LOCAL AFFAIRS. P. CALDWELL, Local Editor. , PARK, Business Manager. - Wednesday, October 29. 1873 LOCAL DOTS. Cotton is merely nominal in price now, aIJJ best jgradea sold yesterday at 12i 13. ee tbe advertisement of the Fair f the Carolina, and of TL Vail, "wanted." The Hickory Fair begins to-day. Sev eral of our citizens will go. Yesterday was cool and overcoats were comfortable even in the middle of , the day. Mosquitoes are quite feeble, and can now be run down and caJght wlth'comparatjve ease. We again call the attention of the au thorities to the last driving which is in dulged in by draymen and others. The Charlotte Dramatic Association has engaged Miller's Hall for four nights du ring Fair week. A communication from Dr C J Fox, re lative to the ice machine, is on hand but is necessaiily deferred until to-morrow, when it shall appear. We learn nothing new about the coun terfeiting operations, or about the arrest of any more persons. So far only oue arrest has been made in Charlotte. Part of the lettering on the door of Cochrane's Saloon has been defaced and the sign now is very suggestive. Change it to anything else ; no matter what ; but change it ! MM Thanks. We acknowledge with thanks an invitation from the managers to a Cor onation Cot i lion Party at Hickory Tavern on to-morrow evening the 30th.. We shall be there in spirit if not in flesh. The streets yesterday evening looked like winter. They had been swept clean by the fierce wi . ! of the day. Few persons were to l. a. on the streets, and those who were oik were attired in full winter dress- Personal. Mr J D Uzzel, one of the proprietors of the Raleigh News, was at the Central Hotel yesterday. He is on his way to the Hot Springs of Arkansas, where he goes with the hope of improving his health. Col J O Hudnutt of Greenville, and Col L D Childs of Columbia, are also registered at the Central. Tbe Proceedings of tbe Board of Aldermen as published this morning, will prove of unusual interest to tax-payers. It has been decided, as will be seen by ref erence to the proceedings, that the Board has ordered that an election shall be held at some future time upon the question of whether or not the city shall issne a given number of bonds. Upon this question the Observer shall in future have some thing to say. Circuses The unregenerate will be glad-to learn that the Great Eastern Circus will probably be around again before the circus season closes. It is also currently reported that old John Robinson will be along sometime this Fall or Winter. About the truth of the statement as to old John we know nothing, but have the authority of Mr B H Herman, tbe press agent of the Great Eastern, for saying that they will in au prooaomtv visit Charlotte again in a short time. Gone to Portsmouth Rev. J. M. Rose, who has for the past five months been pas tor of the Presbyterian Mission Church in this city, has accepted a call to take charge of the Presbyterian church of Portsmouth, Va., and having resigned his charge here. has gone to Portsmouth co take charge of the church there. Mr. Rose is a young minister of fine promise. Possessed of fine natural talent, and having had the bene fit of an education at some of the highest institutions in the country, it would be singular if he had shown himself inferior to what he is. As a man and as a minister, Mr. Rose has shown himself, while in Charlotte, all that he should be. The Presbyterian, peor pie of Portsmouth, haye been fortunate in inducing him to come to them. We, and toe people of Charlotte, wish him success hisholy calling, and hope that the fcay make as many friends in Portsmouth w he ha during his short stay in Char lotte. The Bible Cause. We had a pleasant C&U yesterday afternoon from Rev. P- A. tT0H the agent of the American Bible Society for North Carolina. Mr Strobel jjjust rfeturning from an extended tour fugh the mountains, where he has been Coring for some time past, and where he 'ePort8 the Bible cause spreading and nourishing. He tells us that his collec tor the month past exceeded by over ,ur ine same month last year. a """ ne has been, are making to the importance of the work. sina ar Shoring in its behalf. Mr. Strobel, "ce he began the work in which he is 8tT 6ngaged' has been entirely over the last a CVery county( once, and since eiiPnl haa vbited and lectured fc fifty. -'v.ouatieS. On 3 Us, he delivered seven addresses be- twei en s,inday morning and Wednesday toorn r- Strobel hn Y,iJ t,i4' fnlTv ..J n which he is engaged. i Heis an worker in the -Master's se and through : his instnimentaUty hl. , w uceu, suuja ueuig. acwm ,i -v Use the Silver Spray Sewing Machine Oil oct 29 lw . tv. fe&lUm.-?We wittMvG the lftrtr esFbustle which canbefound in town and the paper free for a year, to any enterprising female who will for ward to us ten yearly subscribers, with, the psh; " Wefrmeitiijusipese. 13 11 ft i M 1 n comjpD&od of the finest ytrunggentlemen of the city, met, as has been announced be fore, on Monday night at the rooms of Capt. J. C. Mills. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : -PtestiSenVJ H Wilson, Jr.; Secretary and Treasurer W P Myers; Executive Committee W R Bur well and Jas H Orr. It was decided that the Club give two hops daring the week of the Fair; The members ef the Club are , requested to meet at the rooms of Capt. Mills on Saturday evening ;iie jtj at 7fr o'clock. Operations on the Eeet.-rDr. De- Boit, the Surgeon Chiropodist, from Philadelphia, whose skilled hands have relieved so many af our citizens, of those horrible "toe tornientbrs." f corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, &c., tells us that, in consequence of the great demand for his professional, services, he has been obliged to post pone his departure 4tU Thursday,. October, 30. We advise all who suf fer from corns, fcc, not to lose this chance. The Doctor is at the Char lotte Hotel, where orders may be left for him. Ludwig's Lager Beer Saloon is the: most popular resort in. town at night. It is always crowded, but the crowds are always sober and orderly, as no spirituous liquors are sold in the place. Those who like good fresh beer can always get it here, and need not be afraid of meeting .a drunken and rowdy crowd: The lunches, which the presiding genius dispenses, are not the least of the attractions of the place, and can be appreciated by those who, like news paper men, are required to be up late at night,. or rather until early in the morning. Another Editor Married The mar riage epidemic wmcn is sweeping over the country in connection with the panic and the yellow fever, has not spared the editorial fraternity: It seized last week upon Wolfe, of the Monroe Enquirer, and he suc cumbed to the press-ure of circum? stances, having been united iri mar riage to Miss Virginia, daughter of Dr. J. F. Lee. We congratulate our young friend upon Ttbis take, but hope that he may nbt feel unduly set up -and above those of the quill driving crew who are not yet locked up in matrimony. Avery, of the Press, is now almost "ready to be offered up," having made, as we learn, all the necessary arrangements by which he will ex change himself for a woman in Chi cago, who has plenty of money and no legs. A Suggestion. We suggest to our County Commissioners the propriety of establishing a work house for the county There arehijmeTous persons of both col ors wbo'lounge almost continually around the street corners, having no visible means of support, and who are an incubus upon the community 'If we had a 'work house this labor could be utilized, and 'the- work which they will not do for themselves could be forced out of them for the benefit of the county. To indict these .persons now as vagrants, is folly ; for it is piaying just into their hands to take them up and feed them at the expense of other people. To such characters imprisonment is little of no punishment. "The bird that can sing and won't sing should be made to sing ;" and those who can but won't work should be made to work. They owe the world for a living and should be forced to pav the debt. A work house is the medium through which this can be effected, and we respectfully suggest to our worthy Commissioners a careful consideration of this question. Silver Spray Oil is the best for Sewing Machines. - - ' - . -oct 29 Tw Terrible Condition of Memphis. St. Louis, Oct. 25. The citizens of Mem6Hi$ refuging here held a meeting last -night, and iourteen committees were, appointed ... , to solicit aid. The" Appeal for aid says: Memphis is almost depopulat ed. out of 65.000 inhabitants, only about 10,000 remain.'; Of these, more than one thousand are now sick, two thousand newlyr1 intade rwfdbws and orphans are dependant on" chari ty, - even thougn the scourge were to cease at-onee., These helpless people must be as sisted during the conung winter. The relief associations are without. funds, and Unless substantial aid is furnished soon, the poor and sick mutjde of neglect or. succumb to ftunwrs ana want. , not opiy money but clothing, Diankets, iooq ana iue are asked; 5 th At the ' hundreds . plaeue stricken Mndf, destitute tami lies mav be nursed and kept from starvation. .1. .: ,;,."if . ,, The lay in? off the corner stone o themewCapitol of Iowa the tther day, inaugurated a new era in public xt s.ir.vfc Zxk-aJ wcauiuua." ;4iv opewciies were uia.ue, except ia,few,remarks,by'' ft workman who got his - fingers , pinched, and tney were merely oi a cursory cnarac ter, Proceedings of tK tSari Charlotte,OcI. Present, His Honor the Mayor, and ; Aldermen Tiddy, McNinch, Walker, Horah, Davidson, Butt and Hagler. r fjTne Board met inSr5ofcil session t hear the report ot the finance cdmmittee in reference to the plan oil adjustment j-pf thef cy floating debt.' Thf committee' Bubnjrltted their report, urging the speedV Ad justment of the city indebtedness; and recommended that bonds be is sued n amount not to exceed thirty thousand dollars, and that the ques tion as to whether or not such bonds should be issued be left to a vot of the qualified voters of the mtr early day, acctpHinf to the of qvi ui the city ciiarxer r 4. . V . - . - The mm me committer was aaoptea nx liim clerk authorized to make publica tion for election. On motion other business was ta ken up. Mr. Woodwara, representative of a newspaper, ltie twuth, published in new York in the interest of the south ern States, was permitted to address he Board. His remarks were heard With interest antJ! oTi nttiqiUMn.Bn wittee of the Bdardlwailftppdihtell v6 joiner w liit. a .ste vorHniipee ioni e iiL ... fVJli. ii . .."3 F iue run oi iue vjHiyuuas nj;cynaut;r propositidris relativig to the' ihtereit of the city, &c. Col." E. A. Osborne appeared before the Board and asked correction of error in his taxes. The Clerk was authorized to make correction as prayed for. Mr. Walker moved to extend yth street to the Cemetery, and that a separate entrance be made to the colored cemeterv, on yth street, That a division be run, a house for sexton erected, &c. That a com mittee be appointed to ask of Col onel Johnston the right of way through his property, and to super vise said work. Carried. 1 he May or appointed on the committee, Messrs. Walker, Tiddy, Horah and Haeler. Mr. Walker aSked instructions ol the Board as to the purchase by the fire committee of a new hose-reel lor the colored fire company, the fire committee recommending the same. The committee were instructed to make the purchase. Mr. B. I. Sniitn asked to have his wholesale license changed to retail. The clerk was authorized to "make he change on compliance with the city ordinance regulating the same. Ipe committee on lights reported no progress,: with a. ainerence ,oi opinion as to the " propriety Of iffhtinj: with on. Mr. waiKer ol the committee thought the. jattempt o light with oil an unnecessary ex penditure. By order othe Board Tenth istreet was ordered to be widened through the- property of Frazier, Davidson ana oiners. Aaiourneu, F. A. McNinch, r Secretary pro, tern. Louisiana and Ohio. The following teeraVri Tvas-ent to ex-Senator Allen, of Ohio, recent- y by a gentleman who has been grossly wronged by our Caesar in Washington. ;r., uur: readers wiiij-re member by what injudicious and unconstitutional executive interfer ence, Gov. McEnery was turned out of his office, andthe iqfamous Kel- ogg hoisted into his place : New Orleans, Oct. 9, 1373 Hon. ' Allen,' Governor elect of Ohio, Chilhcothe, Onto As the leeallv elected bat deposed Governor ol Louisiona, I send you greeting in the name of the people of the btate, upon your election to the Chief Magistracy of ybu'r great State. Ohio has proudly vindicated her claim to constitutional limits -upon government, and exhibited her un mistakable aim to restore the ad ministration of her affairs to the tra ditional purity of the time honored Democracy; and may she, under your wise and patriotic guidance, be in tne iinure wnat sne is now ana has been in the past, one of the A - 4 A I A 1 .1 grandest members of the Federal Union. John. McEnery J. S. PHILLIPS, ITIercbant Tailor niid Clolhfcr, Begs leave to inform the public that he is now receiving his Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Piece Goods, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, &c, which for style and quality, are unsur passed by anything of the-kind ever offer ed in this market,, and will sell them -as cheap as the same das of Goods .can. bought elsewhere. Call and examine them. sep 26-tf CRIER Sl ALEXANDER DEALERS I3f'jl ' ' Groceries, Liquors, ' Tobacco, Crfairi-! ; Powdery &c.j ..A. fc -TRADE STREET, TTAVING removed to their large and XI commodious; iNew Store, twxj floor above the Market House, and their Mr. U. W. Alexander being -at 'present t'it thQ norm purcnasing meir ran diock, are daily receiving large additions to their pre sent stock, which they are prepared to dis pense to their customers on as reasonable terms as any house in the city. Havingampld Stdre;Ro6m,hey.arp prW nared to store from 800 to 1000 bales of cotton-, and woifHsrai3r $14111 signments of OotUhFroduWWcfi J will be handled on liberal terms, and guar antee prompt returns. tFJ' jGMBINETIritingd CHAHLOTfEi; MARttETS." ! Board of Trade. i Cotton.r fV't mlddrrng: llarket quietf demana Wbolesale Groceries. Bacon-C. R. Sides. Dcr n Hi a 12 Shoulders. CbJfee-4-llio, primf pef'lb i 28 27 a 00 good., common. 25 17 17 a 26 a 00 a 18 17 15 Candlet Adamantine, boxes. " 4 boxes. Cheese Prime factory. State, common. Fish Mackerel, bbls, No.'i; " "2,' : u: it g ! ':i bbls,'No. 1, 1. " "2, " ' 3, a 00 a CO 10 a 7i a 7 12 61 6 it it 4 " i " i " Kits, No. 1, "2, " 3, Xo. 1, " 2 "s! 3 a 4i Sj a 00 3 a 00 1 a 2 If a li 17 a 18 9i a 16 11 a Hi 26 a 27i 10i a Hi 13i a 15 50 a 70 30 8i a 9 9i a 10 10i a 11 $3 a 3i $1 a 2i 13i a 00 13 a 13 121 12i (?S?jjw Cloth Irwki Hc-- Arrow, Lea-Bars, per lb Leather Hemlock, V'Lard Leaf, pertt iTire leaf. Molasses New Orleans, uolden Syrap, " common " Soda Kegs, Box, assorted. Rice Carolina, Salt Liverpool, per sack, " American, Sugar Crushed and powdered, A, B, Extra C, Coffee, yellow, 11 8 a 12 a 10 -A- A J U . Whiskey North Carolina, corn, Northern. Country Produce. (Buying Prices.) Bacon Hams, per lb 15 11 a 12 10 a 11 13 25 a 30 25 a 30 1.75 a 1.90 2.00 Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round, Beeswax Butter Choice, Brandy Apple, JPeach, Corn White; 60 a 65 " Mixed, 00 25 4.50 4 25 4.00 4 a 5 6 a 8 7 a 9 20 none Eggs, per dozen, Flour Family, Extra, Super, Fruit Dried Apples, feacnes, " Blackberries, jFWZs Chickens, spring, Turkeys, Ducks, Jlides Dry, 15 5 a 17 a 8 Green, Lard Good. 12 10 65 a 72 45 " Common, Meal White, Oats Black, WTiite, Onions, Kl ' ' ' - 1 -L' 75 a 1.06 Peas Pure clay, , . . ; Mixed, Potatoes Irish, 50 a1 75 - 8 1.40 1.50 35 20 a 30 Tallow, ' Wheat Red-, iser Jbush", A- ' t White, Wool Tub washed, " Unwashed, , ;.G U N . S ! SINGLE GUNS, At $2 50, $3 00, $4 50, $6 00, $8 00, $10 00, $12 00 to $28 00. " DOUBLE GUNS. At $6 00, $7 50, $10 00, $1200, $1500, 820 00, $25 00, $30 00, $40 00, $50 00 to $75 09 Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $60 00 $75 00, $90 00 -110 00, $12000 to $300. PISTOLS. Smith & Wesson's, Colt'sl Allen's Sharp's, Whitney and other kinds, H,ho!j AT MANUFACTUKEK'S PRICES. AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breeda-lMdiBgiGuns, at a small-.ad vance on cost ot importation. Metalic Ammunition for Rifles, and .Pis tols at lowest market prices. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description sent on ap plication. Goods shipped by .Express C U. U. . I' POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO., Importers, No 200 W.Baltimore St., Baltimore. -' Richard's Dougal's, Greener's, Scott's and their celebrated make of gnns on hard and imported to order. , .. ' . , sept 12 4m MONEY SAVED BY BUYIWO v X HE NEW H Family Singer Sewing Machine. Sold on Monthly Payments WE claim and can show that it is capa- ble oftdoipg a larger range of work than any other;, easier to learn oh, and the most simple in.its construction. It is em phatically, the, best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine. . It runs smoothly, and does from fhe finest to the thickest work with canal facility arid perfection. We respgftfully ask all desiring to purchase a nrst class mMf jiiacmue, xo can auu examine forhmselves before purchasing elsewhere, jat purf sales, )r6om on Tryon street opposite the Post Office, or address m. ti, Tunria, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C, rp. O. Box 11.. AgentsWTanftd. t lune lo u irlrs JAmanda Stoney. PRIVATE OOABDIIV6 HOUSE Gray'Bniidjng, Corner Trade and Church Private and Transient Boarders solicited. Will take a few Music Scholars, sep 18 ly New Advertiemferitsi MOORE'S Rural Nw- tratlAgrHJjHtJfcal lidflSVKyrt is the Standard authority upon Praclkal Subjects and a hich-toned Liferr' 'Jonr- nl-Only $2.50 a year less to clubs. Great I Premlhms bit (h-Vvni im f a ronta 1 lniixeen ivumrS44 hu UJj,l.) Uii Tti&U iorunly Fifty Cents! Premium Lists, &cl, sent free to all Trial Subscri bers. Ad dres D. D. T. MOORE, NewYork City, pet 8 4w i. :; "NTTOW Now ready for agents. Home4 Life in JUe Bible. By Daniel ifareh DD, author of 'Night Scenes in theihleand "Our Father's Housed f which nearly 100,000 copies of ach were sold. Send, for Circular .ZIEdLKR' &mXBOYt5l& Arch StMltfaelphla; PaTv r - OCt 8 4W------ - n-S-f t:-.xK--V- &4&!VJ WANTED ;, 100 Farmers and 16 Sdn'dunng ne Fall and winter months to do business in their own and adjoing townships. , Busi ness Tespectable, easy and pays well. For particulars, address S. S. SCRANTON & CO., Hartford, Conn. oct 8 4w Agents T77",xxtoci. SEND FORrCATAtOGB. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New York. oct 8 4w . ' Gray '8 Celebrated Aiiti-Trictiaii Cot ton Press. f The cheapest, simplest and most perfect cotton screw ever invented, - send lor cir cular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. 60 Vesey St., New York, sof e ; manufac- turers. oct 8 4w THE BEST PAPER. TEY ITU The Scientific American is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper publish ed. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, JNovel Inventions, .Bridges, engineenng Works, Architecture, Improved Farm Im plements, and every new discovery in Chemistry, f A year's numbers contain 832 pages and several hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The practical re ceipts are well worth ten times the sub scription price. Terms $3 a year, by mail. Speciments sent free. May be had of all Newsdealers. Patents obtained on the best terms. Models of new inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. All patents are published in the Scientific American the week they issue. Send for pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for obtaining Patents. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Office, corner F and 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. oct 8 4w STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, AND MACHINERY. "5 ... Stationary and Portable Steam Engines and Boilers; Gary's Anti-Friction Cotton Press,"' Circular, Gang and MuUy Saw Mills ; Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills' Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Pans, Narrow Gauge Locomotives and Dummy Engines for street roads and mining pur poses,, new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of 'every des cription. Sen4 for circular. . t , i r WASHINGTON IRON WORKS ' oct 8 4w 60 Vessey Street, N. Y. TT-'DTPQTTYT? Hinge Cone Bnrner T lrLJLiorJJ Ci for 'Sun Chimneys; made by Plume & Atwood, produces the largest light. Can be used on any coal oil lamp. For sale by all lamp dealers, oct 8 4v "WfMVyTTPXT Men Girls and bovs Vf V1Y1X!j1N wanted to sell our French and American. Jewelry, Books, Games, &c, in their own localities. No capital needed. . Catalogue, termsotc., sent tree- f.U. viukjkki & Jj., AURUSta, Aiaiue. oct 8 4w . . ""PYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming." X How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose, instantly, lhis simple men tal acquirement all an possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with a Mar riage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO; Pub lishers, Philadelphia. oct 8 4w Best and Oldest Family Mediftine S ANFQRD'S ..Liver Invigorator, A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility, Sick Headache, Bilious Attacks, and all derange ments of Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Ask your Druggist tor it. Beware of imita tions.' : . . oct 8 4w (frO A per day ! .. Agents wanted ! to ?&J All classes of working peo ple, of either sex, young or old, make more, money at work for us in therr spare mo menta, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STIN-. SON & CO., Portland, Maine. oct 84W Farmers' Savings Bank Notice. Chardotte, N. C, Oct. 11, 1873. VITHEREAS, the requisite amount has IT been subsenbed to the Capital Stock of the "Farmers' Savings Bank of Meck lenburg Count v, N. C, ' to secure its or ganization according to the Act of incor- pomtions, Now, therefore, in compliance with the Charter of said Banking Associa tion, I do hereby give notice to the sub scribers to said stock to meet at th Court House in the city of Charlotte, on Tues day, the 4th day of November next, for the purpose of effecting a permanent organiza tion, and transacting - such other business as is required bv said act ot incorporation. Committees in the various Townships who were appointed to open books of subscrip- tionss are requested to Keep tne same open and .report the amounts to the undersign ed on or before said day or organization. , T. L. Vail, E. C. OK1EK, Secy A Treas. . Chairman. , , oct 12 dltw3t Carolina Central Railway Co. - - f Ifotlce to Shippers. NO, goods or merchandise will be , ; 'ceived at the Charlotte Agency a) re- y after 5 tr. M., each aay,- n V. Q. JOHNSON Aasiet. Sup'L oct 9-2w. 4lrnnerA ! Arnnfroe lrntirnG 1 f Received tb-day at Franklin Bakery, op posite juarKet. u . jauLauiN vc uu. oct 10 Auction Stores ? - V wish 4 exchange Real Estate fbr Bank' Y -. S-;-' Stock or Certificates f Deposit. " Persons AQldiagStock OntlCcs!'' V r-iV t aa maite a satisntctory excnag fcr EJUs V-o Etato, which will be apermamntan4? Mj'4 in veetmehts by calling onv'i y-$ jPSfel T: IW1 Tt.tWf V V ::j?U City Pxippertyt a&d Irarning; a mQUtUXZ2.i& Pit jt- will 931 prIVateli on rewghahl Vtaro 4 city lot9:,tb;iieat oottaiev tVi-tfi? two impnT0(lM'ia-ittlitialernir . Also, 4 vMwOaeaxnMC wtf tttor r A action Store. GRANDEST SCHEME; EVER KNOWN; Fourth Grand Gift Concert FOR THE BEXKriT OF TH . . - . v A r lilic Litey of Mitty 12,000 CASH GIFTS $1,500,000 $250,000 for $50 The Fourth Grand Gift Concert author ized by special act of the Legislature for " the benefit of the Public Library of Ken tucky, will take place in Publio Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., . WEDNESDAY, DEO. 3, 1873. Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold. The tickets are divided into ten coupon or I parts. - ' At this concert, which will 1 the grand est musical display ever witnessed in thi country, the unprecedented sum of $1,500,000 divided into 12,000 cash s tributed by lot among tt ifts, will be dis .e ticket-holders. LIST OF GIFTS: One Grand Cash Gift .....$250,000 One Grand Cash Gift 100 000 One Grand Cash Gift 50,0W une uranoxasn Uitt 25,000 One Grand Cash Gift 17,500 iu uasn unts ?iu,ouo each lOU.QOJ) 30 Cash Gifts 5,000 each 150,000 50 Cash Gifts 1,000 each 50,000 80 Cash Gifts 500 each...... 40,000 100 Cash Gifts 400 each 40,000 150 Cash Gifts 300 each 45,000 250 Cask Gifts 200 each 60,000 325 Cash Gifts 100 each 82.500 11,000 Cash Gifts 50 each 550.000 Total, 12,000 Gifts all Cash, v. .... amounting to : . ... $1,500,000 The distribution will be positive, whether'. all the tickets are sold or not, and the. 12, 000 gifts all paid in proportion to the tick ets SOld. ,;(: wi PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole tickets $50;' Halves "$25 ; Tenths, or"'"; each coupon, $5; Eleven Whole Ticket for $500 : 225 Tickets for-$1000; 113 Whole -' Tickets for $5,000; 227 Whole Tickets fbf ; $10,000. No discount on less than $500 i m i worth of Tickets at a time. Tickets now ready for sale, and all or ders accompanied by the monev promptly iijieu. iiueraixerms given to mose wno buy to sell again. : " THOMAS B. BRAMLETT. Agt Pub Libr Ky, apd Manager Gift CoH'4 ' J cert, Public Library Building, Louis ville, Ky. .... JiflPfrT SPECIAL NOTICE. AT B. N. SMITH'S, opposite the .Court;:., -House, you can find a general assort- ment of Family Supplies,. Helias Coffees. ::r... ' Green and Roasted ; Sugar, White, Yellow and Brown ; Black and Green Teas ; Sy"- ; '. . rup and Molasses ;. sVinegaTy-tfMacls " erel. Bacon, Hams, Meal, Flour, Corn, - : ' Lard, Butter, Cheese,, Eggs, Chickens: Po tatoes, and Brooms. ii We call special attention to.X)ur stoctof . Pure Liquors for Family use, consisting f I have also made arrangements to keen . Fish and Oysters during the season. N. B. Goods delivered in any part' of the city. B.N.SMITH. oct 11-tfj ADVERTISE IN ; I ;t, THE MONROE QUIliER. THE Enquirer having a large circulation in the counties of Anson, Union Chester field and Lancater.Qffers. unsurpassed ad vantages as ah-aifvertisfng medium for the J mercnants oi tnarlotte. -1 r. Published Weekly at $2 per annum by BOY LIN & WOLFE, sep 10 Monroe, N. C. To Lovers of Good Bread. HAVE just received from thei celebra ted City Flouring Mills, Atlanta. Ga., I 440 sacks of their superior Family Flour, all put up tor custom trade in 25 pounds and 50 pounds sacks. Every Hotel, Board ing House and Private House-keeper should not fail to test this superior Flqur onered tor sale by GEO. W. CHALK, Miller's Agent. ' oct 7-tf College Street. COUNTRY II A S. (North Carolina Cured.) ONLY 24, weighing from 7 to 15 pounds a piece. If there is anything in looks, something fine has been brought to this market at JNO. F. BUTTS Market. Also, Kologna Sausage and Fresh San- 1 A . 1 1 A . sage just received irom ine ceieoraieu Richmond Factory. Elegant dried Beef, Sugar-Cored and Canvassed Hams at oct ll-tfj jno. r . iswrra Market. WHITE Lead, Window Glass and Putty W. R. BURWELL & CO., HAND Mirrors, English Tooth Brushes, Scotch Plaid Puff Boxes. Lubin's Powder, W. R. BURWELL & CO TUTT'S Expectorant, Westar's Balsam, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.' W. R. BURWELL & VU. G0RN Plasters, Dade's Corn Killer. W.R. BURWELL k CO., oct 10 Springs' Corner. CLOVER Seed, " Timothy, j W. R. BURWELL A 00, bet; Springs' Corner. QPICED Pigs Feet, Bologna Sausage, Fer- Eax..Corn';And;at,!"' 'jt. a J A quantity of corn in the ear,' and f"4';:;'?li large a mount of Oats just arrived and for ? " r J sale by . G. W, CHALK;'' ' oct 1 College Stree . .t i Sri J i - .J ..TJ i.

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