It PUBLISHED DJ 1 mmm JOHNSTONE JONES. Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street. RATES OK SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, One vcar in advance, $G 00 Six months." in advance 3 00 Three Months, in advance,...' 150 One month, in advance, 50 Tri-Wccklv, wie year $3.50 Weekly, one year y 2.00 1'roni the Chester Reporter, June 19 1873. Chester, C. II., June 18, 1873. MESSRS CULVER BROTHERS: The great success you are meeting with j thesaleof your 'Fanner" cooking stove, in our county, surprises every one who does not know its .superiority over all other .stoves. We feel it our duty as citizens of tin section, ami alsodue to yourselves and tin- public, to let it be known that we have purchased your stoves, and after a thor ough test find them the most excellent cooking stoves, both in material and con duction, we have ever u.ed. We indorse .-ill that can he said in their praise, and wish you the san Hi success every where you I'D that vAu have had here. .1 V Wilkes, M Hardin, Jesse Castles, joint Clinton, J I) Hyd, jj Douglas, Jjiincs II b;iyc, J (i 1? Gill, U II Drennan, (, A Ulake, 15 Tliompson, J S Graham, X i' Knslorough, Robert Barnes, H A lirakclicld, J A Helnier, John Knox, O J Gwinn, J II Grant, Elizabeth Knox, Kicliiml Woods, Jesse Williams, Win McColluni, T.J Chidk. W I (Jill, J MeColhnn, J Untkefield, J Goiirlcy, C is McCuilough, J W Carter, W in Bailey, M Meiidenhall, A llethcviugton, T T Castles, II Hanks, J Carter, J S McFaddch, T K Shanon, T J Lucas, J X (Jrant, A IIi'd, J (.lm Moore, W Thomason, K Bach ford. J W L Johnson, Green Simpson, W M Hollis, J W Aikeh, 11 T Castles, W O McKeown, J R Wilkin, A I) Darby, S W Estes, E J West, J Banks, J McConncll, W Mendenhall, J A Turner, John Green, James Cherrv, CTKce, J R Jarrett, S T McKeown, W 11 Castles. J Proctor, T-P McKeown, J M Brakeliehl, John Crier, K Cranl'oni, J McNight, John Henon, ! Oallahcr, W (J Nunn, Samuel Price, R M Lindsay, J W Kuvkcudall, ( ' J Kce," II W Finite, W N Gram, J C Bcister. H age M Minter, State cf South Ca- olina, County of Chester. I, C C McCoy, clerk of the circuit court for said county,' do certify that the forego ing list contains the names of respectable citizens of sail eointy. that their state ment as above is entitled to full faith and credence. Witness mv hand and seal of t-Hice at Chester. June 18. IS73. C. C. McCoy, clerk circuit court. From the Carolina Spartan, Aug. 121 I!-'. Sl'AKTANni'RG. AUiTUSt 4, 173. MIKSCS LILY Eli It ROT HERS: (ii:.Ti.r.Mi:N : We heartily concur in all that has "or can be said in favor of your" l-'iirmcr ( 'nokintj Stove. Simpson Boho, W II White, A' J Wooton, .lames Bishop, W A Finder, B (' Tillers' n, .! C Ballitiger, I .ber lJeanlcu, John Slangs, Thomas Cooper, ' S UutW'd-c, .lesse l unuoii, J'.lm Tuck, A McAllister, Wilson Cantrell, Win Owens, F L Wingo, R l Chupnian, I A Farmer. S l! Orisham, J I K Bivings, W J Bishop, Wm J Means, Dr V K Dean, S K Miller, Lafayette Briggs, .1 W C Cossett, l-aac Kpton, P S liutiedge, J A Foster. J .1 McCarley, Benj Finch, Jt P. Monk, II I) Smith, Simpson Finch, J A Fowler, II S Ball, H VvM'c, David A McClure. II II Thompson. A C McDowell, Leal Cooksev, I C Clement. Samuel .Smith, W K P Caldwell, J Scott, J Tuck, F G reel i , L Foster, W W W L Thos J Cooper, Hugh McDowell, Win Goan, J F Wingo, John O'Khields, Jasper White J L Scrubs, I) (i Fin ley, 1) II Gramling, Klias Belcher, Wash Poole, Wm Tuck, Eli Briant, Dr J H Shores, Mrs J M Carson, Wm McDowell, 1 II Cantrell, M J McClimons, Taborn Johnson, Whittcn Green, F M Trim niter, J II Allen, John Epton, M I) Briant. Dr J A Nesbitt, A C Tim molts, T A Davis, F M Harrison, State of Scmtn Carolina, Countv of Spartanburg. t, V. M. Trimmier, Clerk of the Court of Comiuoii Pleas and General Sessions for the county of Spartanburg, and State afore said, do 'certify that I am personally ac quainted with" the persons named in the above list, and that they are among the best citizens of the countv. I will also testify that the Culver Broth ers havib sold a large number of their Far mer Stoves in this town ami county, and l hey have given entire satisfaction, so far us I am informed. (liven under mv hand and seal of office at Spartanburg CI!., 8. C, this August 5, 1S7.V " F. M. Trimmiek, Clerk. This stove is sold from wagons only, by the Manufacturers' travelling agents, who will be in MiH-klenburir and adjoining counties soon. Everv one has the price cant on it. aug 30 (Jnt SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. T TAKE this method of savins to the 1 public that I am still at my old stand under the Central Hotel, where I will al ways be triad to wait ujon them. My es tablishment is complete and no pains will he snared to cive perfect satisfaction. Thankful for past patronage, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. 1 have also connected with my 'Barber oh op, a Bathing room, where baths will be administered at any hour clesiren. GRAY TOOLE. june 1J MOLASSES. A BARHEL Cheap Molasses, vv 30 barrels Fine Svrui. 5 Tierces Demcrara Molasses, jttst received at ST EN HOUSE, MACAULA7 & CO. june 21 5 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, Assorted sizes and grades from the wel known Long Shoal Paper Mills, at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. feb 28 i Vol. X. S. IB. BlESilCMiLEI, 1873. FALL TRADE. AN ENTIRELY OF cc LU CO CD CO LU O CO CD CD CO CD CO CHARLOTTE, 2ST- O- A YING closed out mv Old Stock durinjr 11 Wholesale and lletail, an entirely New frefh from the Manufactories. While trillV grateful for past favors extended Sept 3 tf C 1 o t; li i it ARK now prepared to receive their friends, and the public penerallv. who may dosire a complete or partial outfit in their line, at their NEW CIjOTHING STOKE, on North Tryon Street, Charlotte. Fourth Door above the Charlotte Hotel. Their Stock is entirely NEW, and selected with care in the Northern cities, from Manufacturers wlnise Coods are made expressly for the Southern Market. They offer DRESS SUITS of Black, Blue, Snuff and London Smoke cloths ; of warranted genuine Scotch Cas.-imere, English, French, American Plain and Fancv Cassimeres, in variety of styles and prices. Also, by the single piece, Coat, Pants or Vest. Velvetine, Corderoy. (hay Meltons, Mixed Meltons. Doc Skin Jeanes, Seal Skin, Whitney. Imcrial Worsteds, Kerey, Ac, &c., in style and price to suit every buyer from the Bridegroom to the Hod Carrier. Talmas, of Gray Melton, Mixed Melton, Black Salt, Coral, Black and Blue, Beaver, Ac. Overcoats, of every variety, style and price. Youths' and Boys' Clothing a lar'e and well selected stock. A Full .Line of ; Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, comprising every article necessary to complete the Wardrobe. Hats and Caps of every style and price. large stocks of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neck-tics, Bows, Scarfs and Fan cy Articles. The above limited outline f their stock, is only designed to assure the reader that by calling ujmiu them his wants can be supplied. They pledge themselves to spare no pains to render every patron satisfied with every business transaction with them, and ask to be tried. sep 39-tf. HHThoXesai DEALER 1 1ST STAPLE UNO FANCY DRY GOODS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, r BONNETS, IB ATS, SHAWLS, TRIITMINGS &c. Head) -T2;mIc Clotliin?, Boots, Siloes, Trnnks, Hats, Caps, Umbrelliis and Notions. Trade Street, near the Court Hpusc, Next door to Harty's China Store, CHABLOTTE, XT. O. I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN lM-OKMlNU Ml HilKMW AMJ iiiju'unuu generally, that I have purchased a large and handsome stock of Goods and ant deter .Z-j x ii i. r ,... ,i;.t,. miueu to sen us ion us citi uuvn. . . . . My StocK la. entirely -new anu lias ueen careiuny seieccea wun a view to mcei eerv want ot mv customers. a n -.f mr rrvlu ft n f ihn lntpst. stele and JLll V i .111 fc.'VM.' " v w " sell as low as any ueaier in nits euv, oi cistHutu;. . ii i iiivc me a can ana uc couvincea. Sept 2o tf WILLIAM RICH & CO. Wholesale NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY AND WHITE GOODS, ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE N. C. 1873. NEW STOCK -o CO C3 CO CO m CO CD CO the Summer T Stock of carefully selected goods, me, I desire your continued patron S. B MEACHAM, Sign of the Brass Boot. g tore. and. Heiail . li i !i1 f i. have been boucht verv close, so that I can - - m -l S. FRANK ENTHAL. Dealers in GEORGIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, It. KlAPvR, S3 -t a CP? QQ O &- o 3 CD CHARLOTTE, N, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval l1?. SCAUR'S J""6 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, Ac, at F. SCARR'S juiie 29 Drug Store. . Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1S72 Drug Store. AND UNBBRTAKIXG. I O o F. M. SHELTON TTAVING frrcatly increased his Stock of 11 FURNITURE which consists part ot Parlor Suits. Black, Walnut Painted Cham her Suits. French arid Cottage Bedsteads Spring Beds. Bureaus, Washstands. Teapoys, Folding Tables. Ladirs Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables;, Whatnots safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and Stools of various styles and many other things not necessarv to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med m the most approved stvle.will be kent -i i 1' - constantly; read v for use, all of which will M5 soul at a most reasonable price. ItetUrinftir mnlly thutiku fofr toAut fuvN I most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who lave need for anything in mv line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON: Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley s GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly for, and adopteil to the Southern climate. "COMPOUND EXTRACT COR YD AL LS'' is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and bloou-punher known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which arc produced by bad or un healthy blood. 'DR. GREENE o FIT CURE, cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation ot the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it otten stops tne nts from the first day's use, even where they have existed for years. MEDICATED HONEY." The great remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant, to take, prompt m its action, does not injure tne appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do. Our JEL A britjii'ju is a per fect siecific for Neuralgia, Sciatica,- Rhcu matisnij and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, trom pertecuy rename arugs, ana for the especial class 8 of diseases named on each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They are identically the same that we have used in our private practice for vears. and in thus recommend inn them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They arc safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared nly by DRS. GREENE, LINDLEY & BENTLEY Charlotte, N. C. N. B. Cancers. Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore bv KLINE'S GREAT CAN CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds boro' and Asheville, N. C. june 14 lyr A BOOK FOR THE MILLIOXt Carriage ! A priTatfjTnonlirtthe Married or those ahnut to "marry on the liri logical mysierirs and revelation ot the sexual gvttcm, with lh Guide. latent diiettfcrip iu produeitig aud preveniiug offspring, how to itreierTc the complexion. c. , . '1'lii.ii.i an interestius work ol two hntidred and wxty pafrt.with numerous engraving;, aud contain valuable infnruviion for those who arc arrird.ircoutemplBteniar Hnsc. Still iltaa book that ought to lie kept under lock and key. and not laid carclewlj about the home. It contain the experience aud advice o I a phrslrfan whnte reputation U world-wide, and buld be la the pri vate drawer of eVe. t male and fcMialethrourhont the entire gloix-. ft embrace every thins on the ul.jeet o t the gen eratiro nvstem that I worth knowing, aud much that ia .h published iu anv other work. R:;tit to atir one (r'ree of pontage) for FlOy Ceota. Ad4re! Dr. HuU' UUpeniary .Jio. Kighthttreet St. Luuia, Mo. Katies to the Affiieied tod Unfortunate. Melbre applying to the notorioua qnaeki who adrertlae la public papers, or usiug any qoaek remedies peruse Dr. Kutts- work no matter what your disease is, or how deplor able your woodition. Dr. Bntts occiipiri a double honse of twettjr-ie rooms: i s indorsed bv some f the most celebrated medl ca I professors o f this country and Europe, and can be eo fuU4 personally or bv mail, on tbediseasea mentioned M bin work. Office and parlors. No. 11 K. Kighth street Ktween K-rket and Chesnttt, El Leuii, Me. nov 2-d & w ly . r w WILLIAMSON & CO8. A Wlnnr to suit VOU. Salt, JL t UU w . A tt f liniefi lot of seed oats, xou on fin A Vint OP white corn by the bushel van v - - or by the car load- TJANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and 1873. No 1,436 SinONTONODSE. STATESVILLE, H. C. THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit Statesville. lie will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a fint da HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. R. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN WMMIWWMM 9 NO. 4 WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods Store, CHARLOTTE, ItsT. CJ. Mctalic Burial Cases, Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, ami a full assortment of Furniture, alwaj-s on hand. June 21 OTICE. 1878 IS73 FALL, AND WINTER TRADE. WE arc now receiving our Fall and Win ter stock, to which the attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following lines ol heavy and fancv groceries : 20,000 lbs Bulk "Bacon, 1000 Rolls heavy bajrjring2i to 2lts to vd 1000 Bundles Arrow Tics, 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 44 Fine Liverpool Salt. 200 44 Coffee, Prime, Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demcrara and Porto Rico, 130 44 Syrups, S House and Drips, 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, 150 44 Oysters, 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, 100 Sardines. 200 Packages Fish, No. 1, 2 and 3, 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good. Tobaccos and Whiskies a SPECIALTY, 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands, 100 i.hls CL'orn Whiskey, 100 Va 100 44 Motz celebrated corn whiskev, Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Rye Whiskev, Zeb Vance Apple Brandy, Ginger 44 50 44 50 44 50 " To 44 25 44 10 44 Scuppernong Wine, Brandy, Port, Maderia, Sherrv, French Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store. We arc atrcnts for the sale of Thomas Wvnn's Improved Opcn-rnroar, tnneu Breast, Premium ane Diploma COTTON GINS, With attached Circle Flue, open to the world : $-4 per saw: can be had on applica tion at oilr ofliee. W. II. II. HOUSTON & CO., Grocers & Cotton Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. aug 21 Yorkyillc Enquirer and Lancaster Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY STORE. The undersigned are now receiving, and are prepared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, direct from New York, where one of the firm made extensive purchases, especially for the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the Wholesale trade they made heavy pur chase of Case Goods, consisting in part of Oysters, Candv, Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, Teas. &c. Also a large stock of Cigars, Musical Instruments, Toys &c. All of the stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail : as low as they can be bought in Charlotte. Purchasers will give them a call before buying as they are determined to sell. Sept. 13. A. R. N1SBET & BRO. "jTITrobson, Commission Merchant. Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic Wharf, & 08 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C,, Having ample means for advances, a business experience ot twenty years, ana confinins himself strict! v to a Commission Business, without operating n his own account, respectfully solicits consignments of fVr.tnn Flour. Corn. Wheat, etc. Shippers of Produce to him may. at their option, nave their Consignments sow eim r in Charleston or New York, thus hav ing the advantage of two Markets without extra Commissions. REFERENCES : Bishop W. M. Wightman, S. C, Rev. T. G. Summers, D. D.,Tenn.,Col. Win. John son, Charlotte, N. C, Hon. John P. King, Augusta, Ga., Messrs. 'Williams, Bimie fc Co.; N. Y., Messrs. G.W. Williams & Co., Charleston, S, C. July 19 3m REMOVAL. I HAVE removed" ruy-Jewelry Store, oh Tryon Street, next to Tiddy's Book Store, where I am receiving a large stock of goods consisting ot fine Gold and Silver Watches and chains, Ladies' fine sets, lat est styles, ear-bobs, breastpins, fine plain rings, seal rings, and other fine gold rings, gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all persons, clocks in great variety, and all such goods as are usually kept in a first class jewelry store, which I will sell as low as the same can be bought anywhere else jzSA work in the line done with neat ness and despatch, and warranted 12 months. All goods sold warranted a re presented. A. HALES. Tryon St., next Tiddy's Book Store, sept 11 mackerel. 250 Packages New Bo; t m Mackerel, just received at. STENHOUSE, MACAULAY fc CO. aug 20 10,000 June 20 PAPER BAGS at FUftEFOVS. CHOCOLATE. Arrowroot, Gelatine, Pare J Ground Penner. Ginacer. Cinnamon, RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square one time $1 00 two da?'3 1 50 three days 2 00 " " four days 2 50 five days 3 00 one week 3 50 " two weeks 5 00 " " three weeks (j fo " 44 one month 8 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR J. T BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHE ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO ZMZZEIJSTTIOlsr. AT J. T. BUTLER S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, X. C. Authorized Capital $500,000. Jas. Ttrxek Tatk, President. Thos. W. Dewey, fishier, F. II. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transa t General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank AVill receive Deposits subject to Cheek, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the ratc.of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. " THOS. W. DEWEY, jan. 1 1873, Cashier. Tlottr, Hour. THREE Hnndred Sacks Extra and Fam ily Flour in store and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAU LAY A CO. feb 18 RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKERY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and 1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread, fakes and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats Cars. No Charge for Barrels, may 1 ly. or BAGGING AND TIES, &c. 50,000 Yards Heavy Domestic and Barred jaKKinx, 15,00 Bundles Arrow Ties, 500 Sacks LivcrOfil Salt, 1G0 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stone and to arrive alid for sale bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY t CO. ITIolasses and Syrup. 60 Barrels Common Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Detnerara Molasses, for sale by STENHOUSE. MACAULAY A CO. AT J. 8. Williamson & Co s. you can sell any kind of country produce; you can store your cotton, flour, grain or anything else you wish and get an advance on the same on liberal terms. Will ship your cotton for you and adtnnce money oiv it. tn fact We intend to do anything and cv thitig to ?nit the people. " JUST RECEIVED. A LOT of French Note Taper with En velopes to match at jtinclO PTTREFOY'S. guffar Coffee. " 100 Barrels Sugar, various brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before re cnt rise, It j 3$ MO 0 K. JS. We Duplicate New York Bills, sept 18 lm maylr6 B. kooPMAXICS. July 23 W. R. BUBWELL CO. STEKHOUEf MACAULAY CO. J'"'