.m i j. ji i jnj,. u juwp i jp j'j innwiiiii'" 'nrrnwrrrnrwi -ir n - n -nrrifjrrrr- " r "t,,,i t 1 n n r-j'-nn-fi it ti -"--r-"' - ti n mrrnr-t r-T "ii mnwiniiirnw ' jn "wr tmwn i .-.r-. . - - r-s- sr., h w-- ? The Chaiiotte Otoserrer. VTrBr ttncn TT" BATISS OF ADVEKTX8ITrC." One Sqnare one tiinel... j.:'.i.$f 00 ,f2 ?.tVrrrT."T.'3 .ioox .sax; JOHNSTONE JONES. t . three aaj9.MmM..MMM.M... 2. 00 four days.....v...w 2 50 one wgelfc................... 3 50 s oa three weeks, 6 604 one month, ........ ......... ... 8 00' i KATES Or!8TTB8CRimO Daily; Oriecar in adrknpe, 00 Six months, in adrance,',........,V..: 3 00 Three Months, M tranee,;..;.... 1 50 One raorith-! fat advance , 50 Tri-Werkly, rie year $3.50 Weeklyi one ycay.vA:v.y.T.vr.?rr.?.vn.,rl.OO zar wntracr Cdvextbsinfint UKen. ai , r proportionately low rates. . Vol. IX. 1 .rcnif. 1 ' CHABIIlKiaf iFRtDAir. SEPTEMBER 5, 1873. No 1,419. x ivb wiumw esiunaiea as a quaner-coi-. umn, and ten, squares as a half-column.. inti i:.! I fif?tlf VIIU. 17 hfl; VfSiinii'M :i ' . . , i . -.t - , , , . - . I )- , iff'-! - : ill i il I.imROR OF FASHION. . C fX - I iJS 2.1.1 a I 'C'A v TO THE LADIES'OF; CHARLOTTE Surrouiidin WE take great pleasurffltrnmnotincing to tJif Ladles of Mecklenburg . ana other counties, that we have established in . s ' CHARLOTTE, : i ; . ; 7 v; a brancli of our laclies suit store in Phila delphia, and as our business is only pat ronized by Ladies, we have secured ,kthe, services of tatties' to wait 6ii our stdm! ors. We manufacture most of oursujts at our establishment in-jPIiiladelphiaiand lire therefore enabled: tp 'sell;. them, at sur prisingly low prices; - we Vhave now on hand a variety' of Iadies . Fall and Winter Suits, of I he very, latest variety of suits, . styles, and also a great BUFF. DRAB, BROWN, and WHITE, which we will sell, 'considering the lateness of the season, at less than manufacturing prirrs. . " We also have on hand a variety of L,a dies' Wrappers, and Lima, SiWnti -Cotfwi Lace'Sacqlaes also, a large assortment of - ; Beautiful Shawls . of al in oft even- description, and only lat- cst styles which we will .ell very low, as xve are. now receiving weekly, Indies suits, bliawlsand other' articles suitable for the Fall Trade. We would be pleased to have . the Jjadies call at otir . : JIIHROR OF FASniOX, to examine our Suits, Shawles, Ac., and we assure them that, whether they pur tha.e or not they will go away pleased. . BLAW & EINSTEIN'S Mirror of Fashion, two doors below Tid- dy's Book Store, Cliarlotte, N. C aug 22 ltu NOTICE. 1873 1873 FALI'A!U.tlfINTER TKAD1E. lfE are now receiving .our. Fall and Win IT ter stock, to wrhieli the-attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consistng-of the 'following lines o heavy and fahev groceries : v ; I I 20,000 lbs Bulk Bacon. " KKJ0 Rolls heavy baring2i to 28fta.toyd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, 0 - v 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 " Fine LirtoolSalt, 200 " Gffee. lViiiie. Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sutfaj iraand 1-50 Syrups, B quseaifdImps, 100 " SardinerfS f ?t: Vil.& 200 Packages Fipo;. li'B)fl 20,000 Cigars, , FaiiAUb6d- ;r Tobaccos and Whiftltles a 200 Boxes Tobacco, N G and Va . Brands, 100 Bbls N C Corn Whiskey, "' 100 Va 100 50 50 W 73 25 10 Mo'tr celebrated com whiskey Ziegler's Rye Whiskey v Monongahela Rye Whiskey, ! ;Zeb Vance- " : 1 Apple Brandy, : : . , ' Ginger ' ' ! Scunnernone- Wine.- f- ' ? ' . -' - French Brandv, Port, Maderia,: Sherry, Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store. ' ' j , We are agents for the . sale of Thomas Wynn's Improved Open-Throat, ' Curved Breast, Premium ane Diploma ' COTTOX GINS, With attacfca ftVclAitikorieft5 W lti? world -r $A per saw; can, be had on applica tion at our office. ;. , -r ' W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO., Grocers A, Cottons Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte N. C . ,. aug 21 Yorkyllle Enquirer and Lancaster- Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. r? , ':. : ,7 ...... BUEAKF AST BACOIV. 1 AAA LBS Sugar Cured Breakfast Ba X V Vi v " con,' just received and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 17 , ; V"- - FASHIONS FOR July. All kinds suit everybody at jue 19 of Fashions to TIDDY'S- Receiver's Sale. T)Y virtue of an order of the Court in AJ the case of Stephen C.Johnston aerainst E. H. Frost' and others, I will sell pub lic auction at the Court House door in ithe city of Charlotte.onr Thqrsdayri the 9th of Septe"mber, 1873v. the . followingpropertyv viz: One pair of muleaTne;iGriryg Horse; ana one Cow cajfy Term? cash. Mi 200 tioxea Adaniautfne Lanoies, 150 Cases Brand.Peaches I L lo0 " OysterXx 0f 100 Doz Bucketsr2And 3 hbot5 I - lui "' '! J. ; ')' . ,flt--fmfllPlfi ! 1 ir OHARLCyrTE Ni'C. HA'VE 'latelx'rem'ovf1 into -piy. new CbrYisim aha-Bti'crffV TactoH' jOri'th'e c6rJ -At o ' . . .1 f ' . ner of Trvon and Gth streets; -aha ani pre- ' pgjed to execute wofki with neatness and tlespatch. .My stQck.is large, and my as sistant wontnien are masters ottbeir traae; satisfaxAion totny tustmdrsi' ' 1' haVe:a' experience of Fifty Years in the business. Addresai:7f i,t JOSHUA TBOTTEfi. jutie)L4 3m3, -y, Charlotte, W9leydrv fehrii'le institute V TJlie 2-ltU annuali session begins Sept. 25, 1878.' Oneof theTfirst. JOols for iYounicr Xaies in. the ?uthV Twenty-Uiret teach- ahd,pBcers., Scenery, rgud.;, buildings elegant':' health unsurpassed;; feeble con-. stitutibnsJhere rest0red ; pupils froiii all the States' frorti Maryland tb'-Teia's. lizard and (CoUtwefTuJtioii for seholafetio year, $240i For rcrftalojrue of'.Sl fages .address RevJ W A. JiARK,IS;Pidiaut,taunton; Va. ; , , f , . , y aug 6 Ira- Srsi Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAJSEELT 3SI!EJ)ICINES., T)11EPAREI) cCxpressty for, and fadopted iii ito theSotithenl t'tiWte - J lOQiVmUND EXTRACT GOR1TDAU M is the most powerful and eincient ai' terataye, and . blood-purifier, known, pre-,, pared! expressive for,.. Scrofula,. Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions 'On . the Skin, and all diseased Vliieti 'are1 produced by bad 6r healthy Wood:1 " ' ; ;: - C 1 ' GliEEXElS FIT CURE,'1 cures all kSndsr of; Fits, Spasms and. i Convulsions which .arise, from irritation,.. off ; the jierve centers. ,, i'n.Ei&ps.y:it often -stops the fits from the nj-st day's usc,veyen where , they lave ekistea for years. . MEMOS TED ! HONEY:1 1 The great remedy for Afcthittar Bronchitis,' Coughs', Colds, vCrouiv Sore Throat and. all diseases of tlie-air passag.es :and nmgs. x.aoes,noi sicken ,. the; tpatieutfjs pleisajit ,to kikc. prompt in its .atJont does ,noti nyare.rne appetite or impair digestion 'as mot ex pectorants ilo. ' . , . Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC ' is n per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu- matism, and alltutiscuhir oi nervous pains whereyer;situateu4i . f i ,' ; i , : -r . These medicines are. prcparediwiui great are, trom , pertectiy renawe qrugs, aim tortne especial classes oi aiseasus iiiiuicu on each bott'e'J No one of then 'is' elaim ed as a "cure all;" iThey are identically the same;tlurt we have used m our private practice, for vears.and in thus recommend ing them, to tli cpublw we know whereof we -affirm. They, are safe, reliable .and Try thertr and vou? will want wo 'others. Ask your druggist ioT tnem. ' For ' sale by druggists generally. Pre pared only by -i -i ; ; i i.' DRS. GKEES15, LISU1.V;UAV r vt r N. B.-HCancersv Tumors; 'Ulceris, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES .at Charlotte, Golds; boro' and Asrieyuie, rs.iU. .june,i4.fyr JOHN A. Y0UKQ. J. ALPHOXSO Y0UXG. NEW CLOTHING STORE. -'-' :": BY ' ' :'::"'." J.1Y0DM & X the ist'of 'dctouer' proxiino, we pur nose orierilnji the Clutnin-busmess in . hHirt Hfnrf on the east: side of Trvon Street, in Charlotte,: fourth door above the Charlotte Hotel. , a Our 4AotkAvilLbe xvcry .piece - Keuk, selected with care in the Northern Mir I K,r A-tJrwrV!n imd wiH flriiii. 1 prise a varied assortment to - suit every want in our line. Therefore allure inyit-, kcl'callWd exaniirie V hetherwu-aesireTotHesy iot xne-Ar- tar or the Opera, the Field, the Forge, the Plow, the Shop eheMioei j tevpr bnyi ness to suit vou'with Jwharyou want in article of good quality, and' at a fair price. Trr us Jitld.iufhrclls. V; - -r? "y6ung:&1onf.N: 'JO ang 21 KENTUCKY Located at Ashland, the Home of Henr' Clay and OM Transy'lviaiia.' ; ' 'Sixf colleges in operation, with; thirty 'professors, and 600-students from 2S Statics- S Entire fees far coliegiate year, 20,icoept iri the Ivaw, Medical 'And Commercial Colleges. Boards iug from $2 to Jo perfweek. For catalogue, address J. B BOWMAaiegeiit, Leiing ton, Ky. ' ' ' augl9:4w ' . - ' ' - - Caroling 1i$Ujx$, jistiinte,. '..,. chalotteVn;c, ;. ;: V; ; v ;, , WILL be opertcd on October 1st next; J. P, Thomas, Sup't.,' assist eel byj Gen;,Ds H. Hill and 'otrfer tsririipetent ifcstrOtfb'rs.; Terms inoderate ' For further informa tion apply to ' the7 undersigned for ' circu lar. . ''J.P. THOMAS,' Sirpt. " augisimi,, ,, ;-,;,:;-V-;V,-.n LORICK LOvVftANCE, Columbia; tc.,;.' ! :; BUY Cornt!Bori,! Fiour," Fruity (dried and ereenf Onions, -Potatoes, ,Eggs, Oats, Hay, ajid alsp receive, consign-, ments ana maKe liDerakuasu auvau, Our connection with the nOtels, and con sumers gerirallyVariltfe jobbing trade is . . . ; - ' i 1 .... secona to none in iujs : , aug 261m . r ,.T ! TTT! . I U I GAFFNEY'S STATION, A. I B.. B. 100 tCoWA Lots for Sale at Auction mHE Depot is located t Gaffney's 6ta- tiOn on.tbje.Air: Lime, Lota of various sizes, will be sold at Public Auction,, dn Tuesday tAfrijxoteptaDete a. hf. More than ouw uaies oi cotwa win be brought to thiSiDepot annually: lood mountain trade.. Business.men would dp well to attend the sale.- Terms liberal. ; 1 H. Gl'GAFFNEY, - J.- G; GAFFNEY, , " aug 20 taw2w . . , . Agents MTEBSITY fi BEAT Banrains offered in Linen Goods lot of w 1 41 - hi O Fi M. S H E L T O n HAVING greatly, increased bis Stock of FURNITURE ; which consists in pari OI, , ; ' , , - - J. ill i l ' Parlor Suits. Black, Walnut ' ' . painted Chamber Suits, ' French ' a nd Cottag-e . , Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, : , Washstands Teapoys, Folding ' . Tables,. Ladies Work . : Tables,, Extension and Centre Tables-, AVIiatnots afes, Excelsir arid Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and, Stools ; of : various styles and many ibtiier things not necessary to mention. , The Undertkers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest; Hexigari Head and Foot Walnut Casket Hid f -Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved style, will be kept constantly readv for use, all of which wOl be. sold at a most reasonable price. Returning many thanks for past favors I most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who .hate need' for anything in my line to give me-a call before purchasing elsewhere. ; South Trade Street opposite the Market Houses Charlotte, N. C- jan 1st 18731y F.M.SHELTON: P,. SCARE, P .S3 a id ; CD o B CHARLOTTE. N. C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. ciioice Green and Black Tea, . j t. 1 ; SCAKR'S June. 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just receiyed' A lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 ' xrug btore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 ' Drugstore. BRAITH WAIT'S Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Pai t EX VI, January 1873. Just in at' TIDDY'S. apl 10 TO HOUSEKEEPlSaS. . V vuxw auenuun is caiiuu io iivbii ui - 'A- rival-ot uneiy uavorea ivasieu vouee, byjyhicu a trreat saving is effected apr 14. s . SYMONS & CO. HANDSOME Stock of Real Point, Crape Collars, at - -- and may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S: 7 RAND Assortment of Fine Laces, lir at : B KOOPMANN'S. mav-9 ' ' WEST CAROLINA RECORD. Published Weekly, at Rutherfordtori, N.C. BY CLEND-ENIN & CARPENTER, ; i At TW; Dollars per Annum. The JtecQrd is published in the interest of no ring, party, sett or creed,, but tabors for the elevation, improvement and good of all. " may 31 ,3ms. DRIED BEEF. riJIIP.Beef of the very bestquality, cured J in tho finest, style, no bone in it, cuts smooth and rio loss, and can be recora- mendett to be unsurpassed by any tnat we have seen -before, at june 13 J NO. F. BUTTS. FUTVATE BOARDING HOUSE. KS. A. W. MITXER gives notice that IV I sTip is Yirpnjifprf to accommodate a number of regular boarders. Her tables is always supplied with the best fare to be had in tins 1 snarfeet ; tne rooms ire airy and beds clean j and ; pains are taken to triake guests comfortable. Terms reason able. . ' ACABD. HAVING bought out the entire stock of I. S.. Henderson, in order- to get the house for a Jewelry Store, Lt intend to sell the goods off at cost. Come" all and buy confections very clieapvas. I intend closing them out to fit up the House for myJewel rv Store A. HALES, Tryon Sf.'j next to Tiddy's Book Store. FOR SALE. TT7 TT.Ti 4w nffipr rnitil tliA 20th of 8ei VV teniber .ensuing, a very, desirable property,- pleasautiy" situated in prime neighbbi nrime reiphhbrho6d on Trvon street. Gc1 garden,- excellent well of water, fences new and buildings good oondi fioij. Can he rented out for $350 a year. .Price.$3500: Gallon - . w v : " , . . GRAHAM & NASHj .. Real Estate Agents, v aug 3 - - - . . . .rx)urv.puse. 1 - -....-. PAPER nAGS! f '.y-JiP AAA Ponor Hsun from ,2 in 1ft tbk. U U U just received. Also, another India Rubbe: r Pipe-e terns .from 12 to -AND- Z.- w la .i it - . - .. ..- w U . RIGHARD ADAM, EICHMOND tli' - ., i i I'.: - i t 11th Street, Below ilain, 35tJL3jErisfCCJk JLJ jJ-raj ManuTicfer Of all kinds!oi BreaddakeH and Crackers. Wholesale and Retail. . Nor charged adelirery - tof Goods to ' Boats or j i oars, j :rq Charge for Barrels. . -. ;,.. may l if. POStATCABDS, ' " ; POSTAX CABBS ! TtTILL t be printed;) with' neatness- and l dispatcn-atuie - : f Obsebvkr Job Office. EVERY 'Merchant arid ' Business man should have his name, address' and busi ness printed Ppon the jostal cards which he may use, ' The work can be done cheap ly. Vail at the Observer Joh Uroce. BAoaraa and ties, &c. 50,000' Vardb.Jleavy IKoPstic. arid Barred I5,t Bundles Arrow Ties, 50aSacks Liverpool Salt. ' 100-Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stoae and fcQ;arriye and for sale bv " . : STEI?HOySE, MACAULAY & CO. Stt?ar .and Coffee, ; . 100 Barrels' Sugar, various brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise, . for sale by , '!:;'- STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO. : " . ; -. . ; 1 . Molasses and Syr up. 60 Barrels ConVmori , Molasses; 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale by r , .. 'Mackerel. '. 250 Packages New Boston Mackerel, j ust received at HOUSE, MAtAULAl & tU. aug 20 ; 10,000 June 29 PAPER BAGS at PUREFOY'S. CHOCOLATE, Arrowroot, Gelatine, Pure Ground Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon. July 23 w . R. BUR WELL & CO. COME and look at the style of 1899, at may 9 B. KOOPMANJTS. N EW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, lu boons and Flowers, Just received at MRS, QUERY'S. mar 16 CARMINE and Violet Inks, at PUREFOY'S. NEW FLOUR. Received this morning a Lot of very Su perior Rve Flour. For sale by, July 2. SYMONS & CO. FLOUR. f AA SACKS North Carolina llour OUU Fresh Ground, just rKvived at STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO S june 19 Braithwaite's Eetrospect OF Prmetieal Jttedicine and Surgery, For July, 1873. For sale at ml 29 TIDDY'S. v BOLTED MEAL, Another lot of elegant bolted meal, needs nosiftine. but is white and beautiful all ready for quick baking at J F BUTT'S Market. CENTRAL HOTEL, Formerly SCanaion House, H. C. ECCLES, Piop'r, CHARLOTTE, JY. C. june 81y ; , NOTICE. AX the 1st of Sentember we expect to re- VJ move Into onr large and commoaious NEW STORE ROOM, two doors east of 1 r . our present location. we are ouiiaiiig with an eye especially to the Grocery Busi- ness. and our House, insome respects will have superior advaniages pyer rowi.oi tuj;i Grocery Houses iri the City. We intend - - : a. . r i.i to keep it stocked with a full line of choice eoods and. will dispense them to our cus- toroers at as smau a margin us any huhi in M itv Our facilities for Storajre will be ample for soft to'1000 bales of cotton, and we re spectfully solicit consignments off Cotton and Produce, which will be handled on liberal terms and guarantee, prompt re retnns, '"','''' ' ' ; ThanVftil for the verv liberal patronage I ftAatnwArl ntv mi for the last six vears, we respectfully ask a continuanceof the same Resnectfullv. GRIER & ALEXANDER. August 15, 1873. , A t jr. s.- yrxtiA amson a ik von can find FloUr to suit you CO'S. . Salt, 1 You Bacon and a choice lot of seed oats can find choice trhitc corn by the bushel WVW". - r'r-r. . or by the car load. k T J. SJ Williamson & Cola, von can buy iL a 2nd Iwnd cooking stove, also a small, stove for an office. -, i t j. 8, Williamson & y Si y" can seu J' any kind of country produce; yon can store' your cwttori.orir, grairl or ahytbing else you wish arid get an ' advance on the same on liberal termsi i -Will ship your J cotton for yon and advance: money Jon it. In Tact we wena to ao anyiiiuig uky- erything to suit the people. , A. H- CRE8VEUL, . Grocer, ma4 Commission Merchant, CorTrade M Cnurcn Sts, Grajr'a Building . ii CHARLOTTE. W, i Ct i X 4 if j in Charlotte, I feel justified in grtmtee-- ung satislaetloa to all. . ' vfruip' tia1 'K trin .ThAninMt in IviSlTnMOi 1 &L 011088 that ' will Ot Ofllr , PleaSC DDI In- smoiiTon house. BTATESVliiliE . C. ftlHE,, Proprietor of. . the , above Jiamed 'JL' Hotel resnectfullv invites' the neonle of Willi spare neither pains wee. mowey to 5H? BIMONTOHOUSE a fit otott ,HOTELy:and worthy of public patroige. ,i- i nov 25-tf Proprietor, R. F. DEALER IN' i ; , I ' K0i 4 WEST TEADE STREET, Oppositp Bremi BrownA Co'sv Dry Goods store, Metalic Burial , Cases, . , Caskets; Spring ! Beds and Mattresses. and a fall assortment of Furniture, always oa bsad. . -June 21 i , , : ..; , ? exceiiou ; the best is the cheapest ! ! ! ! ' ; i T O P LA NTERS, TlfE Offer the following Fertilizers: ' VV Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and -vvatson & Clarke s ssuoer-l'liosDhate. , Wfe have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers tne above: nrst-ciass x crtui To those who riave used them so manv years we neea only say tnat tney are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous Irish standard; ' 1 ' ' ' ' r ' ' ' And to such as have not yet used them one trial will convinefe them that they are superior to all others : so make sure of a supply and please ' hand in your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. For sale in any quantity, by . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 . . , Encourage Home Industry. KAA COTTON Seamless Meal Bags 0JJ made at Frank linsvule, N. C, and for sale by " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. apl 11 ,. ... Charlotte . Institute lor You n Eadies. t tt nrr itnriw tv' n 1 Mas. V. S. M. CHAPMAN, ) iroCTPals- Annual session commences 1st, October, closes 30th June. -No poessWe efforts or ex pense will be spared to render this a thor ough, substantial school.. Payments half pupils, save at the optioii of the Principals. For circulars, oaaress :: R. H. CHAPMAN, D. D., aug 14 diw3hiw Charlotte, N. 0, THE "SILVER TONGUE" !.;'! I 0 R G A N S For Parlor Cnurcn and School. MAJftJFACTUBED BY E. P. NEEDIIAITI & SON. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. M.-ntvm KT V Nos.143, 145 & 147 East, 3(1 St. . X. espoHsible parties applying' for agencies n ectaons stiU" tmsitrphcl.- ill receive i - - x pr0mpt attention and nrrai lnaucemenw Jarties residing at a distance from our au thr?7.Al Affehts. mav orler fronour fac tory. Send for illustrated price list july 12 Qm. ' in RE AT Banrains in Black Lace and T Tjimft Shawls, at mav 9 B. KOOPMAN"S. TWELVE Thousand Cigars, i ' Just received. at ; It. BURWELL & CO. J. N. R0BS0N, Commlsston Merchant, Kos. 1 & 2 Atlantis Wharf 68 East Bay, GHABJiSTQ & O., , Wavi rier Amrile mians for . advances, i a .... . wn.. VAOV. Bu4 illliaillCHl . u. r. j . I connnmK bim'self strictly to a.ComraiioD Business, yeithout . operating on b own account, respectfully solicits consignment of Cotton, Flour,' Corn! "Wheat, etc : i Bhippers oi rroauce louim imy, k option, hare their Consignments sold eith er in Cliarleston orMfew .York, thus hav- MS A"5,'r" - extra Commissions. . BishopW. ;M. ,Wtman' ,S. C., Ber-T. G. Sqmroer& Bs pTennCoLWm, John son,. Chaflotte;N: C, Hoh. John P. King, Augusta;,- Ga., Messrs.'. Williams,' Birnie & Co.; K. Y.. Messrs. GV7) WHliaros & Co., Cbarieston S.C. ' " :i J' i'f July 19 GEOTaAL , BABGAINS, . Tl orders to make; room fb al heavy ' fall A-trader we ,irul i pargams ? m- every, 8nre,eadJ, le Call ioonand exatnine j3 J k, THE CHMILOTTE FAIR. J. T BUTLER I t NEW GOODS. Watches, ClocliSi JeweH ry, Diamonds, Silver and Platei Ware,, Spectacles &c , LIUSIG BOXES AND MANY ot: TOO to EasrTxojr. -AT J. T. BUrLER OPPOSITE THE BXAJfSIOX fWrfniiOR5S . . . . ; .' I .' THE BANK 0T HECKHUfBTIRG, CIIAKLOTTH, N. C. Authorized Capita $500,000. Jas. Tv ks ilk. Txte,. President, Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst- Cashier, AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Cliartcred Under Act of the General Assembly and duly gandaefl under Laws of the State of ISorth Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Baiiking Busf ness. and furnish; wcomrnotlartkwa to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject t6 . Check, d will Allow Interest According i to Agreement on all Deposits lett on time, : or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at tlve rate f Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over miny ; days. ' . UoUt and Silver Uoin, .million ana Bask Notes J5oeht and Sold. THUS. YV . UVu WJtl. jan. 1 1S73. Cashier. NEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily and sold at & cents each, at maxO PUREFOY'S. Flour, Flourl THREE Hnndred Saeks Extra and Fam ily Flonr in store and for sale by STKai-fclUU&lG, JUAUAULAY & W. feb 1 ; Just Received k T McMnnray & Davis', a very large ami J. elegant stock of Ready-made tlothmg embracing ALL THE LATE SPRING STYLES, mar 21 tv. n. n. nousToif & co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS and LIQUOR DEALERS, TRADE STREETj ARE daily receving large atlditions to their Immense Stock, consisting of Co See, " Sugary Molasses', Syrups, Candles, '-. Soaps, Soda, Salt, Candy, Crackers, Oys ters, Mackerel, liquors and Wines of all kinds, to which they invite the attention ot the .Wholesale, Trade, ..guaranteeing prices and quality of goods. may 29 . Hew Orleans Sugar and Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice 441 " Molasses, ' Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, ' ; 2 . t " Molasses in , store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. , dec 17 , ... -i - JUST,OECEIYED. s PA BAGS Coffee, tQO Sacks of Salt, 60 OU Bbls Sugar, 100 Boxes, Soda, 100 Cases Oysters', 60 Boxes Crackers, which, we. offer 93 low ai the lowest. -Wi H. Hi HOUS3N &CO. ' may, f'i JUST BECEIVE1X; -A' LOT of French Note Paper with En- XA velopcs to match at t I Till III them. McMURBAT & DAVIS. July 26, - JA ME3 H- ORE, X of everv descrintion. at 0 Inch long just received at A CRES WELL. PUREFOY'S. aug282Usep3 iieceiyer. mayO . a. E,OOPMANN'S- : june ID PUREFOTSr a$ 13 if june 10-?