-- - - Up. CALDWELt, Eocl Editor. 7i7a. MABK, Business Man Saturday, September 13, 1873 fWarfotte. S?5., 8ept.Uttl klrs. West, widow of Joseph West, deceas tea. Dr. Wingate of Wake Forest Col- Kev e preached last evening in -the Baptist Jcburch of this place. - - . r . s-i Such stocks of goods wereererjntraght ,tr.,t,. vnrtli Carolina. Vta are beinsr 1 jjV the nierciiantS or nartoue his Fan. . ; -ivvt: - j- ttgonI c harlotte and Greenville -Mr. F'$K Murray, of this city, has a contract to fhK . i ofin Krwlr tr n fwnfiAinn.il ill J) It'll iWiUW "i" "" o - V- . Greenville who is about to build. Notice. We woul(LbeN obliged to min isters or others if they would to-day hand ., i 1 . . . i. ? . i . . 1 1 J in tncir ciiurcn outlets v us, uuu jiuir lie may know where services may be ex pected to-morro.w and by whom. Personal. Du.y.id. Schenck.E!Wl-i of Lin eolnton, was at the Cia'rlqtteHotciyes tenlay, on liU way from Liiicoluton to Polk county Court, via Charlotte ahdSpar tan bur 1'uene Van Dorn. This fellow, who was noticed in the Observer some weeks ago as a fraud, has lieen "doing" the peo ple of Abbeville, S. C. He claims to be a hon of the late General Van Dorn. Second Presbytcriau Church. We are instructed to request all those who are in favor of the building of a Second Pres byterian Church, to meet this evening at 7 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. n Turks, for the consideration of hniporta'nj matters in connection vvitli the aforesaid Jlfojl'L't. Death of an Estimable Lady. We Icurit with regret of the death of tlie wife of 0. L. Turner, Esq., one of the members of the lower House of the State Legisla ture, from Iredell county. Mrs. Turner !iel of typhoid fever on 'Thursday' night at the residence of her husband at Tlir nersluirg, eleven miles frmit. Statesville; She was a most excellent christian lady, and was much beloved by the entire com munity. Her kindness to the poor people of the neighborhood was proverbial, and in her they had a true friend. Mrs. Turner-was-a native of Richmond, 'a., whither hei remains will be earned. Grand Lodge of G. T. We blunder oil ingloriously in our notice yesterday ol the meeting of this body in Greensboro, and in mentioning the names "of the dele-, gates from this place. The representative fr..ni the Charlotte Lodge were : Tr. J. R Lawrence. Miss Cornelia-White, Alternate; Mr. II. M. Crawford, Miss Ella Franklin, Alternate. All the persons named were in attendance at Greensboro. The most ridiculous blunder .$vas,.tke mention ol 1 Mrs. II. M. Crawforil,7? wjicu &e? wrote Mr. R. M. Crawford. W A fAhoaiWreto mention the names of all those who at tended from tjiis place, it is due to ourseli to state that what we wrote was based upon what a Good Templar told .us. . v- Another Newspaper Man Who Needs to beTaeir lown,"-VfrraJcu- late that we now iave the3 4.'deasediini- ' i J - ,v J , few? bcr" on Avery tt the Fleduiont prcsi. Pri vate advices from the Western part of the tate report that oneVlay fast week l-left Hickory to attend a Concert in Morganton on Monday night, for the purpose of re porting it for the Pres., you understand. A day or two after the Concert, he got in the reportingest kind of a humor, and dis covered that there were some revenue troubles out inwoutbfuuiitain demanded his immediate -and sesriuiiiat'. ten i ion. So he left Morganton ; but it is? not in evidence , that he visited -South Mountain. 0'n'tlicc6ntary Aitie 'the" res verse ; for he immediately struck a bee line for Ashevillc to ; report a difneert' which was to take place there ! Whether or not he took his trunk along, we are not advis ed Ilusscy, we learn, has made all his ar rangements for doing' the.Vork, ofjiwo' aen until the Concer4 sabij ihatf baJf e j eloscd. Of a truth " the Major is sick" i ' - L-V' sociation, is coxnmendabie;, and if-aill little boys in the country will but follow bis example they, wfll ali be rnew xone pi these days :i Wlit re epecialll dlimen him f,r, tlL :. ".if.. 1i.D.A if a highly mtiresfeml despatch OoHJensty Wty which will be found in another col umn. Mr. Bumliraand Mr. Welsh of Jer- eot ins money (we expect.) rBut the. end; was not yet ; and M atiiAkfaMjit' welsh were arrested, tried anof -convidtea: Now we had no less than twenty-five ap plications yesterday to know if anything had come overHhe lfes ?vefe aSouttMh Bumlira and Mr. Welsh, and since.we 6e gan writing this, two gentlemen have drop ped in to ask! the same cpxmoX Therefore, we fool gratefui to the press reporter for enabtine tfi Lav othw reliable before a public which is interested in vveri,hK l7, Pur fnend.Pefaffenritheope" rator at thisofA MmaftoViflref (juartei; (whi.hLwe borrowed for th "ppcaf sion) to that wrTtevd'ne hW knoU that Iijq ovtl--. : j ri;';,'' -ivi'.i:v ' " .tjjwkj! not iowea io' pass Commeiida.ile VThc, energy, jswhiqh tporer -liiss honieless, j Tf characterizes all theipeafiMis if Walr I If j8at!( thatlf vtij We con' ington reporter of the America iiPress As-1 fession it cohnectlaii with Hfe Na- sei' Cityseeyi fhavftjiad a friend who I , j t-ittcu ins name-on arTiaTTOrr aiKT nf mi 8 pccimens 01 me coium raisea on iue plan tation of Capt. J. Y. Brycc, in JPrqyidcnce. One of the stalks about is five feet high; arid hid -en it sevcnfVx bolls, all well deveVrt rj , MbutlwiJ4fcf The seed was "HjQl ton's Prolific." On another stalk the bolls were all open. This was the effect of fer- KilhEers having beeji usedn toeJatterTJie 1arnf whecjtiscttin rasroSn is Jrfne of the best in Providence Township. Augusta Cotton PoolCrop of 18T2 '13 Tbe fcrop-is! 3,930,508 for the year ending! 1st September. The lucky winner lf&Ur.iA arts'' . a1 A 6t thr$l740die amount in the Augusta imatels;.3000; underTthe total cron. Botih gentlenien'are resicients of Augusta TI16 Charlotte feUmatcifar as follows; and are alUlessHhanttlie total : J. E.rSten- hotise, (nearest). 51,373 ; William Mills Laurens, 120,449; CmV. M. Raj', 180,491; Allen Macaulay, 207.489; W. J. Black. 22t,773; Col. J. Y.:Bryce,L257,l7t. Mayor's Court. Jwbn Smith, a white alioemakcr, was btforeSHiIIony .Maypr Davidson, yesterday morning, on a cliargc of assault and battery and firing a pistol at Mira Murphy, colored. It was shown that on Thurs lay night John Smith went down to Mira -Murphy's, or what is proably bet terownaie "SecomTkExchange." There bemrWe invoNiwWaldifflculty with one of the "girls," whom he struck several times in the face. (She bore the marks yesterday morning.) Mira inter fered, and catching' hold of Smith threw him into the yard. He ran to the gate and, -drawing a . pistol firel at her twice. Neither of the balls struck her, but one of them, she says, grazed her head. Smith then betook himself to flight, while Mira sent for the police. The assailant was ar rested and brouglt .to., trial yesterday mornlivg, as before srtateHl P 'f The titaf br,after4n hearlng of Ih'e case im posetl aiine of $1Q and costa upon Smith, And also bound him over to court and put hiuiunder a b6nd for good! behavior. . Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel. ' f- 1 '"- ; Oh aklottk. C.CSeptcmbcr ' &Ti C W Gtirrett, Kingwood; J W Gar rett, R S Sugg, Tarboro, N C; E A Bingham, Riihuiond; 31 J BearJen. B F hockh-j Unenville; S N Stawe, Texas; L P Grant, Jr, Atlanta; Jasper tove Benj Leecraft, B B Leccraft, R S Moore, Gaston county; J C An drews, Rome, Ga; J M Fowler, T J Maloue, Atlan a Janice Se iborn, Fair Vlav, N C; W J Harbin,, Townsville;. L M Tough. Kansas; P H Doughtrv. Bait; Win Mills, Rev Thoa Sliarpe, S C; W G McNeely; N Yi Gen H Haunt, Richmond;' J P Sossarnan, Centre De pot; T G Ilaughton, Salisbury; Tl. h. ir wan, Mica Heu.s; lhos 1 ilarav. Bolivar, Tunti; W P Herbert, Bait; T aiWithers,4,Milis; TAVyPratt, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Brigbarn Young has another baby Tljo sivcj agq dep((.ko the ..oceiU is Mr. D. R. Featcr.of Fairfield coun ty, in- eight hunt;?, killed fourteen i'oxei. Tfc is said th3 first theatre establish- va., in oepteinuer, jloo- fi RnburfToy'SriS Q MuT iff For aiaano Hit hisjsis. and makdhini pickberriei'dr Cifcus knoeyl. - mo origauus uau uiuppctiieu from Greece. There has now len no case of brigandage reported there for eighteen months. A man's death Was recently caused in Illinois, bv'a spider. It was one of the iron sneeies in the hands of The Pawnees are in Omaha pur ehasingigumj, revolvers ami ammu tiitiou. Tlie bair-riijsiftg eason is about commencing. TKe New York- papers incline lo the conclusion that the story of the man Irving, w-hd puts in a claim; as being one of the ijiurderers of Benja miii Nathan, as a sheer fabrication. r Theg ; additional particulars from tMt riAza -Vapor jpr in Havana lend additional horrorstO' the catastro- phe. 1(. The tire; was swift in its fear ful wbfk. and left 2,500 people of th ir- e than murder- case, has ere ilea so much comment. 'has been indicted the Chatham r.rr-sj Vy,We f m - T i - if B SL Governer lor ins e.xiraaiuon jroiu tbe Statea0f Cahfoania. Sit tMm TlieTTOWnta inexed call : nivletion of the Air-Line Rail way. The Committee on Arrange- in ent, Finance ana invuauon, hiso, ttif offlceni yhe?oaf arequjested f.rt infiGt afe the Board of Trade this- inn of fit ft V.lorfilc. for..the . Dur- tinA of nerlectm&r arranffemenw ana determining the day of celebrating the completion or the roaa. "The Mayor and City Council, the members of the.iioara or raae.anu lTffn frnnriti v. are ra ucotou . w meet at the tmffl&&t)0 M$ ock' fort fecti Ctoti,Pooijf Jkh-JBejr,J3enson, wiiose estimate is 76&ale vand thejnext nearest 'i&yiftJ. t&Poghty, whoseresti- Dales'! Com i i .i H f CdebraChnlDrme rGo P0l?All melM reliable remedy for chills an all maK f jjfg? BRAMLETTv '" "jr ntf the mn:agBroeniH.Ai CORRECTifir DAILY tHEx? Charlotte, N Cm Sept. 12, C P. 3f. Tone of the market steady prices nn- Pchanged-considerable quantity of the new crop arriving. ,t : - ' :' - ' : ' - :. - . . . . : Wholesale Groceries. Bacon C. R. sides, per lb il a 12 Shoulders,. Coffee Rio, prime, per lb 28 " good. 27 r'4' " common. 25 a 00 a 00 a 26 a 00 a 18 17 15 Omdles Adamantine, boxes, 17 4. boxes. 17 Cheese Prime factory' State, , common. Fifh Mackerel. bbls, No. 1, $14 12 6 a 00 a (0 10 a' 7J a 7 5, i bbls, No. 1, i " i " i " i, " i. " Kits, 2, " 3, No. 1, v -'A 3 3J a 4 3, 1, 2, 3, a 00 No. ti 3 a 00 1 a 2 U a 13 17 a 18 9i a 16 11 a Hi 26 a 27J 101 a Hi 13i a 15 , 50 a 70 30 -8i a 9 9i a 10 10i a 11 $3 a 3 $14 a 21 13J a 00 13 a 13 12J 12? Guiuut Cloth 7roi Tics Arrow, Lead Bars, per to Leather Hemlock, Lord Leaf, per B " Pure fejif, ..a Mulatses New Orleans, s ' Golden Syrup, " conuuoii " Soda Kegs, " liox, assorted, Rice Carolina, , Suit Liverpool, per sack, ' American, Sugar Cms lied and iowdercd, ' A, 1 Extra C, Coffee, yellow, " Drown, Whhkey North Carolina, corn, " Northern. 11 8 12 10 Country Prodnce. Buying Price.) Bacon Hams, per lb 15 Sides, 11 a 12 Shoulders, 10 a 11 Hog Round, 13 Fierittvax-n- 25 a But'er Choice, 25 Brandy Apple, 1.75 a 1.90 Peach, 2.0t Corn White, 00 , Mixed, 55 Egg, per dozen, 20 Hour Familv, 4.5t Extra,' 4 2 Super, 4.00 fritk Dried Apple!, 4 a " " Peaches, 6 a 41 44 lilackberries, 7 a 1 futtw Chickens, spring, 2( " Turkeys, non Ducks, Wc.( Dry, 15 a IT " - Green, 5 a t Lard Good, li. 44 Common, 1(' Jfeai White, GO a 6f. Oats Black, 40 ' White, 45 Onions, 75 a LOT- Peas Pure clay, Mixed, Potatoes Irish, 50 a 7i Sweet, 125 Tallow, ' t Wheat Red. per bush, 1.40 White, 1.50 MW Tub washed, 3 44 Unwashed, 20 a 3t Wheat, old crop being exhausted, no new yet offered. Avoid the Perils ol the Season Autumn, although the most radi- (!nt portion of the American year, has its great drawbacks. The heavy even ing dews and morning vapors and tin great disparity in tern jierature between tht night and day, give rise to many painful disturbances of the bowels such as colic, cholera morbus, diarrhoea and dysentery. The digestive organs are also unfavorably affected by the change of the season, and dyspeptics generally suffer most sererelv firing the fall. Derangements of the liv- ejr are likewise common, and miasmatic fevers prevail m newly-settled districts and low-lying and marshy localities. These unpleasant contingencies of the season art not, however, unavoidable. By strength ening, toning and regulating tne system with Hostetter's Stomach Betteis even the most delicate may escape them. At the expiration of summer all the bodily pow ers are m a somewkat-exwinstea, state. They require the wholesome stimulation which this genial invigorant supplies. Un der its renovating influence th nervous energy which the wilting heat of July and August had kept in abeyance or partiallv extinguished, crops out afresh ; the flaccid muscles recover fheir elasticity ; the pro cesses of digestion and assimilation be come more rapid and perfect.; the spirits rise, and the whole organization acquires its maximum of activity and resistant power. Even persons of. comparatively feeble con stitutious. when thus fortified against the perils 6f th season, wilf have little tuse to fear a visitation from-any. of the disor ders to which we have referred. As a pro tection against- miasmatic , fevers and all J epidemics engendered by malaria Hostet ter's. Bitter's may be justly pronounced not only" unrivalled but unapproached Look well to the label and trade mark, as there are many counterfeits and imitations n the lnarkepr a fI0I0C'043 'HQ To My Friends New York, Sept. 0th, 1873. ruurkety purchasing a i Good, for John A. ; Young & Son, CbarlOne Grand Cash Gift $250,000 invseif that l wni present . ..i.:.. ...... lesBUitea to your i suited to your tastes. being made with, care, flSSS i ask yealatour "CS k - I .1.1 1 1 : T .. Ka wnnfo -n E-niDorinm" on and after the 1st of Oo tober, proximo, and examined our Stock J. ALl'liUiSBU XUljV. sepll-tf. Notice. Havinajastrefeqrned from the North where I.havft pu released a large and ho-nAnHWB J. t. i.J : T in- yite all. to come ano' tu'spect 'my ' goods as I am determed to oer greater bargains - . i il i ii -. r . - - y snft . Temnle of Fashion. nifUi .trill .j. tt.il r:--5 fit J. -iii i'ti . - ' 1 aa. i : -. . ----- or, and being nicely, perfumea .we are not surprised tlaatvcpnsumerap St has.a large aaflel yA--T - ' - .JplXjr 3ns ,upU:4i rilHiM TSve s;that .Frycter tra Olive Soap is beronamg.rery-225 Tickets for $1000: 113 Whole Use Wabash Valley Chill Car If 1 r ' -- - 'Wanted. .-..! ' Domest ieewing Machiiie Co., Nc York. " sep 6 4w StEAEIMQSjuES AND MACHINERY. Stationary ancb Portable Steam Engine and Boilers, Gary's Anti-Friction Cotton Press, Ciiilar, Gannd Mulay Saw Mills; Portlible atodStUfiar Flouring Mills. Suga CiM arid Sukar;Pans, Narrow GaQgq.jucOmotflres jetd Dlimhfv Engines for street roads and mining pnr poses, , rSewl ahd? secontJ-haud flroo and Wood AVoTlcing Maehinerv of every des cription. Send for circular. WASHINGTON IKON WORKS, sep 6 4w GO Vessey Stre-jt, N. Y. KENM0RE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL. Amherst C. II., Va. Preparatory tr the University of Va. H A Strode (Math.,;Madallist U. Va.), Princiial and Instructor in Mathematics. HC Brock. li. I. it. U.. Va. (recently Ass't Prof Initio . U Va.). Instructor In Greek, Latjn, ; French. German and JJotany. This is one of tin leading high schools of Virginia, and pre sents many advantages incomparable with tbose of others. St ulents also received for the Summer, J.ew session begins Sep: 15th, 1873. For Catalogue, address tht Principal. i scpt6 4v Agents Wanted for the New Book. EPIDEMIC & CONTAGIOUS DIS EASES with the newest and best treatment for all eases. The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Embraces Small-Pox, l el low Fever, Cholera and all analogous dis eases. No family safe without it, and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The, biggest chance of the season for agents'' Address H. S. GOODSPEED & CO.. 37 Park Rojy, New York. sept 6 4w Yf nTT? V Ma(le Rapidlv with Sten iTlw XJ I cil fc Kev Check Outfits. "ataloguearrd full particulars free. S. M spencer, 117 Hanover St., Boston, sep G4w A FOB TU Jf E. How ? By speculatinp in stocks and gold. Capital, $10 to S100; will pav $100 to $1,000 a month. Pull explanation sent free. W. F. HUB- BELL & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 31 Wall St., New York. Box 22S2. sep 6 4w Oi A per day ! Agents wanted ' wwu xu L'tiiwca oi woikiiik peo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in , their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything Ise. l'articulars free. Address G. STIN- ON & CjO., Portland, Maine. sep G 4w he Greatest Invention of the Age. Agents wanted everywhere. Sample1- md terms free. Address W. C. Walker, itussellville, Ky. sep G 4w Gray's Celebrated Anti-Friction Cot ton Press. The cheapest, simplest ind most perfect Cotton Screw ever invented. Send for cir cular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, 0 Vessey St., New York, sole manufac turers. , , sep 6 4w FOR SALE. Needles and:Attchments for all kinds of sewing Machines, t asli orders promptly filled or sent per Express C. O. D. Address D. G. MAXWELL, Charlotte, N. C, Gen'l Agent of the Home Shuttle Sewing Ma- cmnc. sep b 4w SRANDE8T SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOR THE BEXEFIT OK THE PnWic Library. C Kentucky 12,000 CASK GIFTS $1,500,000 $250,000 for $50 The Fourth Grand Gift Concert, author ised by special act of the Legislature for rhe benefit of the Public Library of Ken tucky, will take place, in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3y 1873. Only sixty thousand-tickets will be sold. The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. . . " t . ; ' i At this concert, which will be the grand est musical display ever witnessed in this country, the unprecedented sum of $1,500,000 divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be dis tributed by lot among the ticket-holders. -rem r-r nrtsme . tune urana uasn - iw.wu r i l j.,,t, run Xi fWl One'GrandasliGift.'.aaU:.'.;!.,:J ?25,000 One Grand 'Cash Gift. 17,500 10 Cash Gts ?io,ooo eacn...... iuu,ouu 30 Cash Gifts 5,000 each 150,000 ftOCashCifts 1,000 each 50,000 80 Cash Gifts , 500 .each , , 40,000 100 Cash SGTfts ' . Jeach.;.... i 40,00 150 Cash Gifts 300 each...... 45,000 250 Cash Gifts f 200eacb I 50,000 325 Cash Gifts 100 each 32,500 11,000 Cash Gifts 50 each 550,000 12,000 Gifts all Cash, amounting to $1,500,000 J Tb?dnbutipn will be posiiT whether alt the tickets ate sold or nok iind the 12, 000 gifte YmwHfM ft the Uck JfJtlUJS UJf XXUJJJSXa. 41' iljk't , IV J I Kl I VJtr! VM -w . 1 i Aer TTil I $10000.. No discount on; less than $500 ,--Ttekteiea4lb-ftl, and all or H' '-kI 1 ( dexs accompanied by the, money promptly ' frdLl filled. ..LiberaJ tains given to' those who e. xne i. . wAtr-rtW; -inu . v'i. -.1; v 3 a- .3 5. NEW FASt FREIGHT LINE BETWEEN BOSTON, NEW YORK, AND BALTIMORE, AND THE SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST. GREAT 80UT"HfRN DISPATCH FAST FREIGHT Ll.XE, VIA NORFOLK. THIS Fast Freight Line is owned, con trolled and operated by the Railroar ind Steamboat Companies in interest he Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroa Jompany, the Richmond and Ddnvilh Railroad Company, the Western Nortl. Carolina Railroad Company, the Charlotte Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, he Old Dominion Steamship Company he Menrhants and Miners Transportatioii 'ompany, the Annamessic Line, anc lyde Steamers, and the Baltimore Stean I'acket Company who guarantee 'Jills of Lading and Rates always as Low as the Published Rates of any other Line. Mark Goods "G. S. D.," via Norfolk, anr diip as follows : From BOSTON, by Merchants and Miner Transportation Company, Office 8' Washington st. W. M. Clark. Agent. erm NEW YORK, by Old Dominion Steamship Company, Pier No. 37 North River. Offices, 187 Greenwich st., ami 303 Broadway. C. E. Evans, Agent. Prom PHILADELPHIA, by Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore llailroac Company (Annamessic Line.) Offices. 44 S. Fifth st., above Chestnut and cor ner Washington ave. and Swanson st John S. Wilson, Agent. From PHILADELPHIA, by Clyde an Company's Steamers. Office, 12 Soutl Delaware ave. Clyde & Co., Agents. From BALTIMORE, by Baltimore Stean Packet Company (Bay Line.) Office, 15. W. Baltimore street. Edwin Fitzgerald Agent. Claims for losses, damages, and ove? ;harges settled promptly by Thoma Pmckney, Claim Agent, Norfolk, Va. Freight handled carefully and for varded promptly in through cars. No Drayage Transfers by this Route. For further information apply to Offieen ind Agent of the above Railroad or Steam boat Lines, or tq '' :?" ' ?; - . ..(i. E. WADDELL jan 31 General Southern Agent. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. VfRS. A. W.-MIfXERe-ives notice thai iV-L she is prepared to accommodate u mmber of regular boarders. Her table is- always supplied with the best fare to b( lad in tins market: the rooms arc airv and beds clean, and pains are taken to make guests comfortable.; Terms reason able. OREAT Bargains offered in Linen Goods U of every description, at may 6 B. KUU1 A1ANN 53. THE cheapest and handsomest Embroi deries, at B. KOOPMANN'S. may 9 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, Assorted sizes and grades from the well known Long Shoal Paper Mills, at . TIDDY'S BOOK STORE, feb 28 HAVE vou sen tlieBaly? Toy i House? If not call at ' ' t ' : ' .. . TIDDY 8 ami see it June S9 t ; , : y 5 - : 4 : - BLANK BOOKS, just received at PUREFOY'S PURE French Brandy received to-day by July 23 W. R. BUR W E L L v VI). HOITIC STOITIACII BITTEKS. AT W. H. H. HOUSTUiS & LU . 1JH medicine is unequalled as a pure tonic and invigorator. apl lo MOLASSES. A BARREL Cheap Molasses, DU 30 barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Tierces Demerara Molasses, just received at STENH0USE, MACAU LA V & CO. june 21 0 Id Papers for sale at 50 cents per hun dred atThisUfflce. AT J.S. Williamson & Co's. you will al ways! find Mr. John L. Peaton, (late conductor on the G C & A R K,) and Mr. J V Nethers. of Union, S C. They will be glad to see their friends, and promise satis faction in all transactions. ang 19 PAPER BAGS! 10,000 Paper Bags, from 2 to 10 lbs. just received. Also, another lot of IndiajRubbw PipeterJtta en 12 to 20 inch long jhsk received at i i jnne 10 PUREFOYg. ALDB.ICH'3 MALE . ACADEUT, Tryon St between 8th and 9th Sts. mlFiutfSclwJastic vear5M wllt c8ntme-irt dnontiayrJthJSpt.4 Payment of tuition required each ball ea ,ion'1sdTaee;:Xri:'i;j - The Principal of this, scliool returns his thanks for the patronage he, lias hitherto enjoyed;" and hopes,' by devoted attention to the moral, as well as literary training of the youtKebmroktea io his rare, to. merit a cqnti rruation of the aanio. , aag2Gtsepl5 ' " ' f Auctioa Store Belting, Tools, c.; Txiyt al I have in store a large lot of rrrters Tools, Leather and Rubber. Belting, as sorted sires, Files, Screw Plates, Benches HamiersrAc c. Also a large Tot of pa per bagsaaolasses garesv tneas-ues, spta. boxes, bc Ac. ' Come soon and- secnr : bargains, at the auction store of - -Tiion.ciArrisER. July 13 - THE OLD RELIABLE Southern Sewrrig Machine EMPORIUM. ESTADLISIIED IN 1867. The oldist htmseof the kind in North Card- A ' Una. Sold rot ma chines last year than all others com bined in N. C. Agents for that celebrated machine, the HOME SHUTTLE, rhe best cheap machine in themarket. Agents wanted, call on or address D. G. MAXWELL, Charlotte, N. C, or Atlanta, Ga. aug 31 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. HAVING removed to the large and com modious house opposite the Court House, I shall be pleased to see my old UHtomers and as many new ones as pos sible. I shall at all times try to make it 10 the interest of everybody to patronize .is. I am determined to keep pure and re liable goi d, which I am ready to warrant is rej rosentcd and to sell at as small pro- iit as any one. Ha viug ample store room I am bettor prepared than'ever to handle country pro luce, and in all cases wilL do the best we :an for our patrons, sep 4 B. N. SMITH. WANTED. 500 doz Eggs, 500 tbs Honey, 500 tts Beeswax, 500 lbs Feathers, (new) 1000 lbs Fresh Bntter, 10,000 lbs Dried Blackberries, 10,000 tbs " Peaches and Apples, The highest prices paid lor the above irticlcs, if nicely dried and selected, at sep 4 B. N.SMITH'S. MONEY SAVED BY BUYING THE N E W Family Singer Sewing Haehint. Sold on Mor thly Payments WE claim and can show that it is capa ble of doing a larger range of work than any other, easier to learn on, and the most simple in its construction. It is em phatically, tire best and cheapest Family jewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and :loes from the finest to the thickest work with equal facility and perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a irst class standard machine, to call and xamine for iiemselves before purchasing elsewhere, at our sales room .on .Tryon street opposite the Post Office", oradtlress II. (;. TUIt PIN, Manager, Si ngcr M ' fg Co. , Cl i arlotte, N . C. P.O. Box 11.) Agents Wanted, june 18 tf 1873. 1873. FALL AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. SVCCESSOES TO J W McWbirtcr, Trade St., Charlotte, N C, KEEP on hand a large stock of Grocer ies, Country Produce, Family supplies ToVacco. Cigars, Snuff, Notions, Ac. We invite purchasers to call and exam ine our stock and prices before buying else where, as we are determined to sell as good coods at as low hgures as any house in tle citr. We have now in store a fine lot of new Mackerel which we are offering at reduced prices. Also a choice lot of country flour, and country bacon, together with a large supply of Baltimore Bacon, Sugais, "Jonec, Molasses, Meal, coining and uotton xarn. Purchasers in the city can have their goods delivered t their houses. sepGly CRIER & ALEXANDER. DEALERS IS m j ' ' ' ' j ' i Liquors, Groceries, Tobacco, Grain, Powder, &c, TRADE STREET, HAVING removed to their large and commodious New Store, two doors above the Market House, and . tbeir Mr, C. W. Alexander being at present at . .the North purchasing their Fall gtovk, 'are " daily receiving large additions to tbeir pre sent Stock, which they are prepared to dis pense to their customers on as reasonable terms as any house in the city. Having ample Store Koom, they are pre- Tredto-stwfrara:i8QP to 1000 bales of cottODattd would respectfully solicit cot sighietloftDtmnd Producer wJacB v wilt heJiabdled on liberal terms, and guar- r An1m nrfiriirjt returns.' ;t.' Hit t - . ' ? B RASSr LETTER, CLIPS, at jflOIMANIi JCriglisli Mtistard ' vj uiayprei;iatea.