LOCAL A FFAIRS: P. cALDWELlXorai Editor. JOS. . PARK, Buslnesa'Manager. Tuesday, July22. . 1873. The editor will be absent a "fortnight, of - M A. Park, Esq., is authorized to act as HERVEE newspaper anu jou -riming vi,- ficcs. A welcome shower visited us yesterday juormng, cm jr. The plasterers have begun the work of the Central Hotel stuccoinj An infant chi.d of Dr J H McAden, the . . ( n nnip r f furitia rl lorl nn surviving one ui a, -. Sunday morning. . liat fsliall be done for Hie city clock ? The bell w craciweu am be i.eard to the square. . Directors' Meeting. The McDowell Board of Directors of the Atlantic, Ten nessee A Ohio Railroad, held a meeting in this city yesterday. We are not advised of the proceedings. : Mayor's Court. There was no session of the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, in consequenco of certain litigants in that department of justice failing to put in their appearance. There will be several cases for trial this morning. Personal. Hon D M Barringer arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and regis tered at the Central Hotel. He is on his ri'Uim to Raleigh from Cleavelancl Mineral Sngs. vve are giiui to xearu iijui ins health is much nnproveo. Jas. Anderson, of Columbia, arrived in the city yesterday aiternoon, and stopped at the Central. . ' At tlie meeting of the Boaid of AhW- nien last night, Mr. Mathias Harkcy was elected to fill the vacancy in the police force, made vacant by the resignation of 51 r. Dixon, Air. liarkey lias been serving on the force for several days, by virtue of an appointment from Mayor Davidson. Charlotte's Enterprise. The Concord Sun has the following complimentary para- jrapli : "A railroad from Georgetown, S. C. to Charlotte is contemplated. If the Char- otte lieople take tho notion m their heads Jo build it it will soon be done. They have nore vim and enterprise in them than tiny people in the Southern States." That writer's head is of a perfect equi librium. Church Notes. Sunday was a beauti- Tful day and one of the most pleasant of flic season : indeed, more like an autumn lhan a midsummer day. The churches where services were held, were crowded. There were no services in Tryon street plot hodist Church, owing to sickness in the family of the pastor. 'I lure were no services in the Baptist Chuivh, o ing to the absence of the pas tor. The congregations of those two churches b.-rved to swell the crowd Which attended the other churches of the city. : Entertainment. There was an enter tainment given last Light at Temperance Hall, under the auspices of the Friends of Temperance. The blind boy from Gaston county, delighted the audience with his musical performances, which arc highly en tertaining. He is only ten years of age, and thows a musical talent of which many older persons and who are gifted with sight might boast. A lecture was deliver ed by Ilev W W McKenzie of Fayetteville, pate Lecturer of the Friends of Temper- erance. The pleasures of the evening were not participated in bv the temperance order exclusively, but the doors were open o all who wished to attend. A Bad Practice. The great improp riety of throwing pjeces of glass into the street, was feelingly observed by a gentle man friend of ours a few days since. A pieee of lamp chimney had been carelessly cast into the street. One side of it had be come embedded in the earth, while the other Stuck out Thp orpntUnmn M.llndnd . o . r- to stepped on the part which was sticking out. It cut through the side of a heavy shoe and into his foot to such a depth that he has since been unable to wear anj'thing on it save an old shoe with the side cut Ut. We resneetTnllv Mi&trest to neraons J '"OO X having broken glass which they don't know what to do with, the propriety of beating it up fine and feeding.it to dogs in their bread. Almost anything J can be utilized if we only know bow to util- ze it. Broken pla&s is nov&r thrown awav on a day. superior Court. The special term of Mecklenburg Superior Court, His Honor, Judge W. A. Moore, presiding, commenc ed Its session veaterAav ninrntnfr Col. W. Bynum represents the State. This be- lng a special term there is no grand jury. 1 he following gentlemen were called and sworn in as the traverse jury: A L Walsh, R B Iluntei. J C Summer ville. W S Wilson. W J Ross. W O Boat- riSht, B b Dunn, B F Morrow, John Phe- ian. W A Rea, W A Wilson, A B Davidson, J Hood, W B Nisbet,: W Q Phillips, J uttle, W B Cochrlh. J McLanehUn., Two State cases were disposed of yesterday- One, State against Miles Mayhue, colored, for larceny ; defendant acquitted. otner, State against Jim Sumner, col 0red ; defendant submitted and judgment suspended upon payment of cost. : ' ; Be4des the Charlotte lawyers, we notic ed in the bar veaterdav, P B McDowell. E'q , of States ille, and A W Graham, of (.irahTn Bokrd f Aderm--Tbc Boardr of Aldermen held..thejrregular;meetirig ia8t night, x We will publish rthe proceedings of the meeting so Spon, as they.can be put in sliip shape by the acting clerk, Mr W II H Gregory. V- . ' i : J"' ... ... . ' . ! : i - . i hi l-j -j Frightful Accident. On Saturday morning last, abont 11 o'clock, a terrible accident befell two men, John Ewing and his son John, about 4 miles from this place. The men were digging a well for Mr Wil liam Rankin, in Sharon township. It was found necessary to blast some rocks in the bottom of the well, which., at the time of the catastrophe had been dug 38 feet below the surface of the earth; They were both in the well when fire was prematurely ap Dlied to or communicated with the fuse, and the explosion took place with a ter rific noise. The men were hurled from the well, accompanied by thousands of fragments of rocks; The elder Ewing sustained more serious injury than the other. He had a leg bro ken, and was bruised up considerably about the head and other parts of his body. The younger man had no bones broken. He is seriously and painfully injured, how ever, in different ways and on different parts of his person. Pr. J. P. McCombs was called to the relief of the men. He bound up their wounds and made them as comfortable as possible under the cir cumstances. They were carried through town yesterday morning, on the way to their home east of here. They presented a sad spectacle. We did not learn the ex act extent of the injuries of the men, or whether the injuries are likely to prove fatal or not. The Occident was a terrible one at best, and it is a matter of surprise that both of the unfortunate men were not kill ed outright. Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel. Charlotte, N. C, July 21, 1873. W C Pennington, SC.; D C Con verse and wife, Spartanburg, S C; J W Biles, Florida ; J N Nicholson, C C McCoy, Chester, S C; J T Clark, N C: Rev J D Boweles, Tyre, N C; E G Laurs, Phila.; S VV Reid.H KReid. U B ' W cddington, County; Geo JL Davis. Savannah. Ga.; Jas Anderson, Columbia, S C; F C Clark, Greensbo ro, N C; Hon D M Barringer and son, Itaieign ; ts 1 JJiassev, union Co.; H A HemphillChester, S C; S J Gil mere, Cabarrus. The Shah. Going Home. Mr. Twain is relieved of a great responsibility in the departure of the Shah from the shores of Great Britain. Long shall the memory of the -Persian remain in the land of John Bull, and. ns"Iiis doings have been described by one of America s most favored children, long shall the pathetic story survive on this side of the Atlantic. The shining Asiatic will carry back to the land of his i .11. sires; no more consoling tnougnt than that which tells him he has been chronicled by Mark. Weary of sight-seeing and sound-hearing, he will return to Teheran longing for the congenial quiet of his palace, re lieved by the pleasant occupation of signing death warrants or ordering more taxes. Our despatches report that the Shah is hurrying home to quell an insurrection somewhere. He is afraid, evidently, that he may arrive too late for the fun of chop ping off the heads of the rebels when they are captured. We ate not informed "whether he will take Baron Reuter along to share in the ausrust snort, but it might do the lat ter good if he went. Mark hazards some feeling hopes that the Shah will take back some impressions of good government from what he has seen. He will have nis choice te- tween Russian, Prussian, English and French- ideas in . the matter of just government, which, if they do not confuse him too mucn, may give nun some useiui ninrs. xie . .... will have splendid encouragement in the matter of standing armies, for instance. Then, too, Russia will .... .i . i 1 1 give mm ine khoui; rrusswi win give him a good, sale press law; England will give him a Lord May- or s snow anu a lisseniers xunai bill: Frsmce. through her Assembly debates, will teach him the glories of free speech anl how to bury Vol tairians of Zoroastrians, as the case maybe. All of them will give him an idea how selfishness can be mask ed in servility; and when he has learned that the Lord Mayor has been made a baronet for entertain ing royalty in the city he will estab lish a great Persian "Order of the Royal Free Lunch" for the' encour agement of his hospitable subjects. He will have learned that poverty, misery, and crime are as close to European palaces as to ni own, and this one toucn of nature may make him think more kindly of the outer barbarians he has . been visi ting. He is aaid to have mistaken telegraph poles for gibbets, and as we nave no indication : mat nis error-has been- corrected he may en large on the thought by hoisting Baron Reuter on the nearest one. when the Baron refuses to hand over any more than the stipulated share of the profits of their little partner ship. N. Y. Herald, , : , Ex-President Andrew Johnson was attacked bv the cholera during its recent visit to Greenville, Tennessee. After a fierce strueele . with the dis pus p. Via rallied and cot better, but afterwards took a relapse and came near dying. 'His physician 'was im mediately sent for. and watcned at his bedside for one - whole nigh t, np.ver leaving him' for a' moment, and finAllv : succeeded in enabling him to nais the crisis, i It is said of Mr. Johnson that .while he was at home he did all he xould to admin ister to the: wants of the sick ; and the dying,, He, thinks of returning to Washington' to live. i J - . There are :eighty-one active jour nalists in New Orleans. - - - CDAULOTTE ElAlltLETS. CORRECTED DAILY BY THE Board of Trade. ' ctotton. Middling, Low Middling, 18 a 00 171 a 17 m m 00 a 161 U aJ5 9' a 12 Strict Good Ordinary, Good Ordinary, V4U411411 .. . Low Ordinary, High grades in demand at Quotations. No demand for low grades. .' Wholesale Oroeeries. Bacon C.. R. Sides, per R ? Shoulders, Coffee Rio, prime, per lb - -" " good. ' - Ill a 00 241 a 00 231 a 24 22 a 23 161 a 17 17 a 18 Candles Adamantine, boxef, i bore. Cheese Prime factorv, State, " common, Fih Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, " t it u ' .. - .. $13 10 15 12 " 3. i bbls, No. 1, it it 11 1 6 a 51 a 71 6 4 ' i ' i ' i ' Kits, " 3, No. 1, " 2, " 3, No. 1, " 2, " 3, 31 3 2 H li a a 4i 4- 21 2 .i c it ii a a Gunny Cloth 17 9 11 a 18 a 0 a 00 a 28 Iron Ties Arrow, Lead Bars, per tb Leather Hemlock, Lard Leaf, per !b " Pure leaf, Molasses New Orleans, Golden Syrup, " common " Sofia Kegs, " Box, assorted, Rice Carolina, iStilt Liverpool, per sack, " American, Sugar Crushed and powdered, " A, 271 12 a 13 131 a 15 90 a 116 55 a 70 281 a 30 81 a 00 9 a 91 91 ja 10 $31 a 31 $2 a 2i 13 a 00 121 a 00 12 a Ott 11? a 00 101 a 1U 91 a 10 ti ,t Extra C, Coffee, yellow. Brown, Whiskey North Carolina, corn, " Northern, Country Produce. Buying Prices.) Bncon tt -Hams, per lb 14 a 151 101 a 11 8 a 10 11 a 13 25 a 30 20 a 25 1.75 a 1.90 2.00 73 a 78 70 a 75 121 a 15 4.50 a 4.65 4 25 a 4.35 4.00 a 4.15 3 a 5 4 a 7 none 15 a 20 ,.1ione 20 a 25 15 a 17 5 a 8 11 a 12 8 a 10 u 75 45 a 50 65 80 a 1.00 none 70 a 00 50 a 75 none 8 a 10 none none 35 Hides, it tt Shoulders -Hog Round. Beeswaxth- Buttcr Choice,- Brandy Apple, Peach, I Corn White, Mixed, Eggs, per dozen; Flour Family, Extra, ' Super, Fruit Dried Apples, " Peaches. " Blackberries, Fowls Chickens, spring, Turkevs, Ducks, Hides Dry, Green, Lard Good, " Common, Meal White, Oats Black, " White, Onions, Peas Pure clay, " Mixed, Potatoes' Irish, Sweet, Talloio, Wheat Red, per bush, Whit, Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed, 15 a 30 Wheat, old crop being exhausted, new yet offered. no E very bod y who has tried Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley'" great family medicines speaks well of them; and we hear from all quarters ofthe wonderful effects of ''Neural gia Specific" and "Fit Cure" in particular, while the others are no less efficient in the diseases for which they arc designed. july 10 lw We see that Procter & Gamble's Ex tra Olive Soap is becoming very popular in our citv, its quality we know is superi or, and being nicely perfumed we are not surprised that consumers prefer it, and that it has a large sale. july 1 gelling Off at Cost. Messrs. S. Landecker & Co., offer for sale their stock of Dry Goods, fcc, at cost, until August 15th, at which time they will dis solve copartnership. july9 2w For Sale. A good toned Piano, at W. F. Davidson's. july 15 2t J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. THAT lot of choice Flour has arrived and you will please call and see it, buy it and try it. It is warranted to suit you. july 13 SHAVING AND HAUL CUTTING SALOON. I TAKE this method of saying to the public that I am still at my old stand under the Central Hotel, where I will al ways be glad to wait upon them. My es tablishment is complete and no pains will be spared to give perfect satisfaction. Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. I have also connected with my Barber Shop, a Bathing room, where baths will be administered at any honr desired. GRAY TOOLE, june 19 . 1 - L- j. o Iand refill Fresh Turnip Seed W E WILL receive in a few days a lull supply of these celebrated Seed, of all desirable varieties. - W. R. BURWELL & CO. Froft Jars. W E HAVE just received a fall supply of .Mason's Improved Fruit Jars--i ? fn,AVAJ T.n .all W. It. BURWELL & CO., 1 j. glass Springs Corner. CLARET, PORTER, AI-E, I &f5 JUST received by W. Hi H. Houston & Co., superior lot of French Brandy, finest ever offered in the city; Brown Stout Porter, Sparkling Ale, Pale Ale, Claret, Port and Madeira Wines, superior articles, at reasonable prices. " ' ' v 6 W.H.H.HOrSITpN, july i5 . .. '' ; . , ' ' ICS COLD BVTTiUl. CALL this morning and get some of our ice ld, hard fresh butter. We have discovered a plan to keep it -all nice and fresh, at J j. r.nux i d july 18 - - Market. Home Shntte Sewing Hachine. Qnly costs about one-half of the "so-called" ' STANDARD MACHINES. MORE of themfsbW &is year in North Carolina than all others combined. It runs as light, is as easv to learn on as any otheranoI can show.that it. will ,do the sam range of korkwith siriOlar afWh nieats th&tanf othsr uiahiLniarket' will do. Warranted for five years. Call on or address (YELL. General Ageoti for ifortlf nad Soulf Caro M tlhiaiGeor-ia aix fila I jyfeTu u n u uii LIMESTONE SPRINGS, S. C. THE undersigned has opened a boarding house at the above mentioned place. VaciKte, k.uj.oj- artti, Ga, und.nacccjnmodate afew boardersaX very w,rates.! Tf ft f 3 Kates.4 ... ?! Boircg pi daf E....J.I. BodBpeirf Weel 5r 4$ 7.(SD BoaTtrper month Children and servants half price. For further particulars address S. C. HOMES LEY. july 9 lm 1f( The Most Popular Medicine Extant. 1840 Over Thirty Years 1873. Stuce the Introduction of PERRY DAVIS' PA IN -KILLER. niHE PaliiKQl er X I equally applicable and efficacious to voung and old. THE Pain-Kit ler Is both an Internal and External remedy. J. Will cure Fever and Ague when other remedies have failed. HE Pain-Killer Should be used at the first manifes- T . : r tations of Cold orjurgh, -k x THE Pain-Killer Is the Great Family Medicine of the Age. rn HE Paln-Kftler JL Will cure Painter's Colic. THE Pain-Killer Is goodnfor Scalds and Bums, t j THJE Pain-Killer Has the Verdict of the People in its favor. THE Pain-Killer Gives Universal Satisfaction. THE Pain-KUlcr , Beware of Imitations and Counter feits. rpHE Paiu-Klller. ; : ... X Is almost a certain cure for CHOL ERA, and has, without doubt, been more successful in curing this terrible disease than any other known remedy, or even the most eminent and skillful Physicians. In India, A'riea and China, where this dread ful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the PAIN-KILLER is considered by the natives, as well as European, residents in those climates, a Si're -Remedy.' " ' THE Pain-Killer Each bottle:is wrapped with: full di rections for use. mME Pain-Killer X Is sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Family Medicines. PEHKY PAYIS & SOx, MAKF'S AKD PBOP'S, 136 High St., Providence, R I. Ill Sycamore St.,, Cincinnati, O. : 377 St Paul, Montreal, Canada, 17 Southampton Row, London, England, june 22 eod lm. CAERIAOE & BUGGY FAfTOH. joshua'trotter, CHARLOTTE, T. C, I HAVE lately removed into my new Carriage and Buggy Factory on the cor ner of Tryon and tith ftrcets,, ami am pre pared to execute work with neatness and despatch. My stock is large, and my as sistant workmen are masters of their trade; and I have every facility for giving entire satisfaction to my customers. I nave an experience of Fifty Years in the business. Address, - JOSHUA-TROTTER, june 14 3m Charlotte, PEACE INSTITUTE, RALEIGH, N. C. REV. R. BURWELL, Principal. JOHN B. BURWELL. A. M.. V Assistant S. J. STEVENS, A. M.r , . j Principals Professor A. BAUMAN, Vocal and Instru mental. Music . . ' - The next Session commences on the 1st day of September, 1873 : 1 For Circular and Catalogue, address . , Rev. R. BURWELL & SON, Raleigh, N. C. july 6--d4Ufew2rar j - . ' NEW' fXOTJRv Received this morning a Lot of very Sn perior Rye Flour. For sale by, fLOTJR. . .. rA SACKS North Carolina Flour wUU Fresh Ground, just received at STENHOUSE; MACAULAY-& CO'S, ? june 19 ;-" ' j i. " v i.j-'r. . '.- . - . DAVID R. DUNCAN. JON B. CLEVELAND. Duncan & Cleveland, A TTO RfN E JTS ; A T IA m SPABTANBUBG, S, C. Practice both in State and U. S. Courts, j ljune 1 lm rYAA Mellons on consignment, direct ffesn, call and buy cheap, no 2nd nana j melions, c zna -ttsnd promt. t, r- jmn riJuIy 18- APPLES, ' APPLES. ft CE Apples for cooking. Breakfast, Ricon-; ;Also 100 .boshels ofi ratal ex pected Monday, which must be sold low fat .v mquVi h R) Ni SMITH'S. July 12. j r.v. fjyJV .soon no, and get one yore as tbTeyare jsometbjhg deligbtfoV irirare! and the Very thing ,at this: feasor wheri good thlrigs tH eat are scarcfeiTj At' i'V-o:F.BUTT,S',; apll : iUiiii Market. ' i -'"i " ''dn'?.TTrr.??t'r'',r ' LSOBACE I WATERS I A SON; 481 P'way, Yi. will dfoposef 100 Pianos and Organs of first-class makers, including - WATERS,' at "extremely low prices for hash, or part cash,- and balance in small monthly payftente.T ifew7-Octave first-class -Pianos, all modern 1 improve ments, for $275 cash. . Organs $55, $75-Double-Reed Organs, $100 :. 4-stop, $lltt ; 8 atop, $125 and upwards.- Waters' Coucerio. Parlor Organ are thfe most beautiful in style and perfect tone ever made.' The CuHcerto Stop is the best ever placet! in. anj? Organ. It is prodnceil by a thirdisek of reeds peculiarly voicetl, the efibefe of: which is most charm ing and sorwltirring; while its imitation of the human voice is superb. .Terms- liberal. Illustrated catalogues, mailed for One stamp. A liberal dicooou to Ministers, Churches, Sunday-schools, LotVges, . etc. Agents Wanted. i , june 17 4w Write for, a preis4 ff i IK. f phnston, rDTTll.-ri' f "u t . . SMrTH FIELD PlTTSBuH',' Breech-Loading Shot Guns, $40 to $300. Double-Shot Guns, $8 to $15Q. Single Guns $3 to $20. RifleS ; 8t6 $75. 'Revolvers, $5 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $3. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, &c . Iarge discounts to dealers or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. june 17 4w Q A per day ! Atrents wanted ! tDU to (pAv AH Grasses of wortting peo ple, of either sex, young.or old, make more money at-work, for.. us in tbeir spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address Q. 8TIN SON & CO., Portland, Maine, : June 17 4w BUILDING FELT (No Tar used), for outside5 work and in side, instead of plaster. Felt Carpetings, dkc. Send 2 stamps foT Circular and Sam ple?.1 C J. FAY, Camden, N. J. june 17 4w BEST AND- OLJJEfliTiKAMILY Memciwf. SASMDFORD'S Liver Inyigorator, A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic, for Iyspepsia'f 4ajtr3$inujt4n, , Debility, Sick Headache, Bilious-Attacks, and all derangements of Liver, Sjhjchand Bow els. Ask your Druggist fdr 'itjT Beware o " imitations. Oj6hel7 4w We will insert an advertisement of one inch space one month in 12 first-class North Carolina Papers for For lists of psipers in other States, address GEO. P. KO WELL" ifc GO.,.!! Park; Row, N. Y. june 17 4w , ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH f N. C. EJonnded 1842-1 Right Rev. Thos. Atkinson, D. D., Visitor, Rev. Aldebt Smedes D. D., Rector, Re.v. Bkjsnett SftEsA. M.M Ass't. The Sixtyrthirxi Term of this School will begin, July 29th..iD'U, U . " , For a circular apply to the Rector, june 17 lm 'AT I ! Ill I ' - f W (Greatest Eedraced IPriees TUPLE OF FASHIOH - 0 4 - 3 l -J 3 $ 8 5 I flo' Wer SPRING AIID SULIUER GOODS At the Greatest Reduced Prices from Ms Bale In order to make room for my large Fall and Winter Stock which I Intend to lay in shortly ALL PERSONS wishing anything in my line WILL SAVE MONEY ; and fird it to their interest to call St tIiIpli iijffli as 'soon ATTn mmm nTin 2- T m 1 Mi :'Ti; tWW JZliMWM CX1S Xtib filiNtTOtrED,; I am deifrij;to erose out inW Spring 4r?Sumerfetock. 1 i July 6 ly Action' Stored mjiNrroRE at auction ' IwiTT sell this day at my auction roomy commencing at 11 o'clock a. m., " Btrreaus, Bedsteads Mattrasses, Bolsters- one Jiaoy uamae, cook ana. ajqx, btoves. Clocks, Sewing Machines, Tin ? and ' Glnxs ware; r. Faluaited Articles received un til hour of sale. ; tiirv THOS". H. 45AITOEE, Aw. jwly 19. j ; ... Belting Tools, &c., at Frivate Sole. Ilav in store a -hwe lot f , CapenierP Tools, Ieather and Rubber". Belting, as sorted sixes, Files, Screw' Prates, Benches Hammers, &c d'c. Alo a large lot of pa- Kr bags, molasses gates, measure, spfce xes,&c., &c. Come soott aud stevre bargains, at tRe anxtfoni store of THOS. H. GAITHER July 19 JUST RECEIVED for sale at tli CoUlerwfng prices 7 5$ boxes chewing tobacco at 40 cts per lh 20 " " 45 lt- " 10 ,fc u m M 25 - " - 7& " 10 " ' ,k 3$ " 1 50 " Family Soap at $4.60 per box, 25 doz Tennessee brooms at &5.60 per doe 25 " " 4.50 25 " " 4 3.50 25 " " " 5 k 10 " Clotk " 2.00 10 " N C " 2.00 " 75 " Canned Damsons, 1.2 " 10- u " Blackben-irs 2.00 Glassware, Tinware, ITosiery Notionsv tc, &c, at greatly reduced priesr at tb Auction Store f THOSl II. GAtTIFER. may 23 E.. BURWELL & CO,. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BRU G GISTS, Springs' Cornerr CHAHiOTTE, 5. .r Have in store rlhiB usual large supply off PURE DRUGSr CHOICE CHEMICALS, FINE PERFUMERIES, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES, CHOCOLATE, SPICES, FLAVORING" EXTRACTS, SEGARS, PATENT MEDICINES, WINES, BRANDIES a-ntE WHISKIES Of the best qaiality for Medical nses. All the Officinal and other Standard Fluid, and Solid Extracts, and the various Elixirs generally in use by the Medical Profession . Our stock comprises everything usually found in a first class Drug Store, and Is of fered on the most favorable teuius for cash. Orders filled with neatness aud dispatch at lowest market rates. jane 20" CHARLOTTE, N. C, Jane 26th r 1873 ALL persons who have Cotton on hand, will find it to their interest to eall at our office, Black's Building, and we will do the very best that can .be done for them. Will advance any reasonable amount om Cotton left in our hands. No pass required in Cotton transactions with us. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. june 27 lOt THE- AT my entire-stock of as possible friu? atest 'BARGAINS r - -n i .. -, - jr.- ) si Very Kespecifnlly. O U' U1 Jf m-i 'M 1 VX? JO JUiJLVJLU JL

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