LOCAL AFFAIRS: jS. P. CAfcpjVEIA, 1., Editor. M. A. PARK, BHsUiess Manager. Thursday, October 30, 1873 idcAi- DOt8. Money is yrj close, but not close enough for us t4 get ihold pt 9 ft . Read the new advertisements this morn ing. There were no cases before the Mayor yesterday. ..... . It is thought the brick work on the opera house will be completed next week. The sickness Of a part of our force, cur tails, necessarily, our reading inatter this morning. ; . ... - W A Daniel, Esq., has at Davidaan's livery stable a drbfe of. fine stock., A good opportunity to buy. The weather was cool again yesterday, and many red noses were to be seen upon the streets. The season is now at hand when it is proper to suspend washing one's face until next spring when the weather will be warmer. Gov. Vance. We find the following in the Richmond Dispatch of Tuesday morn ing: "Hon Zebulon B Vance has arrived in the city, and is the. guest : of Col John A Sloan' - Entries foi the Fair. A number of entries for the .approaching Fair of the Carolinas were made yesterday. Two horses were entered for, the, races ne of the horses from South Carolina and theJ other from the central part of this State. Greenville Fair. We received yester day an article signed 'Greenville Fair," complaining of Air Line Railroad for not making . arrangements for visitors and exhibiioYs to the Fair to be held at Green viU.f. The article is not accompani ed by a responsible name, and we never publish anonymous communications. : ' A Mistake. We have ascertained since Monday', thaV the accident to Mr J R Far ris, occurred on the conntry road, near the Fair Grounds, and not on the race course. A bad bridge We are informed, was the cause of his horse falling.- We learn that Mr Farrls will institute suit against the county for injuries-sustained. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. Benj . S. Ricks, arrived in Charlotte yesterday morning. It will be remembered that the lady, for mcrlv Mlsa 'Pannie Jon9 left nharlntte last Spring for a European tour, and while s iJj. v d-tvJ-. , . 1 Mr Benj . S. Ricks, Jr., of Mississippi. They left last evening for the house of the gen tleman in Mississippi. Cotton. -The present price of cotton is ruinous to the producer, who is forced to sell in or ler to get money to meet his ob ligations. . The best grades sold yesterday for 12 cents not much more than enough to pay for its production. All those who can, are holding their cotton back ; but many are obliged to sell, as witness the fact that on Tuesday 248 bales were sold, and on yesterday about as many more. -This state of affairs is truly ' distressing, and it is to be hoped it will not continue long. .- City .Schools, The public city schools will open to-day (the 30th) in the building formerly occupied by Miss Hattie Moore. The committee have secured the services of Rev J B Boone as Superintendent of the schools, and for the present as teach ers, Miss H M Barber of Richmond, Va , Miss Hattie Moore and Miss Sarah H Mil ler of Charlotte. Other teachers will be employed as soon as the number of pupils may require. Eighty pupils have already been enrolled, and the enrolment is still going on. mow in l ainornia. Tne ponce were called to California - Tuesday evening, to take in charge Mrs. Mollie Frazier, who, from all accounts had been engaged in some verytunseemiy conduct. , .It-appears, from all we can learn, that she was under ue.iuuueuw ox uaaor ana. ia luai.. cun- , dltion was disposed to be quarrelsome and riotous". She went over to the gate of a neighbor across h'e Street, and, having nroduced a pistol and bowie-knife and "cussing out" the family to her heart's content, invited any .or, all of; them out to "take it up." They declined to come, and she tore down the gate and left, proceed - ing directly to the next door. There she 'The Mayor of ugusla n,as , made3 stopped and abused and villifled the whole arrangements for bringing;6u, 200 family, fndtviiua'ily and' collectively. Chinese laborers to work pn the ca Having stood the abase of himself and naL They are expected.shortly . family as long as he couldr the proprietor, - jhe Count de Chambord has gfiy John Bartley, . went out; to ; remonstrate en prdera to a French horse; dealer with Mrs. Frarier and try to induce heij to to 'pXirchase the hoirses and gila car go home. This' only made the matter riages necessary to celebrate the res Koiio c j toration of the throne within two worse; and she applied to hii an efe3 MonthsH I Oi'l T ' . so apprbbriouairilits character, as to in- numxns. . . -l ducehimoWse hisiiand'to strike.. Her, The tax levy of Chicago 1 oyer 1 ".";.;v'ia .j-r i.osooner, -y '"17 hand than siieprompuy V uauu iuH luo viw"1t'vv WEffl '01 wounq-, ,.,,!.! in J - '-i V m - n A f V. A ARtv s mi. At . AtlCB given tne Mayprno;i the noman. The marshal end one or more police operft repaired to her resi- dence and served thet warranV when Her ' husbaad went heswunty; former, ajpear- 1 ..'. fhi inomiie before the Mayors when tha affair will be- UTestMted.- ? t. .! ...-ili. ! li .f Change of Schedule. The mail and passenger train on the C. C. A Railroad, coming north, now arrives inCharlotoe at fB p. m instead of at 6:00 as formerly, tfie scbedul faring been changed j within the past few days. We are glad to see a disposition on the part Of the committee appointed by the -Board of Alderrun toesthe practicabili ty of lighting the streets with 'oil, not to recommend the planV to the ' Board. It would serve noood purpose, to so light t?j the streets. These oil lamps cast a light only a short distance and are of next to no value to pedestrians. 80, then, this at tempt to light the streets, is a useless ex penditure. It would be a great deal more to the credit of Charlotte not to make an effort to light the streets, than to stick up those oil lamps, which serve no other pur pose than to benefit the men from whom the oil is bought. If we cannot have gas on the streets, let there be no attempt made to imitate gas-light. Died. In this city on Wednesday morn ing, the 30th inst., Emmett, infant son of Matthew and Naomi Murphy. STATE NEWS. Several amateurs of Wilmineton win give a concert on .uriaay nignx :u . a. . -r j ' 1 1 .. ior tne Denent 01 Mempiiis. Four big men met and weighed in Wilmington, and tneir weights foot ed up 10,571. , State Council Friends of Temper ance will be held in Tarboro, on No vember 19. The Governor has pardoned Allen Pruden, of Hertford, convicted of larceny, and in the penitentiary for three years. ; Anson county farmers are very backward about moving their cotton, and there is but little money in cir culation. ' The News says that if street rumors are to be reliea on. November, 1873, wm ue uoieu m nie luiuro nistory 01 :n t- ij i.i r..A. c itaieign as tne montn 01 many wea- dings. The Wilmington Gas Light Com- pany nave agreed to reduce tne price ol gas rrom $3 to $2 ou per lamp, per month, for the street lamps. Says the Journal. The Statesviile Tntelfitf&ttcer'" is in formed that Mr. Sidney v Yount, of Catawba county, gathered from one acre of ground, (upland) ninety- three bushels and three peeks of corn. . i We learn from the Wilmington Post that Captain George Morrison, who whs so dangerously hurt on thi Carolina . Central Railroad, a few days ago, is in a very dangerous condi tion. His physicians have' told him that his only chance for life is to h.ave both legs amputated, hut he de tunes tu nttvc it uuiic. A little son of Mr. It. J. Darden, of Wilmington,4 was nearly iiHed" by the sting of a spider, on Sunday. He was stung in two places, and in two hours, his entire body had as sumed a purple color. Skilled med ical aid relieved him, and he is im proving. We learn from the Star. Two good looking young men,: representing themselves as C.L. Ray mond, and A. H,. Wnitonr 01 JNew York, and giving out that thev are travelling in the interest of E. M. Whiton & Co., of New York,- have been dead-beating at a hotel in Wil mington according to the Journal. The Wilmington Journal say si Al though rather ahead of time, the Radicals are already making up their nominations for next. ear. Judge I Russell, it is said, is to be run for Congress from this District, Solicitor Cantwell expects to step into Judge Kussell's old .shoes, and, .Cteo. W. Price, Jr., colored, present City Mar shal, proposes to run for Mayor for the next term. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Columbia fair opens oh the llt.b,. A. T. Stewart, ol JNcw York: has built a railroad thirty miles, long to his property at Hampstead riaina. The life of an honest man is a hpantifnl Doetn. and every Human being who reads it feels better, strong er more hopeful for it. ... A French writer has described a I young lady as a creature that ceases j jq kiss gentlemen at twelve, and be- i iriiiB Uicaiu at iwbuiv J gan Francisco gunsmith , has been robbed of nine revolvers ana a respectable accompaniment of bowie knives. JYODoay is aner ine uuei. The national founding hospital at scow, Russia, costs five millions a I Moscow year, and has in itjs care 10 000 ba- 1 bies. isKimiMxx) ana tne aisoouraeea -uin- ria are beeinnine io tonclide . that Iw m av & well cUe of panic 1 Uav mav taxation7 panic as' of Ailudingthefirmmph of the Democratic party in Ohio last week, "7rBrookW ' Argui f say :1 The (up0VthUid tfM laat Tuesday . in .Ohio, Bqueaked and gibbered-" in ailch, ft horrible'mitnrfer U to drive about 1 k nnn T?oWihlifa.na ,awav from-the , A oolls. k- .. .. .'.,...: . CI1A1XLOTTE MARKETS. C0RBEGTE1TDA1LYBY" THE Cotton. Chaklottb, N C, Oct. 28, 6 Sales to-day 132 bales on basis of 122 for low middling. Market quiet, demand wnoiesale Groceries. J BdeonC. R. sides, per B Uoffee Rio, prime, per S ;; " good. " " common. aiiiiri ,00 . a 00 a 26 a 00 a 18 17 15 27 25 17 17 Candles Adamantine boxes. i boxes, Prime factorv, ' State, Cheat common, $14 12 a 00 a 10 TO a 7 a 7 61 6 3 a 41 3 a 00 3 a 00 1 a 2 U!a li Ghinn y Vloth 17 a 18 Iron Ties Arrow, - 9i a 16 a 114 a 27 a in a 15 Lead Bars, per lb 2rfreoc1c LQrcb TJeaf, fcer fe: k rr kit A f26 M8 3 8 lfAUBes4-New Orleans.' ri fT-R Oolden.Syrul. 50 a 70 30 8 a 9 94 a 10 104 ia 11 $3 'a 3i $13 a 2h 134 a 00 13- a 13 121 Soda Kegs, Box, assorted, Rice Carolina, Salt Liverpool, per sack, " American, Sugar Crushed and powdered, 44 A, " B Extra C, . " : Coffee, yellow, I 124 a 12 .a 10 11 jsrown, WMskey-IfoTth. Carolina, corn, -44 ' Northern . Country Produce. Buying Prices.') Bacon Hams, per ft Sides, Shoulders, Hog Round, Beeswax 15 11 a 12 10 a 11 1.3 25 a 30 25 a 30 1.75 a 1.90 2.00 I -"ccjivi erChoice, Brandy Apple, " Peach, fl Mixed' 60 a 65 60 25 4.50 4 25 4.00 4: a 5 6 a 8 7 a 9 20 none Eggs, per dozen; Flour Family, Extra, Super, Fruit Dried Apples, 44 '4 Peaches, " 41 Blackberries, Fowls Chickens, spring, Turkeys, " Ducks, Sides Dry, - 1?4 riPrBen? ,; r,J2. .A Lard Good, 15 ,1A a 17 a 8 12 1 iftoJ-White, ' , , u 10 65 a 72 uais isiacK, .White, 45 Onions ,.. , i FsPuS-eclayy ia " Mixed, Potatoes irish, f .' '-weet, 1 J"' 75 a l.Od I 50 a 75 Tallow, Wheat Eed, per bush, " -White'' y Wool Tub washed, 41 Unwashed, 8 1.40 1.50 So 20 a 30 LI ONEI SAVED BY BUYING Family Singer ' Sewing r Machine, Sold on Monthly Payments W1 E claim and can show that it is capa ble of doing a larger range of work than any other; easier to learn on, and the most simple in its construction. It is em phatically, the best and cheapest Family dam-incr MjfKinfl ' Tt. runs ; 9mffttblv.' and I does from the finest to the thickest work with equal facility and perfection.- ; We. respecttully asK an aesirmg to purcnase a first class standard machine, to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, at OUT mile room on Try on street opposite the Post Office, or address H- C. TURPIN, Manager, Singer M'fg Co., Charlotte, N. C. P. OJBak niSgen&WTanted. june 18 tf JOSH Billing's FarmeraB Allnatiiax For the Year, of our Lord Being the 98th year oy Amerikan Liberty, and over 5 thousand Vears (if i don't dis-- J remember rong) since Adam aid tne diz- In Adam's sin, nit n! ' Wealiginedinjr viiv it 1 For sale at TIPPY'S oct 29 Book Store. 1 . just iLeceivea a iox 01 Aimue xicumi- ed Mince Meat, in 5 lb buckets, nice and fresh. Call soon at s.! F" oct 29 WANTED. li Anhidurimelilfot Wggj Carolinas, as assistants, guards, Scwax its ackerel,.p " " " u 3' 44 i 44 No. 1, " i i it 14 2 " " J (( g' Kits, " No. l . n " 1. o' a, apDroaaiiBrxlwbitiod . Hend in yqrif' names tdmelmmediately. T. L. VAIL, Treas. oct 29 Fair of the Carolinas. .-5-- : lathiiDai 4tKe Home 1 UJilUrfWjft on 1 msnm. CAUTION. '"' it 13 1 OA L r THk " SEfJUINE FAtRBAfiKS SCALES. hE: & LFA1BBAHKS & Cb! 31 Standard Scales. Stock Scales. Coal ' Scales., ttav SprIps Dairy Scales, Counter Scales, Ac., &o. Scales repaired promptly and reasonably. For sale also. Troemer's Coffee and Drni? Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter rresses, Ec, &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co's. EVERY Merchant SHOULD EVERY DRAWER Use Them. Warranted. SOLD AT Fairbanks' Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, Hew York. 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & 12 WING. Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston -For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers. - sept taw 4m . . 1 V. 7 f . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF GREENVILLE, : Court of Common Pleas, Henry S. King & Son, ") Copy Summons, Plaintiffs. . . i against y For Richard W. Petty, Defendant. I J Money Demand. To Richard W. Petty, Defendant in this action: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in" this action, which ha3 this day been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of vour answer on the subscriber at his office, Main Street, Greenville, S. C ., within twen ty days after the service . of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of service. ' If you fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of one hundred and twenty -nine dol larsjand twel.YSiCeritSj with interest at the rai.of one per cent per month from the 18th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three,-andicosts. Dated 15th September, 173. Vc .?r.-ti ; JAMES BlRNIE. F sept l8 oaw6w "Plaintiffs Attorney. NEW AT F. M. S HELTON'S NEW F UBI (TUBE ROOIVIS, Just opened and opening, and for J S3 sale cheap for cash. f At this house will be icept in store Furniture in great variety and 01 the latest styles and from the com- W monest to the most elegant that is w J kept in this market, consisting in Q part of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, . .Cottage Sets, Bureaus, .Bedsteads, Cradles Cribs, Washstahds, Com- Z modes. Center, Ladies work, Exten- sion anu tiuiug ivinaouisr!, niu- Owvmirva nf vopiAiia nof tome for Beds,, Chairs in great varietj-. X . r. umce, UiniUg rooiu, ecu iuuui aim $4 Children's chairs, Office and Store g btools, Matrasses ai ainerent prices -always on hand. . H . Furniture Dougnt at my piore rM will he deliveTedin the citv. where directed or at:anyof the depots,. properly packed for shipment. Q Undertaking.A full stock of dif- m ferent kinds of Coffins is constMtly Wkept ready for immediate use. Per sonal attention given to fitting up( W ana aeiivenug iue stiiiic. SMt Q:, - ',' Alt are invited to call and examine' nty Stock before purchasing. ; 1 South Trade Street, opposite me Market. F. M.SHELTQN, CRIER & ALEXANDER . '.- 1. . .... , . : . J i ' - - , : DEALERS XS Groceries, iiquors, " Tobacco,' : Grainf Powder, &c, ' TRADU street, .; HAVING rembved to their large and commodious -.New Store, two doors tthA.v the Market '.House, ana tneir Mr. C. W; Alexandeiibeing at present at the Knrth Tmrchasine their" iali Stoe are dailv Tpceivinc laree additions to their pre sent Stock, which theyrare prepared to dis pense to their customers on as reaaouauie tprmi as anv house in- the city.' - . r--x. Watrincr , -mnle Htore JXOOUi inev are pre pared to store from 00 to 1000 bales ot cotofK aad would respectfully solicit con signments of Uotton ana rroauce; '" . T11 I-X- ,H A r.rv titusral forma and diar- antee prompt returns. "- iFor MedicaL Purpoaea. f !Aicrdantity of old "Zeb Vance Whiskey," Vni. ya.ii uu W7BL." H HO U STON & CO. oct 21 4- Fresh Oysters This Morning I ( baOrdera ibr Fresh Fish and Oysters feft at kmy atore; in thaTemng,-. win oe promptly delivered early in tne morning. . r 1ft : i ' 5 . ' flonrae Hew Advertisements. M-"P.TiVf MOORE'S Rural New rli.l ill Yorker, the Great IUus- itrated Agricultural and Familv WeekU is the Standard authority upjn PracticsaW Subjects and a ,high-toned Literajv Jur lial. Only $20avear less tofctubs. Grtial Premyims orjpa(Vimjni?s.rt?to Agents." inmpen ivu moors to Jan.) un lpaJ for Only Fifty Cents ! Premium Listy. &c.v sent free to all Trial subscribers. Adr drear D. D, Ts MOORE, New York City. A s,oeV4w-'- ' - lJ ' Life in the Bible. By Daniei March, D. D. author of "Night Scene in the Bible?5Utid litOuiv Father's House," of which nearly XO0,UU0 copies of each were sold. Send for Circular. ZIEGLER & M'CURDY, 618 Arch St Philadelphia, Pa. , -oct-8 4w .. WANTED 100 Farmers and Farmers' Sons during the Fall and winter months to do business in their own.and adjoing townships. Busi- ness respectable, easv and pays well. For particulars, address S. S. SCRANTON" & CO., Hartford, Conn. oct 8 4w Age: SEND FOB CATALOOUE. Domesticlewing Machine Co.. New York, OCt.B 4Wyj;" ' tj Qray'6 Celelvated Anti-Friction Cot- ' -tQAress. The cbeapesti simplest and most perfect coiion screw ever invented . Send tor cir cular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, 60 Vesey St., New York, sole manufac turers, oct 8 4w; THE BEST PAPER. " TBT IT U The Scientific American -is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper publish ed. ' Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, Novel Inventions, Bridges, engineering Works, Architecture; Improved Farm Im plements, and every new discovery in (Jnemistry. . A year s numbers contain 832 pages and several hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The practical re ceipts are jwell worth ten times the sub scription price. Terms $3 a year, by mail. Speciments sent free. May be had of all Newsdealers., Patents, obtained on the best terms. Models of new inventions, and sketches, examined, and advice free: All patents are published in the Scientific American the week they issue. Send for pamphlet, 110 pages, : containing laws and full . directions for obtaining Patents. MUNN & CO:, 37 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Office, corner F and 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. oct 8 4w STEAM ENGINES BOILERS, AND MACHINERY. Stationary and Portable Steam Engines and Boilers, Gary's Anti-Friction Cotton Press, Circular, Gang and Mulay Saw Mills ; Portable and Stationary Flouring Mills, Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Pans, Narrow Gauge Locomotives and Dummy Engines for street roads aiid mining pur poses, new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of every des cription. Send for circular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, oct 8 4w f r H60 Vessey Street, N. Y. Ti5T';DL?QTTM? Hinge Cone Burner r 1 JllliOlL Li for Sun Chimneys, made by Plume fe At wood, produces the largest light,. Can be used on any coal oil Iam2 Tor alJ)jtll lamp dealers.' oct 8 4w WOMENwanted to sell our French and American Jewelry, Books, Games, &d, in their own localities. : No capital needed. Catalogue, terms, &c, sent free. P. 0. VICKERY & CO., Augusta, Maine. : oct 8 4w . . . - - - ""nSYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming X How either sex mav fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person tney cnoose, instantly, xnis simple men tal acquirement all ean possess, fr,ee, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with a Mar riage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Urearos, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM & CO.;- Pub- ishers, Philadelphia. : . . . oct 8 4w Be.st and Oldest Family Medicine SANFORD S Liver InvigoratorJ A purely Vegetable Cathartic and Tonic, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Debility? Sick Headache, Bilious Attacks, and all derange ments, of Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Ask your Druggist tor it. i BeWareof -imita tions. . -. . OCIC-4W K " - kOA P61" day ! Agents wanted ! to tyJ All classes of working peo ple, of either sex, young or old, maire more money at work for us in their spare mo- mVIIls, vi lc time, iuoii at aujriuiug else. Particulars free. -: Address G. STIN- SON & CO V Portland, Maine. ! oct 8 4w Farmers' Savings Bank Notice. 31 t it "if v CI -7: i 2f " C&ikDoirCNf Ccili: 1873, WHEREAS, the requisite amount has been subscribed to the Capital Stock' rjf ifae "Farmers' Savings Bank of Meck lenburg County, N. C , to secure its or ganization according to the Act of incor porations, Now, therefbre, in compliance with the Charter of said Banking Associa tion, I do hereby give' notice to the sttl scribers to said stock to aneet . atrth Court House in the city of Charlotte, on i rues- dav. the 4th day of November next, for the nurDose of efiecting a permanent organisa tion, and transacting such other business hv "said act of incorporation. Committees in the various Townships, who were appoinW lo open books of subscript tionss are requested io Keep ine.sme open anu report ue anwuma vyvuft.ujiMeraijfTT- ed on or Deiore saia, aay oi orgamzauon. .Tl VAIL, ... L-:t:-W VV.UttAtt. -,: Secy & Treas. : . : Chairman: r;OCtl2.dltw3ti;;;, lUj LvaUS.?S. 'i':VT Carolina Central Railway Co. Notice to Shippers. . NO goods rcjnerchandisO; . ill be ceiyed "at" the 'Charrotte "Agency i S:PL. M. ' each aari Li -j Ij h A re- after V. Q. JOHNSON,! AasistiSop -'bet92w.lj' il -li ; Oranges ! Oranges ; Oranges ! Received to-day at Franklin Bakery, op- posite- Matket:- u 41 c. 13: huuivn & w. Auction Store. NjpTJCE. tt flOoixehiRerHfor Bak fc Crt!Hcates of Dtpoclf jrereons- noKiin Btoc-Tc? ctt:3oaU of Deiioedton any of the Lank 4n lh State n make A sitisfactory xcha4Jbr Heal Ktate.-hich b a permaKtatand aa fdvestinents by (callln j o 'Tt oetl City Property, and FftiaLci .Ind i city lots with neatooUieTi. "4 Two improved lotsia llecial' IviUt- ;Aiao;4 valoabl &rmj, welt Liproved . Fox further particulars apply to cae ht Auction BUX'"f?yK - TH03.IL gaither, Auctioneer & Real L-t. At. sept 10 BRANMST: SCHEUE'EYSHlNOWN. Fourth Qranl lift fo&cert roK thi inim or wr - Pile yiirary of tottciy 12,000 cash orjpral0Li66i 000 The Fourth Grand Qfft C6cW author ized by special act, of tb LMialatttre for the benefit of the PabucJ "Ubrafj'h Ken tucky, will take place -in blla 'library Hay, at LouisyiUe. XyM LiY. j5 WEDNESDAY, DBO t3,l$73. Only sixty thousand tfck'etaJwii be sold . The tickets are divided Into ten coupons or parts. , - ' At this concert, which will ba tbexrand est musical display ever . wiineised i this country, the unprecedents4'jSun $i;Bo6.6o6? divided into 12, 0W oasji. grjtirUle dis tributed by lot among the ticiet-holders. UST OE QXET&i ' .t One Grand 'Cash Giftr:..-.:tt!..te50.000 One Grand.Cash Glft,i..i.4iA., X),000 One Grand Casb Gift. 50,000 One Grand Cash Gifti.?rMIjrt25,000 One Orand Cash, Gift 17.500 iu isfl wits mu.uuu eacn.... lpo.ooo so cashomy 5,0)0 :a;Jrf5o ooo : 60 Cash Gifts 80CashGuV AQQQ eachlv..l0,000 400 eat 40,000 30(1 aaftb... ' 45,000 ,?00.teachV..... 50.000 tlOO eaiSaj.T..-. t 32,500 M4J?o. 100 Cash' Gifts " 150 Cash .Gifts 250 Cash Gifts 325 Cash Gifts 11,000 Cash -Gifts' Total, I2,00D Gifts. aU Cash . - Thfc distributid'nin be poslUyewether all the ticketa are sold or not. and the 12.- QOq gifts all rdjhi'p"roportf&fr tb thi tick- : .... . . ... ...'? PKICE JDF TICKETS, x Whole ticket fj'HatyeiliSoths. or each coupon, $5; Eleven WholaTlckets for $500 ; 225 Tickets fbr $1000; 113 Whole Tickets for $500; .227, WhoU Tickets for $10,000. No discount on iesk XtuSi $500 worth of Tickets at a tinieV- X? : ' Tickets now ready1" for Jale And all or ders accompanied by the money promptly fLled. Liberal1 termglvff t.e.., who buy to sell again. ' 9!6:. .id " THOMAS E.BB,AJ&&&n Agt Pub Libr Ky7 and Manager (Jjft Con cert, Public Library - Butidlttg Louis ville, Ky. . c ... - -oct ff!4w special , Notice. -'?. a T-.B;$te;Wfe'toort xl House, you can find a genera) -assortment of Family Supplies vHCJ)'WAffees, Green and Boasted ; Stfgar, Whit, Yellow and Brown Black and G Wen-Teas; Sy rup and Molasses; VinegarifSalt, -Mackerel, Bacon, Hams, -MeatK TtOftl orn. Lard, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Chicken; Po tatoes, and Brooms.,, tsr '- We call special atteniioh to uratock of Pure Liquors for Family uecnlisting of . Brandies, .Whiskeys, Wines &o. , . . I Jiave also made arjanfeeirlentr t3keep -Fish and Oysters during the season .r N. B. Goods delivered pMs part of the city: ..; .:; Kmtu. oct ll-tf ." ADVERTISE IN THE in OX ROE raUfcUIBER. . THE Enquirer havins allmft eolation in the counties 'of Anson, tJnidn Chester- held and Lancaster, oners unsurpassed ad vantages as an advertising medium for the merchants of Charlotte. Published Weekly at $2 per annum by Vr nf?i?poYnr a-wqlfe, To Lovers of Good Dread. HAVE just received from the celebra ted City Flouring Mills, Atlanta, Ga., I 440 sacks of their Superior, Family Floor, all pat tp for custom tradejn SMftmds and 50 pounds sacks. Every Hotel, hoard ing House and 'Private House-keeper should not fail to-test this superior Flour offered for sale by '- GEO. W. CHALK, , .'Miller'a AgeoA. oct7-tf . . . . College ptifeet. co u t r (North Cafoljni Cured.) 0' NLY 24, weighing ; fronij to 15 pounds a piece. , If tbere.anything in looxs, something fine has been "brouglit , to -tnis market at JNO. F. BUTT'S Market. Also, Bologna Sausage ahd Fresb Sau sage just recelTea-, irom -xne ceieoroeu Richmond Factorv Elegant. drieqAeei, Sugar-Cured and Canvassed Hams at ? oct ll-tf - JNOF. Birri: aiarxei. WHITE Lead, Window Glass and Pjutty M)l A W.K, BURWELL A CQ.U HAND Mirrors, English Tooth Brushes, ' Scotch Plaid Puff Boxes,; Lnbin's Powder, - j 1 -W- BJUfcVJ3a-i-vw. TUTTS Expectorant;i Westaf a Balsam, Ayer's Cherry Pedo11-! L GQRN Piasters, Dade's Corn Killerr oct 10 ' - r flpringsf X3aajar. Mrs. J. Amanda Sldfiwfl 1KIVAXE COAIXXIFTO HOUSE Gray's Building, Corner Trade and JCMrch .'.. r fitaaetafiV a l . Z.'v private ahdrT8in)iBoardera, aohcited. y Hi uik.s n lew juiuh v avuvyii a. 18 1, -.- OCt v ' SUver Spray.X)Unia' the best' for Sewing -rjse'flie Silver 'Spray jewing ,Machin .v ..d -iii '' 5J ; -- ;':-:7 7 '" ' ' ; 'i I'd tombs'

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