs, Alpacas, Lustres, Ixtnoes, all wool Delaines, Serges. Japanese, Mo lunjres, bilk Pop lins, Batisli Cloths, Dress Linens, Pongees,' Muslins. Linen Iiwns, Peques, Ginghams, Chanihras, tc, tc. Staple and Domestic Dry ioxls Depart ment very large and complete. White Goods Department large and attrac tive. Ribbon, Lace and Trimming Department large and attractive Kats, Boots and Shoes department em braces everything usually kept in this maiket. A Splendid Sun-k of Ready Slade Clothing and Gent's F.nrnishing Goods. A large and handsome Stock of Trunks, Yali&es, Reticules, Ac The largest and cheapest stock ot um brellas and Parasols to be found in the City. . HcHURRAY & DAVIS. apl13 WAY FASHIONS, 1873. BUTTERWICK ..'Metropolitan, Deniorest's Monthly, Godey's Lady's Book, Peterson's Magazine, Leslie's Lady's Journal, Harper's Bazar in even' Monday morning. All the other Fashion Books received soon as issued, at TIDDY S apl 18 ispok store. NORTH CAROLINA FLOUR, 350 SACKS Fresh Ground North Caro lina Family Flour, just received and for sale by STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 11 PAPER BAGS! 1A AAA 'Paper Bags, from 2 to 10 lbs. lUjUUU just received. Also, another lot of India Rubbef Pipe-stems from 12 to 20 inch long just received at juneTO PUREFOYS. JUST RECEIVED. A LOT LOT of French Note Paper with En- J. velopes t match at innelO ' PUREFOY'S. rAA LBS of No. 1 Beef Hams. Call 0 UU soon- now and get one or more, as they are something delightful, well cured and the very thing at this season when good things to eat are scarce - At JNO. F. BUTTS apl 10 Market. ; l SPRING CABBAGE. TUSTi receiTed. a fine lo of early, cabbage O headSfawnica Mustard, Amions, Jtaa Ishes nd Iiettuce. , So . come along and have cabbage in placeyof TnterS for dinner. . . mav 3 ' B N. SMITH. TBAUTIFULdisply of Jett Horn India XJ Rubber and Black Uarnett etts, at pay 9 B. KOOTMANN'S. iliii CHARLOTTE, N. GV AND I? H S o F. m. SHELTOS HAVING greatlv increased his Stock of FURNITURE which consists in part oi Parlor Suits. Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Snits, French and Cottage Bedsteads Spring; Beds, Bureaus, Washstands. Teapoys, Folding: Tables. Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables;, Whatnots .Safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and Stools of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete trom tne cheapest l'oplar Comn to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved stvlcwill be kept constantly ready for use, all of which will be sold at a most reasonable price. Returning many thanks for past favors I most resjiectfullv ask the citizens ot Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give nic a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON. 2D B O o B . 09 a? CHARLOTTE, N, C Prescriptions prepared at :l tours of the Day and night. Choice Crecu niul Black Tea, S-.leeted especially his, at june 29 for Family and lnval SCARR'S Drug Store. FHEI1 SPICES. Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, Ac, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drag Store. Pure Salud Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1S72 Drug Store. J. T. SUGGS, (Successor to Coit and Suggs,) Trade St., next door below Merchants' A Farmers' National Bank. DEALER IN-- G R O C E II I E S & LIQUORS, WHOLESALE & RFUL. KEEPS constantly on band a large and well selected stock of BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU GAR, COFFEE," TEAS, SPICES, CAN DIES, SODA, SOAPS, CANDLES, SE GARS, TOBACCO, &c, &c. ALSO, Com, Wheat, Rye, Oats, &c, bought and sold on commission, jan l-Hini FAMILY GROCERIES. B . M . PRESSON. Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, Sign of the Elephant. JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, Ac:, Ac. pir FLOUR a sjiecialty. p$f Produce sold on commission, jan 3-1 y DRIED BEEF. CHIP Beef of the very best quality, cured in the finest style, no bone in it, cuts smooth and no loss, and can be recom mended to be unsurpassed by any that we have seen before, at june 13 ' JNO. F. BUTT'S. New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice " " Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 " " Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENIIOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. dec 17 B R AITH W AIT'S Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Pait EX VI, January 1873. Just in at TIDDY'S.' Democrat and Home copy 6 weeks, apl 10 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. AaOUR attention is called to a fresh ar- X rival of finely flavored Roasted Coffee, by which a great saving is effected' aprl4. SYMONS&CO. TJ ANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and AX Crape Collars, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. GRAND Assortment of Fine Laces, at B. KOOPM ANN'S. may 9 WEST CAROLINA RECORD. Published Weekly", at Ruierfordton, K. C. s BY'CLENDENIN & CARPENTER, . .' At Two Dollars per . Anunil V: - The Record is published in the.; interest or no ring, party, sect or creea, but labors for the elevation, improvement and good el ail. may &s. F. SCARR, THURSDAY, JULY 10, Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta , Railroad. ? , Columbia, C-, June 13, 1S73. GEN. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 4 ? : On and after MONDAY jrjK''Clie'1bllowi-g Schedule will be run jover ibis ivoaa : TIMETABLE. GOIIfG SOUTH. No. 1. Leave Charlotte, 4.20 a.m. Arrive at Columbia, ' 9.30 &. m. Arrive at Augusta, 2.00 p. m. GOING KORTH. No. 2. Leave Augusta, 4.15 a. m. Leave Columbia, 8.42 a.m. Arrive Charlotte, 2.27 p.m. WING south. No. 3. Leave Columbia, ZA't a. m. Arrive Augusta, 8.20 a. m. V , GOING SOUTH. No. 4. Leave Augusta, Arrive Columbia, 5.0 p. m. 10.47 p. n-. Standard Time ten minutes slower than Washington City time, and six minutes faster than Columbia City time. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train dailv. Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points Ivorth, South and West, Through tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. E. R. Doesey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. july 3 OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD; J OR, Testimony From the Battle-Fields. Under the above title I propose to pub lish first in newspaper, and subsequently in book form, a series of articles giving the war record of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in Nov., 1860, to the close of the war between the States in May 1865. My: plan embraces three divisions : 1st. Accounts of each skirmish and bat tle on the .soil, or ivpon the waters of North Carolina. 2nd. Accounts of every battle fought during the war on the soil of any State, in which any of the troojis of North Carolina took part especial care being taken to show what those troops did and suffered in each of those battles, and what glory and renown our officers and men fairly won. 3rd. " A" Southern Chart for all time." An explanation of the tbird division of the proposed plan will be submitted at a later day. That I may accomplish this arduous, but pleasing self-imposed work, I invoke the aid of all my brother soldiers, and ask them to. furnish me material which can be arranged and digested so as to form a com plete record of the heroic deeds of the sons of North Carolina upon the battle fields of the Confederacy; aud especially do ask all who ca wrvto to furnish me details of ev-i erf battle in Which ihey participated, and the art borne by their immediate com mands. The time may not have cowe to write rhis portion of North Carolina's History ; but it has come to collect material and ar range it for the use of the future historian. The living actors will soon pass away, and much valuable information, unless gath ered now, will be lost forever. Hence, after waiting for several years for some me more competent to undertake the task, 1 have determined to devote the remaining years of my life to this labor of love. I yield to none in love for mv native State, or in admiration for the gallant men who have shed imperishable glory upon her. I prelcr to give these accounts nrst in newspaper form, in order that omissions and emirs, if any occur, may be pointed out and corrected before the work shall pass into more enduring form which it will assume, should it prove what I desire to make it, a valuable acquisition to the war record of the South. Several prominent actors m the war have already promised their co-operation and the valuable aid oi their pens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete. and I hope to enlist an army of valuable aid of their pens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete, ana i nope io enlist an army of valuable co-laborers in the good cause as readily as did North Carolina enlist her sons to fight the battles of the "Lost Cause." General officers from other States, w ho commanded North Carolina troops, are re spectfully asked to give me all the infor mation in their possession, relative to the conduct and beannsr ot those troops. In endeavoring to do justice to the sol diers of my native'State, I certainly shall most careiuny aosuun iroiii uuuig jnjua tice to those from anv other. Mv brethren of the press will confer a favor by giving the whole, or such part of this Prospectus as they may aeem proper, one or more insertions, calling attention thereto. Address "Our Living and our Dead," Newhem. N. C. Tire; firstn umber will be issued about the 10th' of June. Subscription price $2 per year in advance. STEPHEN D. POOL. - Late Colonel 10th Rcg't N. C. S. T. june 5 Im STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Fairfield COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. John C. Mackerell Plaintiff, For Money Demand. against James Donley, defendant. Ta James Dmdm Defendant in this Action : You are herebv summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which will be .filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy of your answer on the subscribers at their of fice. No. 6. Law Ranee. Winnsboro, S. C , witirin tWertty days after the service of this summons exclusive of the day of ser vice. - '' ? - ,w - ' - If you ' taVLi ta answer thisff complaint within the time aforesaid, the blaintifl wil take judgment against you for the sum of three nundred and seven aoiiars ana cosis -Dated 14th Mav. 1873. McCANTS & DOUGLASS, ":" Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendant Jama Donley . Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing is a copy together with the complaint lierein, was filed In the office of the Clerk of the Court bf-oniraoJii Pleas for Fairfield county, State of South Carolina, on the 3rd -day of June, A. D. 1873. - ' McCANTS & DOUGLASS -Plaintiff's Attorneys. june 5 codGw- 1872. No, 1,370, SILIOHTOII HOUSE. STATES ViLLEt Bi C- :0: - THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit, fUatesville. He will spare neither pains, nor. money to make the S1M0NT0N HOUSE a fatt cfass HOTEL, and worthy of pirbiJe patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. TjTEW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, -Ll Ribbons and Flowers, Just received at MRS. QUERY'S, mar 16 HA RMINE and Violet Inks, at J PUREFOY'S. BRASS LETTER CLIPS, at PUREFOYS. BREAKFAST BACON. 1 A A A LBS Sugar Cured Breakfast Ba J.UUU con, just received and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 17 ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, Open June 1st, 1873. THIS favorite and celebrated .Watering Place will offer additional attractions this season. It possesses a magnificent Ball Room, fine Billiard Rooms, Bowling Alley for ladies and for gentlemen, and a superb Croquet Ground. It will be kept i a style not surpassed anvwhcif iff Vir ginia. 1 he waters of these special Springs either cure or greatly relieve most cases of Scrof ula, lrrsfpient Consumption, chronic Bron clutis, chronic Laryngitis, chronic Pneu monia, etironie Dyspepsia, chronic Diar rhoea, chronic Dysentery. They are also a great valorem those affections which are peculiar to the female constitution and as an appetizer, a tonic and se general re storative,, twey are. perhaps, unrivalled amongst mineral waters. The Proprietor las provided for the lawns and ball room a first-class band of music, and in general all the sources of amusement and recrea tion usually found at our best summer sorts will be at the command of the guests at " Rocfc-fcKiBGE Amjm." The i lace is within from eleven to thirteen hours of Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, etc., by rail, all in daylight. Passengers leave the cars of ther Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road at tiostpew Depot, and new and ele gant stage coaches, passing rapidly over a smooth and level road of ouly eight miles, set down the visitors at the Springs to tea. JAMES A. FRAZIEK, Proprietor. Dr. J. S. Davis, of the University, Resi- lcnt Physician. A. B. Doom, Office Manger. S. M. Mullkn, Office Manager. 253- The Water for sale by J. H. Mc- Aden, Charlotte; N. C. Descriptive pamphlets sent free on ap plication. tl:ie 10 lm EXCEESIOR ! I THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST I ! TO PLANTERS. WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure m again tendering to our Farmers the above first-class J? crtill zers. Tn those who have used them so many years we need only say that they arc guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. And tn such as have not vet used them nnp trial will convince them that thev are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please nana in your oruers earlv, as the "consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. For sale m anv quantity, ny STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 Encourage Home Industry. 500 COTTON Seamless Meal Bags made at Franklinsvillc, N. C, and for sale by STENIIOUSE, MAUAULAi IU. apl 11 A PROCLAMATION. By the Governor of North Carolina. Executive Department, ) T? AT.KTftH. June 10. 178. I Whereas, Official, information has been received at this Department that vacancies ovieK 111 thp Senate bramrh of the (Jeneral Assembly of North Carolina by rftiwir of f -a f t J' the resignation oi uiram r otilk aim T Ii T?fsprw. renresenting the Second Spn:itnri;l District, and that vacancies exist in the House of Representatives of l,o irt npnpml Asfeinblv lV ftfrson ol the resignation ot ALFBtu J. Mokmwjx rrrpspntative from Lincoln Ctmiity and Brmiiii) C. Badgeb representative from Wnlrp ennntv. Now, therefore, I Ton R. Caldwell, the StAtp of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested by law do issue this my Proclamation, commaiid- ing the Sheriffs of the counties composing . . i i r li the Second senatorial istnct oi numi Carolina to open polls and . hold an elec tion at the usual voting places in said THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1872, for two Senators; and I do further command tne Sheriffs of Lincoln and Wake counties to open polls and hold elections in their re spective counties on THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D.. 1873, for a member of the House of Rep resentatives, all of said elections tobebcld, votes compared and returns made' in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, , Done at our City of Raleigh, the 10th day of June, A-.D. 1873, and in l. s. the nine-seventh year of ' Ameri can Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor: . "- ' 'M J. B. Neathekt, Private Secretary, News, Weekly, Raleigh, North Carolin ian, Elizabeth City; Express Washirigtoft; Observer, Weekly, Charlotte; and Ameri can, Statesville till day of election june 14 taug7 - ' :' ' " GO TO BN. SMITH for your Vegetables. .ALSO. Fine lot of Hav. 6,000 Good Union coun ty Shingles. For sale at B.N. SMITH'S. may 9 RATES OF AlVaTSING. One Square oee the..w...rt.t....4V.$f y -J. . ttn dam . r'A , T V J. iWW v three days..... ..-. 2 Off four dys'...v........... 2 50 fire days., 3 ecr on6 wcc-tv" 3 59 5 00, three weeks...... . 6 59 one rHont-.-vMa.Mte.. . 8 00 3? Cbwtract Advertfeements taken alt pwoTtfonately loW rtesv - . -i ? iTfve Squares estimated at a qtiaifeT-col tittntif na ten- squares as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE -FAIR I T BUTLER'S 1 ! NEW GOODS. 7ateks, Clocks, Jewel tj. Diamond Silrer and Plated Ware, Spectacles, && LiUSIC BOIES AND MANY o,rr-22; r,'?ou2 nr ft n tt nr v u a it u . V XI JTJ. Xi XI' Vf J K to ivtr,r tioxst, AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE TffE fAKXN ftottSlft October- 22 IKE BANK OF MECKLENBUKG, Authorized Capital $500,000 Jas. TuKifsft Tate, President. Thosv W. Det, Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE CF TATE L DEWEY, This Ban Chartered Under Act of Vh' General Asseftftlv affd dulv organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact! General Banking Business.- and furnish accommodations- to all its Cns tomers on libeml Tetni. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Cheeky arid will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on tnnef or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Sight pet cent per Annu on all sums lj'ing rrndrawn over fhirtt days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier, NEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily and sold at 5 cents each, at mar 6 PUREFOY'S. FlouTr Flour. THREE Hundred Sacks Extra and Fant' ilv Flour ift store and for sale by STENHOUSEy MACAULAY & CO, feb iS Suii fieceived AT McMurrayA Davis1, a verv large atnf elegant stock of Ready-made Clothing embracing ALL THE LATE SPRING STYLES, mar 21 w. ii. h. nousTOif St CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS and 1TQTJOR rTALER. TRADV STREET, ARE . daily recevirrg large additions for their Inwnense Stock, consisting of Coffee, ' Sugar,- Molasses, Syrups,- Candles, Soaps, Soda, Salt, Candy, Crackers, Oys ters, Mackerel, Liquors and Wines of all kinds, to which they invite the at:entkit ot the Wholesale Trade, gtrarawteefftg prices and quality of gootls. may 20 PROTECT ibt RSEtr FROM the MOSQUITOES. We Jiave ifet received a large assortment of Mosuni-' to Canopies, Frames, Fixtures, &c tof Bedsteads and Ceiling. Bars and Bobinette, for making Netts. Call and secthent . BREM, BIMiWN & CO,: june -V aiawvw DlKQUASt SCHOOL. : Mebajieviile, N. C. MAJi ROBERT BINGHA! StfpX ...... , vaj. wb. -TActf. cW. t. l. Koawoo,' ... PUL Session opens 25th July. a' For Circulars address, ; ! Maj. ROBERT BINGHAM; 8vttfUrJti . Junel3 lm r , :A .' LANK BOOKS, jus received t ,:UV" "FUREFOY:; " '"'" v.

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