The Charlotte Observer. PUBLISHED DY JOHNSTONE JONES. Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street. whum KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, One year in advance, $6 00 c; mrmths. in advance a nn Three .Months, in advance, 1 50 ()11C JHOIiWi, 1" avuuiiu;, jy Xri-Uf-kly, ne year $3.50 Weekly, one vear 2.00 n-ion) the Chester Reporter, June 19 1873. l hkstek, 1;. n., June 18, 1873. yi:SSHS CULVER BROTHERS: The great success you are meeting with ;n t lie sale of your 'Farmer'? cooking stove. ;M (.i:r county, surprises every one who .i,,. s not know its superiority over all other troves. We feel it our duty as citizens of this section, and also clue to yourselves and tin- public, to let it be known that we have purchased your stoves, and after a thor ough test tind them the most excellent (nuking stoves, both in material and con struction, we have ever u.ed. We indorse all that can be said in their praise, and 'wish you the same success everywhere you .1 that y ,n have had here. j W Wilkes, .It-.-se Castles, J D lloyd, j; i lunulas, .hunes II Saye, .1 a Li (Jill, II H Drenuan, ; A Blake, H Thompson, J S ( Iraliam, N ; i:osiioro;igl" JlAiert Barnes, JI A Bnikelield, J A Jleirner, Jolin Knox, () ,1 Gwinn, J II Grant, Elizabeth Knox, Kit hard Woods, .Jesse Williams, W:n McColiuin, T.T Chalk. W I' tiiil, J Mcrollum, J P.raketield, J (Jonrlcy. (' S :.IcCullou-Ii, J W Carter, Win jiailev, M Mendcnhall, A IIetlieriiiMon, T T Castles," II I'.anks, .) Carter, .1 S McFauden, T E t-'haii'Hi, . T J Lucas, J N Crant, A lb.od, .lnhn Moore, M Hardin, John Clinton, W Thomason, E Kacliford, J W L Johnson, Green Simpson, W M HolHs, J W Aiken, It T Castles, W 0 McKeown, J i; Wilkes, A I) Darby, S W Estes, E J West, J Banks, J MeConnell, WT Mendeiihall, J A Turner, John Green, James Cherrv, C T Kee, J R Jarrctt, S T McKeown, W H Castles J Proctor, T P McKeown, J M Braketield, John Grier, i: Cranford, J Mi-Night, John Henson, (J (ridlaher, W G Nun 11, Samuel Price, R M Lindsay, J W Kuvkendall, C J Kee, H W Fudiro, W N Grant, J C Heist er. M Minter. State cf South Cavolina, County of Chester. !, (' C McCoy, clerk of the circuit court for aid county, do ceiti.y tliat the forego ing list contains the names of respectable ci!i;ciis of said county, lhat their stnte i;uMit as above is entitled to full faith ami cc'icnce. Witness my band and seal of (.liice at Chester, June 18, 1.S73. C C McCoy, clerk circuit court. From the Carolina Spartan, Aug. 21 1S73. Si,.MiT.Bi'RG, August 4, 1873. MESSRS Cl'L Ylll BROTHERS: (iF.Ti.FjiKN : We heartily concur in all has "or can be said ill favor of your" fanner (.'oociirr Stocc. Simpson lioho, w n white, AV . Woof on, .Tames Bishop, W A Finger, '. C Til lerson, J C Pallinger, -'oer Pearden, John Sfaggs, Thojnas Cooper, P S Kwrledge, Jesse ( 'annon, Join, Tuck, A McAllister, "Wilson Cantrdl, Win Owens, 1" b Win m, 1! II Chapiuan, I A Farmer, H I; Crishani, JI F P.ivings, W J P.isbop, Wm .1 Means, tr W K Dean, S V, Miller, Lafayette Prices, II II Thompson. A C McDowell, Feci! Cooksey, I ( CI cinent, Samuel Smith, W K P Caldwell, "W J Scott, W J Tuck, A' F Green, I. L Foster, Thos J Cooper, Hugh McDowell, Win Goan, J F Wingo, John O'Shields, Jasper White . J L Scruggs, I) G Fin ley, D II Grumling, Eiias Belcher, "Wiush Poole, Wm Tuck, Kli Briant, I)r J II Shores, Mrs J M Carson, Win McDowell, I II Canfrell, M J McClimons, Taborn Johnson, "W bitten Green, F M Tritnniier, J II Allen, John Epton, M D Briant. Dr J A Nesbitt, A C Timmons, T A Davis, M Harrison, Ucv I W C (iiw. it. l-aac Epton, F S Pvitleoye, J A Foster. J J Mc-Carley, iletij f inch, P 1 Monk, i D Smith. iinpson t iin- J A F Icr, Jl S Pall. 11 F Scafb, Daviu A F.-Cliiro State of Soutn Carolina, Co'unty of Spartanburg. I, F. M. Ti innnier, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions for the county of Spartanburg, and State afore said, do eertify that I am jwirsonally ac quainted with the persons named in the above list, and that they are among the best citizens of the count v. I will also testify that the Culver Broth ers have sold a large number of their Far mer Stoves in this town and county, and they have given entire satisfaction, so far as I am informed. (Jiven under rnv hand ami seal of office at Spartanburg C H., S. C, this August 5, F. M. Tbimmi'er, Clerk. This stove is sold from wagons onlv, by the Manufacturers' travelling agents, 'who vwll be in Mecklenlmrg and adjoining counties soon. Everv one has the vrice cast ''It u. aug 60 bin SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON. "J TAKE this method of saying to the public that I am still at my old stand "nder the Central Hotel, where I will al ways he glad to wait upon therh. My es tablish ment is complete and, no pains will h spared to give perfect, satisfaction. Juankful for past patronage, I hope to 'erit a continuance of the same. I have also connected with my Barber ' "op, a Bathing room, where baths will administered at any hour desired. GRAY TOOLE. June 10 MOLASSES. (jA BARREL Cheap Molasses, y.l' ao barrels Fine Syrup, tierces Demerara Molassea, just received STENHOUSE, MACAU LAV & CO. June 21 10,000 REAMS WRAPPING PAPER, A sorted sizes and .grades from the well known Long Shoal Paper Mills, at TIDDY'S BOOK STORE. ; Vol. X. 1873. FALL AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF CO CD GO L-U CD CO CO I o CD cq CD CO CHARLOTTE, IST. O- HA YJ?0. cIoscd out m)r Old Stock during Wholesale and Retail. fresh from the Manufactories. Vvh.Ie truly grateful for past favors extended me, I desire your continued patron Sept 3 tf C 1 o t li i ii Ji Ai YOU ARE now prepared to may desire a complete or receive their r lviiTui nut it- Tl ..irwL- ? ' V vhV rourtn Door above the Cliarlotte Hotel, ri.e r Stock is entire y ,LW, tnid elected with rare in the Northern cities from Mt,U' :K'LL!rerS nLe. expressly for the Southern Market. ' ,..'.;; "." V1 i,iack'- , f-emni e ocmcn .assnnere, Jmglish, French, American Plain and Fancy Cassirneres, m variety of styles and prices. rmy Also, by the single piece, Coat, Pants or Vest el vet me. Corderoy (Jray Meltons, Mixed Meltons. Doe Skin Jeanes Seal Skin n intney. Imperial Worsteds, Kerry, Ac, etc., in st vie and price to suk every buy"; from the Bridegroom to the Hod Carrier uu t-vtry uujt,r Talmas, of Gray Melton, Mixed Melton, Black Salt, Coral, Black and Blue, Beaver, Overcoats, of every variety, stvle and price. onths and Boys' Clothing-a large and well selected stock. tot.mpJJte ffSr'S Fane Goods, comprising every article necessary Hats and Caps of every stvle and price A large stocks of Gloves, ilandkeivhiefs Articles. The above limited outline f their stock u caning upon them bis wants can be iney pkvlge themselves to -spare no every business transaction with them, and Fliolesale DEALER IIJ- STAPLE AND FANCY ORY GQGDS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, BOIVIVETS, HATS, SHAWLS, TKII?IMliVGS Ac, Kcadj-Modc Clothing, Boots, SEiocs, Trunks, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas and Notions. Trade Street, near the Court House, Next door to Harty's China Store, CHARLOTTE, ZLST. O. T H?PEiiGR ATp,LEASURE IN INFORMING MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC n,5o ' J5 ! i f Prehascl a large and handsome stock of Goods and am deter mined to sell as low as I ever did before - wn?t of mVc"k!meS "W wiUl a vicw to meet cverr All (.f my goods are of the latest stvle and have been bought verv closse- so that I ran sell as low as any dealer in this city, or elsewhere. 7 Give me a call and be convinced. ScPfc 26 tf S. FRANKENTIIAL; WILLIAM RICH & CO., Wholesale NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, MILLINERY AND WHITE GOODS, ATLANTA, X. B iFe Dupticaie ftew York eept 18 lm CHARLOTTE N. C. TRADE. 1873. CD -o CO CD CO CO m CO CD CO the Su mmcr. I now nfr.r ""v.. UIU uuuc btock of carefully selected goods S. B MEACHAM, Sign of the Brass Boot. o - 8tor e. friends, and the nublic .nrllv mt i, i. i;.,.. .... x- T , , . . . . , . . , ue. Snull and London Smoke cloths: of Hosiery, Neck-tics, Bows, Scarfs and Fan is OIIIV designed to assure tbo rendnr Hint supplied pains to render everv ask to be tried. patron satisfied with sep 39-tf. and. Hetail Dealers in GEORGIA. BitU SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 93 B CTQ erq i o 2 - GO CHARLOTTE, N, Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval at SCARR'S June 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc, at F. SCARR'S jie29 Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, . at F. SCARR'S june 29, 1872 Drugstore. PEASE'S RESTAUIX.i:T, ATLANTA, GA. Ladies' and Gents' Binmg Booms. Should you wish oysters, a golden fry an elegant steak, a cup of good coffee, kind treatment and no charge unless we fill the bill, call and see us. Pease and his Wife. sept 1G 12m Proprietors. 183. 18T3. FAL.L AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. SUCCESSORS TO J W McWhirter, Trade St., Charlotte, N C, it ....v. 1 cii,v, ociv ui VjriuiVr- JLY. ics, Country Produce, Family supplies Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Notions, Ac. t c invite purcnasers to call and exam ine our stock and prices before buving else where, as we are dctfrtninprl in vn'll ,1 rr,w.,i roods at as low figures as any house in the A e have now in store a fine lot of new Mackerel which we arc offering at reduced prices. Also and country bacon, together with a large supply of Baltimore Bacon, Hugais, Coffee, Molasses, Meal, Shirting and Cotton Yarn. Purchasers in the city can have their goods delivered at their houses. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. sep G ly Just Arrived. LARGE stock of French Candies Avhich we warrant nure. A Also, an endless varietv of Fronob fYm. fectioneries of everv description, and would be pleased to show it. tn nil r i riniirlQ v v v IKVilUC and customers. Also, Dried Beef. Boof Sausage of the best quality. Smoking and Chewing Tobaco, Cigars and Snuff. 0 Ground Peas at wholesnlp nr rAfoii o cheap as they can be had in Charlotte. Every dav. Bread of the bpst mntprial Cakes, all varieties, Pies of all kinds, Rusk ijuns Koiis, to order. Rye and Graham Bread, with manv other articlps not. n. essary to mention, to all of which we call your attention. lrade Street, franklin Bakery, Opposite Market, sep 17 C. S. ilOLTON & CO. A BOOK FOR THE MILLION! Harried of those ihnut tn Guide. m v.T i.riuu . . liteit dtneorerict in prodnclug and preveotiug oHspring, how to prcrve the cnmplexiou, Ac. Thisia an interestiug work ol two hundred and ixt prc. with numerous eugrriugs. and cootaios valuable iuform.iiion fur those who are Slurried, or contemplate mar riage. Still it n a book that eugb t to be kept under lock and key, and not laid careleuly about the bouae. It contains the experience and advice of a phralelaa whose reputation is world-wide, and should be in the pri vate drawer of eve. r male and female througbont the entire gloiie. It embrace's everything on the subject of the gen erative system that Is worth knowing, and much that is not published in any other work. Sent to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cents. Address Dr. Butts' Dispensary ,Ko. 12 Kighth street St. Louis, Mo. Notice to th3 Afflic:ed and Unfortunate. Before applying to the notorious quacks who advertise in public papers, or u.iug any quack remedies peruse Dl Hutu' work no matter what your disease is, or how deplor able your condition. Dr. Butts occupies a double house of twenty-sevea rooms; i s indorsed by some o f the most celebrated medi cal professors of this country and Kurope, and can be con lulled personally or by mail, on thediseases mentioned la bis works. Office and parlors. No. 12 N. Kighth street. Hi ween fc.rketand Cues nut, St. Louis, Mo. nov 2-d & w lr At the Green Front OS COLLEGE STREET, WE are receiving our fall stock of Grocer ies of all kinds, such as Sugar, Coffee, (Rio, Laguira and oldGovernment Java,) Lard, Hams, Cheese all kinds, Soda, Candles, Starch, Sardines, Crackers, Wooden ware, Lead, Shot, All of which we are otferinc: to the Far mers at Granger's prices. Call and see us before nurchasinrr. J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO. Messrs J V Nethers, Capt. Wm M Stitt, Thna r Wnkli an A Cimt. Tlin T, T) are with Messrs J S Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their friends, and pro mise satisfaction in every respect, sept 20 Fresh Fish From Morehead City. HAVING made arrangements with the fishermen, I shall have fresh fish ev ery morning, except Sunday and Monday, and can furnish parties in any quantities, at short notice. Orders left at mv store will be promptly filled. B. N SMITH. P. S. Wm. Gleason manages the Fish Department. sept 25 A Large lot of Bologna Sausage in Store; Pea Nuts, just arrived; French Can dies, tbe best and cheapest in the market; Irish Potatoes and Butter, Beef and Beef Tongues, at C- S. HOLTON & CO'S, oct 5 Opposite tbe Market. PA BttSHELS Bolted Meal just received tlv and for sale at J. L. BROTHERS-& CO'S- oct 4 1873. No 1,4311 SIMOHTOH HODSE. BTATESYiLLE, H. a :Or THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel respectfully invites the peopi of vimiiuucauume pumic generally to call on him ." " ""j vian, oimesvuie. jrte will spare neither pains nor money to ?ifeUie SIMONTOX HOUSE a first class rxKjx&u, ana worthy of public patronage T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf ProprieUr. R. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IN FWBMITWBE, NO. 4 WEST TRADE STREET, Opposite Brcm, Brown & Co's. Dry Goods Store, CHARLOTTE, 3ST. Q. Metalic Burial Cases, Caskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a full assortment of Furniture, always on hand. June 21 4M NOTICE. 1873 ,873 FALL AND WINTER TRADE. Yt7"E are now receiving our Fall and Win M ter stock, to which the attention of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following lines of heavy and fancy groceries : 20,000 lbs Bulk Bacon, 1000 Rolls heavy bagging 2i to 2gtts to yd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 Fine Liverpool Salt, 200 " Coffee, Prime, Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demerara and Porto Rico, 150 " Syrups, S House and Drips, 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 150 Cases Brandy Peacbes. 150 " Oysters, 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, 100 i4 Sardines, 200 Packages Fish, No. 1, 2 and 3, 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good, Tobaccos and Wffiskfes a SPECIALTF, 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands, iuu tfois i (j Corn Whiskey, 100 100 50 50 50 75 25 10 Va Motz celebrated corn whiskey, Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, Monongahela Rye Whiskey, Zeb Vance " Apple Brandy, Ginger " Scuppernong Wine, Brandv. Port. Mjv1pri;i Sliprrr French Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store. We are ac-ents for thm snip nf Thymus Wynn's Improved Open-Throat, Curyed rrcasr, rremmni ane lnpioma COTTON GINS, With attached Circle Flue, open to the worm ; 54 per saw; can be had on applica tion at our office. W. H. H. IIOITSTON . m.. Grocers & Cotton Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. aug 21 Yorkvillc Enonirrr .mo" T.anf.isfpr Lin ger copy and discontinue former advertise- . i men i. HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY STORE. rphe undersigned are now receiving, and JL are prepared with an entire new stock of HEAVY AND FANGY ariOnF.RTFX direct from New York, where one of the Tirm niatle extensive purciiases, especially for the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the Wholesale trade thev made heavy pur chase of Case Goods, consisting in part of uysters, Lancly, tickles. .Preserves, Jellies, Teas, &c. Also a laree stock of Cigars. Musical Instruments, Toys? &c. All of the stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail ; as low as they can be bought in Charlotte. Purchasers will give them a call before buying as they are determined to sell. Septus. A. R. N1SBET & BRO. OTrobSon, Commission Merchant. Nos. 1 & 2 Atlantic Wharf, & 68 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C, Having ample means for advances, a business experience of twenty years, and confining himself strictly to a Commission Knsiness without. rrtiot:tiir n hi n-wn account, respectfully solicit consignments oi cotton, .ciour, Ltorn, w neat. etc. Shippers of Produce to him may, at their ontioTi. have their (onsiirmnents sold eith er in Charleston or New York, thus hav ing the advantage of two Markets without extra Commissions. REFERENCES : TCishon W. M. Wis-htninn. S. f! T?ev T d Hninmers Ti 1 Ttoii ,(W Wm .Inlin. son, Charlotte, N. C., Hon. John P. King, Augusta, lia., Messrs. vvunams, Jiirnie & Co., N. Y., Messrs. G. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, S. C. July 19 3m KEITIOVAL. I HAVE removed my Jewelry Store, on Tryon Street, next to Tiddy's Book Store where I am receiving a large stock of goods consisting ot fine Gold and Silver Watches and chains, Ladies' fine sets, lat est styles, ear-bobs, breastpins, fine plain gold, silver and steel spectacles, to suit all persons, clocks in great variety, and all such goods as are usually kept in a first class jewelry store, which I will sell as low as the same can be bought anywhere else. -All work in tbe line done with neat ness and despatch, and warranted 12 months. All goods sold warranted as re presented. A. HALES. Tryon St., next Tiddy's Book Store. sept 11 Mackerel. 250 Packages New Boston Mackerel, just received at STENHOUSE, MACAU LAY & CO. aug 20 10,000 June 29 PAPER BAGS at.PtTREFOYfS. CHOCOLATE, Arrowroot, Gelatine, Pure Ground Pepper, Ginger, Cinnamon. July 23 W. R. BUR WELL & CO. RATES OF ADVERTlSMfG. One 8quare one time i y two davg 2 w ays 2 50 3 ti two weeks 5 qo ) three weeks 6 50 crfte month g qq .' Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates r,FlVe 8S1lares estimated at a quarter-col-umnyand ten squares as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR J. T BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS TO MEUTIOU. AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. October 22 THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, ?f. C. Authorized Capital $500, 000. Jas. Turner Tate, President Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. rjlhis Bank Chartered Under Act of the -L General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina with ample means is prepared to transa t General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms, The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days, Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W. DEWEY, Jan. 1 18,3. Cashier. Flour, Flour. THREE HnndredSaeks Extra and Fam ily Floftr in store and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. feb 18 RICHARD ADAM, RICHMOND STEAM BAKEBY, 12th Street, Below Main, (Branches 516 Broad and! 1&4 Main,) Manufacturer of all VinrJvi nf n,! '.. J "nail, -aHT3 and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or kjavs. imo cuanre lor Uarre s may 1 ly. BAGGING AND TIES, &c. 50,000 Yards Heavy Domestic and Barred xjaggiug, 15,00 Bandies Arrow Ties, 500 Sacks Liverpool 8alt, 160 Sacks Fine Liverpool Salt, in stoae and to arrive and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Ittolasscs and Syrup. 60 Barrels Common Molasses, 15 Barrels Fine Syrup, 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses for sale by ' STEIf HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. A. H. CRESWELL, Grocer and Commission Merchant, Cor. Trade and Ohurch Sts, Gray's Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. Solicits a share of the public patronage. Lng, d 5yra experience in business in Charlotte, I feel justified in guarantee ing satisfaction to all. A. H. CRESWELL. aog 13 ly Sugar and Coffee. 125 f18 Sagar, various brands. 75 Sacks Coffee, bought before recent rise, for sale by 1 STENHOUSE, MACAULAY 4 CO.