The tpfiblrlbplrtcFJ '' JDHKSTbNEJONB Officev Bryce's Buadiog, Trade Street : katss :-or yntsczirnox: :' Daily, Onc y 1ft Wraii ;;..6 00 six months, In adVance.....; - a rai Three Months;: to dva;.-i . 5044 Weeky;one Tear.. 2.00 y. & wtLtiAiisoir ca;' ; THAT lot of choice Fout, iaUtrived will jlease call and see it, ImV it and try"lt w warranted td saityda. i juiy 10 .3,. ' 140 Halves, Quarter and Alo, a . coraplete assortment of fine Chewing Tobacco. . - -1 July $ H NCOLNTON, ypRTH CAROLINA. A THREE Story Brick BuildinR, with large and . comfortable rooms , wejl furriished,on the'bofttefraln- irtreet,' anl ii themostdeblrabte porUoii pf ' town,, ron venient to the celebrated Alum WeIk. rersbns dcf5iring a, etiriirlYer ritrtpat'wift' find -Lineolnton- unsurpassed and being; more accessible,, will find it much cheaper. Mes. L. II. KISTLER; -mar 4-6m Prbptietressr NEW SXOUR. Rcccivwl this morning a Lotof . very Su perior Rye Flour. For sale by, July 2. SYMOXS &C6. ixoxtb: fAA SACKS North Carolina Flour t)U y) Freuh Ground, just received at . STENIIOUSE, MACAU LAY fc OO'S jmie 19 - B. N. SITIITII, COMMISSION' MERCHANT,' A DEALKR. IX Groceries, Country Produce, 6c , HAVING moved across-the Street innne diately ojHite the Market Hunsc, where our Vents are only " one-half of our former place, enables us to otFer still iure Uiitterin? inducements to our 'customers tlan ever before. We shall continue to deal in all kinds, of Family Groceries, all kinds of Country Produce, puns Lirjuors, :c. All -proluee wiisignel to us will re ceive our personal attention and the best' prices the market affords guaranteed. In retuniing Our thanks fur the very, flattering and unexjiected patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by renewel wnergy, retluced rent, working for smalt profits, keeping reliable goods, and fair, open aud. honest dealing in the future, to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the city aud surrounding countrv. B. N. SMITH. iuav 29 4 S S3 .2 Carolina. Central Railway, Until further notice the following sched ule will be run over the Western Division of this Road, to take effect Monday, Aug. 4th, 1873. OOINO WEST. Stations. Charlotte, Ri er Pump, Tuckaseege, Brevard's Iron Station, Lineolnton, Cherryvillc, Buffalo, Arrive. Leave. 5 00 a hi 5 49 44 5 58 44 6 32 " 7 20" 44 7 58 " 8 47 " 5 44 a m 5 53 " G22 7 00 7 48 44 8 42 " 9 15 " : COIO EAST. Arrive. Stations. Buffalo - Cherry ville, Lineolnton. Iron Station, Brevard's. Tuekaseege, River PUnip, Charlotte, Ieave. 9 55 a m 10 28 " 1122 44 i 11 55 41 12 33 1 m X 11 " 10 23 am 11 12 44 11 50 44 1 12 23 pm 12 57 1 06 1 55 ii 20 minutes for breakfast. V. Q. JOHNSON, aug 1 2wl Ass't. Sup't, Democmt copy 2 weeks. fJOTICE. THE SecidVAnrTBaH Meeting of the Stock UoldeWofth Mecklenburg Build ing and IiOan.;AjoeiationwSll be held at the office of M es&rs'Young1 Cochrane, on Thursday vchJng August 7th,at 8 o'clock. I K ' F.H.fDEWEY, auglGt " fslXS'-t 'Trt!a8- IN the Radical Camp, for sale at Til TIDDY'S. THE cheapest and handsomest" Embrbi . deries,at B. KOOPM ANN'S; may 9 ,..", t . A HE Daily receiving fresh aupplies W GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES. TOBACCO. SNUFF, CIGAR8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FRUITSr PRIZE CAN IIES,&C, ' - a cf : - We bay for CASH, and select, our goods with care, All of which we will sell at . the lowest price for CASH, i'-j .vM.. We f&l ?6hr thankful to? the generous public-for past ; patronage, and hope by strict attention to Che wants of the ; people to still continue to meet their approval. Our ; Stock; - is large and complete, we flatter ourselves that we will please all that give us ft call, . 1 - . - ' 1 i ;" ,,. ii! - i I, ' ; . t : : ' - , - , 1 I ; Vot. IX, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1873. No 1,393 U i Hj: " - T . . 1 " i : ' i ; : - I THE PURNITTmB .. LAST OPENING. I TJAyiNG rented the Store Room occu- piea last year oy w.J. lllack & Co., T College Str?et,we begrto inform our friends and the public, that "we will open about the 1st September next with a full Sfock of CROCERIEO. From now until then we will give our en tire attention to a Commission business. We respectfully solicit Consignments of :" COTTON, ; GRAIN, FLOUR, &c.t &e. Guaranteeing highest Maakct prices and prompt returns in every instance. We refer by permission to J R. Holland, Cashier M. & F. Nat. Bank, M. P. Pegbam, Cashier 1st Nat. Bank. Ttaos. W. Dewkv, Cashier Bk Mecklenburg. T J. S. WILLIAMSON fe CO. - june 21 ly RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 51G Broad and 1524 Main,) 1 RICHMOND, "V. Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Barrels, niay 1 ly. do for the Monntlns of North Carolina via the Atlantic. Tetinessec&OhioKailroadl EXCURSION TICKETS are on sale at I the office of the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio Railroad, Charlotte, to and from thefol lowing places : Ashevillc, and return, $13.00 Marion,- 44 44 8.25 Morganton. 44 4 4 7 .00 Hickory Station, 44 5.75 Trains connect at Charlotte both ways with C. C. & A. Railroad. W. W. PEG RAM, jul fi-lm Agent. Columbia rhecuix insert 1 month. THE "SILVER TOnCUE" ORG'A X S For Parlor Church and School. Makufactcbed by E, P. KEED HAITI A SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nos. 143, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. N. Y Kesponsioie parties applying for agencies in sections still . unsunniied, will receive prompt attention and Iilerai inducements. I'arties residing at a distance irom our au thorized agents, Tnay onler from our -fac tory. Send for illustrated price list, juiy 12 Cm May fashions, 1973. BUTTERWICK.S Metropolitan, Dcmorest's Monthly, Godey's Lady's Book, Peterson's; Magazine, ,: f, Leslie's Xady s Journal, " "' Harper's Bazar in every Mondav morning; All the other Fashion Books received sooil as issued, at . TIDDY'S apl 18 Book Store. GEKEBAI BARGAINS, TN onler td make roornfor a heavy fall A trade, we will ei; bargains in every thing. - ,: tti 1 - rti; We are ribvr dflfering all classes of goods at prices that will not only please but in sure ready sale. ! Call soon and examine them. ,: ' ' - J- ; McMURRAY & DAVIS July 2G. NOBf OEflviOVR. Q K rt SACKS Fresh Xirouna onn caro. uuyjf... lin ; r anuiy; t j!.iour, j us v meet vea and Vy - ' " ' " ' ' . gTlBNHOUSE, M ACAULAY & CO. ajdll - i'CZalLjuJ Ail1- 1 - ; lot of inSdaibmtsmkkm w to 20 Inch long Just received at t juneia '" iPUREFQYB., ' JEST RECEIVED. "u 1 LOT of French Note Paper with En- BEAUTIFUL 'display of Jett Horn India Rubbei'ttnd BlackXUtmett gVt i may 9 A i , i:B. KOOPM ANN'S, f HAVE you seen the B4by,Tpyt H6tse g ; TIDDY S and see it june 19 AND UNBBRTAKIXG, F. EI. SHELT0II HAVING greatly increased his Stock of FURNITURE which consists in part 01 Parlor. Suits lllack, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, Washstands. Teapoys, Folding Tables, Lndie Work Tables, Extension, and Centre Tables, Whatnots Safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses. Chairs and Stools . of various style and many other things not necessary to mention. ihe Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved stvle.will be kent constantly ready for use, all of which wUl be sold at a most reasonable price. .Returning many thanks for pastv favors I most respectfully ask the citizens bf Charlotte and surroundine countrv. who have need for anything in my line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON: F. SCAILH., p- c- ssi r m CHARLOTTE, N, Prescriptions prepared at 11 of the Day and night. hours Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially-for Family and Inval ids, at SCAR ITS june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store J Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at june F. SCARR'S 29, 1872 Drug Store. J.T.SUGGS, (Successor to. Coit and Suggs,) Trade St., next door below Merchants' & Farmers' National Bank. DEALER IN GROCERIES & LIQUORS, WHOLESALE & RFUL. KEEPS constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU GAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, CAN DIES, SODA, SOAPS, CANDLES, SE GARS, TOBACCO, Ac, fec. ALSO, Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oats, &c, bought and sold on commission, jan 14-Om BRAITH WAIT'S Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Pait EX VI, January .1873. Just in at TIDDY'S. apl 10 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. Sl m v . . -a Yu attention is caned to a iresn ar rival of finely flavdred Roasted Coffee, by which a great saving is cfiected apr 14. SYMONS t CO. TTANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and AA Crape Collars, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. GRAND Assortment of Fine Laces, at B. KOOPMANN'S. mav 9 WEST CAUOLIIVA RECORD. Published Weekly, at Butherfordton, N. C. BY CLENDENIN fe CARPENTER,. At Two Dollars per Annum. 1 The Accord is published; in the interest of no-ring, party, sect or creed, but labors j ior the elevation, improvement and good ot alii v may 31 3ms. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. MRS. A. W. MIIXER gives notice that she is prepared to accommodate number of regular boarders . Her tableds alwayssupplied with the .best fare -to be had in this market; the rooms are airy and beds clean, and pains , are taken to make guests comfortable. : Terms reason able. LANDBETH'S GAEDE1T SEED, : r ? y Warranted r Gfmuine a - r- r i . ' t ' Early White Flat Dutch; Early Flat Dutch, (Red ;Top,)Yelkw Aberdeen Am ber GlopCj Sejren. jTop, 'Rutar Baga, Large W. R. BUR WELL & CO V ; ..Spring'a'Corner.t - r cbaVioite, nc: July 18 ' ' - '-V- ;r- t: - , JXBIBD BEEF. ; .- - ; - CHIP Beef of the very best quality, cured in the finest stylej no bone in it, cuts smooth and' no ' loss, and can ' be recom mended to be unsurpassed by any, thajtwe have-seerr before, at . , - - .. juixel3J JNO v. Burrs. Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Eailroad. 10ot.uMBiA, S. C, June IS, 1?73. . jgen. Superintendents office. On arid after MONDAY JUNE, W iliQ following Schedule will be run ver avs xvuau : , TIME TABLE. OOIKO SOOTH. Nb. 1. Leave Charlotte.1 4.20 a. m. Arrive at Columbia, i 9.30 a.m. Arrive at Augusta, 2.00 p, in. GftINQ NOBTH. No. 2. Leave Augusta, 4.15 a. m. Leave Columbia, 8.42 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, 2.27 p. m. GOING 80UTH. No. 3. Lea vc Col um bia , 3. 1 5 a. m . Arrive' Augusta, 8.20 a. m. doiNo xoBTii. No. 4. Leave jAwnista, 5. 50 p. m. Arri v Columbia, 10.47 p. m . Standard Time ten minutes slower than Washington City time, and six minutes faster than Columbia Citv time. No.: 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train dailv, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points Aorth, South and West. Throuzh tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Stlpt, E. R- Dorsky, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. jub' 3 OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD; OR, Testimony From the Battle-Fields. Under the above title I propose to pub lish first in newspaper, and subsequently in book form, a series of articles giving the war record of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in Nov., I860, to the close of the war between the States in May I860. My plan embraces three divisions : 1st. Accounts of each skirmish and bat- tH on the soil, or ujon the waters of North CamHiia. 2ixl. Accounts of every battle fought during the war on the soil of any State, in which av ot the troots ut Aortli Carolina took iiirt especial care being taken to , .1 . 1M J 1 -juow wnai niose 1 coons uiu ani sunereu ih each of those battles, and what glory and renown our officers and men i'airly won. 3rd. " A Southern Chart for all time." An explanation of the third division of the proposed plan will be submitted at a later day. That I mav accomplish this arduous, but pleasing self-imposed work, I invoke the aid of all my brother soldiers, and ask them to furnish me material which can be arranged and digested so as to form a com plete record of the heroic deeds of the sons f orth Carolina upon the battle helds 01 the Confederacy; aud esecially do ask all who can write to furnish me details of ev ery battle in which they participated, and the part borne by their immediate com mands.- The time may not have come to write this portion of North Carolina's History ; but it has come to collect material and ar range it for the use of the future historian. The living actors will soon pass away, and much valuable information, unless gath cred now, will be lost forever. Hence, after waiting for several years for some one more competent to undertake the task, 1 have determined to devote the remaining years of my life to this labor of love. I yield to none in love for my native State, or in admiration for the gallant men who have shed imperishable glory upon her. I prefer to give these accounts first in newspaper form, in order tliat omissions and errors, if any occur, may be pointed out and corrected before the work shall pass into more enduring form which it will assume, should it prove what I desire to make it,.a valuable acquisition to the war record of the South. Several prominent actors in the war have already promised their co-operation and the valuable aid of their iens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete, and I hope to enlist an army of valuable aid of their pens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete, and 1 hope to enlist an army of valuable co-laborers in the good cause as readily as did North Carolina enlist her sons to fight the battles of the "Lost Cause," General officers from other States, who commanded North Carolina troops, arc re spectfully asked to give me all the infor mation in their possession, relative to the conduct and bearing of those troops. In endeavoring to do justice to the sol diers of my native State, I certainly shall most carefully abstain from doing injus tice to those irom any other. My brethren of the press will confer a favor by giving the whole, or such part of this Prosiectns as they may deem proper, one or more insertions, calling attention thereto. Address 4tOur Living and our Dead," Newbern, N. C. The first number will be Issued abont the 10th of June." Subscription price $2 per year in advance. STEPHEN D. POOL, Late Colonel 10th Reg't N. C. S. T. june 5 lm - J? N. RQBSON, Commission Merchant, Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic Wharf, & 68 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C, Having ample means for advances, a business experience of twenty yearsj and confining himself strictly to a Commission Business, without operating on his own account, rwpectfuJly sol icits consignmcn ts of Cotton, Flour, Corn, Wheat, etc. Shippers of Produce to him may, at their option, have their Consignments sold eith er in. Charleston or New Yorkj thus havi ing the advantage of two Markets without extra Commissions. ' TtEFEBElI CES : Bishop W.Tkf. Wightman, 8. G.t Rev. T. G. Summers,- Dv D.'t TennCol. Wm .John-, son, Charlotte, N. C.f Hon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga., Messrs. Williajns, Birnie & Co., N.Y., Messj,?G,.W. .Williams & Co., Charleston, S, CV X July 19 - . " 3m : era the r A n,TTKtta. W7e thiqk t)e plan .adopted for selling Cttqri In, our . iuarket 'was done without duttoriutati6tt andVwerein favor of doing justice to ourlriends in eve ry instance ; juid in future. will- abandon the present plan nd resort, tp the . former old fssbipned way Call at pur Store and yte. will handle, your Cotton " without the passl .. ' W H. It' HOUSTON & CO. : July 1, 1873. 4w; 7 " 1 SIMONTOH HOUSE. -X): STATESYILLE, H. C. rO: THE Proprietor of- the ahore named Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generalrV to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. R. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN 110, 4 wEST TRADE 8TSZXT, Opposite Brem, Brown dt Co's. Dry Goods more, CHARLOTTE, IN". O. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, Sprlne Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 A PROCLAMATION. By the Governor of Korth Carolina. Executive Department, I Raleigh, June 10, 1873. j Whereas, Official information has been received at this Department that vacancies exist in the Senate branch of the General Assembly of North Carolina by reason of the resignation of Hiram E. Stilley and J. B. Respkss, representing the Second Senatorial District, and that vacancies exist in the House of Representatives of the said General Assembly by reason of the resignation of Awred J. Morrison representative from Lincoln County and Richard C Badger Yepfcseiitative from Wake county. Now, therefore, I Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authori ty in me vested by law do issue this my Proclamation, command ing the Sheriffs of the counties composing the Second Senatorial District of North Carolina to open polls and hold an elec tion at the usual votiwg places in said counties on THURSDAY THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1872, for two Senators; and I do further command the Sheriffs of Lincoln and Wake counties to open polls and hold elections in their re spective c )iuititis. oja-.Til URSD A Y THE SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, A. D., 1873, for a member of ;the JJouse of Rep resentatives, all of said elections to be held, votes compared and returns made in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. Done at our City of Raleigh, the 10th day of June, A. D. 1873, and in l. s. the nine-seventh year of Ameri can Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor: J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary. News, Weekly,. Raleigli, North Carolin ian, Elizabeth City; Express Washington; Observer, Weekly, Charlotte, and Ameri can, Statesville till day of election. iunf 14 taue7 lCLIOB 1 1 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! TO PLANTERS WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the above first-class Fertili zers. To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. And to such as have not yet used them one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please hand in your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power For sale in any quantity, by STENHOUSE, MACAU LAY & CO. jan 10 Encourage Home Industry. rA A COTTON Seamless Meal Bags QxJVj made at Franklinsville, N. C, and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAU LAY & CO, apl 11 ' - -- -' A Soda Fount at Home, or, Nectar Syrup. Anew and invigorating Summer Bever age, in which the carbonic acid gas is so retained that it may be leisurely sipped from the glass without losi g its sparkling action. It is put up in convenient bottles, for family use, each bottle making trofg 10 to 12 glasses of Cream .Nectar, or 50 to 60 glasses of lemonade. It is not impaired by age, and is the most economical as well as the most delightful beverage in market. We have just received a few more dozen of this syrup; which has Ijccii so much sought after in this market.. juiy 26 B N SMITH. Clean Up Tour Back Lots IN obedience to a resoftftioo Passed by the Board of Aldermen Monday night, June 16th, 1 hereby notify the citizens of Charlotte, to have their privys cleansed, and to have all accumulations of trash and filth, calculated to produce, sickness, re moved from their premises. They will be allowed, until the 21st of this month, June, to comply with this notice. After that day the Marshal will visit their premises, as he is authorized to do, and report every per son whose lot is not cleansed according to this order. And they will be fined five dollars for eaeh and every day such nui sance remains Onabated'. ' "; W, F. DAVIDSON, june 18 . Mayor, BFew Orleafe Sugar ncL Holasses. 5 Hogshead Brigh"JfW-Orlean Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice, N ... 4 Molasses, Also 2, Hogsheads. Denierara Sugar, -2 Molasses m store and lro-saTe a pfi&s tri suit the times by STENHOUSE, mACAULAY & CO. decl7- ':. -Nf.?if?-.'. ? !w,: . KA BAGS Con Kdrv'SO Rhls Shear: 100 Boxes Soda; 100 Oysters, 50-Boxes CckefsT'whlch tre ofJer as low as the lowest, . W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. frwtyW' jar:: ON'T FAIL TO CAL at Meacham's. He is selling out at cost. for Cash, apr 27 3m , . FWMMIWWME, RATES OF ADVERTISING. One SqQare one time 41 00 . 1 50 two days (i 1 M It M tnreeaays four day,.,. five days one week two weeks three weeks.... .. r 2 60 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 6 50 M 8 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. . Five Squares estimated at a quarter-col"-umn, and ten squares as a half-colttmn. THE GHAELOTTE FAIR AT J. T BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTS"!SB ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS to zMrzEri'riarEr. AT- J. T. BUTLER'S' OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE October 22 THE BANK OF tfECKLESBTJEa, CHAELOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas. Turner Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F, H. Dewey, Asst, Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of tho General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact' General Banking Business and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Depraifs sttbject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Bight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver CtAti, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. Ttf"EW YORK HERALD, Received Dally 1 v and sold at 6 cents eaeh, at mar 6 PUREFOY'S. Flour, Flour. THREE HnndredSacfcs Extra and Fanr ily Fkmr in store and for sale bv sTENHOtSE, MACAULAY & CO. feb 13 Hit Receitcd AT McMurray & Davis', a very large ami efegairt stock of BcdV-rtiadr Clothing embracing ALL THE LATE SPRING STYLES, mar 21 W. . 11. HotrsTOiS & co. WHOLESALE GROCERS and LJQtTOR DEALERS, TRADE STREET, ARE daily rcecving large addrtfons ij their Immense Stock, coisting of Cbflee, Sugar, MolasseK, Syrups, Candles, Soaps, Soda, Salt, Candyv Crackers, Oys ters, Mackerel, Uqaors anxl Wines of art! kSridft to- Which they invite the attention1 of the Wholesale Trade, "guaranteeing prices and quality of gopdsv may . - FROM the J mOSQUITOEH!" We bave just receited large assortment of Mosqui to Canopies, Frames, Fixtures, &c. for Bedsteads and Ceiling, Bars and Bobiftette, for making Netta. Call and sec them ' -r 1 BREM, BROWN CO. june 20 dtaw2w , miVGnAlfl SCHOOL. lletfttfieville, N. C. . 3IAJ. ROBERT BINGnAM, Sup't. iir. B. LT?TCW. CAW. T. l KORWOOD'. Fall Session opens SSthJaly For Cfrculars, dress,' ' Maj. ROBERT BINGHAM, Sop't. . Jttnel31mA. ' ; LANK BOOKS, inst received at X V.