JOS. P. CAtDWElJL Ical Editor. A. PARK; Business Manager. ' Thursday, August 7,;1873. personal.--We had the pleasure yester-5 day of calls from;W lM"Walker, A W Jami son and. R H Ifoard, of Statesyille. Col R F Armfield and W P Caldwell, Esq, of Statesvdle, are at the Central Hotel. Col S A JSharpe arrived in this city yes terday, as did also T S. Tucker, Esq., and j H McElwee, both of whom registered at the Charlotte Hotel. . r Unworthy Object of Charity, While passing near the flying trapeze yesterday, oar attention was directed to a white wo man mounted on one of the ponies, the others being occupied at the same time by pome of the disreputable negroes of the city Half an hour afterwards, we were called on by this samo woman, in- the ca pacity of a beggar asking alms for her father, a crippled Confederate soldier nam ed llamsay. We caution the pubc against this woman, as we are informed that she is a very degraded wretch. :' ' canes disposed of yesterday : S P Smith vs J D Mcllwaine, entered a rnle for a reuire de novo. Bank of Charlotte vs. R F and J M Davidson, verdict, that there was a tender and that the note was partly in renewal of Confederate note. 8 E Bratton vs John Allison, this case was in part com promised and set for hearing in future. In the case of W F Davidson vs. D G Max well, the arguments were concluded and the case given to the jury, but at this writ jug no verdict had been rendered. The Cutirt adjourned over till Friday, to-day being election day. The case of the A T & O Railroad, will be heird to day in chamber. Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel. Charlotte. N. C, August 6, 1873. L S AltholT, Thos II Crosby, Baltimore; T X Cooper, Eagle Mills; McKay, Mrs R McKay, Miss Sue Caldwell Green ville; J C Lowe, Salisbury; Elam King, IL 8 Harris, Concord; N L Whitley, Golds horo; Mrs Gen Martindale aiid 2 children, JJaj W T Sutherlin, Danville; F G Be lire, Walterboro; W P Caldwell, Statesville; Mrs A J Kennedy, Master Tom Martin, Charleston; W P Williams, Davidson Col lege; t A Sol lenberer, County; WA Sos namao. Centre; C T Balxlv. Richmond; R W Hamilton, Baltimore; T D Bush, Green ville; Jas A llayncs, Baltimore; JasS Da vant, Columbia; A B Brown, Landsford; W S Green, Miss Anderson, Spartanburg, Geo E Windsor, Columbia; W B Barrett, Baltimore; A P Rhyne. Woodlawn; B F Barber, L Clark, Win Thompson, Danville; Knbt W Bug:;. J R Ivy, Augusta; R G Trczevant, Uornpany Shops. fr'mW2m OBITUARY. Charles Wilkes, eldest son of Capt. and Mrs. John Wilkes, died August 5th, at 15 minutes past. 10 a. m. He was born Feb. !th, 1855. His funeral service will be cele brated to-day (Aug. 7th) at 5 o'clock p. m. Vi;h the dew of young manhood on his brow God has taken a most dutiful son from deeply afflicted parents. Well might they have fixed large hopes of growing use fulness ujkmi him, as a citizen and a chris Man, had God lengthened his days. God h' thanked, that as a child of nravers from his baptism one anticipating his own confirmation at the approaching visitation of his Bishop, his eyes closed upon the scenes of this life. B. Vice-President Wilson is much lictter than he has been at any time since his illness, and is steadily im proving. Nn operation whatever is eu in a special Irom Washington. We are. authorized to announce . Jtr. H. tn . . .m. mm Ml m m WmS yj mm u luu T mm. u ft. 1 A Y We are authorized fr announce Moses ruse as a candidate for Constable in this ownship. The. following centlemcn who have SerV- iiK SU'.llOol f Vmiiiirtoj fnr tvt vonrv n-ist m oe voted tor to-day. 11, v a Rev. J. li. BOONE, W. W. GRIER. llev. J. F. BUTT, , o me citizens of Charlotte Township. Fellow-Citizens : At the earnest solici- utions of many friends, I announce my- eil a candidatft fir t.h nfnce of Mamstrate 'f this Township. In doing so, fellow itizens, it becomes my duty to state to ou what course 1 shall pursue if elected, lam unalterably onnosed to all stay ws, but shall insist upon a comfortable I am opposed to all restriction on trade or pvel, high price to the seller and low nee to the buyer, shall be the rule of my fition. In my political course I shall firm- "unere to tne resolution 01 ys ana uu. JOHN McCONNELL: 1 w we aro authorized to announce' Jas A. Winston as a candidate for Constable in 11 dnotte Township at the ensuing elec- on Hie Citizens of Chn.rlnl.tA Tnwnsliin.rill m for M W Alexander, and W F David- m wjigisu-ates on Thursday next "-1 1 -r IV e are authorized to announce M W examdbr as a candidate for Jnstice of e xeace m Charlotte Townshin. at the nKliinnr - '. ; j. , We are authorized to announce J A fo- VKZ as a candidate for"constablA tn rk.l f te Township, at the election which takes w n me im msir. . , . We are autliorized to announce A. H Usrrrsr as a candidate for Justice of the pacen unarlotte Townshin , at the. iu wnicu taKes place on the. 7th inst ; iviThe Temple of Fashion.' 1 1 Vfit; Shrier offers a "rare 1 opportunity 'ta uiMCiuvii w suppiy memseives with art pgani, ouuic, ai a small cost, he is deter- CHABLOTTE FlAnttETS. ''- V'A h -' 'T - :fr- , OJEBECrraK'IUIMBY THE Board of Trado. 'r-j CottOQ. r-y UiddYmff, .,...... 18 a 00 Low Middling, ; ..... 17$ a m Strict Good Ordinary, icf a 17 Good Ordinary, ...... 00 a 16f Ordinary, 14 a 15 Low Ordinary, 9 a 12 Market weak, tending down. Prices un changed and nominal. Low grades not in demand. Wholesale Groceries. Baton C. R. Sides, per lb Shoulders, Coffee Rio, prime, per tb "good. " " common, Candle Adamantine, boxes, I boxes, Cheese Prime factorv, State, " common. 11 a 00 24 a 00 23 a 24 22 a 23 16 a 17 17 a 18 Fish Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, " " 2, 14 li g i bbla, No. 1, $13 10 6 5 a 15 a 12 i 7 6 i i i i it J 3, So. 1, 2, , I, 2, 3, 3 a 3 a 2 a 1 a H. -a 17 a 9 a 4J 4 2 2 li 18 Kits, No. ti Gunny Cloth Iron Ties Arrow. 9J Iscad Bars, per lb Lentlter Hemlock. 11 a 00 27 a 28 12 a 13 13 a 15 80 a 116 65 a 70 28 a 30 8 a 00 9 a 9 9 a 10 $3 a 3 $2 a 2 13 a 00 12 a 00 12 a 00 Hi a 00 10? a m 9 a 10i iAtrd Leaf, per lb " Pure leaf. Molasses New Orleans, Golden Syrup, " common " Soda Kegs, " Box, assorted, Rice Carolina, Suit Liverpool, per sack, " American, Sugar Crushed and powdered, 1 A, " B, Extra C, " Coffee, yellow, " Brown, Whiskey Nortli Carolina, com, Northern, Country Produce. Buying Prices.) Bacon Hams, per lb 14 a 151 Sides, 10 a 11 ,4 Shoulders. 8 a 10 Hog Round, 11 a 13 liecsieax 25 a 30 Butter Choice, 20 a 25 Brandy Apple, 1.75 a 1.90 " Peach, 2.00 Corn White, - ' 73 a 78 " Mixed, 70 a 75 Eggs, per dozen, 12 a 15 Flour Family, 4.50 a 4.65 Extra, 4 25 a 4.35 Super, 4.00 a 4.15 Fruit Dried Apples, 3 a 5 . peaches, 4 a 7 " " Blackberries, none Fuwls Chickens, spring, 15 a 20 " Turkevs, none " Bucks, 20 a 25 Hides Drv, 15 a 17 Green, 5 a 8 Lord Good, 11 a 12 Common, 8 a 10 Menl White, 75 Oats Black. 45 a 50 - White, 55 Onion.; 80 a 1.00 Peas lur5 clay, none " Mixed, 70 a 90 Potatoes Irish, 60 a 75 " Sweet, none 7Woh 8 a 10 Wheat Red, per bush, none " White, ' . none Wool Tub washed, 35 Unwashed, 15 a 30 Wheat, old crop being exhausted, no new yet offered. What H e Meed When Debilitated. Appetite and digestion languish at this season. At the very time when the body most needs renovation and support, the stomach, its commissariat department, is apt to prove delinquent; " 'Under such cir cumstances tln necessity for; a wholesome stimulant, tonic and 'corrective, is sell evident, and consequently the demand for that peerless combination of the three re quired elements, Hostettcr's Stomach Bit ters, is never more urgent than at mid summer. It is true that a few medical bigots fos sils "left over" from the dark ages recom mend violent purgation and a water gruel as a cure forindigesti n and its accompany ing ills: but they make Tew proselytes. The Sajority of the community are sane. ami all sane people are aware tuat a pure and vegetable tonic with alterative proper ties, like Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, is the only cure for dystiepsia. biliousness, constipation, nervousness and the "con sequential damages" they inflict. The human intellect, unless hopelessly diseaiied tor egregiously humbugged, de clins to astonish the weakened -human itomach with fierce cathartics that, rushing ike an avalanche through the intestines, threaten to take the inner membrane with them. To use a significant catch-phrase the k nock-do wu-and-d rag-out methods of treatment are "played out. It is clearly understood that a medicated stimulant is essential to the redovation of an exhausted frame and that you cannot strengtl e i man or woman by dosing them with prostrating preparations. Tins is an era of common sense, and common sense approves of Hostetter s Bitters as the best article extant for invigorating, regulating and nnrifvinsr the svstem and defending it against poison in the air we breathe, or the water we drinic. Drs. Greene. Lindlev & Bcntley's Great Family Medicines are Raining fresh laurels every day. Compound Extract Corydalis has proven itself to be the most emcient remedy known in constitutional blood diseases, glandular enlargements, and ail classes of 8crtfulous Ulcen, Tumors, Ac. And Medicated Honey is just the thing for Asthma. Bronehitis'and ab'ote alt for dis tressing "Colds," from which so many are suffering. A'fheir Fit Cure and Neuralgia Specific wljl speak right ou; for themselves. rrv mem. ana 11 wiey uu nut gic suwaww.- tion, your money win oe rauuueu. aug l-lw . " . W ec that Procter 8i Caiiable's Ex tra Olfte Soap is becoming Terytpopular in ourweitv, ita quality we know la superi or, and being nicely perfumed vwe are-not surprised that consumers prefer it, and that it fiaa a large saie. juiy.L3m ,-. v...- . A Rare Opportwalty ;to C!tt Good Bar-' ' ..4ii''IHfgaIl;;' j? - -.. JAl:tX& 'x. The Dollar ; Stored will posittrely bedosed but in. one.week, and all who desire to pur chase good bargains would do:, well to call soon. .... ;.. ;; i angf St, rains THE 11 ill, THIS delightful seaside resort situated in BEAUFORT, N. C, is now offered for sale. It is a large, commodious building, antaining 100 rooms, three stories high with veranda ex tending around each floor, nearly all the rooms furnished with elegant new furniture, such as beds, &c, a particular description of which may be had upon application to the undersigned. The Hotel is in good Tun ing order for immediate oc cupation, and is now open un der the management of GEO. W. TAYLOR. On the premises, there is a large cistern, one cottage for boarders, 50x30. A row of 12 cottage rooms, and Wash House and two Bath Houses. The house is pleasantly situat ed on the beach, washed by the daily tidei, and commands a lovely view of the ocean, FORT AliVCQiSrj and the Banks and Sounds. . Salubrious, free from dust, flies, mosquitoes, and other pests that pleasure-seekers are often subject to. It is second to no summer resort upon the ATLANTIC COAST. Convenient to this grand Ho tel are fine Htllltillff anc mm m . rwl flSHlllff grounds, ine pre mises Comprise six acresthe title is good, and possession will be given upon sale. ' The original cosf was $35,000, and the repairs are still good. But the present owner having purchased it un der execution, without any idea of ninning it, offers it at the ExraAottbiNARiLY Lb w price of $10,000, half cash j '41 r?- " ' r . ji ana oaiance in i monins wim interest. Receipts L in three months have been $7,000 and it is ' thought may be greatly increased, "; ' Will be sold to joint stock companies, or to a sole puf jthaser. For further particulars, ap- ply to , - , ; ; , AffhmpvR- Charlotte, -NC; ?'f,.4i,'i:;V June 21 6w ' ' New , AdvxUsements. GRANDEST SCHEME EYER KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOE THE BENEFIT OF THE Mlic Library of KeMwiiy 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 $250,000 for $50 The Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ized hy special act of the Legislature for the benefit of the Public Library of Kpn- tuck3', wi 11 take place in Public Library jiaii. ii ijuivuif, ivy., v t. t. DC. 3, 1873. Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one half of these are intended for the Eu ropean market, thus leaving only 30,000 for sale in the United States, where 100.- 000 were disposed of for the Third Concert. The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts and have on their back the Scheme with a full explanation of the mode of drawing. 5 ? f At this concert, which will be theerrand- est musical display ever witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of Sl,500,000 divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dis tributed by lot among the ticket-holders. The numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind children and the gifts from another. XiloT OF GIFTS : One Grand Cash Gift $250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift 60,000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift 17.600 10 Cash Gifts $10,000 each 100,000 30 Cash Gifts 6,000 each 150.000 50 ('ash Gifts 80 Cash Gifts 100 Cash Gifts 150 Cash Gifts 250 Cash Gifts 325 Cash Gifts 1,000 each 50,000 600 each 40,000 400 each 40,000 300 200 100 50 each 45,000 each 50,000 each 32,500 each...... 550,000 11,000 Cash Gifts Total, 12,000 Gifts all Cash, amounting to $1, 500,000 Thedistribution will be positive, whether all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12, 000 gifts all paid in projortun to the tick cts sold all unsold tickets being destroy ed, as at the first and second concerts, and not represented in the drawing. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole tickets $50 : Halves $25 : Tenths, or each coupon. $5: Eleven Whole Tickets for $500 ; 225 Tickets for $1000; 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000; 227 Whole Tickets for $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of i i.-kets at a time. The unparalleled success of the Third Gift Concert, as well asthesatisfation given !y the iMrst and oecond, makes it only necessary to announce the fourth to in sure the prompt sale of every Ticket. The Fourth Gift Coiicert will be conducted in all its details like the Third, and full par ticulars may be learned from circulars, which will be sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale, and all or- deis accompanied by the money promptly h ld. liberal terms given to those who buv to sell again. THOMAS E. BRA M LETT. Agt Tub Libr Ky, and Manager Gift Con cert, Public Library Building, Louis ville, Ky July 31 4w DAVIDSON COLLEGE, IWECKX.ENBURG COUNTY, X. C. Thoroughly equipped. Seven professor ships. Expenses low. Session begins Sept. 25th, 1873. Send for Catalogue. J. R. BLAKE, Chairman of the Faculty, july 31 4w SIMON FEMALE COLLEGE, statesville, N. C. Rev S. TAYLOR MARTIN, President. Location remarkably healthy. Twenty- five miles North of Davidson College. Ac cessible by railroad. Session begins Sept 22, 1873, and continues nine months, clos ing June 22. 1874. Annual expenses, board and English tuition, $200. Music and use of instrument, $50. Ancient and modern languages, each $20. bend for circular, july 31 4w KENM0RE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL. Amherst C H., Va. Preparatory to the University of Va. H A Strode (Math. Madallist U. Va.), Principal and Instructor in Mathematics. HC Brock, 3. Lit. U. Va. (recently Ass't Prof Latin, U Va.), Instructor in Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and pre sents many advantages incomparable with those of others. St tdpnts also received for the Summer. New session begins Sept 15th, 1873. For Catalogue, address the Princixal. july 31 4v ED We offer the most Liberal Inducements to energetic men to sell Howe Sewing Ma chines in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. We give exclusive county right1?, furnish wagons and require no capital. Address the HOWE MACHINE CO., Bal timore, Md. july 31 4w Agents Wanted for the New Book. EPIDEMIC & CONTAGIOUS DIS EASES with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Embraces Sinall-Pox, Yel low Fever, Cholera and all analogous dis eases. No family safe without it, and all buv it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The biggest chance of the season for agents. Address II . S. GOODSPEED fc CO., 37 Park Row, New York. july 31 4w Write for a price Ust to J. H. Johnston, nrr ut'iYiBii a ...... 'SMITH FIELD SI PrrrSBUKGH PA. Breech-Loading Shot Guns, $40 to $300. Double-Shot Guns, $8 to $150. Single Guns $3 to $20. Rifles, $8 to $75. Revolvers, $5 to $25. Pistols, $1 to $8. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle, &c. Large discounts to dealers or clubs. Army Guns, Revolvers, etc.. bought or traded for. Goods sent by express Ct O. D- to? be examined before paid for. jniy ai w ftr. Oftri nerdavl Aeents wanted iPU to VwU AH- classes f wdrkingjeo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more moner at work for us in ! their snare mo ments, or all. the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STIN- SON & CO., Portland, Maine, -july 31 4w BEST AND OLDEST FAMILY Medicine SAl!DFORD?S A purelyegeiable . Citbartic awd iTonic, Sick I Headache; Bilious Attacka, ana i derangements of Liver, Stomach and Bow els. AakyonrDrusKistfor it. Beware p it mi fO THE TBADE WE inyit attention to the REDUCED PRICES of all our1 Spring and Summer Goods. Call and see for yourselves. In order to reduce our Summer stock of DRESS GOODS, BLEACHED SHIRTING, Broxcn Shirting, and Sea Island Shirting, we will sell thera at such greatly reduced prices as to IXSURE A SALE. Call at once if you desire bargains. Just Received, A handsome lot of MOSQUITOE NET CANOPIES, NET FIXTURES, d'C, dkc. McMUREAY & DAVIS. July 20 PRACTICE ECONOMY. Buy a New Improved Home Shntte Sewing Machine. Only costs about one-half of the "so-colled" STANDARD MACHINES. MORE of them sold this year in North Carolina than all others combined. It runs as light, is as easy to learn on as any other, and I can show that it will do the same range of work with similar attach ments that any other in this market will do. Warranted for five years. Call on or address D. G. MAXWELL. Charlotte, N. C, or Atlanta, Oa. General Agent for North and South Caro lina, Georgia and Florida- july 10 LIMESTONE SPRINGS, S. C. THE undersigned has opened a boarding house at the above mentioned place, and can accommodate a few boarders at very low rates. Rates. Board per day $ 1.50 Board per week 7.00 Board per month 22.00 Children and servants half price. b or lurtner particulars address S. C. HOMESLEY. july 9 lm Landrctli's Fresh Turnip Seed. WE WILL receive in a few days a full supply of these celebrated Seed, of ail desirable varieties. W. R. BURWELL & CO. Fruit Jars.. WE HAVE just received a full supply of Mason s Improved Fruit Jars ail glass. W. R. BURWELL & CO., Springs' Corner. FOR BENT. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, pleasantly located, on Try on street. ' Rent low to a good tenant. Apply at this office. july 29 lw -AT (Greatest Kedniced Prices - AT TEMP I now offer ray SFRIHG AIID At the Grreatesi ' Reduced Prices from this Bale In order to make room for my intend to lay in shortly. ALL PERSONS i wishing anything in my line WILL SAVE MONEY and find it to their interest to call if THE TEMPLE OF FASHIfll it. if. as soon AND OBTAIN THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVEir offered: CALL AND BE COJJVINGED, as I am determined to-close otitf 'i Aj., ray Spring" and Summer Stock Auction Store. Belting, Toola, &c., at Private Salt. I have in store a large lot of Capentcrs, Tools, Leather and Rubber. Belting, as sorted sixes, File, Screw Plates, Rencbea Hammers, tc, Ac. Abo a large lot of pa-K per bags, molasses gates, , measures, spice) boxes, kcv Ac. Come, soon and secure bargains, at the auction store of THOS. IL GAITHER. july 19 , , Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley'g GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted 1 to the Southern climate. "COMPOUND EXTRACT CORYDAL IS"' is the most powerful, and emcient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared eTrpTessly for Scrofula. Secondary Syphilis, Erjitions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by bad or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENE'S FIT CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Sjwisms and Convulsion which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use, even where they have existed for years. "MEDICATED HONEY." The gTeat remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex- pect Grants do. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure ahY' They are identically the same that we Eave used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers. Tnmors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore by KLINES GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTJ3S at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville,'N. C. june 14 lyr PEACE INSTITUTE, RALEIGH, N. C. REV. R. BURWELL, Principal. JOHN B. BURWELL, A. M.f ) Assistant S. J. STEVENS, A. M., j Principals Professor A. BAUMAN, Vfcal and Instru mental Music. The next Session commences on the 1st day of September, 1873 For Circular and Catalogue, address Rev. R. BURWELL & SON, Raleigh, N. C. july 6-d4tAw2m . BREAKFAST BACON. 1000 LBS Sugar Cured Breakfast Ba con, just received and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO ? apl 17 FASHIONS All kinds of Fashions to TOR July JL suit everybody at juel9 TIDDY'S- GREAT Bargains offered in Linen Goods of every description, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. THE- LE OF FmiOl entire stock of SUMMER GOODS large Fall and Winter Stock which I as possible ' , .. .son Very Respectfully. war ' rsnrlotWTD''" V.'r? M f ? rA:gobl toned PlarnV at '8. , 7- fJUV 1 rSrwl frx aLa AMt i!. a. 1 F. Davidson imitations. july 31 4w july 6 ly