DAILY OBSERVER. -2 feditor 'Aim-Prtirrietoi m' nr-f M. A- PARK, Baslness Manager. sSaturday, July 1? 1873. THE CASE OF CHAS." A. " DA&A. A few days ago th ere waS' decided in New York. City, casewBIftr is of far, more importance than it would se"em'toii'WperScin5tserver, Tne case was this GhaSf A. Dana, editor of the New; Tort Sunt had been ar rested for an alleged libel upon the Administration, and upon certain to remove the case from the State of New York and-carry ifc to the Dis trict of Columbia. This motion was Q.ivnio1 liefri TlldorA Blatchfbrd, who ,id4 no Shadow. of tiecuiejti inauere twasj no snauow reason whyllie removal should take place. , The attempt made '.by.thesjC' parti zans, of trie' tAdniinistratiofv, is the most high handed and despotic at tack ever made in this country upon the freedom of the piess. TiTeTbu isville Courier-Journal jn speaking of it, says that "it is the . extreme; of tyranny, beside whlcfi'Hhe sedition law, which caused -the downfall of the John Adams " administration, seems mild and harmless. In dis cussing ihe right ofstheaflfliiatfit tibn to arrest- and carry i "st "citizen awar from the. courts oL his own State to the District of Cohimljirt, to be tried for such an bffeaise.the guilt or innocence of Mr.- Iaa, -thetruth or falsity of the artiple ptwounced libelous, i&rrofe to be' consi(tered, for they have nothing to do with the question whether the Administra tis vivas ay legal autdrity r Jt"Eis atteihpi to-srteiJiee the 4ieuslicTof its acts, and to place ai censorship over the :. American press? This is the vital " question at l&ne. For it is obvious to every one that the ar rest of Mr. Daiia, taking ; hlmbefGre a United States Commissioner, and demanding his. removal to Vhf irigton fortriaf, mean that the courf at Washington was to have been or ganized to convict. It'Cteas" plainly not the intention of the Federal au thorities that he should have a fair trial. He had offended the Admin istration by his strictures and i was determined, thatii he sho.uid be' si lenced by the assessing of damages which would, hjLjQ ufopptpUM cuniary ruin The question which has just been ded4ed,hy Jiu jBlatchfoKC s the deepest moment to 'tlve press ot the whole country, for it presents in a formal aspeoUthe question -winsth-1 er or not the people shall be suffered to discuss the.measures, policy and ap p o i n t m e n ts of h e A d m i n i s jr a t i on . Queen Victoria would not dare 16 inakelsuch1' anT assault on1 the " ff e&- donr of the JPrjtisb press. fc speech and Xree Rebate are of thei very essence of; -free 'goVerrinleht , they are distateful to tyrants only.-V- y y ; STATE NEWS. lr. Samuef Reeves dijd on Tuesday last! of 'Saliburr, v Irs--, - --niA The excursion train to. Beaufoatfl was h l ed to, Q vrvyn; wlic it reached Raleigh. :. . r5 . The Gpldsborp dlesitenger, ; has . beent presented withui squash twh ich m eia- sures eight inches-aoross, and weighs four pounds and six ounces;'" ' r: The Samnsoh countv 1 ArlcirUrij'a Society will hold its annua! ''J!rjftit Exhibition and1 Farmer's Festival at the Fair Grounds of the Society, on Friday, 15th oFAHuVus!:' Ahi address will be delivered byrevC BFimOT able. ' -"-fT ' ; ' f. :i4M-r'i Thursday's Sentinel: Mrs. Tlios. J. Sloan, of' Greensboror while stand ing on a bloc.JctyestejfdaHSraining a vine, mjsspd,.ther ,io9tiug, -and, jfell, sustaining injuries frqm'iwhichVr .she.j die'd in a f e w ? lioursi'? "TMrsivS. was a daughter of Dr. Gretter, of the Pies byterian Church, and was beloved' bv all who knew her. v fl- "i 4 -'i .1 1 Mrs. Fleniming, widow of the hit ur. j? lemming, pi vranviiie, wnust labxinngl'Under 'mental alteration, endeavored to take her life; recently by cuttingihers throat with a razdi'. Sh e inflicted two ' oi more1 ; seVere gashes, but was prevented from cut ting herself farther. 'She failed to cut any artery or juguhfr . Vfeih,'(and is.nowrebpT'edng;,' ,. ' 1 '. '.' Jrl'', . Mri.'W.'fF: Huggins Steward f ihe Lunatie ' Asylum, died on WjBdn.es-? day nilht and 'thenext 'morning according.to ,1 the r-heforatlie body of tW unfortunate hran could be siAroid,ed,v,the-ni)xecvitiYe jOanx? mittee:of .the -Lunatic n Asylum, ttvere " overwhelmed with'J applications f fhf" death. One applicant. moF nersfs tent than'tbe'restwenrtft-the, dpori through KhsbaV jiandexii&is application to Rr t3-,EadgexrrEsq., one of the CommltreepwIiiTe this pit'eman was ifig&mga. cause he-, fore theCfcrart; u - ' ' 3 ' v. . . ' MMUvy ni).s naatne cholera, but has recovered.' -t,i.Vrt.Kl persons nqett$dtatfe jtfc Mfcin istfatiQn.i. AlouotidftiMillji&y COMMUNICATED.'. E nrroirOssEftWR:--In th ese tim es that try men's bodies, having neces sarily through life's "varied round' peeped m tipdrCthajhot: ana weary editors, during the summer solstice, as much pMriipassion Brought else, I send you a few jottings by the wayside to assist in the "making up." . .Though it may be impossible to4 paihflike nUure, yet imagination hTJtrlJolBirnlfSriir "creation: - hue? 1 iWlror(nys4Tae?ittitri happy atlrfityMHjl&vWer-. fatW "cised .it, calMt int2a4Ck) lioiy-pat yourself ia hiy!place, ajitfwlule swel tering beneath the burning sim ' pf iyour '''future London, iinagiue your self comfortably seated, after a heat ed jaunt, jipor the", large and airy piazza of the St. Charles Hotel at Statesville, sniffling the exbileaiting breeze as it come fresh and pure from the mountains.,, SUtesyille lA one of the most, desirable swnimer resorts in --til rState,' and none can boast of better water or a healthier climate while the pleasure seeker can find ample1 means to while away his leis ure moments, surrounded as it is by a fine country with pleasant drives, and possessing withal, the means to enjoy Mrives,1br? leaflet is no boast toVsa'y, In her livery stabler can be.fwin'o iitum-onts"lthat would defy competition from any quarter; anr1, as to, the hotels , there are none bet feVrHfiet.t.liart4srIIp ly passed intp he lliands of Mr. El liott, the yelt-known proprietor of that- ex sellout eating houe- at the depot'ih this place, Jmdr assisted by his worthy and efficient lady, no ho tel. can boast of better munagement, while the fare is all au ait, and the wearv traveller here finds rest and comfort indeed- - , Patties froni Chaiiete or st'ttt fur t her oitth, Vould feel com pensated bv coniine to this place, if only for a few daysVfor the refreshing sleep to.be gained during the cool nights. would enabte'them to return to tlieir 1 abo rs w l th ru ore vigor. More Axon'. SEWS P TIIE Oir ThnTSdayUlie tliermofrieter -'at St. Loiiia told 95 to 100. Ttiere yere nxayty cases of sunstroke, some ital. (J R Davis has been nominateiV for Gov ernor of Minnesota . by, the, HepnUHeaii Convention.. The resolatious favor clieap transportation and repudiate the increased salaries-and back pay. There was a ftnltwsetiusin Philadelphia of the reabody Trustees. The fund now amounts to $228,000. There are six new cholera cases in the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio : two deaths. : S- ' y . - The last Qf Captain Jack's band ,of , Mo- docs are en route to camp; Thirty Granges Were represented in the -State Grange of California. The Boawl of Underwriters have resolv- IrjeeTeil, to lievy additional premium of 1 per cent on Mansard roofs after January 1st 1874. She Sherman House at HorneravjU!er N. .Vhas been burned. Loss $40,000. Specie shipments from New York on Thursday wereSOO,0OiiV gokl, and $77, 000 fn silver bars. ' ' s , The -Methodist i Centeiinial Celebration teftriini&ed fifa gwind jubilee in the Ac ademy of Music. ' Thfe inventory of OaWes Amcs,J property shows that he was worth three-quarters of j C67 Svmeon;Fair, . a-, prominent lawyer and nearly a quarter of a century solicitor of the nnddleVjiretatdi'ecl in Kewber)rys S v. -on Thursday, The pofiiiasleriitpstoil1fial refused to recogiiiie official' stamps on letter address ed to priS(7hvhttalsr6r as , fees for rc giptratiprt'. The postmaster-general decides thjatjthftiBoston. postmaster is wrrong.f - I r, .......... i . ... . . ; ' ..,... i - . "The, decision of the Court dr Inquiry in quiry into the cause of the disOster? to the steamship City of Washington, J has ' been rendfed. ';rCapt Phillips re 'supended for pneyear!,; ;;, ' ' ;j ., . ' , .:. , .;,..'. .4 Alhidinfgto the "financial condition 1 of tlie; IJIncatpl 'uUd Thursday, Mr Winthrop stated that about i $100,0-0 from the fund have been expended in the pprfaujtJi six jor.seven . times that anloianl ntnbttted bySootliern people in the Tcttttse of education sirido' the last'meet ing 'of thV Boar '$13 1 niakjne but little Aessithan a BulMon-of dollars expended uuimg wi yar ior ire wmruon scnoois A'greali seiisatiori fwas 'caused . ,'in . Salt Late:City oiThursday by the announce- 'ifteaifin. the ihat'bnelizaWebb ::5pungjlje syeiijEeerifh ; wife fof.'Brigham Totmg, had fasrever left Mm,, carrying off her furniture" arid !persotfal? effects ' ! Brlg unnjwil endeavor:', Replace the' gdodsJ irs (YoUDg ist thd Walker 1 House, and tlWldrniawyef3&'re;albuttdiustltute sum. Ureat revelations are expected-con cerning the inner domestic life'iif hd 4ro phet Ir.ycjli 'owg' $tu8.r&yropa thy of tW'senilir iyies.;and .thi fpattg& mous Mormon iooddeat disturbed. :. ;-i .A 14 ; uJtls repbrted' ths fttpse Arthur of England is. troinff.to. CoDenhaaen MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS.: The fairofKhiva Was ""effected by 60,000 troops of the Bussian army. MrBarnuni has presented astifl ed Bea'liontbraie CollegW 16 Ex-Justice Nelson is quite restor ed to health from his recent severe illness. An enterprising GharlestoaisTnroxer has secured tiie serVfces of a genuine Chinaniau to-prside vp h ia4ea- and eoflee deimrtment. Mis name 1. 5 . The Abbeville'bfanch train was levied on, Wednesday hy the Sher lii, U11UC1 -CAClVMli3- lllVl --- tain Gceen wop imd Xfifedajk'. amou uts :tp OttMS-lelWflmmM- M. M. Mil Ier. chief, cl erk of th e newspaper department: in the New Orleans Postorfice, has been arrested for embezzlement, amounting, so far as investigation has gone, to $600. The Cincinnati CfrM-ribercitd sa's : "A Virginian was given twelve hours to get out ot a Georgia village, trie other day. for claiming that Gov. Wise has been, in his time, a more profuse producer of yards of editori al than Hon. A. H. Stephens.' The widow of Stephen A. Doug las, now Mrs. Williams, and his two sons, Robert and Stephen,, have a suit in the Chicago courts against a Mrs. Susan Harris, who somei .time since attached some of the, renl es tate of Mr. Douglas to satisfy cer tain claims in notes, 'muoiintingc to $10,000, which she hold against the estate. ' The Corner in Cotton. The New York Pout quotes the letter of a -correspondent of the New York Times as continuation- lof : its own statement that the price of cot ton in New , York, whicljs.. consider ably higlVei than tlf p'rh'e iif iiivef pool, is uuo to , the operators for a "corner" in the staple. The corres pondent of the Times says : - 4There are some here in New York who have been selling for July, August and September by contract my agent here tells me as many as a hundred and fifty thousand hales and they want to get that cotton back at a profit. I have some of these contracts, and my friends hold a great many, and they have agreed to take all th cotton that cannot. he rejected, as it is tendered them, and ship it to Liverpool. The contracts demand low middling cotton, aaid before the 20th of July all the cotton of that grade will be out of the coun try, and then the enemies of cotton here will have to walk up and set tie' ..- -.. This is plain talking," but the i'otf is not sure that the 'bulls'- can do what they propose, and it. argues that the price of the staple, in Liv erpool, is based upon, the prospect of a legitimate supply, while the price on this side is artificial. The Post does-not make sufficient allow ance for the scarcity of the better grades of cotton in all the markets of tiie country. The sales for. deliv ery in July, August and September were undoubtedly very large, and the difficulty of obtaining cottons' of the grade of low middhngnand above, will keep those who'have' to deliver in a particularly tight place. , The Pout, as an additional reason why, in its judgment, prices must fall, says that the cotton crop of 1870 -'72 was "an average one, and the to tal production was 4.347,000 : bales-." The area planted in 1873 is said.to be 24 per cent, greater than the area of 1870-71. The Post, fch erefore, ar gues that an "avemge crop' for this year Would be "nearly 1 five and a half million bales," and that even the worm and drought' wilT'npt re . duce the crop oflS5"3 helow tb"e crop of 1870-71. . i:;,. There is not a plauter in the, Cot ton States who does not know that? the Post is grossly in error in its statements of facts apd in Ttfe"1 "calcu lation for the future. , 'THe yop of I loU-Vl iar troni being ' jvn average one," was exceptional in r every, -respect. Such a season for picking had not been known for a Quarter of a century. Thieplarit' ffad 'ev?ryt1;thtg; in its favor. Any1'. " change: in tile character of the season or a curtail m eiit of the . picking, period; w-ould. have brought the crop of. 1870-71 below four million ba'res. Arid the? talk about hve or fiveand a half mil lion bales for 1873-74 is lfilworthybf so staid a-; newspaper ni' the Post. There & not labor enough in the South to pick such a crop,, if , it were made.- .- Planters in South -Carolina hav r a!d a dollar: an a half's - day' to orili lary hands whjije.theif cotton was in the grjrjJs. ,Vages" are advan cing everywhere, Tt is Certain that high wages will be demanded in the picking seaspn, ap4rWith the. falling quotations hieh the Post ti work ing to secure thei r&Oathmtrropuinter will not be-mpedrto( ,pay 4 extrava gant rates for ' picking cotton to sell for a soricr. tln'onr-" udgin-ertt': the crop of cotton is likelvv for vears. tn come, to rafige between" Ihrefe'and a quarter iind four and a:vjuarte'v mil inm whiot. ti luixAtinuiUlllill y BtJU- , sons and abundant labor the' dutide figure may. som eti m es ,beV r.eaeh ed j J vui ney wnowisn pe ;on .t pejtte side yill Jind iit more pmdentvand. profitable, in tlierlongrTunvtd count on an averagecrrjrj of 'three arid half or three and t1ireer cmarter mil-1 lion bales, than nn the fn.ntv. firnro uengoi. u paraqe rDetGxe,j.iie';.publ5i CharksUnNexv und,.Ckmrieri ...The faif Air;3.beg1tt''nmgIto re- tceive 1U Bhare loF: "crrders " The Shah of Persia.has ihst iristitdted ftrfl order for ladies-: vniys Pfo&t&Ahv Empfess:.an(l J?HjWss .Imperial, of Germany, ahdhe.Carina,': nn,wi it . oniy 'memDerS ; are hbo' Qpcpn ot juuKio-uu, vntJrriucess r vv aies. tne ."? FOREIGN-NOTES. The rinderpest is so general and destructive am ong'the herds of Rus- r.l tiltVuif li Clnrry A -i tint KrkT-ititia deemed it jiecessaryldnprqhib- impvriauous oi cat tit! uuux lpe.autnorities are sun appreueur give of an outbreak in Valencia, and the Commander of the garrison has been, ordered to use every measure iii id -precaution to maintain order. Mr. Davici JJavis, principal pro- ijtriwpWOi the rucean uoilienes, in the Jlh'oiidda Valley, South ; Wales, recently entertained six thousand colliefs, including their wives and fsi ilie8; i at Uandinan, i to diniier and lea, on the occasion of the ma- jofity 01 his son. ineir railway liifesi whicn he paia, cost $4,uuu. -i . -. " -' " " ' .': A , ; Jupge Pearson and the Chief Justiceship. The Raleigh News says: The New York Sun of a recen t ate having made the'statement that Chief Justice Pearson, of this State, was instrumental in getting up the peti iviQthe President asking liis a poiiitfment to the Chief Justiceship of the United States Supreme Court, MivAVaiterP. Caldwell, of Statesville. a prominent Conservative of that sectiau, who started the petitionrhas i w'rittelnthe following letter- & the editor or the Sun. We pubus.h it as a rnattec uf-information to the pub lic: "i To the Editor of the New York Sun Sir : In a late number, of your pa per, yotilp'iiblish the following con cur 111 tig the Hon. K. M. Pearson,, of Ko'rlli (Ja roll ha. This has also, been published in the lvale.igh Sentinel copied from your paper It is due to Chief Justice Pearson to state that he not only did notyrue tne petition alluded to, but wacignorant of the fact that it was to lie written. I, yrole the petition at the sugges tion of gentlemen of the bar from the wjestern part of the State,, attend ing'the Supreme Court, all of whom sire. Conservative or Democratic in politics and it was signed bv David Scheiick, J5sq.', Col. Ji. F. bArmfield, Col. G. N. Folk, Maj. W. 11. Malone and'inyself all differing in politics from the Chief Justice. It was also signed, as I am informed, by many leading Kepublicans. : Neither the Ch if J usti ceship of th e Un i ted Sta tes nor the petition in his behalf -was ever mentioned by Chief Justice Pearson to nie or in my presence or by me to him directly or indirect ly, either before, the petition was wrtttcn or after; and he had nothing fco do, so far as I know or have rea son to know, with the getting up or with the writing or signing of the petition in his behalf. Will you do me the favor and the JHNnV. R.."M. Pearson the iustice to f insert thrs in yonr paper. (bignedj N alter V. Caldwell. A significant omission in the terfcotVped loyal party platform is thus mentioned by the "Bangor (My'. ..Commercial :'' "Jt was a mat ter of surprise to the people of Maine t-h at the last Republican Convention in this city did not indorse the ad ministration of Gen. Grant. The late Republican State Convention of Iowa made the same omission. lnere is something sinnncant in this. So far as the Maine Conven tion is concerned it was no over sight. It was deliberate. The Com mittee had before them a printed copy of the resolutions of the Ohio Republican State Convention, hold en at a much earlier day, nd the, second of that series fully indorsed GenrGTant, . The Maine Committee deliberately struck thatsecdnd reso lution out. At hose suggestion t ami for what purpose ?'.' But a more significant thing ' is the guarded phraseology which the Iowa Repub licans "trs,ed. v wheu ;they expressed t b e m s e 1 ves a V r b ntf o f ni 6s t 6 f t h e -.V c4- iAinl nf f V n'ln(liKl! An n f One can see in . that; word most a wholesome abhorrenpeoC Credit Mo bil ier corruption and -salary swind ling schemes. It is a most excel lent and encouraging. sign when the rank and' file refuse to swallow all doses which are presented to them under the label of "party." N. Y, Tribune. Abou Bex. Butler. The follow iu arQd; of Leigl Hunt's -beauti-fufpoem is the best thing out. It is excellent for wit, and for its fidelity tor t he original. We don't know who wtoteili " Abou Ben, Butler (of "back-pay increase") Awoiceonie-mght to thnik whom he might : fleece, . . " ? And saw within his room, where shone r t the' j)opr As bright1 as hem ! curse similes ! a spoon, Aeinoii waiting in a book oft;old. Exceeding; brass had made JSen Butler ! boia; And to the gohlin in the room he said, 1 "W hat writest thou rThe spectre cked And Vitha sqniht; egregiolasty uncivil, Answered, ''Tlie iiames'oF thos wbdserte "An'd-ft mine one?" said Butler. "'Tis J J Replied the demon. Butler scratched his v&jid looked &kew, and said, ' Well ,Gobby, ' w then ' Wite me as one who alwavs goes for rw;Lf Hen " " . The demon wrote aha-vahishedy 'The"next ,.i:nigfiti,r. , Ifc.pariie aiin in, lurid,, sulphurotis ligh Alid'sh'owedrthfiir names who served Old a iNiqh tbe jest, ,; , Ated Jo I Ben, Butler's name led -all the t ACCOUNTS 0R SALE. ' ftfVF tonJay 21st of July 1873 at ,12 m... KS by yirjiie ofadqQ of the Superior Court 5f'- ifecklenbnrj;' 1 countv. issued opnng.ierm lava, :i will JUtctiOn lit the Court Hoiis"( totte,lil ialntoffaxsjilnt Skinner, Infant, as evidenced nndor nat.fi JinnsLedgers,' iSaid actsounts amount to sTerai limwirecl.cloUjfrB. . , , -r iiVH-' GEAitAM!; ujulylltda . - Receiver; &6.- FROM Till A$(E&tCAN ami 0CIATION. 7 fill Mi&Hffi m so ANTIC LINE. BY TELEGRAPH TO TIIE OBSERVER. The "Plentiful Lae$' of j Postal Cards. Washjng.ton, rrJuly 18.-The.de-mand' for 'postal1 cards cotitinues to iocreasei.'.and:: largaiyequisitiomi a re made by the postmasters pf . the larger cities, who say ' that few jif auy of the small country towns have yet been supplied.. . The reqiusitioiis to date amount to fifty millions. Officials Abroad. Washington. July1 18. Post Mas ter General Creswell is spending a few days at his home in Elkton, Maryland. , Secretary Delano leaves for his home in the morning, to be absent about ten days. r' ' :' ' Secretary Fish has not yet return ed to the city'. ' No Indictment Against those Brave New Yorkers. New York, July 17 Proceedings against the Wall Street duelists Heck -sher and Gray, which it was intend ed being before the Grand Jury, has, it is reported, iallen, and no indict ment has been found against them, as rum ored last n igh t. o . h . 01 FKiiMK oourt; uourt met yes terday at the usual hour. All 'the Judges present except Judge Boyden Ihe case of the State vs. the llieh mond and Danville Railroad was ta ken up. Attorney General W", N. F Smitrt and Batchelor, Edwards and wmtnciui, iui me oiaie ana ueonre V . Strong, Di G". Fowje- and Merri- mo-n, Fullerand Ashe for defendants. Ihe court adjourned before the ar gument had closed. The case will probably occupy the court. or. the nexi twA&aysV The vase, has been before the public too long to requi-e a nistory ot it to be given. It now comes- nrr cm mi 'appeal frohi the de cision of Jndge Alhertson 4s'iistaiiing the injunction 'gtanted by Judge Watts, to restrain the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company from altering the gauge of the North Car olina VcAhoixd.fiideiffhLNeivs,17. There were 41 deaths in Charles ton for the week ending the 12th whites lb; colored 2o. New Advertisements. . rt -v.r. - ' 'J'MEOBSoIn;; Commission Merchant, Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic .Wlrf. & 6S East Bay CHARLESTON, S C., Having ample vmeans for advances, a business experience of twenty 'years, and confining himself strictly to a Commission Business, without .operating. on his' own account, respectfully s ilieits consignments of Cotton, Flour:. Corn. Wheat, etc. Shippers oT Produc-t4hrm may, at their, option, have their Consignments sold eith er in Charleston or New York, thus hav- 1 ine the adraJirairr of iw -Rlitrkfts Withnnt extra Conimissiors ' ' ' REFERENCES : Bishop W. M, Wiglrtman, S. C, Rev. T. G. Summers', D. XX'Tenn., Col. Wm. John- son, Charlotte. N. C, Hon: John P. King, Augusta, Ga., Messrs. William?. Birhie & f,Co., N. Y., Messrs. ;g; W, lliams & Co., Oiarleston, S. C. - , ' " Julv 19 ' . 3m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. MRS. A. Wi Mir.tER gives notice that she- i' prepared to accorrifUbdate a number of regular boarders-, tier table, is always supplied with the best! fare to be had in this market ; the rooms are airy and beds clean, and pains are taken to 'make1 gucsty comfortable. Terms reason able. .' I .' 4" tj i , ' " ' IiANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED, "Warranted, eenxiine, x is Earty-lfife?inat. TihtcB, ' Early Flat Dutch, (Red Top,) Yellow Aberdeen, Am,' ber Glope, Seven Top, Ruta Baga, Large Norfolk. "'. ' ;." .. W, R. BURWELL&O. ... Spring's Corner, Charlotte, N. C. Dollar Store Closing Out 1 TOW iti IWtir ImWfm ITa wo i-N are closing out our stocks-glass ' w are 4 and ciockery at less than cost. Come oriel eome all, satisfaction guaranteed. - Two Show cases for sale cheapo - ' -1 july 166t ' A iX.OT of iRe0dy-Maae Dresses on oiif Bargain Counter. BHEM. BROWN & CO. u it i :so MOULDERS and a Plow Stacker. - An-' ply to ".'.., .'.. 'j. :A':':iMi . ; - RICHMOND & CO, i Concord. N. C. july 17 lwpd:tOi,tl 5S.2I.-J FROM" ahdaftef this aate"tlie cash .'sys tem will . be. niy ' motto; 'Special; ar-: rangem'ents'nia be made by .mechanics' a,hd others who are . paid wecy y r By re 4uest I will eYfelia th'6tfmIe tSnfie 20th inst., totgfve.jiUiatr hatce( to .sfdvtcfedi it and exposure. I hopfc.aJljTrUbcometop and relietme!Of thTe Unpleasant dutf? of Exposing them."ifrwBfftothr-20thas" I Heart-business.!! I n'd l Bv.SMltH.V july:2--". -tn -oiit-fs l-nu v.oo :. J ?: ' i-ii.! "Tr. i..M'.,1i,r, .ji t ...MflfOuXBtB Jl! ARMER9. ; f ;;7 T We think dirfan'io'r seilfnV the preseht Dlah and esort ?ta tbfe :fornii old fashidned way. i Call t orir StoP&and yc nut.uuuuw vuur iaiiuu wn uuuv 'iw;, pass. ,Tti.i fWiiH.-irrHOTJSTON &.CO PRMS&ASS g K-t in y,L B? Pedlar icine Extant. 1840 Over Thirty Years 1873. ' '" Since the lutrodnction of PERRY DAVIS' PA IF-KILLER. mHEPain-Killer JL Is eauallv atn!ioaWp to voung and old. cious min5 Pain-killer rJL ; r Is both an Internal nnH . rflilE Paiu-Killer j.. '.?.win cure :'ever snd a.t ' other remedies have failed. when THE Pain-killer Should be used at t.h firt . 1 5 stations ofCold'or Cough'. "es' THE Fain-Killer . Is the Great Family Medicine of the Age. THE Pain-Killer Will cure Painter's Colic 11HE Paiu-Killer . Is good for Scalds and Bums. THE Paiu-Killer : Haa the Verdict of the People in its favor. THE Paiu-Killer Gives Universal Satisfaction. THE Paiu-Killer Beware of Imitations ant Counter feits.. rpHE Paln-Killer X Is almost, a certain cirre for (,H0I ERA, and has, withont doubt, been more successful in curing this terrible disease than any other known remedy, or even the most eminent and skillful Physicians. In India, AJrica and China, where this dread ful disease is ever more or less prevalent the PAIN-KILLER is considered by the natives, as well as European residents in those climates, a Sube Remedy. THE Paiu-Killer Each bottle is wrapped with full di . . rections for use. TME PainTKillcr Is sold by all Dmggists and Dealers in Family Medicines. PEBRY DAVIS & SON, mank's akd prop's, 136 BiglnSfc frovi.lence, R I. ill Sycamore St., Cincinnati, 0. 377 St Paul, Montreal, Canada. 17 Southampton, Row, London, England, june 22 eod hn. - CAPwEIAGE & BUGGY FAUT0RY. JOSHUA TROTTER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE lately removed into my new Carriage and' Biiggv Factory on the cor I ner of Try on and 6tl streets, and am iro pared ;to execute work with neatness and despHCch. My stock is-large, aad my as sistant workmen are masters ot their tradr; and I have every facility for giving entire satisfaction to my customers. I hae an experience of Fiftv Years in the busile'. Address, JOB1IU A TROTTER, june 14 3m Charlotte. PEACE INSTITUTE, RAL5EGH, N. C. REV. R. BURWELL, Principal. JO UN B. BTTRWELL, A. M.J Assistant S. J. STEVEN'S,. A. J., . ) rrincipals Trofessor A. BAUMAN, Vocal and Instrn . mental M-asic. The next -Session com menct on the 1st day of September, 1873 :-i"or Circular and Catalogue, address Rev. R. BITRWE1.L A SON. Kaleigh, N. C. - july C-d-fttfcv2ni ' CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. WISHING to chauge my present loca tion in business, I. desire selling my liousc-arui lot on west Myers street. The house is jnst finished, 0 room, jantry and closets, and a splendid well of water on the lot. For information as to terms, ai ply on the premises to R. M. WILLIAMSON. july 18 2w pds rn-s" . ?' - 700 ",MeJluns on consignment, direct from the plantation, large ami fresh, call and buy chrap, no 2nd hand mellons no- 2nd haaid pi-ofiBt, at -' B. N. SMITH'S. July IS The Law of the Tithe and of , s , The Er ee Will Offering ' ' ! , - . " and of C 1 " ; ; ; AlJttS JIVING, bv Rev- A. Wv Miller, D. D.t pastor of the Presbyterian' Church; Charlotte, N. (.'., for sale by " ' TIDDY & BR0. july 18 ' 1 WANTED. 1 A.GQ0.D Brick Layers wanted innuedi- 1 J ately , Apply to P 'M. MURKY. july, ip:2t ICE COLD BUTTER. CALL this, momina arid get some of our ice cold: hrd Trreib butter: We have dismverfed-A ili4 kficn it all nice ana fresh,, at to ' s J. P. BUTT'S july:i0 ,.:it - , . . Market. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING ii.-u, ; . saloon. : T TAKE-this method of savine to tne r nublic that I am still at my old sia" under the Central Hotel, where I will iays be glad to Wait upon them. My es tablishment is complete and no pains will be spared to give perfect satisfaction Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. I have also connected with my Barber Shoo, a Bathfne? room- where baths will be administered at any hour desired, ill GRAY TOOLE. ' Jpne j T,:r liudrctli's Fresh Tinrnip Seed. WE WI4ijeceive in a few days a full .supply; of 'these -celebrated Seed, 01 J.llr.plft varieties, V! . .iWtBURWELL & CO. -Froit- Jars. Itt7E HAflufeeid'Ia.fuflBfply KIT: .of Mason's Improved Fruit Ja-aJ1 glass M r-., W.R; RURWELL .& cu., .-.iU-IA' S 3rSTt Corner. . vy P - CLiAttETMUTEft, ALB. : JUST teceiFed hylWi tt JU 'ggj O Cw Hyperion: lot. oCi French Brandy, finest ever offered in the city Bfown Stou1 H)rteiv,Sparklingf Aferfale 'Ale, Cterei, pf. a vf orioira . WiiiAs .sunerior arucies, PPbrt and .deira-Wines, superior ut iciwuuiunc u''- ' ' t "TTvrTOTf ;t july.15 ff.:;; rr ira uni U: ' u " ; 311- i Hi J" i "1

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