The CTiarldttoObserTer. PUBLISHED XT JOHNSTONE JONES. ttfflSBBryce's Building, trade Street) : v' Jt .'.,--.. .-.., BATES Or BUB8CBIPTI0IC. Daily, One year in advance $6 00 Six months nadvaiiQe.,. 3 po Three? Months In.4dvanc,........ 1,50 One month, in advance, 50 Tri-Weekly, ene year $3.5G Weekly, one year 2.00 Cotton. - Chaelotte, N O., Nov. 10, 6 P. M. Market closed steady. Low Middlings Hi MiddingS42 cents.vV -v.' New York Market closed steady. Low Middling 135. LOCAL AFFAIRS: ; JOS. P. CALDWELL, Loral' Editor. Trade was dull again yesterday. Only a few cotton wagons appeared on the streets. r- : " i '; ' - v. j ' ' ' -' Messrs Stenhouse & Macaulay advertise that they will ship cotton direct from Char lotte to Liverpool. J. The Obsekvbr to-morrow will contain an account of the tournament at Statesville yesterday . " Preparations for the FairaregoiDg on every day at the Fair Ground. 'v The Exe cative Committee are displaying geat zeal and energy in perfecting the arrangements. The punishment of Ed vAllison, the ne- grob& wljo threjfcr ajtone at a little jirlj ana injured her, is a warning to boysnot to throw stones at others. Race Track. Several gentLetnen " were out driving yesterday jetiing ba the Fair Grounds, and report the track in excellent condition. It has been put in thorough order. For I.e. South Carolina Fair. A larpo Lt.iw.! of people left on the South train last night for the State Fair now in progress at Columbia. Among the num ber was the President of the Fair of the Carolinas. Gratifying. Gentlemen just over from Greenville, S C, say that a large number of visitors to our Fair may be expected from Greenville and surrounding country They will meet with a cordial reception, we are sure,' from the citizens of Charlotte. Nuisance That ladder that was left standing. on ; the pavement against F M Shelton's furniture store all last night. JDozens of hoses may have been broken against this unlawful obstruction of the side-walk, for all we knows. Down with it, at night!. J ( i . . L : -: v. Correction. In the notice of Assistant Marshals in yesterday's paper, the name of Dr J R Cureton, of Lancaster, as Assis tant Marshal at'he Fair ought to have been Dr T K Ctreton,' and W-Stowe shbuidf be' W I Stowif and Col J H Erwin of Spartanburg, sbouldtw ol J"ff ?EtinV The errors were 'occasioned r"careles9 nroof-seadirur. K. Dem orest's YiijW1earf&cPecejn' uer is luu 01 wnimsr iitiyeitjjes, f wiiu other. entertaininf5aor.-jova? iles. Some rare-attractrcms srpromied for the New Year, among which is a beau tiful Chromo and a series of graphie ,car toons illustrating the evils of intemperance with sketches by Dr Deems. Young A me'rica is to be offered at $1.00 hereafter, scriber as-a premium. Addrejp W Jen nings De'mores, 638 Broadway, N Y. Grangers. All the officers of the, N C State Grange wili be present at the Fair. And many 6therSi from- various points. Mr Adams, the i Master ; of T; the Nation al Orange; is certainly coming". So he writes The gathering of the Grangers of North and South Carolina will constitute one of the special features of our approaching Fair. The officers' of the Grange are in hopes that every Patron of Husbandry who can'will put in an appearance here during Fair week. . .'il .'.; i ' I 1 ' - ..... -' A Orange Magnate. Mr T' A Thomp son,, Xec'iurer of the National Gran ge has ' bymeans. ' of a letter to a gentleman in this city, signified, ;bis purpose to spend - this evening in Charlotte ; and go on to Columbia to-morrow morning, to be pre sent"1 at the $tate Fai: He . may be ex pected on- the Northern train to-night. Mr Thompson is! W"-believe, a resident of I PiaintiewV Minn. "He has won considera bie distinction in the discharge of his du ties as National Lecturer of the Grange. 1 JL-J JJ ' , Mayor' Court.MJlark Hall was arraign 1 4rlft) W1SftPVP t Z?P& Bmisance and disturber of the peace, all of which was fully sustained and he (Clark) fined $10 and cbst'and ordered to go on his way and transgre8s;no nidre. r Hwrtet. Montiv? sal.,' well known in police circles, was again before, his honor. charged with creating a disturbance. Fined $1 and cost. J ' :" 1 t d Allison, colP) fa small boy -9 or 10 . years of age, for .throwing a atoner at ,and injuring a little girl, the daughter of - Mrs xueresa wiison. .iter uuviug cusis, was boahd" iover t eHceert. , SAMPLE & AtEXANDEU -HAVE the finest, best and-heapest stoek of Ladies', iGentsf, Misses and Children's B00U andSbW in the city,; whicn ?ware iselling f at Very low prices -SAMPLE & ALEXANDER, 9 lw ' Vol. X. Personal. Col Frank Coxe, President of the Greenville Agricultural and Manu facturing Association, and his brother, Tench C Coxe, Esq., were registered at the Central yesterday. " Charles R Jones, Esq., of the Statesville Intelligencer, and Mr John D Will jams, Jr of Fayetteville,;were in the city yester day. ., .'Y Carolina Central Railway. We are informed that the running of the trains on this road will be reversed during Fair 'TOr' 'TITj1!.".011 in the morning and go out in the evening. This will be sufficient to accommodate the puhlicT All the roads will jtnake liberal and iaatisjafcto ry arrangements with the Executive Com mittee for the transportation of visitors to and fro. Beware J The solemn visaged gentle man whom we saw yesterday at twilight perambulating Jhe back street that leads from his home to the bar-room, with his eyes fixed steadfastly on the pavement, his hands in bis pockets, his shoulders shrug-' ged. his hairWconibfd, anofhishat awn down overhfseye, wouldif tcare if mon ey was less tight. "4 Robbery SChe Railroad Depot at Rock HUE was enteel last Saturday night, and the Saferobbea bf its eontents, $3.75. The receipts for the 'day had been shipped to headquarters, fortunately for the railroad company. No clue to the burglar exists. In breaking open the safe, he injured him self, as blood was found on the floor. , We hear of robberies and burg.aries from all sides. We warn our people to be careful to lock up their houses at night, as bands of experts in the profession of thieving, are going about the . country, and advise the police to keep a close eye on all sus picious looking strangers who stop over in Charlotte. Exhibftors. T L Vail, Esq., Secretary of the Fair, informs us that he is in re ceipt of many letters from persons who propose to exhibit articles at our approach ing Fair; among others, a gentlemen from jjaiton, ua. A. Jaay 01 Kaieiirn will ex hibit a beautiful silk , quilt, ot exquisite design, James JL .Norwood, Esq., of HLlls boro.jwill be on hand with five Jiead 6 horses, two pens of sheep, field crops, &c. ne-will also ' enter nve acres clover, one acre clover, and best bale clover. Mr Norwood wins the premiums wherever he exhibits. He runs one of the model farms of the State,, and is a most successful stock raiser. ' Interesting Eacts. For the past ten days, Mr James C. Aloore nas been enga-. 1 j ged in taking a census of the young per sOps of the white race in Charlotte between the ages . of six and twenty-one years. He has, completed his task, done for the school Combltte ofCharibtte Township, and the result is as follows" : Ward No. 1. Males, 158 ; Females, 159 ; Total, 317. : ..WKDkNp. fi. Males, 53; Females 71 Total 124.' WaepNo. 3. Males, 90; Females, 106; Total, 190. STakd Nb. 4. Males ilo ; F'emales, 109 '. Total,:219 I V5 Total Males, 411 Total Females, ! n ) 445 Orandt Total, 856 Thje Official Report "of the Execu cntion of Inittrflrentt Chiefs m .Santiago Dk Cuba, Nov.4. To His Excellency, the . Captain General : At 0 o clocr this - mornlne there were.shot six in this city for being traitors to their country a,nd for be ing insurgent chiefs. The following persons1, styling-themselves patriot Generals',.. Bornabe 1 Variona alias Bembeta, General of Division, Pedro CespedesV Corarnandinir General of Crenfueg08, General Jesus Del So and Brigadier General Washington Ryan. The executions took place in tne oresence 01 tne wnoie corps o 61dnteers,sthe5 f6rc of regular in fantry and the sailors from the fleet An immense concourse of people also witnessed the act. Ihe best o order prevailed. The' prisoners met their death with composure. (Signed) Burriel. ' . i i, - t s; i -'.rt i-'-K , Burial op Hardee. Gen. Har dee's funeral took -place' in S'elma last Saturday. - A dispatch dated Sel ma; Novi 8, says: ::,f.,;;, There was a spontaneous outpour ing 01 our wnoie people to-day to re ceive the remains of Gen. Hardee. The military. tfire department, mu nicipal authorities, bar, clergy and people aia jionor to trjesmemory o tne illustrious aeaa. , ine oeiis were tolling during the ' day and busiriess suspended. Tlieuherar procession was the largest ever, witnessed in this State. There; waa not a formality but a genuine eriet, in the .demon stration: UTJae-GeneraTs old black war - horse'Shilbtf- with empty saddler and his. Confederate grey coat upon j; brought tears to tlie eyes of many a man; who had seen the loVed fbrmiifiitbeffftliant.lieadiion the fields of carnage, and the smoke o battle., He was buried .this . evening at four oldcM ThebSialJperemQ nies at the Episcopal Church u were CHARLOTTE N. C. WEDNESDAY.' NOVEMBER CAROLINA CENTEAI RA1XWAY Stockholders' Meeting The B., B.'s Meet in SecretHA Volcanic Ses sionFighting oyer ike,; Spoils Heavy Issue of Second Mortgage Bonds Threatened. ' The stockholders of the Carolina Central Railway Company held a special meeting at the First National -Bank in this city yesterday. Appli cation was made for the admission of a reporter of the Press, and a res olution to that effect was offered by Mr. 11 JN:- Hopkins.' otf Baltiindre, it the 'resolution' was 'promptly slaughtered, "only thte - mover and Messrs. .H. Gi -Onaerdonk, of rsew York, and. "J. S. Dickinson, of Balti more, comirtg to its support. We are enabled, howev, through the courtesy; of several yell-posted gen-' tlemen, "to give an outline of the proceedings; And what we publish, we wish-to say at the outset, is not mere rumor but reliable informa tion;''; ' . . . i . ... ; The proceedings, we learn, were 'from grave to gay, from livelv to ing that the session was of a decided- y vesuvian-volcanic, patent eruptive style. The bondholders (sometimes call ed the B. B.'s for short) are divided into two factions the majority, in amount ot bonds or stock represent ed,leing headed by Messrs. .Watson Matthews and President C. H. Rob erts; and a strong minori.y being led by the veteran Onderdonk and the more youthful and impetuous Hop kins. All the Matthews propositions were carried in tne meeting yester day; and our advices tell us that they provide tor the issuance or - second mortgage bonds to the extent ot $,- 500,000; these bonds to be used in raising funds to complete the road. The opponents of the Matthews interest assert that this is a scheme for loading down the road with an immense pile 01 bonds, with 'the hope that the low' prices at which thev may be offered will induce par ties to furnish the necessary funds to complete the road. The opposition insist, too, that securities enogh have already been issued to complete the work; and they charge .that the 'dilemma in which the company flow finds itself is due to inefficient man agement and other causes- . JNot only in tne meeting, out on the streets, there was no mincing of words, by the opponents of the Mat thews faction. J11 the meeting, we are told, such choice expressions as "fraud," "dishonesty, "attempted fraud," &c, were "thick as leaves in Vallambrosa." It fact, it seems pret- tv well established that such an ex change of compliments has not been seen or heard in Wilmington for time whereof the 'memory of nun runneth not to the contrary. How the he:ht may terminate we cannot say. .New York holds a.con trolling interest; but the representa tives of the Monumental City ably seconded by Judge Onderdcnk, are lull 01 pluck and eiiergv; and they will not submit without a es perate struggle. It has not been customary in this country for stockholders' meetings to be held in secret, and we regret that the custom was violated yester day. II ilmington star, 9th. CUBA. Washington, Nov. 10. Nothing of marked importance has occurred to-1 day with reference to the V lrgmius affair, with the exception of a dis patch from Minister Sickles, notify ing the Secretary of State that tlie Spanish Government had telegraph ed to the (Japtaintieneral to stay all further proceedings in the case of tne captives now in custoay. iuinis ter Sickles was to have had an inter view to-day with the Spanish Minis ter of foreign affairs, but whether? it took place was not known at a' late hour this evening. The execution, which recently occurred, is condemr- ed in official circles as brutal, .when severe." To say they were stormy would be drawing it rather mild; for we have the best of reasons for sav- all the facts attending it became known. Should it appear that inter national law nas been violated, im mediate measures will be taken to maintain the dignity of this govern ment, but the Secretary ot btate has no idea the Castelar Government will be slow to make due reparation, as far as its power ; judging from the friendly disposition toward the Unit ed States, and the expressed desire t cultivate more intimate relations of peace, The Secretary of State is re presented ;assaiqgftoHday, during an interview with reference to. the re ported execution of Santa Rosa, that he bad not be officially advised of it, but that Santa Rosa v had given great deal ot trouble. He was! once before condemned to death as a pi rate.- After consuming a ream of paper, and sending and receiving nu merous cable dispatches, this govern ment had secured his release only few- weeks ago. .' Santa wrote to the Secretary saying he owed the preser vation ooiis lite to him. therefore, theSecrelarv Hbtiirft Sa!ritaRosa was jiot wise; iit again pirating! his safety . 1 Key West, Fla., Nov. 10. A let ter from Havana, dated Nov. 4.-gives the lolIdWingrc'S.ojk.of;hj..;xffq' uon 01 tne . .virginius pnsouers, SaiitiagoV The four 'pnsonejrswere snot at tne place made lamous Dy ualmanner kneeling close to the slaughter house, wall. AH marched o the spot with 'firmness. Behmetta and By an showed 111 .irked couraged; although the tormer was slightly af- ectea toward the last . The two oth ers quite broke down before thev were bandaged, and Ryan kept up to the last, and never flinched a mo ment, and died without fear or regret. Behmetta and Ryan were killed at the first discharge. FRANCE. Paris, Nov. 10. The committe re presenting the French residents of bah Franciseo, called presented an address. The ex-President in his re marks in reply, told his visitors that tne Monarchists' had suffered a check and that the Conservative Republic was assured. The anticipated compromise will be offered by the Right and will be accepted : perhaps with some modi fications ; both sides seem disposed to pursue a conciliatory course. The excitement here and At Versailles is subsiding, and it is believed the cri sis is over. Funeral Obsequies of Mrs. Lee. Richmond, Nov. 8. The funeral obsequies of Mrs. Mary Custis Lree, ook place yesterday in the Memori al Chapel at Lexington. Her three Sons, V . i. h . Lee, Custis Lee and Robert E. Lee, Jr., and her daughter were present, beside a large con course of friends. Her remains were deposited by the side of her husband's n the memorial room. Mrs. Lee was 69 years of age. Business was entirely suspended in Lexington, many places being draped in mourn- ng, and the obsequies were very 1m 'sinr. New Advertisements. THE undersigned have received a com plete and full line of Groceries, Con fectioneries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Christmas Goods, cigars, tobacco, &c, which they are selling low for cash, and to punctual customers. A. K. NISBET & BRO. CjALLatA R .Nisbet &. Bro's and buy I coffee, .sugars, molasses, teas, cheese ajid salt. " ' f 1ALL at A K Jsisbet & Bro s and buy J French candies, ioy candies, sugar fruits,' stick candies, Ac. CI ALL at A R Msbet & Bro 3 and buy J accordeans, violins, guitars, tamborines music boxes, &c. CALL at A R rusbet & Bro s and buy toys of all kinds, for children. CALL at A R Nisbet & Bro's and buy torpedoes, cannon and small fire-crack ers, albums, vases, work boxes, etc.,. suit able for Christmas presents. tlALL at A K riisbet Bros and buy J fine plug tobacco, smoking tobacco, of several brands, with a large quantity and quality of cigars. All ot toe goods mentioned by A K Nis bet & Bro can be bought at wholesale and retail prices. A Positive Assertion ! Tbat the best Fiour in the city is . at J S WILLIAMSON & CO'S. Every sack or barrel warranted. Our terms Cash. nov 13-tf To Rent ! To Kent ! Anice 3 roonl Cottage, whfrPantry, Kitch en ana bam rot. ; rpssession given istn ot Noveinberl Also a room.Jiouse;f posses- sUniveji Jinraegiately. Apply to JU. Al. ANlUtl!.WS. nov 9 lw ,? NEW IDEA RESTAURANT. THE New Idea Restaurant is now open to the public, in the hasemeut of the New Idea Saloon. , The public is respect fully invited te givea call. ; ' ' r " ' BENNETT BARNES, nov 11 Ira T ANANAS ! BANANAS ! ! U j j ? Oranges J Oranges ! ! - Oranges ! ! L cocoanui uaKes, " Cocoanut Candy, Almond Candy, Peanut Candy, s Lemons, Lemons, Auoles. Abnles. All received to-day, and going, going off cheap at the Franklin Bakerr. . . . C3. HOLTON & CO nov II Opposite the Market. Free Lunch EVERY Day from 11 tb 12'6'clock, at the New Idea Saloon. - , nov 11 lw POSTPONEMENT. C O&AKR Stockholders' Meeting. THE meeting of the Stockholders of the Charlotte, CeTumbia & Augusta Railroad which was appointed to take place at Col umbia to-day, Nov. 11, has been postponed until further notice. C. BOUKNIGHT, nov II It - Secretary. To ihe Farmers of Mecklen burg County. WE hear from all quarters that our ap proaching Fair will be well patronized from other conn ties, in the State and from the adjoining States. We respectfully appeal to you to make an exhibition of the farm products, and let your wives and daughters exhibit speci mens of their handy work, and thus show the world what old Mecklenburg can do. Books showing premiums offered can be obtained on application. ; Remember the Fair commences November vo. - T. L. VAIL, Sec'y All city papers copy. . noy 11 :-k FOR SAL.E. 50.000 Strawberrv plants. 60,000 Concdrd ACIintori Grape Cuttings, for sale bv - 1. mil-js-c i , !nov II 2w ' vl Salem, N. C. Molnsses and yrnp. GO Barrels Common Molasses, i 15 Barrels Fine Syruji, t 5 Hogsheads Demerara Molasses!, No 1,461 Notice Election. To the Citizens of Charlotte : AT a special session Of the Board "of Al : dermen of the city of Charlotte, held October 28th, 1873, it was ordered that an election be held on the question of issuing $30,000 of Bonds of the city of Charlotte, as per charter of the city, for the purpose of retiring and paying off the floating debt of the city. This plan of settlement is deeEQed most advisable by the Board, inasmuch as it will not necessitate. an increase of the re gular annual city tax. The,, future reve nues of the city at the present rate of taxa tion on property, being; deemed sufficient to pay the. interest regularly, upon all of bonds hereafter outstanding, including as well those now propose!, 'as thoe already out. (Besides the ordinary expenses of the city.) If the citizens 'shall decline to Vote the bonds now proposed, it will become necessary to Jew an additional special tax, or the city will be compelled by the courts to levy an additional tax for the purpose of paying off its floating debt. . . The Board, therefore, recommend that the citizens vote to authorize the issue as above said. In pursuance of the above order the citi zens of this city are hereby notified that an election will be held on ; Saturday, the 22nd inst., at the usual polling places in the several wards, at which those per sons, who agree to the issue of bonda as above said, will vote on a ballot written or printed, the word, "Bonds ;" and those prsOns opposed to such issue, will vote "No Bonds." The holders of said election will be appointed by the Mayor. By order of the Board of Aldermen. W. F. DAVIDSON, Mayor, F. Nash, Clerk & Treas. Nov 5 te AGAIN w E announce a neat and pleasant amusement for the Winter evenings, PARLOR CROQUET. Complete for $5 and $S per sett, at TIDDY'S. ALSO, a large lot new Novels fresh from the publishers, at TIDDY'S. 01 UR School Books stock is now com plete. We don't deem it necessary to go, into detail, but simply announce that our Stock is full. Call and see TIDDY & BRO. Democrat and Home copy. . nov 8 MONEY ! MONEY WANTED ! GOODS SOLD AT TAKING into consideeation the existing state of affairs, such as low price of Cot ton, scarcity ot Money, and, a general de pression in every bran cn 01 business; 1 have firmly resolved that I will henceforth offer my stock of Goods to the' public at P ANIC - PRICES f There will be no deviation from this rule. It will be strictly observed. The principal Stock of my Fall and Winter. Goods has been purchased by me in the Eastern Markets, after the com mencement of the present Money Crisis1 and in consequence, at low figures I am therefore enabled to sell my (ioods at great ly reduced prices. The Goods have also been selected with usual care and atten tion. The course pursued for strict, fair and honest dealing, during the number of years I have resided in Charlotte, and the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally extended to me by the people, gives me the assurance NQW, that this an nouncement will find its way into every household with the desired effect. - My Stock of Goods is complete in every department, and those wishing to purchase will be able to suit themselves in Styles, Qualities & Prices AT B. KOOPOANH'S, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in MILLINERY GOODS, FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, HATS, GENTS' CLOTHING .AND F7BNISHING GOODS, &c, &c. Trade Street, CHARLOTTE, N. C. To Wholesale Dealers and Country Merchants, I offer special inducements and assure them, that I will sell Goods cheaper than tney can buy in Northern arid Eastern markets. . My Mctto Quick Sales and Small Prof its ; The Best Goods for the Least Money. Orders solicited and promptly filled. B. KOOPMANN. For Rent,. A NEAT COTTAGE, near Linco De- J. pot, containing 4 rooms and pantry. Apply to - THOS. H. GAITHER' nov 7-tf Auc. A Real Estate Agf. AT J. S. WIIXIAMSOST & CO'S. you can find Flour to suit yon.' Bait, Bacon and a choice lot of seed oatsi : iYou can find choice yrhJitecorn by the bushel or by the car load. ..' , . .. .1 K All is not Gold That Glitters, ; E have a fine Stock and can offer great inducements in our line " ! " ; C: 8. HOLTON & CO.! 1 -sep 201 ' 1 r ' Opposite Market. Ill 1 ' . J , I : . 1 1 ' 1 . ' 1 ' ' ' Sugar and Coffee?. inn-TUt-rels 8nhiri various brandsviow 75 Sacks. Cofieej. bought befbre!rwsBt.rise, 1873 for sale by . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. RATES OF ADVERTISING.. . One Square one &rleJ..v..':.:i.t.t.;; 00 A two days.... 1 60 " - three days I 60 five days 3 00 one week 50 two weeks... :.?.f 5 00 three weeks & M I one month... 8 00 ja&- Contract Advertisements taken aft proportionately low rates. ; ; ; t - . Five Squares estimated at quArter-opl-umn, and ten squares as a half-colttnin Just Received uo 25 Candy Jars. 25 Dozen Brooms, ; 10,000 Cigars, . 10,000 Clay Pipes,' 50 Dezen Can Fruit, Also, a large lot of Glassware. THOS: H. OAITHEE, "l . . Auc. t Coin. Mqrehant.. ilUV. 4 11 L Bill Arp's Peace Paper. u DEDIKASHUN, i; TO the unann'd, unlg'd , unrjenshun'd, unwept, nhhohor'di and unsung' Sol jiereof the Confedrit States, so-cafled, I dedicate this book. Their unaffekted, ua complanin patience in peace, so-called, is equnled 6nly by their untarnish'd and un teryfied Valor in War. BILL AlU, . For sale at TIDDY'S. nov 7-tf ' ' ' 1 On Hand. . ORANGES, Lemons, Raisins,, Dates, and Nuts, cheaper than ever at ;' ' 'J nov 7-tf PURBFOY'S- Come and See THE Nice French Candies at PUREFOY'S nov 7-tf JUST KEOLIVED, A r ULL STOCK of Notions ajid Tors XL at PUREFOY'S. nov 7- tf House to Kent. A DWELLING HOUSE with fivtffoonfs and all necessary out-houses, situated on Trade Street, will be rented on favorable terms. 'Possesskn given immediately1. i nov6:3t Mrs. M. MUNZLR. OH YES ! OH YES IV THOSE FINE Northern Apples have arrived to-day. ( Also, Lemons, Oranges, Nute, of every description, Citron, Cocoanuts, Raislus, Mince Meat, Cigars, Durham Smokfug Tobacco, Ground Peas, by the . wholesale, Pure Home-made Candy, at 'wholesale cheaper then the same can be bought' in Charlotte. Another Lot of Sausage, and manV'oth er articles coming by every train. Miace Pies every day. ; . . Opposite Market, Franklin Bakery, nov 6-tf C. .8. HOLTON & CO. ON CONSIGNMENT. 50 Sacks Cou'ntrv Flour. 1 25 Bushels Fine Irish Potatoes. . 100 " Apples, all grades.. Also, just received Atmore's Celebrated Mince Meat, in pails. , . 100 Boxes Hardiries'i ' Boxes - Scaled Herring, Blueing, Pepper, Spice, Bbl Pick les, leas, choice quality, all ot whicA wm be-sold at the lowest figures fox cash I would simply remind my friends tha it is very unpleasant, as well as expensive to me, to have to do so much "dunntng'ln order to raise money. , j y : i nov6-tf B.y.SIT NOTICEt'V vii?Lja 1 873 v fite3 FALL. AND WINTER TRADE. W1 E are nowTeoeiving our Fall aadfa- ter stock, to which the, attention ,of Merchants and Planters is respectfully in vited, consisting of the following Ifneff-of heavy and fancy groceries ; ; , , , 4 20,000 tts Bulk Bacon, ' ; 1000 Rolls heavy bagging 2$ tb 2s to yd 1000 Bundles Arrow Ties, , , . 1000 Sacks Salt, 100 " Fine Liverpool Salt; -' 200 " Coffee, Prime, Good j&nd Fair, 100 Bbls Sugars, A. Ex. C.Temerara and Porto Rico, ' ' " 150 " Syrups, S Hoose and Drip, 200 Boxes Adamantine Candles, , 150 Cases Brandy Peaches, 150 " Oysters, ' 100 Doz Buckets, 2 and 3 hoops, ; 100 " Sardines.' ' -200 Packages Ffeh, No. I, 2 and 81 20,000 Cigars, Fair to Good, Tobaccjos and Whiskies a. CZ1 SPECIALTV. " . 200 Boxes Tobacco, N C and Va Brands' 100 Bbls NC Corn Whiskey,- 1 100 'V Va " , . ? ij 100 " Motz celebrated corn whiskey. 50 " Ziegler's Rye Whiskey, " 50 " Monongahela Rye Whiskey, i 50 " Zeb Vance 75 " Apple Brandy, 25 44 Ginger " ' 5 10 " Scuppernong Wine, French Brandy, Port,' Maderia, ' 8heny, Blackberry and California Wines of best quality always in store. L- , - . , , We are agents for the sale of Thomas Wynn's Improved Open-Throat, Curfsd Breast, Premium ane Diploma . . .. : ! j COTTON OllKS, With attached Circle Fue, pen to the world ; $4 per saw; can be had on applica tion at our office. -' ' W, H. H. HOUSTON 4 CO.,, i Grocers & Cotton Commission, Merchants, Trade Street, Charlotte. N.J'C. " v " "' ' aug 21 ' - it.t :; :i Yorkyllie Enquirer and Lancaster Led ger copy and discontinue former advertise ment. - - - - ' MOLASSES. - : ' -' BARREL Cheap" Molasses, OU 30 barrels, Fine .Syrup. ; . , ' 5 Tierces Demerara Molasses, just reqsiysd STENHOUSE, MACAULA Y dcCO. juue 21 ... FOR LIVERPOOL. ,.1.: The First Class til NICOLAS THAYER "'and 'aELINOTON will load at Norfolk for Liverpool, WflSrs authorized bv hpuses of. undoubted credit to make cash advances'' in currency of three fourths of market value on consign ments of cotton by the above ships. And the same will be held as long as inippers may desire. : ri - :-shiinix i-jXL A good opportunity is Jthus fixdedLto those who wish to purchase; at preseritTow prices, or to hold for a better msrket, i" Apply promptly to ' , ,i,.t.A ..jat Y REYNOLDS BROTttR"' ' , .noy.a iwj ON -consignment f and ftr:-wli - heap: 12 Shnck and (ViMrtn Mat mm 1 Cash V Cawli ! We lVeer It.1 ' Come and buy goods ' fOT xh' ceaer than you have ever seen them, atrj q BEM JROWN& GO'S T , v Goods Store. j;TNl -Odr hetid whj 6w'U.riil do us a great favor by fyW ta aUtbetiDtn. BEEM, BROWN & CO. nov 9 2t for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. perlormed by the Rev. Dr. Clements, previous executions, and in the us

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