... i -..-, fi-i J5. Travoionr o. ,Lttantic, Tennessee &OMo R. E- i. -a . Chabiotte, N. C, Jnn28th, 1873. ft- PVfSSl MOfil The grf at siircgfM jrnn are meetingr vpt ? tloY. yek nf dtT NudaJMondaWthe 30th, the fol: f'JJtr Sfl ' 7' ' T I lwingcfaedulerbe runovejht IIM f vJwingjSchedule wlt'be run -Hi t "V- ' '1 k-ttk-.-Kl'SW ''"T ' S. t 1873, .... Leave StateSville, ' 4fjBb A. Mff - this section, and alsvdde'ertwtrselveSid i w - - aVidsdn'YjnlWei- C-37 "t .-.w.4.t jail RlCHJCOHD fc DaBVIIXB, RlCHMOlCD &T)AN Ttm ChftHottfe. . . . 430 P. li I ' slrnePon, we have v est p? fed. We inwrte.J.tjfi-, a 4 tt can be saeiivpraisei iiiittl E1"WVN1 CL.DiJlSiEgj aadjKaitTH avidwfnXJollejre 5i2Q j Arare at Statrtville, Sft.Mi l2 rlljov STOCK mJLi 1- ? in 41 In effect on and after Sunday, J una l STATIONS..- 4 Leave Charlotte, J 1 Salisbury, Greensboro', Danville, " Burkville. ' " Xrriv'e at Tlichnidnd -' mi) ..fi;.ifc4-: 260mr f02 " &15 " 11 17 ' ,1s 6 la a m : "GOING SOUTH. STATIQlipl. Lisav Richmond ' " Burkville, ." Danville, 1 r ' " Greensboro" ; Salisbiuy; Arrive at Charlotte, n't . 203am 4 05 u ' 105 Drri'fiS a m 410 t Stfpin . Well's. rson, exandr , CaM-the ThWnVH Station" the 11 IIT1" TrtlU l . tomjyany larjwr; liable irany loss or aam- f r tl rSfFf Wm I In1 A 1 gef freignt after it is ftloaded, at eith If iiilrll XlJl 1: Vii i j t forwarded unless the name of Consignee aod'Jfcestination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMJJEY, ,j , jiC 23 Sujerintencleut. H ' CONC OK D SVNi f . Hthd Jrekfy)af GOING EAST. " lv Greensbxrof 9f20.p m CoShons fiillsboro' ' Ralegh, . Arrive Gldsboro' 11 10 " i 40 a m 4 30 ...V GOING WEST. 1 Leave Goldstaro' - " .Raleigh; j 41 CoSli, Amy Greensboro ?2 30p lO; 5 26 " 7 47 u 930 "a 1043 am SjatB thisetran tke J&flMIeftbftf-1 Snt iriJ!nays?oTi stand iUhMSotuwtm nr. c. b. : NORTH WESTEBN" . . . (3aim BaAncn.) : 2ye Greensboro.' 1 ; : .. 3.40. p in Arrive at Kernersville, 5,10 TV Leave- Kernersville, 9.00 e ni Arrive at Qfecnsboro' y. t-t 1037 : Mail trains dairy, both vrtaysy,tJ6ver' enrire length of road.Ai-commodafcion daily be tween" Danville and Richmond (Sundays' excepted.). . " '".. t On ."Sundays Lynciibw oxla- t ion leave Richmond at S5 a. tit.t .irvd at Burkeville 11.28 a. m.VleavcT BntkWlle! 1.10 1. m., arrive at Richmond 4;lt ri--mJ ' Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) r: . i ' i r M For further information address- ? 1 - 1 .-.i f - w -a,.., -BTE. ALLEN, ; Gen'l Ticket Agent, T M. R. Talcott, " Greensboro, N C. ' Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent. ; dtMswu<Taum. with tb Time Table Western 1$, Takes effect Monday, Aug 16, 1873. GOING WEST, rriye. . J - K Xeavo. ' " X SaUsbarr. i 2.181a. M. 8.18 A. K. M Third Creek, ' 1 lS 2-2c " 4.17 Stacesville, 4.21 " 5.21 " Catawba Station, 5.25 " 6 M u Newton, k ' 6i'' 7.09 Hickory Tavern, 7.34 " 8.20 " I card, X 8.23 " 9.09 M Morwnton, . 9.14 10.00 Bridgewater, 10 03 " 10.58 .. . MarloBr- . 11.02 " V 1U57- - - Oi4iFortrtv- ' it ArriTe. f-.l Leave. . Old-Fort, 6.25 a: 7.20 " Marion, X 7.24 " . 8.19 " BrJdmwatef. ,s 8.22 " 9.08 " MonEnton.vr. ir.13 " 10.48 " jiekoryTaTen41.52 " 11.38 a. K JJewton vlUl " 12.36 " Catawba S&tion, 12.40 p. M. . 1.40 Statesville7. C 2.00 . " - 2.55 ,", H Third Creek, w, 2.8l,tp .5 W Jt: i Salisbury, - ! c' -Trains Pass Horgaston at 9.08 A. ,K Going West. Breakfast at Hickor 70.9 a M Going East, Dinner at Statesvllle 1.40 p in, ' ' aug 24 - ' ' - f Charlotte, Colombia & Augusta ' ' CoLtmBrAiJL C., JanelSifl?73 -GEN. SUPEBINllENT'S "OFFICE. j;. .it. t . - .On and :after 'MONDAY' JUNE IS, !&e IfbUowmg Schedule will be run oyer this Boad ; . ; , Kt ; TIME TABLE 'J - ' GOIHO SOUTH. No. 1. ieave inarioiie, , 4.U a. m. Arrive Tat Corambia, - 4.- G ni. IS taf T ' .00 p. mJ Leave Augusta, Leave Columbia, Arrive Charlotte, 4.15 a. m. r 82;a.-m. Jeave uommoiai . ,l i - s r ; 3.15 a arrive Augusta, . . , ,t .80 am. LeajeAngusta J .' .SOpfK ..1. WUU1M, -. AU.p. Oty Standard Tune ten minutes slower than Washington City: time, and six minute foster than n-tTnmlna Pifu. No.' 1 Train daily. Ifo. 2 .Trains daily; Sundays excepted. ., Both trains make xizm wuTCtxuu i jut points JSOTtfiV Boutli 3QJ Through tickets sold and baggage check-' v w ou prmuipai poinia.' tj. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen! SuPt. Carolina Central Railway. n "TJntM .further notice the fbllowing'pched, Ule will ha rrm nv 4V. tt: rPf1! wai-n" jT v ' Wu jyivisxon 4 L l i m7P- nect W Aug. 4th, 1873. goiito wist;'' f 1 . ArrivL'i itr Leave. 5W 44amr 549 n 4 7 00 . ,. ? 7 2n . ;t - ' 4 "7 48 J rt . 8 42'gW'T A large andincteasingetredlation, makin, Twenty-five Hmdwdtopies are read every week, by tlie bfefCimilies in North Caro lina. SHAVING i ISWrec Wfeffe 1 ,M w . - - s . .1. -w'l I lift "V. V lTU inIiti r4 NRosboronglJ k V Rrll Mri. ' 5fCArakeflLirS nftW llTlUli mefEher 1 hoik TTiaaaYiHTj asoi .1.7 ..h mr. - JDBoyd, - ; ' vl: RDongfllW J W L Jonnson. ason, Green Simpsonv ,tf?jT,,c' ' qKTlipWpsonl KTCasUes, . 4 Syi IT A P Dariy, WEstes, . J West, Banka,- McCoitnelL. . i I , V efe preparpd ta do alt kinds of Book . . m oh as'VeaforiabkrmsVslthe fsajn work -can be dne at any -establishment in the teiisbrttlnuanceorkHeM 8TJ0I DAT OO 3IKalim I have also connected with my Barber &hop, aaihnfe ro4r rabm.ths will be adniinterea at any lunif desired. iufle-'19'' ""j',-Jf 'I'1' a.-1? ifcT! ;. iWHAT i8 tbat4br? .T v.n - i . K is lor sale qt - - June 10 ? TIDDY'SJ j un !' 1 T t t ni ' 1 1 ' HEMIE-OOlVt VP lll. WHtllf.lMi .ilklh. latest discoTctfei 1 pi4iM aa VwreiiUag SriB - Thul an iMMwrlmrk f tta baadret an4 pixtr pages, with numerous engravings, and contains TaluaUla inrornMtioa fr ibaas waara)arried,arcoQieaiulatt mar- t 1 1 contains tha cxirerienea and adriea a f a Dhraielaa wtKHierePiiWlB tarsfci.!rj, Ja4 ndMpa to piV Tate 4raef6f ee.7 fcalt aarfftaiale taroqgbout tl) saUra B -. . . era ti ret not piiMahadij t . ' 4l Vaa af? tMr aK-laac tihe tea iveTnTihat Is irta- kaaaring.aBd saocbiaai ia lot paWtahadiUi aar apaarrwifcn i-l 't-s ,iM Sent ta aar aneifrea o t BstaaeV-C(r Fi 0 Cent. Address Dr. Butts' IMipeasarj.Iia, 12X. Kljathttreet I Notice to t&e Affli5i4i tad 7t&rtu&&t& qiihiKUttm&ff& SUM paulia patxrs.ar sla( any naakMatasUea ncrasa Dr. Hswaiisaasa u,rtti Aapiar. Butts' a-ork al rooma: i a i adarsed br sobm f tk aaast calebrai4 ad aaiprornsan artkli eaaau'r a ad Jtaropa. aad eaa aaaaav. I ott.d persaaranjr ar aa ntalf.a taadisesaes mentioned is aiaaWtaA WrI pharayJisv I X .iytbA at tftx i,;t: iVLllll nery, " 000,0" FAHCY 1KB STAPLE 7 'f : i. DRY GOODS to i v.-i,rij(ijtr:tv 'f-yf'jd-i' .yfiinrf d-tiiH 3 '-I'll if A An 1 i linn ; Li": v. iu?4 '.M:4tAS ,13 nil A?! (J SPAKE f GEEAT5 PtJEASURE IN IN forming the public that I. have in, store and Janidai1y receiving ' tWe'llnesf rand cheapest stock of the above goods ver brought to this market, nd "can safely jgay that Jthfe-gotKlar are- the ;beitft irtd jeletefl ?ith the greatest care' and "wifl be'i6m at su.cn rates aar to, aery ; competiuoii,' t xpu, Wilt find &Mh rt4'eVeryertniertt Cpm7 pletef andtbrjjtoak'e iay lim lf- ment more cqpipiete. A nave engaged two. one ot whorrris i I respectfuftf invite d.aneiayatopa$ f Y AnQther pa$ of my speciaUies W thi .SJ ;...4.i.. ii l-ft 1 Vi..i.fA Itimore. pttbllc to call viierryvinevf U029," LincolntonT: .ll 12 ! ff . 11 '.t"?; IronBtation. " 11 601" liJ 1 Brevard's, waspmllsapt Tnekaseege 12 57 1 02 5' River Punip. sri i . a a . i' 20 zulnutet for breakfast, . , . BARGAIN COUNTER. dnced prices. - T - - , j- yt iiJti hatpin a-fftxi H-JHifiX -Stations. ChArlftltA. River Pump," ? Iron Station. - Lmcolnton . Cherryville. ar OB i . . . . : IL . I -r4( i . w aMpT i - i- ' ' f . , ttoiflu bast: !. -A f : i(nrsmV?K 5WHi,43icea) ,EAOt r "anaaaaaBW BiaaaaBBBBnaa.Ba have the Hats in the wis ui iuc outte, uiu wiu De SOla AS IOK " 2 J t J't Zl .Ass't. San'k. 1 - f , ,J ZSJ (-JrH't'JH-. aaJpAM !MAX r-eri .tvri 4 Ttr 4f rlj. .(K'iUoT p; moor o -.. . r . - - . T," '-rr .. r " Tr aV" A T 1 ' J- .a I -r ij vJLTLfr. j ionn liner j ? a.u -sBiiJii- st u j LVfn,BaikW. llcSiSLi I ?Pf l-T r.ILt'j V., V!f.-' r- F ' "' smjuuro i-a vpiewenngcon, jonn wenson, f W Carter, SanmeLfoice, rri , JMcradden, RMLlndsfy, ; fT E Stianoru.. . . . J.W KnvkendalL h J N Grant a easAa 4 "(I i a a r ----- !t tins ii ) ik. tit i t j'ffil 'Ar ' 4-' lff ; . ' :i,-t afs" f ; of Pamplilet Brifefi; Jja i ...ii ai-: r-i fi xit;apa.i8issgr : John MooreKrY. JGEeister. M Minter, 1 i r ,"'fTf l! -t :i r ft state of South, CltrjOlina ' ft ti DWtttytttlaietteT. 1 I, CC McCoy, clerk Of theclrcjiit court for sdm county, do certify that he1 ioteto- ner list contains tlip namMT'Mn&faMs Hitifchs-tSf said county, tf atWefr' stafe Tiient as above is entitled1 'full faith and riredence. Witness jny harod and seal of f feffice at Cliester, June 18. 1873:' K V- C. C. McCoy, clerk "rfrHnTt r-nitr 1 ftrrom the Carolina SparU'nfcAug( 21 1873. VmESSRS CULVER BXaTRR&: WTtEMEN t WeeatMy concur in all thajfc has ''or canjLrfTavor of your" farmer bvotfy ougSfaii mA'. - v s - euGapeon Bobo, II IiThainpson. ft U if. . Oti. AiJiK- iiv.J to i . : ? ;, jt Xrcketsxf5orion Tickets i . r Railroad Tickets, Pro- .amiir;! fioi : L grammes, Posters t t S'A'JtVt,' '"'ill .'T. 'JliKAV .iJrf?. ; .4;s,.f-,i( l.i;i 7'X Al .t,l W H White. TWJ Wooton, 'James Bishop, W A Finger, B CTillerson, p 3 Bsllinper, KEber Beanlen, Jlohn Stacgs, f TKoaiai Coojier, 1' S Kut ledge, Jesse Cannon, "Jolsit'Tuck, AIMcAUister, Wilson Cantrell, Wni Owens, FX Wingo, B It Chapman, D A Farmer, i?1 ili Ot ishatn inches. 3 " "- . i fja , ; v. 1,-1, j ;ric ttar M ' : M fntiri JT T-aa 'Wi'iJirl " i Sur.! ya U -'-:-f .v Letter Heads.?tuy?!;;tvf is .tisi 1 I) frf .4S 4al i -ft' or any descrtplOTrtyf Printiri, HmW at reasonariirQQiiiuperior styled niflr. .ikjUv' !?tt tN i ,!nhiui-1-'li ;."ior i.l V IwSaWf I Orrifirsrrfrfrm -hmf1 will .1.1 the Latest StyieSa- rinfMcCo TJ Chalk. i j Mccoiium, ,J Bnxjce&eia, eownk ties. tresn rrom the Manufactories. .len f-ifB -a . i. , ewws' While truly grated for past favors extefld Idesircj your, continued natron j r ' .. .1. .i"t :...t ..i. nt'i'j trf1 5 ifl "U'H '!i.-J dt Yfiim(t'. f i a i A C McDowell, Lecil Cooksev, I C Clement Samuel mith, 1 W K P Caldwell, WJ Scott, ' W JTuck,' ; W F Green, 7.r L L. Foster, Thotf.J 'Coopeir, Hugh McDowell, Wm Goan! J F WingO, John O'Shields, 1 tTJaspertWhJfe J L Scruggs BO-Finley. ' D HGramling, -lgnas iieicner; H E Biviiigvk 7- H WashpEoole, af tl..ii.iv iVlt Isaac Ept6ri,-r - u ' Jlmoas, ' , prRutTedgei' 1 TabJohnaon, . J AFbster, " f ! 'WMttetfGfeeri,. , Hitviil Mt. Ji Ja&1i&iJfti&na r? -13 A,arWLA ' . BaT L. (4fttfi J Froctbj: -a CO CO s H SO CO r- co m CO S1 -r CO FL ftt!ff;'aa;it.'l'rf til 'i!5tf 3mvI S. B KEACHAM, LH.j .h ,a-n m r,r,n' lV ..... : Sjgnof the Brass Boot. ... SLWU Mj ii- liiB SiJIMl" " Jfltfe Jf'i ft! -1 .- -'V ,qii'-.j ' ' ttesi iltfGttl Prices v'it' '.j;! AT ' i L.it . iif:ir.'jru.'-m !' it 'i IRitOIWBlOI .Jft:t M;i! i.i ;i j . ;; Tf'. m.i 4H " f ' f ' ;. 1 i-,r .' ;' -C-' .- . I .'4. u. I how offer mytutire stork of SPRIIIG AND t V ' GOODS Aitke'Sh'eatmt Reduced 1 Prices from this Jhle " vIhnorder fdttakeobirYfor iriy'lare'Bin and Winter Stock which I intend tolay in shortly. 7f- J ndj o tAteof Soutn. Carolina u.v i xr? I H !xa r. iDcjtyif Spartan btirt?. if. I, PWj Trimtnier, Clerk of theourtof Cinmpn:Pleas,Ant, , General . Session mr the, county fSpartanhnrg, andState afore saiJ do certify that I,am ipersonally ac ouainted vitb the. parsons named1 ia;4b abQve listi nJ that ctbey! are: anwnf' the best eltizetvtl the.4xuntv-.' jr-t-l IwilkJtjit.tharttheAlulver Broth-etlay-BoJd ,4rnnniber-f heLtrFar mer Stores in4his town and-oUnty,;ian(l tbey have given n, tire atisfactionv so far . Given under )iny hand and seal of; office at-Spartanburg C Ha 8. CU this August 5t frl.;iuo- lo M-M Tatmnaa,;Clerkv i Thisetove iaaold frona' waohrionlt. bv the Manufacturers?4ravelling agents, - whd Iwill be in Mecklenburg aid' iidtoinm on it. t n .ta ti aue?ap6m Up- iv 3"!Bi A .fi;ifKn i.m v -1 i Ui - : -TTrTTT": o ..-. f f ?Kfcind!flnd it to tnir interest to call MONEY ofijlo ll A ;i. V7 Illilliililffllll . , aa. finrm.jilK nnssihln ,'. '( t -. '"W .17 - T7 1 . '4f ""n. wvKwfv 4 . vnUMfi v9iXrr'i UK-' -ri,r. iij.i 1 at ,G;enera Cemmiasion; Zlercha&t, t'"i"2aAiuoiTlaNi3. i Particular atttioilI paid tof selling all kindAf Produce, Cotton and Tofeacpo. j t an oraers. irom a, xnstanca . promptly at tended thfif tieiizii7 XX0BB ACCOIIHOBATIOSS. i aiwaya recdve promptxiatttionf . I UUIiaUlC' KCZMUC4I43 tXUU 'JHCUIlaV' UoUiOtt which RobfeFiemrainnow lives ;one-foorthi of a mile.. Xrom Blacks Station, on, the AirUnelrpctaus- uWSeTS PciteTVftttntt.V5tfie MforhiW- R Jra TIardin or Ilobt: "Flern , Blacfcfs fititi6K:iAi.'li iA' tMUrrl tion-calllo: mine: way. a Ui . . V Utn A l. au persons are lorbjaoea tot letnixboyk; or any .ene else except my wife, tare goods Jl j ept47?lw,i&U tmpt' fi .Toafic lAbel Bands, sKotl exsr ...4.,Itt. t.t...'t ?aug 28-dltwt. vMiirtiyuafrTyiiwuwaiiu sppiuuti arr3-nir3rji joHnasrnrrrcor venuQ iv&tiWTlJMGWM eaU attentidn In them, and p$ iteniue, Jbr Jqgzriw,r . - "-fr. r-- AND , 0BTMN THE GREATEST BARGAINS . . . tr - i i '- - - I. ;!v,t! f-. " ,,,-.invf !.'' t 3l'y I aQAilidD Bii ck)N to close out n?y ppriqg and summQribtQCk; . jl-j4 .jiirit : U A i -1 : t i ! i thk 1 . . - ... ITTJ.'--. ..r..T. '.'1 ; ,-tiniiia ,v,TntJrHfE W Wii Jt ...- J: 0VEKTISE IN BAfilC OF CAD Of Conco4 IT. O., - ' c a jHMJ 8sa,ooo. The, BEST IlWJSTMEJirP fferitfid' only 'few snarkSbfd, Afjnrv at oncfe' ty4aWt4ilivi 4l I HI .l JSbafrWt)nell tion liyiacklressing :IUHAlIiIx Esb.; or 'iVKOAIiAHTElGier, . septiotoctl- -.- - - v -.--JTH Tmp L ljlTTAtl.3ia6ilB6E i.fQUIIfEB. i "TUISoquirey.navinaa largecircuiauon in' tlie bounties of Anson, Union Chester stield and Lancaster offers unsurpassed ad jvan(ageai an adveTtUiog inediura for the rnerdiants of jUharlotte.- v I PnblisnecT Weekly at $2 per annum by j,.i.riUxH! 'BOYtUfA WOLFE, ; isep Qjtfr i tii'f ' a Monroe, N. C. f . : .-, - rmr i . I mm a una At rrr rwmii ist nmnnir imnnnnn -r K Bologna lusageice and. freshl Coarw i -.nr HAnts H Kit taiee. KntteV . firift .lot nf L yiiii-aji6iyila ur viiiuiAxutacHja.autx:ii---wiii Keeoncau.i tift''-:' Call antltt jaertmcatea oTreliable Chemists, at 14 1 f ocu XA-Vij. . . VPPOSl.W.VOnTWljQUS is; ""t tw oaic a nwtwaun price. ---r -4 CsSMpW W.-CHAXK, aent Hit 1 if &i Coll Kmt v jf rionr, jixeKsvjrna.wistimsomei , tains Qioc, can be aUXmroodate3 f t V f r ocnool i -sp iuTf ir?r r rt rrr ivhirt r 1 1 .. i ! 11 11 a 1 . f MtgQJkUm FrtZkTumi 'Seed wthsssae, apply r t W.K.BURWELL, . aug307t Spring' Coruav j- t hJ VI11QIKIA FLOUB. t A Tqrgelpt,,ofttSupenor Virginia Flour lit DaTreis; fu revivwanoTfor sale whole- kaWbha- retaTr,1 kWt4 ,M x JV4 f f f f - 4 H V4I4W II UUU W sept 7 JUT lias lust arrived. Call And make ae- fclT6mitnel)eif, assortment in the Statoni-yUiiiWALTIait BliEM A CO. aept7 2w lot ,si1 -'iriitim)ir ' - ilBIXED Writinj? iind Copying InK, i-atiUU ftaUt.i itii i i-i" TIDDY'S. .JCHnlf '.it ' "vn'f..i a'l r d tm.Fisa 4uFisn 1 1 jllS? Scot oieanierringain boxes, and cod fish, au g o XMPNg it CO. i i it. ...I, i - TO fJlTCnnpr.AVnfei. t xuuu. iutrrurs., ... ft supply of tttfesfct' eelUifatd Seed, all desirabla varietTea. fuH of "t. . i r 5 V, I; r W.-K. BURWELL & CO. j