DAILY OBSERVER. JOHNSTONE JONES, Editor and Proprletoi. - - y ;;;,i,r,-:-----g3 pEATir OKUONANIEL M. BAR- ?! Aft(Jf ttldiiglUntli'ia distinguish ed gentiemaa died &t tlicl.GreQlf ier : White Sulphu iSngSr, on : the-Is instant , His dMjsr ncss ltn JlicJbi-iir t a n fa vr .d n w r-i-w f Mends and relatives. "But he had run his cM$cf3nJk&$&, 'lived to a green old agejta Jd-vaa, s t ue hoped, prepared to meet the great lirntihnufoirthliftJ'!ild ivxti recti a lis rfjAiteein member of society, and had served -his coun try in very higfTaiVd important po sitions. He was elected to Congress Amep&nJjrihfewKihc C&urt f Madrid, where he knew the .foung and beautiful Eugenie long before she entcjre&upqnher brJHntfcareer as E nvps or France; lrie tvas a member of the famous '"Constitution al Convention of J.835, which was presided OTe&yfr.ba niet? Macon:;' and at th e tiofGf hiseath h e wra Chairman of the C6userytive Execu tive Committee of th isolate; being the successor to theL himented Gox. Bragg in that important station. these positions of trust and honor h- filltreFerioJ f General Barringer was a gentle- man ofVtlJfeJld sWOC'St erary ttafrTments, and distinguished for his getKraniftndrcdijrrtr4pujp n ners. lib was a good writer:, a clever speaker, and witltal ,0"$ (JCexcel lent taste and fine talent. His loss will be felt, And many will mourn the slwvdirw Mf 414 hai Wpiffl him; Re has gone to "the land oi darkness;""he shall return no inore to his hpus, yicij'hishAll Kis-Tlace know him any more." Requiescat in CONDITIONV THE ORTIIEIi A communication was received by us froni. ;JVIr. Tlios. 'G-'Slaynard. who resided in Charlotte last year, and is now living at Cairo, Pennsyl vania. He gives his impressions as to the condition of th, Northern farmer, as contrasted with the South ern, in the following language: . "A queer place isthis Yankeedom it is nothing to be compared to the Sunny South; the people are not like the Southern people at ,allv .They are all self, and there ' is no' greater slave in the world than the poor white man in .Forth; no nigger South works half so hard nor fares half as bad as they do. The Southern farmers need not complain abobtbeiit,i)borjj the farmers here areputc; ashacljofl , as they 'iftritf Ftf$v : hrak"e'isVllIina-. If a man rents JandU n& had-. to-Gite t half of pverythingr he. raises, arid it takes the othe?1 half to. Ih'eVriipon.-r I have' 'become ; acquainted-. .with ra jgreat nianyaresAalha-Ve;lie4 here, and, their ery is , noth i ng but poverty." ' Hon; I)aniel R. Goodloe has writ ten a letter to ' the Ke'w York Sun concerning, rthc? .recent : elect ioni -iiy this State and the debt of the State in the course of which be gives-expression to the strange. doctrine that the Legislature 6f North ; Carolina' which created a debt of several mil li.ons, was an illegal Legislature, be cause its members were not elected By all the voters of the State qualified by the-new Constituiibrrat that elec tion ratified, p. Iiito-mrrbw's"pHper we will present Mr. Goodloe! views in an extensive form. Mr. G. is xl man of fine intelUgencUlumgh ne aon t believe in the 20th of Mav icciaranoj .ot .nqependence.a ta The Ealefgh News, daily, has un dergone a cbhsidCTableifinlarcomeni and improvement -ArvtattriW.!nU&if i the size o'the SmthdlFkasi w ably cop.dcf d m rxJofagratu- The Virinnia ..Conservativet bolters and - irdepehderttfJ,1 'iti'; respeU;Rlc ,lSTbey5 are.laU, poea nsn ant bw "mcr Vd Wi ' y . ".v ",-.-.r our tricnus uoon thiaivr.; .rin oocianst ioau)Aek-oia 6noRSP.rncTenc:e. iwnicn i ou2iituever- 10 1 r v::;vr r ,itoB broke .tidt7AV2ncttti The raCV editor nf lt'. 'lJ fni- fh linrmifk" News says he read? all tfre-'fedit tfdrcjdjtvMfcn, brevities in the,TtfaiV.'nnf'.; t ui.excepv Kunaay.TMiATternthemrd going throui.W'with Rih'-oV SomA. Jhoald think that even the sprighil 'LJ1 iivsw mina woum reanira tp ' ,ftn,i.Tf .,.. -T?r t k-, n-H-.iiif.iwww ftv.wwrciw.iniimw&iJtre nmetactice,: Thi .oWj. lTMTXl ATOaftn object to make a '.formal r.1lh. . " M ?,,S?ZXliW&Mmu len cent n;V ,WWrw'PW nrarDeUa. orBena- iv-tj whs ' Mir n 'tn'r:ha .;. i -I'vir uuuuu KW.4IA..S -IM I NEWS OF THE DAY. Two horse thieves were hung by a mob at Sedalia, Missouri, a few days ago. ' t nlera.iii in ill mrm Kentucky. Three deaths have occurred in Wheeling, W. Va, from cholera within the past few days. .Heavy losses WSmiJ-eSnltea tl mate cent severe (ralei . wl :? ' The Geneatt?d"o$15,0 paid-into the Treasury this week. Butler's chances are good. The list of delegates now. stands, Butler iS7, Wash- 7 .Koxlnfan. the defaulting Treasurer of Biuukl. u, UllJlJlili; I MIS all daT.gM5nBef?fc?n!,tITe rival po litical fkptions ti. tjiuf ItilJ? fAT khtifwHl ben.4fejii;utesiraDle to f r r m. a-. -i .v .. v teri Breckinridge, - paid vsit aWngiiraBch on tub 0".'TIUi serve in thief .cfetoii waHpe cfj iiVecrjgvli'aiit and' cordial one. Oake"A--s' brother and execVitOr says that his estate will not settle more than $2,000,00p; prHy JMehira wlij was estimatolfnsd&fli" lienet result of all hjs Pacific ItaUruad lacerations and speculations turns' oriiii positive loss. ThcirmTie Jifr gailiw&SmTOiois'ebainties for effective work inh(jpyeigilIctJoi. 0 ,4 A telegrjwn t.o the At;torucy GctiiaH trcwV the United States Attorney at Louisville, Ky.f aiiuoaxKies that theJLaCEferJiabtV'aTllPjn ed by niai I report of.4j.ie Ku-Ehix'wlf-J what has been- tHihlisrhed-"con cteriiihg, the said outrages is true that they are even rworse than already r4p)rtS3. STATE EWi5. I-'I1UUJ-1JU 'hv WTTV send"spm$ of, the, trpops s ow-atWIMl XJeri Brecluhtaa'ge, paid' iGrantv arsbcitt. .. . ..,Jletwe llon': JV Bartihgeifs jrTs rentnrnsMerfei $n0&1egti b a ve? been, taken to' Ilalei miit.. - - i ' r " ' . .... . ..: r r ., : distinguished sxm of our Stat,..hasJ a cceJptetl tb e i n V i tat ion t o d eJi vgb k& aduress it, tlnj fceeouU Aniuuw Jrnr of ; the People's A. & M. AssrvciatiOTf to be held .t Hiekorr : on 'the 20th; ;:i n : Hi IV. 1' on the morning' of the 23d years and with the respect mid es- teenv4f H'fwhknow FiinKTn'fj; Journal. J, -iiuo f The ' RAWiiGH.-Tlie new Steiir ship, which bas recently been' con structed Ibi the ' Wilnlingtoi . aiicl Baltimore trade, arrlyed. ,yesterdj.w'.. after two 'o'clock; her'appealanee in our waters'' for the tirst time being greeted by a salute of three guns from the Company's-wharf.-- The Baleigh- is a fine screw propeller of G03 tons burthen,. v as built by '.rohir S.. Beech am & Bra'., oF 'Baltimoreand'cost $75,000. Sh Js commanded ,by Caj John S. Oliver. The-comnan 'now have four fine steamships running between tlvts pi)rt And iJjalUfoore'. and we learn that a daily" line will pro bah ly? be4egtilisnc&; &V aiSinl 1 1 4a v. Wil.Star. aonn Jiiiiwaoaanw ner oi uxrwriertvei in he;voul is. h-eadfi5Wf4t was recorereTl ltiTrtghth-axjeti(tes! ot . mat aitiUfiuetlwjiWier aim gjnemaenjawpe. t o .thiQ terms oTeeBSeritri th Geny eral will get ohe-foiirth.iif the tiVoiiey' winch will be 7o,0XX. Jince- Ell wood's death , his fam ily have , Jbeen oofciried of thedeallf 6f "a ririltion by wh ich th ex . w i ll.beoo mes daij Bsse-J sion oi anotner large iortune. loia. t .v L m , m ' - - --- - McDowell court commenced its p.. ii,o : rA-.f.j. ti'cy-tu'i j. jciui'oefesiuii uii-xu-u-iiuny ,iiJt! -oiu moi Judge. Hen ry presiding. JMembersof the'bar present: Gov yance, Mernm.cffi, JiCeE It S Gaither W Humph rey, of Goldsboro ; SCW imtep J-jG Bynnni; U F ? McKesson A C .HLverj of Burke r G N Folk.' of Lenoir; Col R P Armfield, of States-. ville; Col J S .MqEIroy, of Madisoii; Capt V A Welcl ,Hay. wood ?Cdls Coleman, Allen iJavidson, uapt'M riVt. '.T '-AT s .Tnst.lf P flf KnthorWf. liUA M SJWn;.Jl.MtflOt.C, 'Hntl f v v X uiiiiijs. ulr-iiicuun-ii: irjM) - rffr gnts-League,;buttitr is -supposed n -.a w.it --i .. w vi i 4 iv r.ti : l k.-jv M.4CMAIUA.. . - -. . v - . .1 .. . . . SOth and '31st 'of October.; ; GpV.iO.r Vance needs no 'introdiictipn tf? the, peoplf f Wes'ttf PicdUoitt 'JPi'H.'"' . ; ' . . v, t vrm:VN.1n: Was a native oi- this'Stat'eiaviiWI J.th,e. coittterfeifc. jTln tV& "tfoVd been born at Favetteville, Febriuiry Waslnngt(ilin)iH tTie- counterfeit 14. 1792, butuaatasided in.Jxuusmnal -ther black fibfwm the since the vefllS68. Ila dii-d full of hist stoke of thererWr1-' W forms .i-T- --H--BT-I i ir ii m ririi it i mi iTifr i I'll nm i ii j i ii i 1 1 ( 'K. i. t- luimnuflii. wrirtnrF fr?pm..i vjmi vu vj- u w Miat! Was h 1 n n.on rt tT TJi o xTTTTvP "Ti gera.of .eMViuiby the-Jres. TELEGRAPHIC. FROM THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIA TION. SO VXIIERN AND A TLA NTIC JLINE. GOVE; Anniversary, of the late . Franco- IfcWeen- the- Gentnne 2f awapcl Swat. raTh e lximiTJgFoT ;aCcusatiiiiis ri(1J:53tS)3"en int&depy prABnneii& itoens.ABnfc: jcrAVrges are upkMi8PiJositwJe -rtiatr a commissioner is to be appointed bV the Common CkHmeil to investigate the matter, ft is ruBtt&ftH m.f lirti; ''Mf liJH City. the'0! Poll .M l " Kvashixgto TifcSCJiaAllow- iiig is a destr1 bn of flie ciTfference. een tl fceMiiih'-a'nlllh'e " c6Vrl- l . .... .'.ri VV f tlie W hand of the femsUe.ij Ui&ttt9ts 11(1 UU Wl IIIV, J vj)ite linfn1 i xhe con in f thir ' prffn J rigure'i IsriMe'oh iterfeit ove the 1 lover part of thir'pMnfWtn'e hw4ri 'toW the second riurft Jf?ntsnninnS ,tie up shdo.v lb uprightrirrjlYtte'Wactc and im Uv apel of the coat-on the- portrait of itaams in the cauQtl0linorins an TiMLiu , iu,nitr( tenuine VMP ,y UfSijliq hiirvfid li me'rlitSlt theT)Utf(Ul.i,iUitk coil n t erfeit , a re .ii-recul an m tilYa t Bf. I '...iJ:i-V. f,iVJ., '...- .ixk-.t. i it viiAMnt'irvi-ciHiiini ii Vililtl.1 HI lilt I u ur me Ft'J'YT' T llllSjfc the;,b()WQaapintt1ieriiUf liftjnote it.lorins a eurve In, 'the ruled sbswrliirg'nVHli the right hand .Stroke of the letlcrWV.aind over i.tye! letters "A" ancfhS there, are four ruled linesih the-coifhterjeitt here aw Imt three 1ii:;tbe1Loiime note. Under- the letters trA' an(t"S" in ,the word "Washington," in the counterfeit there arc-five ridedr lines: m'thcuieiiifrrf'Jl are-bHt foil? Also, under the letter'" If" in the same woivemra fotTi?TtTed llbes in the couTiterfeitin.. tive genuine there are butithree. At the bottom ofrthe letter 4-F" iirthe;,dej3'omina tWnititle therore:n rfrrdff tfhes in the countefejt; x thftgonulndtilrarfe arc sixjwfs';,, ,Thijik)Civli3!ed-'6brb or; the left ot the nortrait-isiKhif hS'lfTi'p5 Icniiinej-iliut'. wifHcnt 1 color in the couriterteTt. The red seal In the gen nine? is pl?!f)M!! delicalb&:MfIiti colot; UliaMllfllerfeit a brifck olor and lias a heavy amieiU' anceJmore ecHSlr)?r1feKysrnc tentiinfS4Wc&' If Hr.IlJLiL U L1J HMSER1 b brought to -A WX -y "V V- .'fVJ4WIA fc. 111 w L I 1 Mil II M. A mry or tne iaLe. J?rancor ; . . a JWi7Uirary p?ine capture or , . IHf scratch v mnsminisVrtr (VliVkl,$.hWel to sfee'the'diffe'rent chifdreil to their . re workand -hitterih on flie biick vpllsRef1! fu'VfM ro,oln vuu vvuuiviiviv, MiLiU imi VAiit Ji 1 1 I nn ifT, th Af,l! U perceived. ..u .vbvuutt,,.!,.w.1.ji 121,;: ''i The nW urasonibTfen bill 1 Lucii tfTitl floli-.li lit Urn j-lirth-rntvl.sV-.7? .Vriyii .,-1 and iMHmimt ml I rnL.i.- :fi"Ji.i..j.liJi. te;' !t1 1; 'nei ifcreasiiry'i'tiisoirreemcjits at tashingtmf1ast 'thhtWVnmhled, to tsow: M,Ml v :vt n 'L'- u .i-yJJ''Vrniftvtly notihecT iThe-y6ung ladies are a rJ.?"r uVPT K)P1Nwyr6rtf, haa:.been .elects troller l i.,! AjUi. t . tv:.-i i Eight persons have been killed unfl fiffiPi. ,wMdlKv YBTiiluVv Whqn,rd to observe a lady like -deportment Hdeh'ti ii.yLuKuinbJttaffl;i 1 T" "7 " T 2 J -." 7-.".". -FOblS -.llDHr Ktmt fPfa&$M:-ln lmsceiices contnoutea to tiie-1 Vyashingtxm Chronicle, lion. H( C3 L ...i., ',n a.?S. JLaiH' :e speaKs as ioua-wiMs au- 1o ii. A-p i e2a.iJ.a tciAlinf 4v.A...i,i, ft!edI(. the corre. B8ttrlprf I 1 Idtttf pu tei iab4rre ar 5th i . .o? tu. . u i-h.-tirLr-LVZ i ll' iiTi:nm riHuniHN irrTiTi it- Tno L J: .i! t Jii.. r-JiKi.sT died 'jby - me at the i unit;, iiiuuvju;riv.r iu ocuu iiim e-hm,aJrrtriQnlupQffny ietttSritf te4ediAdly fepemteHm..T,He. sKot.Mt.! Vim rangerousr-fv nhnttius vTft ii i. fmonv im i.f5ftW:McZf fVflaJ? rt?M iiu . iv;.hcj..uliiv .huh iij-j I. T I"","' ""w..v uia. uittUIJ. The Augusta otton Pool. Up to last night there were no fur ther developments in referenpe to .gotten 1 uu ltfTnis citv in March' las;, than were given in the --Cbn7'i(leo(ifpn..Sataf!day. OntDecial de'SDatw. Vt&tedJBaturdAV . .30tHf juiO. Piiy?h SuA(UytEare the dfe,show gAe-rcp 72; to be o,6 j4inipe Iiniber 1st, (317,536 bales against - 724.189 bales the previous year. The Financial and Commercial Chronicle is published only once a week, aud, juthe vTOataxi to the iuii)al.i(k)p4)f mnhTiJmxy be m ad e bv thpL tat.PPnf P""1""'' ,TT nanpr-nnthinfer Will beTcilOWn of the agtCJZaruX JuiHtf -eDou- next Tuesday, one weekfroni to-day, when the issue for the tQurrenL.vvBek will by the committee paving charge of fciie in atjer; I'dts'iQn can" be m ade un tfcM pitain ingh e reports otelttlrpattiNe ports, o v eaj a n dfiien tsyjpinx6diisun3 p tiorq ;fefe w , gciei.re4'f?i twe ay tlii&tbtIa.Jby tele jgrami indwhfdH tvilln dicijie who wi If Sthe winner of 'the pool.' But last year we did not get t t UafiwrMkofTtlHT .stRifuA crdMuntlra :i4Gi otStipterriber aVd if isrol- on tf H Mbnw-&'A i fi?off v?hiti i;ti m atedWAf?90ftOQOh.tesr We cann(nig5ye?fio has e WHHirviiWlinercie, on- e liulivigiUr.BBfinwoies being cogn tut AnvEjvripiBifT-3 9teyrhoiT to His Potii si i lrraenas iu imnotte, ir. V- '1 .(t-.f'-LUl - M t ppssf sses the, highest ladniinisthitivf uritu tmiv Ti it vlinr lnliJtj 'inj - lioa nuiHn hi . rsgw Nbennnarjvsecond to none in the ebontry. IumyivvllnEiim)eI have'sei'h1 no-Dcncr oi9r; i;sikhi mane tnc insnrnte CJonefvatory(of llsic, connected with ti e aboveneof thelealing ln W he 'South or North. TI stitutes of Music le Conservatory .MS aejftmtw building next to the main sua different studitWAhtrlWhenisic lcs- soiis). ujiich w the case in ulnit all In- jibdjiuicp Mr youn laiyia miicii 1 Yisuoa. NMpfgy travcis ,nermanyf Austria, franco, ty ricol'a nada ami -Uart ot the I in ted States of Aincrica ThV mc6hodj)f teaching inlopteti" in the fiat tieniiKiry ls'thc same niiri . ' . -- i r5iied4n the University huVienna. where fluid tUa honor ofrtcciviiignir cdticationi a r With that clear discriniTnatiorwliicJ Jlr. Hobgcnd's otfi audwiif'his ass'otrnife principal", Prof. II. ,V. UcinhaiK (WW.) eniible them to exercise, thev hav.j eeiectccurne ioi lowing corus or reacners Xisses S. C. Walthall, Caroline Smitl and M. I. Norton. F. P. llobood, A. M ., the rinclial hiiysolf teaches, the aiieiem langiKTjjcs and moral pln'fosophv : Mr. H. W. Relnhart (W V.) teaches mathematio iil natural sciences. jIrs. II. W. llein- imrt lias-inare ot me prepara:orv nenart JTnent. Misst5. L- Waltrmil KU'es smsmifr essons ; I supervise thb uca "departinent and teach all other branches ot art and science of intisic. The professors and teach ers are all persons of experience and dis tinction in their callinir, and it. would apem that nothing ; has. been ' left undoni that can contribute to facihtatcthe acqui sit ion of education. The curricu!in em braces: Knglish. tuition in three depart ments: Vcical and Instrumental Music, Harmony. Thorough Dass. Coniposjtivii,ij jBstrumentjitfop", Kethet?c find jAcmistiis'j (augfl-t HI XVngllsil, ijei iiiaii hiiki r Jt-UL'ii iij eleven departments ; Oilafuting Wax work ; lawri9V!t audftilisUieirkj;jfeek; Latin ; ' Froitch and Uernvpn Jaiyguages ; .theutafres; JS antral Wrerrccs, embracn g pits; Astronomy, Mineralogy and (Je i and Ikfral Philosophy. Th 1 inora.l and "religions education of tlie pupils is of paramount importance with, tpe. lrinci pak. The pupjlsjlajT jKqinrtS to tttWrid . . & B. . . . i I . . . . 1 . i . .1 ncf 1 , Inc. t .1 T . - UCu t'lB ill inc uiui iua , ui::iitui.v. vi their narentS.'?' and etiafdians'are appoint- - i.;i. ii r - n"!r wuicn i e jou..g lauies are encour- aarcd to read uai vi ao,iriuote,cuomv f clWthe pupijs are required u Wfei&a prescribed unitbrni on dress occa lioTJS.' The boarding department is- wider t tlji'lreonal supertistbn of the Principal Thv?JTVi.ble.r6 "i&ip(.fed with an abundancn or -weti servea iooa. ine uormitories are .ih J . i rx.i a sptrcloiis. confortably furnished, and well . vMrtilated- pjthte prosiffidrf fc butde5 foi' thfpK)i)ftr care and treatment of the sick. I iTi'case of serious illnpss,f the best f medical .fc.fln wif K X . f ' ; --.'-Uw.t ' : - j ' ..i. strictly prohibited.froni cOTres,bnding with irtMntrr Vi,vn n. v n. ,.-.fiJs. , .,rrrvj.r" ?UMUU " c:iem. xTie! Henior uiass. inwevsr . ix I;linwid. tiv1i!iv(Fi W-tf.irnf-' WnTi?rtn lh?fr'tas re- i.tn t!,oo A l, , A -..! r tn rnttop rn Ltsiireiit 1U ablo.thujt we n.isjvvnpt know for soii u .V tr V'!"' HVHittn f ivj io. As' we have previously mentidtiejd1 iza n t tbV'esUnil?.'-ioiisf ionaliit.lv if .i'JiJ , The !Mcip:il;of it,' F. V. Ilobcooilv A: 6 'iiiliccotiitthshinsr this laSt-VMectrhftre me. teachers of rethiei. And tclcsant manneiv.: who wilVrqfe any viohition, of .gooo ir r:: IJi;!.;' "?-1. . "u",u iers,-imu gire. necessary mstrutitin discliari'n')ir social duties and cul ting fh'eir feenfefe 'of propriety, hoste, SeMV1 Music ffttfse'6U'i pontes 'for all studies are as low as tlipv Itded4. is one of the mnst hoauti' ftil mi. rjlirigyilifeAWthleniselves in lady-like nuiuis. wnum l iuirnan !i8nnnr m rf tpaaD'goovi, apie and learned teachers, Mgufch t(ftfe4u mstTi&l&K 0) ?ciwsrWfib -Jlumffinrer-seea.iIte healthfulhesraYid railroad facilities, eoV, at euuiii- kurcb.priy- v tnose ecuhcer .Wa- rocuns Eecitation zooms nasium -will 20 feet. $m&. ei-traWiHWmgrdev'Otda eiclii thereby WweMnaejKWi)M gooa t " -. ---. , rir .- : gMmillnii . : . i - r :: -rii I -jtr - in j , . v-"--,. wm. -r-'f 1 the Jjastftutet?pihi. hildith'i ptipiW re adrtpr- will i ei i ir fnifi.n&...i . . f . nose pupils sufiJcientl-r ofa-Jndre-'ttl- w5 sbeak, taidr tiertarrn,'!' i ' wili 1 affordiner them im nnnorturil.Vl'io' capable P; P. Hobgood, A. 31., the Princi pal of the "Baleigh Female Seminary" with his unsurpassed staff of lieutenants. there is no doubt this Initotinnifc dm-iimuls. tu lUinrihA!mericaTig'ati home to learn Arts and Sciences instead of going abroad for thatrmrp9se. . Cotti(0ring all ihe abftf e, can you take it in pad rt-whehj I left dear Charlotte j?ob ! of Vienna. miliary. fW 12th of August, A terrible liorricane yisited the Southern part of Hickory Township, last week, nrostnitirrarTtrfftYan fences ami doing seridint damage to the rnrnrrnn. A 11 iniminm. niluiiii c or vater felr;welling the ere rilMilnstitat4tm iWl nh3ecf: bvV.Uie. VHJfMUJ. irjiiE-yi A. -. i CS A. IkJ OIVQrtU jahdifor tuaCfcu-ie7 Hie. .. , Jfis bcnrHi-TVifnVWl' ' DCAiyaen cue apes -right - and! 1111 nil- -w - " IM viio j.Ypincwjaerparemsv nor.p; 11 i . ..u-u-m J 'ft nor iatiirdsiwilling to aid them1. --'XsertH' CbiiCfcfecllOToTy" to be disqaalie4 foKwBrlc; ht Study; will mado ttbotPrifeipaf c,rfh.ns,,rr to.Ui ..apemielV(1tht fh'' Ralfeigii,, apdJ nearest Lodge; br By tliaTrnVan of the ltrt-nl ...ri .j;m.. w -IrtlltllfljJtim 'J ' ,?V' sluJcl tatelfe jia hiei'akry adomi tion of a childrom? The irf 6st"4iWlv "ar the mQst.w&lcome. m, ''V J.lf. SIlLLg. ... I NOTICE OF EEMOVAL. -.T----rviirvi tome large aiul C01J1-.J Mi trtuijze- a. 'snia.il ii.rw tit ilP MllV llin , ' - i : .,' Ha v i ng a u pl! store ' Torinv I m Vci t er prepared than ever to handle rM'uitrr ro jductJ, and iiiIf.cases' Will iM the.'liest we can for OHrpat-ohs. 'il5"'"-'l' ' ' sriv4...- : i . i;:1:'! I-- - - 1-L' 1 ' ' I t 1 1 -i 5X) doz Eggs, 500 lb Honey, 1 - '. , . ' , 500 lbs Decstias:, ' ' ' ' " 500 fes FaflMjrs.:(tiew)' 1 KKjO lbs Fresh Brater; . " ' - " 10,000 th$ Dried" 3ttat:k berries, ' ;,; 10.0001ts- 'IVaclies aiicl Apple's The hhtle. t f ices fT' fo. tt ahpve articles, ii nicely (InedanfJ select b. tir '-. THE DTAIONB BSi " EVfl 'R0iTRT MY- ONE MAX. BY -tE J. rI"IIIS thrilling story, -written especially l i tor Uta Weiklt, will be eonmieVn ed in its coluiutis on tatiirdsyr Jrpt. 13tb, 187:. ' ' - j ' Subscribe now oaty $i.5& a year less than three cents a wbek for hit eight-page home paper. , , . Office, cirncr Trad cand College sir?., over Wilson & lJlack's. sept 2 2t NOTICE r TAKE this method of ntifyirfg the JL citizens of this Township, that 1 have been sworn in as Constable, and ;rtill( tafc pleasure in transacting any business 'tn- rusted to nie. s,qn 2 2t JAS. A. JOX1NBTOX. THE 0Tj KEIitABI' Southern Sewing, Machine ESTABLISHED IA X867. ; The oldest house of t he . ; Kiim in ti'RpaotSold Vt.rHtnl'. !' i-. in mow i ma- i J 5i-r .unit;.;' ' ;fr:bhiesH)last ia-.-il;:.:- '.'J t yeartuawaii J l i others com Agents for that eclebrat(Hl machine, the r n me i stiinrTEiE, , , the best chcapnitjclrfae ii:th market Agents wanted, call on or artnress A O tsSwSfT Chafrofie, K. C, o tjajyft- ,y aug 3t . ; ' Chm lotte AemfJ flHEsaioVolf;&wScnd and patnons' L of. this . c'lipS, is .respectfullyl called its nop(mtyg;oi I'Moufjay, Sti4thj IM nils will be1 cTiaTvpd only frum the time of their entrance, but if lea vin before "the t seion lias closed, they v.J.e-!.- io pay to the end, except in cases of their ill- Ptrons and to ftiG.mQflttl ftdaaental-iJukftre1 1 lima UvnMnn n U1A WlfilTSUDI , HH' TKI-' !.- " -i Vil'. Ti h.,-, ' l,Jl. Mv. clous but; rrgiai., yw;m9. Tpomiirjv tr - fcytfe&lMfesn.HwitM Fyjpartii'ularsaijd m, apply for circu- wr fa - - . . - - jiwaguju .p.yR::., --v-Tincipai. .on St. .ill ! nif n ;i m-.iit Lin iti. . i i,r,u- T mrmFfIftbScbdlamy rTbVldil41ir9 iijoyi5(L ahd liotBtfcftytM mrHiioral, as .Wi HteHtrVtrahiing of the youth eomjalttia ft Iris care, to merit ation ot tne same.- r t . - - 1 " J 7olorn..i.".- - .p1iij.ri 3C IT1 vf Pl'.f-T. -foTi ft"i .Tr'r i fuiti . rui i f ir - , - , 1 mm 1 - - i ?--- qa.raiina.ciirliB desfrgrrf-' t4ffibt:4riS uraeeftd tome it. l f V ble. 1 sliall atatt'tfbif. rH-1 til llliklro it iur iMocrewor CTen-body to s--l am tteterimil' to ki-ej pufb' a'lid- T I, hahle goons, wh id. f a.u Tearl v. to .'wumujt i as repflisewteu arxt to st'irat lI r..,c,..n.-.-:!l. 4 Buildnl PflLViiiphf Af -RwilJ.ulS. u'r, yviini: -win mmmMiM nif iivyr-ivi" 1 . f -vj wii yvi cow; tuui evp" . 1 . IU llll lllll Auction Store. -BeltiBg, Tools, at 't of C.n rwnf... jl iwia, xx-fciierMjiu jiurruer. ueltin' a.v sorted sizfiles, Svew Plates, Renche. Hammersj Ac. Ac Also a large lot of au jOTJbagnwla8s5 gates, measures, spiLe Ikixcs, &c., Ac. rOmie soon and secure bargains, at,thy acti4n store of fir due a K r at iicdix - it fi A A ngaj-em3ftrriaat kryJ Jui:mivKFand for sale hv IT: TtuVT&CO. FOR July. All kinds of Fashions to suit everjbody-i-U. juelO TIDDY'S- GREAT liargains offered in Linen Goods of every description, at NO. i wackekeE! receive!, a lot of lare, fat, new 1 iVlaikerel.-! Call .smn and f... of them, as we have onoNil ! letaif. Also, Ikirrels. Half Uarrel. , Quartir Barrels, and Kits of No. 2 and Fat Fninih- M Also, another lot of onr tiiie-SuniiUM Che e. at H . . , . ) .. : l m ELTT'S aH2r, BRASS LETTER CLIPS, at I'UREFOY'S. BY BUYINC . Iljl.E, Is JE W ' . . - i .... t. i if' ii !!.. So! d pn Monthly Payments .7"E cjaiin ami casi show that it is cap:i ll le of Ving,alargcr range of woik thai, sihy other; easier ti learn n, and the riifvt simy.lc ia its -n.t ruction. It is rm-tphutii-allyi tFte fet and chcajKt Family .Sowing Machine. 1 1 rims- mho thl v. 1 iloos from th pj mcpt: tn iRi tlfTf tiv- tcorlc, vrith equal facility and perfection. We' ttrHt tluily ask all le. iring to purchase a first das staiidaril iuai'-hlne to . call ami ip.xaniine for heniselres 1)efof'jpttn:hnsi:ig els-ewhere, at our sales niomon Tryou street oi)ix)stt..f iWf 'OmW. Siftress II. ". TUHl'IN, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, X. V. fP. q. lUi lJ. ,.Agers Wanted. 7 : no irral AS S Xntili. h .MSwtarl, XV W. R. HU R WELL i CO. CARTGU G IOMEIXED Writing and ' Copy insr Ink, NOTICE. 1 873 ' 1673 FALE Alt D WINTER TRADE. T F. ;irc , now. tcctm Ting onr Fall and Win- fl L .1 ! i ir.ij icrsi!i( id wincii intr aiiemion oi Merchants, ai)d i'lawt-Ts; is respectfully in Tited, conistiiii bf the, mllowing lines of heavy -dint fa ni'v' groceries ':" fts Hulk HaVo'i., " HW Kiklls heavy bagging 21 to 2j;ti)s to yd 1000 Dundlvs- Arrow Ties, 10 " Fine UverpopLb'iiU, , . 2U0 :S3M$ttiiOm and Fair, rRbls Sugars, A Ex. t,..penierara and Porto Rico, ctjuiis, iiousoonn irii.r (kY . ivosS'i'irii...iiW.nl. Entiles. rrt-i' ,rT - - ioo leases i.ranuy i'eacnes . r.,(.Uystei-s,- id) fXoHukcts, 2 and 3 fc)p!, tfifl ' 4l..J,-. , ,LTlluliir( iiiics Fish,' No. 1, 2 and 3, :irs, Fair to Uood, J .;..lriobaics aiiil' Whiskies t 00 Boxes TohaccoVN C and a Brands, 100 X C Corn, Whiskey, . 100 100' '50 Va jVlotz cclehratcd corn ' vrhiskev, -Ziegler's Rj-e Whiskey, ahmrthgahcTa Rve Wforskev, Zebyfcmfce u iitli w " Apple Brandy. 50 .50 75 ii 14 10 u Scuptcmon: TTfno. '"O trilch' Brandvi? Pttti- Maderia, Sherry, H.ackW'Tawd-jtbtntaf Wines" of best ipjaKty alwiykiiU . U t iu . AfWyV lSdVI Opeii-Throatr Curved Vt'attaciJ'hrc4e4FlMe to tfno vorip - $ jer y;. can l"ft waa om. appiicac i:n;;ii;.imtsTf). tro.. Growers' & Cotton CBAtHis.ion , Itlercbawt. iraue otrect, uiumoite. &. c. .;rri aug L..YjckviIleETiouirer and La.heastpr T ed- rtuipY suu ai&cuiiijrHe-ionner jiuvenisc ioent, t .. !....! ' ft,. l T-.U".'! .7 .MU ltc P w, i y V. . " 800 lbs biinttjilJami; 20O.-tK.-iiuty-tfii crriVisi 200:tK."Iilitt-tfil rrins-fif.n"itifi trflll nnn. to desire tbill.-firHliV lol.;x "aug 22 b.n; SMITH. 'nvMif.i THE. HIBL.I:. snM4oi 'ISterc: f,!ocrat and Home topf- J n. ' f T v ':'" .' . - r . - . . tf ecetVT Sale , T? s - i a m l v i biir: iji . ai-.-iiiiifi an ,ihii jijl-b -X the tas LSt4fen aeaalSxittSSfli ' E..JL Froft m others, I will sell by pub-. I i at ,tsr,'vr .T"r-3..i. citytctf (aiarlste-oivrTh arsday 4hli'bir' i.. v .1 rJin-cnl orsti' DTI. VTTll FASHIONS HONEY SAVED - t :.i.l ' -- - r. . ,.-. - iril .-lifr. . !.'. i-'t i ..iu