LOCAL AFFAIRS: TTCAILDW EIX, Ical Editor. :X7"pABK, Uusiiiess Manager. Saturday, September 20. 1873 It's a long time between tires. The hardware men seem to be par ticularly busy just now. The premium books of the Fair of t,e Caroiinas, are ready for distribution- frequent are the guffaws which burst forth from the lips of the wor shippers at the shrine of the flying trapeze The debris occasioned by the acci dent of Wednesday having been cleared from the track of the C. C. & A. K. It., and the trains are now run- n in again on regular, schedule time. ; The stocks of goods being received in this market are immense; very much larger than were ever before brought here. Drays are running continually, hauling goods, and the stores are being daily more and more crowded. . We learn that active steps are be ing taken by certain parties, in this city, towards forming a joint stock company and putting a cotton facto ry in operation at an early day. Mayor's Court. Burwell John gton. colored, who has a stall in the Market House, was before the May or yesterday morning, for disobedi ence of the orders of the Clerk of the Market. He was fined $5 and costs. : Explanatory. In speaking of Hon. C. G. Memminger, the types yesterday made us say he was late Secretary of the Treasury of the Con federate States ; when we wrote that he was "Secretary of the Treasury of the late Confederate States." Pkusonal. Our friend, It. M. Fur man, Esq., editor of the Asheville Citizen was at the Charlotte Hotel yesterday. Sorry we did'nt have the pleasure of meeting him. Co1. J. L. rennington is at the Central Hotel and will remain there for several davs. Heavy clouds overcast the sky yesterday, and considerable rain fell during the day. The sun, as it was on the eve of setting, gave a most singular and indescribable appear ance to the heavens, ns it peeped out between two black clouds. N. C. K. 11. A circular note from Capt. W. II. Greene. Master of Trans portation for the North Carolina Di vision of the Richmond & Danville Railroad, dated Company Shops, 18th inst., informs us that hereafter mail trains will run daily the entire length of the road. The travelling public will be dad to learn this. Seizi-re of Distilleries. We learn that on Thursday Revenue officers W. M. Walker and Robt. Howell, seized two illicit distilleries in Gas ton Co. about one mile on this side of Dallas. One of the distilleries was brought to Charlotte and the other destroyed where it was found. Another Drama. We learn that our Good Templar friends are mak nig preparations to present another drama to the people of Charlotte some time during Fair week. As to the name of the drama which it is proposed to play, we are not ad vised. They have very wisely taken enough lime to prepare themselves thoroughly, and we may reasonably look for a fine performance. Tr Cottox Stalk. Mr. J. M. Robert?, one of the express messengers on the Air-Line Railroad, was kind enough to bring us yesterday a cotton stalk whick was raised on the land of Maj Ben. Sloan, of Oconee bounty, South Carolina, and which rather heads off anything we have seen in the cotton line this season. The stalk has on it HO bolls, some of them open Maj. Sloan sends us word that it is fln average of eight acres ef cotton grown by him. He must be a model farmer to have raised such cotton, as the specimen before us. Charlotte. Under this head the Spartanburg New Era has the follow iug good words for our place. The "writer of the article below gives evi dence that he knows enterprise when he sees it. He says : "This city has, by energy and per severance, established a diversified commerce, equal in every respect, to any that we know of. Her recupe rative power has been evoked in such a degree as to make her one of the fastest and most important North ot our Town. Her streets, public ouiiuings, the indices of her materi al proaneritv. with her intelligent. refined population, and the multi plication of her educational facilities foreshadow her future greatness and DlJivmior. Promotion of Two North Caro linians. The Columbia Phoenix of yesterday has the following: "Captain C. J. Iredell was, yester day, elected Cashier of the Carolina National Bank of this city, and, Mr. Wylie Jones, Teller. Captain Iredell has been with this bank since its or ganizationand Mr. Jones since 1870." Both of these gentlemen are North Carolinians, and both are relatives of Mr. Jones of the Observer ; Captain Iredell being an uncle and Mr. Wy lie Jones a brother. A Banter. Mr. D. R. Leak, of this place, has two hogs which he will enter as a pair, or one singly, at the Fair of the Caroiinas, against any hogs or hog as the case may be. in either of the Caroiinas, between twelve and eighteen months of age. Mr Leak proposes that a pool be got ten up, wherein shall be placed any given sum, and the successlul com petitor of course to take the pool. Mr Leak is in earnest about this mat- ter, and throws down the 'gauntlet in mnd fith TTo.-o 5 o j, " V1TUH. nity for making or losing something How many of the hog raisers of the two Caroiinas will embrace it? Lack of Mail Facilities. Every day the lack of a mail on the Air Line Railroad is felt by all classes of people. True, the conductors very kindly take in charge all letters left with them for delivery at the differ ent stations on the road ; but this must necessarily occasion them much trouble, and as they cannot always see in person those to whom ,th mail matter in their possession i? directed, letters frequently miscarry, of course. In our business, the lack of the facilities is felt sensibly. The Observer has a large number of sub scribers on the Air-Line alreadv, bu would have many more if there onl; was a mail on the road. We almosl daily receive letters from gentlemer along the line of the road, sayini that they have seen the Ojiserveh. like it very much, and are anxiou to subscribe for it ; but cannot do s until a mail route is established f n the road. We hope the proper au thorities will exert themselves to ac commodate the public in this mat ter. Since the above was written, wt lave learned that mails will proba cy be put on the the Air-Line in j very short time. Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel. Charlotte. N. C, Sept ember 18, 1873. E J Hatcher, Wilmington; Rober- S Lacv, Fhila; J N Cohb, Bnltiniore G E Coolidije, W G Lauhlin, Sal is )iu y; 1 H Adams, Greensboro; B 1 Gulp, Anson; E R Memminger Charleston; W D Goodwin, JNIr. Campbell, Miss Campbell, Grccnvjlle J Edwards, Richmond; V II Clay ton, Atlanta; JR White and wife Elk Shoals; A J Finch, Raleigh; J 1 Pennington and family, Alabama; C K Tate, C W Tate, Mtlsland; Bpaitit ' o viand, SC;TO Trov, Co Shop m u xiunuarci, ureenvuie; v m TT ll 1 f 1 .'11 WT Smith, Concord; Mrs Harris, MK- Hanis, Columbia; 1 C Anderson, 1 li Anderson, btatesvule: Mrs Wn Roy, J C Andrevs,Columbia; L I McCleukrv, Augusta; S R Wilkinson Norfolk; W C Bennett, Chester; T W Palmer. D College; J M Jvv, Rock Hill; Mrs A K Durham and children Camden, S C. Grape-Vine Telegram. VIENNA EXPOSITION". The Home Shuttle Sewing Ma chine makes no claim whatever t the premium at the above named ex position, and for the information oi the public, will state that vve were not represented there, from the fact thai the demand for our machines art now so great that we did not havi time to enter the Rina: but our ma chine will certainly be on exposition at the Centennial Anniversary ot tin Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde pendence in this city in iSo. Ana in the meantime it can be examined at our office on Trade Street; and ,f we cannot show that it will do the same work that any other machine- in this market will do.and sell it for about one half of the money, we will charge nothing for our machine, sep 20-lt HOME SHUTTLE. Governor Moses, of South Caroli na, narrowly escaped t. kicking the other day. Henj. Hernandez, ol Charleston, went to see the Governor about $500 which his -Excellency owed him. The doorkeeper refuseu to let him in, and he knocked the doorkeener down. Moses went to the rescue, and .Benjamin tnreateneo . ... i to whip him too, it hedidn t pay up. A policeman arrested tsenjamin. There are but three legally qualifi- aA Af oori strut ( in "Rnwfl.ii r.nuntv. ao cording to the Salisbury Watchman 4M.fi- W - " I All those recently elected nave Deen sworn in. but not wiinm ine uuie required by law; hence, they cannot act until they get commissions of appointment troni tne LvierK. oi tne Superior Uourt. New Goods. We received to-day a laree stock of ladies and children's shoes, of fine quality and low in price. Also a large stock of youth's and gentlemen's Bav State Balmorals. Call and see our stock. Sample & Alexander. sepl9 2t CDABLOTTE 91 ARRETS. CORRECTED DAILY BY THE Board of Trade. Cotton. Charlotte, N C, Sent. 19, 6 P. M. Sals to-Jay 78 bales on basis of 17 cents for low middling; market closing dull with a decline of cent. Wholesale Groceries. Bacon C. R. Sides, per lb Shoulders, Coffee Rio, prime, per lb " " good. " " common, Candles Adamantine, boxes, " i boxes, Cheese Prime factory, State, Hi a 12 28 27 25 17 17 a 00 a 00 a 26 a 00 a 18 17 15 common, Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, 2, m 12 a 00 a (0 " 3 i bbls, No. 1, 10 6J a 7 6 a 7 " 2, No. 1, No. 1, i i " i " Kits, 3i a 4 3J a 00 3 a 00 1? a 2 15 a U 17 a 18 9i a 16 11 a 1H 26 a 27i 10 a Hi 13i a 15 it 3, Gunny Cloth iron Tics Arrow. Lead Bars, per tb Leather Hemlock, 'rt Leal, pcr It) Pure leaf, Molasses New O rl ea n s. Golden Syrvip, common " 50 a 70 30 81a 0 9i a 10 10J a 11 $3 a 3i vda Kess, Box, assorted, Rice Carolina, Sri Liverpool, per sack, American, $U a 24 Sugar Crushed and powdered, 13 a 00 A, 13 a 13 12 12i a 12 a 10 Extra 0, Coffee, yellow, 11 Brown, 8 Whiskey North Carolina, corn, Northern. Country Produce, (Buyintf Prices.) iuam Hams, per lb 15 11 a 12 10 a 11 13 25 a 30 25 1,75 a 1.90 2.00 (50 55 20 4.50 4 25 4.00 4 a 5 6 a 8 7 a 9 20 hides. Shoulders, Hog Round, Beeswax Butter Choice, limady Apple, Peach, om w lute. Mixed, tyq, per dozen, Flour Family. Extra, Super, Fruit Dried Apples, reaches, " Blackberries, " Turkeys, none Ducks Hides Dry, 15 a 17 Green, 5 a 8 r,ard Good, 12 " Common, 10 Meal White, 60 a C5 On;- Black, . . 40 " White, " 45 hion., 75 a 1.00 lcas Pure clay, " Mixed, Potatoes Irish, 50 a 75 125 8 1.40 1.50 35 20 a 30 S'weet, Tallow, Wheal Rod, per bush, White, Wool Tub washed, L ii washed. Disease Hecolls From the system that has been invigora- ed and regulated by a course of that most eneficient of all vegetable elixirs, Hos- etter's Stomach Bitters. Such, at least, is he inference we are compelled to draw rom the testimony of thousands of per ns residing in unhealthy districts, who :ttributc their escape from the epidemic uid other complaints which prevail there n the spring and autumn solely to the use r . 1 A a? J a. T r mis great protective aim preventive uedicine. Many western and southern riners and planters, as invariably as they ow and plant in the spring and reap and ;ather in the fall, administer at those sea- ons to their families and employes, and ake it themselves from twice to three hues a day. The demand for it in the fe ver and ague districts bordering on the lississippi, Ohio and Arkansas Rivers ii mmcuse: ana wherever tlie natural coll isions are such as to generate intermittent r remittent fevers, it is held in the hih- st esteem, both as an antidote to the at- nospheric virus which prcvoke them, and f. i i - a. .1:.. is a swiit ami certain remeov ior tnose uis- ressing forms of disease. It is almost un- lecessary to say that this renowned tonic nd renevator is now generally accepted as i l -j- t 1 .A I'll! i standard specincior indigestion, diihous- iess, nervous distemper, rheumatism, 1 1 1 .1 ,1 nvsicai weaKiiess aim niciuai iicsuuhuch- v, not only bv the public at large, but by inprejudiced medical men. The vast pop ilaritv of the Hitters have of course led to nanv counterfeits and imitations, against .vhich the community are requested to be m their guard. To My Friends. - New York, Sept. Oth, 1873. I am now in market, purchasing a Stock )f Gentlemen's Clothing and Furnishing iood. for John A. Young & Son, Char- otte, and flatter myself that I will present i Stock comprising everything you may Aish, and in Styles suited to your tastes. The selections are beins made wirh care, md believing I understand the wants of he Market, I ask you to call at our "Cloth ins Emporium" on and alter the 1st ot Oc tober, proximo, and examined our fetocK. J. ALPHOTSO YOUNG. sep 11 tf. Notice. Having just returned from the North where I have purchased a large and handsome stock of Ready-Made Clothing for men's boy's and youth's wear. I in vite all to come and inspect my goods as I am determined to offer greater bargains than ever. E. SHRIEK. sep 9 Temple of Fashion. We see that Procter fc Gamble's Ex tra Olive Soap is becoming very popular in our citv, its quality we know is superi or, and being nicely perfumed we are not surprised that consumers preier it, ana uiai it has a large sale- july 1 3m A Use "Wabash Valley Chill Cure. ine I ... . . old reliable remedy ior cuius aim an mal arial diseases. It contains no Quinine. For sale by the druggists of Charlotte. sep 12 5t G. W. CHALK, COMMISSION MERCHANT. FOR THE SALE OT Cotton, Plour, Grain, Tobacco, and other produce. AGENT FOR FBBTIT.TZHT18. College Street, Charlotte, N. C. sept 14 New Advertisements. Agozits t anted. SEXD FOR catalogue. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New York, sep 6 4w STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, AND MACHINERY. Stationary and Portable Steam Engines and Boilers, Gary's Anti-Friction Cotton Press, Circular,. Gang and Mulay Saw Mills; Portable and Stationary Flouring Milis. Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Pans, Narrow Gauge Locomotives and Dummy Engines for street roads and mining pur poses, new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of every des cription. Send for circular. WASHINGTON I HON WORKS, sep G 4w 60 Vessey Street, N. Y. KENM0EE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL. Amherst C. II., Vra. Preparatory to the University of Va. H A Strode (Math. Madallist U. Va.), Principal and Instruc tor in Mathematic s. H C Brock, B. I. it. II. Va. (recently Ass't Prof Latin, U Va.). Instructor in Greek, Latin, French, German and Botany. This is one of the leading high schools of Virginia, and pre sents many advantages incomparable with those of others. St idents also received for the Summer. New session begins Sept 15th, 1873. For Catalogue, address the Principal. septG4w Agents Wanted for the New Book. EPIDEMIC & CONTAGIOUS DIS EASES with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thorough work of the kind in the world. Embraces Small-Pox, Yel low lever, Cholera and all analogous dis eases. No family safe without it, and all buy it. Has 24 chromatic illustrations. The biggest chance of the season for agents. Address II. S. GOODSPEED & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. sept G 4w f A ATI7V Made Raridlv withSten- 1Y1U All 1 oil & Key Check Outfits. Catalogues and full particulars free. S. M. Spencer, 117 Hanover St., Boston, sep 64w A FORTUNE. How ? liy speculating in stocks and jrold. Capital, $10 to $100; will pay $100 to $1,000 a month. Full explanation sent free. V. F. HUB- DELL & CO., Bankers and Brokers, 30 Wall St., New York. Box 2282. sepG 4w A Per ay ! Agents wanted ! ?fJ to i$jJ All chusses of working peo ple, ot either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare mo ments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STIN- SON & CO., Portland, Maine. sep G4w TYhe Greatest Invention of the Age. JL Agents wanted everywhere. Samples and terms free. Address W. C. Walker, Russellville, Ky, sep 6 4w Gray's Celebrated Ad ti-Friction Cot ton Press. The cheapest, simplest fnd most perfect Cotton screw ever invented, send tor cir- cular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, 60 Vessey St., New York, sole manufac- turers. sep 6 4w FOR SALE. Needles and Attachments for all kinds of Sewing Machines, ('ash orders promptly tilled or sent per Express C. O. D. Address D. G. MAXWELL, Charlotte, N. C, Gen'l Agent of the Home Shuttle Sewing Ma chine- sep 6 4v GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN. Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PbMc Library of Kentucky 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 $250,000 for $50 The Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ized bv special act of the Legislature fc the benefit of the Public Library of Ken tucky, will take place in Public Library nan, at Liouisvme, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3, 1873. Onlv sixty thousand tickets will be sold. The tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, which will be the grand- I 1 ' ..I ...I t A.-.r.,-vyl ... ll ! L est musical aispiay ever wrucsbcu m country, the unprecedented sum ol $1,500,000 divided into 12.000 cash gifts, will be dis tributed by lot among the ticket-holders. XJST OF GIFTS : One Grand Cash Gift $250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,000 One Grand Cash Gift 2o,000 One Grand Cash Gift 17,500 10 Cash Gifts $10,000 each 100,000 30 Cash Gifts 5,000 each 150,000 50 Cash Gifts 80 Cash Gifts 100 Cash Gifts 150 Cash Gifts 250 Cash Gifts 325 Cash Gifts 1,000 each 50,000 1 .'rrr 300 ali . iU laM) 4D,UUU 200 each.. . nr ru-ui 100 each 32.500 11,000 Cash Gifts 50 each 550,000 Total. 12.000 Gifts all Cash, S:SS;SiiT . . A. . HI I I all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12,- 000 gins all paid in proportion io me uc ete sold- PRICE OF TIC.IST. Tnfli nr each coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Ticket for $500 : 22orickets for $1000; 113 Whole Tickets for S5,000: 'I'll wnoie licneis ior m nnn xr Ait nn than 500 worth of Tickets at a time. Tickets now readv for sale, and all or ders accompanied by the money promptly fi led. Liberal terms given to those who buy to sell again. THOMAS E. BR AM LETT. Aet Pub Libr Kv. and Manager Gift Con ceit, Public Library Building, Louis- vuie,ivy.- Ln'-f " 3 CAUTION. BUY OSU' THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MANUFACTURED BY I & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. Standard Scales. Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, &c., &c Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also, Troenier's Coffee and Dru Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, ifcc, tc. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY EVERY Merchant DRAWER SHOULD Use Them, Warranted SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses. FAIRBANKS 3c CO., 311 Broadway, New York. 1G6 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWIKG. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston. For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers. sept 9 taw 4m PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. YTRS. A. W.Mir.LER gives notice that 1T-L she is prepared to accommodate a number of regular boarders. Her table i: Always supplied with the best tare to b( had in this market ; the rooms are air and beds clean, and pains are taken t make guests comtortaole. lerms reason - able. GREAT Bargains offered in Linen Good? of every description, at may 6 B. KOOPM ANN'S. THE cheapest and handsomest Embroi deries, at B. KOOPMANN'S. may 9 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, Assorted sizes and grades from the well known Long Shoal Paper Mills, at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE, feb 28 IT AVE you seen the Baby Toy House? IX If not call at TIDDY'S and see it june 19 BLANK BOOKS, just received at PUREFOY'S PURE French Brandy received to-day by July 23 W. R. BURWELL & CO. HOME STOMACH BITTEKS. AT WT. H. H. HOUSTON iV. LO S. 1 Hi medicine is unequalled as a pure toni nd invigorator. apl lo MOLAS&ES. ff BARREL Cheap Molasses, OU 30 barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Tierces Demerara Molasses, just received at STENHOUSE, MACAU LA & CO. june 21 0 Id Papers for sale at 50 cents per hun dred atlhisornce. A T J. S. Williamson & Co's. vou will al waj-s find Mr. John L. Deaton, (late conductor on the C C & A R R,) and Mr. J V Nethers, of Union, S C. They will be glad to see their friends, and promise satis faction in all transactions. aug 19 PAPER BAGS! 1 A AAA Pper Bags, from 2 to 10 lbs I.JJl i ust received. Also, another . ' . , . eL . .-. i t f T,i5a HnhW Virw-slrmiH from 12 to I " june 10 t'iiKh.roy . AIJDRICH'S MALE ACADEMY, Tryon St., between 8th and 9th Sts. rpHE Fifth Scholastic year of this School - jl wjil commence on Monday, 15th Sept Payment of tuition required each half ses sion in advance. The prinrfpgi Gf this school returns his 1 thanks for the patronage he has hitherto enjoyed, and hopes by devoted attention to the moral, as well as literary training of i j' ' la continuation of the same. aug 26 tsep 15 School Notice. llffISS H.MOORE will open her school 1V1 on the 15th of September, 1873. Terms nt Tuition 15 jsir flnd $20 French and - Mnsir. on verv rpasonahlfl terms. No de auction for withdrawal of pupil, save for I protractea illness. vp Auction Store. BeUing, Tools,, &c, at Private Sate.. I have in store a large lot of Capenters,. Tools, Leather and Rubber, Belting, as sorted, sizes, Files, Screw Plates, Renohea, Hammers, Ac., fce. Also a large lot of pa- Kr bags,, molasses gates, measures, spu-e xes, &c., &c. Com soon and secure bargains, at the auction store of TIIOS. H. GAITHEJCL july 19 City Property, and Farming Land FOIL SALE. 1 will sell privately on reasonably tcrmsy 4 city lots with neat cottngss. 2 unimproved lots corner of Second and" D streets, 2 unimproved" lots corner of Second and streets. Also, 4." valuable farms, well improved. For further particulars apply to me at the Auction Store. THOS. H. GAITHER, , AHCtkmeer & Ileal Est Ag't. sept 10. 0' V V f t t t ? i Time Tests the Merits of all Things. 1840 Over Thirty Years X873. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER HAS been tested in every variety of cli mate, and by almost every nation known to Americans. Jt is the constant companson and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveler, on the sea or land, and no one should travel on our Lakes, or Hirers, without ii. Since the rain-Killer was first introduced and met with such extensive sale, many Liniments,. Reliefs, Panaceas, and other Remedies have been offered to the public, but not one of them hns-attaincd the truly enviable standing of the Pain-Killer. WHY IS THIS SO It is because Davis' rain-Killer is what it claims to be a Reliever of Pain. Its Merits are Unsurpassed. If you are sufFerring from InUrnal Pain, Twenty to Thirty Drops in a Little Water will almost instantly cure you. I here i nothing to equal it for Colic, Cramps, Spasms, Heart-bwrn, Diar- rbaa, Dysentery, x lux, ind in the Bowels, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia,. Sick Headache, &e. In sections of the country where Fever and Ague prevai.s, there is no remedy hHd in great- ;r esteem. Persons travelling should keep, .t by them. A few drops, in water, wiil prevent sickness or bowel troubles from hange ot water. From foreign countries the calls for Pain- iviller are great. It is found to Cure Cholera when all other Remedies. Fail. When used externally, as a liniment,, lothing gives quicker ease in burns, cuts,, miises, sprains, stings from insects, and calds. It removes the tire and the wound lieals like ordinary sores. Those suifoiing with rheumatism, gout, or neurakia, if not a positive cure, they find the Pain- Killer gives them relie-t when no other .-emedy will. It gives, instant relief from Aching--Teeth. Every house-keeper should keep it at hand, and apply it on the first attack of :iny Pain. It will give satisfactory relief, md save hours of suffering. Do not trifle with yourselves by testing untried remedies. Be sim-ymi call for ami etthe genuine Pain-Killer, as many worth ess nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation of this valuable niedi- inc. Direct ions accompany each bottle. Price 25 cts.. 50 cts., and &1 per lnittle. sept 10 diwlm MONEY SAVED BY BUYING THE NEW Family Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payment; WE claim and can show that it is capa ble of doing a larger range of wor c ban any other; easier to learn on, and the nost simple in its construction. It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family 5ewing Machine. It runs smoothly, and loes from the finest to the thickest work .villi equal facility and perfection. We respectfully ask all desiring to purchase a irst class standard machine, to call and jxamine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, at our sales room on Tryon street opposite the Potst Office, or address II - C. TUUPIN, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C. P. O. Box 11. Agents Wanted, june 18 tf SINGLE GUNS. At $2 50, $3 00, $4 50, $6 00, $8 00, 10 Mf $1 2 00 to $28 uo. DOUBLE GUNS. At IW 00, 7 50, $10 00, $1200, $15 00, 820 00, $25 00, $3000, 940 00, $5f 00 to $75 00 Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $t0 00. $60 00 $75 00, $00 00 -110 00, $120 00 to $300. PISTOLS. Smith & Wesson's, Colt's, Allen's Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds. AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breech-loading Guns, at a small ad vance on cost of importation. Metalic Ammunition for Rifles and Pis tols at lowest market prices. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description sent on ap plication. , Goods shipped by Express C. O. D. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., Importers, No 200 W Baltimore St., Baltimore. Richard's' Dougal's, Greener's, Scott's and their celebrated make of guns on hard and imported to order, sept 12 4m

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