i ; 7 '4. i ...V ':..'' . 1 The CKdrlbtte Obiserven : , JOHNSTONE .JONES. -Office," Bryce's 'Bunding fr'Streei, RATES OP ADVERTISlNCi' "; One Square on'tiMe..,MM1....... i oft tVO d&TS.. : 1 Hi fivdaysvi.i,..;.,.. 3 0ft bates or fctrBscairnok. Dally, One year in advance .......,$6 00 Six months, 'in advance,;.. 3" 00 Three Months, in advance,;,.;;..;. 150 One month, in advancV..!...V..V.V;:V 50 Tri-Werkly, ene year...; J.. $3.50 Weekly, one vear....,........;.f .f...;.;2.00 two weeks.u.w..u......... 5. 00 n cua.nni ivi.no .. O iAr j,OBftlWath. ' , .L.tr Oft, Xferiac Advertisements taken at Vol, IX. CHARLOTTE N. C.KMVMKt! SfeEEMBER ! 1873: proportaottately low rates, i : jjive oquares estunateo: at a. nunrfr-ril. umn, and ten squares .as a halfolunin.. Ml, TAILORING RldHARDADAM, sinoiiTon A" , - - .-;llLii;ic.r -. : ' t .-- -, . : .. . 1 - "r - 5, . - - - - - ' -J..X ' '-4. r!Vif' V o ' ,. - . . irhN 13 K!l;.'ll lit It-It fill .11 IP II M IMl'll liy 111 iFTi f I LI I I II1!' IIV lV 1 LIIRFiOR OF FAS THE A', TO, THE -LADIES OF CHARLOTTt Surrounding Counties : WE take great pleasure lm annour to thr Ladies of Mecklenburg nouncing and other counties, that we have established in CIIAKLOTTE, N, Ch a branch of our ladies suit store in Pbila delphia, and as our business is only pat ron ized by Ladies., we have secured the services of Ladies to wait on our custom ers. We manufacture most of our suits at our establishment in Philadelphia and are therefore? enabled to sell them at sur prisingly low prices we have now on hand a variety of Ladies Fall and Winter Suits, of the very latest styles, variety of suits, and also a great BUFF. DRAB. BROWN, and WHITE, winch we will sell, considering the lateness of the season,-at less than manufacturing prices. -We also have on hand a variety of Ladies' Wrappers, ... . : ,1 -- - - and Lima. Silk and Cotton Lace Sacques also, a large, assortment of Beautiful Shawls . of almost oven description, and only lat est styles wbich we will sell very low. as we are now'receiving weekly. Ladies Suits, Shawls and other articles suitable for the Fall Trade. We would be pleased to : call at our bate the Ladies TTXIKROK OF FASHION, to examine our Suits, Shawles, c.. and we assure them that, whether they pur-, chatc or not they will go'away pleased. BLAW & EINSTEIN'S Mirror of Fashion, two doors below Tid dy's Book Store, Charlotte, N. C aug 22 lm notice' 1873 s 1873 FALX AND WINTER TRADE. WE are now receiving our Fall and Win ter stock, to which the attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in-J vitetf, consisting of the following lines of heavyTlnd fancv groceries : 20,000 rbs Bulk Bacon, - , " 1000 Rolls heavy lKiirgjfig2i to:21Ibsto;ya lOOQ Bundles 'AtroV Til, 1000 "Sacks Siilt, - 100 Fine-Liverpool Salt, 200 44 Cotfee, rrinie. TJood and Fair luo Bbls Sugars, A Ei. C.'Deiuerara and , . Porto;liie", , . j . j vr- : i ; loO 44 'Syru.Kiweaitdprips, 200 Boxes AdamantiueX'andles, 150 C;ses Brand wPeavhes, 150 44 Oysters'," . Doz Buckets; '2 and 3 hoops, , 100 Sardhesv ' ; 200 Packages Fish, No, 1- 2 and 3, Tobaccos and Whiskies a SPEClAtTri ;!'r" 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands, J00 Uhls A C Corn Whiskey, , . , 100 Va 100 50 50 50 75 25 10 Motz celebrate! com. whiskey, aegier s Uye, Whiskey t J ; , Monongahela Rye Whiskey, , Zeb Vance '. " . Apple Brandy, , - ,.,';( Scupj)crnong Wine,. . v ; Brandv. Port: . Maderial i Sherrv French Blackberry and California. : Wines of - best; We are agents for fho idle of .Thonias yvynn's Improved Operi Throat, Curyed """"i ' remium ane ui COTTON GINS, VMtli attaclied Circle "-'Flrtfi.- oten ,to the :ftV, Nyorld ; $4 per saw; can be had .applica tion at our office.-i W. IV H. HOUSTON & !COl Grocers & Cotton CohimssionJ Merchants Trade StreetCliarIotte"NC;w44 YorkvMll&'Ennf2i'mft4Hr'I Br cupy ana aiscommue lormer aaveraso ment, - :: I BUEAUrAST BACOX. I A A A LBS Sugar Cured"1 Bf eakfast XvVVf ' cori,just received and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY &rCp: ' apl 17 .' t"tl v'f1 FASHIONS C 1L ul .... asmons ; to jue 19 f BY virtue of aiv order of the CouttHn the case of Stephen C. Johnston against E. H. Frost' and others, I will 'sell by pub lic auction at the Court Honse door !n thi city of Charlotte on Thursdayi . the 9th f viz : One pair of mules, ; one Gray: orse ana one yow ana aug29 2tsep8 .- --. r JAMES H: ORE, Receiver. ,m ;. . AND nATS. r;;- J. B. PHitiLIPS BEGS -to inform the public' that he is . nowreceiying the most complete stock of Piece Goods ever dffered in this market, consisting of Black and Colored ULUTIIS, Doeskin Ca88imerea.r Fancy French and English Coatings of all colors, Scotch and Fancy Cassimore Suitings of all kinds, which will , pe either sold by tne yard or made to measure as cheap as the same class of Goods jean be bought elsewhere. The attention is especially called to my stock of v Spring: Cassi meres, for Boys-. Wear. READY-MADE CLOTIIIG. Having determined to'iuakeJ-hiB a special ty in the fututerioffefthe public a class of Goods winch lor; style" and pnee cannot fail tolrfve satiafection.inidi all r&tdd& enar- an teed to .be as represented: . , Boys' and CJuIdrefl's 'Ciotlung, for all ages, and in great variety, Cent's . Fnrnisltingr . Goods. In this department will be found a full lihe of goods, such as cannot be found elsewhere Jn this., city, embracing all the Latest 'Novelties in Neck wear, Lisle Thread and Guage Lderwear, Kid, Silk and Lisle Gloves, Hoisery of all kinds, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Suspenders of all kinds. Hats,v Cai4 Unibrel las, Traveling Satchels, and i fact- everything necessary to a gentleman s or youth's complete outfit . My mends and the public generally are invited . to give me a call, and I shall en- deavoT to merit a continuance of that gen erous patronage, rwhieh thev have beeri pleased to extend for the last 13 years. apnl li : J. o. PHILLIPS. CARRIAGE & BTGCrY PAtTORY. J0SHUATR0TTER, CHARLOTTE, Jf. C. T HAVE latelv removed .into mv new JL Carriage and Buggy Factory on the cor ner of Tryon and 0th streets, and am pre pared to execute work with neatness and despatch. My stock is large, and my as sistant workmen are masters of their trade; and I have every faeiuty fur giving entire satisfaction to mv customers. I have an experience of Fifty Years in the business. Address, JOSHUA TROTTER. june 14 3m "' Charlotte, Wesley an Female Institute STAUNTOJi, VA The 24th annual session. begins Sept. 25. 1873. One of tin? first-Schools for Younc Ladies in the South. Twenty-three teach ers and officers. Scenery grand; buildings elegant; .health unsurpassed; feeble con stitutions here restored : pupils from all the States from Maryland to Texas. Board and College l union tor scholastic vear, $240. For catalogue of 54 : pages address Kev. W. A. II A KRIS, President, Staunton Va. aug 6 lm J)rs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopted to the Southern climate. , " COMPO UXD EXTRA CT COR YD A L- IS" is jthe most , powerfuL and efficient al terativc and blocKi-nunher known. ,pro nared expnisslv for Scrofula. Secondary Syiliiiis, Eruptions on tihe Skin, and all diseases which are produced Dy Dad or un healthy blood. - "DR. GItMSAT&B FIT JURE, cures all kinds of Fife, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the, first day'Vs use, even where they have existed for vjears. ; , "MEDICATED UONEY" The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds,XVoup; Sore Throat and all diseases of theair passages and !&ngs, . It does not rickeu "the natient. is pleasant to bike. prompt in, its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants hi. Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per feet specific;; for, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu niatism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. ... . . These medicines are prepared with great cjirc, from perfectly reliable drugs, and tor the especial classes ot diseases named on each bott'e. No one of theni is 'claim ed as a '4eure(:ail.?' iThev : are identically the same tliat we hare. used in our private practice for years, and ir thus reconimend- f XI t i i' - 1 1 . C uiz uicni hj iiie nuonc we Know wnere we affirm. 5 They are' safe, reliable-and efficient; acting' quickly and thorough , . Try them and you win want no otners Ask 'vour dfttceist for themi' ' . For sale-bv druinnsta ecneraUvi- Pre nared .onlvbv..:. f-t i --; - tcj nfrvx-w t tv n r w Xr nv vtt pv K. B. -Cancers. Tumors; fLTJcersi-treated ia heretofore hv. JKLINE'SG RE AT i CAN. CER; ANftOTF.atl borp'Aievi;, C. , iune 14 yr A- Bm ,NtSBEI ;& brother A ,REI Dal'y receiving' frislSTlpP" of jr. GROCERIES.--GNFECTIDERIES, TOBACCO SNUFFil CIGARS.! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRUITS, .PRIZE CAN- i f We buy for PASH, and select pur goods WeftelerytbatM-'t6-itlie:'kefosr public &r pafc ypatroriagi, and hope ' by t 8inci awenwo io me wanwoi xnerpeopje to still continue to meet tlreir unproval. , ; natter ourselves mm -we wm -piease-aii that Hvirn a ttllL ' J ' ? TiUtll nt-AsnlandJ the IIoW of Henry Clay fttidOld TransylTaniat i 'Sis colleges in operatiouawithr thirty .prpfessorsj jand fitto Rt.mWt Trmii 2: States. Entire fees for colIegUte Vear; exceptrlh thLaw, Medical and Commercial Colleges. Board-, lng from 2 to $5 per week. Jfor catalogue, address J. B; BOWMAN, Regent, Lexing ton, Ky. , augl9 4w TEAVTIFUijitspiay oi jiett tiorn muia rJ3 Rubber and Black ,Garhett Setts; at" . fliiiy ' '--BKOO?MANP8:', 1 . . CO 5 o at- F. Mi S H E L T 0 II HAVING greatly increased his Stock of FURNITURE which consist, i iart oj Parlor Suits. Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, Waslistands. Teapoys, Folding: Tables, Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables; Whatnots feafes, Excelsii r an d Cotton Mattresses? Chairs and Stooh of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the inest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved style, will be kept constantly ready for use, all of which will he sold at a most reasonable price. Keturning many thanks tor past favors most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give nie a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON: F. SCARE, o &- a B CD S3 CO CHARLOTTE. N, C. Proscriptions prepared at all hours ox tne JLay ana night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCAUR'S june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market; at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drugstore. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. V uuk attention is eailea to a rresh ar- JL rival of finely flavored Roasted Coffee. by which a great saving is effected aprlL SYMONS&CO. HANDSOME Stock of Crape Collars, at Real Point, and may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. A CARD. TJAYING bought out the entire stock of 11 I. S. Henderson, in order to' get the house for a Jewelry Store, I intend to sell rrrwhr)i rflpo otujf -na oil an1 Kmv confections very cheap, as I intend closing them out to ht up the House for my Jewel ry Store. 'A. 1AL.ES, Tryoo St., next to Tiddy's Book Store. JOnJT A.YOrSG. J. ALPHONSO YOUNG. N EW CLOTH ING STORE. BY J. A. YOUE & N the 1st of October, proximo, we pur- J pose opening the Clothing business in the brick store on the east side of Tryon Street, in Charlotte, fourth door above the Charlotte Hotel. Our, stock will be evtry piect Xewjiand selected with' care in the Northern. Mar kets, by one of the frrm r and will com pnse a vaned assortment - to suit eyerv want lii our lifte." "Therefore all are invit ed to call alid examine. ' -Whether you desire to dress for the Al tar or the Opera, the Field the Forge, the Plow, the Sbop of the Mine, it is our fcUsi ness to suit yoii with; what you want in article of good quality, and at. a fair price. Try us, ahn udge ns. - JOHN A. YOUNG & SOX. aug 21 Carolina Military Institute. Uv. i CHARLOTTE, Nv CV ; AVIIJ be opcnexl ore October 4st , next, JP. Tlipmas, Sup't assisted Gen D, H.Hill and other competent instructors, Terms moderdte" ! ,JFof further' isforma r Hoh; apply to the undershned3foT circtt- l r. J. Jt xia3iA. upt. aug031mj , I .... Hi LORICK & LOWRAflCE, CLUMBI:1,: S; 'a,' ! BUYiCkrBvBaccnui FlourFriut, (dried and green) Onions, Potatoes, Eggs, Oats Hav. &c. and also receive consign ments and make liberal ca -advances. ?sOur connection .wiMiwnoteisjtma con sumers generalh', and theTobbing traq is scoona to none lnsimpecwun-i-iix l,Jatig'261m, 0l S - OAFFNEY'S STATION A. IA.11, lQO?TownCLotfor Sale at Auction X 11HE Depot is located at Oaffney's Sta . tion on the Air Line- Lota of various siics.'will be sold 'at Public.' Auction,' -bn Tuesday1, the 9th of September iext,f ; at 10s tti nu More than 5000 bales of cotton will be brought to this Depot anriually.4 Oaod mountain trade Business men would do well to attend the sale. Terms liberal - H. G. GAFFNEY, J. G. GAFFNEY, aug 26 taw2w Agents. (BmnchT6i6BRiadiand 152 'Main,) ManufectuTcr of aUT kinds of 3reaf Cakes f an4 Crackers, Wholesale a4 BAaiLr No cnarge tor delivery or uooda to BOaU or Cars. .. C&arge for Barrels, c .V.., j Maylly. POSTAX CAJiDS, POST AXi CARDS I WILL - he : printed .with neatnera and i dispatch.at the - ' - J. vVevi:i Jos Omci. EVERY Merchant and business man should have his name, address and busi ness printed opou te postal' tards which he may use. , The work can be done cheap ly, yall at the Observer Job Qmcej ,w BAGGING AND TIE$, etc. 50,000 Yards Heavy Poiiiegtio and Barred iiaggmg, . 15.00 Bundles Arrow Ties. 500 Sacks Liverpool Salt,. r IG0 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, hi stoae and to arrive and forsale bv ' " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO- '' Sugar and Coffee. 00 Barrels Sugar, various brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise, for sale by. . . , STENHOUSE, MAUAULAY & CO. molasses and Syrup. GO Barrels Common Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Mackerel. . 250 Packages New Boston Mackerel. just received at STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. aug 20 ' 10,000 PAPER BAGS at PUREFOY'S. June'y CHOCOLATE, Arrowroot, Gelatine, Pure 1 l.vnnnrl .'eppcr, liniger, Cinnamon. V. R. BURWELL A CO. July 23 COME and look at the style of 1899, at may 9 B. KOOPMANN'S. EW Spring Styles Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons and" Flowers, Just- received at 1 MRS. QUERY'S. mar 16 CARMINE and Violet Inks, at PUREFOY'S. NEW FLOTJB. Received this morning a Lot of very Su perior Rye Flour. For sale by, juryz. piMUiXis a FLOUB. rAA SACKS North Carolina Flour 0 U U Fresh Ground, just received at 1 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO'S june 19 Braithwaite's Retrospect OF Practical Medicine and Surgery, For July, 1873. For sale at jul 29 TIDDY'S. BOLTED MEAL. Another lot of elegant bolted meal, needs nO sifting, but is white and beautiful all 1 1 1 . A reaay ior ouick uiiKing at . . J F. BUTT'S Market. ' CENTRAL HOTEL Formerly Mansion BTau.se, J m C. ECCLESj Prop'r, charlotte; w. a iune81y - - ! 1 ry. J ; ' rK the 1st of SepferoheTVe expefcf fo rei intn tmr InwidrtHrt TnninioriioiiS NEW store RoaMiajorsi3east of ur present location. we-aTe ounumg wwn an ere .especiaiy. wiyw.jtft-Hnoiisible.bartleB- amoving r agencies ness, and our House, insome reapect-vwiu have sHpeTior advanmgcs'oveT most of thet i Aor rr rna Grocery iouses;m ine xavyr we inteuu to keep it stckedi with a ftrtl line oTchoice goods and will dispense tiiem to our cus tomers at as small a, margin as any House in the city, 'v " ' ' Our facilities fiar Storage will ample for 800 to 1000 bate of cotton, and 'were-i spectfully solicit consign ments of GotjOn ana jrroauce, wnicn win oe uhujcu vu liberal terms and guarantee prompt re ret uns. f . ii'rr - f" M: .,:.T'v' Thankful far the veTy . liberal patronage bestowed ori'us for. the last, six years.,. we respectfully ask a; continuance of the same'. . ? a : . . GRIER A ALEXANDER ! , August 15, 1873. ht WixiAalsd:' JX yotti&n firid Flourtd stilt fcfc : ' ha t tiii:rtt hf 4mmh1 natM. ;Yo jii v. mt vmv.v " . can him enoKerwuKe coi..oy;w-'yuww t or by the car .load-: I . - - 4 'a. 2nj4 liand cooking stove, also a small "i'.T JI S.WHiaroson ttoVyoacan aell il any Jdmlbf comltry pr if v k' store your cotton, flour, grain orjWJVtbjng eise yo wiw same ottlibetal cotton foyou ahd adtaucerhdney miat erytb sTifrifjm. Tinm nf tb mibTiV ;rratwn!ri Tf avins hfld .CMTATwn(nn in hnsinesS in Charlotte, I feel justified in guaxanteeV irnT'Rflt.isfnntirm tn nil."' A. H. CUES WELL. aug 13 ly ."We imena co aor anymins mutt i i "" v. 4""" -: rr;"2; mH .Proprietor -of: th afcore named A, Hotel respectfally invite the people of unariotte ana tne public generally to call on him- when they visit Statesville. He will snare neither Dains nor monev to gS?i?e SIMOTOt HOUSE a firetm HOTEL, and worthy ofpublic patronage. 1 T. A. JPKICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. R. F. DAVIDSON, i t' M ,7 1 f 1 DEALER IN i K0. 4 WEST TBAZ) STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co'?. Drj' Goods . , , , , :,; store,.. . Metalic Buriafc, Cases, ; Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment af Furniture always.on hand. June 21 . ' " THE BEST 19 THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! TO PLAN TEES , WE Offer the following Fertilizers: Patapsco Guano,' Chesapeake Guano and Watson ' & Clarke's Snper-Phosphate. We have pleasure irt again tendering to our Farmers the above first-class Fertili zers.' ' ' " .-' ' ' : "-' To those' whd have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to ' be fully up to their previous high standara. . And to sueli as have not yet used them one trial will-convmee them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and' pleaseTiaha in .'your orders early, as the .consumption exceeds the manufacturing power.1 ' ' For sale in any quantitv, hy STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 ;, Cacourase Home Industry K ( rt "COTTON Seamless Meal Bags OUU ,mad.e at Franklinsville, N. C, and for sale bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO; ; apl 11-. - Charlotte (I. C.) Institute for Youngr Ladies. T TT fTI k Ttr A XT T T- 1 Mbs. V. S. Mr CHAPMAN, j 1 FclPal!? Annual session cbmniences 1st October, closes 30th June. No possible efforts or ex pensewill be gpared to render this a thor ough, substantial school, Payments half in advance, ana no aeauctions ior witn drawal will be made, or for time lost by pupils, save at the option of the Principals For circulars, address R: H. CHAPMAN, D. 1)., . aug 14 dlw3mw . Charlotte, N. C. THE "SILVER TONGUE" OR, G- A NS Tor Parlor Church and School. Manuitactured by IVEEDUAITI & SON. E. P. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. J' i 1 Hos.14, 145147 East, 23d St. N. Y i 3 ,-tl -- l4ctions still unsui nlicd, will receive 11 j . : - - prompt attention and liberal inducejnenta V . . . 1. .... Cm. . . . . 1. . Jrarues residing at a uiiuni-c immh um u ihorized agenfifffftalfrllt'roin our fac tory I Send for tthistifatiJ price 4ist. ' iulv 12 Gm . .... ,f i ; ' t KE AT k Bargains - tn ? Black Xacc and XJ Lama Shawls, at inay 9 TWELVE Thousand Cigars, " ; , ii,';. , ' ,;-!jH8tTeceved"at J 1 . ..." pW. B3URWELL & CO. J.N. Commioolon Tclerchont, os.l A 2 Atlantic Wharf, & 68 East Bay, it Having, ample means rfor advances, a . w . . m. wamm n'nrm experience of twenty -years, and g himself strictly to a Commission 1 . ... 1 I . Kusmess. wiinoui ooerauiiK on ins own without operating on nis wn frth ii L resmectfullv solicits com tit Obtton' Flotir; C'Wheat, etc, ' : Shippers of Prodncto him mayv at their Option,-have therr.Consign ments sold eith- jin the advantage' bf two' Markets without 'i fi r in Uliarieston or fsew:ioric inus iavr HEF3EOE1I CES : (JRevJT; Wm.Johu? AI. BAHOAXirS, htaiu inoom for-alieaVy fall wiueii iDargainsi in every' . . v r We are now oflerinz all classes of goods it PTiCfeS tliatwlll Tint OUlV please Dill 111 i sure ready satfs. - Call soon and examine -i? I them. :i McMURRAY & DAVIS July 26, FWRmTWBE, -on it M v.Bumpici?,-v'iife,1-tVy'! i 1 i-jn .nirfrtftaWrR IT An -TIin T ' Killer CHARLOTTE FAIR 1 T BUTLER'S ! ! mw GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHE ABTIGLES TOO NUMEROUS to EirTioisr. AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MAKSrOX HOUSE. October 22 ' THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,060, Jas. TtiRjfEB Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey,- Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOTJSE OF TA TE & DEWEY. This Bank diartcred, '.'TJnder jLct ot the General "Assembly and duly organized under Laws bf the State' of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest . According to Agreement on all DejKJsits left on tinfe, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per eent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. ; Gold and Silver Coihy ; Bullion and Bank Notes. Bought and Sold. , , ,t. THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 173 ! , s . Cashier. NEW YORK HERALD, Received Daily and sold-at 5 cents eacli, at mar 0 . 1 1 J'DRKFOY'S. Flour, Flour. THREE Hnndred Sacks Extra and Fam . ilv Flour in store and for sale bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO. feb 18 . Just Seceived A T 3fc5furrav& Davis'. a vc cry large and elegant stock of Read v-nia lade'llc thing embracing STYLES. all the Late SPRING mar 21 . FOR SALE. WILL be offered undl the, 20th of Sep tember ensuing, a very desirable town .property, pleasantly situated in a prime neighborhood pn Tryon street! , Good ' garden, excellent j welj ":pf j, water, fences new And buildings J ri cood condi tion.:? Can be rented 6ut for $350 a year,- " Price S3500; v Call ttf it P'X4iii?n - GRAHAM & NASH, '. ; Real Estate Aentsy O i' aug 22 Curt House. GRAND Assortment Of Fine LaccJv . -at , i- ILKOOPMAXN'S. ways.., Heir. Orleans Sugar; .d llolasses. 'Jlogsheads Bijghtwr'Orlean'l '' ngar. O ld Barrels Choice l f ; -: i ' Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads 'Demerara Sngar, ''f 5T-2 r nii ! A- 'C'MblassCT in store anil for sale at prices fo suit the times f by -STENHOUSE,: MACAULAY ACO. - r JEST DECEIVED. x t,- C A BAGS CofTee 500 Sacks of Salt 60 OU . Bbls Sugar,. 10a Boxes Soda; 100 Cases Oysters, 50 Boxes LTackersr .wJiich "we oficr as W, H. H. H0TTS33N & CO. -may . ... . s ?JITSX RECEIVED; ' A LQT of French Note Paper withEn- XX- vclopea to match at junalO- PUREFOY'S.