Travelrrsdulder.- RicHMjDjfc,PjijTi.i-Et Richmond & Dan ville R. WTlrDivisiON, and ITorth Westeb NCIB " j " CONDENSED TTME-TAKLE. In effect oil and after Soaday, JunelSth, fj , GOING NORTJH. , STATIONS, f WAiiZtl ACCOM. Leave Charlotte, 2 6pin.4 Salisbury, 02.U ...... " Greensboro' -815 -V..-. " Danvillo, ll-lf'V 6 l&airiv " Burkville, pii m It 40" . A rri vc ht Richmond flSgy" f- 2 55 pm' . GOING SOUTH. STATIONS.. -MAIL, ACCOM. jj i. i - leave Richmond, 105 p ni 9 45 a ni " Burkville. 4 MO ' 1 20 p in " Danville, 8 45 ta - Ar (510 pm " Greensboro' 11 38 " ,. ; " Salisbury, i. 2 03 "a m ? 1 Arrive at Charlotte, T 4 Ofc. ' ' ! GOING EAST. ' Stations. Mail. Express. Ieave Greensboro 8 20pm - " Co Shops 10 00 " ' Hillsboro' 11 10 " Raleigh 1 40 a m Arrive Galdsboro 4 30 " GOING WEST. Stations " f -5Iail. Express. ave Goldsbsror 2 30pm " Raleigh, 5 26 " " Hillsboro' 7 47 " " Co Shops, 9 30 " Arriv Greensboro 10 48 a ru NOETH WESTERN N ; (Salem BKAncii.) Leave. Greensboro' Arrive at Kemersville, Leave Kemersville, Arrive at Greensboro' C. Si. Si. 3.4P .5.10 9.00 10.3U m p m Mail trains daily, botli ways, over entire length of road. Accommodation daily be tween Danville and Richmond (Sundays excepted.) On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at .25 a.m., arrive at Burkeville 11.28 a. m., leave Burkeville 1.10 p. m., arrive at Richmond 4.17 p. m. Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) For further information address S. E. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent, T M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N- C. . Engtneern& Xn'l Superintendent. i ' l :) m- -J 1 V ? 7 ! " Time Table Western N. C. 11. It. Takes effect Monday, Aug 16, 1873. GOING WEST. Arrive Rallsbury. Leave. 2.18 A. m". 3.18 4.17 5.21 6.20 7.09 8.20 9.09 10.00 10.5S 11.57 A. it M. Third Creek, Stacesvllle, Catawba Station, Newton, Hicfcdty T&vern, Icard,r . Morganton, Brldgfi-water, Morion, "? , OldQtt. GOINCrxEAST. 3 22 4.21 5.25 6.23 7.34 8.23 9.14 1003 11.02 t . ii i Arrive. "Leave. Old Fort. " -. i 6.25 A: m. j 6.25 A: J7.24 ' .,8.22 ,9.13 7.20 " 8.19 " 9.08 " O.oO " 10.43 " 11.38 A. M 12.39 " i.4o -n 2.85 ' Marlon,- ' . jsnagwaieiv,, Morganton,- Ica-rd - ' Hickory Tavern, Newton, 10.02 " 10.52 " 11.41 Catawba Station. 12.40 p. m. 12.40 - 2.00 2.59 r , StatesvlUe, - . ' Third Creek, 3.59 P. M alaltshnrv. Trains: Pass Morganton at 9.08 A. M. Going west. Breakfast at Hickor70.9 a m: Going East, Dinner at Statesvi lie 1.40pm. aug 24 tf Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Columbia, S. C, June 13, 1?73. GEN'.- SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. On and after .f-mtm MONDAY JUNE 10, the following Schedule will be run over this Road : TIME TABLE. f" GOING SOTH. No. 1. Leave Charlotte, Arrive at Columbia, Arriveat Augusta,-.. . . 4.20 a. m. tr.3aa.-rn. . 2.00 p. ni. GOING NOETH. No. 2. Leave Augusta, 4.15 a.m. Leave Columbia,' ! 8.42 a. m. Arrive Charlotte, 2.27 p. m. - GOING 80UTH. No. 3. Leave Columbia, 3.15 a. m. Arrive Augusta, ; 8,20 a.m. GOING'NOETn. No. 4. Leave Augusta, 5.50 p. m. Arrive Columbia, 10.47 p. m. Standard Time ten minutes slower than Washington City time, and six minutes faster than Columbia City time. No. ,1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays "excepted. Both trains make close eorijaectioh to all points North, South and West. Throngh tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points. " JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. Carolina Central Railway. Vntfl'fiirther notice the following sched ule will be run oyer the Western Division of this Road? t6take effect Monday, Aug. 4th, 1873. 8tNG WEST. 'r . Stations " " larlotte,-' River Pump, Tuckaseege, Krevacdti, - tiii'CoJe if; Arrive. Leave. 5.00.a,m 5 44 a m 5 53 " 6 22 u 748 - 8 42 hi 1 - 9 15 , 5 49 5 58 6 32 7 20 ,7 58 847 Cherryyille, if.': SaffaKS.' -b t' -' going East. ':. .fh'v Station. ' ' Arrive.' Learn, Iron Station, urevara's, - Tuckaseege, Elver Jmiv v 1223 p m 12 33 p ni i. 1 Oft lit ciiariotte. 155 ( 20 minutea for breakfast. rv ,';iM''Jr V.,Q.qfOHNSONii n,ti ' ' ; 'Ass'tSui'fc i 'tii&Bt D3k Chemfittep 23 a m hilO 29, Atlanticennessee & Ohio ft. ft. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) , Chablotte, N. C, June 28th, 1873. J VN and after Mondavi the 30th. the fol- J powing Schedule i!tfu be rtin jiver this - GOING OCTII. Leave Statesvillc, O.UU A. 1U Davidson" College 737 " 9.00 " Arrive at Charlotte, Going xobtii Leave Charlotte, " Davidi)n College.. Arrive at Statesvillc, 4.00 P. M. 5.20 7.00 rt All charges must be pre-paid tmNFreight offeied for shipment" tQ Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana arid Cald well's. These being 4FTag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or dam age to freight after it is unloadedat either of the above points.. No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, i July 23 Superintendent. ,. CONCORD SUN. . - 't Published weekly at 'concord, n. c, Chas F. Haerib, Editor & Proprietor, " Only $2.50 per Annum. A large and increasing circitlation, making It one of the best Advertising Mediums in WESTERN N. C. Twenty-five Hundred Copies are read every week, by the best families in North Caro lina. may 28 tf SH AVING AND HAIR CUTTING " SALOON. I. TAKE 'this method of saying to' the public that I am stiil at my old. stand under the Central Hotel, where I will al ways be glad to wait upon them. My es tablishment is complete and no pains will be spared to give perfect satisfaction. Thankful, for past patronage, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. 1 have also connected with my Barber Shop, a Bathing room, where baths will be administered at any hour desired. : GRAY TOOLE, june 19 W HAT is that for? It is for sale at june 19 TIDDY'S. R EWARD of merit Cards at TIDDY'S. jine 19 A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! . m-' jiioarry on the physiological I m T n "' ' ;nTtericandrcveUtiouof wt.u w , jthe sexual Kjrxtcm, with the latent discoveries ia producing nni preventing offspring, bow to preserve the complexion, ic. Thisis an interesting work f two bnndred and eixtj pages, with numerous engravings, and contain valuable information for those who are uarried.or con ten plate mar riage. 8tiUitiea book that ought to be kepi under lock andkey. and not laid carelessly about the house. It contains the experience and advice o i a phrsicinn whojse refutation is world-wide, and should be i n the pri vate drawer of cve.y male and female throuchont the entire globe. It embraces everything on the subject of the gen erative system that is worth knowing, aud Biuch that if not published in any other work. Sont to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary ,Jie. 12X. Kighth street St. Louis, Ho. Notice to tbs Afflicted and Unfortunate. BSTbre applying to the notorfous quacks who advertise in public papers, or using any auaek remedies peruse Dr. Hiitis work no matter what your duae is, or how deplor abiayour condition. Dr. Baits occupies n doable bease of twenty-seven roomiii indorsed by some of the most celebrated medi I professors of this country and Kurope, end can be con "t tilted personally or by matMn thtvdiseases mentioned in iiis works. Office t'd parlors, Ko. 1 S N. Kighth streew Ktweeu Krke tand Cbesnttt, St. Louis, Xo. nov 2-d & vf ly GRAND DISPLAY OF Millinery, 4 T FANCY AND STAPLE DRYGOODS, AT B I TAKTT GRAT PLEAStJRE IN In forming th6 publie that I have in stniv and am daily receiving the finest and cheapest stock of the above goods ever brouglit to this market, and can safely say that the goods are the best, and selected with the greatest care and will be sold at such rates as to defy competition. You will find each and every department com plete; and to make my Millinery Depart ment more complete, I have engaged two FIRST CLASS MILLINERS, one of whom is recently from Baltimore I respectfully invite the public to call and examine my stock and prices. -! 7' i Another one of my specialties is the BARGAIN COUNTER. On it will be found Goods at the most re duced prices. HJf.'S o 1-. MY MOTTO the " f . n?: itr -tt it-;t -.r ,yt :' vHOLES ALE BDYERSs I have; the largest" Stock f of Trimiued Ha,ts iritWIStateVanariil be iBoidas'low r, uc oouguii t w ,. oxtueru mar; -II. KOOPMANN, Charlotte, If. mays I- - Z AHff We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, printed on as reasonable terms as the same work can be dene at any establishment in the State. Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Men, and other in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis iting Cards, Admission Cards, Invitations, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Bailroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, tc, Had better give us a call, as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Bailroad Blanks, Labels, Conductor's Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable ratcsv and in superior style. Orders from abroad will always receive prompt attention. -: Magistrate.. Blanks, tariage Li censes Liens, Jbc., kept foi sale. Jf-H Postal Cards Printed in the Latest Styles. We pay special attention to COLORED PRIliTIHG of every ,dewrfpti6n7!"sucli as a ouacco AjaDeisf lianas, JS oUCes, &s? -14-,. X "'"r-.'l ,t. 4... 'f. f."' , venue sua iov uooks are aitfavfr so complete, that iy deem J t only necessary to call attention to thera and not 'itemize, for it yon want anything in that Une TOii -will' be sure to Call on uswho ttre yonrs truly, jane 19 TIDDY ArBKO; ztz a. sssa. dm. mk. a : ?. r - i . . . - 2 f - . ' PR NT s . t Chester, ;,unts ao, iou. S?ucelsar?irigVith in (hereof ;yD,uj5er'?of king stove in pur county, r surpnses every -one T?ho does not know its superTdrlt qyerall other stoVes. We feel it our ffrity -as citizens of this section . and also due to Yourselves and thtj public, to let it Bekhewri that we have purchased your stoves, and after a thor ough test find them the most excellent cooking stoves, both ih material and con struction, we have ever u.ed. We indorse all that can leair ins -their i praise, ;and wish vou the same success everywhere you i gwniab you jiitve uuu hcic J3V Wilkes, M Hardin, ' Jesse Castles, J D BoydC R Douglas, James H Sayc, J.G B Gill, H H Drennan, G A Blake, R Thompson, J 8 Graham, ? . N C Rosbdroiigh, Robert Barnes, H A Brakefield, J A Ileffner, John Knox, O J Gwinn, J H Grant, : Elizabeth Knox, Richard Woods, Jesse Williams, Wm McCollum, T J Chalk, W P. Gill, J McCollum, J Brakefield, , J Gourley C S McCullough, J W Carter, . Wm Bailey, M Mendenhall, A Hetherington, T T Castles, H Banks, J Carter, J S JfcFadden, T E Shan on, T J Lucas,' J N Grant, A Hood, John Moore,. John Clinton, W Thomason, ERachford J y L Johnson, Green Simpson, W M 'HoIlis, J W Aiken, R T.tastles, W O McKeown, J R Wilkes, A D Darby, S W Estes, E J West, J Banks, J McConnell. ,W Mendenhall, J A Turner, ' John Green, James Cherry, CT Kee, J R Jarrett, S T McKeown, W H Castiea. J Proctor; T P McKeown, J M Brakefield,. John Grier, RCranford, J McNight, John Henson, G Gallaher, W G Nunn, Samuel Price, R M Lindsay, J W Kuvkenaall, C J Kee II W Fudge, W N Grant, J C Reister. M Mintcr, State of South Carolina, County of Chester. I, C C McCoy, elerk oP the circuit court for said county, do certify that the forego ing list contains the names of respectable citizens of said county, that their state ment as above is entitled to full faith and credence. Witness mv harwl and seal of office at Chester, June 18, 1873. C C McCoy, clerk circuit court. From the Carolina Spartan, Aug. 21 1873. . Spartanburg, August 4, 1873. MESSRS CULVER BROTHERS: Gexitlkmex: We heartily concur in all that has "or can be said in favor of your" Farmer Cookiug Stove. Sinrpson Bobo, W H White, W J Wooton, James Bishop, W A Finger, B C Tillerson, JC Ballinger, Eber Beard en, John Stajrgs, Thomas Cooper, P 8 Rutledge, Jesse Cannon, John Tuck, A McAllister, Wilson Cantrell, Wm Owens, F L Wingo, R R Chupman, D A Farmer, 8 R Grisham, H E Bivings, W J Bisliop, Win J Means, Dr W K Dean, S E Miller, La&vette Briggs, J W C Gossett, IsaftcEptrmr PS Rutledge, - J A Foster, J J McCarley, Behj Finch, K B Monk, H D Smith, Simpson Finch, J A Fowler, II S Ball, II H Thompson. A C McDowell, Lecil Cooksey, I C Clement, Samuel Smith, W K P Caldwell, W J Scott, W J Tuck, W F Green, I, L Foster, Thus J Cooper, Hugh McDowell, Win (Joan, J F Wingo, John O'Sliields, Jasper White J L Scruggs, V G Fin ley, 1) II Gram ling, Elias Belcher, Wash Poole, Wm Tuck, Eli Briiint, Dr J II Shores, Mrs J M Carson, Wm McDowell, I H Cantrell, M J McClimoHS, Taborn Johnson, Whitten Green, F M Trimoiier, J H Allen, John Epton, M D Bnant, ' Dr J A Ncsbitt, A C Tihimons, T A Davis, FM Harrison, H F Scafe, David A McClurc. State of Soutn Carolina, County of Spartanburg. I, F. M. Trimmier, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for the county of Spartanburg, and State afore said, do certify that I am personally ac quainted with" the persons named in the above list, and that they are among the best-citizens of the county. I will also testify that the Culver Broth era have sold a large number of their Far mer Stoves in this town and county, and thev have given entire satisfaction, so far as 1 am informed. Given under my hand and seal of office at Spartanburg C H., S. C, this August 5, 183. F. M. Tbimmiek; Clerk. This stove is sold from wagons only, by the Manufacturers' iravelling agents, who will be in Mecklenburg and adjoining counties soon. Every one has the price catt on tt. aug 30 6m J. Y. BBCG, General Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention mid to sellint? all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptlv at tended to. J; Y. BRYCE, dec 21 72. ' ' " MORE ACCOMMODATIONS. Postage Stampat aug 20 . TIDDY'S. VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE. THAT desirable residence and planta tion on wh ich Robt. Flem ming now lives, one-fourth of a mile ' from Black's Station; on the Air-Line Railroad, contain ing 400 acres, over 300 in timber, is-offered at Private sahv-will sell in lots tn'mlt purchasers; For terms and other informal iiou can uii ira ntmin or xiODu Iem ming, Black's Station, A & R A L Rail-wayjS-C. ' :- ii V aug 28-dltw3t. NOTICS. ' : All persons arefbrbiaeH or any ne else except ray wife, have-goods or merchandise on my account , without a written order from myself. sept 7 lwj . , 1 JJfiliKY BETHEL. ELECr Airr SUMITIEU CHEESE. A NOTHERtof of fine Dried Beet; Sugar j ', '. : ' r-U. ,' ''ii, . .... : . 1 Kisii t. 'MISS H. MOORE wjll oben her School EST Italian VSoliti Strin Strings, at !' 's- - : . - i 1 FALL AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK CO C9 CO Ul CO CO CO CO o CHABLOTTB, U. O- HAVING closed out my Old Stock during the Summer, I now offer to the trade Wholesale and Retail, an entirely New Stock of carefully selected goods, fresh from the Manufactories. While truly grateful for past favors extended me, I desire your continued patron- Sept 3 tf HAVING been long engaged in the Shoe Trade in tin's city, and having deter mined to change my business, I desire, in retiring from merchantile pursuits here, to thank my friends and enstomers for their very generous support, and take pleas ure in recommending my successors, Messrs.Smith it Forbes as worthy of their confidence, .having ample capital and superior facilities, in carrying on the Shoe Trade in all its branches. Persons indebted to the firm of S. P.Smith will please call at the old office and settle, and all having claims against the same are requested to present them for payment. Respectfully &c, &. P. SMITH. V. M. SMITH, SMITH & FORBES, (Successors to S. P. Smith & Co.) CHARLOTTE, 1ST. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUNKS, LEATHER, &C. This If onse being the oldest and largest Establishment of the kind in the State, it will always keep for the inflection of its Customers, at Wholesale ami Retail, a well selected stock of Boots, . Shoes, dfcc, bought direct from Manufacturers. Hav a purchasing Ajrent always in the Northern Markets, we claim that we can sell Boots and Shoes as low as any jobbing house in New York or Baltimore. We will have in Store by September 1st. 1000 Cases Boots and Shoes, which wc intend selling at prices that defy competition., r Do not tail to cull at the old Stand of Smith's Shoe Store and examine our Stock of Boots and Shoes before buying. We pi edge ourselves to please. SMITH FORBES, !rvffH to S. P. Smith fc Co., Charlotte, N. C pif - N. B. We have two large Shoes Stores adjoining, ojje exclusively Whole sale and the other Retail, and wiil give our Customers the benefit of superior ad vantages in the Shoe Trade- SMJTH & FORBES. ang 10, lm o -AT (Greatest Eediiieed Frices tTifl I now ofl'er my entire stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At the Greatest Reduced Prices from this Bate In order to make room for my large Fall and Winter Stock which I intend to lay in shortly. ALL wishing anything in my line WILL SAVE MONEY and find it to their Interest to call if IMS as soon AND t V.-it.--. ' vv ... 111 CALtiAND BE CONVINGE1), ml vam determined, to close out nay Spring "and" Summer Stock, r lv i i , A HofcH-Kentitbiirrrfiort idHttsncr ... - ' TEW 1873, ZX3 CO CO & CD CO m CO I CO CD S. B MEACHAM", Sign of the Brass Boot, W. S. FORBES THI AT OF -; . : t : . ' I OF FASHION. PERSONS OF as possible, BARGAINS '""i-'-.f f.rv. f . i- - - s :' JLnndreib Fresh Tnmlp Seed. rE.WtLliWefve in it? Sew Tt. ;thelbred & Seed, re we, varieties. FASHION nam full of W. KV BtJRWELL & CO. i. -