The1 Oiariptte OtiserrerJ JOHlTONE. JONES. l" TES OF ADVERTlSIKC - n - fcATBS 0? STOSCElPTIOir. Dailrr.One vearIii adranri ' J"- t r.'- . iii i ii ii -!- . i i v iiii iih" - -.i r i i M w vrAJf i Jk. m. i a a. e 9 J S. WTT.T.T A TTSQir Kr. an milAT lot QfetVrourhas arrived X and you wjU fcfeap. raiij k., it and try lfcAJtt5toS2t , JUST JIIXZZVED W. Houston & t A f v Ha!YesKQviarters and Kits, Also, a comnlete ffittnrfmant t OfcwiiMf bafc:tlw.'s MIWRTH CAROM WA. ;v '-rro:- ''. , . ' A TJaEB'8to':Briick' Building, ' "witli. r ug j an1' comfortable rooms well u....3ucvt, on tne; corner of Main street. aiHl m Uie most desirable portion of town, convenient to the ceJebrated Alum Well rereons desiring a summer retreat Will nim Lmcohiton unsumassed. xtA hintr --"" win uiiu it mucn cneaper. Mas. L, H; KISTLER, mar 4r6lu;;'. t Proprietress. Receiveil tills morning a Lot of' very Su perior Rye Flour. For sale by, July 2. i .. . SYMONS & CO. 500 SACKS North Carolina Flouf Fresh Ground, iust renpivpd nt. STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO'S June 19 C. If. SUIITII, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries; Country Produce, &c, HAVING moved across the Street imme" diately opixtsite the Market Honse, where pur rents are only one-half of our 4 former place, enables ns'to offer still more flattering inducements to our customers than ever before. We shall continue to deal in all kinLs of Faniilv Groceries, all kinds of Country Produce, pure Liquors, Ac. All produce consigned to us will re ceive our jersomil attention and the best prices tne market atiords guaranteed. In returning our thanks for the very flattering and unexpected patronage be stowed' in the past,, we hope by renewed energy, reduced rents, working for small profits, keeping reliable goods, aud fair. oien and honest dealing in the future, to merit a liberal share-of the patronage of me city aim surrounding country. B. N, SMITH. mav 29 5S D T X the Radical Camp, for sale at TIDDY'S. rpiIE cheapest and handsomest Embroi uenesj at. ; u. KUoraiAAMS. may 9 '?.'' ". A. R lJI3B3r;& BROTH SR. A RE Dai'y receivi tig fresh supplies o JX GROCERlESCONFIiCTiONERIES, TOBACCO; N UFl'V CIGARS,' M USICAL INSTRUMENTS, FRUITS, "PRIZE CAN DIES Ac'M1 t'.:-4 ' -?;-: i We buy for CASH,. and;select our goods with care, all or "which we wilf sell at the lowest price for CASH; ' - we reet very tnanktui to the generous publie for; past patronage, and : hope by stnc? attention to tne wants or the people v 01111 wutiuuc w mccb tuctr approvui. Our Stock i is largeand complete, we nauer ourselves that we will please all that giverus a calL-; ;, ; . ;? : ' BEAUTIFUL display of Jetfc Horn India Rubber and Black Garnett Setts, at roay , w B. KOOPM ANN'S. HAVE you seerf the Baby Toy House ? Ifnotcall at. . . ' TIDDYSandsesfit june 19 X) LANK B00K8, just received af PUREFOY v;? PURE Freuch Brandy received to-day July 23 r WV R. BURWElL & CO. Another lot Of elecrant bolted meal. neis I uuvj8.wuii5iiui ueauuiux ail ready for 'quick haking at - - u5tiJ.:BUSMarket.t CIjAUET jPOCTJBJJ,;Aljs, Ac, TUSTreceived hy, WVHIIbuston Co., superior lot 'Of French ,Branayt finest eve offeredin thecity- Browti Sfibut Porter, Bparkline Ale. Pale Al. dare.. tin giAi',.'l.t !. X.'t. ' . t. .Jiff I Port and Madeira AVines,'auperfor arUclesTi July 15 ' W7lT..II.ItOUST6N. A BARREL Cheap Holasses T' Ulf 30 barrels Fine 8yrup,. - . " 5 Tierces Demerara Molasses,- just received STENHOUSE; MjCCAULAT& 00 june 21 j ' ' v" ' ' 1 -" Id Papers for sale at' 50 cents, per hun dred at This Office. 7 ! J , f t CABEU02 & JOSHUAvTROTTER, - ir jt ' ; V V f . : i . . ; w At JLV2 i ;,;CHARLOTTE;;c. T HAVE lately removed info my new niif? and PKy Factory on tne cor !Sf ;T,y onr ail 6th streete, and am pre- I Sistant workman am niW-ii..- , and I hate ererv facSfi r ooiuiduiun to my ctistwnors. iiaxe an ! exwnceof -JPlfty-Ytftrt ih the biSfeS .Address JOSHUA. TROTTF.r. janeU3mV Charlotte.' Vesieyan Fefnale Institute ' STAUKTQN, VA. The 24th 1873. One of the first Schools for Young Ladies in t te Soutlu Twentv-threC teach- ersand officers. Scenery grand; buildings nea'th unsurpassed- feeble ccm- Bunuions iiere restored ; pupils from all ojftes from Maryland to Texas. Board sc iuiuun; ior scnoiascic year, 240. For -catalogue of 54 pages address Rev. W. A. HARRIS, President, Staunton, ' Drs- Greene, Lindley & Bentley's UiiAT FAMILY MEmnTWija PREPARED expressly for, and adopted , to the Southern climate. -'COMP0UXD EXTRACT CORYDAL Jb is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for- Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on. the Skin, and ail diseases which arc produced by bad or un- iit-uuny oiooci- "R MEEXITS PIT CURE," cures all kinds of Pits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve eenters. In Epilepsy it often srons ., fit from the first dav's ns. even wh.m f.- have existed for vears. MEDICA TED JtONEY.n The great remedy for Asthma, Brondiitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of -the' air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not iniura t.b appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. - Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all iuusrnlji wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from ierfectly reliable for tlie ! especial classes of disetises- named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all."-. They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in .thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof wc afflnn..ATUy are. safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try tlmn and you will want no othere Ask your druggist for them. x or sa le by druggists gen erall y Pre- Charlotte, N. C. B. Cancars. Tumors. Ulcers, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville,.N. C. june 14 lyr 10,000 June 29 PAPER BAGS at PUREFOY'S. CHOCOLATE, Arrowroot, GelatiAe, Pure Ground Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon. July 23 W R.JJUR.WELL fe CO. VALENTINE'S MEAT JUICE, June 22 W. R. B. & CO. COME and look at the style ,of 1899, at niay 9 B. KOOPM ANN'S. TEW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, Xi Ribbons and Flowers, Just received at s; MRS. QUERY'S- mar 16 CARMINE and Violet Inks, at PUREFOY'S. CHARLOTTE MALE ACADEMY. fNHE exercises of this School will be re- I sunierl on Mnti-iv Hie first H-i f Septetnber 'next 'Besides the ''branches ,.:n u .j,i..t ??:...... llfl IIITTI I V Iflli;' i t W. . Will Mr. AlKKClK M' a r.llW.II. ffIIL J Gentian. Esneeial attention naid to Mathe- niatics. Knff. Comndsition. Declamation. Book-keeping, &Ct In this;-my fifth scho- lasucsesioo, t reiHjcbiuiiy soucu aeon-' tinuance f the getierous patronage showed me and wilt earnestly" endeayor to merit their confidence:4 A pply for circular to , W. BEAUMONT CLARKSON. . aug 6.1m Principal. DALE'S COE.N KIX.LEB,. June 22 , W. R. BURWELL & CO.. : . - GREAT Bargains in Lama Sliawls. at Black Lace and KOOPMANN'S. ' may '9 i ? - B. JASON'S ImproyJru Jrs. Tuly 23 W. XL BURWELL CQ: ON CONSIGNIIENT. v ( Boxes or crates of extra fine peaches, at ,5- Vf:-:f KP.i:H J -. - n i :i r.l, A -SMITH S.' JUST HECIEVED. J' A Superior article rticle of hew wheat flour- XL fresh meal so fine lof nf Ventnefcl,AnriK ;t plea, foreatihgawd cooking, and fo saieJ BITH'S ( PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. IVTRS, A. W, MlfXElTinvc it JJLl she; is JDreDaredlto accommodate a number of Jgulari boarders-. . ; Her table is always supplied with the, best fare to be hap la this. imarket.;;the5 rooms ;are airy and beds cleani and painsaretaken; 10 make guests comfortable. able.- . it'iTi 'i(.f i c 'if f'"' .IiANDXUSTS'S GABJDEN SEED. Early White Flat .Dutch. TEarlv -FlatJ Dutch (Red Tob.1 Yellow. Aberdeen-' Am, ber Glope, Seven Top' "Rtita4 Bagar Large Norfolk: M in,e'-'s sji i a f w; r; BURWELi;& U0r ' " . Charlotte,-N.C - 'july 18- PAPEIt DAGStJ ? Ill nOftpPerBSV fr6m' S5rtolO lbs; AVMUI-just received. -Also 'another toe oi India Rubber Pipe-stems from 12 to f . "".""S received at PUREFOTS.i j j ; - -- - i " CHARLOTTE, N. v. "- AND . - a o F-: M. S H E L TOII TTAVIN(? erreatlv innrnnjuwl liia s.v ' v-v iw W-WA. FURNITURE which consists part 01 Parlor Suits, Black, Walnat Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring ' joens, is urea us, Was li stands. Teapoys, Folding TuMes, Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables; whatnots afes, Excelsior and Cotton Mn Stvlpo on4 other things' not necMmrV ftST SdtK.te n,cs r?1" ILead and Foot Walnut vasKt-i xxan uiass ion. tini5hPd nA f: med in the most approved style, will be kept constantly ready for use, all of which wfli be sold at a most reasonable price Returning many thanks for past favors x . ,sl iiwetiuuy ask the citizens of narioire ana surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere South Trade Street opposite the Market Honse, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st lS73-ly F. M. SHELTON: 6 sr S - M. 00 -t P aq CHARLOTTE, N, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and nio-Tit. - . o F. SCAER, cl,oice Green and Black Ten, $lslni e!n,PogetI work, I invoke jtke Selected especially for Family and Inval ?i r brother soldiers and ask ids, at ' SCARrV nvalhen' t furnish tne material which can be SCARR'S j une Drug Store. Just received a lot of select SmV fni- Tickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCAltR'S june 29 Drugstore. Pure. Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drug Store. BRAITH WAIT'S Retrospect of Practical JTIediciue and Surgery. Fait 1.X VI, January 1873. Just in at TIDDY'S. apl 10 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. YOUR attention is oalled-to a fresh ar rival of finely flavored Roasted Coffee, by which a great saving is effected apr 14. SYMONS & CO. TTANDSOME Stock of. Real Point, and JLX Crape Collars, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. Ct1 ientpfrXte at. B- KOOPM ANN "S. W81-.CAUOLWA RECORD. Published Weekly, at Butherfordton, N. C. BY CLENDENIN & CARPENTER Ax m" n . At rwo Dollars per Annum. . The Record is published in 4he-interest PI no ring, party, sect or creed, but laW for the elevation, improvement and pood Of all. mv St 3f.a, DRIED BEEF. 0HIP Beef of the very best quality, cured in the finest style, no bone inU, cuts smrriti onri i Iaco .,,,1 i ' suiuuiM aim, uu oss .ana can be recom mended to be tinsurpassed by any that we nave seen neiore, at . june 13 : ' JNO. F. BUTTSJ PBACTICE JBCOOBIY Buy a New Improved Only costs about one-half of the 'so-called" S : AOT aJ m.n,n IMJUO. ; fhemsbld this "year 'in orth iVJL Carolina than all othersic6mhined? H run as lnrht. is iis easv to learn on a-n Other, and I can show that it will, da the 1 same range 6f work with similar t . attachr I JLi , -.1 I ments thatwi.i'oiAirtWthiS- market will do. T Warranted lor; five yearsan , - 'i vaii ori oj aauress yji-. . rv,su, . , U : . - ' - D- G.MAXWELL. , 'Ari inCarlette;Ni!e.Mlantfla-- jGfeherai Agent for iNorth and: South Caro- ; ' - iiina, ueorgia ana Fionda'- : 'july 10 "fa ' , fruit-Jars, 1 V f 117 E HAVE iust. received a full supply: f iof Mason's, Improved; Fruit Jars all HOME ST09XACXI BITrEItS. A T 'W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO'S This medicine is -unequalled as a pure tonic and invigorutor. apl 15 Vv. - r' Springs' Corners Charleston S 3 . ' ln 8ections 8ti" ' wppfiedj-'win'tfwelte ,b- - - ffigg"'? '?XVtjim " PPtioiiftjd liberal fadueements. Braithwaite'g ILEliiimiL. ? Un- PaitlcsresidingBtadiste I iJraitnwaite g ieirospeci fitswrm it' nn Tr thoriaKrf agents, may order from our fkc- --Ukt s-aJJa-t -T-.L. tnfv V i tofy Sendorillastrated price list,, w ' Practical Medicine nd Surgeryi T? ;ke- room tar AVbmtf fell vjulyl2 $m ,4. , f 5 t . u r t . F6r;july 1873i VlW ailrf at r WK; fifSP bargauij.every t t u, t r f ,t , C. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 r .' -j ' . .... i . Cliarlotte, Colnmiia!& Angaria CoLrMBiA, S. Cn June 13, 173. 1 0 EX. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. Oh and after XX MONDAY :J-heMowftig cheuji will run oyer this Road : - ww,f ' . . TIME TABLE. r ' ; " ooisrd sooth. No. i. Leave Charlotte- Arrive at Columbia 4.20 a. 9.30 a. 2.00 p. Arrive at Augusta, . J GOINO KOBTH. NO. 2. Ijeave Ansrtista. VIA IT ' m I in 1 Vye Columbia, 4.15 a. m. 8.42 a. m. 2.27 p. m. Arrive Charlotte, . GOING SOUTH. No. 3. Leave Columbia, Arrive Augusta, ' gotko noeth. No. 4, 3.15 a. m. 8.20 a.m. 5.W p. m. Leave Augusta, Arrive Columbia. 10.47 p.m. Standard Time ten minutes slower than Ushmgton City time, and six minutes faster than Columbia City time. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close I cotinectiou to all West. " a li .. r JSLt ? fi baggage chock- JAMES ANDERRHV n c i. E, R. Dorset, Gen. Fr'ght & Tiket Agt. '. OUR LIVING AND OU 16 DEAD; OR, Testimony From the Battle-Fields. Under the above title I propose to pub lish, Ant in newspaper, and subsequently n? book form, a series of articles riving the war record. of North Carolina from the election of Lincoln in Nov., 1860, to the w1,c ivar betww!" the States in May ., - I ".n.uiuiro mire uiTisions: . 1st, Accounts of each skirmish and bat- uc on me son, or upon the waters of North varohna. 2nd. Accounts nf j . , - vuiuc WU2Tllb dnrinrf ...... . i -1 - f , . ji me son or any state, in which any of the troot of North i,i . took part-cspecial care being taken to show what those troops did and suifered meacn oi those battles, and what glory and renown our officers and men fairfv won. 3rd. " A Southern Chart for all time." ..u piaiianon or the tlnrd division of uie pwiposea plan will be submitted at a later, day. That I may accomplish this arduous, but arranged and digesfed so as to form a com- recom ot tne heroic deeds of the son who can write to furnish me details of ev- ery battle in which they participated, and the part borne by their immediate com- ruands. . - The time may not have come to write this portion of North Carolina's Historv but it has come to collect material and ar. range it for the use of the future historian. The living actors will soon pass away, and much valuable information.- unless erath cred now, will be lost forever. Hence, after waiting for several years for some onemorecomietent to undertake the task. a nave ueicriniueu to acvote tneremaiuing years oi my me 10 inis , jaoor or iove. I yield to none in love for mv native State. or in admiration for the gallant men who nave snea iierishable glory upon her. I prefer to give these1 accounts first in i. ... K. v I ucncpujju lunu, uruer inai oniiSSiOOS I 7 W&- I ami errors, 11 any occur, may be pointed 18 aiunonzea to ao, and Teport every per out and corrected before the, work shall j son whose lot is not cleansed according to pass into more enduring form which it will assume, should it prove what I desire to make it, a valuable acquisition to the war record of the South. Several prominent actors in the war have already promised their co-operation and the valuable aid of their pens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete, and I hope to enlist an army of valuable aid of their pens to lessen my labors and to make the work complete, and I hope to enlist an army of valuable co-laborers in the good cause as. readily ; as did : Nortl Carolina enlist her sons to fight the battl 01 me XjOsc cause. 7 "' General officers from other States, who commandexi North Carolina, troops, are re spectfully asked to give roe all the .Infor mation in their possession, 'relative to the conduct and bearing of those troons. In endeavoring to da justice to' the sol diers of my native State, I certainly shall roost carefully abstain from doing injus tice to those from any other. My brethren of the press will confer a favor by jriviug the whole, or such nart of ta 18 ?osiectus as they may deem proper, Te Lmo ",ns?,W &MS attention thereto u - - - - j - Address "Our Living and our Dead," Newbern N. C. ' . '.' ; , - The first "number wilfbe'issued about the 10th of Jnne. 'Subscription price $2 per year iu auvance. . -.-j .,; STEPHEN D. POOL, Late Colonel 10th Reg't N. C. 8. T. ;' June 5 1m ' " . ' .' ; J. K R0BS0N, Commisdton Klricliant, K Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic harf, & 68 East Bay, CHARLESTON. 8L O, , JlaVingampie'eahk lBr advances, . a business e?bef of twenty years, -arid connmngfltmseit strictly to a UomnnssiOtr 'RtlieltMKUl aril4inilt.- An.loHn Arfi r... account,; respectfully solicita consignments oi m)on j!liouT,iMorn,1y,neaty etc; Shippers of Produce to him mav. at their option, have their Consignments sold eith er m Charleston or New York, thus hav ing the advantage of two. Markets, without xtraCotumissionsi-'i' V n" J; IUEEEIlElrCES!7-V , Bish0PrW.k.Wiffntniaii.f3!RJT & Summers; D; DTeimH Col. Wm. John- son. Gliariotte. N: 'JrnWJnhh tr;nwn Augusta,: Ga4 Messrs. Williams, Bhnielfc ofierin? aTI classes of rood BE pneev man "will not orilv ' hlense hnt in. n""""1 oaio. - i4iu tuun aiiu ejraimne them. - McMURRAY & DAVIS. July 26. 1873 : - sinoiiTon house. STATESVittE N. C. T1 ?rc)prietor S" Ae abotfr named &2I3KJ3& tbe people of be iT-" T . pubuo generally to Si hlLJ!!hen4hcJ' Statesvflle. will spare neither teins nor money w, uu woixny oi pttuiic patrofiage, . . t. a.- Price, nov25"tf Propriety. m. m. m. R. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN FWM W0. 4 WEST TEADE STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods Store, CHARLOTTE, c c T jwi1 Caskets, Sprine Beds and Mattress nnA . r.,n ZZl of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 EXCELSIOR ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! TO P L A N T T in s TirE Oner the followim? v0vfn:waM, if Patansco Guano. and Watson & Clark "tTA1" We have pleasure m again tendering to -""vio uic iwve nrst-ciass Fertili AOfl nrliA J ii v T iiu iitivt; usen tn-prn. Rrt mimr "oysay hat thv are guar- h;utr,,luy u co tneir Previous And to such as have not. vt . iwi k one trial will convince them that thev are luera j o maKe sure of a supply and please hand in your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the uaiimaciunng power. P?ale in quantity, by jaTENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. Eiicoarae Home Industry. KAA COTTON Seamless Meal Bags ?de at Prankiinsville, N. C, and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 11 Aooaa j;ount at Home, or, Nectar , A Syrup. new and invigorating Summer Bever age, in Which the ORrhnnio retained that it may be leisurely sipped W lue S'8 without losirg its sparkling 10 , 12 SJa8ses of Cream Nectar, or 50 to V33 of lemonade. It is not impaired by and is tiie most economical as well as the most delightful beverage in market. -Ye navejust received a few more dozen of this yrup; which has been so much sought after m this market, july 2ft B N SMITH. Clean Up Tour Back Lots. I N obedience to a resolution passed by j. uue iwiara oi Aldermen Monday night, june ibth, l hereby notify the citizens of Charlotte, to have their privys cleansed, and to have all accumulations of trash and tilth, calculated to produce sickness, re moved from their premises. Thev will he anowea until tne zist oi this month, Jnne, to comply with this notice. After that day 1 1 . . Jt - L . " i'"',il win lueir premises, as lie uua oraer. And they will Defined five dollars for each and every day such nui sance remains unabated.-, - W.F.DAVIDSON, june 18 Mayor. RICHARD ADAM, i. i : KIC1III0S1 ' STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, ranches 516 Broad and" 1524 Main.) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, Cakes and crackers Wholesale 5 and Retafl. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or uars. No Charge for Barrels, maylly., i THE "SILVER TONGUE" 0 RGAJ S For Parlor Church and School. 3fiSUrACTirK0r vt- ' ' T. NWEDVLAm & SOW. ESTABLISHED IN 1846 UOf , 143, 145 & 147 East;234 StU.Y, - : A z?,rtl .Z1! .fa. -2i Q C A SACKS Fresh Gmtmd Kortn Caro- w y una Family Flour, just received and for sale fey " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY fc CO. apl 11 lj ' f fc- i ...... ... . ... threeweeks . 59 rit 09 THE CHARLOTTE FAIR call He to AT J. T BUTLER'S I ! "NEW GOODS. Watelieg, Clocks, Jewel 17, EanKJEi!s, Slver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c MUSIC BOXES AND MANY TOO SUIEBOUg AT J. T. BUTLER'S October 22T THE BAITS 0 EECKlEMTOa, CHARLOTTE, jr. . Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas, TtKSFEB Tate, President. Tob, W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. ITewev, Asst. Cashier, AX THE BANKING HOUSE OP TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Udr Act of the General Assembly and daly organized under Laws of the Stat of Sorth Carolina, with awrple eaw ptepared to transact General Banking: Basin ess. and fttrnish aceoftrmodatkms to all Hs Cus tomers on- Liberal Terms. The-baftk will meive DepoeHs swbiect to Check, and wfll Allow Interest According to Agreement oh all Deposits left oa time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of - Sight per cent prr Ajb&uu on all; suns lj-ig. imdraw otef thirty days. ' Gold and Silter Com, Belliotr and Bank Hotes Boght awl Sold, . - THUS, W, DEWEY, jan. 11873. Cashier. NEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily and sold at 5 cents. each, at mar PUREFOY'g, flour, Flour, fTTHKEE Hnrtdred Sacks Extra and Farn- ny lour m store and- for sale by SPTEJfHOUSEy MACAULAY & CO. JustUecthed AT McMurray & Darts', a very large end elegant stock of Readv-roade Clothirur Clotbinc: emhnvcmg ALL THE LATE 8PKIK0 a x i LrJ9, mar 21 w. h. n. nousTofi & co- wholesale OROCERd and LIQUOB DEALERS, TRADE STREET, ARE dally receving large addftions to tbeir Immense Stock. eoiititt f : f i Sugar,- Molassesv . yrops, Candles, Soaps, Soda, Salt. Candy. Crackttx. o. ters. MackereL Uaotm nA ri.M- rut- milt - H'2Ulr,teyn attention of;i the Wholesale Trade, 5 gnaranteeinz prices and qualify of soodW ; ' - - Xexr . Orleans Sigv. and .IToIai set , 10 Barrris Choice ?5 : i ? MoJasses sioTc ana lorsaieat prices ' lr bTENHOTOEiHACAULAY & CO. dec II r il -MmZ.i&i -- ' -rr Kfi BAGS CofieeT'Sacks-qf -SalfiOf j ,udjs Bugar, IOR Boxes Soda, 100 Cases OystersSO Boses Crackers, which we oiler " ; , W. H.H. HOUSTON .A CO. fife 1CJ8T nEcraTEix'' A LOT of French Note Paper with En velopes to match at , jane 10 FUREFOY'S. to suit the times