CAUTION. Travelers' Guide. UY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, Piefiioifr Air-Line ; Railway 1 i it V::ii MAVUFACTCBSD BY ma i & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. Richmond & Danville, Richmond & Dan ville R. W.r N. C. Division; and.NtitTR "WKarBKN N. C, R. W. . . .... , i; . , i-i t .' CONDENSED TISIE-TaBIaE. . In effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 12th., - 1873. , ' . : . '. r-.i. i'.i. i . . . .: TO THE I'DBLir ! If " Tl U -i, .. j An citdOksxd AWD FKKBCK1BEB ST UKB .naa- A8UBE PREVENTIVE, fa fSTsr and Acaa Intermittent, Biliousness and a.11 dil atators arUlnf flea malarious muh. They are highly roe umMwii XTI-DTSPIFf 10, an in oases of. UU)I, cWkbUXTT cases of GKXIRAli DEBILITY they lava aeTsrla a siagla Instance failed In producing the moat ktm resalts. They aMpetftlcnlartr-' . BEXEFICIAI TO FEMALES. StiMftaealaf the hedy, UTigeratlng the jntndj and Tfojr Uaeaad slsUd s Ue whole system. Tbe BOMB BIT tBBB are seapaaAded vlth the greateit of eate, ana no ton la atlaMlant hah ever hetore tees -offered 1 the pnbllo tULaBAMT TO TBI TABTB and at the tame time eombia hae ae atanr remedial agents oodorsed by the medioal fraternt testae bthaewy t the,Phatmceiaia. Itsosts hue lit 3 M flTe the a hUerUV eieV ' . Mv9tt Family Mtaoald Save a Bottle. He arspereUoa la the world eaa ftrodaee so many unquU od eadoracaenu by Dhraieiaa of the very highest standing to thtir loftinnlon t . - Mwm ulf hfMVUtgg otof ffts Zsadfef sWmAm- "'a.'wauB. sUaeoar, the oldeat Methodist minister in St. ImIi, aays the Home Bitters were (most grateful la ooctribu uu ta the res tors tien of mr strength, and as lnsrease ef BBBStitS. TV tllie.l.VM " m"m"m' y , - OeaoMMo., Jane 25.1871. rersoat graaUt ' debilitated, as I have been, and who require a touio er iflBfun, need seek mr nothing better than the Berne Bitters. 8- W. OOPS, rresidlag Elder V. B. Ohnroh, FUttaburg District. Mmin Pt-t" Mamm Bownu, CVOi. Loom Mo., Oc. 0, VT J Jambs A. Jaokoow a Co.-1 hare esaminod the formula for sjmV-g the 'HsM-8emaob. Bitters," sod asod them la this a nssllsl the last tour months. I eonslder them the mos t Tain ibtetealeaadsHmalaataowtn nee. 8. H. If ELCHKB, Basideat Phyaimaa In charge U. B. Marine Hospital. Jambs A. jAoneos) A Co. Gentlemen : As you hare eoav sjaatsatid to be w ileal preJeseion tbe reoipe ef the "Heme Bitterest enMaM,4herefere be eostfidered as a patent aiel teias, ae patent hating been taken for i t. We hare examined ae fermala for making tho V Home Bitters." and anbesta Wacly say the oombination teoneef rare excellence, alt the aitteiee asedte Its eempeaitton are the host of the elass to whtah th keianc. belnB hlshl Toole. Btlmuiaat, Btamaealo. OarminltiTe, and siLjhUy Laxative, the mode ef preparing ehesaiestrietly la aeeordaaee with the rales ef pharmacy. mim mA tkm im ur artTate Draetioe. we take pleasure taem la oar actvate pramios, we iaae pieaaare in j ua I laillag issmis aiipersnMS efTirwnswi wui piuan, as being the best jTsale and Sumalant now offered to tbenab- J!f. Obetetrles aad Diseases ef Women, College of PbysU etaas, aad late member Beard of Health. , ; l. o: BoiaLnrm pref. of . Obetotriee and Diseases ef Woman, Bt. Lou la Med. College. DBAKI MCDOWELL, M. !., Late Prss't. Mo. Medioal College. A. CLAKK., Jt. rref.lnrgerw, Ate, If edieal College and late Keeldent rayst eiaa Oitr HiriFitsl. BC Loais Missouri, nuvaw-w, HERBERT PBIMM. Prof. Frastieal Pharmaoy', St. LoaU College of Pharmacy. lr"X. WHITEHIlCk. Medioal Archirss. iu. HAaeeanr, af. B. Dr. C. V. T. Lodwm, O. Osbioks, M.J. B. Obavs Mossa, M. D. C. A. Waasa, M. D. W. A. Wilcox, M. D. B. C. FBAKLI. M. D.. u Prof. S artery, Homoeopath io Medical College. 3 TitTmi 1C.D . T.Q. C0M8T0CK. M. D.. 4 frof. ef MidwMery and Dlseaaee of Women, College ef Bemme ipathlePhyamamd ly T M FreC Materia Mseiee aad Theraapeotiea, Homowpathle Medl eal CoUeca at Miesoarl. jjIO. COKELEMAX, M. D., Leetarer On Disease WChUdrea, Hommepatbte CoUege ef Missovi. - - CHABLKS VA8TIME, M. D Prof, ef Physlalegy, Homowpathie Medioal College of Me. TTi OHM HABTMAN, M. Prof. CUa4salMedioae, Cot. HomoMpathic Physicians and Barg'i. They are superior to all other Btemaca Bitters. c TTiHRO SAM DEBS. Anajyttoal Chemist. Be Bitters "W fhewqpd can exsel them WJf BOkOB HIKACH, Aaatotteal Chemist. Kmlneat Fbyalciauui or caiioagro. The fermala far the Heme Bitters has been sabmttted to as, aad we believe them to be the. best tonw and stimulant mr general ase aow offered to.1 (Bmnbuo. fi.WooDBunT, M. D., . A. MABnran, Chemist. AnelyttMl t - Jas. Y. Z. Blabbt, M. D. Prof. Chemietry, Bash Medioal CoUege. J. B. WAursm, M. D., T- B. Hovas, M. D.: Taoa. T. Bixm, M. H. 8. HamjiM. B B. MoTi riaaa, M. D - Boa'n. ft. Banana, M. B. Lvm-aM. M. J.. JAS. A. OOLkOM, M. D, j. A. habw, m. v. KmljiABit Pbvalciaiui In Clnelanati. B early all of wham are Professors in eae or the ether of the Medioal Colleges, Ma etAer BKMea bats ever neon eawrea to tae panne em- hraetag so many valaable remedial ageate. L. A. Jambs, M. D., B. P. Bomt, M. D., G. W. Bmlbb, M. I)., 3. J. OoiJis, M. D., W. B. WeoDWABS, M. D., B. B. With, Chemist. O. E. Tatiob, M. D., P. P. Malst. M. D., Q. B. MoscBAtv, X. D., W. T. TAUiABBnno. M. D., J. H. Baaamam, M. B., . A. Desman, M. ., 0. WOOBWABB, M. O; . W. MoCaaniT, M, IV.. B- H. Jobjmo. M. D. B. B. Touumoa, M. D. Eminent PhTalelana In 9tmnhlH: The II am I Bitters are aa invataable remedy for Indigestion and dissasss ariaiag from malarial eaaees. . B. Taweurroa, M. D., Albx. Ebsktbb, M. D. la charge er. City Hospital, M. R. Hodobs, M. D., J. M. Bobbbbb, hf. D.; Paui Otbt, M. D., U. W. PdbbbIX,M. B., M. A. Bdmukds, M. D. Baavvoast Bau, M. B Joe. B. Ltmch, M. D., lutmlxtent lnkyaelaxi In Plttsbargrb; B. F. Ban, M. D.j Wm. Clowbs, M. U., W. B. Camae,. M. D., D. H. Willabd, M. D., O. Worm, Chemist. J. H. MoClbixamd, M. D., AbmI IIkadiLi of O titer an aU parte ef the Berth, West aad Mouth. J. B. Sum,' M. D., HUwaukee. -u v ' OooKn. lum, March IT, 18T1. .Sams A. JabbbobB Co. Having examined the formula af ths Bema Btemaeh Bitters," I have preeoribed them in my prao aee for some State, aad prononnoe them the best Tonlo Bitters new U use. , , P. H. McMAHOH, M. D. 07'or sale ay all drngglsts.and grooers. J antes A. Jacluoii efe Co., Proprietors. Labraaary la aad MT W. Bisond St., Bt. Loais Mlaaoori. W. H;-Hi HOUSTON & CO. 'Sole Agents, Charlotte, N. C. Consult Your Interest. GRAND OPENING OF Fall air Winter Dry-Goods. THE immense increase of our business has induced us to open out a .Jarger stock than we have ever before prscited to merchants and buyers generally of North and South QarolinaM M .1. Our own -reeent-'-iiBpertations together with our arrangefneiitptwih;th largest manufactures and importers in the United States, will enable us to cope wUh' North ern jobbers,;; j . " . ; Our stock of Prints, bleached and Brown Shirtingsy Sea Island Cotton Plaids, Osna burgs, Ginghams and Domestic Goods will be unsurpassed. 0ir stocUBf Jeans and Kersey's, Cassi meres, Flannels, foreign and Doniestic. Dress Goods,vB):ahkets and Shawls, will be one of the larestei offered in this mar- Our Stockof j Beadjr-Made Clothing is the largest in the city and will be .sola at prices that defy competition. , ' . ' . Our Notion Department,, on the second floor will embrace everything usually kept in a Notion Department, and will compare with that oXanypther House. We have'opened'up in our Shoe Depart ment the largest stock of Bo6ts and Shoes in the city, which, ;will be sId at Northern jobber's prices V, .L 1 i ;t ', . ,: " Our Retail .TpepannienV will present many attractive features and will be com plete with everything kept in a first class Retail Store. . Call and examine for yourselves. 1 ....... JkfcMUEBAY.& DAVIS, West Trade fet.,between Try on 4 College. .1. 11 sV,"F Hyacinths and Tulips, Direct from J J Holland. Alsb.TfToease9. Naxdssna; Rflnunculu8.., Polyanthns, Anemoms. and Crown Iinperial. '(For.early flowers, plant at once. Jubi receiveu aw CAR'SDRUQ STORE, Standard Scales. Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, fec, &e. Scales i-epaired promptly and reasonably. ' , For sale also, Troemer's Coffee ad Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all 9izes Letter Presses, &c, &c. THE MOST PERFECT , ALARM GASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. IS EVERY Merchant EVERY DRAWER should Use Them Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS CO., 311 Broadway, New York. 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN A CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston, For Sale by Leading Hardwaie Dealers, sept 9 taw 4m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF GREENVILLE, Court of Common Pleas. Henry S. King v Son, Plaintiffs, against Richard W. Petty. Defendant. 1 Copy Summons, For Money Demand. To Richard W. Petty, Defendant in thin action; You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which has this day been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of iour answer on the subscriber at his office, fain Street, Greenville, S. C., within twen ty days after tbe service of tLis summons on you, exclusive of the day ot' servu e. If you fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of one hundred and twenty -nine dol lars and twelve cents, with interest at the rate of one per cent per month from the 18th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, and costs. Dated 15th September, 1873. JAMES BIRNIE, sept 18 oaw6w Plaintiff Attorney. NEW AT F. HI. SHELTON'S HEW FURNITURE KOOHS, 0 S3 Just opened and opening, and for sale cheap for cash. At this house will be kept in store 0 Furniture in great variety and or 0 j the latest styles and from the com- moneat to the most elegant that is kept in this market, consisting in part of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, M Cottage Sets, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Hj, Cradles. Cribs, Washstands, Com jr modes, Center, Ladies work, Exten- sion and Folding leaf Tables, Ward- . 02 robes, Book Cases, Side Boards, Q 72 Safes, Springs of various patterns W for Beds, Chairs in great variety, SQ Office, Dining room, Bed room and & Children's chairs, Office and Store g Stools, Matrasses at different prices alwavs on hand. i Furniture Dougni ai my ciore -will be delivered in the city, where 1 a a Da directed or at any of the depots, properly packed for shipment. C m Undertaking. A tun stocic 01 ait- w m ferent kinds of Coffins is constatly ?Q w kept ready for immediate use. Per- W sonal attention given to fitting up m 7 and delivering the same. Q All are invited to call and examine my Stock before purchasing. South Trade Street, opposite the Market. F. M.8HELTON, CRIER & ALEXAN DER. DEALEBS IN Groceries, Liquors, Grain, &c, Tobacco, Powcler, TRADE STREET, HAVING removed to their large and commodious New Store, two doors above "the Market. House, and their Mr. 0. W. Alexander being at present at the North purchasing their Fall Stock, are daily receiving large additions to their pre sent Stock, which they are prepared to dis pense to their customers on as reasonable terras as any bouse in the city. Having ample Store Jxoom, they are pre pared to store from 800 to , 1000 bales of cotton, aad would respectfully solicit con signments of Cotton and Produce, . which will be handled on liberal terms, and guar antee prompt returns. . sep6 For Medical Purposes. A auantitv of old "Zeb Vance Whlakev-" just received. Call on : ' W. H; H. HOUSTON A CO. ? OCt 21 " : . ' v; . .. 1 i- j Fresh Oysters This Horning- V ' Orders for Fresh Fish and Oysters left at my store in the evening,, will be promptly delivered early in the morning. " " ' oc w .-.rr.i'j;. - fft4il GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Exp'k. Leave Charlotte, " Air-Line Jic't. " Salisbury,; " Greensboro' " Danville, i " BujkeviUe, Arrive at Richmond 10 00 p m 1006 " 8.15 a.m. 8.30 " 10.21 " 12.45 p. m. 3.12 ' 7.36 10.17 " 10 06 am 8 30 620 11 35 am 217pm GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Exp'k. Leave Richmond, 1 28 pm 4 45 " 9 18 " 12 20 a m 2 38 " 4 29 " 4 35 " 5 00 a. ra. 8 29 " 12 48 p.m. 3 50 " 6 06 '." 8 10 8 15 " Burkvuie, Danville, Greensboro' Salisbury, Air-Line Jnc't. Arrive at Charlotte, GOING EAST. Stations. Mail. Express. Leave Greensboro " Co Shops Raleigh, 3 05am 4 45 " 8 35 11 11 15 a m Arrive Gldsboro' GOING WEST. Stations Mail, i Expbess. Arr. Greensboro 12 20 a m 9 35 " 5 26 " 2 30 p m " Co Shops, " Raleigh, Leave Woldsbro' NORTH WESTERN N. C. R. R. (Salkm BRAncH.) Leave Greensboro' 4.30 p m Arrive at Salem. 6.25 " Leave Salem. 8 00 e m Anive at Greensboro, 10.00 ' Mail trains daily, both ways. On Sundays Lynchburg Accommoda tion leave Richmond at 9.42 a- m., arrive at Burkeville 12.45 p. m.. leave Burkeville 5.35 a. m., arrive at Richmond 8.44 a. m- Pullman Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with out change.) Papers that have arrangements to ad vertise the schedule oi this company will please print as above. ' For further information address S. K. ALLEN, Gen'l Ticket Apent, T M. R. Talcott, Greensboro, N- C. Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent, oct 15-tf Change of Schedule CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA Sr AU GUSTA RAILROAD. Columbia, Oct. 9th 1873. ON and after Sunday, the 12fh inst., the following passenger schedule will take effect on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta Railroad : NO. 1 DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Charlotte for Augusta, 7 A.M. Arrive in Augusta, 8:0 P.M. NO. 2 UP DAY PASSENUER TRAIN. Leave Augusta. Arrive in Charlotte, 4:30 A M 6:19 PM NO. 3 DOWN NIOHT PABSENOER TRAIN- Leave Charlotte, 8;30 P.M. Arrive in Augusta, 8:45 A. M NO. 4 UP NIOHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta, 4:15 P.M. Arrive in Charlotte, 5:15 A.M JAS. ANDERSON, Gen'l- Sup't. E. R. DORSEY, Gen'l. Ticket Apt oct 10-tf Time Table Western N.C R.R. Takas effect Monday, Aug 16, 1873. GOING WEST. Arrive. Leave. Salisbury, 2,18 A. X. 3.18 a. m. TUlrd Creek, 8 93 4.17 " Statesvllle, 4.21 ' 5.21 " Catawba Station, 5.25 " 6.20 " Newton, . 6.28 " 7.09 " Hickory Tavern. 7.84 " 8.20 " Icard, 8.23 " 9.00 " Morganton, y.14 " 10.00 Bridgewater, 10 03 10.58 " Marion, llSK " 11.57 " Old Fort, GOING EAST. Arrive. Leave Old Fort; Marion, . Bridgewater, Morganton, lcard, Hickory Tavern, Newton, Catawba Station, Statesvllle, ' Third Creek, 6.25 a: it. 7.20 " 8.1 " 9.08 " 9.60 " in aa 7.24 8.22 9.18 10.02 4 10.52 4 11.41 4 12.40 P 2.00 ' 2.58 ' 11.38 A. M 12.86 " 1.40 44 2.55 44 8.59 P. M: Salisbury. Trains Pass Morganton at 9.08 A. M. Going West. Breakfast fttf Hmkor 70.9 a m: Going East, Dinner at Statesvllle 1.40 p m. aug 24 jZPJ' ," v . v .''"' SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) A., Tw A O. R. R., : Charlotte, N.C, Oct; 18th, 1873.: j I J ON and after MondaV,Oct 20tbtbe fol lowing schedule will ; be . run Over this Road : A.k'" ' r GOING tOUTH Leave Statesville, at :" :' Davidson College, Arrive Charlotte, GOINO NORTH Leave Charlotte, al ? " Davidson College, . Arrive Statesville. ' ':6.25 a.xa 8.26 " 10 .TJO " 3.00 p. m. 4.39 " 6.35 All charges must be pre-paid on t Telgnt offered for shipment : tp Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana and Caldwell's. These being "Flag Stations,' the Company is not liable for any loss bt damage 1 to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the aboyepoints. 1 ; No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on: X. J. GORMLEY, : oct 19 - ( Superintendent, ' : L A W: THlf undersigned may be found at all times at his office over ? Harry Store. He will attend to any matter oertainine to law, , f 1 "5 JNO.A BRADLETj jl 4 OCt241m ; , j , r '.. . HANDSOME Stock of Real Point, and Crape Collars, at ... nu . may 9 ;. B. KOQPMANN'S.- BOOL JOB; i ' PRIKTIK , We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, prin ted on as reasonable terms as tbe same work can be done at any establishment in the State. Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Hen, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi . ness Cards, Vis iting Cards. Admission Cards, Invitation, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets. Railroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters. Handdbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, fec. Had better give us a call as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads,' Railroad Blanks, Labels, Conductor's Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. V&- Orders from abroad will always receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage Li censes, Liens, Ac, kept for sale. . t?SF Postal Cards Printed in the Latest Styles. 1 1 We pay special attention to . colored pniiiTiriGi. 'f every description, such: alp Tobacco Labels, Bands, Notices, Ac, a ; JOHNSTOKijSj ; u Editor &' Proprietor.1 ' FOR the benefit of the citizens of Charlotte and the public in general, IwilUtat tthat I have returned from New York, and While there have spared no Time or l bor in making One of the best selections of the" Finest arid Largest stocks of CUSTOM MADE 0L0THTNU ever trought to Charlotte. And with pleasure'can say that I.will be able to nnio while receiving my goods direct from the manufactories' in !NeW York, -vith whip) r am etnnected, II thereby avoid the immense profits of the manufacturers nH s,.ii 1 which other dealers must pay. My present stock consists of the very French Cassimere suits raneriner in Dnce from $10 to'tSfiO.'! " s ; ' Reaver, Treco, Scotch Melton and Diagonal Suts in all colors, Chinchilla lw Kersey and Montigue Overcoats and Talmas. "' A large stock of-French English and American Cassimere pants in all cuW And the finest stock of Dress Coats, Pants and Vests made in the very latest stvle evor Exhibited in this section of country. Of Boy's, Youth's and children's Clothin-' l , 1 i. 1. ..Til li j. j .if i j .... . . J "H! a vciv large. stuuji.ui tue laitrst iiiaote luau jeuL s x uruiauiiig wruuus, nais, vaps, oaicueis ana umDreuas, i cannot be in this; or. any other market. In conclusion, I most respectfully ask make good the above assertions. ! SALESMEN : A. H. TATE. Oct 4 v City Ordinance. BE it ordained : That the speed of Rail Road Trains in passing through the city, shall not exceed four miles per hour, and that the bell shall be rung while run ning within the limits of said city ; and any Railroad Company failing to observe this Ordinance, shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence Fifty Dollars ; and any Railroad Company permitting their trains to be stopped across the streets, thereby hindering the free passage of ve hicles or persons, shall forfeit and pay each and every offense Twenty Dollars. The above ofdinance will be strictly en forced. W. F. DAVIDSON, oct 24 Mavor. Charlotte, Columbia & Angus ta Railroad Company, TREASURER'S OFFICE, Columbia, S. C, October 21, 1873. AT the last annual meeting of the stock holders of this Company, the follow ing order was made : "That the annual meetings be hereafter held on the first Tuesday alter the second Monday in November of each year ; and that the next annual meeting be held in November, 1873, in Columbia, 3. C." In accordance with the above resolution, the annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held in this city on the Eleventh day of November next. C. BOUKNIGHT, Sec'y. oct 24 eod tnovll 0 LtD JAVA COFFEE, At same price as Rio, put up in pound packages, and 60 pounds packed in a box, and an Old Dominion Coffee Pot, in addi tion, so that when you buy a pound of coffee you stand a chance to get the coffee pot. Call and examine this coffee pot as it is the best in use, at oct 21-tf JNO. T. 3UTTS' Market. All is not Gold That Glitters. W E have a fine Stock and can offer great inducements in our line C. 8s. H0LTON & CO. sep 26 Opposite Market. CUTLER'S Pocket Inhaler at SCARR'S DRUG STORE. OPEN this morning,- all fresh, 75 bushel fine Mountain apples,-best in market. Spiced pigs feet, N C rye flour, pickles by the dozen. SYMONS & CO. oct 25 ' ' 7 r i . Carolina Central Railway. Until further notice the following sched ule will be run over the Western Division of this Road, to take effect Mondav. SeDt. 13th, 1873. . GOINO WEST. Arrive. 8 04am 8 13 " 8 42 " 9 20 " 9 53 " 10 47 " 11 20 " GOING EAST. Arrive. Stations. Charlotte. Leave. 720am 8 09 " 8 18 " 8 52 " 9 25 " 10 03 " 10 52 " River Pump, Tuckaseege, Brevard's, Iron Station, Lincolnton, Cherryville, Buffalo, Stations. Buffalo, Cherryville, Lincolnton, Iron Station, Brevard's, Tuckaseege, River Pump, Leave. 1200 m 12 33 pm 1 27 " 2 00 " 2 38 " 3 07 44 3 16 44 12 28 a m 1 17 1 55 44 2 28 " 3 02 14 3 U " 4 00 4" Unarlotte, This train connects at Charlotte with all trains arriving and depiu:JJugjarning and evening. - AT. Q.JOHNSON, 1 Ass't. Sup't. Tbe Cry Is, STILL THEY COME ! JUST received today, a large lot of Mountain Apples very large. Also, Bologna Sausage ; Bread, Cakes and Pies in great variety at Franklin Bakery, . , oct 9-tf C. S. HOLTON & CO. H. B.WILLIAMS, with". W1TTKOWSKY & RINTELS. I am now engaged iii business with this Large and Extensive Establishment and will be pleased to have nay friends and ac quaintances to call and see me before buy ing. Jifeei confident of selling them goods to advantage. . r oct 5tf Fresh ' Arrivals. 1,000 Oranges, going off cheap, at the Franklin Bakery, opposite market. . C. 8. HOLTON & CO. oct 25 ' 1 "1 : ' -' ; ' WANTED, . , An honest Miller.- ; Apply at this office with certificates. t f i ; v. , 1 'h , i oct 25 lw FRESH AILRIVAir Fine lot pf jSuperior White UdCJabbage Heads'. " " j . r ' j Also, i Fresh Country1 Butter,' 'nice and gna.ati ;;u:u ' ' B. N. SMITH'S. ' oct. 18-tf ell 'west stylos of er, graaes, qualities, sizes and nriees In urpassed a call from the public in order that I mav ' Very Respectfully. 3S- SHR1BR. J. W. WILSON. nuNTRAT. mw wmi AVaM aWs V A aUsUj Formerly Mansion House, H. C. ECCLES, Prop'r, CHARLOTTE, N. C. lune 8 ly 6. W. CHALK, coinmssioN merchant. FOR THE SALE OF Cotton, Flour, Grain, Tobacco, and other produce, AGENT FOB FERTILIZERS. College Street, Charlotte, N. C. sept 14 J. Y. BRYCE, General Commission. Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling 1 kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco, . Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly ai tended to. JY Y. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. , Drs. Greene, Lindley & Bentley's GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES, PREPARED expressly lor, and adopted to the Southern climate. "COMPOUND EXTRACT CORYDAL XSM,is the most powerful, and efficient al terative and blood-purifier known, pre pared expressly for Scrofula, Secondary Syphilis, Eruptions on the Skin, and all diseases which are produced by had or un healthy blood. "DR. GREENE'S FIT CURE," cures all kinds of Fits, Spasms and Convulsions which arise from irritation of the nerve centers. In Epilepsy it often stops the fits from the first day's use, even where they have existed for vears. "MEDICATED HONEY:' The great rerhedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Sore Throat and all diseases of the air passages and lungs. It does not sicken the patient, is pleasant to take, prompt in its action, does not injure the appetite or impair digestion as most ex pectorants do Our NEURALGIA SPECIFIC is a per fect specific for Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheu matism, and all muscular oi nervous pains wherever situated. These medicines are prepared with great care, from perfectly reliable drugs, and for the especial classes of diseases named Qn each bott'e. No one of them is claim ed as a "cure all." They ave identically the same that we have used in our private practice for years, and in thus recommend ing them to the public we know whereof we affirm. They are safe, reliable and efficient, acting quickly and thoroughly. Try them and you will want no others. Ask 'your druggist for them. For sale by druggists generally. Pre pared enly by DRS. GREENE, LTNDLEY & BEXTLEY Charlotte, N- C. N. B. Cancers, Tumors, Ulcers, treated as heretofore by KLINE'S GREAT CAN' CER ANTIDOTES at Charlotte, Golds, boro' and Asheville, N. C. june 14 lyr Branch Office for Fresh Fish, TTAVilfQ made special arrangements I XI am now prepared to supply Fresh Fish and Oysters by! the Barrel, - Tub and Keg with freight, ice , and other charges, at MOrehead City and Norfolk prices, and a small commission for toy services. Hotels, Boarding ..Houses and Saloon furnished at reduced prices. Our bunches are larger and our fish of superior quality to any offered in this market. Our retail trade supplied at the lowest possible figures to cover expenses. B.N.SMITH. oct 26 CONCORD SUN. Published weekly at CONCORD, N. C, Chas. F. Harris, Editor & Proprietor, Only $2.50 per Annum. A large and increasing circulation, making it one of the best Advertising Mediums in WESTERN N. C. Twenty -five Hundred Copies are read every week, hy the best families in North Caro lina. : ; - may28tf ' A TJ J. S. WILLIAMSON & CO'S. J.' you can find Flour to suit you. Salt, Bacon and a choice lot of seed oats. You can find choice white corn: by the bushel or by the car load , "'' ':dTOIsEN. QTOLEN from tbe subscriber, in Char O lotte. oil the 16th August, a Small Horse with .flaxen mane and tail, one white hind foot; biased face , -'The' horse, is a natural pacer, 6 years oia ;ana nas tne mane-worn onor tne top neck where the collar rubs.- , , -Fifty Dollars Reward will be paid for recovery of the horse or for any informa tion' that will lead to his recovery. octtf v;? . i j. 1 I

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