Travelers' Guided i .. . v Richmond fc Danville, Richmond & Dan ville R. N. C. Division, and North Western N. C. R. W. ; CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Junel5tb, 1873. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Leave Charlotte, Mail. Accoji,. 2 50 p m 5 02 8 15 " it Kansoury, Orecnsboro' Dan v We, 11 17 ' 6 15 a m 11 40 " 2 55 p m Burkville, 3 34 a m Arrive at Richmond, 6 35 GOING LOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Acco:. Leave Richmond, ' llin-L-villr 1 05 p m 4 10 " 8 45 " 1138 " 2 03 a m 4 05 " 9 45 a m 1 20 p m A.r 6 10 pm hi Danville, Greensboro' finli-shnrv Arrive at Charlotte, GOING EAST. Stations., Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro " Co Shops u Hillsboro' Raleigh, Arrive Gsldsboro' 8 20 p m 10 00 " 11 10 " 1 40 a m GOING WEST. Pietooirt 'Air-Line. Eailway. Express. NORTH WESTERN N. C. R R. (Salem Braiicii.) Leave Greensboro' Arrive at Kernersville, Liave Kernersville, Arrive at Greensboro' 3.10 5.10 0.00 10.30 P m f m Mail trains daily, both way?, over entire length of road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Richmond (Sundays On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at &.25 a. in., arrive at Burkcville 11.28 a. m., leave Burkeville 1.10 p. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. m. Ptillman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gcn'l Ticket Agent, T. M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N- C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent. Time Table Western N. C R. It. Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1871. GOING WEST. Arrive. Salisbury. Leave. 5.00 A. M 5-7 6.50 8.02 " 8.55 " .40 " 10.25 " 11.10 41 1159 " 12.48 P. M 5.52 A. 6.45 " 7.42 " 8.50 " 9.35 " 10.20 " 11.05 " 11.54 12.43 r. 1.32 " M. Third Creek, Statesville, Catawba Station, Newton, Hickory Tavern, Icard, Morganton, Bridgewater, jc. Marion, OJd Fort, GOING EAST. Arrive. Leave. Old Fort, 7.15 A. 7.59 A. m: Marlon, 8.04 8 48 " Krldgwater, 8.5 " .37 " Morganton, 9.42 - ' 10.22 " Icard, 10.27 " 11.07 " Hickory Tavern, 11.12 4 11.52 Newton, 11.57 ' 12.45 P. M. Catawba Station, 12.-50 p. 1.42 " Statesville, 1.47 4 2,35 " Third Creek, 2.40 ' 3.32 " Salisbury,, M. 51. Trains Pass at Icard at -10.25 A. Jy 25 . , M Wilmington javes, : rrlves, : : C. & It. Hailroad. . 8.00 a. m 5.30 p. m SCHEDULE. To Take Effect Joxe 16-rn, 1873. EASTERN DIVISION j&tlanta & Rich. Air-Line Eailway, Day Passenger a Freight Train Westwart Mondays Wednesdays & Fridays. Stations. Charlotte, Garibaldi, Dewey's Stand, Gaston ia, "Wootten's, King's Mountain, "Whitaker's, Black's Gaffney's, Thicketty, CowpensLi Spartanburg, Moore's, . . . Crier's, Greenville, Stations Mail. Leave Goldsboro' 2 30 p m " Raleigh, 5 26- i' Hillsboro' 7 47 " " Co Shops, 30 " Arriv Greensboro 10 48 a m Arrive. Leave. 5.00 a. nv 5.52 a. ra. 5.57 a.m. 613 " G.18 " 6.38 u 6.53 " 7.21 ', 7.20 " 7.50 " 8.00 f 8.32 u 8.42 9.( 2 " 0.12 " 9.40 " 10.0CT " 10-.24 44 10.29 " ir.53 " 10,58 " 11.30 " 1145 u 12.29 p.m. 12.39 p,m. 1,03 1.18 " 2.10 D ay Passenger & Freight Train Eastward Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays Stations. Greenville, Grier's, Moore's. Spartanburg, Cowpens, Thicketty, Gaffney's, Black's, Whitaker's. Arrivf. 5.00 a. m. 5.52 " Leave. 6.07 6.41 7.50 8.17 8.46 9.30 10.08 10.38 11.20 11.49 12.32 12.57? 1J.8 6.31 7,25 8.12 8.41 9:10 9.58 1028 u II il u it King's Mountain, 11.10 Wootten's, 11.44 iastoma, ; Vi V P m. Dewey's Stand, 12.52 Garibaldi, 1.13 it u This tpain has the absolute fright to the Track, except by Sieciai Orders from this Otfice. Fare by this Train, Five Cents jr mile. By all other Trains Ten Cents per mile. -; rB.-Y.-6 AGE;? ' Eng. ASup-'t.' TV ' (Lately of Raleigh, North Carolina") r- Attorney Counsellor at Law, No.6, Wall Street,. - . NEW YORK CITY. . 'XXFi attend promptly to all profession ' vSMTne8s entrusted to him. : Refers - o Chief J ustice and Associate Justices Sra?i?5P Carolina, n"v'ie cvrui uaronna uar v Atlantic; Tennessee & Ohio R. B. 'SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ChaSlottb N, p., Jrae28tb, 1873., Jf ON and after ' Monday; the 30th; the fol lowing Schedule yrUl beiun over this Read: r ;. f GOINO SOCTH. w -.4- ", Leave Statesville, " Davidson College Arrive at Charlotte, i GOINO North . Leave Charlotte, " Davidson College Arrive at Statesville, 6.00 A. M. 737 " 9.00 " 4J0O P. M. 5.2G " 7.00 " All charges must, be pre-paid on Freight offeied for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Cald well's. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or dam age to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, "July 23 Superintendent. BOARDIKG HOUSE. M RS. AMANDA STONE Y informs the public that she has opened a Boarding l.nnspin Grav's Buildins oDnosite urn rres- hvterian Church, and solicits a share Of local and transient custom, june 18 tf MOLASSES. A BARREL Cheap. Molasses, UU 30 barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Tierces Demcrara Molasses, just received at STENHOUSE, MAC AULA "T & CO. june 21 SLoney, Money, to be Made. I HAVE a number of small accounts on various friend, (so-called) of ours ; that have ben carried until they are very much worn; we propose to send them around; probably every day until the tirst of Ju ly: Those remaining on .hand not wrn out or otherwise destroyed, at the above date,1 1 will advertise in the Observer for 30 days to be sold at the Auction Rooms : giving the name of party and amount due. (Promises don't pay our indebtedness.) B.N.SMITH. june 24 EI OWE STOIWACn BITTERS. AT W. II. H. HOUSTON & CO S. This medicine is unequalled as a pure tonic and invigorator a pi 15 A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! Marriage jllnrricd i ilinne about t niarrv on the phrri. lneicat Guide. i'm.Titri- nd rreliiouof Ithoexnal nvtom, witb th Ultvt diorcric.H in ro1acin( and prevetuiuf ofTipring, liow io rexrrve the cnmplrxiou. ore. Ttiiii an i iiterontinf work I tiro hundred and aixtj n:tt'!i. with dub trou eugrat itig, aut contains raluahlo liirormntinn f'r thoae iu are married. or coDtcmplatemar. riic Siilliliaa book that ought to be kopt under lock ami ker. and not laid eareleislT about the bue. 1 1 cu'ntain tho experience u4 advire et phralcian who.-e rcpniatlon la world-arMe, end phonWf be In the pri. " rate drawer of ere. j male and female tbrouehout the entire glhc. It embraces everrtbiuK ok the nabjevt of thefco. , er:iiive yteni thai U worth knolflng, and mnek that i Out piiLlinheJ In nr ether work. ' Sunt io .Tnr one Uree of aMa) forFlflr Cent. Aldrew lr. Uuiu' IUiuarj.. 12X. Kigbth tree I St. lie. ITctica to the Afflic.ed and Unfortmate. He fore applj-fue to the Metoriou qnacki who adrertise in public paprrii.or naing an; quack remedie peruse Dr. I; miii wark ho matter what jour disease ia, or how deplor able your .oudiiiu. !r. Butts it.:.irs a double house of twenty-acrea. rrrtiu : i a i mlorxed by aeroe o f the asest celebrated mrdl cuil professors nf ihiscounirr aud Euroe. and can becoo mlt -1 person :i1lr or by mail, on thediseases mentioned i uia w..rke- OltiVe and parlors. No. it K. Klghth etrceh Vviweea ..rkeland ChvsuMt, St. Leuls, Ha. nov 2-d & w ly GRAND DISPLAY OF Mi-llinery, FANCY LM STAPLE' AT B I .TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN IN forming the public that I have in store and am daily receiving the li nest and cheapest stock, of the above goods ever brought to this market, and can safely say that the goods are the best, and selected with the greatest care and Will be sold at such rates as to defy competition. You will hnd each and everv department com plete: and to makeinv Millinery Depart ment more complete, 1 have engaged two FIRST CLASS ITIILLINEUS, one of whom is recently trom Baltimore. I respectfully invite the public tocall na sexamine my HiocK anu prices. ? ; Another one of my Bpecialtieu is the BARG A1N COUNTER. On It vnliTOnSpoods af Ihl faoki re- IS' MY MOTTO . Is,Quick Sales and S;nalL Profits, the BEST tftMJDS at the Lowest Prices To WHOLESALE BUYERS: 1 have the largest Stock of Trimmed Hats in the State, and will be sold as low as they .can he bought in . Northern Mar. Charlotte, N. C. may 8 . . i rvld Papers for sale at 50 cents per bun V died at This Office-. - ? DRY GOODS KOOPH t 4 A. t .u -t "AND' PR1IT1IG, We arc prepared to do all kinds of Book ' J. and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or iu colors; printed on as reasonable terms as the' same work mnbedancat anv- establishment in the State. 5 Merchants, Manniactrirers Profes sional Men, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms- of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis iting Cards, Admission Cards. Invitations. Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro- i grammes, Posters Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, fec, Had better give us a kail, as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Railroad Blanks, Labels, Conductor Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. t& Orders from abroad will always receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage li censes, Liens, &c., kept for sale.' Postal Caids Printed in the Latest Styles. IST; We . pay special attention to t p& every description, such is Tobacco Labels, Bandi, Notices, &e Editor & Proprietor.; A T miDDYSon can tret aCroouet Sett thai A isTErtaubject to the criticisms of 4 - YE LOCAL." ; i ' Xrii'rrojn 5i)0 io ItbiXL" CaHat'the BookStere.-,r' ' IjtinelO m THE - SI'S .. LAST OPENING. H AVING rented the Store Koom occu pied last vear by W. J. Black & Co., on CoUeg Street, we beg to inform our friends aivd the public, that we wdl open about the 1st September next with a full Stock of GROCERIES. From now until then we will give our en tire attention to a Commission business: Wa Tpspectfnllv solicit Consignments of v . L , w COTTON, GRAIN, FLOUR, &c, &c. Guaranteeing highest Maaket prices and prompt returns in every instance. We refer by permission to J. R. Homjvnd, Cashier M. & F. Nat. Bank, M. P. Pegram, Cashier 1st Nat. Bank. Tiios. VT. Dewey, Cashier Bk Mecklenburg. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. , Democrat copy. june 21 lv II. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN NO. 4 WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods Store, CHARLOTTE, O. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 COME and look at the stvle of 1S99, at may 9 B. KOOPM ANN'S. , DALE'S CORN KILLER. June 22 W. 11. BURWELL & CO., VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE, June 22 W. R. B. & CO. riREAT Bargains in Black Lace and VX Lania Shawls, at may i B. KOOPMANN'S. D ON"T FAIL TO CALL at Meacbam's He is selling out at cost for Cash. apr " 3ni FASHIONS T?OR July. All kinds of Fashions to JL suit evervbodv juc 19 at TIDDY'S' GREAT Bargains offered in Linen Goods of everv description, at may 9 " B. KOOPMANN'S. THIS IS HOME SHUTTLE. mav 28 3m A Splendid Farm Near the City, FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL farm of 133 acres, of very valuable land just three miles from Charlotte, on one of the Railroads. 30 acres under cultivation, besides a fine meadow of 5 acres ; about sixty or seventy acres in forest of original growth. A new resi dence on the place with three rooms, and outhouses. Also, a new barn and stables. A well of excellent water h on the place, and the fences are in good orde. For sale at once on reasonable terms by GRAHAM & NASH. Office at Court House, Charlotte, N. C. june 10 2w MONEY SAVED BY BUYING THE NEW Family Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payments WE claim and can show that it is capa ble of doing a larger range of work than any other; easier to learn on, and the most simple in its construction. "It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and does from the finest to the thickest work with equal facility and perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a first class standard machine, to call and examine for Miemselves before purchasing elsewhere, at our sales room pn Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address H. C. TURPIN, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte. N. C. P. O. Box 11. Agents Wanted, june 18 tf Clean ilp Icsur Back Lots. IN obedience to a resolution passed by the Board of Aldermen Monday night, June 16th, 1 hereby notify the citizens of Charlotte, to have their privys cleansed, and to hare all accumulations of trash and filth calculated to produce sickness, re moved from their premises. They will be allowed until the 21st of thismonthj June, to comply with this notice. After that day the Marshal will visit their premises, as he; is authorized to do, and report every,, per son whose lot is not cleansed according to this order. And they will be fined five dollars for each and every day such nui sance remains' unabated! it ,:f i -i:At W.F.DAVIDSON, june;18- ; , uT Mayor," . JUST RECEIVED. - , t( ft AOS Coffee, 500 Sacks of Salt, 50 OV Bbls Sugar, 100 Boxes Soda, 100 Cases n a ltm cia 41ia 1 iMnADf : ' " ' ..v - WJ a. H, HOUSTON & COi s t f . 1 H -HOUST0ir:& GO, COMfTISSION MERCHANTS. WE have given our friends and custom ers notice of our. purchase of the Stocks of Messrs. W. J. Black & Co., and Gregory & Williamson and are pleased to announce that we are open and under full blast, at Gregory & Williamson's old stand, Trade St., next door to McMurray & Davis where we Will at all times keep the largest stock of goods in this market, consisting of Molasses, Bacon, Flour, 'Lard- Mackerel, Soaps, Candles, Candy, Starch.iSoda, Su gar, Coffee, Teas, Spices; Brandy Peach es, Oysters, Sardines, Herrings, &c. And can furnish the most com- plete outfit in the market to the WHOLESALE TRADE. MERCHANTS ' may rest assured that tbev can ALWAYS OBTAIN GOODS of US at the lowest mar ket prices. LIQ I'ORS.-' The only complete Stock jn the Market, consisting of all kinds and grades. Will be pleased to receive consignments of Cotton, Flour, Corn. &c. Store the same antl maka Cash advances when de sired. We are Agenfs Tor the celebrated SEA-FOWJL GUAKO, to which we invite the special attention of the Farmers. Certihcates trom the largest and most reliable farmers in the State, fur nished on application. We are also Agents for the celebrated HOUSTON'S PROLIFIC COTTON SEED, . the very best in the country. We respectfully ask a share of the pub lic patronage, guaranteeing satisfaction in tcoods as well as prices. Remember the Stand Trade Street, rextdoor to McMurrav & Davis. . W. H. II. HOUSTON & CO. feb I t Wiltkowsky & Rintels' C A B D lt3. FOR'SP It ISC. 1813. TO MERCHANTS. rflll great aim of our IIu3e, since its JL establishment, has been to make Char lotte a wholesale Mart, and ours THE HOUSE, and to conduct our business so as to outgrow the alleged and even accepted opinion of some that there is a kind of obloquy attached to them tor buying in Charlotte ; and having, by the very great increase of our business, (since we remov ed to our new and .elegant Store,) been convinced that we have partially succeeded in our cherished plan, we have conejuded to endeavor to still further eradicate the erroneous idea, by presenting, this coming season to the Trade, a still Larger and better assorted Stock than even we ever offered before, so that Country Merclum-ts will be able to find in our house not only all he needs but a very large stock to select from ; thereby being enabled to operate with a much smaller capital than lie can by buying in different houses North; where he must necessarily buy more goods than he actually needs in order to have an as sortment. In view of the foregoing, Mr. Rintels left on the 27th January, (much earlier than usual,) for Northern Markets and Manufacturing places, where he will re main two months in making our purchases, buying everything from first hands on the same terms as any Jobbing House in Bal timore, Philadelphia or New York ; and the assortment when thus completed will foot up in amount to upwards of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. The'expcnses attached to carrying on a business here being much less than it would be in Northern Cities and having a lower rale of freight than snu 11 j r shippers here, brings the fact patent that, we are in a position to successfully compete with any Jobbing House in the United States, and to the inspection of which we invite the Trade. We are pleased to state to those unac quainted with our House, that we keep complete lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Notions, and even Millinery. Our Retail Department is complete, with the latest Novelties, and in bulk second to none in the City. Our Millinery Department will be carried on as usual. Verv Rrspectfullv. WITTKOWSKY & RINTELS. feb o-tf The Cha ge. AVI NG notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness wouM change Jan uffry 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrears don't ask for gredit, save us the unpleasant duty of denying you. To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and pay30'6 on theTft day of each and everv month. ' - GRIER & ALEXANDER. . jan 1, 1873, ly WEED. FAMI IT. F A V 0H IT E, SEWING M A C4H I N E . SIMPLE, EFFICIENT, DURABLE, UN SURPASSED FOR VARIETY of uses, and unexcelled by any other, -. For Sale by; , ; . . f .., MAJ. W. L. BRODIE, Agent, Office in Baumgarteti's Photograph Gal lery. ' , feb 20-6m - a ' - 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING ; PAPER, Assorted sizes and grades from the well known Long Shoal Paper Mills, ; t : at . - if TIDDY'S 28 BOOK STQRE. feb 1 J.T..BBTC1S: General Commission Merchant, fCHRIT Particular attention: paid lo selling all kinds of Produce, X3otton anToccK 5 Highest cash price paid for Ottonii All orders from a distance promptly at renaea to. . , n, , ...... j . uu b, BEST Italian Violin Strings, at r: tii -i-v- "1 - ' ' PUREFOYS. apllS MERCHANT TAILORING Gent's Furnishing Goods, AMD II ATS. J. 5. PHILLIPS BEGS to inform the public that hei. now receiving the most rmr.,.w,. J Is of Piece Goods ever offered in this mark? consist ing of Black and Colored CI OIK Doeskin Cassimeres. Fancv FrenMt J English Coatings of all colors, Scoh S3 Fancy Cassimore Suitings of all ki-ti y inii vi m ue emier soia by the vanl flnsa ff linruHst ran ho Knukt i ue The attention especially called to my stock of Spring Cassimeres for Boys' Wear. READY-MADE CLOTIIIKG. Having determined to make this a stw,m ty in the future. I offer the public n r Goods which for style and priot cannnt fail to give satisfaction, and all f.wu " an teed to he as represented. " Boys' and Children's Clotbin?, iul iui its. aim in great variety, Gent's FnrisisRing Goods. In this department will be found a fuM line of goods, such as cannot he found elsewhere in this city, embracing all the Latest Novelties in Neck Ve:7r I K'0 Thread and Guage Underwear, Kid silk and Lisle Gloves, Hoiserv of all k'in Shirts, C)llars, Cuifs and Siisywuders of all kinds. HIats, Caps, Umbrellas., Traveling Satchels, and in fact everything iiecear? to a gentleman's or j'outh's complete outfit My friends and the public generally are invited to give me a call, and I shall en deavor to merit a continuanc e of that tren erous patronage, whiHi thov have befu pleased to extend for the Ust'l.H year apriltt ' J. S. rillLLUS 4V, 1 1 J w Dr. Beckwith's Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. USE THE PREVENTIVE, And You will NOT XliED the CUIU', Read Tim! You may find Somrth'aiq in which you are PERSOX A LL V INTERESTED. V ui; have OU have manv (ares, anxie irs .nvl many (ares, anxie u 1 troubles- sonic real, somcnnuuiiuii v more produced by want of health than yon are aware of. Of all sources of :lirasi. the St(rmi(h is the most fruitful the grati fication of its calls are more absolun-'v necessary move expensive more p!. ant more painful, and more iivors!fu'-J than any other ornan in the lu't!::ui -v-tern. It is more imposed upon. a:td ;notv wonderfully adapts itself to its various di,. ties, than any other organ it ln its legit imate duties, against which it rarely re! '!. : but, for imposition, it will call you torn count, and its neighbor, the Mm-. uiiU'K always sutlers with it, and UHiaiiy .-dum in the retribution. Jlm-c yon ? nn in r diuate or itum'udoit cntci- or drinker i Tin-u you understand all this .''-" stmwir!i :;,. Liver have called you to an account, and ymi want relief. Then read carefully tin; fol lowing, and like a wise man. seek tin' re lief you so much desire, where, otin, situated as you are, have foun d it. Is Your Health Impaired in On se quence of Unhealthy Piles' ion v( YOUR FOOD I Hon. 'BE VERL Y TUCKER, late Lav V, feasor of William tt" Mary CuHcre. say? : "Fourteen ycais ago T was left by ;t most malignant fever, with a di.-e;ix.d Liver, a disordered digestion, snd a con stitution in ruins. My physicians permu ted nx1 hope, that with care aud pnidcnr 1 might have a few years of precarious ex istence, and as trred me that the h ast in discretion would he fatal. T wo years ;i-o I met your Anti-Dysjup :c 1'ilR aud con fiding in the aecomp; ny ng certificates if responsible gentlemen, whom I hapj""'it.i know, I took them according to d:re doib. The result is, that I now cat what I jdcac. do what 1 please, s!opj soundly, and (: joy life as much as any man living. l'Vr this, it gives me pleasure to sav von havu Lmv thanks, and to add the assurance ot my liigh regard." W, R. BUR WELL tt CO.. Wholesale HeirJl Alien??. Strin:'s' Ccnicr, feb 22 Charlotte. N. 0 NEW FAST FREIGHT LINE .BETWEEN BOSTON,- NEW YORK, DElxil-aLl3pl5.i . AND BALTIMORE, AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST. GREAT SOUTHERN DISPATCH FAST FBEICrllT LI.r. VIA NORFOLK. THIS Fast Freight Line is owned, con trolled and operated by the Railroad and Steamboat Companies in interest--the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Ilaiwa Companv, the Richmond and Danviiie Railroad" Companv, the Western ortn Carolina Railroad Company, the Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad Compan., the Old Dominion Steamship Coinpa" the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, the Amiamessic b"'1K'' a n Clyde Steamers, and the Baltimore btCw Packet Company who guarantee Bills of Lading and Rates always as I as the Published Rates ot any other Line. . Mark Goods "G. S. D.," via Norfolk, and ship as follows : From BOSTON, by Merchants and . Minc Transportation Coi-pany, Oflicc Washington st. W. M. Clark. Agent. . - - : Inn From 'NEW YORK, by Old iwim- fifaoKicliin PAmnonw Pier No. 37 it! , tt . and River. Offices, 1S7 UrpcinVlCll - 303 Broadway. O. V. Kvans. M cat. Vrnm PHI T. A T1KT PTT T A: bv rhiladflj"" - . i .-i ' Wilmington and Baltimore hadr Company (Anuamessic Line.) va. -44 S. Fifth st., above Chestnut and . w ner;Washington ave. and Swamon JUUllO. UllbOll, JXgCllt-. j From -PHILADELPHIA, by Clyde s an- Office. 1- Vhpkwhw'nvo nivd t Co., Agent- From BALTIMORE, by Baltimore racicetuonipany (liay i.ine.,1 y;-;m W.Baltimore street. Edwin Fitzccro ' Claims Tor losses, damages, ana charges'' settled promptly by i 1U Pincknev, Claim Agent, Norfolk, vfor i 3S, iTeigut.ftanaiea careiu.iv warded promptly in through cars. AOUrayage Transiers Dy iu &ceri ir For farther information apply t0, and Agent of the above Railroad oi hoan Lhies, Vt ! to ' T,T r i- l ..w-'. :C. E. WADPELp - Jan. 31 General Southern A1-

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