DAILY OBSERVER, 'i JOHNSTONE JONES - ; - Editor and Proprietoi.' i.yA.' PA tl K, ? Business Man ager. Thursday, August 7, 1873. -.THE ELECTION TO-DAV. We- iiope our readers '-will not - for get, any of them, that this is the day of election, buTlet 'li hands go out early and give up another day to their country; and work with energy to baffle-again the desperate efforts of Radicalism to gain; a ' foothold in this noble-old county the birth place of our liberties. We hear that the Republican party has been for sometime past concentrating its forces, and that they, nre united erf ttsuol, and .determined to elect- thoif candidates for Justice of the Peace and Constables in the Charlotte Township; and it is also said (we trust. without cause) that the Demo crats and Conservatives are listless and indifferent, forgetful, of the vast importance of this election to every interest of the community. The Con stitutional Am ehdments are impor tant; they belong to the State, but the Magistrates are ours, to govern us at home directly. Then for the sake of honor, peace and capable of ficers arouse ye, friend, and onoe again let sunset and victory together rest upon your banners this day. You have the power to prevent the fate, which would thrust you into ne gro domination, let not, for the sake of your children, this opportunity be lost. contributed, DEAR'toiR: A tew days since vou did me the honor to request nie to write a short article on Rail monop olies, corporations, Sx. You know 1 am not much given to this kind of thing, and that I have settled views in regard to these subject, such perhaps, as, are not generally enter tained. I am of the people, with the curse of the fall upon me, "for by the sweat of my brow do I eat bread." You know that I am a very poor man, and that all my interest and sympathy are with the laboring class. I never owned a share of either Rail road or Bank Stock in my life, and, unless the future is more propicious, neyer can hope to. Now there are two objects and two methods, so to speak, of building Railroads. The first by State aid and local subscrip tions, the object of which is to devel cpe the country and benefit the im mediate section through which it runs. The other by capitalists, whose immediate and primary pur pose is to benefit themselves, and both are legitimate. When a Railroad is built, by the l first plan, it is the duty of the Legislature granting the charter to see that State and individual interests are fully pro1 tected. Economical administration and low freights are the principle among them. When a capitalist, particularly from a distance, invests his money in constructing railways, his chief ob ject and concern is about the.profits, and the Legislature has' no more right to interfere with this than it lias to meddle with the dividends, or money invested In cotton factories, or any other legitimate business. ' But every thing is "tending to consolida tion and grinding soulless monop oly," and must the people and their creatures, the Legislature, stand quietly by and see them crush the life out of producer and consumers withoutan effort to save ? It is ckiarly the duty of Legislatures to be careful how they grant charters But if a Railroad is built by private capital, I cannot see What righi they have to regulate the freight bill any more than this can the tariff of charges at a factory. If a merchant were to have the exclusive control of a par ticular line of goods, don't we al know he would demand his own price for his wares, so with the planter. When a snort cotton '.cfops is made, he gets more for the staple per pound than when- four millions of bales are upoithc marj ket. Supply -and demand regulates the priee the world over, arid the jiame holds good with Railroads. If rne company pwnsall the Railroads that run thifough ascertain section,, it hostile ipi9pQif4Q'ti carrying trade, and will usd its power..- accord ingly, arid in this, how do they differ from other people? A great deal has been said in? this and other immm-iitieaSis,; regards the management, of the Roads un- aer me control ot th-e Southern Se curity Gpany 1 anv for doing justice If the heavens fall.' 'How did this company get posses8ionTbf 'these xvuuus irsv by. buying up-,the stock of th ..... , ...wU, niiciiu uiuit. ana . secondly, by, subscribing, its money Ifor building others,, not already -in existance. The .stockholders who id nnt. hn vfi no risrlit to com olain so the purchasers usejtne Road, to their own advantage, tor5that,iWas, in ixue i-. ordinary course of human affairs,, the object had in view in the pur chase, and as to the Roads this Com pan v num. now are me peouie w- jured? for without its money me Roads would still be non est. If a pound ot treignt never passea ovei-of these Roads, still the country would be greatly benefitted. How? Bv the mdnev nut in circulation, by the expenditures in their construe- Hnn.- Thf rmsmle against Railroad monopoly is as unwise as it is detrir mental. The Legislature and the Courts are powerless to afford relief without violating the inherent right of private property. I regret to see this tendency to concentra tion, consolidation and monopoly, but am not willing to violate all law, both human and divine, to check it There is only one remedy, and that i:?, to entep the field with them, and by com petion. "break through the battlements of these close corpora tions. A Railroad owned by private individuals, to a very great extent, is like any other private property, like an incorporated company, to make iron or spin cotton or wool, or to 1 . , , . ' i 1 a manufacture ice by heat, or to light the city with gas. IftheSounthernSe- curity company is exhorbitant in its ff !,,, 1 n,,,,;,;,, tantts of freights-, build a competing line, just as in some cities where the gas is regarded as too high, new works are erected or parties go back to the old fashioned tallow dip or kerocene. Corporation, whether Railroad, Bank, or for any other purpose, are notoriouly soulless. Power is con stantiy ho full' lipping from the many to tiio power of liberty, are all truisms. T,l ! I one class combine, the others must do so too. The riirhts of a commu- nitv, or of a particular portion of a - ' . 1 community, cannot be protected or . - .1 a ' preserved uy ine auopiiou oi strings of resolutions. To resolve that Rail roads, or other monopolies, shall cease is about as enectual and as damaging as the school boy's at tempt to bring down the elephant with a pop-gun. The combination must be for a purpose, and that pur pose must be to build competing lines. If this cannot be done, then the victim must grin and endure the extortion as-best he can. Capitalists put money in Railroads to make money, and not for the sen timental purpose of becoming public benfactors, and the sooner this is un- derstood the better, and it'is those who never contribute one dollar to wards their construction, that grunt the loudest at these charges. When i cotton factory declares a dividend of 20 per cent no one talks of a grind ing monopoly, yet there is no Rail- oad in our country not even the Southern Security Company that pavs its stockholders near that much. It is time h question was under- stood, for it vitally effects' every in- terest, and the prop terest, and the proper steps taken to counteract the evils that the future wmauicij j. ucic 10 uj iv n i charter fdr a road, from this city to Weldon. Build tnat road and the Southern Security Company monop ply is as dead as Hecter. A roatl is already Hbrfilt to Egypt, in Chatham county seventy-four miles more will bring it to Charlotte and then we will "have two great companies com peting for our trade, and the inevta- ble' consequence m ust be this as sure as night follows day the great reduction of freights and Char lotte become the grand distributing and shipping point for the larger part of several States. . North Carolina est in the contest itiei u ueep inter- in Virginia. The !v,vi;-i ;;e a;;r;ue: Mo,b;t.;e -Gueri Chief," cannot stand Hughes, but will support the Conservative nomi- W Ui wt v irginia co- 1eu1p9ran.es is Duoyani ana sanguine. nil, 1 . 1. - 1 1 ., .7" n , among the Conservatives is the best till -a-vm-hMnM.M.H.A.-.& I" . . 1 .u&ui jr iui uic success m our ucKei. I Wrt Icirt h AU.... Immji DisTAitDLY Assault. wiTii -Pror a. 'ATAL Result. Mr. J. A. Ed- wards, agent of the Carolina Central road at Kosindale. was attacked bv "iv wiuiwincn.uH uaiui u v even- man, auu iiiiiuu i.Uiy ueaie I Ills cheek tonbfiin brntn tid nfl,0, severe- injuries received. We learn tnat no cause m assigned for the out- rag'saWaidifference ofoiihion, ftil iwid whisky, of which latter the assassins naa parta Ken tree ly previ - bus tto 'r distardly -as&aiiU- being iiijvue, iiir. Xiuyvuru, yvno is-aprom t" j t . ; i i 1 . j . .. lueni, nnu liiguiy resneciea citizen. is now lying in aeir crlticalcbndi- tion-whilefbfeiwti SlTi . Wilmington Star. , - - L J - Col. Paul H. Hayne. of 'Ausrusta. Ga., the potrand; biographer of liis iriena, nenry Airaroa. is visiuofir nis. friwd:ia-3oston-?vHe',-;hanot been, ain Boston before for fighteen years! v-f i " ' - - STATE NEWS. - W ilmington' ls'drscussing the ques-1 vuiS v,o "fMj i, uneo. isanisaywrnes me itaieign iVeK that lie- is 'haying a.gionous old time in liurope. Maj. Garton H. Wilder, one of the OAnnt,. riiori t hio ranna on Monday mornin irVI VJVflllll.'T. ll Il.i1 li. U ma iu lillVL.' rr The new Raleigh pap.er,,kilQwn-jiaj the Workingman's Paper, --will appear some time this week. 1 . gnndav evening a thief entered the Afriean Methodist Episcopal Church J of Raleigh, and stole the com.niun- ion service. -: " ties in the vicinity of Elk X Roads, Aane county. Thft RafeiYrh Kews. of Tuesday, baa Hii fnllmvitwr f..., 0 ' " ' 'We learn fronT a reliable and un oubted source that Col. A. to. Bu- ford, President of the Richmond & tfuul1"""' ",;MSU n. '11. 1 I n . 1 I " T' iV"1" - place at Company Shops- this clay. While it is not certainly Knt.wn h, 1 . . . at the real object of the meeting is, yeu-is cu tcolo leponeu t uu Butord will surrender the lease or the North Carolina road which was made to the Richmond & Danville Railroad, and thus put an end to the litigation now going on, touching tli e" legality of the lease and the right of the Richmond & Danville road to change the guargc of the North Car- olina road from Greensboro to Chai . , , . , f the Ttichmond & Danville road, if the report turns out to be tue, cuts the gordian knot whicii our judicial oflicers have not yet unravelled." The Cotton Crop. There is nothing in the report of the Bureau of Agriculture, just pub- j hshed, which encourages the belief that the cotton crop of 1873-74 will be a large one. 1 he main reliance ,f (lin NT . l nvn Im.irc i-.-o i ti a in. Ul tlJVy 11W11UV.111 Ul(li O tWIO lliv 111- j . , . C n v . . . j. ....... ,1 ... C t- W 1 th;vt of 1872-73,' from which they fig- ClUaaC 111 ilLICilJt, JIB L3UII1 f)ilH.!U- llli ured out a crop ol lour and a halt hales, according to their fan- cy. This crop is swept away. The Agricultural Commissioner says that i i i i i . , t enough lanci, piaiueu in cotton, nas bppn iibandoned "to briny the acre- age down to what it was last year. All, therefor that we have to rely on is a crop equal in amount to that of 1872-3, it the season be a favor- able to the staple, and it the labor of the country be as plentiful and as efficient as it was last year. What iniormanou nave we upon uiese two points In the first place the present sea son has unquestionably been, so far, less iavorable than' the preceding season, l he Agricultural commis sioner only confirms the letters of private correspondents, and of the acute correspondents of the Charles ton JS'eirs and Courier, in saying that the cron is from two to four weeks later, that the wet weather has given the planters more work" than they can do, and the cotton worms and caterpillars have made their appear ance. Add to these facts the further fact that labor is. dearer and more scarce and less eflieient than it was last season, and the public, who wear not tne speculators spectacles, will ee at once ho poor is the chanc e of making a crop equal to that of 1862-73, unless the rest of the cur- rent season be as extraordinarily Ia vorable as the season of 1870-71, when over four million bales were m,, , , ' . J. lit' UUill O clllUi LIJO CPfJIlllICia IliU- sav what thev nlease about four and & Dau million uaies 111 lpO--. iVSll- mates are mere guesses at this stage, mil as tnmgs iook now, tnree ana a half million bales will be nearer the mark than four and a ha'f millions. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Dubuque, Iowa, had frost one morning last week. rTM -irw-rn l.. 1 i are j.uiiager oeer urew- ies 111 the United btates, , . According to the last census there are 383,713 Indians in the United States. Jay Gould is described as a verv unasuming person, who wears plain clothes. laura air has struck a balance e"cc uu uuua .it uudis spxa,xuu 10 suu-. lle Crittenden's case. Bsuder, the worst of the fnasraurdere'-s-has been . . a genuine autograpli ot JnoUuny- - " - V - " 1 he gins in a Spnngrield, Mass., factory are sumdiedbv the nronri: I " . X 1. J " I j- - - w tors w th chevvincr t?,, m . in nrdprt.ht I .. 00.'. . I thev mav nnt waste 1. ms: n ,tn k nrff The New Orleans Piaamine savs-oft Louisiana: "Herlands and the sweat ftnd labor of her sons are; mortgaged for forty years to come to enrich her i""uvio. I ( d 1 i . . Afer slyi"g, twenty-ono incarco anX7 n r n, n vnnil ..r... U iU t - .1! - Z!:5:T:: ". : t- i . V P'Mmiy. . : , , . The Superintendent of the West 1 romt Kaiiroa.d-bas chdngea the schedule of that road to suit the At- t lauia papers. , ; . . . vv nen a ...rimadelptiia nushand comes home ;late . his wife-makes him say "ClaxtonTBemseir&Iaffet. The Mountain Messevgv has it: tered agaihsttheMrieaqroadConi good authority that gold and silver pany b pcolilaii'have are now being found in large quanti- lolnAniiknriAer.i w- uuuypuuiiB.uijg :w. m that city.'f lJiV3on RuckwelUknoi I Chicaorn t.rfft receiving as" wages ohefare in" sixL but t.hfiv hav -ronan-,' KboFi" Ldoivn' to one fare ; in seyeriand'many of thpnj are dissatisfied.. " ' ' ' - i, i.i i . ii J 4.'?-. -UlfEltXCAX PRESS ASSOCIATION. BY, THE'1 J SO UTIIERN AND A TLANTIC LINE by telegraph to the observer. 1TEW YOB. Suits Against the JErie Eailroad . - st . the JEj Company. NewYotik, Aug. 1 6.--The 'Tribune; this morning says that for some davs past reports have been .current that trusts": and ' pon fulfilment of con tracts. It is said that the most im portant of these have been entered 1.., v..:v, tui.ij. j j.y. . 1 1 jucsiuuhiiuiuers auu ine oonu- holdersof a road, a portion of .whose SOPail'l f.l Cs h n v Loon nmiinnfoiui 1it ti, vP;0 Annthor M?f if ;a ,-,.f,i .:n ...wvx. ....t, u 10 1 c wui icu, 111 take the shape of a formal demand oerore the courts tor the adiudica- tion" drthe--lSrie Company as bank ru t for non-oavment of obliffations. ftH - - ' ri?.,f J.v 1 u 11 V I lllllt I'll 10 uau t''VIl nilt. ftu0 tt-; ,.r.la.,i v,o,r;f,. est OI1 the bonds of the.BostA,, Hart- fnr,i nn,i tt,.; T?.wi0 .k;..i ivu (lllll JLVUIIUO, liJVi.1 It UilU guaranteed.. Several : prominent lawyers are mentioned as haying been, detained by the Erie Company, including meid, w oQdseirand others Attempted Wife Murder. New York, Aug. 0, James Kelly and wife Bridget, separated some time since she living with her mother. Last night James watched for her in West Street, and asked her to live with him again, she refusing he called her aside as if to whisper something to her and plunged a knile uito her neck, stabbed her in the cheek and gashed her arm. Her cries tnghteneu him and he ran away, tone was taken to a station lflllSH 111 !1 M 11 I i n !l !' It t I ' I ' 1 l i tr t'rtf'- ' " - ... 11 I lUUIU- tiv irif li .1 iit M.m I y. . . ' mi 'H llir l lll l illlHH f"r inches lon-r, exposing the b bone. ao wornm m ner arm was not so severe Her CJ and she was taken to Park Hospital, Capt, Lowry started with an officer c....,....,.:!... - .11.. i. . " i'uibuil urn. nno iiiui-uiu 10 cap- ture lum, Mnrrler nf a Strnno-Pr in Upw VorV New York Any i Chml burn was Arrested vc'sterdav, charged vvith comidicatioir in the murder of an .unknown man in Spring Street- jAf?t Monday night, Witnesses have Lbeen found who testified that they saw Cohurn scuffle with the stranger and then throw the latter on the sidewalk and then leave him. The murdered man is not yet identified. "WASHINGTON. Wxshixgtox, Aug. G- The reports from Cadiz, Spain, to the effect that Capt. Wells,- commanding the U. S. Steamer Shenandoah, while lying m that haibor, had ordered the Span ish Insurgent's Frigate Villa de Madrid, to abstain from hostilities, creates considerable comment here. It is not thought but what Capt. Wells, if the report of his action be correct, has acted on his own respon ciointy, arm nis course will not be sustained by the government. The Situation in GrantParish. Vra-nsivivu Auo-fi T1.oi-onr.rfc from (jmnt p;Uish are of the most conflicting character, and were it not for he energy and judgment ex hibited by Miv-iH Conquest, head Clerk of t h e Governm ent Secretary, who has been left in charge, blood shed would undoubtedly have been i 1 riM . 1 a shea, ine conservatives nave, ns it ) stated by the letters of those who NCUlconn 1 A -v W 0 ATI - the Kellogg Government, fo.t Hmm of Colfax, and hnv-P Jorn all the commissions of the opposition. Had"the military" uot been ordered there, bloodshed would have ensued. Affairs are now quiet, boweveiv erea eaccitement exists in this -".7 v,: v-"j " Uu 10-uay lor oini.x, auu it- is iUugnt ot 'ill troubles Gen. McDow'i rell is still here. FOREIGK". Vienna, Aug. 6 The Emneror William bfGerirfanv u a Xc I unar iiiixivuu ni tue naiciaiK UiiltO Ul liastien, near Salzburg, , I - . LONDON, Aug, b. In consequence 1 I . . : 1 i 01 umerenees navinx arisen ueiween rhoaition as Secretary of theTreasurvi f ; ,f ; l Madrid. Aug. 6. A? powder maga- zine at Velient exploded yesterday. killing nnd wounding a number of persons ; . r . 'V 1 jaatNew YDikltemBE"! -New YoiKrAgMiulattdn; ft clei'k in the post office was'af rested t6'dyr charged with opening letters and em beizling ' contents. - Fatten' . u i, ; j i...,tt. wa? i 7.,.; "e wnived.examjaation and was held in tSOOQApi) to await the action ofth known Builder Land nroDrietbr of "considerahle real restate r in- this;; city" was 'arrested Utf aaw cnarsrea 1 witn -nirrin' -t.KA r rn-' 1 mairis Of a childin.,hiA j3aQk yard; on ij wrqm rnm spvpm .1WR111M VPrpghAiit. Tf ht err- -286,' eastJ4th street' : . . J - ceiveciteiegfah;-fronfTiGoTSfI)ix I commutmg;thepunjhmje4it ofDa- viaurijnywucyivaa ,sentencea to he 'Btfnst6n Trida v next for the mur derer David'BrrytalmBFisbn m eut 1U - i MARKETS. New York, Aug. 5. Money con tinues easy at 3 to 4: exchange dull steady at 108 to 108 for 60 days ; 101)1 for sight. Gold m ore fi rrii j'at T15"closed aV 115J. Governments quiet," steady ; cur rency 6's, 114J to ; State Bonds quiet, Va. 6'a old, 43, new 50; con sols 531 ; deferred 11 Flour closed less active but steady ; Baltimore,-Alexandria and" Qeorge town, mixed to goodsuperfine,4.90 to 5J0 Wheat weak, quiet. Corn closed active. Provisions, pork active. Cotton lower and dull; low-mid. 191, mid. 20. . . . 1 Cincinnati Provision Market Hogs firm 485 to 515, receipts 1,677; hay steady, 18 to 20 for prime; linseed oil quiet, 85 to 86. Provisions, strong. iSIess pork firm 1650: vfqr cit bulk, meats steady, shoulders 8, clear ribs; side 9, clear sides to 9, Bacon firm, shoulders 8jto 10, clear ribs 10, clear sides 10J. Sugar cured hams 15 ' to 151. Lard 8 to 8f . Sugar stea.ly. Tallow unchanged. Whis key weak and declined. Cattle 6!29 COTTON. Charleston Quiet ; raid. 1S to I ; receipts 286, stock 481. Baltimore Dull ; mid. 20; sales 50 ; stock 3,051. ISorfolk Firm low mid. 18f; sales 80; receipts 3o6 ; stock 3.643. Wilmington Closed dull ; mid 181 ; sales 7 ; receipts 3(5; stock 1,205. Baltimore Dull; mid. 18; sales 12o, stock 2,464. Norfolk Firm ; low mid. 181 sales 4), receipts 286, stock 3;617. Wilmington Quiet ; niid. IS ; re ceipts 27, stock 3,041. Memphis Firmer ; low mid 181 receipts 36S, stock 0,709. Augusta Steady; middling 17 ; sales 9 , receipts 111. Galveston Cotton, quiet: ordinary 15 15'; sales 100, re- ceipts 51; stock 9,097. Mohile-jNom'l ; mid. 18 ; sales 100. receipts 3. slock 10,142. New Orleans Moderate demand, mid. 181 to l'S5; sales 9i)0;reeeipts 328 stock 18,219. Cincinnati Dull, mid. 19. Savannah -Demand fair, mid. 18 J; sales 15, receipts 262, stock 1,617. The. railroad from Marshall to Dallas, Texas, was completed Wed nesday. Through trains' will soon be put on fyoin Shreveport to Dallas, a distance of one hundred and nine ty miles. .Shreveport gave a barbe cue on the event. To Store-Keepers Everywhere, the Wholesale Kcute ef Wittktwtky & Rintels Send Greeting; . Too 'well and favorably Icnown in; .North and Spuih Carolina, parts of Tennessee and Vi rglm,-andVtb:6vlrtri 1857 ) t h e prprj etors de. i ftiit? ji h necessti ry in aixiim coming Before ( theubUcand so licit i ng their atoiiage to go -into a ltnig (iourish as to their Innucnst; stock and com mensurate Will and ability to sell Goods lw We therefoT,e:;conteni;onrsclves bv.sini ply announcing that par business Jiaving increased $200,000' i a . one year, and Cltnr lotte having additf()nai--'Iiaifrtftd fHcilitit warrants lis in still more iiivreuiiftg. ovif stock. We shall have in store by the 10(h of Sei)t., a stoi:k of three hundred thousand dollars, ($300,003) consisting of full, lines of every c-lass-of :oods that go to inake a complete assortment for a Siore, which sve otFer to the trade at competing prices with any Jobbing House from -New York to New Orleans. All we ask, come, and we will make good the above assertion. Merchants. hi; North, Carolina have the additional advantage, that by baying in the State, they have no purchase Tax to pay. We also have a retail department, where we keep everything from common to. tlie very best. Also, have a Carpet ..and ".Milliner department. - , t : r- .' ' YITTKOWSKYfc lliNTELS.: Charlotte, N. C, August 6th, 1873. . s-; New Advertisements. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHB,IOTTJS THM Union Times, published afe Union CL H., S. C., cirpulates among the best citizens of Union countv, and will give to Mercliants and all other business men of Charlotte ajrtedium for securing a profit able trade-. Union county is an important cotton crdwing section attti US' ciffoeli are among .the most solvent ad liberal- in the South. Their trade is certanjfy jstrortu au expenditure of a little money lor advertise ing to obtain- - ' -'- '- - The tide ; of trade- from Union is now taming toward Charlotte, and if her people will encourage it,- they can command it.-- : i ; -i B M. STOKES, ; aug 7 . Editor and Proprietor. CEARLO'TTR 1LAXE;ACAPEJ1Y. fpIIE exercises of this ScUirol will boT9- J Xi, sumea on .iuonaayf ttie.Jirst :day - of September next. Besides the .branches formerly taiight, WilL bp added French and German. Especial attention paid to Mathe matics, Eng. Composition, Declamation, Book-keeping! jfecjpj thisvy4fth scho lastic session, I respectfully Solicit a con tinuance of tKe'generduptionaVed rae and mill earnestly endeavor W tterhr then cbnfidence:w Applyfor Circular toln i W. BEAUMONT CLAHKSON, ?aug 6 lmi Principal, ff rfe NOTICETO fitTlLDSitS, posais xor tne erection of a Hotel hnawri iv.-jt-nn atnt ing aC Union 8. C. Proppsals.to be aealedi. ion T rtttttpZrit reasonable prices. t "is ano Bpecincanons may oe seen at i the office of the undersigned. iecu r h. l,,goss,;; lq Build. Com. J JtJ i JauO 2t v irrnaQ C r, iUttI JOSHUA TROTTER CHARLOTTE, . C. T JLVE lately remoTed into my hew X Carnage and Buggy Factory on the on7 ner of Tryon and fltSrtrteta, wrfS "ST prl to execute work with neatness and sistant workmen are masters of tlieir trade- ana l nave every tacUity for gmns entire satisfaction to iuy t ustoniers. I hare an experience of Fifty Years in the busim. "Addressr " JOSHUA TROTTER, june 14 3m , . . aiarlotte SAVED BY BUYING T II E N E W ramUy Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payments WY. claim and can show that ii is capa ble of doing a larger range of work than any other; easier to learn on, and the most simple in its construction. It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and does from the fhrcst to the thickest work with eqnal facility and perfection. W respectfully ask all desiring to pnrcliase a first cIhjs standard machine, to call anil examine for hemsclves before pnn-linsi ig elsewhere, at onr sales room on Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address 11. C TUKP1N, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C. fr. 0. Box 11 J Agents Wanted, junc IK t-f Wesfeyan Female Institute STAUNTON, VA. The 24th annual session, begins Sept. 25 1873. One of the first Schools for Young Ladies in the South. Twenty-thrct teach ers and officers. Scenery gram! : buildings elegant ; health unsurpassed;- feeble con stitutions here restored ; pupils from all the States from Maryland to Texas. Board and College Tuition for scholastic year, $240. For catalogue of f4 p:ij:es addms Hey. W. A. HARRIS, President, Staunton, Ya. aug 0 Im BOARD REDUCED TO $3 per DAY. COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE proprietor 'of this well known first class Hotel would respectfully in form his nninr friends and the traveling public fjcneralhv-lhat he has reduced his rates of IJoard from s4 per day to $H jer day, and at the wnic time pledges himself to sjare livo pains in the management of the house to sustain its reputation as a nrst class Hotel in every respect. - W M.GORMAN, july SO tvl 2v Projrietor. JUST BECIEVED, ASnfeflr article f new --wheat flour, frcah meal; nice break fust bacon. Al so line kt")f Kentucky hams, choice ap ples, for eating and cooking, and for sale cheap for cash at B N SMITH'S. 10,000 June 29 PAPEll BAGS at nTREFOYU "1IIOCQLATE, Arrowroot, gelatine, Pure j (rround Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon. July 23 W. R. BURWELL Is. CO. VALEmiJJE'S MEAT JUICE, June 22j W. R. B. & CO. COME ami look at the stvle of 189f), at may B. KOOPMANN'ti. MEW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, Xi Ribbons and Flowers, Just received MJW. QUERY'S. mar lft CtARMINE and Violet Inks, at ) PUREFOVS. DANE'S CON KILLER. June 22 ; Y. R. BURWELL & CO., HREAT Bargains in Black Lace and Lama Shawls, at1 may 9 B. K00PMAN'8. M ASON'S Improved Fruit Jars. lulv 23 y. r burweu co1 ON CONSIGNMENT, 6 Boxes or crates of extra fine peache; at BN SMITH'S. DRIED BEEF. The so much called for dried beef has come at-last? nit .is elegant, no bone in it, but iust as nice as you could possibly wish et J F BUTT'S Market. BOLTED. JIEAL, Another lot of elegant bolted meal, needs no sifting, but, is .'White . and beautiful all ready for quick baking at , v J F BUTT'S Market. COME' and N gi 'cheap KID' GLOVES from onr Bargain "Counter, july 31-4t . BKEM, BROWN & CO. Democrat and llouxejcppy once. PURE French- Brandy jecejved to-daf by " July 23 - W. R. BURWELL & CO BraithwaiU'S; Retrospect I FwU Wediciiie gi4 Surgery, ForJuTyfyorleat'" " A jal 29T. - r 'r : - . - TIDDY'S. - ust received by w. li. i. nousron n,, ,n; ii.i4.pfeu. Al . Claret. JUIV lOtrJ'iK f-.v.jt 1 BI O NET i j ; : : j Itrass letter guvs, at 1 lX , - T lUREF0Y S. ; -