ntilln .1 . -- JL J. i u i '.V: lli iO 1ti! Richmowd' & Danville, Richmond fe Dan-J VILLE ft. VT -, n. V. UIVISIUIK, KUU AUKTU Western N. C. R. W. CONDENSED TIME-T ABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, June 15th, 1873. ... , - GOING NORTH. '" Travelers , STATIONS. j Mail. Accom. Leave Char Jot te,.; 2 50pm Salisbury, " 5 02 " r ;: " Greensboro' 815 " Danville, 11 17 C 15 a m . Burkville.K q ;3 54 a 1140 Arrive at Richmond; 6 35 " 2 55 p m GOING SOUTH. . STATIONS. Mail. Accom. Leave Richmond, 105pm 9 45 a m " Burkville, 4 10 " 120pm " Danville, 8 45 " ArGlOpni " Greensboro' 11 38 " 44 " Salisbury, 2 03am Arrive at Charlotte, 4 05 GOING EAST. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboroj 8 20 p ro Co Shop 10 00.. ." ' " Hillsboro' 11 10 " ... Raleigh, 1 40 a m Arrive G ildaboro' .4 30; ' GOING WEST. Stations Mail, j Expjsess. . . : - -' : U Leave Goldsboro' 2 30 p m .Raleigh, " Cof Shops, r i 9 30 ' 10 48 d r.i A rriv" Greensboro' NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. ' (Salem -BR.htir.) i: Icave Greensboro' , , . - - 3.40 p m Arrive at Kcrncrsville, 5.10 " Liave Kernersville, 9.00 e m Arrive at Greensboro' 10.30 41 Mail trains daily, both vvays;, oyer entire length of road. Awommodatiori daily be tween Danville and Richmond '(Sundays excepted.) , On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond. at&--5 a. m.", arrivp at Burkevilie 11.28 a. in-, leave Burkeville 1.10 p. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. in. Pullman Palace Cars on all niglit trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) For further information address ; S. E.ALLEN, . Gen'l Tiiket Agenty , T. M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N-C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent.; Time Table Western N. C R. U. Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1S7L. UOING, WEST. Arrive. ' " Leave. . Salisbury. 5.00 a. m 5.52 A. M. 6.45 " 7.42 " Third Creek, 5 57 " StAtesvllle, ft.50 " Catawba Station, 8.02 " Newton, 8.55 " Hickory Tavern, ft.40 " Icard, . . 10.25 " Morganton, 1U0 " Bridge water, 1159 " Marion, 12.48 P. M Old Fort, GOING EAST. WW 9.35 10.20 11.05 4 U 11.54 12.43 P. M. 1.32 Arrive. 7.59 A. st: 8.48 " .37 " 10.22 " 11.07 " 11.52 " 12.45 P. 1.42 " 2.35 " 3.32 " Leave. Old Fort, Marion, Brldg?water, H. 78.04 8.53 10.27 :u.i2 11.57 12.50 1.47 2,40 Morgan ton, ilcard.w si Hickory Tavern, Newton, Catawba Station, States ville, Third Creek, Salisbury, P. U. Trains Pass, at Icard at 10 5 A. M Jy 25 Wilmington. A BaoadTr l Leaves, Arrives, SCHEDULE. EASTERN DIVISION Atlailt&&Kcli. Aa-ime la: K Mil 'U 4 Stations. Charlotte, Garibaldi, Dewey's Stand, Gastonia. AVootten's, King's Mounoain Whitaker's, Black's, Gaffney's, Thicketty, Cowpen's 10.24 10.29 ir.53 10,58, : : . 8.00 a. m r : 5.80 p. m ' f einfeiayrids. 1 Li Lft. . I U i. imr,v tf .jwd,,, ,r.) , 7.60 ,l 8.00 " r OO to W 1 I a ., ,,. i. - TZ-rrPm LTzzi 1-' f ""land am daily receiving the hnest and Grier's, 1,03 1.18 him iln'i Day pASSENOEa & Freight Train Eastwaed Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays Stations. Aerivf. Leave. Greenville, Grier's, Moore's"" Spartanburg (Jo vf pens, Thicketty, Gaffney's, Black's, Whitaker's, ; 5.00 a- m. 8.12 8.41 9.10 8.17 ' 9.30 " - 0.58 V. 8 Ift CSR !lTf King's Mountai .Lisa. p. 1 Wootten s, Gastonia, Dewey's Stand, f?ATihaldl. 11.44 12.17 p. taiis 12132 12.52 " 12.57 ii U3 4' .XI !?210P!fr CharloM I I xni asHUe fbsolBte ribt Trac: Bpetfal Orders &oi Offl U rairfFive Cei1 jnile. mile. 'By all other Trains Ten Cents per S. x. SAGS. Attorney & ; Counsellor at Law, I o. ftJfax Street. WILL attend promptly to all profession al business entrusted to him. Refers to the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of North Carlfna. Btobole North Carolina Bar. 4 in t5 " 11.49 4 ira.m mi llVIIlK IllTPHK' ONaijcI after Monday. 4he 30th, the fol lbwirig Schedule wM be- run oyer this -5 i '."';'" '"'.J.u'joroyKWtit Leave Statesville, y: 4 . . t Davidson College Arrive.at Charlotte, -. .a- 6.00:A.iM. 73 r? ! 9XX ' ir i ' ' . OOI5G SORTO. Leave Charlotte, , , 4.00 Pf M. f i : " 1 Davidson College. ; . . AU charges rfltust be pre-paid on Freight offeied for shipment to Section ;Hott8e, Henderson; Afexandriana and :' Cald well's. These being "flag Stations, fhe Oompanyi is not liable for any loss or dam age to freight after it la unloaded, at either of the above points. " s No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination iadistihctly -marked there on. ; - J. OORMLEY, i .vjuly 23 Superintendent. : ' OOAUDIJG HOUSE. 11 'IX MRS. AMANDA STONEy, nforn, the public, that she? lias. open ert a fitiaiding h ouse in Gray' Buirding oppw&elherres 1 v ten art Ch urch r sol iits" a 3hare of local and transient custoinV. june 18 tf C,j;- ;i A BARREL dieap Molasses, "r I , UU SO barrels Fine Syrup, . - . 5 Tierces Demerara Mplasses. just receivel at, ,ptti.r y;--n7. J - ; STENIIOUSE, MACAU LA 'T & CQ ' jime 21 ' - ' . v Honey, Money, to be- Made.- I HAVE a ntiriiberpf TnainaccoTrnts on various frieiiWjr(sb-calied)'of oiirs j tli.at h a vp 'beir earned unt flr th ev; ar yvry ui nch worn;' we propose tdnsen! them around probably every day untilthe first of .Ju ly Those-remaining on hanl not wrn out or otherwise destroj'ttljjt ih ahuvi? lflTerljSSM thieStM 3dayto be sol'tiieA1fttJ6tf Roonftft giving, the. name, ofpartyand amountj du. (.Promises don t iay our innebteaiiess.. . . B.. SMITH. , jbne 24 " . iioitie sToAcn niTTEns. ATAV.H.H.HOUSTOX&CO'S. This mediehttrfitriual&c? & i t&re'tonic and rnvigofaterii t --w. uf spJis i 4 t it A D O OK. FOR THE MII.I.IOI?t Marriage' A prtrtjCooBetorl thf Married of thoxe about to .Marrr en ihophjrM. logical myiierirs ud yeveUiiouiot ! kb x oal cTitem. wftb t h latent dlscpvtrie in prednelng and prcveaiiaji Otpring, how to preacrve llie coBii'U-xiou, Ac. Thinia an latere ting word o f two haodred and" aixtr pngcs.with numeroua engraving, aud cejitaiua valiutlila : ii)form;iiioti bir IboM wboarcMarrird.oreoutemiilateinar riaiie Slill lliaa. book that oogul to bo kipi HHderlock and key. ami bollaid earcjesiljr aliout the home. It cn'otaitiii, the expotraco advice t vbrticiaa wlioi4e reputation ia world-wide, and hoW beta tho-yii-vate draKorof re. j atatoand feaiaieliitajachia the ttlc glnhv. Hc mWacca Orery thing obe utjae-o f je Kcovy St. Luuw W r Kotics to ihd AfSic.ed tiid Vs&rttinste.' Hetbm applying to tae liatorieaoqiiaeka ho'adertle la puMic paor4,ox aaing any qnack reoiediea perase Dr. K itt work-uo matter what joardiaeaaeii, or bow dopier. khlv joHr lMtHiaD. - ' Dr. Hints uccubii'iji .aQuble .boa, of .Urentrrea rnmiu : i in jnraedV hF.swieo f the njaet Celebrated) medV ea 1 iriife!or f thincountrT aad Kurope, and eaa beeoa f ul- J it-rnallT or.kr wail. aa tliodioeaaea mentioned In bi w..rk;. Ottice and parlara. No.' It V. Klghlh atreew xt.een 'h.rkeiand C.uuji, St. LauUf Xa. 1 nov 2-d & xr ly GRAND DISPLAY OF ft Miirinery, cheapest stock of the above goods ever bftmgtrf Id tnis hiarketrafM faan?saigly tidy that the goods are the best, and selected with the greatest jcate and. will' hd 8oid;acT such rates as to defy competition. You will hnd each and everv denartment com plete ; and to make my Millinery Depart' jenf roofe comwete&i have engaged two ILLINEUS, efHbSis'reeehtly irom Baltimore. I resnectfullv invite the public to call kiffi:dmm&e hii stocSTan (Tpoces X Y On it willje foundGoodsat Jheruost w. uc Hill QilicSales - and Small Profito, the Trimmed Hats in the State, and will be Midas low as they ean lie bought in Northern Mar- may 8 Old Papers for sale .at ?0 cents per hun dred at Ibis Office. niuve awotem a( ta woruk aawiog, aaya unci inaa ! y nt pnhtfi(hod la aJC other ork't y Sk. Scutioaar oM io of artage"fcr Fifty Cnt. , A44relr. touaUliantitfj.W3S'.JtirMWior STAPLE LTAT)XZL2irr.TiSlJ Inches. a clwW JMae ' ' - " " ' 1 1 11 U Ml Ml! U T 'i.di. bnu ,-oiiHpoui it H B lilr ' s :ii i s fi!!1 if r .1 as ii .wm 1 nil j . mi t 1 xa aasi' ss u. am 4 ? m I " Ika . W IJ . wa ! ii la- A.NC Y i r ST We are prepared to do all kintls of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the on can be dene at any establishment in State. 7 Merchant!, : Manufacturers, Profcs . aioaal Men, andotheri infant of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forpis of every kind, Busi-. nesa Cards, "Vis iting Cards, Admissieii CardSfrlnvHtitioosj -Ball wW Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro- graiamea,1 Posters,-' ' Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, Ac, . ": -'; j ' " ' '' - Sad better give ns a call; : 4 as we Kave a full supply of all kinds of Tyrjey fronj -l.df ap iqhstoio Bailroad Blanks, oil u at reasonable rates, and irr superior always, ryfiroDplpt an.ttorii. ,( :ts-tiT mil ii ill AHtr ifi Ji "f JiH tli -saiaauiL. to i; o$st alandai Bxintedin faonil n't qby5ft ;p.nwmRl PRmTinno U i iAf every' deseriptioii, such, as xoqacco juaoeis, xsauus, xi uuces, xc JOHNSTONIT y ONES, 1 I Editors Prop Ulllit- w of SchooL Miscellaneous, call Attention to them, and not itemize, for if ydu wafaVaiit thiiWhi that line you will beaqre to call ou tis oTrre yours l$f& largest Poster, plain or in coloinrmted iiAeaiwble.Stt44i Ail &ork C r oaoe v the TIIE LAST OPENING. HAYIXG rented the Store Room occu Ipled lastyear by W. J. Black & Co., on College Street, we beg to inform our friends and the public, that we will open thout the st September next with a .full Btock'of - s' : -v" " : ' " GROCERIES. -'v. - - . .: ! From now until then we will give our en tire attention to a Commission business. We respectfully solicit Consignments of COTTON, GRAIN, FLOUR, &c, &c. Guaranteeim? highest Maaket prices and i . ... prompt returns in every instance. ; We-Tefer by permission to J R Holland, Cashier Mfe F. NatBank, M. P. Pegram, Cashier 1st "Nat. Rank. Th-os. W. Dewey, Cashier Bk Mecklenburg. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. Democrat copy, i june 21 ly. R. F; DAVIDSON, DEALER IN 4'WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods nr..- : " '. istore, CHAEIOTTE, IT. O. MetaKc Burial Cases,. Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 THIS IS T H E HOME SHUTTLE. mav 28 3m MONEY SAVED BY BUYING THE N E W Family Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payments WE claim And can show that it is capa ble of doini' a larirer range of work than anj' other; easier to learn on, and the most simple in its construction. It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and does from the finest to the thickest work with'eqnalffiviliT.V and perfection." We' respectTully'ask all desiring to purchase a first clas standard machine, to' call .and examine (St hemselves before-purchasing elsewhere, at our sales room on Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address H. C. TURPIN, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C P. O. Box 11. J Agents Wanted. june i&tCr: , .' ;:v r.-i:-:--- Ciehn ifp Your BacliJLols. IN ohedienee to a resolution passed ; by the Board of Aldermen Monday night, June 16th, 1 hereby notify the-citizens .of Chariot tgjiave their privys cleansed, and to haTeatiaccunittlauonsof trash and' filth, caleiilatecTjto produce sicktiess, re wved i"rom tlifeir premises, They will be allowed iw til the 2rst of this inon t h, June, (t C()inlthis. nonce. 1 Alter tna&qay Clic Marsnai rwm Visit tneir.prenst;?, ua f$ authorized to do, and report every ..'per son whose lot is not cleansed according to jhis order. And they will be fined five (loliars for each and every day such. Jini sancc fontyins nalnted ? ( ? .3 .'T ' ' W.F.DAVIDSON, june 18 Mayor. rr- JUST BECEIVEI. -! A BAGS Coffee, 500 Sacks of Sat, 50 OU.'iBbls SfiearilOO! Boxes Soda, 100 Ciases f O'sters, 50 Boxes Crackers, which we offer as i low as , the. lowest. m .h.;il Houston & co ITT FASHIONS All kinds of Fashions to 'it'r- 10R July. "JuelO i A 0 TIDDY'S' -A ri RE AT Bargai;is offered in Linen Goods !sT; ofererV 'description:,, at .. .. ". : . n03iE k'rfd lbok at the stvle of 1899, at rW! 'IrifyV4 i'Vyi B, ;KOQPM ANN'S. CQ&N KTLtER. Ugtevrv'" TK'l&p Ry ELL & C0? AiiLENTt jirbitEAT iuiCEy - ne 22 :W. Ri B. & CO. SiTT REAT Bargain? rh!acl;li1 ice and vl Inia -Shawls, at.; -j.i j, i,.s i f- iT0CKhiay9 ' -B. KOOPM ANN IS. iTTlpNT iJklL TOlCALL at Meacham's. . U 1 He is sellinff out aljcoatrftr Cash. Uir27 3m , .e Tin. US J.1 I . I r t ,, r r 1 . ti - t VnU&'rfcZ&AisT i vv lK5 pniiieu- wnu- neatness ana T f ! --baelrWPCPmO nessj printed ajjoa thbStIMrai Afih titTO,,' , ca,n.be,ne CfP- Calfc at the-ObserverJoh' Officer JI 4" 1 i - -J:. - H A.VE you seen the Baby joy House ? - 4 . v r TIDDY?S andsee if f.,;r,H;:.HflOST0H,C0.. WHOLESALE GE0CEtRS,XIQ,IT0Rl , t D E A L.E E S , ' ' 11. .iV. ..L'.rrijbfcT. ,.v -f A COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . . . . ... . . .... . . , . i-l 1 ; ' S S WE have giv.en Q,UTrAendatftndjrstoni ers notice of our purcliase . of the Stocks of Messrs. W. J. Black & Co.. and Gregory ' S; Williamson-and 'lare pleased to announce that w:e , are open and under lull blast, at Gregory & Williamaon's old stand, Trade St., next door tcr McMurray oo javis wuere we vpu at,aii,jtiiu,Keep the largest stockgoo'3s In '"tnis" market, consisting of' - ! f'- "' Molasses,; Baobny Flotn1; Lhrd, Mackef el . Soaps, Candles,; Can dy, Starchy Soda Su gar, Coffee Teas, Spices; Brandy JPeachr . es, Oysters, ' Sardines;' Herrings', &c. 4 : Andican fiifnish thel most' Corn- ' , plte outfit j the- market, to the WHOLESALE TRAPE. M ERCHANTS ' niay ' ' rest ' assured -that they can1 ALWAYS OBTAIN GOODSpf US at ; J.theiho.ettniaiv,.. :ntf ket prices. . LIQ V O K S . The only complete Stock, in the Market, consisting 6f all kinds and grades, Will be pleased to receive ! corisignments of Cotton, , Flour, .Cori), &o. Store the same and maka Cash advances when de- ji 'Tir- . a f ai : i t j j ' eireu. e are Agents ior me ceieuriteu. , SlIFO WL . &Ut AJ0l to which we invite the special attention of the Farmers. ( ertipates trom the largest and most reliable farmers in 4le,StAH:fur- We are also Agents foj-the celebrated HOUSTON'S . PROLIFIC COTTON 8.K EB i . ; the very best in tlie country. : We respectfully ask a share of the pub lic iatronage, guaranteeing satisfaction' in goods as well as prices, ..... ..s- Remember the , (and Trade Street, r ext door toMcMurrau.fc Dvis.. . . ... s W. HVfiHofeON'A CO. feb 14 - V-.y'.r.' - ' r .it -.''--j " I i ' i . Wiltkowsky & Klntcls' G FOR 1873. S P R r N G, TO MERCHANTS THE great aim of -our House, since its establishment, haa-beento make Char lotte a .wholesale- Mart, and ours, THE HOUSE, arid to conduct our business so as to outgrow the alleged and even accepted opinion of some that tliere i a kind of obloquy attached ta -athem for buying in Charlte jjapd .having,.; by ,Ute very -?reat increase of our business, isince. we remov ed to our 'new and elegant Store,) been convinced that Wo Itae partially-succeeded in-our cherished plan' we have concluded" to endeavor to still -further eradicate the erroncQiis-ulea, by presenting, this coming:' season to tli e Trade, ji still' Larger .audi better assorted Stock than eyen we ever offered before, so that Covnrtry"- Merchants will be able to find in our house not Drily all he needs, but a'ery large stock to select from ; thereby being enabled . to operate with a much smaller capital than he can by bujdhg in (tinVrent houses Norih, where lie must necessarily buy more gooils than he actually needs in Qrcler' to luive an as sortment. In view of the foregoing, Mr. Rintels left on the. 27th January, (much earlier than usual,) for Northern -Markets and Manufacturing places, where lie .will re main two months in making our purchases, buying everything frorn first hands on the same tenns as any Jobbing House in Bal timore,5 Philadelphia or New York ; and the assortment when thus completed will foot up in amount tO' upwards of. Two j Hundred luouind Uollars, The exfeii?(TaeTie7nb (tiffj'Thg on a business here being., much., ess: tliau. it would be in Northern Cities' and havinsr :i lower rate Of freigiit tliaii s'iniillersliipjiers here, brings the tact patent tnat, we are-Ji? a i)Osjtion to .successfully,; compete with any'JobbingTiouse in. the United States, and to : the 'inspection of vhich we invite the Trade.- i i '; ' We are pleased to state, to :tlise unac quainted with our House, that .we keep complete lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, ajoots and Shoes, Notkas,-anl eved Millirifffy1.' ' Our Retm" 1 :tto-artnient te -coiftplefe; with' the latest Novelties, 'and iu burk second to noneinthe City. . V Our Millinery Detriment wlH be ckrfied on as usual. Verv Respect fttftv.. ,: " ' WITTKOWSKY & RINTKlLSi-i: feb 5-tf 1;:r .K .r' ,'t . J ' , ., The, .CJha,,..,, - -i HAVING, notified our. frieivls -and eus toiners sonie.time inqe7tlat our but-i-ness would change -January '. 1st, 1873, we are pleased to sav that the chhnsa has taken place,' and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Itiose who do not pay promptly, need not expect' &nf WfofUl If you are in arrears don't ask (rfi credk, save-usthe unpleojant dut)i of 'denying" To our many friends and patrons wc re turn thanks, : .find-.. ask a ; contmuttricJ" -'of1 their ,favors---Jbelieving tliat by a strict ap plication ofr:the above : rules, 'Hve be able to sell goods cheaper than those who Credit All bills are dueanQvP.ivatl em the Lt day of each and every month, . , v jan 1, 1873; iiyU? IWU I TT7 LI Ll M V A Iff T T. LTT.A V 0,E I ; SJ W J Bf .IJt.JUs A C Il- JI J7i .E..)..i ; SURpisSED'j?OR VARIETY of : v. uses, andgcbXan ! For Sale by Office m Baumgarten's Photograph j3al- feb 20-6 rn io,ooa I t Mi - REAVES-.- Assorted sizes and "grades from, the . well knftraafcott&Shoal Pa hoal Pas MTrrtl r V r e TIDDY'S BOOK f feb 28 ,9t itGtL HOStta . ..f VttAKMrrrJS.' N. U. t : articJar - "attention jjaldio JjdftaU" Kinas oi nroauce, ugftest.cas: 3HAR drders Idee 21 '72,- ' I j rt,t,ir r,v. OV iliMa Tenaeco h price, mid for Cotton a t Eroni a distae&Vproinntiv Vat jj -PTJREFOY'S. " apl 13 , TAILORIK, Gent's .Fiirmsriiria .na. AND HATS. -3. k'PHiLUPs naj - ijuo. to intorin. the public XJ n6receivhi2 th mnc of Fiece Goods ever offered in ti,; 'e i. ' .... " - . . vwiuj wr l I ( TT,. uocsRin tassimeres. Kanm- , English Coatings of all colors, Scot?, OIK Wbich.will.hft oU.V,Pr MlT'.v1 Klnd! V1 I t- . -. wiv uv tne Taj . f i:ts ui iinnnst pan rr ki... . - "uii Tin" ".rr. V w ur"u elsewhere ; .1tW.'.uwu especially called tr.. 1 Spring Cassimere, :i y . - for Boys' Wear. READY-MADE CLOTHING. 4... 2 U i-..J.i T r "'tt3 HVlj, r5 "vtvuuiiKu iaj 1 ; KO Tine o . . . J Jl1 llJ tui-aie, 1 ,uuer uie in in n - - nv 0 nnti x 1 . 1 1. r t , iv; 41 iiu riw. I ",10,-,i;il'1 ana all goods ena, anteed to be as represented. 1 : ' Boys' and Children's Clothing, for all ages, and in great variety, Gent's FnrnltEiiiig Goods. line at crnoils. snr-Ii qu on... t.. 'ul! " - v i til r I . om I nu, II..: ',. 'JUi .. - v. nua wear, Kin s ii. ....v. jjio.c uiuvro, xioiserv oi a 1 kinH. wuu lo, tuus and suspenders of ,.H kinds Hats,, Caps, Umbrellas, Travel,! Satchels, and m tact everything nocessan to a gentleman's or youth's complete outfit iuv uieiius aiiu tup rmh ir. i,mn.. . i .-m wui en deavor to ment a continuance of that ma. tiuc v.iiv..inijj,c, iiitii mev nave bpcn licnovii iu caiciiu lui ui? ia.se i.j veal's aPril G J. S. PiHLUPd. 1)T. "RArlrTtri'r'h'e A'nf iTtt-ot-.; timi tJSE THE PREVENT IVE, And You will NOT -NEED the CURE. Tty,.,J Tl . 1Z n i r, ... xxrun mi? -i x uu, may jrna somethinq in which you are PERSON ALLY INTERESTED. yOU have many cares, anxieties and JL troubles some real, sotneiinapinary more produced by want of health than you are aware of. Of all sources of disease, the Stomach is the most fruitful the grati fication of its calls are inure absolute'-,- necessary more expensive more plcav ant-- more- painful, and more tli VL-rwifieil than ajay other oran in the lminan !vs- . t : . . . . : ...... i , u-iii. ji. is more imposed upon, a;id iniirf wonderfully adapts itself to its various du ties, than any other organ it has its legit imate duties, against which it rarely rebels ; but. for imposition, it will call vein tn -J. counr, ano its ncig:iu.or, uie Jjn-er, almost always puffers with it, and usually sliares in 'the retribution. ITnve ynu been an inor dinate (' imprudent enter or drinker t Then yon. understand all this yuar Stomach uw Liver have caU-ed you to an, account, and vou want, relief. Then read carefully the following.-and likelt wise man, seek the re lief you so much desire, where, others, situated as you are. have found it. Is Your Health Impaired in Cotise. quence of Unhealthy Digestion of YOUR FOOD I Hon. BEVERLY TUCKER, late Law Pn- feasor of William Mary Coileyc, says "Fourteen years ago I was left by a most malignant lever, with a disease! Liver, a disordered digestion, and a con 'stitution in ruins. My physicians permit ted me hope, that with care and prudence 1 might have a few years of precarious ex istence, and as urcd me that the least in discretion would be fatal. Two years ao I met your Anti-T)ysp p' ic Pills, and con fiding ill the accom pj Dying certificates of responsible gentlemen, whom i happen to 'know, I took them according to direction:-. The result is, that I now cat what I please, do what I p! easel' sleep soun'dlv. and en joy life as m-ueh as any man living. For this, ft gives nijp pleasure to say you have mv thanks','" and to add the assurance of nivhigb regard." , W-.H- BURWRLL&CO., . Wholesale Retail Agents, Springs' Corner. fob 22 - Charlotte, N. C , . NEW FAST FREIGHT LINE 'BETWEEN BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND '. '." AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST. GREAT SOUTHERN DISPATCH FAST iFUCIGHT LIKE, VIA NORFOLK. HHIS Fast Freight Line is owned, con L trolled. and. ot)erated lv the Railroad and Steamboat Companies in interest the Atlantic, Mississippi and OhioR;iilroiid Coinpanv, the Richmond ana vani Railroad Cojpany i the , Western Nortti CarolinaR'ailroadCdnipanv, the Charlotte, uoiumnia arra Augiista iwniroa'i the iOr$ Dominion Steamship Company tne j?rchantjanrt Aimers rranp Company,,, thef,Annamessic Line, ana ClydVsteaiuers; and the Baltimore Steam Backet ;C6m ban v who cuarantee fBills'o'f Lading and Rates always as r l laaitbe published Rates of any Jfi '': other Line. ' Mark Goods li.Q, S,:D.," via Norfolk, and shin as follows : From1 BjSsTN j h v Merchants and Miners W.! W. Clark. Agent. Fl-oni NEW YORK, by Old Dorninion Steamship Company, -Pier No. 37 bow Rtf?Tfncfis. 187 Greenwich st., anu V' 803'Br6adwa: C, E. Evans, Agent. From PHILADELPHIA, by Pbdademn f tWifmiogton- and Baltimore Raila , omrjanvt-tAhnantessie Line.) Ofttes, ,u 448-Fifthistwabove' Chestnut anfltoi 9. ner vvasiungion. ave. aim uw" , JohS: Wilson,1 Agent; " . rom r JfiiLljADKLiHla, ny "th Orlice. "Wl" Delaware ave- itawie CrUO., - WBaitfttfore Street. - Edwin jjikb charges Tgettled promptly . by "v Pinckn'ey ra-. Fn nefaSeyCfaim' Agent, NorroiK, f tvJL -rV. , . , iiJ fillv anal1'1 (fftf. xreigut iiaiiuieu vuexw.- swdedpronlyPitliroughicars; t-vr f T f MAO All tsV . C. E. WADPELL !-jan 31 General SouthwiiAgco1"