JOHNSTONE JOSribS. OAA J aa. Tiller H jt&A ii., o-KVll aifi 1, i . On Rnrfe--- ' " "V- Bryee'sX Daily, One yeaj in advance, .fa oo J)H uiuuidu, 1U tWJTOJ-Il,.. ....... .......... S Three Monias, in advance, 1 50 Oue momn, in advance,.,... 50 Tn-weecij, ne year...... Weekly, one year. 2.00 THE "SILVER TONGUE tf 0 R G A :S: For Parlor Church and School. 'it.' CvJj .liJ I-i f.l ALaxufactubed by NEEDIIA1TI & SORT. E. P. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. Nob. 143, 145 & 147 East, 23d St. N. Y. Responihle Darties acnlvins inr iu sctuuw unsuppiiea, yym receive prompt attention ana liberal inducements Parties residing at a distance from our an thorlzed agenta, may order from our fao tory. Send for illustrated price list. " July 12 6m 3 S to- 2 .0?.. U N S ! SINGLE jQUNS. At $2 50, $3 00, $Q; $6 00, $8 00, $10 00, $12 00 to W.' pouble GUNi;;.; : At S6 00, $7 50, $1000, $1200r $1500, 2Q00, $25 Od, $80 90, $40 00, $50 00 to $75 0 Breech-Loading Double (Juri. : - At 40 GO, $45 00, $50 00, $60 00 $75 00, $90 00 -llOOOr$120W to $3OO. i r.Uj t . PISTOLS. Smith & Wesson's, Colt's,-Allen'a Sharp's, Whitney and other kind, -- - ' ! at XAStrFAcnraiB's 3?ai!cta. -' ' AMMUNITION and IMPLEMENTS, For Breech-loading Guns, at small ad vance on cost of importation. Metalic Ammunitipn for Rifles and Pis tols at lowest market prtcea- A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and description sent on ap plication. ,- - . , - - , Goods shipped bvVExpress C O. D. POULTNE Y, tRlMBLE & CO. , , ij IvjeoBTSfta, - No 20Q-W JfealtimorelS Baltimore RiehardV Donsml's. Greener's; ScottV and their celebrated make jjf gun9)n"baT and smportea to orqer sepfI2 4m J. 8. PHILLIPS, inercbant Tailor and Clothier, Begs leave to inform the publicthar -be is now receiving bis 0f FALL AND WJNTJER CLOTHING, Piece Gdo nrtiisbmgGoods , at,st&1 stvilaliHiaaMl are unsur which for passed by anytrmg' ed in this marketa offer- lem as cheap as the amC -c L - j Doodscan be Wght elsewhere. sr ' Call and examine them. SCHOOL BOOKS. B RYANTS 'STRATToBs. i,.. '. . . .BOpkKPIN B ULLIONS & MORRIS' i "'. ':' ( ': y tAflN'GRAMMAR BULLIONS & MORRiS?. i i V- 1 .. ;, ' .1.-. -r'f.f t JA . . . .,,. i. .f. BULLIONS &M0RRISi 3 . ... v-- 'lK$A4m LESSONS ; BINGHAMS la' TXN (iAMMAR ; DA VIES' NEW ALGEBRA, ' iir n Vi T XT E X? "" NEW SCHOOL BOOKS lON HAND at " : , '! ".'1FtAEF'OY,a,. . ectS-UJ. Tryon Street.' ? ..... c-ilQQOO rMwSapIiSg Assorted sizes and grades7iT0in JtbjT iWejl known Long Shoal Paper VST HfttSfi i. II MJI.JI J II II Villi II II -M II II -II II II Iffelfc'.'.IKI ' il I I IICVl.ll II Wit Mir 'If II. I'llJlM"-1'' L .. " 4, W P n . :; ... .... .. " : - ' . ' - - ".. - n i . xv ; . ' . h v , r - t-wv m bm m a : aai : m "- a - a i . v- . m . m k ic i a mm ; if J a 1873. FALL TRADE. AN ENTIRELY OP, CO UJ CO CO ( o o CO QECAEJjpTTB, O- lTSS1 OftStock during the Summer, I now offer to the trade While tmly grateful for past favors extended me, I desire your continued patron- SeptStf C lotiiing St ore. J. A. YOUWG & SOW, RE now prepared to receive their mav deeire a complete or rarti&l outfit, STORE, on North Tryon Street, Charlotte. Fourth' Door above thqlCnaitotte Hotel Tbelr-Stock is entirely NEW, and selected with care in tne 'Nbrthern' dtias, 1 warranTea-eniimfe oww-,Ja99OT Casstoierea, inr variiety ictfiatto anrd: prices. ..;AJ8ov b tbein1eL'piA,a4Wrnta -.or eivttnef UJTaexoy; . wayiaeiions, Aiixea Wbitneyimpetiai 'WorBtedt;. Kjerejf; &c, from tnejlOTClezrjQam to t&eitoa earner. . Talmas, of Gray Melton, MUtea;meon, . Overcoats,, of. .every .variety, .style ana YoatJtis' anjcLBay Cloth ing a large and A Full Line of Gentlemen's Furnishing to complete the Wardrobe. ; . ; . ,7 Mata and Capaol every atyifi ana price. A large stocks of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, ..The above limitea outline OI tneir siock, is . . .. . , . , 1 i 1 by calling upon, tnem nis wants can pe They; nlake themselves to spare no every business transaction with them, and ask JACOB M. Manufa cture Cigars, Tobacco, TRADE (Next-dprd'BremVBrb)iirA Co't. Dry, Goods Store,) CHARL 6 T T E, .'W.f Dealers wishing. to puivbas.Cigi?s, wiil'fdo TO THE PUBLIG. I DESIRE TO . call attention to my stock -of Guns, Rifles and Pistols; of all kinds and prices. Ammu nition-ana im plements, Locks and Keys of all kipds. Metalic ammunition a general assort ment, as cheap as the cheapest. Guns, Pis tols, Locks, Keys, Parasols, Ac &c.; repair ed and warranted. -V B. TAYLOR, Next-door to Elias & Cohen. ? octrl lm - 1 e MOLASSES. V? A BARREL- Chea: Molasses, UWi90 barrels Fine SvruD. . 5. Xierceftpexnerara Molasses, ' j ust received I STENHOtrisfi, MACAtf LAT & CO. ; June 21 - i Wheat Draii ! Wheat Bran ! 18,000 lbs." Choice Bran, just arrived and for sale in large and small quantities. By G. W. CHALK, sept23tf 1 . a College Street. Tirst Su pply of Bananas this Ssft: Fresh Sunnlv of Bananas, Oranges, Rai ins, Tobacco, WSJr, nnrr als v;i TVTEW'YOkK .HER ALP, ceiyeft.uany LAloand aJj fc. axjc- l;PURE:Gi:e OIlUNier:iarvfgorator for sale at S1 nAftT'fl6 nuiTO STORE. " CHARLOTTEl. C. TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 1873. NEW STOCK 7. CO CD CD CO rn CO GO S. B. MEACHAM, Sign of the Brass Boot. . . friends, ajad intcir tina the c eeneraily,: who t their NEW. CLOTHING from jruua ana xancy Vest. ,r . .. . jueiions, uoe bjuu jeanes, o.eei oe-iu, &c, in style and price to suit every buyer. jsiacK salt, uorai, jcuck ana JBiue, weaver, price. well selected stock. Goods, comprising every article necessary ; Hosiery, Neck-ties, Bows, Scarfs and Fan 1 T ? T i 1.1 3 il. .4 oniy aesignea to assure uie reauer- tuk suppnea. pains to render every patron satisfied, with to be tried sep S9-tf. MENDEL, and Dealer in Pipes, Snufl; Arc TREET, -wWtb' gfve sae-'i cart.- OCt 24- : ADVERTISE IKuijn::' THE MONROE ENQUIRER. THE Enauirer havinjr a large circulation in the counties orAnson, Union Chester field and Laqcastejrvoffers, yaniages as an aaveroamg mwiuia jw iuc merchants of Unariotte. Published Weekly at $2 per annum by BOYLIN & WOLFE, sep 10 Monroe, NC. To Eovers of Good Bread. I TT Ayic'iiwt rcAtireA from, the celebra ted Gtv.Flborinff MUisx Atlanta, Ga., 440 sacks of their superior Family Flour, all nut nn for custom trade in 2o pounds - - an d 50 pounds sacks. Every Hotel, Board- niff iionse -tma 'irivate -xiouBe-Kecue should not fail to test this surriprcFour- offered for sale by v;;.. i GEO. WVUA. t Miller's Agent. , oct 7-tf . . College Street. COUNTRY HAMS. (North Caroliita Cared) mht.y it weiizhine from 7 tol5s pounds J& piece. If there isanyth'trf ?9Jf srvniPthinp-nne has Deen Draugu . market at Also, BoloarnaiSaus8.aJid-fFxe9A..lit justn received. fromLthje-ceiebrelj in any quantities sage Richmond Factory 8uw-Cured and octll-tf JNO ;iA'm. wukw-'Ka rt1-f L." rrrzr& rzzir rzz times atlas office oyer- Hartya Stom. wiU .attend tc any .fLniJf !? - . it vaMSlyili itJ J TTAfMMKfitock,of Real Point, and Canvassed Hamsat : pKTmTitlV'fiUed.: -i 'B,N. SMITH. oct l . F. BUTT'S Market. .. s y Gleason managesr.tbe Fish 1 . ..- 4, O CO 3 OS C5 c H A I? LPTTE, N, C. Preacriptiona prepared at all hours of the: Day . and night. . Cbolce Gi een and Blark xn. &cted especiaJJy for Family and Inval- io,ar- - - - SCARR'S ' June 29 Drugstore.; FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot 'of select Spices for Pickles, Preeeryes, &c, at F. SCARR'S Js Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, a F. SCARR'S jane 29, 1872 - Drugstore. PEASE'S RESTAUR ANT, ATLANTA, OA; Ladies' and Gents' Dining Rooms. Should you wish ovatera. ;kve'olden frv an elegant steak, a cup of good corTee, kind treatment and no charge unless we nil the bill, ' call and see us. : ' ' PXASK AND HIS WlFK. , "" . sept 16 12m ; Proprietors. 18T3. in.i. FAL AND WINTER TRADE. J. L. BROTHERS & CO. SVCCSSSOBS TO J W McWhirter, Trade St.-, Charlotte, N-C, l'EEP on hand a large st4ck of Grocer- xVileS, Countrv Produep PRmilv innnlioa Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Notions, Ac. . We invite purchasers to call and exam ine bur stock and prices before buying else Vbire, as-we are determinedto sell as good goods at as low figures as any house in the oirvT "We have now in stora'a fine lot of new Mackerel which we are oflerinff at rednnd rces. Also a choice lot of count rv ftmiV mnrJvrf KoIHTnM Ti o 1 Molasses, Meal, Shirting and Cotton Yam. i?n TAh a m T v. 'All r a . . .... AjivuMciimuie eny can nave tneir goods delivered t their; houses. . JBRQElRSnn Just Arrived. A LARGE st3CK ox' rrenen canaier jnL which jre warrant pare. Also, an endless variety o.f French. Con fectioneries . of every description, and would be pleased to show it to our friends and customers. Also. Dried Beef, Beef Tongues and Sausage of the best quality. Smoking and Chewing Topaco, Ulgars and SourT. Ground Peas at wholesale or retail, as cheap as they can be had in Charlotte. Every day, Bread ot tne nest material, Cakes, all varieties. Pies Of all kinds, Rusk Buns Rolls,, to order. Rye and Graham Bread, witb many other articles not nec essary to mention, trfdl of which we call your alien now. Trade Street, Jt ranKiin rsaicery, Opposite Market, sep lT C. S. HOLTON fe CO. ' A BOOR FOR THE MILLION. abf3iSLXf ISbKO Married ef those about to J54d.54 iuysij:ieiiiiarevlatieiiol latest di.overie la producing and vrc-veuliBS offuprine. how to ureerve tb compwxion. e. ThUis i tweresuttj.ifork ollwo hnndrod and oizty pagei with nunsfirous ugrving,-ani eontin rioW information for those who are sir4dercj&veiBplateiDar- riage. gtUlltiia book tDat eago 1 1 De sept onaer iock and aod sot bud caraieuly about tne bouse. 1 1 cotu&ias ibe experience and advice o t a pbysician whoej-eputooU. worldwid, anil h814ei Ue rl vate aawer of evt, t aiale and female tbroaghout ibe entire globe. It embrace's everything CB tbe subject of ibe gen erative system that is worth knowing, and much that is not published in any euer wars. . Address f. Butte' DUneaaary 3.2S Eighth ttreel nt to tot one rree oj oostaKe) lor r mi wum St. Louis, Me Netico to the Afflictei aad TJnfortanate.. Before applying tp"be no'tbrlou adackt Who adrertUeia abtio uelng aay qai remedies peruse &r. lutts Work no matter whatyourdiieaseli, or hew deplor- able Tour condition . jLjf. a utts eccnpiee a aonnie noaee oi iwwij'nfis rooms:! s indorsed by some of the most celebrated inedsv ea I proTessors o r tois country ana aurepe, m eew ee w f uUed ttraasuUly ec by tall, on the diseases meaueaea la nfi worlte. OBca and parlors; Ho. 1 IT. Slglfth tirMW - ween Mark, I and Cnesont, Bt. mui, e. noy 2d A w 17 - At the Green Front OS COLLEGE STREET, a . "IITE are receiving our lau stocf oi.urocey- t I ies of allkands, sucn as .. Sugar, Coffee, (Rio,'Laguira and oldGovernraent Java,) Lard, Hams, Cheese all kinds. Soda, Candles, . . Starch, Sardines, Crackers, Wooden ware. Lead, Shot, n flTies. Leather. &cs., &c. l ? . .ii f wh h we are offering to tne ar- TOera a Gransrer's prices, f Call and see us .before purchasing. -- h J.C5. YlljijlAaiou.' vv. rr T V Nethers. Captr Wm M Stitt, Thos-D Walsh and Capt John L Deaton. are witb: Messrs J S Williamson & Co., and will be glad to see their menas, aau pro mise satisfaction in every reapeci. sept 20 -'-"-k . i r ; ' Fresh Fish From.Morehead ? . s...citys,:......- TT AVTNG made arrangements wuu - - e SjJl S.-U 1 XI fishermen, I shall have tresn nsn ey- tk-tcrtt Sunday and Monday, P.S Department . sept 25 r A-VTiree lb of Bologna 6ausag$ In Store; t La i --VT.k - a 4. - ..t.ia'. tVenph e flTi f XX realms, Juatl.x., r tdies. tne oest ana cneapesw iu '""---' potatoes and Butter, Beef , and , Beef SSS SLTONCP t , & 5Tir. Opposite thMarket. a.' uTTejTr vt a TtAi tia Meal! iust received , . UVndforsawar iUL V if" q5u w -t -tort notice; y Bwrij:rrsaie py No --14830 HOUSE. STATES VILLE, ' N. C : :0: fTlHE Proprietor of the above A Hotel xespectfnily invites the people of viiauuiie una nis puouc generally to call on him when they visit Statsvilie.; H will spare neither pains nor money to "1C oijiiuu x vjis . iiu UoJca a. first ctatt Axyjxau, ana wortny oi public patronage, T. A. PRICE, . nov 25-tf Proprietor. ' r. f. Davidson, DEALER IN NO. 4 WEST TRADE STREET' Opposite Brem, Brown ife Co's. Dry Goods 1 Store, Metalic Burial Cases, Gaskets, Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a fnii assortment of Furniture, always on band. June 21 " NOTICE. 1873 1879 FAL.I4 AND; WINTER T'aE. WE are now receiving onrFll andWin , ter stock, to which the attention of Mttrchanta and Planters is respectful ly; in vited, consisting of the following Kne of heavy and fancy groceries : 20,000 lbs Bulk Bacon. 1Q00 Rolls heary Urging 21 to 2fts to yd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties,' 1000 Sacks tfalt, : ' 100. ' Fine Liverpool-Salt, 200 " Cptfee, Prime, Good and Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A Ex. C. Demerara and Porto Rico, , ' , 150 " Syrups, 8 House and DriDB. 1 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles', 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, 150 " , Oysters, . . 10") D02 Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, lOOt Sardines, . , 200 Packages .Fish, No. 1, 2 and 3, 20,000 Gfgars,Fair:to Ge0d; Tobaccos ani Whiskies a SPECIAtW, 200 Boxes Tobacco. .N-'C and Va RranH. inn ' " .rr v 100 Va 100 50 50 Mots celebrated com whisk e, Ziegler's Rye .Whiskey, Monongahela Rye Whiskey, ' (mppetnong Wme- French- Brsndv. Port, r Maderia. Sbetry, Blackberry and California .Wines of best quality always in store. ' - - We. are; agents for. the : sale; of.Tnpmas Wynn's Lmproyed Open-Throat, Curyed Breast, Preniium an'e Diploma COTTON GINS, With attached Circle Flue, open to the world ; 4 per saw;; can be bad on applica tion at our office. W: H. H. HOUSTON & GO., Grocers A Cotton Commission Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N. C. aug'21 Yorkyille Enquirer and Lancaster Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. ....... HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERY STORE. mhe undersigned are now receiving, and of HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, arc picuaivu n nu cui ciiuic sisstt swvs. direct from New York, where one of the firm made extensive purchases, . especially for the Fall Trade. Having an eye to the i Wholesale trade they -made heavy pur chase of Case Gooda. consisting in part of Gvsters. Candv. Pickles. Preserves, Jellies, Teas. &c. Also a large stock - of Cigars, Musical Instruments, Toys fcc. All of the J stock will be sold at Wholesale or Retail ; as low as they can be bought m Charlotte. Purchasers will give them a call before buvine as they are determined to sell. Sept. 13. A. R. NISBET fe BRO. REMOVAL. 1 HAVE .removed my Jewelry Store, on Tryon Street, next "to Tiddy's Book Store, where I am receiving; a large stock - of goods consisting bt fine Gold and Silver Watches and chains. Ladies' fine sets lat est styles, ear-bobs, breastpins, fine, plain rintra: seal Other'fine gold nngs. gold, silver and. steel spectacles, to suit all j nersons. clocks in ereat variety, and all i such goods aS are usually kept in a first class jewelry store, wmcn l wui se as low as the same can be bought anywhere else'. , JHB"A11 work in the line done with neat ness ahd despatch, and warranted 12 months. All goods sold warranted as re presented. A. nAUM. Tryon St., next iiaay s jwoxowre. sept 11 -. FISH & OYSTER 8AXOON. TTAVING fitted up a Fish and Oyster I I Saloen in connection with my store, I am now prepared to furnish a plate of Ovstftrs or Fish that shall give satisfaction to" any gentleman. Our country friends visiting the city will do well to give us a call. We promise tnem more nsn ana ojb- tprs Tor less monev than they usu-, ally have. We are also prepared to f urn- "r- T? V. A M iah meals tor reeu ar wav xwaruerB: jut- ing our provisions in quantities from first hands enables us to furnish board as low: if not lower than the lowest, oct 29 . ' B.N.SMITH. . CARTER'S ; COMBINED Writing and Copying Ink; j at . , , T1DDI' Sax Corn and Oats,' A Quantity of corn in the ear, and"a I large amQTint of Oats just arriyed -amdjbij G. W.'CHAtK, College Stree Ufackerel. 250 Packages New Boston Mackerel, inst received at - - 1 mnn.ttTA-naTi .. r'i n a ttt a V A. CCt inwwo, Av.ui4ai w. TEJ aug 'M 10,000 PAPER RAGS . , at PTJREFOY'S.: 5June29 ? L'ArMwroot. Gelatme.Pure ' GronndoPenner,. iGincer, i Apaaaon. 1813 rtH6cSSrE four dsysM.. . 3 fO 7 " -ij'jy.yeekStCT r.ww mm twr-& 0 . - i.p r&r .weeks flLi) Contract AdraliaMiiwiijt 4Vt prorjortionately Iowiitea. ' !Q g'f;f) r-ft iron qi -; ,8Lua L"iwV nodi bns"(.iJin d3j MM- aJaT l -nti Villi I'i'ikd.T t : J. T BUSMM NEW (tOODS1 u : Clocks, ry, DiamoBds Silver - -and PlatedOTar "Spectacles, . ' , HUSIC BOXES AND MANY ; ' : 'e-'C :': ' TOO XVM'KKOau . 4 a. l. BUllJCilf O '-.1. ; : ... j : . . ' OPPOSITE flE MAN tIO;V HOUSB October 23 t 11 5 THE BANK 07 Zt6Sll7BTJSG,' CHARLOTTE, N. G. ' 4 ' Authorized: CtopUa $&QOiOQO - Jas. TriunBB IatiM President. 'I una VV I ir-TT-cir f',A F. H. Dewey " Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKIlfG SOtJS OT : f b TATE i.DEWEI. rnhis Bank Cnirtered XJaderi Act Of tbe A General Asssmbly and duly, orgsnitfBrl under Laws of the Stat Nartti TraA ' ' with ample meahs is "prepared to - trlmsaet General BariKlng Bttsiness. f r ! and faxnish accommodations to all its TXiS-' ' tomers on Liberal Terms. : '. J : The bank, will receive Deposits subject to .. Check, and will Allow Interest Acwrding''1 to Agreement on all -deposits lift on tlmey or issue Certifijeates of Deposit bearing- la' terest at th.e rate, of '; ' iht per cent peV Atiiiuxa " on all sums lying. nadrawn -over thirty days. . . . . j Gold and Silver Cofn. Bullion and " Bank Notes Boaght and Sold. ' THUS. W: DEWEY, jan. 1 1873, r . Cashier. " j ; ... -i i .' i t , .i i ii . Plow, Floor. . ; THREE Hnndred Sacks Ectra-and Fam V, ily Flour in store and for sale br STENHOUSE; MACAtJXAY & CO. fsbUB : RICHAB0 ADAM, . BICHMONeD ; . STEAM B&KEBY, , lTtk'stre'et, Below jiftin,' (Branches 516 Broad and -1524 Main,) Manufacturer of all kinds of Bread. Cakes - and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. No charge for delivery of Goods to Boats or Cars. No Charge for Barrels, i . . maylly. . .. .' - BAGGING AND TLE3, 4K$. 50,000 Yards Heavy Domestic and Barred , nagging.., . . 15,00 Bundles Arrow Ties, 600 Sacks LiTsrpool Salt, : ; . . . 160 Sacks Fine Liverpool 3jt, in stoae . and to arrive and for sale by ' ' y ' ' .' ''' 0111 ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO; -.; Molasses and Sy rap: -'T?.: ; 60 Barrels Cornmbn' Molasses- lBsjrsOs; Finely rupf:; ; -s ?:n . . oogsneadsDemerara. Molasses. . forsale'by - ' ' - - 1 SXKNHQ MSE. , MACAULAx A CO. r. . Crocer aad Commission Mercbant, iitnyiU 73ii rim ursn -4 e'iv Cojr. Tirade andi3hnrch ts Gray's BUldinf .r V:.- .CHARLOTTE. S.C,t.,.ff-,"',: T fSolkits a share of the public i mfxnLnat?o.' j Havine bad 5vears experience ia business . iaCnar!otteYl feil Justifisdixr fusAteK tng eauvactloBSo au, ; j A. H. CRESWELsk sag 13 ly Sosar and Coflse. 100. Barrels Sugar, various brands, 75 Sacks Coffee, Uraght before reoentTipS 'for sale by fnu l -a- f -yj-4t u ;o n TIDDY'S BOOK STORE " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CQ octlS-tif may 9 b. koopmann;s. oct 4 Jalv 23 W. R. BURWw CO. - r -