JOS. P. CAtDWELIXocal Editor. M A. PARK, Husines Manager. Tueiday, August 19, 1873. Agent. Mr. Jno;: Stuckly, is agent for the .Observer at Jefferson, Ashe coun ty, lie is authorize to receive subscrip tions, give receipts, .Ac. ' 3 An iMPOSTOBWeVwahs .the pub lic in general ahdhbtel'tnea jirpar t iculaf, againat' teiri takea' in n individual w-wnUaintiibtelW'8" ters, in an uncertain hana'r,'E"gene VaiidornTexas4; He is a dead-beat of the first water, and a fe days ago went bacltbn pur friends of the Char lotte Hotel for a square meal and a night's lodgings.' One of the pro prietors rather suspected that he was a rascal, and asked for payment of his board bill in advance. He had. plenty of money, (of course) but did not have any with him just then, you knbff.'-'He clainied to have a Tost Ofiiee money order which he would get'eashed next morning; thfn, he would "square pp." The next morning before breakfast he stepped ont,probably to get an ap petizer, and remembered to forget to come back. Y Mr. Vandorn is a man about 25 years of age, weighs 135 or 140 pounds, is 0 feet 10 or 11 inches in height, and is minus the middle finger on one of fiis hands. Pass him around, brethren. Carolina- Military Institute. The Unionville (S. C.) Times in speaking of Col. gliomas taking charge of this Institute, has this to "Col. J. r. Thomas, fcirnierl- Prin cipal of our State Military Institute of Columbia,. has perfected arrange ments to take charge of the State Military Institute at Charlotte, N. C. "We congratulate the people of Charlotte upon the accession of 60 good and honorable a citizen as Col. Thomas to their community. Under his able management their Military Institute will -.grow and flourish as it never did before, lhe Colonel is a pure citizen, an able Professor and a true gentleman Let the people of Charlotte extend to him their wonted hospitality and encounae incut and we assure them he will re pay them a hundred fold in the ma terial prosperity which such an In stitution as he will establish always Lrings to a eommunitj-."- Heav yJBaix. Vfiry decidedly The' heaviest rain. of the season fell here yesterday evening, begining at 6 or 7 o'clock and continuing for an hour and a half or two hours. The rain fell literally in torrents ; the streets were flooded with water, and in 8om e places it was a perfect sheet, extending from one side of the street to the other. Great holes were wash ed in the pavements on some of the streets. The rain was preceded by terrific claps off thunder and the m gVv'.v'ul flashes pf lightning. We fear that much damage has been done to the crops, particularly in the lowland. . . Mayor's Coitrt. The irrepressible Frank Cnlbertson, colored, was be fore Mayor. Davidson yesterday morning for committing; on assult upon William . Cpps 'on Saturday evening. After a hearing of the case, the Mayor imposed a flue of $0 and cos's upon Frank. A n other Scaseii JhT&' jarticulaiH of which e.ddnotrej to go into, was also also tried. The case was an unimportant'one arid :,no fines were imposed. Not Yet Recovered. Up to this. time; MriM. L. Harkey; whose ad vertisement will, be seen in another column, has not recovered the horse which was stolen from him on Sat urday last in' th is placed We learn that some one in Concord also had a horse stolen on - Saturday night. This 'scourge f the "honest arid In dustrou8 farmer is becoming rife in the laud. ;- ' ' ' . , Drays and Draymen. We call the attention of the policjB to, tbq hbit which is indulged in by sotrre dray men of stopping their drays on. the crossing, toi' the great innaiir of person w'ishfng to rtjrs tbestree and who- arefthus' forced, to either wait tbejias RainA iveryf bdayjC rain )j coibk menced ; foiling .inthis ity Sunday evening-about- 6 Co eiQck.: And ,: con-; tinued some i time.' "rarmerscanhot i r this yeaxnlef the usual August cbni- , I plaintnot enougb rain.V ' i Rev. T.sE.GalnesbfColtimouiere the Central Hotel yesterday We hear that; tberenw atobe Dig picnic at. onaron uaurcu ou tusou Our young folks' will take notice. : i tit 1 verv I4;i U V--t. tftt neliii T Vrw'nd ijis wife, had and rphimm- rene0 1,1,6 OUCSKiriS I ana returning, re ,-; -- J Ot Ihecityjust " w ,rV"1 i"1' the r height r its fury. Finding it impbssibf gthr Kome,,thcy took tefug ln the . verandah . of the Of the city just V" r" took feA'ge m ne veranaan. ofthe Zr m 8aw V v?'11 IB "PP08"6 the Calvary Mission Church,' While iv m - standing in the porch, the l'ghtning Buuio; puject nejirj oy, Mr, McCojr. and 'his wife were both knockep)vJby thasUo'ct, apS ren dered senseless for some ti me. They were carried to a house on the oppo site side of the strcet,.when Dr. T J. Moore wad called to'theirrelief. Af ter the application rof restoratives, both so far recovered ?as to" be able to speak, and are now out of danger. Mrs. McCoy was more seriously af fected by the; shock than was her husband, and remained speechless for a considerable time. TtrrrEX hv A TTorsr. On Siitiirdav last, Mr. AVilliam Wallace, who lives in this countVi was painfully and se- 1 , .. . . . . -i. x i i j . uivtwi j 1 Mr. Wallace and a nephew of his were riding along theroa'd, when the horse which his nephew was riding caught Mr. Walla e by the knee, and raising him entirely, out of the sad dle threw him heavily to. the ground. The teeth of the horsecut Mr. Wal lace's pant, and penetrated clear through the flesh to the bone. The wounds are very painful and may prove serious. The Observer and the Summer Absentees. Almost all of our citi zens who are in the mountains or at the watering places have the Observ er sent to them, and if they fail to get it regularly kick up a fuss. All of which speaks well for the Observer- Whenever a man makes a fuss about not getting his paper on time, we begin to feel good for him. It shows that he is in the enjoyment of his mental faculties, and that his mind runs in the proper channel. The Receivership of the A. T. & O. R. R. Yesterday was the day set tled on by Judge MooretO'itppoint a Receiver for the A. T. fc O. R. R. .1- j jeuuuig iiugiuuiu, uriu ueyme upun his power to appoint : but His Honor failed to do either, saying that he had not 1 n vestigat cd. J he er jis fully as he desired to;" Wtlen "his decision will be made public is not known. Hon. D. N. Bar ringer. A telegram to General Kufus Barnnger calls him to the bedside of his brother, Hon. D. M Barringer. who is extremely low at the White Sulphur Springs,' Va. We are requested to state that General Barringcr's cases in the present term of the Court will be left at the option of his clients, either to continue or engage other counsel and try. : 9m9 . What's the Matter. Our Ashe- ville contemporaries finis t have for gotten us. Neither the Citizen nor the Expositor has shown its face in our office fer the space of two weeks. Look to your books, gentleman. This thing of n6t having the street lamps lighted on dark nights, is nof' - .. .-. . . . - ally don t take to.- met last night, but were prevented from so doing by the inclemency of the weather. The travel over the Air-Line Road is increasing almost daily r -f- CORRESPONDENCE. I . Mr iEDITORrl DteSnnie ybu have heardViasaGrove Camp tjrrauna. ine writer uau me - j ni - a. i j ii . .. , . . . pleasure of being, oneiji , attendance at the annual hi etingwhich" Con vened this year on the 14th mst. .rieasant Grove" is u situated in Union countv. about eight miles west of Monroe, in a heisrhbdrhood w here people are 1 noted - for . theii hospitality. By observing,; one would sudse that. there were- at least -toree thousand or more,, persons c present. .' Black AaUwrAA tlto lAvn n'fllftpk .fierviceJiceofthese4soecincs." and yet they liv loe x resiaing jcaaeTy iwtn Sundav, m.l It was quite a pleas- ure to hear toinr. Kevs, Mr. xomp- son, Roan andW:-JiMawt;;-jre present, and it was.the general opinr ini. h-:--1 ' ' ; "T- ' , Hotel Arwals Central iiotei. ti4lJJbH i bfc.19 ,-lRTS! viwnwi - t r t o - ' A t W.iW.... V;V. T W ln N C; W IIIp Greensboro? r;9 aer, llil uniTOu, Cherry yUIer;AVan and servant,;y orKviile: w it, Marcy, CAnm WF- HderaIxi liams, YliB SrSmith Ci MmX AUanta m ,JttlS M Eenn8.TOlmingtonrMicV olson. Chestend J? :C JHDuflE; :Rock, wsii. t i? wtt An f dad tim'R' Mrirri- sbn.'EockHiihfTJJOrchardrCo- lurnbia,' ' ' 1 : ' f!o 4 Greenville! Mai THHomftf.;K f k: rHtinners of the "heroic'l pie. ol eiuier sex, young or ym, uie.iuurc mmm m ias- iMrrftSvwPTiTm ' W DactWorthgC-C, .SillUBJteOWIJf - - AT.Tiwt BTatWIVTijCED.i: defermtoed to Bonner: oi-kviiie; : T Uim Mftvi t v5rJ.U far mtr ; . A fell' "W"",V V a w Midtuing,: i6 a 00 Btnct 000(1 Ordinary, 15 a 15 Btnct uood Ordinary, isj Good Ordinary, ic tTZZZZ lo Prices at present are to a certain e a uu a 14 & 11 Prices at present are to a certain extent with fcKSS oia nominal character, and quotations are jjiverpool dull and deelinms. Wholesale Groceries. w m mm w rrJais 'W ma ai Bacon C.. R. Sides, per lb 12 a 12J Shoulders. Coffec-'B6 prime, per 9 25 ? a 00 24 a 24 23 ia 23i 16 a 17 17 a 18 . f 6 commons i J Vmc-4AdamantineC boxes".:? ''. , boxes', Cheese Prime factory, State, " common. Fhh Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, $13 10 a a 15 12 it i bbls, No. 1, it 9 6! 54 a 7 it 1 3, a 6 i " i " i " Kits, No. 1, 2, 31 a 3 a 41 4 3, 1, 3, tt No. 2 a -2i 1 a 2 U a U 17 a 18 10 a 12 11 a 00 27i a 28 12 a 13 13i a 15 90 a 116 65 a 70 28 a 30 9 a 00 10 a 11 9 a 10 $3i a 3i $2 a 2 13i a 00 12i a 13 Hi a 12i 11J a 12 10 a 11 Si a 11 u 1. ( tt Gunny Cloth ti Bars per tt Leather Hemlock, Lard Leaf, per ut) , l ure lea 1 Molasses- New Orleans, . Golden Syrup, ; X common " Soda Kegs, Box, assorted, Rice Carol i 11a, &dt Liverpool, per sack, American. Sugar Crushed and powdered, A, B, Extra C, Coffee, yellow, Brown, Wlriskey-TSortli Carolina, corn, Northern, - Country Produce (Buying Prices.) Bacon- Hams, per lb Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round, U a 151 10$ a 11 8 a 10 11 a 13 25 a 30 25 a 30 1.75 a 1.90 2.00 70' a 72 G8 a 70 12i a 15 4J)Q a 4J85 4 25 a 4.35 4.00 a 4.15 3 a 5 4 a 7 none 15 a 20 none 20 a 25 15 a 17 5 a 8 11 a 12 a 10 75 Beetwax Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, Teach, Own White, Mixed, Eggs, per dozen, Flour Family, Extra, Super, Fmit Dried Apples, reaches, Blackberries, Fowls Chickens, spring, . 1 urkeys, jfaies Dry Ducks, " Green, Lard Good, 1 u Common, Meal white, 60 - white Kt a ss .Onion 80 a 1.00 ftanire ciay. 80 a Mixed, 80 a 90 60 a 75 none 8 a 10 1.50 1.G0 35 15 a 30 Potatoes Irish, bweet, Tallow, heat Red, per bush, Wnite, Wool Tub washed, " . Unwashed, Wheat, old crop being exhausted, no new yet offered. , To Merchants Everywhere, the Whole- sale House of Wittkowsky & Rintela Send Greeting Too well and favorably known in North and South Carolina, parts of Tennessee and Virginia, ana too long escaonsneu since 1857W.hi nmnrietors deem in unnecessary in again coming before the public and so flourish as to their immense stock and com mensurate Will and ability to sell Goods Low. We therefore content ourselves by sun ply announcing that our business having increased $200,000in ojie year, and;Char- 1 lotte havinir additional Railroad J iirarronta n tn st.lll HI warrants us in still more increasing our stock. . ;We shall have in store by the 10Qx of I dollars, ($300,00?)) ronsisting of fall lines of every class ot gooas tnat go to niase a complete assortment for a Store, which We offer to the trade at competing prices with any Jobbing House from rew xorK to New Orleans, All we ask, -come, and we will make good tlie above assertion Merchants in North Carolina have the additional advantage, that by buying in . the State, they have no purciase . Tax to i ri xr -. . - i nav. t lo ,, nortmt .!,. we keep everything jfroni common to the very best. Also have a Carpet and Milliner department. -"- - -i ' - Wi l l tLV WSA. X IK XtlAiJirlwiO. Charlotte, N. C, August 6th, 1873. Medicinal Poisons on the Wane; ; The patriarchs took no mercury, no jbs- muthi-naiodine no bromide or potassium, nn sfrvrhnria. no auinine. Happy old gen- tiPTtien t thevldid not iHbw of the- exist- m seemed as if Death had forgot ""u -JZTZ rtS" andthe fid seems to be now taking note 0f it and returning to5 the first principles of .1 the purest and most effieaciouis" vegetable restorative of the day, .is also the. most populaf. Thousands of persons who only awyearsagolievedlmphpi Ut. -Tl.r. v.., PJLffiSw v! . . !i dyspepsia, nervous!W bought or traded for. : Goods sent by i jfyw'trv.-ttvvw.- gSOTiSn ?gSg lfiAj,Jr ..T.m?AfaiVwifthfi fead of every advertised medicine toanu - iactured in this country. t GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. " FOR THE BEKETIT OF THE File Lilirarj of lenttcly 13.00O CASg.OITTa:fl,50)b0 : $250,000 for $50 Tlie Fpurtk Grand Qfifyym&fc author W ? . M for Iue wnw' qiiue moiKj forar)rioi iwen- tuckyVviB take place iuS Public Library Hall.j&Urfisville. K,l V W W - Wednesday; dec. s, 187. Only 'sixty thousand tickets will be sold and one half of these are intended for the Eu ropean market, thus leaving only: 30,000 for sale in the United States, where 100, 000 were disposed rf forth TijurdOoneert. The tickets -aredivlded nto ten capons or parts and liave on theit i backt the Scheme with li fuJLf explanation! of tlie -ritpde C drawings i- h 1 -. At tins concert, which, willjbet&egrand est innsical display ever witnessed in this countn-. the unprecedented sum of $1,500,000 divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dis tributed by lot among the ticket-holders, The numbers of the tickets to be drawn from one wheel by'blind children and the gifts from another. LIST OF GIFTS : One Grand Cash Gift $250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift....M...... 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift 17,500 10 Cash Gifts $10,000 each 100,000 30 Cash Gifts 5.000 each 150,000 50 (-ash Gifts 80 Cash Gifts 100 Cash Gifts 150 Cash Gifts 250 Cash Gifts 325 Oish Gifts 11,000 Ciish Gifts 1,000 each...... 50,000 500 each 40,000 400 each..;... 40,000 300 each 45,000 200 each...... 50,000 100 each 32,500 50 each 550,000 Total, 12,000 Gifts all Cash, amounting to $1,500,000 The distribution will be positive, whether all the tickets are goldrjiot, and the 12, 000 gifts all paid in proportion to the tick ets sold all unsold tickets being destroy ed, as at the first and second concerts, and not represented in the drawing. PBICE OF TICKETS. , Whole tickets $50 ; Halves $25 ; Tenths, or each coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Tickets for $500; 225 Tickets for $1000; 113 Whole Tickets for $5,000; ,227 Whole Tickets for $10,000. No discount on less than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. The unparalleled success of the Third Gift Concert, as well as the satisfation given by the First and Second, makes it only necessary to announce the Fourth to in sure the prompt sale of every Ticket- The Fourth Gift (xmcert will be conducted in all its details like the Third, and full par ticulars may be learned from circulars, which will be sent free from this 'office to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale, and all or ders accompanied by the money promptly li led. Liberal terms given to those who buv to sell agnin. THOMAS E. BR AM LETT. Agt Tub Libr Ky, and Manager Gift Con cert, Public Library Building, Louis ville, Ky. July A 4w DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Thorouehlvieauipped. 5;8evenrrofes8or-i hiPiteS J. R, BLAKE, Chairman ortne Jf acuity. July 31 4w . SlOllI FEMALE C0LLE6E, Statesville, N C. Rev. S. TAYLOR; MARTlN, President. Location remarkably healthy. Twenty five miles North of Davidson College. Ac cessible by railroad. Session begins Sept 22, 1873, and continues nine months, clos- ing June 22, 1874. Annual expenses, board ana ingnsn umon, paw. music ana use languages, each ?20. Send for circular, july 31 4 w KENM0RE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL. Amherst C. H., Va. Preparatory to the University of Va. H A Strode (Math. Madallist U. Va.), Principal and Instructor in Mathematics. H C Brock, 3. 1, it. U. Va. (recently Asst Prof Latin, German and Botany. This is one ofthe ieadins hich schools of VJrjrinia, and pre sents manv advantaces incomparable with tnor of otfcers. stidents also .received . for the Summer. New session becins Sent 1 15th 187a For CaWilogue, address the We offer the most Liberal; Inducements to energeticlmen to sell Howe 'Sewing .Ma- chines In Maryland, HT$ T'l ana rsonxi i w..w. . - i . require no capital. Address the HOWE MACHINE CO., Bal timore,-Md. july 31 4w i Agents Wanted for the New Book. EPIDEMIC & C0HTAGI0U6 DIS- EASES. 4 ; with the newest and bt treatment foV all cases. The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Embraces Small-Pox, Yel low Fever, Cholera and all analogous dis- eases..; : femUy safe; wittoutit,: i and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The ibiggest chance- of , tlie fseason .for agents. - 1 Address H. S. GOODSPEED & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. july 31 4 w Wnte.r a pneejutto -? -oww, ..GRWWSTiE&Nj ' sMrmnELD i-Tjoiadihtf i TTR!?oftH. PA.' ji'Arl'aCL. '"Ai-?-v-i-isnft m to $20. Rifled to t75i - Revblrfers, $5 ii Uim Matenai. Large discounts to i-" : ft,nns' Annv Guns, Revolvers, c Qi d. t oeejcainineaoetorfpaia ' july 31 4w A purely Vegetable1 Cathartic andonfc, for1; PysX! Sick. Headache, Bilious Attacks, d; all 1 ferangemeiua of Liver. Stomach and lk)W- - tels. Ask yow praggifor jt. Bewajeof - imuauous. , - jv ' TOTZ2GTDADE. WE invito attefitiosrJto tire KEMJCED PRICES of all our tipwins and Sammcr Goods. . Call and tee for yourselves. In order to reduce pur Summer stoci of ; ;: DRESS GOODSr BLEACHED SHIRTING, " ' '' " . . J "v k. :- - - -r . . . --rj. . Brown , Shirting, . v and Sea Island Shirting', we will sell them at such greatly reduced prices as to CO Is' INSURE A SALE. Call at once if you desire bargains. ." Just Becaived, A handsome lot of MOSQUITOE NET CANOPIES, NET FIXTURES, '.(tC'tf.", &'C. HcTX.XrRB.AY & DAVIS. July 20 - CARTER'S , COMBINED Writing and Copying Ink, at TIDDY'S. HAVING been long engaged in the Shoe Trade in this- city, and having deter mined to change my business, I desire, in retiring from niercbatttile pursuits liere, to thank my friends and customers for their very generous support, and take pleas ure in recommending Tny successors, Messrs.Smith & Forbes- as- worthy of their confidence, having ample capital and superior facilities in carrying on the Shoe Trade in all its branches. Persons indebted to the firm of S. P.Smith wiU please call at the old office and settle, and all having claims against the same are requested to present them for payment. Respectfully &c F g. P. SMITH, W. M. SMITH, W. S. FORBES SMITH & FORBES, (Successors : to S. P. Smith & Co.) CHABLOTTE, 1ST. O-, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, LEATHER, &C This House being the oldest and largest Establishment of the kind in the SfateV it will always keep for the inspection of its Customers, at "Wholesale amd Retail, a well selected stock of Boots, Shoes, &c, bought direct from. Manufacturers. Hav a purcliasing Agent always in the Northern Markets, we claim that we can sell Boot and Shoes as low as ariy jobbing house in New York or Baltimore. We' will have in Store by September 1st, 1000 Cases Boots and 8lvosr which we intend selline at prices that defy competition. Do not fail to call at the old Stand oi Smith's Shoe Store and examine oar pledge ourselves to please,, 'X- N. B. We have two large Shoes sale and the otueb Retail, and will give vantages in the Shoe Traae. v - r : aug 10, lnv H - ' ? . J AT O (fipeatesi lediced IPrices IE3o i sisnESjnsssEmS TEMPI! OF 1 i 3 ft ti! how .offer It -i i A "1. -i JS i - " T ? if i i i SFRIIIG AND SnEIIIER GOODS At the Greatest Eeduced Prices from this Bale In order to make room for my large Fall and Winter Stock which I intend to lay in shortly. ALE wishing anything in my line WILL X h and find it to mil ijuiiii sts soon mvfSpilriff n july 6 ly 4! AictiorP Store? Belting, Tools, &cr at Private Sale 11ave fri store a large' Tot ef Capentersr Tools, Leather aadJKoaScr.ltlag as- ; sorted sizes, Files, Screw . Plates,. Reftca Hamnwersr &&t Ac. Abe- a large lot of pa-. per bags, molasses' gates) ' measuresy spice boxes, tc-, &c. Come soon and secure bargains, at the auction store of jnly IS - - - . ' -r ; ,r CBEAUFAST BACOH I AAA LBS Sugsff Cared : Bkfael Rs 1UUU con, itist received and forsaie by STENHOUSE, MACTJlULAY & (XX apl 17 . . , ,. FASHIONS FOR July. All kinds of Fashions to suit everybody a juel i 1 ' JruwiB- GREAT Bargains offered fa Linen Goods' of every description, at may B. KOOPMANR'S. NO. 1 MACHEBElT" JU8T received, a lot of lager fet, newr No. 1 Mackerel. Call soon and get some of them, as we fcave rend them for retail. Also, Bawels, Hlf BaterQiaarter Barrels-, and Kits of So. 2 and Fat Family, Also, another lot of our fine Summer Obese, at ! J. F. BUTTS ang 8 . M.srket, Landrctb's Fresh Turnip See, WE WILL receive iw a few dars a ftrfl supply of these celebrated Seed, of all desirable varieties1. W. R. BURTOCLL & CO, BRASS LETTER CLIPS, at PURETOY'S. -o- Stock of Boots ad Shoes before buyhig.: " f'W. Stores, adioininz. 63f'ic,excluivelv Whole our Customers the benefot of superior ad SMITH & FORBES, THE- AT my entire stock of y o mm PERSONS SAYE MONEY their interest to call liii m as possible rcTc68 out Very Respectfully. , , , -

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