...m a m at m r i l w r . a a . . ;iii.iib ,i , ,. . . .. i t .. . .4... . . -m -j. a , . .. - - w .iiv a 1 1 i 1 war w sj& v ma - ' - mma ihm 7-1 - - - - w -- - j-. - ata -t JOS. P. M. A. PARK,' Baatoaaa tfaaager. There were no otsesbefore the Mayor very day n A piece of tU&Grapbic Balloon, that ws. is on exhibition at th New Idea ,8alooU, so VCC tire lotu. v ms (iuuki hmu uhi iv "draws Granjps, Meeting. ?en of of iU(MUa JjrCii3Me A T & KuHroaa, -..,..., viwvli MtMfkr Uiai'o "i'- LTF W-T?1" , . w4 linistTf'a PaseJ ivis'."1 Have oeiill Uiscouunucu mrwui-r Juttts Columbia & AngxiataJlaUaiEuJby a special order from the General Saperln- iIl-hL's office. rrzrsr Divine 9erflc There will be wm- ces in the Baptist Cliurch this evenin s at 7i o:W andilev. Dr. Wihgate, of Wake Forest Ojiletfe.i MU fcotrf Deirf tlKcit mW3 !,Wilt uitjt ) WastslirJ that Mr- A. L. Wu la4Kf tJuijcUjttsfcas inst gait agaiifiiL Charl wfeTcljumbii i;u4u Uatfor jiiyiricaJsustai liini on mwzroad 9oiniyars ago. AVals'.i claiius damjerf to the amount of ( hanged Ownerfchlp. We see from the owner to Root. D. trraUauiirEs? r of the law linn of Grwliani fe Nisli", 6f Cliar!otle A lie new uiviier win swu plmiiiiichcc cji tensive iiiipr.ivcnients and additions, pre- Djift Like it TUat A few days ticf fo lits ctisDniHcra to dtiiiuT t6e ticai liinl, who is very deaf and uses a large tin car truiiipet, was in the yard, and hear ing tiic call walked to tjie f .nee and eleva ted the mouth of his trumpet to hear what was wanted. Tlicmilk-touu:8UW'tltt4Ukuth4 vf the trumpet and-supposing it was a - " A SUrriMPIace.AgeJte':m iVoi the West, welf fenowh in 'Railroad circles vain. Chariot yeej-day. AAer,jtbhUnf tihe.ss of the day was over, lie was sitting quietly talking with a friend, and ex pressed relief that the day had closed, be cause he had been in mortal terror ever wiifc ne nan oeen iiere.LrOeJiij: JwiA&et-i hv Rome of tne aim uniumt&nre prfT is which' dtiedcohtihually i)nd wayns tJiro'.ia; i t he streets. Tha MVi rVft lft 1:) New York, too, and we are told by thote vli know,tiftleTliirse'li ffi beetle least uneasy abolt iji g tnjjfr wHle there. Things are different here from what they ure. In New York.itifJ ;liaol nieefitti?oiil Bi r i lay of city to4 glacSifcidai after! a g wakadi dressed by Prof. J. H. Carlisle, Professor of Mathematics iu Wwffortl Collegpartan-'l burg, s. 0. The atfdress Was an excelleti '1 old and voUivhlaOt' tlie same gentlciiVanlJi1i;'Jl to young m. n. TlTis actress is also spc 8pO- ken of ly all who hoard it. ms an excectl- ingly fine pnMluction,, abouniliU in good advioe-attdJstAImlltisiriedoiL1 J;l" '' r --r Capt. R. A Sii3twell.--This gentleman left Charlotte yesterday nji, in$ 'ffl Carolina Central RaHrbJou' Qairiy'. to' IiutherfwrJ itr jvVTpiis father resides. The rcnuioiV with his VelatJves'aiKl frieiids, after a? setra ration cu li in ii iiiiw mm -wilT, beyond j erford eriordco .s the acfiiti.otact.-ShttL' ri f,,i r.ifin crueiinipnsonment. Here it Vathaftl-shIwyfllkWiH cast i p to(a vzwiitfc jaidi flkliyi Si k, 'wltlw out a sign of wariytifrvWffS upon LiniV , il, $ttMtnaim " y of those tryiiig'days niayjAiylr i'e tact that he is once more .a freeman, and more preeioas-.taaSn JiUUrt, or eyeit life. P. ThoipjTha Camden Jon ,w7, erli'J by OJoIin KBhaw; has the following highly tardr "i-vii tae.uax.jUiiitlilltjuatitiitein ly the state of SilJnltrHgnUlMid citiaen by ' w rei,viai -to bstaotMv wivtetmrijr Cu'ui.ftiQharice of th ('-ir,ilin XliliCarvJ institute, a LMKt-4y.. Col. Tbomas-4 e taieiit DM'ftig tSJiland ,baa :,,J."J. " advan,tagea of culture.ai 14 .VKIIrlUHWIU UMUIUIUII. 1 ,,f ----- - w f w. SVWJWU v . "elf u bearnimirQ4nfr?!S cuitor and iulvwVivrw; JhrfV t4 I " "vuy U structot of ."is patroua as'wlt bTiii fAmfklcnoB of Mrcxr and rare ahnf rlAk lw,,, V,f is. onteuPa foS4W: teacher ai ddnWSittft 7 f aM b 7 - I aoa nikk erfcnedata taHsrn h4r iv3ttitl)tid iStMinifc,jaia lh Uua Ute was rerdg Ami Tie lanJ. liul keeps a cow of -his own now, die si Trv? axntfat uxaciui 1 T- I that his freedoUVw;itfnW& ee of honor, tnalWjrte th giyicai h&fif tectll moritc". i fit trvlT i Vi U 1 il VLkISI .tiKt J0 His stock U really elegant com rri evTVTIilnr wulch wt-wiM,Ttirt tnitiwBii tt- w wn irnn Ji Uwi.aha icMi I iMiivpnriv nv iiui tfifertfmdjrj Uv Binder Jadg Pearson. Mr Osborn young man of pleady taleuv, and will. in the practice of law, reflect eTdit upon the name lebear-r at alreaJl' ik tlife bbtory of Kortli Caroi Jin a trJJE to Attanta, ,.j?Qzsz kii :BUCcemjKna fiiQ aod KFttteo kVfJ& esjpecl hi (bit uk tVdnaTtlNji rTierne was e'ttfertaiMp inj a rtg&hg--.', Tt w a louse, he saysbere the most gentleuiauly an J courtetHiiclerk in the country hold forth, where the nef tire, and where the gaests freumptoulj every day. He desires to atxpwVed,jyb wa waft- National. '.frni)W(nuIt ortt icon irni Hoard af Alderaten Tlie. BoaruSftet lust night in regular xessioiu JjTg ariope lhan glad lo learn, that Uiey pawed -order exejwgjjns from tSMi all cotton or wool efthfac-tove w UieMftyjVe efctri N or put iifperat!ln in Rjs city The Board also pis52ra. j&Mtt't coufoniiity with a resolution paswed by , the Board oi" rade. requesting tle Air line Railway Company to locate theirshopB at thh poin and exempting said shops from taxation iu both of the matters spoken of. We will lay the fullproceedings of the meeting last night, before the readers of the Obsebtkb to-tnorrow e oiC1fgawIil Pa. seil us a coinniunication. and signed tne above; le to d an some&hjred w wh ie caf s)cirihat . a i. u e in the commum winch we ire now disjiosed to doubt very seriously. It is a MTistt sorry fellow who stabs in the dark., and it speaks badly for "Democrat" that he alujd nakci personal attack upon a gentleman and sigh a fictitious name to it. Don't write anything unless you are wil ljptfor it shows ceived an enquiry from a gentleman m Ciirolinas will take place, and stating that he represents a phJhuc W'hH;l;ht direp t put on exhibition here. We say to him and to all others, that the Fair will begin onJQi esday-theothday of November, and foHthiue fojfivefd ire that it-wilt b S, AU the indications Ire" largest ' and most ft????; air.ever held in. Charlotte, if not in orth Carolina. A large crowd is ejpecetl,avd thecciiiTodffl1ris will be fflnpfe ltteiiillvla ctfi&. An ad dr'ss wut le delivered by Oeneral Wade ihittiWihaidJpriap one also by Col D Wyatt Aiken. Both of these gentlemen FwHJ thavffT dm exttttntwrn JTfctocWTTai f45fhKtuets.r Welrlcllu! triuaV taum&felrora ccrsons aract iwonose for believing that the forthcoming Fair flPIef afiucccss over any ever held here before' ' ' - -,; '' -':'-CfcBfijLJfJl.SeDtember 15, 1873. JE AKrttetron.lBichmond; S J fPeTnlicrtonTTIios etokes. Albemarle: L K Baker, Boston; M M Welch, Agent .Pennsylvania Central: J C H&rgf AjTaiKl 'aaSfelilei 1 rcifiiPB F Rnyfirs. Halishtirv: RS Harris. .Con- Lawinp, countv; A i bp rings, York, 8 O, N G B Chafee, Lancaster; RCG Iidve, Woodlawn; V-Q o noi hi.. colnton; T U A Oates, Cleavejand: JF D Kline. Ala: J H Oiii-h y.Kiirtir. ira t; J H Boyd J lenr.vr Laurens; I t ; ypiw, Sep. 9th, 1873, . f ftentletnen CthliigaVHl Fwii&aing qttc, ari(l flatter mvself ihat T will, present a J Stock eomprisib'evieHMig you nva'y Irfoh, awl in Styles sotted 't& foftf ' tastesi tto seleonaej liVdf believing . updtaivi.the wants,; of nKfopnrwitBi' oa'ankfarrer tftF i? orte- inospme focxoi .eaayaae totaiag .-.XlB" tSA-Wlt d iabIe!iX3 caHUXTnA'Sll ual- reoeiTed w WUIIUVUU XXIII, tJ piuwv Ft ir Twa ffuif fPs dtlat usSciittwl WBk5e iplwe fiiay .a- ae- . as s a ai ca It iLwit4saprofid- Eemisloi resrftct- IV. jp jt aa f-. n aii 5 JLf ASOtVS 'C3S!St.TI&Vti? vol ii v 1 1 j. :r. -it if an jrciorv. 4. Pure ifuajMes-Kfj -" "ri"! xrv -' ' :.t:' 3i Sugar Crnshed and powdered, - ISk'aO 4 ,1,'Jt." IH II -). ,l'l!.17JJIl -ahi.MUii i I.,; ..',in4fT.-i :: 'BrYi Stf a 1ft irnwuxjriwmi vrouua, corn, , -loYHi pBit7 ' Frodtictbv.'.n . j Bacon Hams, per D) : ; Ki. ISi - .-urCWlers, 10 a U ,t.J -.i: .raMfl--Apple, ,. u&rr-rwjHte, i , : ;(r, -tit ,:L - -: -.:;; - f. i,,! r,i-,M I,-: M-rftp5 .. , 4.50 -s" . ra'iH' ' '" inn rpfrr,ao4ei, Fkriir Fanily, . L ft i j ' '-'4 5 fiK'&H-Cliickens, spring;' vwvfj 4 ..jTurtejrs H iH'i )t BOOM. 44 , 7 li: 7 j .ifioj- U Ia7f7 '.f-i' 4&i;B3;.lJ! .riiti.ii i 'I ; ii"mlt, i ;y'j"tl. .rf .-'C0.tf .Ta .'.iw w ilO; 1.50 .:i,i4ii jr.:! .. ? 35 ,-r-., iii '20. A t3, i. n r ... Unjenr.r I lVrdOfood, .' i f i " r . VVHnnTon," 'it MclVihifcsf i V Oat Black,. ' tf White, '-f 7 Pr tfnre nitty, ? i Pntatocs Irisll;, ' r ! ) 7 8weet I L TaHmfr.h'" ') ml- Wheat Rett; peribush, White, - i WoolTnh jwashed ' 44 - Uijwashedil 1 i i ip iii j -iii i f;DlseaSe ' Recoils ' ' f ' From the ssieln 'ihat has been" in vigour ted and regcjated bjt a course, ofbat rooL benefieieit; 6f kll Vgetahlef eUxjrsixo tetter'Storaich' Bitters, ucb at leastt. the infefirti-e .We Vare compiled 'ta dwf from thetestiiioiy-r bf thousands', of pef sons Tesidvia iiV,unIiealUjy dlstcts,.,liO attriblite escape jfrom theidetni and other romplaus which pteyaiKUi in the spritig and'utunin solefy to-Vius of this great 'prtt active and' prVpipv medicine. V Many Vrtstern and; .uj'he jd farmers andplftnhrfc as invarjaWj tftfi3 sow and pfatrt in tbV spring atid reawai gather in tfiVfll, administer at thoap aeaf sons to tUelrj familiQj and emplpyesjaii take itrtheirisves froni twice, to tore times a day. The demanif r u'ih'the le ver aJict iagTiftOdiairrcii t$di5i on the Mississippi; hiond Arkansas Rivers Li iroinense&arid wherever thtfifmtaTatkxii ditiona lire suolms togenenrteihtcrmlttsent orTejuktentleversvitdadfeld fn th- hiirliM est; estoenv, both as ah smtid6fett the mofephi aaia sw tresstne nebeasary tb say tiiat this ttriowfted toiiic and reneiator i now emsrtitl accepted rs a atarulprd-spedilio tot irtdfgestloir; M tilotrs rieiso nero distuperivrheumatis,: physical weakness and mental desponden-' torftn&on ly bf tiro' pu Wic af large, but ty unprejudiced medical nierh? "5Th Wstp ulajaty.of the Sitters liae of course led to1 manyteounterfeks javft uhitadona'aeafust whioh thjeijHmity, taw guested 0 foe bnilHei'gusrdwi ywhiM-A-rAl ni rf Hi' 1 1 .il . i i. il hi i j nil ifv' (Pfitt TJ 4 M ft 4 .... $lOa28aJLlli -.i': file DOtJBLK GUm' Teli: :TJr? Tzfi . . fX "" .""""wi j .,ij At $4000, f4500, ?50 00, fuO 00 $73 00 0000 -110 00 $12000 to $300- mith fe" Wesson's Cbit?$llf harp'f , Fof.Bj4i4oadnljChB8;t3 k 4 o vftnfae on it5os' ,h Inrpbrtatikof . - llttklie Afiirinn1tifn fop Mfles "afid' 4 AComnieieasaoFimem.oiiiA eBoning 1 yjouja i .tMiffWiSnttflHH mruHEKB.'.w: i ; T morejSL; Ba.ltimore. U5 IMTf ner ocott s f lfT jli 9U 9fII lo t) ' ' I a t i I? Urfevl JicrL ty01 ernteI4chie, XeTotk. ffoo ta il .-j. i r v,. ,.'jf i.i , '-?f r.VirfilxJ-. '1v' W erf virus wbtch pre vote themmidr f ft and tertairl tehidy for those dhs forms bfisease.'f'tIiiisi'atn1dSt hit- $25 wmwuow&Mtfi mm?? ana tneir ceieoratea niajce oi gnnson nanp f I XI j 4- 1 V 1 'T rruT" i r - -r - i a IACKINERY. Sfatinnary and Portable Steam Engines and Boileni Gary's Anti-Friction Cotton Press. Circular, Gang and Malay Saw Mills: Portable and Stationarr Flourinir aiijf Srp&ns, acte-Wo JVea aRdlDanlmv EifiinH loritreS roifdsianl ' niiriinVur- -lind? firon &nd rysoiiBTjery Bes- WASH1NGTOK IKON WORKS. sep 6 4w GO Vessey Street, N. Y. KEU2I0EE TOIVEUSITY HIGH SCHOOL. " , AmhelriTnc; H. V. Preparatory to the University of Va. H A vStrode Math. Madaliist U. Va.k Principal and Instructor in Mathematics. H C Brock. leadjnt Fsett-ri maWVdViffiifes mTX4Bfe With lat U12Z11 BBJlllMSis 111 V irVIIUal. ftUfl 1ro- those of others. ..fitldents also -received WUttfliuWiKeT.' ew'Sessl'on beSn's Senti .t lu-4 Agents Wanted for the New Book- f EPIDEMIC & COlTTAGIOirS CIS EASES with the newest and best treatment for alt cases. The onlvnthBpitgh work-of the kind in the world. ' Embraces Small-Pox, Yel low Fever, Cholera and all analogous dis eases. No family safe without it, and all buv it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The Park Row, New York. ' sept6 4w MUll Jll I cil fc Ke' Clieck OutfitsJ Catalogues and full particulars free, 8. M, Sramiuit, VWJIjmtov.srd.4 Boston. jp G4w AFOBTUKE How? By speculating A inP9MdiPtel. $10 to $100; will iny $100 to, $1.000" a month. Full explanation sent free. W. F. HUB BELL & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 39 WallStJJeotfciJiosciSm sepG4w; X 0 A fT 1J1V Agents wanted ! $t) to 6U Attd&saErorkine peo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more money ai worn, ior us in ineir spare mo ments, or all the. Jlmc. Ihwi at anything else. Particu!ars1Oce.'?"A'airess G. STIN SON & CO., Portland, Maine. sep 6 4w Agents wanted everywhere. . Rani pies and feral frie. i;. 'AddtessV: CXai.ker, Russellville, Ky. sep 6 4w - ; -e i"l fi )A ilTh.LtiAh.1l Gray's Celebrated Anti-Friction Cot ton Press. The cheapTstytdpJest Jfend Bst perfect Cotton ticrew ever invented. Send for uoxron Bcrew ever mventeo. eend lor cir- culsr. WASHINGTON IRON 60 Vessey St., JWwrtttfcfisole WORKS, manufac turers, sen 6 4w Needles and Attachments for all kinds of D. G. MAXWELL, Charlotte, N.C., Gen'l Agent of the Home Shuttle Sewing Ma chine, sep 6 4w FOB THE BENEFIT OF TUB Mlic Library of Keitneiy m-:- ; : 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 $85 Wtf W50 Hie Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ited by special act of the Legislature , for ; the benefit of the Public Library '-Kentucky, -will take place iuPublic Library Hall, at Louisville, jgynXl VJi fcJ X)nly sixty thoiisaiid tickets will be sold. The tickets are dividctT Into ten coupons or parts. , 1 A4bffrt whwh)wi 11 be the grand est nnwteil display ever witnessed In this divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be.-caV tntmted by lot aaiong the tJcket-Iiolaers One Graid Cash Gift... 100,000 Un ne Grand Jash Gift.................. 50,000 ie Grand -Cashi.Giftv. :250QO OiWfl0fmBcaftnMK 10 Cjh Giftsp.Q0O;hf loaooo, 30a.5 WUt&X$0Oi&dbZi. 150,000 50 Cash Gifts 1,000 eacli.... 50,000 80 Cash Gifts. ... 500 acb 40,000 250 Cash utrts ,; , aw eacn su,uuu 325 CasliiR I JOO) '&k.!20 t 3,500 tLfiOO Cash GifUf 50 eachu 550,000 Total, 12000 Gifts all Cash, 1 amooniing to..-..- - $L500,000 1 Thedirtributiou will be positive, whetlier all the lickehiMw soldoc notnHheHL2 1fcffistf pi&i iftropordoui to the tick- rriiiiiijiiq nnnioo . each coupon , $5; Eleven .Whole tickets fcr ets for $500 wortH oi xacxets, at a tipie i tt . -J TieCeU wyfot Wle and." all or. dent Bosompsnied by the muuey piumpttf fiJei fJberitetn I K B 1 epa- AYprnng Mac tint c ' - -i-ii- ... .1 JM lt. J,,,va. (recently Ass t Fror liatiil, U Va.). Instructor in Greek, Latin, Frencli, OeHitafrinWl Botahf -J TlTft II bo I. XI t -f . .. ii, '.!- 4 Lrs ,.Vl i Iw vn ,ri rw-.,iw! saw" snif?v ! -j" -'J 4 Yi rai lfcif 7Pm . ; 'g f i si r i . CAUTION. . . l bcs o:lv Tka - ' fiEflUintu fAIRBHUKS SCALES, K & OMBBiBK & CO. -Stoca'cf1'est M''Scafes, ? Hay Scales, Hairy Scales, Counter Scales, &r.y & : Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also, Troemer's Coffeo and Drug Mills, Composition Bolls, all sizes Letter Presets tc, &c. THB MOST PERFECT ALARM CASHDRAWEB. ' AliJes Alarm Till Co'. crn'r'v w - W.MIIf-3IIlH Merchaiit v if. T r it f .- i i - . 'IsilOULOi DxTTER tTse Tliem. Warranted. Fairbanks Scale Warehouses, lU ': - $ ri i&rtd, XSTrw-Tprk. 1GG iJalfinTofeVtree Baltimore, t9 t ,53 Carol tfejtrew:,(nieans. FAIRBANKS Sc EWIO. "J.'irrH'ric HatLhnaddphla. -afilOBAlViaS DUOWtt &,CO, For Sale by, Limr Jlarware pealcrs. se&ia taw 4m ' ,nrt"i1iiTfi1 . ii a-. TTRS. A.W;MIIXEByesnoUce fhat JjX. she is prepared to-acconiniodate a number of regular hoarders. :r Her tabicrt alwawsuDpiMrfththeffst rejto be had hi Kp4r 1 tbS fnMlo i!rr and ld44Mniwwiain rate,?& make guests comfortable. Terms reason able. . - , v , .. i GREAT Bargains arjered in linen Goods of every description, at , ' . may 6 B. KOOPMANN'S. fTIHE cheapest and handsomest Embroi- LJ$ff) Tf' fTTffv: 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, Assorted sizes - and 'grades fJbiTt jthe well knoWniong ShoklTaper imK at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. fob- 9s , - r .-. r s fr y r VjETvou seen the eBaby T il if oy House f ' not call at TIDDY'S and see it June 19 BLANK BOOKS, just received at PUREFOY'8 "DURE French Brandy received to-day A. medicine is unequalled as a pure tonit and invigorator. apl 15 laOLACMSS, " ( BARREL Cheap-Molasses, UU 30 barrels Fine 8ymi, 9 TercesjImeraraqlasses just jreeeivcT 5uh 2i U r ; vv,' vrfj -Jr-.- M Patxbr-eale 'ajkf 50 jteata per ban- i W J rtHrnimsoir;Coi.Mi will al. conductox on'the CC & A.R R,) and Mr. J V NethersVof Union. 8 C they will be glad to see thei and sroinise satis- iacttoir mmu v 1 ang 19 1 A A A ft Paper Bags; front1 2 to 10 lbs. llU,UU U just received; Also.nother lot or Jnuia ituooer lnpe-stems irom iz ui 20 inch ltg jpl received aJ I tl liune f(t 7 PtlREFOY'S. axdsiciis AiblAcAxfeinr, 7- Tryon St, between 3th and 0th Suv THE Fifth Scholastic-ywr of this School will comme4ice,opJ4opdaj 15tfc Sept. Payment offidtjoijrled es&ifalS ses sion in advance., ;The Principal of this school retiiTnshis thaiit s for the patrortage bev has, hidjerto j?n iovad. andonesJ'by- devoted iattehtfori q the moral, as well as literary training of tn mtmtiatmmm irmi n vita muff tfVTiT-r aug2ttsepl5. 4 4 SS HMOOBE Vfl) open her school fcif the 15th if Septeinber.1 l873rTerms of Tuithm, $12, $1, and $20French ' and teimsNo de- . .i v ir. : -: i- "in. IH4FM-f 'f "r nJ r 1 47 r x roois, leatner ana uunoer. JtJeinng, as arirtelltesraeswates, Reaches lipuuer; i'c-i Ae.V Alsd a Targe lot of pa per hagsj iiKAasaca gates; tneasHiessgice ooxes&c !&Gt Com i s-xoand secure, 4 rgajnAJU thjgactim V-rrgl?eg?b HJiMl,iii fi i.ii;iih Git ppexty,; aUTAimiti&'Xejiia D streets. 2 uniropoytn wrVfr Of Second E streets. ' V.. -. .. and; Also, 4 valaable fani)j.WllfirtiroveiK For furtheT part tovhrrrrmty" to nvratahe. Auction Rrffc. i vwvtjw- -5X AtAfeoeerfetsA A't. sept W ' ' m -a T HAVE removed w:y Jew gtore, on, x jryon wtreet, next Vf StoreH wlTexeU i.wa ret cvj; S 1500K Vafches ami per ms ell ks in gmdi. variety, and al sxk'U goo.s jw are tif vv'Uv,, kept in a first class jewelry store, rhu-h I ; will sell as h5w-as tlie same1 rah bethought anywhere j&-All workltlfelffotli'neLN ness and despatc.V) aiiJ' ftanted 12; months. All goods TOld warrrtiijfel as re-! presented. ; A" II'ALES. Tryon St., next f Kitty's 'Book Stbrel se;t 11 r, i r?f , f JUST UECCTTED, STEAK Beater?, ' - - at BREM) B R0WiN3'. - " 'Hturdtvare -Store!' PICTURE Nails an Ciimi Pins, at BREMv'BROW-fe t'O'S u! ii i :!r'HWdirel5rfort BEST Shade or- Curtain Fixtures in the, " -- at brex 1;r1vn'& co's ' ' Hardware Store, GALVANIZED Clotlw-lrfne& rradV tor uie' at BUEM,-BROWN &:.&' ' -IlttmwareiStore. TTKRY. Large Stock' bf Geiioral Hard-. ,l ,wuxe,aad Cutlery, T,.fM fjU.r .. . fiatBUEMrBIlOWCQ - ' - u , illajfdvaijeiStore, i IT Located at Ashlandi'the-Home of Henry Clay andQld. Transylvmiiiu ' 1 Six.colidges; in operttrouy With .thirty t pron;ssor?n aiul GOO students from 28 States. Entire feus, for coliegktfe year, $20,. except in the Law, Medical; and Com uercial College. Board ing front $2j to $5 penveek. For catalogue, address J. BL BOWMAN,: BegenVXcxing ton, Ky. aug10 4W r rr r -1 Family, Singer' Sswinff Machiao,. w t - . . - i y'-; n. .ill - '.r Sbld on M or.thjy: Eay monta TE claim aoA cai) show Uat.it is caiia-H VY. bfcNfdoSafe a4ar';;angV,of worfc than arty other; easfer-to fearn on, and tlte most .sunjeJUula cojjucJioJO ltJuttm-, phatically, the lest and cheapest Family SewngjMtiiw.jJft;jfe$! docs from the lmestiorjtbe thickest work, with eiuai PaAilfrS aAHptrfectjlon. We respoctf xi sfc&all VleVi rfr fo5 JjAirch ase a irstclasj s'taodard mpftniwlp calr . sml examine for Jieielyis brenjirchasijig; elsewhere a ' oAr; ssW iTOnrifTfyoni street opote t h0-i!)st biiftansitf' IL a-TT7RTa7t:7 8tngrirtCo:,Hdtte,Kj?J P. O. Box 11. Agents-fftea? ' ' june 18 tf . - i . :' ; rALLANB WIKTB a ITRADE J. L. ' B R O-T H E R & "CO. , t 8C0CES60BS TO i(r , , ... ,.; J. W McWhirtcr, Trade StM.hajrl6tfe,T"C, ! KEEP on hai)d,a large , stock of Grocer iest Cotrrrtry' Produce Faiiiify supplies . Toaecoj Cigars. Snutf, Kotfdrisywe.' " . We invite purchaser to ca,ll''arnd'exain Ine oor stock; and" prjkbfo. baying else where, as we arc determined to Bellas good goods- at a& low ligarcs as anyliouse in the at.-; n.' ' -. ":"Jr- VVehate no- fit rfe'a'frne lot of :tier,, Mackerel wldcFr e sre'oerlng at Teifnced1 priees. Also'o HioicVlot of ebirhtry fionrV41 ndeonntr'bafco a, together with i a? large supfrfy jof Baltimore Bac;ony SugaiS.Coifee ' Msra;.MeaShui.mg aiidXXitton Yarn. ' r Purchasers i-the city , can liave their''' goods delivered p t tb ei t . tionses.; j, .ltix rcpy 7f,.;.!H;.ftut - CRtltri ALE Oroeeriea. . -4 .. if. if 'lA J. i . w f jl a - Powder, &v 1 ... ...KiTiiApiijut, ?r. HAVKfa removed to tlieir-fergt'd'v cornhjotlious Nev Store, wro dofirs above thd Market J Jfonse, and ,theirMrv tX Y, Ale3ahder,JLerng at present .'a.tjift ' Nori pnechasing hejr FaJhJrraf ' r daily receiving !a,rge additions "to their prfc-s' sent Stock whicU theXTBre prepared Wii& e io ineir customers on asreasonaoie is as any hous wt the. cily. j- Haviuj ample StoreRoom, tbeyare prtv i rvareu io store iremt cw to iuw twica, v4 rvsml to store froT 0fr to 1000 b&Tesrtif' cdttoffana would respectfully soiuatcon-;, signniehts-ef O&fbfciifkL Jluc;Wfch:! win Denamneu oiijc wiub, , I cuylpts with ueat .cullages, 4nhnproTeeirtrr4 fef Secdncfand snug o i iimuoui.Hiiu Oliver cuanif, LaUes ,ffne sets, lat-, est style, ear-bul. by.-ytpiu..ftiie -plain, rings, hI rings, ud U guld riugsv gold, sirvef aW steel intaHei.to suit all mm DRASS LETTER "ClIFS, at -fliw t r - i.,f ..,.-.r..t -.i, . nOUSMAN'a grihAf ustard, j ..s : .b -j tf,W, R- BURWELL d CO. . .- H- IZT'tri'Jil -Jt- :tt : "J " rJin:jVflh'i - 7tS',

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