: i 1 LOCAL A FFA IB 8 : . CALDWELL, Loral Editor, JOS. p M. A. PARK, Business Manager. Saturday, July 19. 1873. .;r will be absent fortnight . im r7 M. A. Park, Esq., is aulhortled to as Business Manager of both the Ob- hebvee iicwii'cj x jiiiuiig vi - fict. No Dispatcnes. in conseqaence of a 4i.. -u heavy slurm' w Ul Oree-boro were prostrated yesterday teinoon. Therefore we received no tele- graphic dispatches. We regret this, but one of those things which cannot be IlW Unsd. The nights are quite cooi ana pleasant. What keeps tne oncit layers alive such i day as yesterday was? . f.i. n. - i the city yesterday morning, The 'Tious Banker" is out of town for H a few days rusticating at Cleaveland Springs- The Summer Heglra is now at its full cighf, and the trains are crowded daily with persons from the South on their way l(J the higher country. A number of ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte contemplate .a trip and a few vreeks' recreation at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. Premium List We have before us the i- e i tm i t i, . i.pumiiini list, tor mf Tlunl A nnn.il l . l 1 lliiii.. .... . Ll .1 I. I quite noerai, ana win aouutiess attract Lv exhibitor, to ft,ihnrV. Ti,. t,.u ., ,.i . , ...j ..mi ... l,n,n,w Ct-tt.hr 71K fin.l .,tt... ! t. . 0 Minaay cnoui Aaaress. Gen. I). II. Jlill of this city, will to-day deliver a Sun lay .School Address at the Mineral Springs onC. L.Bell s plantation, about 7 miles wth of this city, on the line of the C. C. 4 A. R. II., to the Sunday Schools of that neiirhhorhood. I)0 collars. Up to this time onlv 46 1 ig collars have been sold - Owners of ui.ii.es who value their dogs at all, would 11 i i , , ' LMvell to bestir themselves, as the police ire making war unon them, and killing iuuuu wiuiouc collars. There are ),000 dogs in the city. Suppose no more jilars should be sold and then just think f 11.951 dead lnrs ! , -""i"- v. k. uu- children. Spartanburg: Mrs A F v. has organized in thin riivn rcliJmWl, a n. xvr r oi ti . t i. t Jored Good Templars, about 200 strong. - ""j " wi i he following are the officf-rs of the Lodra s far as we ha e been able to iuuprrin WCT- ir. - Harris. - - iiui i i.i. i W. Chaplain. Rev. Eagle. Treas.-J. W. Gordon. Sec Jefferson Hagler. Cor. Sec Burton W GouiiseluAW. J. Moore. Improving the CJuard House -Our post excellent and efficient City Marshal ways has an ye to the comfort of his mats. He is now having the guard house proved by cleaning it out, whitewashing ie walls, &c.j Ac. We have no particular itercst in this matter, and "merely inen J, the matter, as a piece of pleasant in- rmation to thwe who are in the habit of 'ending time in this delectable institu N. Kobson, Esq. We were gratified 1 ve a call yesterday from J N Robson, m, of Charleston, S C. Mr Robson is one 1 "ie largest and most reliable commis si merchants of Charleston, and a m- 'eman who is well and favorably known 3 the neonlp nf tliia ii.n rr u- ong while been in business connection 'th our leading firms in Charlotte, and 'Is vjsit is, as he informs us, his twenty" r4 annual visit to Charlotte on busi- and pleasure combined. runk and Disorderly-Oonsiderable xcitement was stirred un vf-sterdav own. S about sunset by the performances of a ntryman named Robert Simpson. He launder the in flu on nfM'r, ar,,i "it condition was boisterous and a nui- ance. Wiion o. 1 j -v.. uiicoicu ucnaiisteu siren u tyi but Was fin all v Fly and BlackwWpi. f F'learriod j . guara nouse. iere ne confined for a short time, when Ii r taken out and brought before the May- " ucu nira ? iu ana costs. He paid ad went his way. - .. . , , , . Jyor. Coart.This institution has of 10 ceased to furnish ho TT ag.' William Bowser,' colored. " 7 1101 en before the Mayor in a S while (for him) confronted that func y, single handed and alone,' to w charge of larcen. William had 2 barged with having stolen awatcb lin a fIored lady whoides in a cer- .ocauty Jn this city;: WiHianl 57?, that hetdoK the watchVbut "r ne did it with criminal intent. ws shown that h h,r Ii. 0ar WOni Of Jftbn :'Tw,: Vii ViUJf ' -; r a" Ile Mayor finivi . t; mt of which he was committed to the mowing was the 3?BuMi.vi ine uiermomeier yesterday at th l Urw?11 at. the At 6 a. m At 12 m.... ....qqo .AX 3 P ni ......... . - noo !At'An r' 5-... ......... wo A Recipe A gentleman ttho has Wn attacked rwifilrkr1 f l 'I Vwyears.WUIi "'6 CmP V ays two pills of grun camphor swallowed will give relief in 1 vwemy npnuces. How Much to Sleep-The quantity of i , i " r "i ui BWP neeaiui ior the preservation of health vanes with different individual., nH different condign. rtIl. persons ,ix hours' lZmTZ all healthful purposes, i but others reauire or eight hours' sleep. More than fhis' however. be considered enervat- ing and injurious to the health f I KrwKr . ; - " fpwwii -ornu This excellent literary Weekly is on our table aain. Its -- "'ung ana varied as usu- ai. indeed, in all resuecta it mm th full aranJ.i r i- t , T nVcla8 "terary vr rxortli (Jarn in a nnl.t vritrnuan iteia, nas now an unusually in- o j . ....n.h in sijjjjieujH g j(ur nol. She is a regular contributor to its . - ... Railroad Travel.-Aii experienced rail road man tells lis that Thursday was the most disagreeable day of the season for "road travelling. ' We are told that the Passngers on the Richmond and Danville Kailroad on that day, were black, clothes skin, with dust. It cannot be said that yesterday was nuich of an intpnnc- 1 upon tne Previous day. Temperance Picnic. The different temperance organizations of Charlotte will , e . . ' : " c A1" ' "ijj"ingn, awiui. iw or i nines south f . . . . . . i . TL ... . . . ... .i - t ' hho ,nvlted thc mperance people of w ure vjuwi it-uiniarx ni nnpvi p rimrUffn n :: i .,. . . .. jv,... wient oil file occasion casion. A nthiscitv it is said htrge number propose going from i , .... aim a goou tune is exjxnited " 2,uuo persons will be present. We WN endeavor to have a reiwrt of the day V doings in the Obskkveb of to-morrow. Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel. p n t..:j " -kt a T . .. . r. "vowh, n ; o ii x remonr, Wilmington; FM Wooten. Wilminff- I A. tt Y -WW t" n' vv iruin, Kart S Johnson P C: 1- T.W! -r. rl '"" "niore; nenry f', Greensboro; J F Pa wife cluhl and servant, China B B Barrow, EJw'cfimbe: c" itterson a Grove; x n.iri. well. Concord: S T Nowlin, Rich- mond: J W Jones, GoldSboro; J.N. Robson, Charleston : H W Hsirdinjr New Jerse.V ; OR Wells, Michinri ; j nnmn, mnine; rreston Kion.S. C; F Dillinji, Kind's Mt.; Geo E BogRs. l-'oolnn. T VT ". .i ...tr O Sloan, Miss; Miss C B Townsend. .linn, m v', u oioiui. xi is.s ma ii Be,ton O Townsend, Society Hill; T vv 1 rntt Mn C Bonknight, Misses Boukniirht. Columbia: P B MrLnr'p. Hon.WM Shipp, Gen Rufus Bar- ruieer. x kj: i r. urcnard. co um nn. " mr i m s v -n. i Everybody who has tried Drs. Greene. Lindley &. Bentley's great family medicines speaks well of them; and we hear from a quarters of the wonderful effects of "Neural gia Specific" and "Fit Cure" in particular. while the others aw no less efficient in thc diseases for which they are. design ed. july 1G lw We see that Procter & Gamble's Ex tra Olive Soap is becoming verv popular in our city, it quality we know' is superi or, and leing nicely perfumed we are not surprised that consumers prefer it, and thai it has a large sale. july 1 3m Selling OfT at Cost. Messrs. S. Inndeckcr & Co., (ffer for sale their stock of Dry Goxls, fcc., at crst, until August 15th, at which time they will dis solve copartnership. july 9 2w For Sale. A good toned Piano, at W. F. Davidson's. july 15 2t J. S, WTXLIAMSON & CO. THAT lot of choice Flour has arrived and you will please call and see it, buy it and try it. It is warranted to suit you july 13 NEW FLOUK, 8' am"y ' lonr.gro"na jy irom new wneat, just recei veti at STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & CO S. july 11 APFES, AFPIJ2S. N 'T. iMono n,T S at B. N. SMITH'S, july 12 JUST RECEIVED w. n. n. Houston & co ii A packages" mackerel, Atc v Halves Quarters and Kits. ; Also, a complete assortment of tine Chewing Tobacco, -, - , july 8 1Q,Q00 -June 29 PAPER BAGS - at PUREFOY'S. s Formerly XXaosion House, (i vWS80IOTI01T fnHE firmibf Sanders, Oates fc Co. is this ' JL" day dissolved by purchase of the inter est of J; E. Oates; Esq. :- . The business will be carried on as hereto fore mider the style of , i ' .SANDERS & BLACKWOOD I CIIAKLOTTE Cotton Market. This report is made ojo I vr-DacuvaiL. aiLer rftnmi i r?i Mrr with Aii the leading cottea buyers of the eity : I f - '? t.f . & , v. - i . .... .11 iem i. 31. Prices are off about I of a cent to-dav. Extremes are from 9 to 14. Th mm is dull. Provision IWI,iLK.et. CORRECTED DAILY BY W. H. H. HOUSTON & f!0 v ti,tTo.t AnKjr-rFlour $45 to r: on m?rJcet. . KXSrffl111 ii Baltim?re Flakein quantity veil io Molasses, common, 28V to 29 cents fS'vGollC1?' 40 to?' ?,?rVPew 0r'?a."sL9(- " Vte ?PS ' 7&. Tallow 10 to 12 cents. lnsh Potatoes $2.00 to $2.50 per bnshel h A,Tp,Ies md Mountain) 75 to $1.25 per bait Syracuse in Liverpool sacks 2 10 per sack. Livernool te.lfi tr 9 os m T - . T I Factory YamSl .4ft tn 1 so LKOURS-N C Tcorn. $25 tA$i STmX, I Han.n "ft"" APP,e f rantly, $1.50 to $1.75 good d(A o' T " oranay, $i 7o to $2.00 good de- niand. ,, 8et Potatoes, $125'to $1.50 per bushel. Com 75 to 80 cents, good demand. Wheat none offering. Oats 50 little demand. Pets, strictly clay. $1.00otber, kind 75 PRACTICE EtONOinV Buy a New Improved Home Shutte Sewing Machine. Only costs about one-half of the "so-called STANDARD MACHINES. MORE of them sold this year in North Carolina than all others r(imhitiwi i runs other .same wmc . - . . . .. . , ..4. 4 u on or address d. o. maxwf.i t. , Cliariotte, N. C, or Atlanta, Ga. 0encr Agent for North and South' Cam- jiy iohna' Gcoaand Florida- Ho for the mountains of rXortli Carolina via Atinntir Tennessee Sc Ohio Railroad I .V..V'" .yruariowe, 10 ana irom nic iouowmg places A.sheville", and return, $13.00 Marion, 8.25 Morganton'. " " " 7.00 Ilickorj Station, " 5.75 Jnuns connect at Cliariotte both ways with C- C.& A. Railroad. W. W. PEG RAM, jul G-lm A"elit. Columbia Phoenix insert 1 month. LIMESTONE SPRINGS, S. C. T1HE undersigned has opened a boarding nouse at me aDove mentioned place, md can accommodate a few boarders at cry low rates. Rates. Doara per day $-1.50 Board per week 7.00 tsoanl per month.. j.... 22.00 ,ilmr?1 a,n(1 servants half price. v"v i""'"i mi i'iii i un I'iii1 ii'irn.n i S. C. 1I0MESLEY. july 9 Im THE "SILVER TONGUE" 0 R G A NS , For Parlor Church and Sehool. Manufactured by IVEEDHAITI A E. P. SO ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. H3, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. N. -Ti Responsible parties . applying for agencies in sections still unsupplied, will receive prompt attention and liberal inducements. Parties residing at a distance, from our au- thonzed agents, mav order from our fac- tory. Send for illust strated price list. july 12 6m A CARD. mav iivjr accept ea a commission as -LA sura il Special AKent of the Carolina Life In S?SS??fe IM! the Cliariotte District, would be pleaswi, to. see anu wan on an wno aesire to ayail themselves of the benefits of Life Insurance. Assets of the Company, One Million Five, Hundred Thousand Dollars. V can bfc found when not absent from the city at the Emporium of D G Maxwell. C. W. BRADSHAW, -july 17 2t Special AgenC1 Southern Home copy. : ; - NEW FLOUB. Received this morning a Lot of very Stt irior Rye Flour. 1 Por sale by, ' '" July 2. . SYMONS& CO- KA A SACKS North Carolina Fhftir V)) Fresh Ground, just received al VJ a v STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO'S 1 ,, . ...-. - - - .T.n PAVID K. DUNCAN. JOHN B. CLVK1NI. Duncan & Cleveland, tf A TTO 'f( S jX&lL'lLwti U : 8PABTABTOOi- n.:QMl A Practice both, in State and . XL 3. Courts ; June 1 lm . : -- - - as light, is as ea.sv.to .r" coniainmp; l uu rooms. "Y ' was Oil T I J range of work WiM i mi Ur tL 8lo niSn uiiV4 VUll S1IIIW I Ii; I If. U'T II l-ftf-lul-4 " i i A Nice lot of Lurlan Sacks on hand and for sale hv ft?.- 58 j - ? v ? S , j J ! If s M Mm it a 4 J TDTO Lal.i ... . ueiiuiim seasiae resort situated in BEAUFORT, Nrfy is now offered for sale. It is a iaf5e COmmodiqUS building, I . - . tnree A 1 veranda ex , w 7 nonJ n . - nearly all the rooms furnished with filefrtnf tyawt ftTrrrfVr elegant eW lUTmttire, such as beds, &c a particular description of which may be had unon annliratinn tn trm undersigned. The Jlotel is in good run ning order for immediate oc cupation, and is,now-Qpen un derthe management of GEO. W. TAYLOR. On the premises, there is a large cistern, one-cottage for boarders, 50x30. A row of 12 cottage rooms, and Wash House and two Bath Houses. The house is pleasantly situat ed on; the beach washed-ly the daily tides, and commands a lovely view of the ocean, y. FORT MACOlKfj and the Banks and Sounds. Salubrious, free-from dust, flies, mosquitoes, and other pests that pleasurq?sej$ers are often subject to. It is second to no summer resort upon the .xI.k-vH i ATLANTIC-:GG'A5Ti ," -'il "T?r;il Convenient to this! grand Ho- tel.tv5)ffltinff and mises compnse six acres--the title is good, and possession will be given upon sale. The Original cost' ' was3 5,000, r and 'tiiejeirairr still good. But the present owner having pnih'asdt'lffif ier execmttdri;i0ithourukriy1 idea of running it, offers it at BDCDlt mmiwmm ther.iExTBuLdinmARrLYaililo HtMi price of $ia,000ihalf vcsish, and balance in 12 months witK interest. Receipts in three months JhLav;bn7v0P0&irlii it is moptr m increased. fJpUa 'WPVk. VlV'i Wm be soldto jomt stock cbmpatdesori toan,soler.puf- chaser,; , . .,..m't For fnrther particulars, ap- ! 80N, 481 F'wayN- X. will dispose of 100 Pianos and OrganVof ffrst-class makers, i intltRling WATERS ' at extreme! v low prices for cash, or part eah, and balance in small monthly paytiientS;' New7-Octave first-class Pianos,-all modern improve ments, for $275 cash. Organs $55, $75. Double-Reed Organs. $100 1 4-ston. $110 : a. ! stop, $125, and upwards. . . WatersfCQncerto Parlor Orgau voiced, the effect of ; which ia most chang ing and soul-stirrinff. rkile -a lue uuman voieeisnperb. Tcrnia liberal. UHi jratea catalogues mailed fwone stamp. A liberal discotmt to Ministers. ChnnlM Sunday-Schoolst Lodges, etc. Agent wanwa. iiun17 4w Write foii i4Jo liA'iy'ili'jr.bartoB. "cm ith n n n sr pittsru Breech-Loading Shot Grrns, $0 to $300. rrwning lacicie, Fishing Tackle, &c.:. Large discounts to dealers or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc- bought or traded for. Goods sen t bv express C. 0. D. to be examined before paid or. ume 17 4w - 1 K-9fc$9ff Pr-dayT Agents' wanted ! O . tq s5vv Ail classes of working nw- ple, of either sex, younjror old. make more money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anvthin? eise.. l amcuiars iree. Aaares u. STJJX SON & CO-,' Portland, Maine, jraae 1 4 w BUILDING FELT (No Tar used), for outside work arrd in side, instead ,of plaster. Felt Carpetings, x.c. oena z stamps tor circular and Sam pies. C. J. FAY, Candeit, N. J. june 17 4w BEST AN0, OLDEST FAMILY . Mkmoixf. SAIMDFORD'S Lirer Invigorator, A r?r.KeMlPl Cathwfe aixt iTotiic, for Dyspepsia. Constipation, Debility, Sick Headache, Biliotw Attjf, znd all derangements of Liver, Stomach and Bow els. Ask your Druggist far, it. -Beware o imitations. . . june 17 4w We will insert ah advertisement of one inch space one month in 12 first-class , isortlx Carolina Papers for For ihrisurjf BtPffira.ln bthtf States, address GEO. P. ROW ELL & CCKr41 Park Row, V V 5. a ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, ; IU LEIGH, N. C. Founded 1842. Right Rev. Tnos. Atkinsow, D. D., Visitor, y..AWS?I.C3MJiPESM4JL; l). Rector, RfiVBEKifETr SirtDEs.A;m Ass't. The Sfxtfr-tffinl tWrif of fliisfftrnl will begin, July 29th." v or a circular apply to the Rector, j une 17 lm .1 AT -AT I now offer my lJouDle-siiotTiuns; f8Wfl50. Single Guns $3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $5 to $25. Pistols. $1 to $8. Gun Material. mH'Mnin nn n a onf rt Tii 1 M 9 C T'". i. fcJ : It A I i -3 v-- a 3 i I m www vBrfttt SPRING AND SOTEIER GOODS ' i this Date In order to make room for my large Fall and Winter Stock which ! ihtend to lay in shortly. ALL wishing anything' in my lino WlkL, SAVE MONEY 'ndfincl:i1fid tlieir interest tocall ? v ' ft T T B IP or. as soon as .? Sii. !; '! tli'rr fia ",3t5-flJ ni It 1 .4. t ALL AND BE COICVINCED, urfr Spjrjngi andiStiaimer Stock. I . " ,;,!... 1 Jl AJLJU. lI'J , -.'at .Mirx'i --s.. J . . - r i . AuctionStore, v FURNrrrjBE :Xt Auction I -wfll sell ttis day at my auction room, commencing at lt oClock a. m. Bure ii u. Bedsiead-Maltrassea. sT nno Kkr,.il. Lr. s. "-rV .Clocks. Bewiwg Maebines,Ttor ?ai Glaw- miiud Artielcs.tecfdved un- til Boar of sale. jaJy 1 sorted sues Files. Screw Plate, Reachcs Hammers, c, c Also a large lot of pa per bags, molasses gates, measures, spToe boses, &c.. Ac. Come Boon and secure bargains, at the auction store ofT inly 19 THOS. H. 6AITHEK, JUST RECEIVED, jND for sale at the following prices r 50 boe chewing toTiaceo at 40 cts per ltr 4& 10 25 10 50 75 S5 t armf v Soat ni 5n- ri- 25 doz Tennessee brooms at hxQ ner dec 25 25 25 10 10 75 10 4.5ft 3.50 , 2.50 " Cloth " 2.00 NC " 2.00 li Canned Damsons, 1.25 u i5Jackberr!cs 2.00 Glasswa Tinware, Hwierjrr Ifotiona, Ac, etc., at greatly redwed1 prices, at th Auction Store of THOS. H.OArTHEjr. may 23 Yf R. BURWELL & CO-, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Springs'" Comer, , CHARLOTTE, J. G.r llavr in store their osoal large sipTy of PURE DRUGS, CHOICE CHEMICALS, FINE PERFUMERIES, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES, CHOCOLATE, SPICES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SEGARS, PATENT MEDICINES, WINES, BRANDIES and WHISKIES Of the best quality for Medical uses. All the OfBcmal and other Standard Flnid and Solid Extracts-, and the various Elixirs enerally in use by the Medical Profession, mr Stock comprises evervthinir nsitntlv found in a first class Drusr Store, and Is of fered on the most favoraMetmusfrjrcas!r; " Orders filled with neatness and disnatch at lowest market rates. -, - . jnne2Tj CHARLOTTE, W. C, June2Gth, 1873. AUj persons who have Cotton on liand. will find it, to their interest to call at our office, Black's Building, and we will do the very best that can be done for th'ein. Will advance any reasonable amount on Cotton left in our hands. No pass required in Cottoii transactions with us. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. june 27 lOt THF - entire stock of .possible. . r as J am determined to d doS oat. Vry O EERSONS TIP il JlJiB 01 SSI "7 orT r . irom 11,8 quarters: there to vuwuutuvu.i.lVi June 2) flw u July 2'tP- r :r iulylS july 6 Ly - - 5: S. "WILLIAMSON & CO. -V. mil w ,i -U'V